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Toastmasters International District 71 District Conference Guide Contents ITEM


Contents Introduction Objectives Responsibilities Dates Organising Committee Venue Accommodation Timetable Education Sessions Council Meeting Contests: Humorous & International Speech Table Topics & Evaluation Banquet Hall of Fame Publicity

Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Appendix 3 Appendix 4 Appendix 5 Appendix 6

Check List Finance Booking Form Receipt Booking Record Seating Plan

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Toastmasters International District 71 Guidelines Introduction So your club is thinking of hosting the District Conference.

Firstly, thank you for all the effort you will be putting into this important District event.

Secondly, to help your Club and the District, here are some guidelines to set out the particular responsibilities for each section of the Conference, so that you will know whom to rely on for help, forms, information and personnel. Thirdly, your main contact for this event is the current District Governor, who should be consulted throughout the planning and organization of the Conference. Good planning and success to your deliberations.


Long Range Planning Group, comprising Meryll Coe, John Earnshaw, Ken Norman, Norman Rhodes and Ted Corcoran, who would like to thank all those who made contributions. May 1993 Updated and computerised February 1997 by Meryll Coe.

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Objectives. The purpose of the District Conference is to: a. b. c. d. e.

Conduct business at the District Council Meeting. Elect District Officers - spring Present District Awards - Autumn (Hall of Fame). Conduct District Contests - International Speech & Evaluation in spring, Humorous & Table Topics in autumn. Provide Educational Opportunities in which Toastmasters can participate, whilst having an enjoyable time.

Responsibilities Your Club will be responsible for: -

• • • • •

Venue and Accommodation Food and Drink Social activities Personnel Financial success (See Appendix 1)

District Executive will be responsible for: • Council Meeting • Elections Awards – basic only, Clubs often fund mementos for: • Contests • Educational Sessions The Conference Director has overall responsibility for ensuring the smooth running of the conference, i.e. that everyone is where they should be with what they should have, at the right time of day.

Dates. The District must hold two conferences each year – 1 in spring and 1 in autumn. Alternate years the conferences are in the same country. i.e. 2000 Both Spring and autumn were in Ireland 2001 Both Spring and autumn were in the UK 2002 Both Spring and autumn were in Ireland 2003 Both spring and autumn were in the UK, and so on. The ideal time to hold the Spring Conference is in early May, and for the Autumn Conference in early to Mid November. When checking Hotel availability, consideration should be given to: a) b)

Hotels put up their rates in the ‘summer’ months. Travelling is also more expensive then, and at Bank Holidays, when seats are scarce as well.

Page 3

Organising Committee. This is essential, and should ideally be separate from the Club Committee. It should be in regular contact with, and accountable to the Club Committee, as the Club is responsible to the District Executive for the organization of the Conference. The composition will vary from time to time, according to needs, but should include, as a minimum, the following: a) Conference Director b) Booking Secretary c) Treasurer d) Contest Organiser e) Public Relations Officer f) District Governor or representative (ex officio) Where possible, members should have had previous experience of a District Conference.

Venue. Minimum Facilities: Friday Evening: Saturday:

1 room for the Dinner/Buffet and Social, to hold at least 100. • • • •


• •

a) b) c) d) e) f) g)

2 to 3 rooms to hold approximately 50 each for the education sessions. 1 larger room to hold approximately 100 for the Council Meeting. 1 very large room to hold 150 +/- in the autumn, 200/300 in the spring for the contests and Dinner Dance. 1 small anteroom for the Judges Briefing and Counting of Ballots. 1 large room to hold at least 100/150 for, in the spring the Evaluation contest, and in the autumn the Hall of fame. 1 small room for possible District Executive meeting after the Conference has finished.

