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"The Sunshiner" is the official publication of District 47 As such, it carries the hard news of the district It also publishes material periodically which is required for distribution by international or regional mandate
Every year all districts are required to publish a district bulletin They all have two things in common 1 They are expensive for the district to produce 2 Every district is in competition to produce a top ten bulletin
This year William Wiese ATM District Public Relations Officer, will edit and produce "The Sunshiner" At the Summer Conference Toastmaster Wiese told the attendees at the District business meeting that with their help he intended to produce the highest quality district bulletin in all of Toastmasters International
This First issue stands in testimony to the fact that his words are well within the realm of possibility We know by the existence of this issue that we are on the right track and that each issue will get better as we go along We have encountered one problem which will require help from the general membership The problem is funding The District funds a large part of The Sunshiner's production cost; in fact they are mandated to do so by International District 47 has demonstrated a long tradition of support for the publication of this house organ However, the time has now come for all of us, you and me, to produce a world class publication This will require some financial donations to The Sunshiner by both individuals and clubs We believe that this worthwhile project should be the concern of every member of District 47 We therefore ask you and your club to make a donation to this project as soon as possible You or your club may send donations to The Sunshiner Fund C/O Ed Smullin, DTM, District Treasurer, P.O Box 687, St Petersburg, Fl 33731
Jack Bo Idrick, DTM enties, eventually becoming clubpresidents ...Today, with over 40 members Tampa Toastmasters continues to offer a "fun" atmosphere for public speaking andparticipates inYouth Leadership, Speechcraft, judging and community speakers The present District Governor, Sarah Meeks, ATM., her husband Dave Meeks, DTM PDG, PID, and Ed Smullen, District Treasurer, and Jim Wilcox, Area Governor 6are all 1810 members Bolstered by some hard-core veteran members and constant new members, Tampa Toastmasters looks forward to 35 more years of better listening, speaking and thinking.
Space Coast Just Floating Along
Melbourne: Areas 9 and 30 joined together to build a float for the Junior Chamber of Commerce Fourth of July Parade Toastmasters from clubs in South Brevard met on the third of July for a potluck dinner and float building party Throughout theafternoon andeveningToastmasters stuffed napkins intochicken wire, painted signs,stapled sheets (by nine o'clock our energy was running a little low!) Itwas time to eat The menu included barbecued chicken and hamburgers, pasta salad, tuna rolls, cheesecake and champagne!
That's the total years of Toastmasters participation by these seven men They all are members of Tampa Toastmasters Club #1810 The club is celebrating 35 years of distinguished service Originall y founded in April, 1955, Club 1810 members helped form many Toastmasters clubs in Tampa The first female member, Lynette Bollmans,joined inthe early sev-
The float was a12 x 5 foot flag flying from a pole lying at an acute angle By 11:30 the flag was flying proudly,the signs for the sides were lettered by non-toastmaster Rose Brennan and painted. By 11:30 Tuesday evening, everything was ready for the big day, and the float was pulled from Melbourne Beach to the Melbourne Auditorium in the pre-dawn stillness of the Fourth of July Once at the parade site, the final touches were added,and they entered the parade line up During the parade, banners from many of the clubs in the two areas were carried by members, and brochures were handed out to the spectators According to the newspaper, approximately 3,000 people attended the parade and saw that Toastmasters is a proud organization To put the final touch on the effort, the JC's announced that in about a week the effort will be awarded a trophy for best float in the parade
When the first step of ourjourney puts us onthe Toastmaster Express, we feel all the anticipation and excitement that accompanies a trip to a new place But this trip is different Itwill change us When we step off the train at the other end—our destination, our choice of stops—we will not be the same person How we will change depends on us.. and on the complex chemistry of the social and psychological formulas we are about to experience
There isa Mysterious Traveller on this train Hewatches and says little But he remembers When he sees how the journey changes people for the good, he smiles Butwhen he sees passengers only ride for a few stops, he seems sad If you were to ask him, he would say those brief passengers did not realize their potential ity Chairman at the Hospitality suite, but the T.M Traveller heard her say she "was finally going to get to see something outside the hotel."
A Journey Of A Thousand Miles
Starts With A Single Step
Let us see what he has to say about others who have taken that first step...and stayed:
EXCELLENT JOB JIM!.. Long time traveller Jim Brennan, who arrived on the Space Coast not so very long ago with his lovely wife Rose, made us proud as he placed Second at the Southeast Regional Convention June 8-10 on San Marco Island
A SONG IN HIS HEART... District 47 Humorous Speech contestant at Region, Jerry Fitzgerald, wowed them with his song—the Toastmaster Contest Song— when he was asked to sing during the slideshow He kept them smilingduring this veritable rogue's gallery of conference attendees "On with the show!" we always say!
BONNIE LED THE FUN!.. District 47 contestant and Third Place Winner of the Evaluation Contest, Bonnie Bang, had ridden allthat way infrom Western Division and was bound to have a good time She led the dancing Saturday night at the Marriott Hotel Despite the Single TMers of Pinellas, who have earned their reputation for fun, it was other Toastmasters you saw dancing on the platforms The T M Traveller thinks they were not from District 47
A TICKET TO RIDE.. The tour bus of Marco Island was put to good use on Sunday, June 10, by Regional Hospitality Chairman,JeanetteEggleston, DTM,and Past DG of Southern Division She did a great job as Hospital-
A HAND FOR THE CHEF!.. Dorothy Funk, wife of Lou Funk and Chef Extraordinaire for the Hospitality Suite at the Region VIII Conference, got rave reviews for her chocolate chip bundt cake The T.M Traveller sneaked back for another piece but couldn't even find a crumb Where do we write for the recipe, Dorothy?
WELCOME HOME RED!...Past Area 30 Governor, Lynnette Henderson, who is privately known as the Scarlet Tornado, was warmly welcomed by her many friends and TM members of District 47 as she blew in from Huntsville, Alabama, for the Southeastern Regional Conference Now active in the Huntsville area, she kept repeating at every turn "but this is my region too!" A T.M Traveller note to DG-48 Angie Atkins: She'll soon have them intoning in unison—" Yes, Lynnette!"
FORALLYOUBUCKAROOS... Headin' out to Dallas for the 59th Annual International Convention, August 1418, 1990 Get your tickets early! You'll get to hear Tom Peters, the well-known speaker and author of In Search of Excellence.
TIE A YELLOW RIBBON...For all you would-be travellersto World Headquarters—you'll never get your yellow ribbon by going to Santa Ana Your club banner will merit a yellow ribbon only if your ticket reads Ranch Santa Margarita World Headquarters' new mailing address is P.O Box 9052, Mission Viejo, CA 92690-7052 All we can say to that is Buen viaje!
AN ALL- POINTS BULLETIN!.. To all Toastmasters of District 47: Please let us know of any recent travellers to the Moscow State University Toastmaster Club in the Soviet Union (that's a tough trip by train, we know) We would like a first-hand report so we can scoop the rest of them The T.M Traveller says" Ididn't tell you to do it." He pulls his London Fog up around his chin and whispers hoarsely "Do skorovo!" (see you soon).