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Communicator & Leader Making a difference - to the individual, the club AND the community!

Sep 2006 Club 933295 District 71 Division H Area 14 Pre-Charter

Diary Dates 5 Oct Speechcraft

12 Oct Speechcraft

19 Oct Speechcraft

26 Oct Speechcraft

2 Nov Normal Meeting

9 Nov

From the President... Welcome to the first edition of the Communicator & Leader! Congratulations to all of you who are participating in the Speechcraft workshop. You’re half-way through the course and should you wish to continue as a member of CCL until 1 April 2007, the club will give you plenty of opportunities to use what you have learned and stretch your abilities, your creativity, your resourcefulness and, most importantly, your enjoyment! It will be challenging but rewarding. We want to know all about your achievements, your accomplishments, and your fearless feats so we can support, mentor, and encourage you to better skills and more ability. Please let us know so we can share your successes with you! CCL is a club devoted to making a difference - to the individual, the club AND the community. There are many opportunities that await but it will take your continued participation to create an dynamic atmosphere and a friendly environment in which we can all grow our communication and leadership skills. It can’t be done by one person... it will take all of us to make a difference... learn through doing... grow through changing.

Normal Meeting

16 Nov Normal Meeting

23 Nov

I’m delighted you’ve decided to join a club where the mission is to provide a mutually supportive and positive learning environment in which every member has the opportunity to develop communication and leadership skills, which in turn foster self-confidence and personal growth.

Normal Meeting

30 Nov Special Meeting

7 Dec Normal Meeting

14 Dec

“Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises.” Demosthenes

Special Meeting

Club Officers President Jean Hamilton-Fford, CC presccl@yahoo.co.uk Vice President-Education TBD cclvpe@yahoo.co.uk Vice President-Membership TBD cclvpm@yahoo.co.uk Vice President-Public Relations TBD cclvppr@yahoo.co.uk Treasurer Mark Bell, CC (temporary) ccltreas@yahoo.co.uk Secretary Mandy Worrall cclsec@yahoo.co.uk Sergeant at Arms TBD cclsaa@yahoo.co.uk Immediate Past President N/A

Together, we can...

“Working together, ordinary people can perform extraordinary feats. They can push things that come into their hands a little higher up, a little further on towards the heights of excellence.” Anonymous

Warmest regards Jean Hamilton-Fford, CC

Opportunities for Leadership... Would you like the opportunity to shape the future of CCL? Would you like to be involved in the processes of leadership required to make the club as efficient and easy for everyone who wants to play a part? We have several opportunities open! Take a look at the menu bar on the left. Currently, we have the bare basics of officer structure to help the club function but we could really use your help. The Officer roles and the Ad Hoc roles (on the next page) are listed in the membership handbook. There is a job description included and there is an organisational chart to help you understand how the roles work together to support every aspect of the club. The one role that everyone fills is listed on page 9 of the membership handbook is the role of Club Member/Ambassador. Have a look at the description, think about how you would like to demonstrate ambassadorship and go for it! If you’re interested in filling an Officer role or an Ad Hoc role, in the first instance, please talk to the President of the club, Jean, who will also be doing the role of VPE until someone volunteers to learn what is needed.

We Meet

Our first committee official committee meeting will be the second half of our 1st meeting in January 2007. By that time, it is hoped that all Officer roles will be filled and Ad Hoc roles will be undertaken as well.

Every Thursday evening, 7 for 7:30pm until 9:30pm at St Michaels Church Hall, London Road, Camberley GU15 3JP.

We have a lot of effort ahead of us to make this pre-charter club a fully fledged Toastmaster club. We can do it if we work together to accomplish what needs to be achieved...to be able to charter, we must have at least 20 members, 3 of which can be dual members. Filling the opportunities available will give us 11 members. Having an additional 9-12 members will add to the enthusiasm, the enjoyment and the challenges we all share as members of Camberley Communicators & Leaders.

The names “Toastmasters International,” “Toastmasters” and the Toastmasters International emblem are trademarks protected in the United States, Canada and other countries where Toastmasters clubs exist. Unauthorized use is prohibited.

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Communicator & Leader (contd)

Ad Hoc Roles Mentorship Manager TBD cclmentor@yahoo.co.uk Leadership Manager TBD cclleader@yahoo.co.uk Marketing Manager TBD cclmktg@yahoo.co.uk Social Manager TBD cclsocial@yahoo.co.uk Webmaster TBD cclweb@yahoo.co.uk The Most Important Role of all...