Negotiate with the Hotel for the best deal possible, whilst retaining good value for money. Food need not be exotic, but members do appreciate good quality. Travel to and from the hotel should be considered, as the more difficult this is, the fewer may attend. If a courtesy Coach from the Hotel to the Airport is not available, arranging for a minibus may be a good idea. Outings – if possible, some sort of alternative attraction for partners is desirable, but not essential – especially if the Hotel has good facilities of its own. The numbers and rooms will vary according to the events being organized, so keep in touch with the District Executive. A Conference Registration Desk will be needed away from the Hotel Reception Desk. Page 4

Accommodation. This should be available in the Conference Hotel, with the option of lower cost Bed and Breakfast for those who wish it.

Timetable. This will depend on current needs and should be based, in the first instance, on the previous years programmes. The Friday evening is a fairly stable format, but it may be more relevant to look at Saturday and Sunday as a series of time blocks and then consider how to piece them together.


Registration Credentials Desk

3.00 p.m. to 10.30 p.m.

Opening Ceremony

8.00 p.m.


8.30 p.m.


9.30 p.m. on

Saturday. Registration Credentials Desk Education Sessions Either

10.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m.

(Suggested Times) a) 2 at 9.30 a.m. for 30 minutes each b) 2 at 10.15 a.m. for 30 minutes each Or 2 sessions 2 at 9.30 a.m. for one hour each Council Meeting 11.15 a.m. for up to two hours Lunch (if provided) 1.30 p.m. for up to 45 minutes Contests (1 speaker from each Division) – (Suggested times) Briefings 2.30 p.m. (Allow ½ hour) Speech Contests 3.00 p.m. (Allow 1.1/2 hours) Table Topic Contest 4.30 p.m. (Allow ¾ hour) – (Nov only) Evaluation Contest 4.30 p.m. (Allow 1 hour) – (May only) 4 sessions

Banquet Reception Dinner Toasts and Speeches Dancing


Notes. a) b) c) d) e) f) g)

(Suggested Times) 7.30 p.m. (Allow ½ hour) 8.00 p.m. (Allow 1 ½ hours) 9.30 p.m. (Allow ½ hour) 10.00 p.m. on

Education Sessions 2 at 9.30 a.m. for 45 minutes each. Hall of Fame (Autumn Conference) 11.15 a.m. (Or Possibly Evaluation Contest in Spring) Hand over Flags and Close 12.30 p.m.

The programme should not be published until the District Governor and Executive Committee have approved it. The Council Meeting should not be scheduled with a simultaneous event, i.e. educational sessions, and should be programmed for maximum attendance (i.e. late morning or afternoon) The timing of the Dinner is often dependant on how long it will take to change the room settings, and how long it will take to serve the meal. Time should never be taken away from contests. Bar extensions may be needed and should be requested in good time. Allow sufficient time between events for room changes. Each event will need its own Sergeant at Arms (S at A) to be responsible for layout of chairs, tables and other equipment as required. Page 5

Education Sessions. The Lieutenant Governor Education and Training (LGET) will be ultimately responsible for these, and may have a theme, or a series of subjects to be covered. Therefore, the programme should not be published without approval of the LGET. However, you may be asked to assist the LGET, in which case it is worth remembering that, to ensure that members gain as much as possible from these sessions, it is important that they are: a) b) c) d)

Of a high quality. Balanced to reflect the diverse nature of the District. Run on time. Not given over to non-toastmasters. In special cases one ‘professional’ speaker may be acceptable, but not more than one. e) Time is allowed between sessions for changeovers. f) It would also help the presenters, if in advance: 1) They are notified of their inclusion on the programme as soon as possible 2) The time allocated to them is clearly stated. 3) Their position on the programme is clearly stated. 4) They are notified as to which member of the club (i.e. Chairperson for that session) will be introducing them, and put in touch with that member. 5) They are notified of the equipment available at the venue. It is possible that they will prefer to bring their own (if so, what is it, and is it compatible with the hotel’s). 6) They are asked if they will require someone to set up and run any such equipment 7) That they layout of the room is confirmed with the presenter. On the day there will need to be an S at A to ensure that all the Presenters requirements are met.

