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From your editor Fresh from the excitement of the Sligo conference, we have current year leadership teams completing this yearâ€&#x;s tasks while next yearâ€&#x;s prepare their goals for the next year. Exciting times indeed! In this edition is: p. 2-5 As we near to the end of the Toastmasters year the focus is on getting last awards registered and clubs chartered. The District team tell us how we have done and what still needs to be done.

Erick Rainey wins the International Speech and Jane Cameron the Evaluation contests At the amazing Sligo Contest, we were treated to feasts of speaking at the highest level. Not only did the 2001 World Champion of Public Speaking, Darren LeCroix wow us and educate us with his tips on how to take our speaking to the next level, but we also had our two speaking contests - the International Speech and Evaluation contests. The speeches in the International Speech contest yet again raised the bar in terms of what our District can achieve. The eight contestants inspired, motivated and amused us in equal portions. The winner was Erick Rainey of Division E (pictured above) was the winner. In second place was Gayna Cooper from Division G. In third was Iain Upton from Division H. On the Sunday morning, our brave Evaluators took to the stage, despite several being spotted dancing into the small hours the night before. There were two shocks that morning. Firstly our target speaker, Sue Sander, came dressed in bright purple leg warmers! Secondly, four of the contestants went over time! However, we had three worthy winners. Jane Cameron of Division E (pictured) was the winner. In second was Caroline Edwards and in third was Laura McCracken. Congrats to everyone and to the team at Sligo for a great conference!

p. 6-7 Jason Peck shares his experiences of going to Toastmasters clubs in the Chicago area. He tells us of the lessons that clubs on both sides of the pond can learn from each other p. 8 Initial details to get in your diaries on the Dublin Inspire Conference p. 9 - 10 News from around the District p. 11-15 Keep up with leadership responsibilities and see who has already managed to achieve awards this year! This will be my last newsletter. I have greatly enjoyed putting this together this past year. Our new District PR Officer, Lucia Hughes, has exciting ideas for how she would like to continue improving it. Please continue to encourage her and provide ideas and input in the same way that you have with me this past year. I look forward to seeing you all soon. Freddie Daniells District 71 Public Relations Officer M: +44 7977 465983 E:

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And so to the end we go... “The final test of a leader is that he leaves behind him in other men the conviction and will to carry on.” (Walter J. Lippmann) And so we come to the end of our year. We look back on the plans we made and the objectives we set ourselves, our Clubs, our Areas and Divisions. We have met challenges along the way, learned things we may not have expected to, perhaps found skills and abilities we didn‟t know we had. By now all that‟s left is to ensure that the work our members have done is recognized, memberships and awards registered with World Headquarters and preparations made to hand over to our new committees and leaders so they can avail of the opportunity to learn and grow that we have enjoyed. I would ask all of you to review the objectives you set yourselves at the beginning of your term and make one final effort to see if there are any that can still be met. Recognising our members achievements is a vital part of the Toastmasters ethos and ensuring those achievements are registered with WHQ by June 30th ensures your Club, Area, Division and District continues to enjoy the success it has for many years.

I have been proud to serve as your District Governor in th this our 85 year and I would like to take the opportunity to thank your for your support throughout the year and indeed throughout my four years on the District Executive. Without the dedicated hard work of volunteer leaders like you this organisation could not continue to grow and prosper and give more people the opportunity to enjoy its benefits. I hope that I made some small difference in the District during my term and that I leave it just a little bit better than when I came in. I have one final request to make – do not “disappear”. The skills you have learned, the experience you have gained, can continue to be of value to this organisation for many years to come. Who knows you may take up a higher role in years to come. Even if you don‟t you have developed valuable skills and knowledge through your leadership roles that can be used at all levels within the organisation to benefit those who want to learn and grow as you have. Until we meet again - take care of yourselves, value your experience and continue to do all possible to help new and potential members to “find their voice”. “Slan agus Beannacht” Joe Gibbs D71 District Governor 2009-10 “Find Your Voice”

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Dear Leaders!

The District needs your help! We are targeted to achieve 427 CCs this year - we have reached 344!

We need

83 more CCs to remain a DISTINGUISHED DISTRICT! We have only 8 days to do this!

Can you help by registering your Competent Communicator? What a year we have had and so many of you have been able to „Find Your Voice‟ through meeting your goals this year. I challenged you to Set your Goals – Take Action to Make Them Happen – Register them with WHQ! In 2009 District 71 was ranked 9th in the World because we helped our members reach their goals through the Communication and Leadership programmes which Toastmasters provides. Poh Kim Siong, International Director, inspired us at the recent Sligo Conference to do all we can to help our members achieve their goals. By recognising their achievements immediately we are empowering and encouraging personal development and growth as well as maintaining a standard of EXCELLENCE within District 71. We have as of 18th June reached a grand total of 735. This is a fantastic achievement and I applaud all who have achieved their awards and those who have helped our members accomplish this task! Well done!