Club Member Ambassador


Ten Commandments for Changing the World

Toastmasters Promise 1) To attend meetings regularly 2) To prepare all my speeches to the best of my ability, basing them on projects in the Competent Communicator manual or the Advanced Communication and Leadership programs and manuals 3) To prepare for and fulfill meeting assignments 4) To provide fellow members with helpful, constructive evaluations 5) To help the club maintain the positive, friendly environment necessary for all members to learn and grow 6) To serve my club as a club officer when called upon to do so 7) To treat my fellow club members and our guests with respect and courtesy 8) To bring guests to club meetings so they can see the benefits Toastmaster’s membership offers 9) To adhere to the guidelines and rules for all Toastmasters educational and recognition programs 10) To maintain honest and highly ethical standards during the conduct of all Toastmasters activities. “ Promise a lot and give even more.” Anthony J D’Angelo

MEMBER OATH We, the members of Camberley Communicators & Leaders, Pledge to support you in your quest for self-development, To provide you with positive, helpful evaluations, To maintain a friendly, supportive atmosphere, To give you opportunities to help others, And to make sure your membership Is a rewarding and fulfilling experience.

Angela Bischoff & Tooker Gomberg

1) You Gotta Believe Have hope, passion & confidence that valuable change can and does happen because individuals take bold initiative.

“The people and circumstances around me do not make me what I am, they reveal who I am.” Laura Schlessinger

2) Challenge Authority Don’t be afraid to question authority. Authority should be earned, not appointed. You don’t have to be an expert to have a valuable opinion or to speak out on an issue.



3) Know the System The system perpetuates itself. Use the tools you have to get to know the system, the players and how decisions are made. The internet to access WHQ information, manuals and literature, online forums, SKYPE, the telephone...

4) Take Action Do something - anything is better than nothing. Start small, but think big. Be flexible. Roll with the punches and allow yourself to change tactics mid-stream. Think laterally.

It is definitely heart-felt when I express my gratitude to Mark Bell and the Reading Speakers Club. Mark is not only our personal sponsor, but the club is our Club Sponsor. What this means is that the Club and Mark will be watching over our club for six months or until we charter or both! They will help where they can and the Club is donating a month’s rent to the club to keep us going. It becomes quite evident, quite quickly that new clubs were not meant to be started and supported by a single individual. That is, without a doubt, the case. There have been so many individuals (Toastmasters) all over the world who have offered encouragement, ideas, advice and good wishes for the success of CCL. Reading Speakers Club is an overt example of the enthusiasm and good will to be found! They aren’t alone! Watch this space as, over the coming months, I reveal others who have been so willing to support and encourage.

The names “Toastmasters International,” “Toastmasters” and the Toastmasters International emblem are trademarks protected in the United States, Canada and other countries where Toastmasters clubs exist. Unauthorized use is prohibited.

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Communicator & Leader (contd) Basic Skills - A Word about Reading... PLEASE READ! Many Toastmasters believe the basic skill for anyone considering becoming a member of Toastmasters is to have a voice that can be developed to speak to a wide range of audiences. Beyond that, a bit of chutzpah, a bit of initiative, a large dose of fearlessness and a willingness to learn through evaluation and trial and error as well as to participate in every aspect possible. The one skill many leave out is the ability to read and to comprehend what is being read to apply it and transfer the information intelligently and coherently to club affairs, expectations, criteria for project speeches and leadership challenges and to do it in a spirit of correct interpretation.

Ten Commandments contd. 5) Use the Media Letters to the Editor of your local newspaper are read by thousands. Stage a dramatic event and invite the media they love an event that gives them an interesting angle or good photo. Bypass the mainstream media with email and the world wide web to get the word out and to network.

6) Build Alliances Seek out your common allies such as other community associations, seniors, youth groups, businesses, etc. and work with them to establish support. Network ideas, expertise and issues through email lists. Celebrate your successes with others.