Council Meeting. This is the responsibility of the District Governor and Secretary. They will provide all the agenda, minutes, voting slips, etc. However an S at A should introduce the DG, and counters should be available to collect/count votes, in case they are needed. Notes. a) b)

Presidents and District Officers should be reminded to bring and wear medal/ribbons of office. Suitable fittings will be needed to hang the District and Club Banners, and to hold the District Flags.

Page 6

Contests. Humorous and International Speech Contests. This format is suitable for both contests. The time allowed should be 1 hour 40 minutes for the current 1 speaker from 5 Divisions. The time allowed should be 1 hour 55 minutes for 1 speaker from 6 Divisions The time allowed should be 2 hours 10 minutes for 1 speaker from 7 Divisions. Programme. The S at A introduces TM for the contest. Welcome, introduction of officials, format for the contest: Contest: speaker Chief Judge and Counters retire for count: Interview of Contestants, or alternative: Thank you’s as appropriate and presentation to Contestants: DG

5 minutes allow 10 minutes per allow 15 minutes allow 15 minutes allow 10 minutes (TM Conference

Director) allow 5 minutes (TM)

Close: Notes. a) b) c)

d) e) f) g) h) i)

The rules as laid down in the Speech Contest Rule Book (Cat No 1171) apply, along with the Judging Criteria adopted by the Spring Council of 1992. Once the timetable has been set, it must be adhered to. The Contestants must not be kept waiting, or rushed through proper recognition of their achievements. To ensure a fair draw for the speaking order, the following is recommended: Speakers names are put into one bowl, and numbered paper into another. The Contest Chairperson draws out a name and that speaker draws out a number for their order of speaking. This system ensures random choice and suits all contests. The Room and any PA System being used should be available to all Contestants before the Contest, for them to try out the acoustics and decide on the layout that will be best for them. At this time the Speaking Area should be defined. Although a recognised seating area for Contestants should be available, they may sit where they choose as long as the Chairperson is aware of their location. The S at A is responsible for ensuring that each Speaker’s requirements are met, before they are called upon to speak, and may also be responsible for attaching microphones if they are to be used. It is best to have a qualified Sound Technician to operate the PA system, if one is being hired for the event. Hotel systems are not always suitable for our use. It is helpful to have someone to pass the certificates, trophies and mementos to those making the presentations. Any queries should be taken up with the LGET.

N.B. If any of the two Contests are being run together (i.e. Topics followed by Humorous Speech Contest) or (International Speech followed by the Evaluation Contest), then the interviewing, thank you’s and presentations can be carried out at the end of both contests. Page 7

Evaluation Contest. The time allotted should be one hour 15 minutes (5 speakers) 1 hour 20 minutes (6 speakers) and one hour 30 minutes (7 speakers). Programme. The S at A introduces TM for the contest. Welcome, introduction of officials, and format for the Contest5 minutes Contest Speech to be evaluated (5-7 minutes): allow 10 minutes Evaluators retire to write up notes (5 minutes): allow 7 minutes Evaluations: allow 5 minutes per speaker Chief Judge and Counters retire for count: allow 15 minutes Interview of Contestants, or alternative: allow 15 minutes Thank you’s as appropriate and presentation to Contestants: - allow 2 minutes per speaker (TM DG Conference Director) Close: allow 5 minutes (TM) Notes: In addition to those already mentioned under Humorous and International Speech Contest, the following should be considered: a) The Speaker to be evaluated should not be a member of the same Club as any of the Contestants. b) The Contestants should be seated, where they wish, before the rest of the audience. c) A separate room, with an S at A in attendance, will be needed for the Contestants to write up their notes. This should have tables and chairs, but could be a quiet corner of a larger room, providing that it is private. d) Any queries should be taken up with the LGET.

Table Topics Contest. The time allotted should be one hour 15 minutes (5 speakers) 1 hour 20 minutes (6 speakers) and one hour 30 minutes (7 speakers).

