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Meeting of the DISTRICT 71 COUNCIL

Saturday 8th November 2008

District 71 The courage to make a difference

Toastmasters International District 71; Autumn Council Meeting; Sat 8th November 2008 at 11.15am District Governor 08/09 –Gary Sander DTM

Meeting of the DISTRICT 71 COUNCIL 11.15 a.m. Saturday 8th November 2008 Kilkenny Ormonde Hotel, Ormonde Street, Kilkenny, Ireland


Call to Order (Invocation, District Mission, Welcome, Apologies, Minute of Reflection)


Adoption of Agenda


Report of Credentials Committee, Appointment of Tellers

4 Minutes of Council Meeting 10th May 2008 5

Confirmation of District Officer Appointments

6 2007/8 Year-end Audit 7

Adoption of District Budget and Treasurer’s Report


Reports of Division Governors and District Officers (Division Governors, Immediate Past District Governor, Public Relations Officer, Lt Governor Marketing, Lt Governor Education & Training, District Governor)


Bids for District Conferences

10 Any Other Business 11 Announcements and Adjournment

District 71 The courage to make a difference

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Toastmasters International District 71; Autumn Council Meeting; Sat 8th November 2008 at 11.15am District Governor 08/09 –Gary Sander DTM

Minutes of District Council Meeting Spring Conference 2008. Gleneagle Hotel, Muckross Road, Killarney, Co.Kerry Ireland. 11am Saturday May 10th 2008.

1. Call to Order by District Governor Mary Murtagh. 1a. Introduction of past District Governors: Cecil Kirk, David Thompson, Lynda Molloy & Angus Galbraith. 1b. Invocation - Enid Cuddy (Killaloe/Ballina). 1c. District Mission was read by Dusty Miller - (North Norfolk Speakers). 1d. Top table Introduction - Gary Sander - LG Education & Training, Joe Gibbs - LG Marketing, Teresa Dukes - Public Relations Officer, Cecil Kirk - Parliamentarian, Marina Gallagher District Treasurer, Julie Brosnan - District Secretary, Nick Benning Immediate Past District Governor. 1e. Apologies read by Julie Brosnan, District Secretary: Ted Corcoran Past International President and Area 16 Governor; Lesley Wells, Division H Governor; Ronnie Gillanders, Division F Governor; Seamus Gallagher Corrib & Bernadette McKeon Carrick-on – Shannon. 1f. District Governor advised of the protocol for members who wished to address the meeting - when speaking a member should give their name and home Club. Each proposal needs a proposer and a seconder. At the request of Bob Finch, (Area 1) the District Governor clarified the identity of the members of the District Council by reference to the offices held by them. 2.

Adoption of Agenda. Sufficient notice of the meeting having been given, a motion that the agenda be adopted was proposed by Michael J.Clarke (Area 15 Governor) and seconded by Roger Crews.


Report of the Credentials Committee. The District Parliamentarian, Cecil Kirk advised that there were 189 Clubs eligible to participate giving a quorum of 63. There were 55 other eligible persons of whom 32 were present. 78 Clubs had registered giving 156 votes from the Clubs. Adding the 32 other eligible persons, this made a total of 188, with a majority of 95 needed.

3a. Appointment of Tellers - Adrienne Crowe, Deirdre O’Brien and Ivan O’Sullivan. 4.

Acceptance of minutes for the Autumn Conference 10th November 2007. Proposed by Dave Minzey (Eldergate) and seconded by David Thompson.


Realignment of Areas within the District. - It is proposed that the realignments set out below be effected on 1st July 2008. All realignments voted on and agreed by Council.

