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D71 Newsletter September 2012
Report from 2012 world Convention Messages from the DLT Open Fortnight Information
Toastmasters “Where Leaders are Made”
Hi Folks, Ronnie Here. First of all let me pay tribute to everybody who contributed to this Newsletter. Your commitment and time is much appreciated. Unfortunately we have had to leave out a couple of good articles because this edition was getting too large. But we will have them in next time and we will accept articles according to Toastmasters International‘s guidelines. http://www.toastmasters.org/ToastmastersMagazine/WriterGuidelines.aspx
New International President, John Lau addressing the audience watched by Immediate Past International President Michael Notaro (in the red bow tie)
Another International Convention is over. Over 1700 Toastmasters gathered at the Orlando Hilton Bonnet Creek to learn new skills, elect new leaders and make new friends from around
the world. It is tough to describe a World Convention if you haven't been to one but I can say, if you enjoy Toastmasters, you should go. You will love it. Over the past year, the organisation has grown to 14,000 clubs and membership has grown to 280,000 members. We are in 116 countries around the world. It is at an International Convention that one really appreciates both the global nature and globe need for our movement. So what are the plans for the Toastmasters organisation? One major area of focus from the Board is how to move our leadership track forward. If we are to truly live up to our new tagline, the Board believe that our leadership track must become as highly regarded as our communication track. Expect more programmes and details to be forthcoming this year. There is also discussion, at board level, about we can better support Area Governors in their duties. Again more will be forthcoming later this year. From a D71 point of view, members will be pleased to know that we now have certainty regarding our Reformation. The proposal put forward to the Board by our District Council and RAC was accepted without change. Thank you all who took part in this process, whatever side of the discussion you were on. Now we can build plans for two successful Districts. Many will also be pleased to hear that there is much discussion of how to improve service for international members. Toastmasters has recently lengthened service hours in key departments, meaning that you can now call HQ from 2pm onwards to get answers to questions. Some club materials are now downloadable and more are coming. Issues such speeding up delivery of the Toastmaster magazine, new member kits and other materials are all being looked at.
Yvonne Jordan, D71 Contestant (in green) in the International Speech Contest shows off her Certificate of Participation
International Speech Contest final takes place at the Convention too. As ever, the quality of contestants was extremely high. This years World Champion of Public Speaking was won by.... Yvonne Jordan, our District 71 contestant performed brilliantly and came third in her semi final.
Our District was honoured in a number of ways at the Convention. Jim Hegarty, 2011-12 District Governor, led our D71 delegation on stage to collect the awards for being Distinguished District this past year. I understand that we are now the District with the longest record of Distinguished or better in the world. A fabulous achievement. He also collected the award for the District with the highest percentage of clubs with over 20 members. Luanne Kent and myself both collected awards for Excellence in Marketing and Education and Training for reaching our goals. You, as a District, can be proud of these achievements. Without your effort, none would have been possible. Finally, the World Convention is the place that we vote in our new Toastmasters Board of Directors. I am very proud of our District regarding its participation in the voting process. This year we carried votes for over 200 of our clubs, a recent record. As the worlds largest District by members it is important to have our views and voice heard. Thank you to Jean Gamester, District Secretary, and all of our District Officers and Club Presidents for making this happen. We have a new International President in John Lau. He is smart and full of energy. One gets a real sense that he is not one for sitting on his laurels. George Yen is our new International President Elect, Mohammed Murad is first Vice President and a new International Officer is Jim Kockochi as second Vice President. We also had seven International Directors elected out of a team of fourteen. Teresa Dukes, past District 71 Governor also announced her candidacy to be elected as an International Director for Region 11 (which D71 falls in). This election will be contested. Please offer her your support as you can. So a busy week of Toastmastering. As I said earlier, you really need to go to a Convention to experience what it is all about. Maybe, we will see you next year in Cincinnati! Freddie Daniells District 71 Governor 2012-13
Yvonne Jordan from the Enniscorthy Club, in co. Wexford, Ireland. She was the worthy winner of the D71 finals of the International speech competition and represented the District at the World convention in Orlando. Florida. Yvonne was placed 3rd in the competition. Hearty congratulations to Yvonne on such a remarkable achievement.