Programme. The S at A introduces TM for the contest. Welcome, introduction of officials, and format for the Contest 5 minutes Contest: allow 5 minutes per speaker Chief Judge and Counters retire for count: allow 15 minutes Interview of Contestants, or alternative: allow 15 minutes Thank you’s as appropriate and presentation to Contestants: - allow 2 minutes per speaker (TM DG Conference Director) Close: allow 5 minutes (TM) Notes: In addition to those already mention previously these should be considered for the Table Topics Contest. a) The Topic will be selected by the District Executive and given to the TM before the contest. b) The subject must be kept confidential until announced to each speaker before they come to the lectern. c) A room, with an attendant S at A, will be needed away from the Main Auditorium where the Contestants can wait without danger of accidentally hearing the topic. d) The topic should be introduced in much the same way as a speech title, i.e. the speakers name, the topic, the topic, and lastly the speaker’s name.

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Banquet. This format would suit either autumn or Spring Conferences.

Programme. S at A to introduce those sitting at Top Table (optional, but Traditional) S at A introduces Host President Welcome: 5 minutes (Host President) Grace/Invocation: S at A or other member Host Club Dinner Toasts: - Irish President, The Queen, TI (+Any other as appropriate) Members of the District Executive Acknowledgement of Helpers Host President Acknowledgement of Host Club District Governor Announcement of break for 15 minutes S at A Dancing if included Notes: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h)

Do check with the Hotel as to how long they will take to serve the number of guests coming, so that the start and finish can be accurately set. Stick to the timetable, especially if a Contest is part of the Programme. If cuts are needed, they should be made in the inter round comments, introductions, and vote of thanks. Time must not be taken off the contest. The TM and S at A should watch the time and warn the Caterers, President, or DG is more speed and cuts are needed, whatever the programme of events. Where possible a Top Table should be included for the Host President, the DG and other Distinguished Guests. (See Appendix 6) Where there are guests from WHQ (e.g. International President) then there is a set protocol, which we are expected to follow. A copy of this is sent to the DG, who will then be able to advise your club in good time of any special requirements. It will help considerably with the timing of the event if the DG is consulted beforehand as to the time to be taken over the after dinner speeches and presentations. If there are presentations to be made, then it helps if there is someone to pass them to the person making the presentation. If there are any queries then the DG should be consulted about them.

Hall of Fame. This takes place at the Autumn Conference (usually on the Sunday morning) and recognises Members achievements of the previous year. The room should allow for 50 to 100 people. The time allocated should be 1 hour.

Programme. The S at A introduces TM (The current DG) Introduction of the Past Divisional Governor Address of thanks Announcement of categories and clubs Presentation of Awards

Closing Remarks

DG IPDG LGM + one other IPDG


Note: All programmes, certificates, ribbons etc, will be provided by the IPDG, although the provision of matching covers to tone in with the theme of the weekend is a good idea.

Page 9

Publicity. This is a great opportunity for you to gain publicity for your Club, Area, Division and District. The local newspaper, radio and television should be primed as to when and where the Conference and Contests are taking place. They may not send anyone, but on the other hand if they know about it they might. Arrangements should be made for photographs to be taken, of the Contest winners and other highlights, for onward transmission to the media, and District together with a suitable write up. Do remember that newspapers tend to prefer black and white photographs to colour. It may be that you would like to capture the Contests, or indeed the whole weekend on film. This can be expensive, and usually needs to be undertaken by a professional; otherwise reproduction is of poor quality. But if you are able to arrange for the filming of videoing of the Contests, it can be a valuable educational tool for those thinking of entering in the future, or as an example of the standard to which we should be aspiring.

Check List. There follows on the next pages a checklist of who does/provides what and when. This is by no means all that you will need, so if you think of anything else that may help the Conference to run smoothly, please, contact the DG to discuss it, and allocate responsibility for carrying it out. As mentioned at the beginning, this is the DISTRICT CONFERENCE and the last word on what happens and when MUST remain with the District Governor. On behalf of the District and all those who will attend the Conference that You will be organising thank you very much.