CC = 344 CL = 125

ACB = 90 ALB = 41

ACS = 32 ALS = 26

ACG = 25 DTM = 25


Well done to all and a special well done to our DTMs – you have accomplished the highest award you can achieve in Toastmaster International. Thank you for your dedication and leadership within District 71: Division A Mary Brassel Denis Heffernan

Division B Hilary Briggs Jane Campbell Gillian Cutts Keith Gautier Elizabeth Hobbs Himanshu Vora Carol West

Division C Anne-Marie Cooke Division D Joe Mernagh Division E Michael Clarke Oscar Merkx Marina O‟Callaghan

Division G Angus Galbraith John Morris Jim Robinson Constance Turner

Division H Meg Heyworth Andy Hammond Jacqui Hogan Linda Hooper Robert Nisbet Helen Quinn Trish Weller

Teresa Dukes, DTM, Lt Governor Education & Training

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A great year, yet more to do! In my Report, in early November, for the York Conference, I announced that the District 71 leaders, at every level, were working at a 'frantic pace', that they were seeing 'opportunities where none were seen before' and that 6 new clubs had already been Chartered. In that same report, I told you that there was no Toastmasters Club in Belfast, but that the teambuilding had started, that a central location had been identified and that detailed planning was in progress. Now, in the middle of June, I can tell you that I was not dreaming, and that my faith in the ability and determination of our leaders was not misplaced. Together, we have built 19 new clubs and there is the possibility that one or two Pre-Charter Clubs will Charter before June 30th. And, yes, Belfast has its first ever new club. While I would not normally mention the names of individuals in a Report, I am going to make an exception in the case of Belfast. Kerena Crowe and her team had the vision, the planning, the determination, the tenacity and the leadership skills to make this dream a reality. Finally, I must not forget to tell you that there is another new toastmasters club in Northern Ireland, namely, Newry. This brings the number of clubs in Northern Ireland to 5, namely, Belfast, Cookstown, Enniskillen, Hillsborough and Newry, which is a staggering

increase of 40% in one year. The flood gates have opened for Northern Ireland!! Divisions B, C, D E, F G and H have shown growth in the number of Chartered / Pre Charter Clubs. If I was looking for trends and for growth potential, I would make the following observations:1. There is a desire to rescue 'struggling' clubs. Club Coach numbers are up in the last 6 months. 2. Failing company clubs, due in part to the recession, can be rescued as community clubs. 3. There is an increase in the number of companies seeking leadership training for their staff. 4. There is huge potential in 'campus clubs'. My advise would be to focus on the post-grads. 5. Use your leadership roles to complete your own HPL or ALS 6. Be bold, be brave, as the prospects of failure are greatly outweighed by the learning / growth My thanks to all toastmasters in District 71, for the opportunity that you gave me to serve, and for the unstinting support I received, particularly as I settled into my role. A smile is worth a thousand words.

Jim Hegarty, Lt Governor Marketing

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Passing on the baton... As we come to the end of the year, your focus turns to how you can help the new incoming committee. Briefing your successor as VP PR is one of the most important things that you can do. Each club will have plenty of knowledge about different things that have worked in the past. It is critical that this gets passed on to your successor. A few things for you to be thinking about include: o o o


Have you set up a meeting with the new VP PR yet? If not, get in touch to get one set up. Are you in the process of updating your website to reflect the new committee? If you have had success with social media like facebook and twitter, have you passed on the passwords that they will need to continue your success? Hopefully over the past year you have built contacts that can be useful to the incoming committee. Have you introduced those contacts to the new VP PR?


Have you passed on the details to my successor, Lucia Hughes? As the new District PR Officer, she stands ready to help your successor with advice and resources. She will also be keen to get input from your successors on how best to build public relations for Areas, Divisions and Districts. Her email address is

I am sure that you have achieved much during the year. Of this you should be proud! However, it is normal to have things that perhaps you would have liked to have done but either due to time or circumstance were unable to do. These ideas are potentially great fodder for your successor as they struggle to think of ideas that they would like to do. Remember it is their choice whether they take that idea up. If you have already done these things then you have your club and successor a great service. Thank you for all your hard work this year. You have been part of a wonderful year of PR for our clubs and organization. Well done! Freddie Daniells, District 71 PR Officer

