District Newsletter April 2010

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From your editor The Sligo conference is nearly on us and this is the main focus of this edition. I hope you agree that it looks very exciting. In this edition is: p. 2-5 Hear the latest from the District team, the progress made and inspiration for the future p. 6-7 2001 World Champion, Darren LaCroix, passes on seven tips for what makes a master presenter p. 8 Joe Gibbs, D71 Governor, helps us understand the process for electing new club committees p. 9 Hear all about the Lands of Heart‟s Desires conference in Sligo. It sounds very exciting! P.10 News from around the District

2010 Sligo International Speech and Evaluation Contestants now confirmed! The past month has been of great excitement as the Area and Division finals took place for the International Speech and Evaluation Contests. The quality of speakers was, as ever, fantastic. Each year the level seems to raise just one more notch. Last year‟s winners (pictured above) were Gareth “Good Point” McHale for the International Speech Contest and Simon Bucknall for the Evaluation contest.

p. 11-13 Keep up with leadership responsibilities and see who has already managed to achieve awards this year! Let me know what you would like to see in the District newsletter going forward. Hope to see some of you at the conference! Freddie Daniells District 71 Public Relations Officer M: +44 7977 465983 E: freddiedaniells@gmail.com

To see who are the contestants this year, make sure to turn to page 9 where there is a provisional listing of all the contestants. Also, make sure, if you haven‟t already, that you have booked your place at the final in Sligo. While the main hotel is full, there is still space. It promises to be a fabulous weekend of fun, frolics, contests and workshops. Page | 1

“Real Leaders Are Ordinary People with Extraordinary Determination” – Joe Gibbs, District Governor For many people the reason for joining Toastmasters was to develop their communication skills or overcome a fear of speaking in public. Few will have joined specifically to develop leadership skills. Yet the ability to lead people, manage resources, and get things done through motivating others is a valuable skill in our professional and personal lives. Universities, training institutions and management consultants charge significant amounts of money for presenting us with valuable information which we have access to for the price of our annual membership in Toastmasters. In many ways we undervalue what we learn from Toastmasters and underestimate what we can learn if we are willing to take on leadership roles within the organisation. Proper use of the materials and training provided, combined with commitment and dedication can help us develop leadership skills that we might otherwise have not had the opportunity to. In doing so we can also give something back to the organisation that we learn so much from. We are at that time of year when we turn our attention to finding our successors, next year‟s leaders who will have the opportunity to develop those skills and bring new enthusiasm and ideas to our roles. By early May Club elections should be taking place as preparation for the transition of responsibilities draws nearer. At District level we will be holding our elections for Executive and Division Governors at the District

Council Meeting as part of our Conference in Sligo in May. As a President or EVP you have a vote in those elections provided you or a representative of your club attends the Council meeting. If you are travelling to this excellent conference, do please make the attempt to attend the Council Meeting on Saturday morning. At a Toastmasters International level, elections will be held in August at the Convention in California. Once again you have a say in these all important elections and you will shortly receive your proxies which should be returned to me so that the District representatives can carry the maximum number of votes and ensure our voice is heard. On a related topic, at least partly as a result of the votes we carried on behalf of D71 last year, 83 districts worldwide will transition into 14 regions each having an International Director on July 1 of this year. Further details at: http://www.toastmasters.org/regions We are fortunate in being able to welcome Poh Kim Siong, one of Toastmasters current International Directors, to our conference in Sligo which will give us an opportunity to learn more about these exciting changes in our increasingly global organisation. Finally a quote from Walter J. Lippmann that I think is particularly relevant as we approach the end of our terms of office:- “The final test of a leader is that he leaves behind him in other men the conviction and will to carry on.”……… Joe Gibbs D71 District Governor “Find Your Voice”

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Success at Education and Training - Teresa Dukes, LGET My message to our Members, Club Officers, District Leaders in February was: Review your progress so far this year, start taking steps to follow through with your plan, and encourage others to actively find their voice and achieve their goals too! So where do we stand at the moment compared to the 265 awards achieved on 10th February? We have now reached a grand total of 356 awards and as of 12th April. Give yourself a big round of applause if you have achieved one of the 356 Educational Awards listed below! CC = 157 CL = 55