Page 10

Appendix 1. Role / Equipment Friday Registration Programme of weekend events Credentials (vote) Registration TME for Social Saturday – Education Sessions Chairperson for each room/session Speakers / Presenters Lights and stopwatch Timekeeper Flip Chart / OHP / Projector Lectern Water and Glasses Seating S at A to check arrangements and move / run equipment Council Meeting Secretary Chief Counter Counters Lights and stopwatch Timekeeper Lecterns – 1 top table – 2 floor with microphones Flip chart, OHP, projector Water and glasses Seating Minutes of last District Council Meeting + Agenda + Officer Reports S at A to see to seating and set out papers Contests S at A to set stage for the contestants Doorkeepers TM for Contest Speaker for Evaluation Contest Lights (not visible to audience) Stopwatch and timekeeper Lectern PA System – fully checked Counters Chief Judge Judges

Conference Checklist. How Many


2 1 per delegate 1 1

Club Club District LGM Club

1 As Applicable 1 for each room 1 per room At speakers request 1 per room 1 per room To speakers request 1 per room

Club LGET Club Club Club Club Club in liaison with hotel Club in liaison with hotel Club

1 1 2 1 1 3

District Secretary District Governor Club Club Club Club in liaison with Hotel

At request DG 1 set Theatre style with Top Table 1 per delegate

Club in liaison with Hotel Club in liaison with Hotel Club in liaison with Hotel


District Governor and District Secretary Club

1 1 per door 1 1 1 1 of each 1 1 2 at least 1 2 / 3 per Division

Club Club Club Club Club Club Club Club Club District LGET District LGET

Page 11

Checklist (continued) Role / Equipment Judge – Tiebreaker Judging Ballot Forms Forms for Counters and Timekeepers Biographical information forms Eligibility certificate Spares of above in case needed Trophies – per contest Certificates and folders Souvenir of occasion (optional) Regaining of perpetual trophies from last winners Programme for each contest Banquet TM for event Lectern/Lights/Stopwatch/Timekeeper Speakers as appropriate Programme of event S at A to ensure layout and hand trophies etc. Hall of Fame Programme showing who has won and in what category Ribbons Certificates and folders plaques from previous winners DCP – Highest Score Cup for TM of Year Certificates/Trophy for TM of Year AG of Year DG of Year etc S at A to help with sorting/passing items to IPDG TM for event

How Many 1 1 per Judge + 1 per person per contest 1 per contestant 1 per contestant 1 per contestant 1 for each of top 3 1 per contestant 1 per contestant 1 for Humorous, 1 for International, 1 per delegate

Responsibility Chief Judge District LGET District LGET District LGET District LGET District LGET District Governor and Treasurer District LGET District LGET / Club District LGET

1 per delegate


1 As required by DG ?? 1 per delegate 1

Club Club Club Club & District Governor Club

1 per delegate


As required As required


1 1 1 of each






In addition Photographer 1 Club Video/Audio Recorder 1 Club Banner/Flag holders 1 for each Club (Banners should be on display at the Council, Contest, Dinner, where possible. The District, Host Club banners and District Flags should be on display at all times.) N.B. It is worth remembering that Parcel Orders from WHQ can take a while to arrive. Also any engraving of souvenirs and printing of programmes can take time too. Page 12

Appendix 2

Finance Previous Conference Packages.


Tralee Nov 02 €200

London Xxxxxxxxx May 03 £180

A. Full weekend 2 nights B & B in Hotel, Friday buffet, contests, Sat Banquet, Education Sessions, Sunday morning events B. As for A but no accommodation €100 C. Half Weekend €130 1 night B & B in Hotel, contests, Sat Banquet, Education Sessions, Sunday morning events. D. All Day Saturday €65 No accommodation, Saturday contests, education sessions, banquet. E. Saturday Day Events only €35 F. Banquet only €35 G. Competitions only €7 H. Optional Tour Sat morning Free Note: Prices will vary from Hotel to Hotel depending on their own particular situation/policy towards such events. Whereas members understand that some price rises are necessary every effort should be made to negotiate the best possible deal for the weekend without too great a rise in cost or lowering standards. It is essential that Members feel that they have had value for money. Saturday Lunch can pose a problem, as some Hotels will charge over the odds for this. However before excluding it, notice should be taken of whether lunch would be available at other outlets inside or outside the Hotel within the time scale available to Members.