Dear Fellow D71 Toastmasters, I’m so excited that together with the help of some of our District Leaders, I plan to promote educational programs, which will include presentations such as an introduction to the Distinguished Club Program (DCP) and the Communication and Leadership tracks for all members. I also hope we can include modules from a number of other modules such as Better Speaker Series and Leadership Excellence. Perhaps we can even present some modules from Success/Leadership and Success/Communication at Area or Division level (which aren’t free). I’m planning to have incentives to encourage our members to work toward their educational goals, and to have early registration of awards and attendance at club officer training. This is an area that causes so many problems for members of the DLT. The Distinguished Club Program (DCP) remains the same as in previous years; ten objectively measured points to help us measure our success as clubs- but to be distinguished, the club must meet their membership requirement and at least five (5) goals in the DCP. However, the Area, Division and District Recognition Programs have changed effective July 1st. Qualifying criteria at Area level and above now includes specific points--no club loss and submission of club visits reports. Following on to the qualifying criteria, goals for Area, Division and District will now be based upon club growth and percentage of member growth and distinguished clubs. 70% of our clubs were distinguished this past year, but I say we can still do more. Educational programs will help to increase the quality of our clubs. So in my mind, by having distinguished clubs, which is a measure of the quality of our clubs, then our other goals will easily follow on. So, that’s my basic plan; however, if you have any suggestions or questions, please feel free to contact me at any time. All the Best, Luanne Luanne Kent, LGET Landline: +353 1 827 8110, Email: Luakent@gmail.com
Having just finished up as governor for the new division J. Freddie offered me the opportunity to see how things work at district level by asking me to be district secretary. I wasn’t sure what to expect when I said yes but so far it’s been very interesting! Having found a larger venue for District Officer Training I then got to drive something that I’ve wanted as area and division governor in the past – an electronic directory of officers that is available from July, which I hope will help new club and district officers successfully get up and running. Then I needed to get myself set up to brief division and area governors on what they needed to do when, and give them some insights on things I learned when I did their roles. In a short six weeks, I’ve already had a fascinating insight into something I have only seen from the outside before – all the work that goes into helping clubs and members to be successful at district level. I think it is going to be an exciting year! Jean Gamester
Having been President of my Club, MLP London Bridge Speakers, I was ready to turn the focus back on my own learning as a communicator (and actually start my advanced manuals...rather than just doing contest speeches!) Freddie had other ideas about my Toastmasters path for this year, and adeptly convinced me that joining the District Leadership Team (‘DLT’) as District Treasurer this year would be a great learning experience, and also damn good fun. What has fascinated me so far on DLT, is how much support there is out there for our clubs but also how so many of them do not even realise it’s there! The support available through the hard work of countless volunteering leaders is overwhelming, including Division & Area Governors (and assistants) and the DLT, of all of which is supported by some cold hard cash
which we get from Toastmasters International (25% of the dues our District pays to them), to spend on activities that benefit the members of the District. As a member of the DLT, I hope by better informing and consulting with Division and Area Governors and club members, that you can all help us to shape what that support (volunteer or monetary!) will look like now and in the future. As District Treasurer for the year, aka. “Miss Money Jenny”, I hope this will mean that we use our budgets wisely to help support the members learning experience in the best way we can I have a feeling it’s going to be a challenging and interesting year, but then that’s why I’ve stayed in Toastmasters; because there is always more to learn and experience....and most of all, because it’s FUN! Jenny
The Dalai Lama, when asked what surprised him most about humanity, he said: “Man” Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived.”
In July 1998 there were 2 Scottish Toastmaster clubs - Capital Communicators, Edinburgh and a corporate club at Sun Systems, Linlithgow. A Speechcraft course was held in Glasgow but the new club was proving difficult to get started. Scotland was part of an Area which stretched down beyond Birmingham – a distance of over 300 miles from Edinburgh and District Conferences were so distant they might as well have been held on Mars!