ACB = 37 ALB = 21

ACS = 18 ALS = 18

ACG = 16 DTM = 18


Well done to all and a special well done to our DTMs – you have accomplished the highest award you can achieve in Toastmaster International. Thank you for your dedication and leadership within District 71: Division A Denis Heffernan Mary Brassel

Division B Gillian Cutts Keith Gautier Hilary Briggs Himanshu Vora Jane Campbell

Division E Michael Clarke Oscar Merkx

Division G Constance Turner Jim Robinson Angus Galbraith John Morris

Division H Helen Quinn Robert Nisbet Jacqui Hogan Meg Heyworth Linda Hooper

Training – Your Club Officer Training was accomplished within good time and the results have been entered with World Headquarters. We didn‟t quite make the 100% but we got really close with 89% of our clubs training at least 4 officers in this second round of training. You may recall that I challenged you to see how many clubs could train all seven of their officers and we had 5 clubs accomplish that: Riverside Communicators and Speakeasy@Credit Suisse within Division B; Berkhamsted, North Bucks and Bedforshire Speakers from Division G. I hope that there will be a representative from these clubs at the Sligo Conference! Club Visits – We are reaching the deadline of 30th April for these visits to have been completed and the reports are coming in strong and fast. Successors For Our Leaders – Members – we are still looking for new leaders in our District - Have you reached a place in your development where you are ready to jump out of your comfort zone? Are you ready to step up and take on a leadership role? This could be anything from Club Officer to Area Governor to Division Governor and even to a role on the District Executive. I am looking for nominations for AREA GOVERNOR at the moment so if you think you can do that role then it is time for you to put your hand up and say YES I CAN! Make a call to me to express your interest! (07545 850684) Leadership Awards – These include the Competent Leadership Award which is one that everybody in District 71 should be working on as well as the Advanced Leadership awards. These awards help establish a good base of skills to build on for your communication development. If you are on of our Area and Division Governors you should be working on your High Performance Leadership Award this year. How far along are you? We need your help to ensure that our District remains ranked within the top 10 Districts Worldwide. Do your part to make this a reality! Education Awards – We have have 11 weeks left to achieve our targets for this year. At the moment we are looking for an additional 269 CCs to be registered; an additional 50 ACs to be registered; and an additional 89 Leadership awards to be registered. Are you working on one of these awards? How far off of accomplishing it are you? Talk to your VPEs and get onto the programmes. If you are struggling to get on your own club‟s agenda then talk to a neighboring club – we are all here to help you reach your goal and find your voice! Teresa Dukes, DTM Lt Governor Education & Training

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Club and member growth across the District – Jim Hegarty, LGM The pace of activity in District 71, in the last few months, has been challenging. Leaders, at all levels have adapted well to the changing circumstances. Clubs have been hit by closures and redundancies. Two Company Clubs, however, have plans to turn these clubs into Community Clubs. Club Coaches have encouraged and supported club leadership teams to adopt new Marketing approaches focused on an AreaWide basis, thus increasing membership levels in more than one club. One of these clubs has gone from 11 members to 23 members and is still attracting visitors. The number of Clubs, that have already Chartered this Toastmasters Year [2009 -2010 ] Last November there were 6 newly chartered clubs. Now, in mid April, that number has reached 12. There are, at this stage, up to 10 Pre-Charter Clubs that could reach Charter Strength before June. See http://reports.toastmasters.org/reports_new/dprReports .cfm?r=4&d=71 Pre-Charter Clubs [PCs] There are 24 Prospective Clubs [PCs]. Some of these clubs are very close to charter strength. Incomplete or inaccurate paperwork can cause delays. Please contact me at hegartyjames@eircom.net, if your need support with the Paperwork. To see the Pre Charter Club List; see http://reports.toastmasters.org/reports_new/dprReports .cfm?r=16&d=71