Division B Realignment • City of London (club 2027) transfers from Area 31 to Area 34; • Berkeley Square (club 2390) transfers from Area 34 to Area 6. Proposed: Dick Dixon Seconded: Freddie Daniells

Division E Realignment 2 • Area 22 – Northavon (club 8580), South West Speakers (club 907029), Thamesdown (club 5161), Voice of Wales (club 1014712); • New Area 42 – Chaseside (club 595108), Cottonwood (club 742), Newbury (club 2965), Vodafone (club 1098583). Proposed: Judi Malan Seconded: Bryan Neaves

Division E Realignment 1 • Area 30 – Capital Communicators (club 7584), Glasgow (club 7574), Linlithgow (club 709694), Proclaimers@Sun (club 1265), Southside (club 825232); • New Area 43 – Aberdeen (club 770338), Findhorn and Forres (club 997339), Dundee (club 1121121). Proposed: Judi Malan Seconded: Jim Davidson Division G Realignment • Area 1 – Martlesham (club 714161), Ipswich (club 6459), Camulodunum (club 5673); • Area 4 – Vale (club 4410), Aylesbury (club 762), Thame (club 309), Berkhamsted (club 1053038); • New Area 41 – Anglia Communicators (club 3380), Cambridge (club 8105), Bedford (club 911179), Eldergate (club 6078), North Bucks (club 660325). Proposed: David McNaughter Seconded: Sandra Lawes

5a. Motion to authorise the District to use electronic means to convey all types of information (including notices) to members and in particular to send or supply documents or information to members including making such information available on a website. This motion was read by Cecil Kirk on behalf of the Executive. He indicated that the Motion was to formalise the position in relation to the use of e-mail communication by District 71. He mentioned the relevant Irish and UK legislation in this area & the bylaws of Toastmasters International. He stated that the Motion did not seek to inhibit the rights of those who still wished to receive communications by post. Gary Jenkins, Robbie Corrigan (Limerick) and Pat Duggan (Area 17) spoke on the Motion. It was formally proposed by Cecil Kirk, seconded by Samantha Babister and voted and agreed upon by the Council.

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Toastmasters International District 71; Autumn Council Meeting; Sat 8th November 2008 at 11.15am District Governor 08/09 –Gary Sander DTM


Nomination and Election of Officers for Posts 2008/2009 A report of the activities of the Nominating Committee was given by Nick Benning (Immediate Past District Governor) on behalf of the Committee whose members were Geraldine Smith, Jane Cameron, and Sean Corcoran & David Thompson. The District Governor expressed her appreciation of the work, which had been carried out by the Committee. Nick Theato was appointed as timer for the candidates’ speeches and the location of lights was shown.


Election of posts for 2008/2009. The following candidates were elected: Caroline O’Connor Freddie Daniells Kate Thornhill Pat Foley Michael J.Clarke Deirdre O’Brien Sandra Lawes Samantha Babister

Division A Division B Division C Division D Division E Division F Division G Division H

District Governor Lt Gov Education and Training Lt Gov Marketing Lt Gov PRO

Gary Sander Joe Gibbs Teresa Dukes Jim Hegarty


District Treasurers Report was presented by Marina Gallagher. She indicated that the Council pack contained a report as to the position mid year to the 31st of December 2007. In order to assist the Council, she had prepared a more up-todate financial picture to May 9th 2008, which she presented by means of a Power Point presentation. The report showed the funds that had been allocated under the various headings and the money spent to date. She indicated the expected expenditure, which had yet to come by June 30th 2008. On a show of hands the Mid-Year Audit Report was accepted.


Reports of Division Governors & district Officers

Written reports from District Officers were included in the Council pack. All officers also presented reports verbally. Frank Donaldson Dick Dixon John Earle Fidelma Collins Judi Malan Annabell Fitzgerald on behalf of Ronnie Gillanders David McNaughter Meg Heyworth on behalf of Lesley Wells

Division A Division B Division C Division D Division E Division F Division G Division H

Lt Gov PRO Lt Gov Marketing Lt Gov Education and Training District Governor

Teresa Dukes Joe Gibbs Gary Sander Mary Murtagh

10. Bids for future District Conferences•

Spring 2009 - Malcolm Warden for Oxford Clubs at Quadrangle Conference Centre.