What to Budget for. As a minimum: • Printing/photocopying • Folders • Menus for Saturday Banquet • Special I.D’s for Host Club • Booking forms/receipts As extras: • Wine for Top Table/all tables • Sherry Reception or similar

Postage/Telephone Programmes of Weekends Events Programmes for Contests Band/Disco Programme covers for Hall of Fame Gifts for Contestants Upgraded Menu

Discounts: Recently Clubs have tried giving discounts to Members who book early, but it is fair to say that most bookings come in during the last two weeks before the Conference.

Page 13

Finance (Continued) Profit Should you, as the Host Club, find yourselves, not only having broken even financially but in the marvellous position of having made a handsome profit, what should you do with it? This could happen for several reasons. The main one being that bookings are many more than expected, also the Hotel may agree to charge less for some services when they realize that the Conference will fill the Hotel for the weekend. The Club may benefit from such a profit. However as profits do come from fellow Toastmasters, the Club may feel that it would like to recognise their support of the event in some way. In which case a donation to the District would be appropriate. Sponsorship This is a wonderful way to underwrite the event, but does represent a lot of hard work for the Members of the Organising Committee. There is some debate as to whether Clubs should use their time seeking such. However, those who have taken the trouble to organise some sponsorship do vouch for the small, or larger amount of security it gives. Booking A comprehensive system and a reliable Booking Secretary are essential. One of the commonest causes of loss is due to inaccurate records of who has booked which package and whether they have paid. Appendix 3 Appendix 4 Appendix 5

gives some idea of the information that you will need to give on a Booking Form and some idea of the information that you will need from Members making a booking. is a pro-forma receipt, which can be sent to the Member to clarify and record their booking, and the amount paid and to pay. is a pro-forma booking record for use by the Booking Secretary.

Where contests are being held separately from lunches and dinners, then it may be prudent to make a small charge for attending, and to issue tickets. This would ensure that you spread the cost of the weekend evenly over those attending, and also that you know how many will be present. Numbers of people in the rooms are crucial for insurance and fireregulations, and failure to comply may result in problems. The amount charged would be in the region 5-10 pounds (8-15 Euro) per head, unless room hire charges make it necessary to charge more. Recently a system of coloured badges for delegates has been used fairly successfully. The colour of the badge indicating which events the Member is entitled to attend, and making individual tickets for the event unnecessary. Value for Money. This is what most Members are looking for, and it is up to the Club Conference Committee to maintain accepted standards without too great an increase in costs.

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Appendix 3.

Booking Form

Booking Forms have changed a great deal since the advent of the PC, and it is quite common now that instead of having all the paperwork printed that a Member of the Organising Committee will be prepared to run up something on their PC which can then be photocopied quite inexpensively. The following is a suggestion as to what information to give, and what you will need in return. Information to give. Hotel: Packages: -

Name and exact address. How to get there, i.e. which airport is it near, which motorways etc. If possible a small map of the location. A – Whole Weekend 2 nights B & B in the Hotel (Friday and Saturday) Includes all events – Friday evening, Saturday Education Sessions, Council, Contests, Banquet and Sunday morning. Includes all meals booked with the Hotel. Friday buffet, Saturday Breakfast, (lunch?!) and Banquet, Sunday Breakfast (and possibly lunch as well) B – Whole Weekend (as above) Without Accommodation C – Half Weekend 1 night B & B in the Hotel (Saturday) Includes events – Saturday Education Sessions, Council, Contests, Banquet and Sunday morning. Includes all meals booked with the Hotel. Saturday, (lunch?!) and Banquet, Sunday Breakfast (and possibly lunch as well) D – Saturday All Day No accommodation Includes events – Saturday Education Sessions, Council, Contests, and Banquet. Includes Saturday (lunch?!) and Banquet. E – Conference only Includes all events on Saturday – Education Sessions, Council and Contests. Includes Saturday lunch if booked with Hotel. F – Banquet only