Club Coaches breathe new energy into Weak Clubs: 7 Club Coaches are making a difference You can find out about how the toastmasters Club Coach System works, using the hyperlink below [ http://www.toastmasters.org/Members/MembershipBuil ding/ClubCoachProgram.aspx or contact my email. Membership Building: There are good materials, ideas and resources on Membership Building to be found using the following hyperlink http://www.toastmasters.org/Members/MembershipBuil ding.aspx List of Financial Supports for Clubs / Divisions available from the District Marketing Fund 1. Every PC club that is meeting……………………..£150 / €220 2. Every club that Charters: Banner and Bag Allowance ………………. …$100 3. Any club that has 12 or fewer members …………………………….....£150 / €220 4. Division Marketing Fund [all Divs] ……………………………….£300 / €380 For the above, and for the appointment of Club Coaches, contact me at hegartyjames@eircom.net Belfast, in Northern Ireland, holds it’s first ever Toastmasters Meeting. Well done to Kerena Crowe and Team. Toastmasters clubs, with strong leadership and where Quality Meetings are held, enable members to „Find their Voice‟ Jim Hegarty, Lt Gov Marketing, April 2010

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Using new technology to promote your club – District PRO, Freddie Daniells Blogs, Youtube, Twitter, Facebook are all new buzzwords that didn‟t exist just a few years ago. Nowadays, any professional PR person worth their salt needs to understand these different services and what they do for a client.

3. Tweeting: A number of clubs are beginning to use Twitter as a way of sending short messages to their club members. Indeed, Toastmasters International has a twitter account at http://twitter.com/toastmasters. Could your club benefit from something similar but more local?

I am beginning to see Toastmasters clubs make great use of these services. Among the ideas I see clubs doing are :

4. Videos on Youtube: As the cost of camcorders continues to decline, more and more clubs are videoing their meetings. Some are putting some of their speeches on Youtube. Some of the adventurous are then embedding that video on their club websites. One of the best ways to persuade people is to „show, not tell‟. Using Youtube, clubs are now able to „show‟case their activites and talents like never before. Could you put a video on your site to bring it alive?

1. Setting up a facebook page: Many of our members are also members of facebook and find it a fun way to keep in touch with friends and family. Creating a club page on facebook is a great way to share details of club meetings, photos and chat. Search on facebook for Grosvenor Square, Polish your Polish or Glanmire Toastmasters to see how those clubs are using it. 2. Setting up a blog: My own club, Holborn Speakers, now has a blog. Meeting reports are now shared through that rather than through a formal newsletter. In London, we created The LondonSpeaker (www.thelondonspeaker.com) to help share information across the Division. In both cases, it was found to be a great way of communicating and a lot less hassle that managing email lists or formatting newsletters each month.

Maybe your club has already started to use some of these services. If so, I would love to hear what lessons you have learned. If not, these services are only going to become more prevalent over the years. Many of the younger people that will be our lifeblood are using these more and more. What are you doing to learn about them? How can you use them to help existing members stay in touch even better? How can you use them to attract new members? Dip a toe in the pond and let me know how you get on. Freddie Daniells, District 71 PR Officer

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What does a Master Presenter Do Differently? Seven Essential Habits of Master Presenters By Darren LaCroix, 2001 Toastmasters World Champion of Public Speaking What do you notice that people who are truly “masters” on stage have in common? What are those small differences that over time put in motion large differences that separate them from the pack. As a student of presentation skills since 1992, I have some definite observations. It just gets clearer and clearer to me. Though they are simple, habits, over time they define our growth rate. Do you incorporate these habits? #1 Think Differently: Did you know that the first thing Craig Valentine did when he got off the plane from winning the World Championship of Public Speaking was to get a book on public speaking? That is the attitude of a master presenter. People who are the best and have a passion for their craft and their message are always looking to learn more. If every presenter had Craig‟s attitude, rarely would any ever sit through a boring presentation ever again. When I jumped into the comedy world, I took every class I could. Many of the teachers I had became “life changing” mentors. I have invested $10,000 each year for the past three years in my own education. Since that has been so helpful, for next year I have already invested over $20,000. Will you invest more in your own self-development next year? #2 Effort in their introduction: A master presenter understands that “setting up” the listening is just as important as what is said. Too many presenters do not put any time or effort into their introduction. If anything, they give the introducer an ego filled bio that is usually about seven minutes too

