2 minute read
“Sweet” Success
The free workshop sponsored by your Richer Metis Local put on by Ken Fosty recently was a resounding success. A lot of great information about sustainable harvesting of Maple sap and how to grow a sought after gourmet mushroom was presented to an enthusiastic crowd of Métis and non Metis community members.
From The Pastor’s Desk... The Robin
By Pastor Ben Funk
I am thinking that spring may be officially here. Why am I thinking that? Well, the other day I was enjoying the outdoors, when I observed a Robin fly by. I said, “Hello Robin, welcome back.” Did the Robin hear me?
Probably not, but it brought a certain joy in my being just the same. I am always excited every spring when I see my first Robin. Some say that where one first sees the first Robin in the spring is a predictor for your summer. Well if that is the case then our summer will be about being on the move. For the first time in many years we have significant time slotted for travel time. Will it happen? We will see, we are planning with that in mind. In a world of uncertainty one can be optimistic for certainty, but often not that secure in certainty.
Scripture does teach us to include God in all of our plans, what ever they may be. In the mean time we will enjoy life, and bask in the light and life of God our Saviour. It might be good for us to observe the Robin in its delight in life. When we wake up in the morning we hear the Robin sing a “cheerily, cheer up” song. This song is usually heard in the early morning, before and after sunrise. Robins also sing at dusk or when it’s about to rain. Did you know that it is the males that are doing the singing? (No comment.) This singing of God’s creatures, do they influence your mood in the morning? I do enjoy it when I hear the Robin sing first thing in the morning. It lifts my spirit, and brings joy to my being. I like to think that they are praising God for another day of waking up healthy and free.
Humanity to, was created to be a free moral agent. Early on in antiquity God gave humanity air, water, land, and gold and silver. As free moral agents those commodities are ours to sustain life and prosperity. Let’s join the chorus of the Robin and worship the living God for all that He has given us and give us the courage to retain what He has given. Let’s all join together and lift up our God in thanksgiving and praise for His grace and His mercy that He has extended toward us. Be well and do well. The joy of the Lord is our strength.
We extend an invitation to each one to join us at “Richer Fellowship Church” 50 Southeast Drive Richer Manitoba, as we worship our God and Saviour Jesus Christ together. Visit us on YouTube.