4 minute read
Lt Governor, Western Division
Lucky 13
Club bulletins have been coming in profusely this month from all areas except Area 13 For the ensuing year Dick Myers, former Sunshiner Editor, promises a fine bulletin from that area and perhaps even a few club bulletins He informs me that Lakeland has a per capita of 19 members and that all three clubs in Area 13 are strong and well
Patrick Henry
In Area 2 St Petersburg dub 2284 and Sunshine City Club 3524 combined to put on a Patrick Henry program for Boy Scout troop 263 in St Petersburg They received fine newspaper coverage in the June 19 issue of the St Petersburg Independent
In their June 11th meeting Tampa's Toastmasters 1810 elected John Nelson, President; Educational Vice President, Dave Bond; Administrative Vice President, George Lamereux; Secretary, Dave Culley; Treasurer, Louis Oritz; Sergeant-at-Arms, Gene Schmuckler; and in newly established position Parliamentarian, Darrell Kahl.
Tampa Noonshiners 3909 held their installation of officers banquet on June 27 Elected were Bob Cushman, President; Mick Rindosh, Administrative Vice President; Bill Johannsen, Educational Vice President; Secretary, Gerry Tierney; Treasurer, Harry Lennard; and Sergeantat-Arms, Norman Vik A fine banquet was had at the Egypt Temple in Tampa
Three bulletins are received from Area 10 regularly It is a pleasure to do business with the clubs down there
Editor Discovered
Art Rohwedder, DTM
Michael G Shayne, DTM
John W Bowman, DTM
Art Donnelly, DTM
Ed McDonnell, ATM
Win Chesley, DTM
• District Governor Karl E Righter, DTM, has appointed the following New Club Commissioners from the Southern Division:
Area 1
Area 3
Area 4 Area 14
Area 20
Jack Jackson, ATM
Emil Abrisch, ATM
Edward J McDonnell, ATM
Dave Portz, ATM
Vicki Wood these were appointed basedupon the recommendations of District Club Extension Chairman ofr 1973-1974, Charles L Jones, Jr., ATM
We have discovered that our new Area 10 Governor, Bob Martin is a long time toastmaster and a former district bulletin editor in the cold north land We are looking forward to a fine administration from Bob, and perhaps an interesting area bulletin. He is the editor of the Palm City Communicator which is the bulletin of the Fort Myers Club 1702 He will take a 6,000 mile trip through the United States and Canada this summer for six weeks and is leaving toastmaster Nick Arlington in charge of Area 10
Charlotte County Toastmaster Club 1463 is planning three evening meetings, those evenings are: July 18, August 1, and August 15th Toastmistresses will be their guests on August 15th These meetings are set up on a trial basis to see whether Charlotte County should change to an evening format rather than lunchtime.
New Atm
J J Smith, Club 3087 finally made it He has sent in his application and completed all the requirements for able toastmaster Congratulations J J Clearwater Club 3087 has elected officers President, Bill Secreast; Educational Vice President, Luke Reitmeyer; Administrative Vice President, Bob Soltau; Continue d on Page 6
^^ribAtbk Topics
• District Governor Karl Righter can't complain about not getting any mail this year, thanks to the inexhaustable Vicki Wood, Area 20 Governor "Her last 'letter' weighed 17 pounds and set me back two weeks on my District Goals just reading it!" Karl mused recently,
• Several Area Governors are holding down two jobs this year (in addition to the one that feeds them) Dick Anci, Area 18 Governor, and Vicki Wood,Area 20 Governor, are also club presidents, at least until December
• Past District Governor, Hugh T. Burgay, ATM, apparently tired of being referred to as "past", is now the current president of Pathfinders Toastmasters Club 2271 inOrlando
• The Earl K Wood Rotating Humorous Speech Trophy was facetiously originated ten years ago in the Orlando Toastmasters Club 1066 after Earl's evaluator got more laughs than he did (Earl is the current Orange County Tax Collector, and now you knowwhy there's nothing funny about Mr Wood!)
• What do you say in a Toastmasters Club that has the town mayor, city councilman, legislator and county commissioner among its members? The club in question is Past District Governor Mike Shayne's Plantation Club No 2582 When these four guys are on the program, there's nothing unsaid
• Bryan Lewis, EVP and Editor of the bulletin for the Saturday morning Toastmasters Club 2840 in Jacksonville, got so carried away with the July 14th issue, that he left no room for his name Like speakers, maybe bulletin editors should give an "announced length" each week and strive to hit it within one or two pages
• Past Lt Governor, Art Rowhedder, DTM, likes his new job as District Parliamentarian During the dull business session at the July convention, he almost fell asleeptwice
• District Treasurer, Dale Saville, reports that the Apopka Toastmasters' last membership drive "drove" out the remaining six members Now they have a New Club drive in Apopka
• Past Senior Lt Governor, Carleton Smith, DTM, the new District Distinguished Club Plan Chairman, has promised to motivate 20 clubs this year to use TMI's Distinguished Club Plan "The formula is simple", says Carl, "if each club now on the plan will work with a nearby club to get them started!"
• International Director Win Chesley, DTM, who is organizing a District 47 Junket to Nassau in the Bahamas September 14-16, 1973, has thought of everything but transportaiton Let's thank Win for all his free weekends by flying collect
• 1973-74 Club Extension Chairman, Charles L Jones, ATM, has asked Area 14 Governor, Roger Langley to note that there is not one TM club in Lake
• The July issue of The Sunshiner erroneously credited the Coral GablesToastmastersClub ashaving achieved Distinguished Club during the past year The actual Distinguished Club was The Miracle Mile Toastmasters Club No 2283
• Congratulations to Dr Al Nowak, DTM, Past Area 4 Governor, who was just awarded his DTM certificate He becomes only the 15th in the State
• The Winter Park Toastmasters dub No 3674 has more members than all of Area 11, (which has 6 clubs) The Friday morning club, with 58 members, is thinking of electing its own District Governor