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Reviewing Toastmasters in the US from a District 71 perspective Jason Peck, formerly of Grosvenor Square Speakers, compares his experiences of going to Toastmasters in Chicago with that of clubs in District 71 I wanted to write about my experiences of Toastmasters in the U.S. compared with my experiences with it in the U.K. While the focus will be geared towards fellow Toastmasters, I will try to provide useful information for the non-member too. The great thing about Toastmasters is that essentially you can go pretty much to any meeting around the world and find like-minded people. Not only that, but there is also a lot of familiarity as the vast majority of roles are the same. So if you do go to a Toastmasters event in another city or country, like I did, then there is a sense of comfort in that public speaking culture. That said, I think Toastmasters in the U.S. can learn a few things from Toastmasters in the U.K. and vice versa. The picture I paint of Toastmasters here in Chicago, is based upon three different clubs that I‟ve been to and about a dozen meetings accumulatively across those clubs. One thing the U.S. clubs can learn from the U.K. is to tighten up some of the roles slightly. Here‟s what I mean; most of the meetings I‟ve been to, the Table Topics Master doesn‟t recruit potential speakers before the meeting begins. As a result the TT Master is often left at the front of the room asking for volunteers and people aren‟t forthcoming. There are numerous reason why volunteers aren‟t forthcoming, some members have speaking roles already in that meeting. While others in the room are guests and so their fear of public speaking could take over and prevent them from going up. Or they may just not be overly familiar with how Toastmasters operates and want to wait to see what the others do.

It always seems a struggle to get people to go up and speak. So the first thing the Toasties clubs in the U.S., specifically in Chicago, can learn is to have their Table Topics Masters speak to people BEFORE the meeting starts and encourage them to participate. That way not only will they have people to call upon, but that part of the meeting will flow more smoothly. Also, here in the U.S. the role of The General Evaluator often runs the second half of the meeting. In the U.K. the G.E. role is taken by a member from another club. When I first got to Chicago, I assumed that all the clubs work in the same way. So I tried to be a G.E. at a number of different clubs in order to evaluate them so that I can find the best one that I want to be a member of. Unfortunately, most of the clubs I contacted didn‟t use the G.E. role in the way that I was used to. Not only does the role not occur at the end of the meeting, but often they don‟t really provide feedback on the meeting. The G.E. roles in the U.S. seem to be there simply to introduce the prepared speech evaluators. I was G.E. at a club recently and discovered that evaluating the meeting is actually part of the role, as I thought it was, but often it doesn‟t seem to happen. I get the impression from the different clubs I‟ve been to, that they aren‟t that in love with receiving constructive criticism and moving forward in the development of the club. As a result, how can a club improve and develop?

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As far as I‟m aware they all use the points system as set down by Toasties International whereby a club can achieve a certain distinction based upon the amount of speaking manuals completed, etc. There‟s development in that respect, but it doesn‟t seem to be there in the development of the meeting and the effective use of the roles. Interestingly to note, reviewing the “About your Club” section in the CC manual, the role of the G.E. does introduce the leadership roles. Which means that in the main the Brits have this wrong too, as the G.E. often appears, God-Like, at the end of the meeting for their appraisal. But rarely, in the U.S., have I seen the role come from outside, or provide feedback on how the meeting runs. But by not utilizing the role of G.E. to its fullest extent, I really think that clubs miss out on being able to really develop and progress. Both the U.K. and U.S. can learn a valuable lesson here. So what specifically, can Toastmasters in the U.K. learn from their U.S. counterparts? Meeting length!! This is a really important factor I think. In the U.K. Toasties meetings frequently hit the two-hour mark. Some clubs go for two-and-a-quarter hours whilst others hit two-and-a-half hours.

This always puzzled me as I would look at the back of my Competent Communication manual and on p.63 (of my copy anyway) there‟s a sample meeting agenda that lasts for an hour! Now granted it only has room for two prepared speeches, but the club in Chicago I‟ve just joined, Lakeview Toastmasters, has 3 prepared speeches and still comes in at an hour and a half. It‟s much more acceptable. I think in the U.K. where we failed is by having a break. Sometimes we like to have a 10 minute break, which can stretch over to 15 minutes. In the U.S. they have no breaks. One thing I will say is that a lot of clubs here in Chicago are business clubs. So members have to get their meeting over with during their lunch breaks. Which means a shorter time-frame makes sense. But Lakeview is one of the few evening clubs and it manages 90 minutes. There was another evening club I went to that was on the shorter side too. The U.K. meetings really could do with speeding up. Two-and-a-quarter hours is just a bit ridiculous if I‟m honest as it begins to encroach on your evening. With an hour-and-a-half you can still go home early and eat. Or go to the pub and socialise like I do. For my new U.S. Toasties colleagues we really need to sort out the role of the Table Topics Master. For both the U.S. and the U.K you should take another look at the role of G.E. The U.S. needs to use more outside members and evaluate the meeting more and the U.K. needs to introduce the other leadership roles. The U.K. Toasties by itself needs to whip it‟s meeting length into shape!

