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Minutes of Council Meeting Spring Conference 2007 Portsmouth Marriott Hotel, Southampton Road, Portsmouth, UK

10.30 am, Saturday 12th May 2007 1. Call to order by Nick Benning, District Governor. 1a. Invocation by Richard Thorne. 1b. The District Mission read by Craig Newman. 1c. Introduction of Top Table: Gary Sander DTM, Lt Gov Marketing; Joe Gibbs, Public Relations Officer; Teresa Dukes ACS ALS, Secretary; Nick Benning DTM, District Governor; Cecil Kirk, Parliamentarian; Mary Murtagh DTM, Lt Gov Education and Training; Glen Vaughan, Treasurer. 1d. Introduction of Past District Governors: David Thompson, Angus Galbraith, Mike Silverman and Norman Rhodes. 1e. No official apologies received. After the official meeting Jane Cameron informed us that Judith Malan and Brian Crocket had sent their apologies.

2. Adoption of Agenda Sufficient notice of the Council Meeting having been given, a motion that the agenda be adopted was proposed by Roman Klimczak, Area 35 Governor; seconded by Anita Jackson, President of Canary Wharf Communicators.

3. Report of the Credentials committee Cecil Kirk presented the report of the Credentials Committee and informed the Council that 176 clubs were eligible to participate thereby giving a quorum (1/3) of 59 and other eligible persons of 53. There was a possible 164 votes plus 31 making a total of 195 possible votes. There was a majority of 98. Appointment of Tellers - Tellers appointed on the day by Cecil Kirk and agreed by the Council were: Samantha Babister, David West, Sean Brady and Aine Reillly.

4. Minutes of Autumn Conference meeting 11th November 2006 - District Governor Nick Benning asked for acceptance of the minutes. Proposed by Roger Crews and seconded by Adrienne Crowe, the minutes were accepted.

4a. Matters arising from the Minutes There were no matters arising.

5. Realignment of Clubs in the District Division D realignment motion to provide for a new Area. Proposed by Lucia Hughes, Division D Governor; seconded by Peter Farrelly, Area 29 Governor. Motion voted on and agreed by District Council. Division E realignment motion to provide for a new Area. Proposed by Jane Cameron, Division E Governor; seconded by Phil Heath, Area 15 Governor. Motion voted on and agreed by District Council.

6. Nomination and Election of Officers for Posts 2007-2008 A report of the activities of the Nomination Committee was given by Lynda Molloy, Immediate Past District 71 Governor, on behalf of herself as Chair and the rest of the committee: Andrew Klimaytys, Angus Galbraith, Martyn Tilson, Marina Gallagher, Sean Brady and Paul Cantwell. Nick Benning gave his appreciation for the work carried out by the committee. Bob Nisbet was appointed Timer for the candidates’ speeches.

7. Election of Officers for Posts 2007-2008 The following candidates were elected: Division A Division B Division C Division D Division E Division F Division G Division H

Frank Donaldson Dick Dixon John Earle Fidelma Collins Judith Malan Ronnie Gillanders Dave McNaughter Leslie Wells

District Governor Lt Gov Education and Training Lt Gov Marketing Lt Gov PRO

Mary Murtagh Gary Sander Joe Gibbs Teresa Dukes

8. Treasurer’s Report – Delivered by Glen Vaughan. Questions raised following the report are listed below: Q: Adrienne Crowe: Travel balance seems very close already at the 6 month point to our budgeted amount. So what about the next 6 months? A: Glen explained the travel budget is $6,000 for each 6month period. Overall budget for the year is $12,000.


Q: Sandra Lawes: 1) why have we cut budget into 2 equal halves when things start slowly and then ramp up?; 2) why is ¼ held back? A: 1) HQ cover their financials in 6 monthly periods in this way; 2) the ¼ held back is set aside as contingency. Q: Mary Gethins - what is the policy on supporting speech contests? A: Nick Benning explained that the District does not support the contests – Clubs/Areas/Divisions have to be self sufficient when holding contests. Q: Mary Gethins - Marketing – What is happening with the policy on the marketing budget? A: Gary Sander explained $18,000 is used for new clubs, membership re-growth, troubled clubs. Q: Phil Heath – Why haven’t we spent any more than $2,000 to date on marketing since we need to market Toastmasters? A: Gary explained again that the marketing budget is set up so proposals could be sent to Lt Gov Marketing requesting assistance with marketing and PR on new clubs, membership re-growth, and troubled clubs below the 20 membership mark. Q: Jim Robinson – Is it possible to have audits on a quarterly basis? A: Nick Benning explained that the semi-annual audit requirements are set by HQ. Q: Andrew Klimaytys – proposed we should report to our district a more user friendly version of the budgets with a more up-to-date report even if it were unaudited. A: Nick stated this proposal would be considered in time for the Treasurer’s report at the next conference. Q: Angela Lansbury – you have a budget you can give to us for starting new clubs. Can you clarify what this is for? A: Nick Benning explained that the District is not allowed to pay for Charter fees but money for marketing and public relations is available to help with new clubs, troubled clubs and membership re-growth. Q: Camilla Allwood – can we have a simple set of guidelines for what amount is available for marketing? A: Nick Benning explained that £80, or its euro equivalent, is paid out for each request accompanied with a business plan outline. The mid-year Audit, District Budget and Treasurer’s Report were approved. Proposed by Andrew Klimaytys, Riverside Communicators; seconded by Bob Nisbet, Guildford.