In July 2012 there are 11 Scottish Toastmaster clubs and 3 PC clubs, with a further 3 Clubs at planning stage. Unfortunately Sun Systems club folded but Glasgow TM did eventually Charter (it took us three years – is that a record?). We now have two distinct Scottish Areas (Area 30 and 43) and two past Division E Governors are based in Scotland. We have successfully hosted two District 71 Conferences and feel that Scotland is now firmly on the D71 map. There is a strong public speaking heritage in Scotland – in the 1970s there were over 40 Toastmaster clubs! During a turbulent time for UK Toastmasters, these converted to the ASC organisation and many still meet today. However, Toastmasters is an expanding, vibrant and relevant association and we are growing our momentum and expanding our influence in Scotland; we have our eye on that previous number of 40 Toastmaster clubs – and we’d like to exceed it. With over 5 million people in Scotland there is considerable potential for more new clubs. We have identified clusters of population density (with an eye on geography and transport links), are developing a Scotland-wide public speaking website and are tapping into social media and business and community networks. The most precious resource in new club building is the members and we have several new and experienced members who have the energy and commitment to build new clubs. We would be very proud to have our own Scottish Division eventually so it’s onwards and upwards for Toastmasters in Scotland. Jane Cameron DTM Southside Speakers, Scotland
Ahoy me hearties, the D 71 Autumn Conference is fast approaching and the bookings are brisk in the Garryvoe Hotel as toastmasters drop anchor here from November 9th to the 11th 2012. Some are breezing in for the Anglo Irish toastmasters meeting on the Thursday night. You can anchor yourself inside with all the other toastmasters who have taken over the hotel—-Nobody else is allowed on board for the weekend. Our hotel is compact with all workshop, meetings and competition venues close together. This will be a unique conference for many reasons, including a first for D 71. Because there are now 12 Divisions, the District Leadership Team (DLT) have decided that semi-finals will be held in advance of the finals of
both the Humorous Speech and Table Topics contests, two semi-finals of six contestants each, resulting in a final of six contestants. The Humorous Speech semi –finals will occur on Friday afternoon (4.30-5 pm approx.) so please factor that fact in when making your travel arrangements. When all the business is done-and you’re ship wrecked- come with us to the bar for ceol, caint agus craic (Fun, Fun Fun!!!!)Our sea shanties will begin late and end even later to welcome the dawn chorus perhaps. Song words are being prepared so there will be no excuses… we have ways of making you sing!!!! Further details and updates of our conference are available on www.cork71.com. Don’t delay book today or you may have to stay on the Island!
HINTS ON HOW TO RUN AN OPEN NIGHT I absolutely know there are many good members who are very successfully engaged in recruitment who could explain as good or better than I, how to run an open meeting. My point being I don’t want to bring coal to Newcastle!! But there are those who may be running an open night for the for the first time and it is important that I recommend the method we found successful in order to maximise the benefits of the PR and Marketing Campaign by converting hundreds of guests into members. •
As guests come in they should be warmly welcomed and seated beside an experienced member who is good at signing up guests. I always followed the Toastmasters manual “How to build a club” as it gives a simple clear message how to run a meeting, to first of all impress and then enthuse guests.
You appoint a Toastmaster who can sell Toastmasters as they run the meeting. In this case I would have that Toastmaster explain all the roles. It is best for the Toastmaster to adopt an air of assumption that the guests are going to join. “When you become a member” rather than “if you become a member” ect.
I strongly recommend that, even if you don’t use it at regular meetings, you start this particular meeting with an Invocation or thought for the day”. One that is very appropriate for a Guest night is “If you want to have what you have not.” You must do what you do not” and repeat it so that it sinks in.
I recommend no more than 2 speeches “A stage 2 or 3 given by a member of that standard and then a more experienced speech 6 or 7 to demonstrate improvement. Don’t scare them off with Talent.
The talent can be given the job of converting guests to members on the night. That’s right on the night. It is recommended by TI in their manual “How to build a club”. Now it doesn’t always work but I have found it is the most successful method.
Have a couple of Toastmasters say what Toastmasters has done for them.
I suggest a couple of light hearted topics and then an extended Tea/Coffee break to enable the recruiters to have a conversation with the guests and start signing up members. Or do as the Shannon, Co. Clare, Ireland club did last year put on a cheese and wine reception instead of the Tea/Coffee break and they had a most successful night.
After Tea/Coffee have a question and answer session. Of course not all guests will sign up so you get their contact details. And then an invitation for a drink when more networking can be done.
By the way it is essential that every member have application for membership forms. Please don’t tell the guests you will have the forms the next night.
No doubt good Club builders and membership builders will have noticed things that I have missed and I would be most interested to get feedback at next DOT and of course for successful recruiters please do what works for you. But a number of people were asking for guidelines – hence the foregoing. It won’t be an ordinary club meeting by any stretch of the imagination, but it should create a great buzz throughout the District and hopefully a major morale boost to under strength clubs by having an increase in membership.
So let’s have a ball and take the District by storm by getting those fertile minds to come up with ideas for success. Good luck in your efforts.