long. True professionals keep their introductions under three minutes. They have “you focused” questions in them. These are followed by your credibility, and then a single humbling piece of personal information. The introduction should answer: Why should people listen to you? What will they get out of giving you their time? #3 They Focusing on Connect with the Audience First: Master presenters are fully aware that they must “connect” with an audience before they can persuade them. The connection is crucial. This is why I spend a great deal of time researching my keynote audiences before hand. I don‟t stop there either. I will also attend other sessions prior to mine, just to find that “one nugget” that will allow me to connect with them. In fact, this ties into the previous point, that part of your introduction‟s purpose is to start the process of connecting. Do you strategically focus on connecting? #4 Long Enough Pauses: Pauses for the audience‟s benefit, not there own comfort level. Too many people on stage only pause long enough for their own comfort. They do not hold the pause long enough for the audience to “think.” This is the whole point of the presentation. Master presenters know that if they are not letting them reflect on thier perspective, they are in fact breaking the connection with the audience. All too often the presenter is the problem, not the audience. If you ask a simple yes or no question, a short pause is plenty. If your question requires deeper thought, let them! Do you pause long enough? If they are not reflecting, you are not connecting! #5 Worry Bigger: Much more concerned for the audience‟s outcome,

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rather than what the audience will think of them. I recently interviewed Maria Austin, a Professional Trainer, for an audio learning program for new trainers. She is one of the best I know at this. She has what I call the “Maria Mindset.” Before she was a Trainer, she was in customer service. She brought her “serious service” attitude to her training. She looks at it exactly the same way. The only difference is her product is now education. She is so adamant about what the audience members take away. She fully understands that it is not about her. Do you? #6 Get Lots of Laughs: It has been said that you don‟t have to use humor in presentations unless you want the audience to listen. Although you can have a powerful presentation without it, most master presenters usually have heavy doses of humor. Here is a crucial difference between good speakers and masters. Master presenters infuse the humor into the story. It is not a tangent from the message. Many less experienced presenters will tell a joke, or use something they found on the internet. They use it to break the ice. Wrong! Humor should always have some relevance to your main message. Otherwise, it is a detour and wastes valuable time! Keep in mind what Steve Allen said: “Humor arises between the incongruity between the character and the situation.” The essence of the “sitcom.” For speakers we need “sit-stories.” The purpose of the story should be anchoring a key point. If you are not getting laughs now, learn to!

Contest Rules

#7 Craves Feedback: When master presenters walk off the platform they are fully aware that a crucial part of their next presentation is just about to begin. It does not matter what we say, it only matters what is heard by the audience. Presenters who are passionate about their message are constantly evolving. New ideas are constantly “tested.” Things that are common in my keynotes now, were once new ideas that were experimented with at one time. For example, I never used to show a video clip of my very first time on stage. I also never used to show a photo of my closet full of video recordings. They are now essential, but may some day be replaced with something more powerful. When I spoke in Canada this past fall I had a video introduce me! Are you on track to become a master presenter if you are not already? If you believe you already are, may I suggest you read over number one again? I get off track occasionally myself, but it only takes one humbling audience to remind us we all still have much to learn. Where will your current habits take you in five years? by Darren LaCroix


Remember to come to the Sligo Conference on May Rory Marriott, Area 31 Governor, 14-16 to see Darren pass on his tips in person. dispels a few of the commonly help myths on contest rules

