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The Knowledgebase

The Knowledgebase – KnowledgeMap (table of contents)

Knowlegebase Example page – Area Governor reports

The On­line Directory

Contact anyone in the District personally by phone, Skype or e­mail Guests use this too!

Send Mass Mail (or print labels)

Contact selected groups of people in the District/Division/Area within your responsibility Select the Divison or Area and click on (Division) or (Area) Mail Tick the recipients, enter a subject and message and press the ‘E­mail’ button Wait for the list of valid and invalid recipients. (May also print address labels using the bottom section of this screen) Knowledgebase article:

Editing the Directory for a Club/Area/Division

Log in and select the correct Club/Area/Division Select Club Data>Club Officers from the menu (after 1st July) Sample above shows pop­up to locate a username To find them enter their firstname, or family name or (part of) the address or… If you need to add someone, use the ‘add user’ button or ask Kit or Malcolm to do it. Click on the edit icon (scissors) to change the person’s contact information. (Clubs using easy­Speak must enter their own officers) Knowledgebase article: 2007­8 officers will show prior to 1st July – click on the link to work with 2008­9 officers

Division and Area ‘Welcome’ and News

‘Welcome’ message and News items display for all clubs in the Division or Area

How to Create or Edit your own Content

Log in and open your Division or Area discussion forum Create or Edit a Welcome or News item Knowledgebase article:

Select the ‘posting type’ to make this a news or welcome page item Save it

Club Officer Training

A summary of all Club Officer Training will be on­line. All officers from relevant clubs receive e­mail invitations and may book attendance. Agenda and name badges may be printed if required. Automatic report to LGET. Attendance at alternate training is covered. Knowledgebase article:

Division and Area Contests A summary of all Division and Area Contests will be on­line (similar to above). All officers from relevant clubs can receive e­mail invitations. Any user may book attendance. Agenda and name badges may be printed if required.

Creating the Calendar Events You can create the calendar events yourself. It’s easy – read the Knowledgebase and…. Attend one of the regional easy­Speak workshop events or ask the VPE from one of your clubs using the system to manage the meeting on­line for you or…. Ask Kit ( or Malcolm ( if you need help Knowledgebase articles: An overview of Creating and Running a Meeting Creating a Meeting (Make sure that you are logged in to your Division or Area first) The agenda e­mail system Recording what actually happened


Easy­Speak workshops


21st June – Watford 29th June – Banbury/Stratford 13th July – Weeting, Suffolk ?? – Scotland ?? – Ireland ?? – Manchester ?? – Reading? To be a successful club the VPE needs time to support and encourage the members – but how will they do that if getting the agenda together takes most of their time or they don’t have current information on Communication and Leadership track progress for each member? Or if they spend their time laboriously keeping detailed records?


VPEs from clubs currently using the system will demonstrate how you may automate the routine, be guided by comprehensive information and spend your time doing something of value ­ supporting the membership. The easy­Speak system has been in use with District 71 clubs for three years and is now used by 150 other clubs around the world. Designed for speed and easy input, it covers meeting and agenda management, full tracking for all speeches and CL data, instant status reporting, communications, club news, photo albums and many other optional features. When member and DCP information is current and visible every day you will use it to guide your club and your members to success.


If your club currently uses the system – come and share your experiences and learn about the other features you didn’t discover yet. If you club doesn’t yet use it – bring an open mind and all your membership information on a spreadsheet and, if you decide to implement it, you will leave with a fully operational club and your next meeting running on the system.

Speech Chart – showing pop­up for a member’s advanced manual

Leadership Chart – showing pop­up for one member’s CL

D71 visitors April 2008

D71 visitors May 2008

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