It would seem that Toastmasters worldwide believe that, since we are a speaking organisation, information will be imparted verbally; that we will be told what we need to do, when we need to do it, how we need to do it, where we need to do it and how, when where and what to apply as feedback, evaluation, judging and all the little parts and roles that play out over an evening. I would challenge you to READ. Read everything you can from every resource you can. The reason - by relying on other people to ‘tell’ you everything, you rely on their interpretation which can lead to misinformation, misjudged interpretation and bias. Don’t rely on others to do what you can do for yourself... READ. If you aren’t READing, you are doing a disservice to yourself, your club and anyone you ‘impart’ information to as well. This is not to say that questions can’t be asked, that decisions can’t be challenged and that the leaders of your club shouldn’t be held accountable for the direction the club takes. Ask questions by all means!!! Challenge decisions!! Hold your leadership accountable! The only caveat: be sure you take an active role in your club to vote for your leadership or become a leader yourself. Show others by the example you set, don’t ‘tell’ them. READ!!!

Monthly, Weekly, Daily, Unknown, Crazy, Bizarre, Silly Holiday Observances


7) Apply Constant Pressure Persevere! Be as creative as possible in getting your perspective heard. Use the media, phone your politicians, send letters and faxes with graphics and images. Be concise. Stay in their faces.


Adopt a Shelter Dog Month Billiard Awareness Month Celebrate Sun Dried Tomatoes Month Celiac Sprue Awareness Month Children’s Magazine Month Church Safety & Security Month 8) Teach Alternatives Class Reunion Month Propose and articulate intelligent Gay & Lesbian History Month alternatives to the status quo. Halloween Safety Month Inspire people with well thought Health Literacy Month out, attractive visions of how things International Starman Month can be better. Do your homework, International Strategic Planning Month get the word out, create visual Long Term Care Planning Month representations. Be positive and Lupus Awareness Month hopeful. Positive Attitude Month Rett Syndrome Awareness Month 9) Learn from Mistakes Right Brainers Rule! Month You're gonna make mistakes; we Self-Promotion Month all do. Critique - in a positive way Spinach lovers Month yourself and the club. What works, Talk about Prescriptions Month and why? What isn't working? Vegetarian Month Wishbones for Pets Month 10) Take Care of Yourself Women’s Small Business Month and Each Other Workplace Politics Month Maintain balance. Eat well and get Weekly regular exercise. Avoid burn-out by 1-7 Mental Illness Awareness Week delegating tasks, sharing responsibility, and maintaining an 1-7 Mystery Series Week 1-7 Nuclear Medicine Week open process. Be sensitive to your 1-7 Squirrel Appreciation Week comrades. Have fun. As much as possible, surround yourself with 1-7 Universal Children’s Week others (both at work and at play) 2-8 Financial Planning Week who share your vision so you can 2-8 Spinning & Weaving Week build camaraderie, solidarity and 2-9 No Salt Week support. Enjoy yourself, and 3-7 Customer Service Week nourish your sense of humor.

4-10 World Space Week 6-12 Physicians Assistant Week 8-15 Emergency Nurses Week 8-15 Fire Prevention Week 8-15 Home-Based Business Week 15-21 Get the World to Beat a Path to Your Door Week 15-21 International Credit Union Week 15-21 Teen Read Week 15-21 YMCA Week without Violence 16-22 Freedom from Bullies at Work Week 16-22 World Rainforest Week 22-28 Kids Care Week 22-28 Pastoral Care Week 22-28 Synergy Week International 23-27 Celebrate Job Loss Week 23-29 Give Wildlife a Break Week 23-29 The Magic of Differences Week 24-30 Disarmament Week 25-31 International Magic Week

16 World Food Day 18 World Menopause Day 19 Evaluate Your Life Day 21 Sweetest Day 22 International Stuttering Awareness Day 27 Cranky Co-workers Day 28 Make a Difference Day 29 Internet Day 30 Create a Great Funeral Day 30 Zero Tasking Day 31 Samhain 31 Scare a Friend Day Not all events are listed. For more information see: http://www.brownielocks.com


Daily 1 Intergeneration Day 1 World Vegetarian Day 2 Child Health Day 2 World Habitat Day 5 World Teachers Day 6 Mad Hatter Day 6 World Smile Day 7 International Frugal Fun Day 9 World Post Day 10 World Mental Health Day 11 Emergency Nurses Day 12 International Moment of Frustration Scream Day 13 International Skeptics Day 14 Be Bald & Be Free Day

The names “Toastmasters International,” “Toastmasters” and the Toastmasters International emblem are trademarks protected in the United States, Canada and other countries where Toastmasters clubs exist. Unauthorized use is prohibited.