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Club Elections By Joe Gibbs, District 71 Governor By now, many of you will be turning your thoughts to the election of a new committee. Most Clubs are familiar with the rules and have a routine established. When was the last time you took the time to actually review the “Club Constitution and the Standard Bylaws for Clubs of Toastmasters International”? Not the most exciting of documents I must admit but nevertheless a very enlightening and useful document and I would say essential reading for all Club Presidents and nominating committees…….. Did you know for instance that: o



Nominations for Club Officers shall be made by a Club Nominating Committee appointed by the Club President at least two (2) weeks prior to the election… Club Presidents elected for a term of one (1) year may not be re-elected for a successive term… A quorum (51 percent of active members) is needed to conduct business including electing officers….

The timeline laid out by Toastmasters International for the holding of Club elections is as follows: In May, all clubs must elect annual officers serving from July 1of the current year, through June 30 of the following year.

Last meeting in April: Nominating committee reports to the club. First meeting in May: The nominating committee report is presented to the club. If the nominating committee has no report at the last meeting in April, postpone the election until one week after the meeting at which the report is given. Call for nominations from the floor. Nominations and elections begin with the president and proceed in descending order. Remember: A quorum (51 percent of active members) is needed to conduct business (including electing officers). Proxies or absentee ballots are not allowed at the club level. Members must be active and present to vote. Don‟t forget to fill out a club and officer information form online at the Club Business section immediately following your election so the correct officers will receive every important mailing. Or your club may submit the club and officer information form by mail or fax, instead. You should already have a copy of this document but you can find it on-line at http://www.toastmasters.org/websiteApps/policyProced ures/SectionIV-3.pdf Please do take the time to read the information outlined in the document and ensure your elections are carried out in a timely, efficient and fair manner in compliance with the rules laid out by Toastmasters International. Remember that as Leaders within the Toastmasters Organisation, we have a responsibility to ensure our Clubs and our members receive the best leadership we can provide for them. Regards

Before March 31: Appoint a nominating committee (see Club Constitution and the Standard Bylaws for Clubs of Toastmasters International). The committee should be chaired by the immediate past president or most recent past president available.

Joe Gibbs, D71 District Governor

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Last call for the Land of Hearts and Desires Conference ,

Sligo, May 14th-16th This conference promises to be one of our most exciting conferences since, well, since the last one!

And, of course, there is the small matter of the contests!

As a reminder, we will be joined by some of the Toastmasters good and great.

Over the past weeks though Club, Area and Division contests we have whittled down the number of contestants to just eight in both the Speech and Evaluation contests. The provisional list of contestants on the International Speech contest is:

Firstly, Darren LaCroix, 2001 World Champion, will be sharing his top tips to help us all become better speakers. He will be joined by a full roster of top quality educational workshops from the likes of Andrew Brammer, past District 71 Champion, Pat Foley and Mary Talbot. Also joining us is Ted Corcoran, past World President of Toastmasters International. Ted is the only person from outside of the USA to have run Toastmasters International. Finally, we will be joined also by Poh Sim Piong, International Director of Toastmasters. He too will be sharing his thoughts with some of our leaders. Attendees will also be looking forward to a great lineup of entertainment. On the Friday is a Fancy Dress dinner. The theme is Saints and Scholars. The conference organisers are excited about what latitude that gives our creative fancy dressers! On the Saturday will be the Dress Banquet and Ball. Break out your best dress and hit the dance floor.

John Keating, Simon Bucknall, Eric Fitzpatrick, Mary Ledwidge, Erick Rainey, Dolores Brady, Gayna Cooper and Iain Upton. The provisional list of competitors in the Evaluation Contest are: Lena Ni Mhurchu, Laura McCracken, Colm McGlade, Caroline Edwards, Jane Cameron, Dave Oâ€&#x;Brien, Cathy Shelbourne and Vathani Navasothy So all in all a fabulous conference is planned. While all the rooms in the main hotel have been booked, it is not too late to put your name down to attend. There are overflow hotels nearby and there are opportunities just to come for parts of the conference on a day pass type system. We plan to make this the best Toastmasters party around. See more on the website here: http://d71.org/portal.php?page=7

Entertainment will be from the Sligo Concert band, The Straw Boys, The Rosses Point Golf Club Male Voice Choir and the fabulous Conquerors Show Band.