Jason is an actor, comedian and speaker. He frequently blogs about speaking and other topics. You can read his thoughts at or contact him at

Honour the Hard Work and Success of Leaders in Your Club, Area or Division The Toastmasters Web site offers trophies and awards for year-end recognition and many other celebrations. Note: In the months of May and June, members can receive a 10% discount off any products in the "Awards & Recognition" section of the Product Guide or online store. Simply use the promotional code: AR0510 (Promo code not valid with any other offer).

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News from around the District

Toastmasters Summer Club Welcome to the only non-corporate toastmasters club that runs through July and August in Ireland. It is open to all members of toastmasters, no matter what club you are from, and it‟s designed for toastmaster addicts to get their summer fix of toastmasters. Whether you are looking for fun, or you are more serious and want to make speeches, or fulfil roles for your CL manual, you can come to our club Please note that we are not affiliated to any one club, so any speeches, roles and awards that you achieve are yours to take back to your own club when they re-start in the autumn. We plan to run weekly, and you are free to dip in and out of the meetings as you like. Guests are also very welcome – note that this will be your chance to see toastmasters in action during the summer. The details are below: Venue: Temple Bar Hotel, Dublin 2 Dates: Every Wednesday, starting July 7th. Time: 7pm-9pm Price: €5 per night Organisers: Eddie O'Hanlon, Karolina Gwinner, Peter Kieran Note: We also plan to have one of our meetings outdoors, weather permitting. Because we are looking to identify the number of people interested in attending the 1st meeting, please send your name to Eddie O‟Hanlon (email:, ring/text: 087 2941901). Let me know if you want to take part in a role for any of our meetings (e.g. toastmaster, topics master, speakers, evaluators, general evaluator, etc.) Website:

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So much more than club meetings... When I joined Toastmasters in January 2001, I really enjoyed attending my club and in particular the friendly, supportive atmosphere of the meetings. As the years have flown by and I have taken on various roles including Area and Division Governor, I realised that there is so much more to Toastmasters than I could have ever imagined. I have been challenged, encouraged and involved in a range of activities and have made many real friends along the way. But it is only over the past two months that I have fully understood the true value of the friendships and support networks that we enjoy in this wonderful organisation. Many of you will know that I did a fundraising trek in Nepal for the Prince‟s Trust last October. What you may not have realised is that I completed it despite serious problems with my hip (which I had tried to ignore for at least 10 years). On my return, I was in a great deal of pain and limping badly, so I finally plucked up the courage to go to an orthopaedic specialist. He took one look at the X-ray and pronounced that I desperately needed a major operation, which we scheduled for April this year. I have been fortunate enough to have had good health most of my life and it was quite terrifying to undergo this very serious operation which could have led to all sorts of complications. Fortunately all went well but I still faced several months of rehab, during which I was severely restricted in what I could do (very hard for a hyper-active control freak like myself!). The wonderful thing is that throughout this very difficult time, my Toastmaster friends have been unfailing in their kindness and support. A daily diet of emails, texts, phone and Skype calls have nourished me and buoyed me up, especially on those dark days when things didn‟t quite go according to plan. I was also thrilled to receive beautiful bouquets of flowers from both the clubs I attend regularly. And when I look through my address book I see that the majority of my friends are people I have met through Toastmasters over the last decade. I have had the pleasure of seeing the Toastmasters magic work for so many people – building confidence, raising self esteem and literally changing the lives of people of all ages. That is reward enough for my efforts. But to receive the encouragement, kindness and thoughtfulness that have been showered on me over the last few months has reinforced my view that there is so much more to Toastmasters than those wonderful club meetings!

Sandra Lawes CC ALS Member of West Herts Speakers and co-founder of Watford Speakers

Send in your articles We are trying out a broader range of articles in this newsletter. However, it is important that we still hear about the stori es of our members and clubs. Our members and clubs are the centrepiece of what we do. So, please email me articles with the stories about: o Members of your clubs putting their Toastmasters skills to use outside of Toastmasters o Great feats of club management that your club has achieved...good PR, how your new website or special event has helped you get new members, tips for how to do committee roles, indeed anything that would be interesting to other members o Ideas that your club has adopted that other clubs can learn from o Toastmaster‟s workshops that you have attended telling us what you have learnt o Indeed, anything! If in doubt, sent it through! If you have a finished article great, just drop me a mail at If you think there is something that we should include but aren‟t able to write an article then drop me a line anyhow and I can help too.