9. Reports of Division Governors Written reports from District Officers were included in the Council pack. All officers also presented reports verbally. Division A Division B Division C Division D Division E Division F Division G Division H

Sean Corcoran Pedro Casillas Bob Gilbert Lucia Hughes Jane Cameron Geraldine Smith Kay Federico Jacqui Hogan

Lt Gov PRO Lt Gov Marketing Lt Gov Education and Training District Governor

Joe Gibbs Gary Sander Mary Murtagh Nick Benning

10. Presentation of bids for future conferences • Lucia Hughes, Division D Governor, presented a bid for 3 clubs in Division D to host the District Conference in Autumn 2008. Put to the vote and unanimously approved, but District Executive reserves the right to evaluate more thoroughly the detailed bid when it is produced.

11. Any Other Business • MOTIONS on YOUTH LEADERSHIP PROGRAMME - Proposed: Maura Kiely, President of Clonmel; seconded by Alan O’Flynn, Clonmel. 1.

That District 71 put forward a motion to Toastmasters International that a club that conducts a Youth Leadership programme should have this counted as an alternative (optional) goal as part of the DCP programme.


That District 71 do more to promote the Youth Leadership programme to the clubs in the District and encourage clubs to participate.


That District 71 put forward a motion to Toastmasters International that conducting the Youth Leadership programme is similar to founding a new club and that conducting a minimum of ten Youth Leadership programmes, verified by the Principal of the school(s) where it was held, should count toward the requirement for founding a club that is necessary to achieve a DTM.

Sue Warner highlighted that the New Youth Leadership manuals are coming out and urged everyone to take advantage of them. She suggested holding some of these materials in the district to save clubs having to order from the USA.


It was agreed by the proposer Maura Kiely that all three motions be noted and not voted upon.

MOTIONS on VICE-PRESIDENT LEADERSHIP and EDUCATION SPEECHES - Proposed: Seamus Gallagher (Area 12 Governor); seconded by Jim Hegarty –Thomond club. 1 Vice-President Leadership That this district recommends to Toastmasters International that a new Officer of Vice President Leadership be included in the recognised list of Official Club Officers. 2 Education Speeches Now that the Old Competent Leader Award is on its last season it is necessary that Toastmasters International consider another mechanism in order that we continue to have Educational Speeches in our Clubs. The Education Speeches are an essential element for the education of new members and the ongoing development of existing members. The Old Competent Leader Award ensured that Officers of the club used such Educational speeches, from the Successful Club Series, in order to achieve their award.

Regarding motion 1: John Evans endorsed it. Samantha Babister suggested that a Mentorship role should be recognised. Sandra Lawes agreed with it. Jean Hamilton-Fford suggested you allow the VPE to keep track via web or other means, but members need to take control of their own progress and inform the VPE of progress. Regarding motion 2: Deirdre O’Brien pointed out that educational presentations were part of the Advanced Leadership awards; Seamus agreed but was concerned that due to the new Competent Leader award being pushed many people were not doing these presentations and that it would take time to catch up. A vote was taken on motion 1 which was carried. It was agreed by the proposer Seamus Gallagher that motion 2 be noted and not voted upon.

MOTION ON PROCESS OF NOMINATING AND APPOINTING AREA GOVERNORS Craig Newman asked for clarity on the way Area Governors are appointed. Cecil Kirk quoted from the bylaws explaining the general procedure. Craig proposed that the incoming District Executive take on board laying out more clearly the process for Area Governor candidates being considered and appointed. Mary Murtagh, incoming District Governor, agreed to look at this and report back whereupon Craig agreed not to put a motion to the vote.

Autumn 2007 Conference - Update from Jo Haskins cancelled due to lack of time, to be covered in a presentation after the speech contest in the afternoon.

Spring 2008 Conference - Update given by Frank O’Sullivan (President elect, Killarney) on the Killarney conference proposal.

12. Adjournment - There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:58 to be reconvened at the Spring Conference in Harrogate.


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