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REGIONAL TALL TALES CONTEST BOB FERGUSON b o b @b o b f er g u so n .b iz

7.30 p m Fr id ay 4t h Ju n e 2010 An award-winning speaker, Bob is the current GB & All Ireland. He has previously been and His personality, presence and passion about public speaking will demand your attention whilst enthralling and entertaining you. YOU WILL NOT WANT TO MISS WHAT BOB HAS TO SAY AND HOW HE SAYS IT

At the you will be entertained by the best public speakers from over 20 TOASTMASTER INTERNATIONAL clubs in the region. Finalists taken from over 600 members and competitors will beguile and intrigue you with their own particular brand of speech craft and tall tales. A FREE glass of wine, refreshments and snacks will be available during the evening. Where else can you get entertainment of this calibre for only ? Spaces are limited so please book you seat early and ensure that you can come along and support your Champion. Please sen d ch eq u es o f £5 p er h ead p ayab le t o MARLOW ORATORS

Send in your articles We are trying out a broader range of articles in this newsletter. However, it is important that we still hear about the stori es of our members and clubs. Our members and clubs are the centrepiece of what we do. So, please email me articles with the stories about: o Members of your clubs putting their Toastmasters skills to use outside of Toastmasters o Great feats of club management that your club has achieved...good PR, how your new website or special event has helped you get new members, tips for how to do committee roles, indeed anything that would be interesting to other members o Ideas that your club has adopted that other clubs can learn from o Toastmaster‟s workshops that you have attended telling us what you have learnt o Indeed, anything! If in doubt, sent it through! If you have a finished article great, just drop me a mail at freddiedaniells@gmail.com. If you think there is something that we | 10 Page should include but aren‟t able to write an article then drop me a line anyhow and I can help too.

Upcoming dates for D71 Officers Club Officers MAY

HOLD elections at 1st meeting in May WHQ Proxy form - SEND to District Governor or bring with you to District Conference in May SUBMIT Club Officer list to WHQ online

Area Governors

Division Governors

Ensure clubs HOLD their ELECTIONS at the first meeting in May Attend Executive and Council Meetings at District Conference May 14/15/16

REMIND Area Governors about elections of Club Officers and AGM Attend Executive and Council Meetings at District Conference. Give 2 minute report ot District Council meeting

Submit Club Visit reports to WHQ by 31st MAY

REMIND Area Governors if their Club Visit Reports and review them as they appear. Highlight potential leaders for the upcoming year

MONITOR DCP awards MONITOR DPR Reports regularly Incoming District Governor reviews Club Visit forms to identify potential leaders who have expr essed and interest on going further in TM. The incoming SG APPOINTS new Area Governors by or before the Spring Conference. NO-ONE HAS THE JOB UNTIL APPOINTED.


SUBMIT Club Officer list to WHQ online

ENSURE Club Awards and Officer Lists to WHQ by June 30th

ASSIST Area in Club Awards and Officer Lists at WHQ


Educational Awards Each newsletter, we celebrate our members who have achieved their educational awards. These awards are for February, March and April. The letter in brackets after the club name is the Division that it belongs to. Congratulations to everyone who has achieved their awards. Hopefully many of you will go on to achieve many other awards in the Toastmaster curriculum. Well done from all the District team.