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Communicator & Leader (contd) Are You Prepared? How do you prepare for a speech? Bob Freel, DTM, has been kind enough to share a method called ‘Scripting’ to use to prepare effectively and with the greatest impact any speech you may be accomplishing. Here’s how it works. Step 1: Write your speech. It doesn’t matter how big it is. Go ahead and write your speech.

I Want to Learn... Eto be calm even when I am around people who seem anxious and nervous. Eto have courage even when I can smell the scent of fear on others around me. Eto be truthful and open with people, even when I am dealing with people who keep me at arms length. Eto smile and enjoy life, even when others whine and complain about some things that have the significance of a gnat. Eto be patient with people, who may just now be thinking through an issue that I have been thinking about for a long time. What do you want to learn??? Email Jean and it will go in the next newsletter. We’re on the WEB at


Step 2: Once you’ve written your speech, give it a rest... Put it aside for a week or two and then go back and revisit it. Cut out ambiguous language, redundant language, add more descriptive phrases, words and colour, really polish it up giving it a good editorial. We speak between 125 to 150 wpm and think at 600wpm that is why descriptive word pictures are of vital importance. Step 3: Say your speech out loud. Note words you have difficulty pronouncing, words that when said - colour the message differently than you intend and edit them out. Keep your language and your message simple. Step 4: Go back and cut your speech in half. Build in time for pausing, for laughter, for movement, for body and facial expressions, for handling props, etc. Step 5: Put it back together and say it out loud again - leaving the room necessary for everything in step 4. 867 Words (rev 6) 34 Sec/ Pauses 10 Sec in Laughs 867/6.5 = 132 WPM

I will email anyone who asks the pdf of Bob’s speech in Scripting form for you to get a better understanding of the effectiveness of this.

· Standing on stool. Cross arms cold shiver. 1. The bone chilling wind whipped the snow down the mountain Hands cover cheeks. 2. and blasted his face like sand in a hot desert wind. Point up over audience. 3. I see you Mount Everest! 4. Standing there <1 count pause> ·

Why are you a member of Toastmasters and/or CCL? “I am a member of Toastmasters first and foremost because I enjoy it! I’ve never thought of myself as a ‘bad’ speaker, but neither have I seen myself as a particularly ‘good’ one. When I first started looking into public speaking, I had envisioned some sort of classroom led scenario which would build my competence, but probably not my confidence (I didn’t think I needed it to be honest). What put me off the college evening courses type approach was really the cost. It was very high, for a very short ‘term’ of classes, and they couldn’t actually tell me how often, or how much speaking I would need to do. A friend suggested Toastmasters (although he had never been), so I looked them up. On my first meeting I volunteered to do a Table Topics presentation, and was invited to talk about ‘Statistics’ for 2 minutes (with no preparation time at all). My heart pounding and my palms sweating, I walked to the lectern and proceeded to give one quote about statistics before my mind went blank! I recovered, after a fashion, and went on to talk about bus lanes! I did actually link it to the subject, but only by claiming that bus lanes are justified by statistics, and would probably one day be justified away through the same means. This took about 90 seconds, and I still have no idea whether it has any bearing in fact or not. I decided there and then to join Toastmasters as it was obvious that, even if nothing else was valuable, the impromptu speaking skills it would help me develop would be extremely useful! Since then, I’ve been proved correct on this time after time, and have enjoyed my first year immensely. I have participated in just about every aspect of the club. I’ve delivered speeches on such diverse subjects as ‘Superman’ and ‘Juggling’, as well as more work related (for me) topics such as ‘Goal Setting’ and ‘Finding the Slight Edge’; I have taken part in numerous table topic sessions, some easy, some hard, ALL valuable; I’ve listened to some great speakers, made some good friends, and had a lot of fun. I’m still not sure that I’m a ‘good’ speaker, but I’ve definitely improved in both competence AND confidence. Toastmasters has helped me grow as a speaker, a leader, and as a person, and I now advocate it to anyone, whenever the opportunity arises!” - Mark Bell, CC

The names “Toastmasters International,” “Toastmasters” and the Toastmasters International emblem are trademarks protected in the United States, Canada and other countries where Toastmasters clubs exist. Unauthorized use is prohibited.

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