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Upcoming dates for D71 Officers Club Officers JUN

HOLD Committee meeting to plan the year and decide DCP targets ENSURE Club proxy sent to District Governor for TI Convention

ENSURE that club officer list is sent to WHQ online


Area Governors

Division Governors

CHECK WHQ to see which clubs need to ASSIST Area Governors in their register their new committee lists and assist first task – submitting new clubs in making this happen committees to WHQ START organising your Club Officer Training START organising your Division – find dates and venues that work for clubs Council – ring/email Area and book it to happen before the end of Governors – set up committee August meeting dates ENSURE that ALL clubs have registered their ASSIST Area Governors in their new committee lists and awards to WHQ by task of submitting new th 30 June committees and awards to WHQ ATTEND DISTRICT OFFICER TRAINING AT PORTLAOISE OR STANSTED


PLAN your first Club visits

CHECK Club Officer information is correct on the D71 site

RUN your COT training between 1st July and 31st August – each club to send a minimum of 4 officers. Encourage clubs to send all 7 officers ENTER your first COT date into the D71 on-line calendar ASAP At beginning of July Area and Division Governors to confirm and/or correct Club Officer data for inclusion in Directory 7-19th July Area and Division Governors check and correct club officer data on D71 on-line directory By 20th July enter your Area and Division Humorous Speech and Table Topics contest dates into the D71 on-line calendar Formatted data will be sent to David Macleod for inclusion in the printed directory by July 20th

PLAN dates for the Humorous Speech and Table Topics contest ORDER certificates and forms from WHQ for both contests


LOOK at membership in all clubs across AREA – MIN 20 – organise membership building plan ORGANISE demo meeting

REMIND Clubs about semi-annuals

NOTIFY members of semi-annuals for October


START collection of semi-annuals

SEND you list of COT officers trained per club to LGET SEND in your Club Visit reports to WHQ when completed District Directory is printed

ARRANGE dates and venue for Division and Area contests Hold your first Division Council meeting to lay out plans for the year

LOOK at membership in all clubs across Division – MIN 20 – organise membership building plans ASSIST Area Governors on semi-annuals CHECK your DPR reports on WHQ website CONFIRM all officer trained submissions have been sent to LGET REMIND Area Governors of their club visit reports

START publicising the District Conference


ENSURE semi-annuals have been submitted to WHQ by 30th Sept. DO NOT WAIT FOR LATE PAYERS

ENSURE semi-annuals have been sent to WHQ by 30th Sept

ASSIST with semi-annuals and MONITOR WHQ figures to ensure numbers are correctly represented HOLD Club level Hum and Table Topics START Area Humorous Speech and Topics START advertising Division Contests. SEND winners to Area Governor Contests Humorous and Topics Contests REMEMBER – all contest winners have to be fully paid up and a member in a club that is fully paid up and in good standing AT ALL LEVELS OF THE COMPETITIONS HOLD Demonstration meeting 29th SEPT is last date to email COT list to ENSURE that Division Council is LGET meeting their objectives SEND in your Club Visit reports to WHQ REMING Area Governors of their when competed Club Visit reports CONTINUE PUBLICISING THE DISTRICT CONFERENCE AND REGISTER IMMEDIATELY

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Educational Awards Each newsletter, we celebrate our members who have achieved their educational awards. As we come to the end of the year there are usually a surge of awards that come through. This year is no different. These are the awards for May and to June 18th. The letter in brackets after the club name is the Division that it belongs to. Congratulations to everyone who has achieved their awards. Hopefully many of you will go on to achieve many other awards in the Toastmaster curriculum. Well done from all the District team.

Competent Communicators S. Jane Hurd Alison Fey Coles Matt Simons Ronan P. McGuirk Emer Kelly Lily Miranda Caitriona Sheehan Zhenni Ma Brian Halpin Michael May Rosemary Irene Smyth Eric Haworth Leanne L. Marshall Giles Blessed Phil Heath Shane Snow Rosaleen Fadden Jean Sayers Judy Dyer Valerie M. Farrell Nick Smith Colin S Byrne George Hunter Philip Bradburn James Armitage Graham T. Archbold Gareth Ashton Gordon Williams Hilary E. Briggs Myra E. Heffernan Karl McEntegart Terry Ohle Bill Rafferty Amanda L Webb Mary Moynihan Declan Gibbons Lorna Burns Hugh T MacKenzie Paul Duggan John Ewens Deirdre Hynes Pathak Amit Mohanlal Margaret Sheehan Caroline Watson Patrick Creagh Alexandre Erler Kassim A. El-Maawiy Harry D Fish Samuel Komolafe Dele Ogun Jonathan David Muller Cormac Breslin Kevin McGinley John Hennessy Dan O'Neill Mark Ty-Wharton