Competent Communicators Robert Snow Valerie Swanborough Roy Manley Leo O Droma Marie Buchan Prakash Patel Recie O'Shea Ellee Seymour Feargal Murphy Shane Sellarajah Justin Joyce Kevin Butler Neil Daly Sandra O'Hagan Sean Brosnan Natalie Vereker Renee Flynn Dominique Koubovec Afolabi Sekoni Catherine Williams Sue M.Couchman Tania West Deborah Morris Kate Robinson Linda Imm John Nyaruwa Tracy Miranda Richard Day

Chelmsford Speakers (G) Bedford Speakers (G) Bedford Speakers (G) Hellfire (C) Aberdeen (E) Berkeley Square (B) Thurles (D) Cambridge Speakers (G) Cambridge Speakers (G) Dundee (E) Strictly Speaking Harrogate (E) Strictly Speaking Harrogate (E) Bishopstown (A) Clonakilty (A) Bishopstown (A) Bishopstown (A) Athy (D) Vale Speakers (G) Newbury Speakers (H) Voice of Wales (E) County Communicators (H) South West Speakers (E) Armada Speakers (E) Southside Speakers (E) Voice of Wales (E) Tube Talk (B) Chiltern Speakers (H) Aylesbury (G)

Mary Bradford Martin P McManus Gill Crinion JUDITH BECKMAN Andrew Deering Tony Brassington Martin Joseph Brett Emmeline Searson Sarah Naughton Siu Wong Baga Kashmira Tony S. Murphy Donna Hicks Sylvia R Clausin Chris Hopkins Stuart Webb Ciaran Moore Declan Wynne Linda H. Monument Apollo Kawoya Geoff Hughes John Down Declan Lavelle Jo Forman Sarah O'Connor William Leach Catherine Maguire Michael McCarthy

Failte (A) Manchester Orators (E) Eblana (C) HOD Speakers (G) Lucan (C) Heart of England (E) Corrib (F) Thomond (F) Hellfire (C) Tube Talk (B) SPA Speakers (E) Enniscorthy (D) NZICA Bank Speakers (B) Guildford Speaker's (H) Guildford Speaker's (H) Chesterfield Speakers (E) Castleknock (C) Drogheda (C) Articulate Speakers (G) Harrovians Speakers (G) Brandon Speakers (G) Cheltenham Speakers (E) Bray (C) Cambridge Speakers (G) Enniscorthy (D) Arun (H) Powdermills (A) Powdermills (A)

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Tim Akers Edel C Duane Shankar Nair Trevor James Aird John Kevin Johnson Ferial Evans Rogers Laurence D. Kelly Kwame Akpokavi Aoife Lanigan Hilda Kennedy Denis Finbarr Lehane Mark Haverstock Gareth Wyn Jones Johanna M Hegarty Anna Litsiou Patrick Connolly

North Bucks Speakers (G) Naas (D) Woking Speakers (H) Woking Speakers (H) Wicklow (C) Ipswich Electrifiers Speakers' (G) Gorey (D) London Athenian Speakers (B) Kilkenny (D) Innisfree (F) Powdermills (A) Brighton & Hove Speakers H) Vodafone Speakers (H) Fermoy (A) London Athenian Speakers (B) Ballina (F)

Charles Barker Deirdre A. Canavan Jane Magabe Tessa Perry David Murray Bruce Matt Hancock Tola Onigbanjo Luc M.G. Briand Emma Macculloch Zoe C. Colbeck John Campbell-Beattie Connie Mac Loughlin Michael B Jones Jeff Freeman Francois Teyssier

Dundalk (C) Eblana (C) Wicklow (C) Voice of Wales (E) Windsor Speakers (H) Windsor Speakers (H) London Corinthians (B) Berkhamsted Speakers (G) Speakeasy at Credit Suisse Holborn Speakers (B) Armada Speakers (E) Nenagh (F) Brighton & Hove Speakers (H) Bandon (A) Woking Speakers (H)

Bridget Elliott Anne-Marie Cooke Susan Hawkins Michael John Clarke Deborah M. Kelly Sandra Lawes Mary Maura Ruddy Keith D. Clarke Margaret Kidney Charles Barker Eamon O Reilly Liam Mc Cauley John Dineen Mary O'Donoghue Gavin Meikle David H. Sands