Notes: 1. The above is a guide only, and your committee will need to decide exactly what will be in each of the packages offered to Members depending on the situation of the Hotel and availability of services. 2. What is included in each package should be clearly stated, especially as regards Saturday and Sunday lunches. 3. The cost of each package should be quite clear, also in which currency to be sent in. 4. Be prepared for the Member who will require a different package. 5. Be prepared for Members with special requirements, i.e. vegetarians, and those requiring to be near lifts.

Page 15

Booking Form (continued) Information that you will need. The following is a suggestion only as to how and what you might put into a Booking Form. Please Print Name

Telephone No

Address E-mail No

Club Name

If you are an Officer

Club No

Please state Office held

I wish to book package [ ] for [ ] persons

I would prefer to Share/not to share/a non smoking room (delete as applicable)

Costing …………. Per package Total cost ………………..Enclosed I wish to book No… Saturday and/or Sunday Lunch costing. …………(Only if these are not included in the overall packages. Total extra amount enclosed………………….. Name of accompanying person Name

Please state if you have any special needs, particularly dietary

Address (if different from above) Total Sum enclosed…………………….. Club No if a TM………….. And Office if held………………….. Name, address, telephone no. and e-mail address of Booking Secretary

Page 16

Appendix 4

Pro-forma Receipt

Dear…………. Thank you very much for your booking. I have great pleasure in confirming that the following reservation has been made for you: Package ……. For …………. Persons That you will be sharing with………………….. Payment received of ……………………..£ Sterling / € Euro (as required) Balance to pay of …………. Before (enter date by which you would like final payment) On behalf of our Conference Director and Organising Committee I hope that you will have a very enjoyable weekend and look forward to seeing you on ………………. (Enter date that the member will arrive on) Yours sincerely,

Appendix 5 Name


Brown, John Smith, Jane

Pro-forma Booking Record Package

Friday Buffet

Education Sessions

Saturday Lunch

Contest Table Topics Y

Saturday Banquet

Sunday Events

Paid £/€

To Pay


Contest Humorou s Speech Y





















Notes: a)


This format can be adapted to suit the events that will be run for your Conference, and provides a handy record to back up any computerized records that you may be keeping. It also provides running totals to pass on to the Hotel so that they are kept up to date with the booking situation as far as rooms and meals are concerned. It is also best in a landscape format.

Page 17

Appendix 6.

Top-Table Seating

Procession A procession enables suitable recognition to be made of those guests and District Officials sitting at the Top Table. The Members should be lined up in reverse order of seniority outside the Dining Room whilst everyone else takes their seats. Once all the other tables are seated, those sitting at the Top Table are introduced by the TM of the evening and shown to their seats by the S at A, beginning with the Host President, and then the Junior Members of the Executive and finishing with the District Governor. Priority The Members should be seated around the Host President, alternately to the right and left, beginning with the District Governor on the right hand. Obviously the size of the table limits the exact numbers, and allowances have to be made for those Officers bringing a partner so that the partner can sit by them. The following is the recommended priority for those sitting at the Top Table: • • • • • • • •

Host President District Governor Lt. Governor Education and Training Lt. Governor Marketing District Public Relations Officer Immediate Past District Governor District Secretary District Treasurer

Seating Plan. Usually it is only the Top Table, which has a definite seating plan, other Members seating themselves with whom and where they wish. To help with this it is useful to have a plan of how the tables will be situated for the evening, and how many places at each table on display, so that Members can choose their places during Friday and Saturday. This saves a lot of last minute confusion. Alternately you may wish to designate one table for each Division and/or Area Governor attending. This would allow them to recognise their Presidents and Distinguished Guests from their Division/Area by inviting them to sit at that table. If in any doubt about the seating arrangements, the do contact the District Governor to discuss the problem.

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Revised Feb 2003

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