2 minute read
Lt Governor Norther n Division
First, I want to thank you for your vote of confi dence I hope to perform as LGND in such a way as to justify your faith in me am certain that with the team of AGs made up of Frank Lohman (7), Guy Ballou (8), Floyd Sewell (12), Roger Peltier (15) and Ed Basdekian (17) gracing the northern division, we will significantly increase club membership and establish new clubs to carry forth the Toastmasters experience
Second, Immediate Past Lt Gov Sherley Dunn has been most helpful in my development in Toastmasters and I want to take this opportunity to express my deep and sincere appreciation for his very wise counsel.
The goals of District 47 waxed so eloquently by DG Karl Righter have rippled north and we in the hinterlands are beginning to move out in our efforts to contribute our share to the "Distinguished District" award which will surely be ours once again.
It isso easy to sell Toastmasters! because Toastmasters sells itself Is there a person whom you know who does not want to better himself or herself both personally through heightened self-esteem and professionally as manifested in promotions and pay raises? As we learned from Nick Carter at the recent Spring Convention, Toastmasters uniquely can do this!
Last year, as AG of Area 15, I undertook a public relations campaign to promote Toastmasters involving radio and television spots and bumper stickers I have asked the five AGs to appoint publicity chairmen to carry forth on promotional activities Recently, I advised DG Karl Righter to consider the possibility of designing, printing and distributing a TM decal which would be placed on the rear window of your automobile This would certainly get the word about Toastmasters around!
The Whole Thing
Speechcraft, youth leadership, speakers bureau, Patrick Henry, distinguished club, reading plan - - - the northern division wants to move out in these areas and with the great'team of AGs working closely with club officers, we can AND WEWILL do it!
Next month, some information about the BigSpring Convention in Jacksonville. Floyd Sewell, who in addition to being an AG is (now get this!!!) Assistant Lt Governor for the Eastern Section of the ND (you may abbreviate that as ALGESND!) and convention chairman, is coordinating this mighty big effort
The Summer Executive Committee Meeting is now history, and we can begin the job of rebuilding Toastmasters in the Eastern Division My sincere appreciation to everyone in the East, and particularly to the Convention Committee, for making the convention a great one An extra expression of thanks is in order to District Governor Karl Righter for securing the services of Motivators Nick Carter and Ed Wycoff, who conducted the greatest educational seminar ever in District 47
The realignment of areas gives everyone plenty of work to accomplish in the next 11 months, especially the Area Governors Dick Dehler, Area 5 Governor, has two radio stations announcing Toastmasters in the Orlando area He secured nine minutes of TV time for District Governor Righter and Lt Governor Middleton during July
Vern Barlow, Area 9 Governor has been working hard to get his area back in shape He held his area, training seminar on June27 Virgil Brown reports that membership looks dark in Area 11 To build the clubs and to assure they continue meeting, he has arranged for two clubs to meet jointly until membership can be firmly established
Larry Kittinger, Area 16 Governor, has the largest club in District 47 and possibly in International in his area The Winter Park Club has 58 members as of this writing Areas 5 and 16 conducted a joint area training seminar July 28th Past District Governor Hugh Burgay and District Governor Karl Righter were the principle speakers Toastmasters is on the GO in the East!