West Limerick (A) Bray (C) MLP London Bridge Speakers (B) EbOrators (E) Maynooth (D) Watford Speakers & Leaders (G) Fingal (C) Maidenhead Speakers (H) Killarney (A) Dundalk (C) Dundalk (C) Dundalk (C) Phoenix-Tara (C) Killarney (A) Solent Speakers (H) Northavon Speakers (E)

Competent Leaders Liz Hutton John Borthwick Andrew Chuks Paul Ovington Rosie Ward Emmanuel Sodipo Ciaran Ennis Julie Holness Ann Nunn Peter Cranston Frankie Gahan Gloria Clutton-Williams Julian Michael Rouse Simon David Owens Anurag P. Deshpande Marian Way Christopher S Boden

Carlow (D) Bull Ring Speakers (E) London Cardinals (B) Oxford Speakers (E) SPA Speakers (E) Canary Wharf Communicators (B) Ennis (F) London Communicators (B) Speak Easy at Martlesham (G) Aberdeen (E) Kent Speakers (H) Ridgeway Speakers (E) Kent Speakers (H) Chesterfield Speakers (E) Camberley Speakers (H) Solent Speakers (H) Holborn Speakers (B)

Advanced Awards Gillian Caldicott Brian Sanders Beverley Fowlston Robert M Mcdaid Joseph O'Broin Elizabeth Brosnan Maire Corbett David Drew Natalie Minnis Alan McMahon Alan McMahon Andy T. Hammond Gayna Cooper David Lennon Susan Hawkins Anthony Rush Keith Andrew Herod Jim Reynolds Moira Beaton Anne-Marie Cooke Himanshu Vora Francis Mc Cabe Matthew Higgins Jane Campbell Stephen B. Charlton Alexander Lowry Dorothea Stuart Susan McKever Eamon O Reilly Anne-Marie Cooke David J. Robertson Charles Dalgarno Linda A Hooper Patrick Cavanagh Andy T. Hammond

EbOrators (E) Chiltern Speakers (H) Vale Speakers (G) Sligo (F) Rathfarnham (C) Tralee (A) The Galtees (A) Canary Wharf Communicators (B) Southside Speakers (E) Harrovians Speakers (G) Harrovians Speakers (G) Arun (H) Bedford Speakers (G) London Communicators (B) MLP London Bridge Speakers (B) Ipswich Electrifiers Speakers' (G) Ipswich Electrifiers Speakers' (G) North Bucks Speakers (G) Waverley Communicators (E) Bray (C) Trojan Speakers (B) Dublin (C) Beara (A) Speakeasy at Credit Suisse SPA Speakers (E) London Cardinals (B) Excalibur (B) Bedford Speakers (G) Dundalk (C) Bray (C) Brighton & Hove Speakers (H) Aberdeen (E) Battle Speakers (H) Mullingar (F) Arun (H)


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Himanshu Vora Margaret O'Regan Jane Campbell Tomas J. Conefrey Julia Kowalle Anne-Marie Cooke Moira Beaton Linda A Hooper Liam Mc Cauley John Dineen Edward Percival Martin Berry Samantha Babister Jenny Cutler Gerard Joyce Paul Hayward Moira Beaton Keith D. Clarke Linda A Hooper

Trojan Speakers (B) Speak Easy (A) Speakeasy at Credit Suisse VOX POPULI (C) WIBF Speakers-City (B) Bray (C) Waverley Communicators (E) Battle Speakers (H) Dundalk (C) Phoenix-Tara (C) Windsor Speakers (H) Woking Speakers (H) Woking Speakers (H) London Cardinals (B) Ballina (F) Bedford Speakers (G) Waverley Communicators (E) Maidenhead Speakers (H) Battle Speakers (H)


Distinguished Toastmaster We would also like to wish a particularly huge round of applause to our members who have achieved the highest award possible within Toastmasters – The Distinguished Toastmasters award. A big well done! Andy T. Hammond Anne-Marie Cooke Himanshu Vora Jane Campbell Linda A Hooper

Arun (H) Bray (C) Trojan Speakers (B) Speakeasy at Credit Suisse Battle Speakers (H)

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