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Devastation ... Rochelle Wolf
Devastation ...
It was Wednesday 6th July, I had just got back from a holiday in Tassie and was about to hit 5 years in business, when I was forced to close the doors due to issues with the premises. I was devastated, to say the least… I spent the next 3 days vacating the premises and then the following 3 days as a blubbering mess. I was ready to up & move "Let's go to Tassie." I said to hubby, "stuff this place, I'm done, I want a change and I want to live somewhere different. I want a fresh start."
I had given up, was emotionally spent and my mind was totally blank. I couldn't think of what to do next or how to rise up. I struggled to get out of bed, I didn't want to go anywhere or see anyone, my brain just wasn't capable of thinking about anything. For those of you who know me, I'm a positive happy person, the glass is half full kind of thinker. I've always been able to take a positive from a shit situation, but not this time. I felt crushed. It still brings tears to my eyes when I think about how lost I felt.
Hubby whisked me away to Albany to get away and clear my head and it was just what I needed, my brain started to function, to see ideas and hope. With every day away it became clearer and clearer that this wasn't the answer. I'm not a bloody quitter; get up, step up and decide.
Do you want this? Do you love it? Does it help people? These were all the questions I started asking myself. Hubby finally stated he wasn't ready to move back to Tassie, he wanted to stay. So, okay then … where do I start?
We got back from Albany, and the very next day I went to a D32 maximiser event hoping to draw on the positivity of the amazing people we have in the network, because as much as I had decided I'm not giving up. I was still a little lost about where to start, my brain wasn't quite ready to fully function.
After speaking to a few people, receiving amazing hugs and positive comments about the place I had created, I knew I was meant to be there that day, the group gave me the clarity I needed.
On the Monday following the event I viewed a property I fell in love with. By Friday, I had seen a lawyer, negotiated the lease, arranged signage, sorted insurance, ordered stock, got the money together and had the keys in my hot little hand – woohoo. We worked day & night for 2 weeks to turn the run-down place around and get it up to scratch for our first workshop. What did I learn…. The things that don't kill you make you stronger. ��
Family, friends & the D32 crew have your back. This was a big one for me as I don't like asking for help.
Listen to the universe. I had many signs telling me to get out of the other property and I didn't listen, so the universe stepped in and said, "we gave you the chances, you didn't take them so BAM!"
Our new space is amazing. I love it, our clients love it, and it will give us the chance to expand and grow. I honestly could not have achieved this without, of course, my amazing hubby, my family and the people that helped this happen – Wayne Curtis, Lorraine Garvie, Matt Coxall, Derek Ford & Sandy Cream. To my wonderful women Rosemary, Leanne, Kelly, Karen & Susan - LOVE you guys xoxo
Rochelle Orr Wolf Collective Obsessions
0414 673 691 create@collectiveobsessions.com.au www.collectiveobsessions.com.au Ro Gorell