York EbOrators (E) Newbury (H) Newbury (H) Dun Laoghaire (C) Failte (A) Broadgate in the City (B( MLP London Bridge (B) MLP London Bridge (B) Phoenix-Tara (C) Phoenix-Tara (C) Dun Laoghaire (C) Brighton & Hove (H) Croydon Communicators (H) Strictly Speaking Harrogate (E) Strictly Speaking Harrogate (E) London Business School (B) AthyClub (D) Speak Easy (A) East Midlands (E) Dun Laoghaire (C) Anglia Communicators (G) Carlow (D) Southside (E) Kent (H) Tullamore (F) Tunbridge Wells (H) Croydon Communicators (H) Enniskillen (F) St Pauls (B) Kinsale & District (A) Glasnevin (C) Engineers (C) Hillsborough (C) AthyClub (D) Speak Easy (A) Ennis (F) Harrovians (G) Tunbridge Wells (H) VOX POPULI (C) Kent (H) The Speakers of Croydon (H) Harrovians (G) Galway (F) London Cardinals (B) Drogheda (C) Oxford (E) Tube Talk (B) Camberley (H) The Speakers of Croydon (H) Early Bird (B) Early Bird (B) Fingal (C) Dublin (C) Dublin (C) VOX POPULI (C) North Bucks (G)

Peter Kelly Anne Maria Burke J J McEntegart May Glancy Amel Lachichi Iain Hutchison Dawn Caroline Rowlatt Donovan, Adrian Terry Byrne Yvonne M. Jordan Claudia Strauss Ian Read Sean M Roche K P McGuinness Jim M McGuire Bela Patel Jonathan Kim Reeves Eileen Grehan Glenn Brandon Quinn Tina Chugani Edward John Kennedy Max Eames Mike Thomas Mari Thomas Phillip Bate Jocelyn Cathalin Monika Jazwinska Margaret Scully Dawn Marilyn Smedley Hugh O'Malley June Hughes Trevor Jones Mary Madden John McDonald Fiona Dawson Vauna Beauvais James Steven Burke Fidelma Greene Aki Akiwumi Neil Lockhart Araba Amonoo Michael Hummel Michael Rickwood Anthony Gerard Power Suzanne Dunne Willie Doyle Jeanette Claire Wilson John Neil Tunstall Carol Ann M Casey Mary Maura Ruddy Padraig J. O'Mahony James Trevor Oliver Dorothy Margison Ian A. Calder Derval Mccormack Oonagh Carroll

Greystones (C) Bray (C) Castleknock (C) Enniskillen (F) Isis (E) Watford Speakers & Leaders (G) County Communicators (H) Waterford (D) Gorey (D) Enniscorthy (D) VOX POPULI (C) Speak Easy at Martlesham (G) Fermoy (A) Enniscorthy (D) Nenagh (F) WIBF (B) Berkhamsted (G) Bray (C) Tullamore (F) WIBF (B) Kilkenny (D) London Olympian (B) SpeakEasy Roscommon (F) SpeakEasy Roscommon (F) Northavon (E) Killarney (A) Polish Your Polish (B) Killarney (A) Eastbourne (H) Swords (C) Brandon (G) Chelmsford (G) Limerick (F) Innisfree (F)

Speakeasy@Credit Suisse (B) East Midlands (E) Epsom (H) Swords (C) The Speakers of Croydon (H) The Speakers of Croydon (H) London Olympian (B) Woking Speakers (H) A1 Speakers (E) Nenagh (F) Clonmel (D) Wicklow (C) East Midlands (E) Solent (H) Engineers (C) Fingal (C) Clonakilty (A) Canary Wharf Communicators (B) Eastbourne (H) Vale (G) Corrib (F) Lucan (C)

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Jacqui B. Hogan Jim Copeland Michael Crozier Felix Kaufmann Cecilia Carelse Kieran Peter Wymberry Bill Quinn Stephen Murphy Peter O'Sullivan Matthew Pearlman Miriam Knibbe Dennis Pender Ger Crotty Ray Heffernan Seamus Devitt Dorothy Hickey Nuala Jackson Tony Barrett John A. Sherry Margaret Ahearne Paul Adams Mairead M. Dillon

Chiltern (H) Lucan (C) Hillsborough (C) MLP London Bridge (B) Tramore (D) Tramore (D) Didsbury (E) Shannon (F) Beara (A) London Corinthians (B) London Cardinals (B) Shannon (F) D. L. S. Communicators (D) D. L. S. Communicators (D) Malahide (C) Malahide (C) Lucan (C) Bray (C) SPA (E) Kilrush & District (F) London Communicators (B) Greystones (C)

Jane Louise Evans Deirdre McInerney Nina Cirana Gerard P. O'Leary Joey O'Leary Douglas B Brown Brian Skelton Colin Friedland John Muirhead Vathani Navasothy Josephine Ryan Ola Obadina Kenneth A Adjei Mary Niamh Horgan Brigid A McGrath Shane Cassells Susan A Ryan Trini McGowan A V Tutschek Tom Fenwick-Brown Sylvia Lanz Elena Cengher

Clonmel (D) Clonakilty (A) Elder Gate (G) Kinsale & District (A) Kinsale & District (A) York EbOrators (E) Chelmsford (G) HOD (G) Didsbury (E) Croydon Communicators (H) Thurles (D) City of London (B) City of London (B) Slainte (A) Slainte (A) Hellfire (C) Hellfire (C) Thomond (F) Northavon (E) A1 (E) Chelmsford (G) Citi Criers (B)

Kenneth A Adjei Iain Hutchison Susan McQueen Hauser Simone Pedro Casillas Phil Heath Aoife Duke Dermot Collins Patricia O'Connell Geoff Hughes James Armitage Sonya Burrows Ann Gibson Brian Skelton Michael Collins Claire M. Dollard David Scott Angle Stephen Crosbie Celine Pasty Irene Bradshaw Damian G. Smith Barry F. Rix Sean Corcoran Ola Obadina June Hughes Mary Ryan Penelope Taylor Margaret McGuire Colette Grant Kenneth A Adjei Iain Hutchison Susan McQueen Hauser Simone Pedro Casillas Phil Heath Aoife Duke Dermot Collins Patricia O'Connell Geoff Hughes James Armitage Sonya Burrows Ann Gibson Brian Skelton Michael Collins Claire M. Dollard David Scott Angle

City of London (B) Watford Speakers & Leaders (G) Strictly Speaking Harrogate (E) London Communicators (B) Grosvenor Square (B) Strictly Speaking Harrogate (E) Thomond (F) Wicklow (C) Limerick (F) Brandon (G) Tullamore (F) Speak Easy at Martlesham (G) Swords (C) Chelmsford (G) Raheen (F) Limerick (F) East Midlands (E) Swords (C) Berkeley Square (B) Berkeley Square (B) Epsom (H) Chelmsford (G) Speak Easy (A) City of London (B) Brandon (G) Cashel (D) Heart of England (E) Nenagh (F) Lucan (C) City of London (B) Watford Speakers & Leaders (G) Strictly Speaking Harrogate (E) London Communicators (B) Grosvenor Square (B) Strictly Speaking Harrogate (E) Thomond (F) Wicklow (C) Limerick (F) Brandon (G) Tullamore (F) Speak Easy at Martlesham (G) Swords (C) Chelmsford (G) Raheen (F) Limerick (F) East Midlands (E)

Competent Leaders Mary Madden Conor McNally Alma Holohan Sue Kennedy Jennifer E. Betts Frank Dempsey Barbara M. Moynihan Philip Gladwell Ray Wilton E J Redwood-Sawyer Bridie Corrigan Anne Marie Allen Marie Kennedy Paul Duggan Eddie O'Hanlon Myra Geater Rogers, Ferial Evan Pemma Fox Vincent Smith Daniel Gavigan Estelle Latimer John Muirhead Declan Wynne Carmel Wynne Muireann Boland Sean Oman Catherine Desson Margaret Ahearne Bernie Tubridy Stephen Kelly Charles Hannon Mary Madden Conor McNally Alma Holohan Sue Kennedy Jennifer E. Betts Frank Dempsey Barbara M. Moynihan Philip Gladwell Ray Wilton E J Redwood-Sawyer Bridie Corrigan Anne Marie Allen Marie Kennedy Paul Duggan Eddie O'Hanlon

Limerick (F) Glasgow (E) Kilkenny (D) Riverside Communicators (B) Riverside Communicators (B) Dun Laoghaire (C) Dun Laoghaire (C) Newbury (H) Newbury (H) Tube Talk (B) AthyClub (D) AthyClub (D) Kilkenny (D) VOX POPULI (C) Dublin (C) Vodafone (H) Ipswich Electrifiers (G) London Corinthians (B) Drogheda (C) Navan (C) Enniskillen (F) Didsbury (E) Drogheda (C) Engineers (C) Malahide (C) Malahide (C) Citi Criers (B) Kilrush & District (F) Kilrush & District (F) Kilrush & District (F) West Limerick (A) Limerick (F) Glasgow (E) Kilkenny (D) Riverside Communicators (B) Riverside Communicators (B) Dun Laoghaire (C) Dun Laoghaire (C) Newbury (H) Newbury (H) Tube Talk (B) AthyClub (D) AthyClub (D) Kilkenny (D) VOX POPULI (C) Dublin (C)

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Myra Geater Rogers, Ferial Evan Pemma Fox Vincent Smith Daniel Gavigan Estelle Latimer John Muirhead Declan Wynne Carmel Wynne Muireann Boland Sean Oman Catherine Desson Margaret Ahearne Bernie Tubridy

Vodafone (H) Ipswich Electrifiers (G) London Corinthians (B) Drogheda (C) Navan (C) Enniskillen (F) Didsbury (E) Drogheda (C) Engineers (C) Malahide (C) Malahide (C) Citi Criers (B) Kilrush & District (F) Kilrush & District (F)

Stephen Crosbie Celine Pasty Irene Bradshaw Damian G. Smith Barry F. Rix Sean Corcoran Ola Obadina June Hughes Mary Ryan Penelope Taylor Margaret McGuire Colette Grant Stephen Kelly Charles Hannon

Swords (C) Berkeley Square (B) Berkeley Square (B) Epsom (H) Chelmsford (G) Speak Easy (A) City of London (B) Brandon (G) Cashel (D) Heart of England (E) Nenagh (F) Lucan (C) Kilrush & District (F) West Limerick (A)

Advanced Awards Jacqueline Purcell Des Bergin Anne Halpin Gerry Devine Fintan Mullally Jane Liburd Barbara M. Moynihan Trisha Page Susan Jane Cocks Patrick Duggan Marcella Jude Portbury Gavin Meikle Euphemia J. Redwood-Sawyer Marie Dobbin Vincent Smith Zanya Dahl Frankie Gahan Alan D Donegan Yun Cheung Wong Michelle L Reid Richard Stacey Wayde Duncan-Smith Grace O'Sullivan Patricia O'Reilly Marian Harnett Donal Jones Steve Thomas Colin Byford Susan Sander Lynne Cantor Derbhile Mairead Dromey Kerena Crowe Margaret D. O'Flynn Edward O'Mahony Kathleen Power Andrew A Kirk Chandra Shekhar Nyalapogula Jon Woodford Philip Walsh Pamela McCarthy Christopher S. Jolly Mike Kavanagh Pat Cowley Gerry French Jennifer Mills Lynn Gregory Trish Weller Elizabeth Hobbs Marina D. O'Callaghan David William Frederick Logan Sean Dwan Joseph Coleman Ian G. Mathews Paul Ovington

Grosvenor Square (B) Clondalkin (C) Dungarvan (D) Kilkenny (D) Clondalkin (C) Tube Talk (B) Dun Laoghaire (C) Elder Gate (G) Epsom (H) Speak Easy (A) Longford (F) Solent (H) Tube Talk (B) WIBF - City (B) Drogheda (C) Hellfire (C) Kent (H) Camberley (H) MLP London Bridge (B) Oxford (E) Early Bird (B) Early Bird (B) Beara (A) Drogheda (C) West Limerick (A) Failte (A) Bray (C) Greystones (C) Articulate (G) WIBF - City (B) Waterford (D) Hillsborough (C) Talking Heads (A) Glanmire (A) Tullamore (F) Bishopstown (A) Northavon (E) Mullingar (F) Galway (F) Glasnevin (C) West London (B) Chiltern (H) Tara (C) Fingal (C) Newbury (H) York EbOrators (E) Windsor (H) Tube Talk (B) Bicester Achievers (E) Hillsborough (C) Nenagh (F) Killaloe/Ballina (F) Carlow (D) Oxford (E)


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Graham D. Frost Raymond Ryan Nick Corish Ann Dinneen Celine Slattery Paul Egan Avril Stringer Chris Howell Linda Fagan Joseph O'Broin Mary Murtagh Damian G. Smith Patricia O'Connell Eddie O'Hanlon David J. Langworthy John Muirhead James Neilan Gary Sander Lucia Hughes Belinda King Dec Cluskey Paul Ovington Deepa Srinivas Tracey Lyn Walker Ann Venetia Nunn Carol West Elizabeth Hobbs Joe Mernagh Gary Sander Margaret O'Regan Mary Murtagh Joe Mernagh Patrick Foley Peter F. Kieran Gary Sander Julie Brosnan Carol West Graham D. Frost Jane Sheehan Elizabeth Hobbs Elizabeth Brosnan Joseph Coleman

Anglia Communicators (G) Speak Easy (A) Malahide (C) Clonakilty (A) Tralee (A) Fingal (C) Linlithgow (E) Lewisham (H) Lucan (C) Society (C) Raheen (F) Epsom (H) Thomond (F) Iarnrod Eireann (C) The Speakers of Croydon (H) Didsbury (E) Wicklow (C) Brandon (G) Carlow (D) Aylesbury (G) Eastbourne (H) Oxford (E) WIBF (B) Anglia Communicators (G) Speak Easy at Martlesham (G) London Corinthians (B) Tube Talk (B) Tramore (D) Articulate (G) Speak Easy (A) Raheen (F) Tramore (D) Thurles (D) Iarnrod Eireann (C) Brandon (G) Ennis (F) Excalibur (B) Huntingdonshire (G) Killarney (A) Tube Talk (B) Tralee (A) Killaloe/Ballina (F)


Distinguished Toastmaster We would also like to wish a particularly huge round of applause to our members who have achieved the highest award possible within Toastmasters – The Distinguished Toastmasters award. A big well done! Joe Mernagh Carol West Elizabeth Hobbs Trish Weller Marina D. O'Callaghan

Tramore (D) London Corinthians (B) Tube Talk (B) Windsor (H) Bicester Achievers (E)

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