Autumn 2009 - Phil Heath Harrogate for the York Royal Hotel.

Statements of intent were presented by •

Maggie Morrissey (Clonmel) for May 2010 and Angela Farrell (Sligo & Inisfree Clubs) for May 2010.

On a show of hands it was agreed that all bids be progressed in consultation with the Executive.

11. Any other business Gavin Falks (Bandon) enquired if Clubs could lodge funds over and above what was needed in order to take advantage of the favourable exchange rate at present. He was advised the Toastmasters International cannot holds surplus funds because of its tax status in the United States. Bryan Neaves (Area 22) spoke about the cost of Conferences for members. He indicated that it is important that costs are kept down so it will be possible for as many people as possible to attend. He proposed that any increase in the future be only in line with inflation. The District Governor assured him that this was something that the Executive was acutely aware of and was working closely with future Conference organisers to address this issue. Maggie Morrissey (Clonmel) enquired if District 71 could have a dollar account for lodgement of funds. This was to be enquired about by the Executive.Adrienne Crowe (Eblana) proposed a vote of thanks to the District Secretary and Treasurer and the outgoing Executive for all their hard work. 12. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 13.15 to reconvene at Kilkenny on the 8th of November 2008.

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Toastmasters International District 71; Autumn Council Meeting; Sat 8th November 2008 at 11.15am District Governor 08/09 –Gary Sander DTM

2008 -2009 District Officers - Appointed by the District Governor District Parliamentarian: District Treasurer: District Secretary: Audit Committee Member: Audit Committee Member; Audit Committee Member:


Cecil Kirk, ATM Margaret Stanway Jane Cameron DTM Kevin Bradley Philip Landergan Glen Vaughan


Division Governors and Assistants plus Area Governors and Assistants Division A – Caroline O’Connor Division B – Freddie Daniels Pat Duggan, Assistant Education & Training Helen Hourican, Assistant Education & Training Patrick Collolly, Assistant Marketing Michael O'Sullivan, Assistant Statistician Area 3: Eric Downey Area 11: Ann King Area 11 Assistant: Majella Coakley Area 11 Assistant: Steve Hanley Area 17: Marie Corbett Area 23: Denis Hefferman Area 23 Assistant: Eileen Twomey Area 36: Bill Doyle Area 36 Assistant: Elizabeth Brosnan

Dave Sellman, Assistant Education & Training Dorothea Stuart, Assistant Marketing

Area 6: Carol West Area 29: Himanashu Vora Area 31: Jane Campbell Area 33: Hilary Briggs Area 34: Elizabeth Hobbs

Division C – Kate Thornhill

Division E – Michael J Clarke

Pat Cowley, Assistant Education & Training John Mulligan, Assistant Marketing Area 2: Mandy O’Connor Area 5: Cormac McGrane Area 10: Bernadette Mulvey Area 16 : Luanne Kent Area 18: Peter Kieran Area 19: Diane Jones Area 19 Assistant: Michael Rossney Area 26: Diana Jamieson

Jim Davidson, Assistant Education & Training Bryan Neaves, Assistant Marketing Area 7: Colin Walsh Area 15: Jim Gregory Area 22: Phillip Barber Area 30: Moira Beaton Area 39: Carla Alves da Silva Area 42: Janet Thorpe Area 42 Assistant: Steve Graham Area 43: Matthews Mtumbuka

Division D – Peter Farrelly

Division G – Sandra Lawes

Area 8: Mary O’Connor Area 27: Pat Fahey Area 28: William O’Donovan Area 40: Anne Allen

James McGinley, Assistant Area 1: Constance Turner Area 1 Assistant: Sue Coppens-Browne Area 4: Alastair Watson-Gandy Area 4 Assistant: Tyler Khai-Eng Area 20: Veronica McCarthy Area 25: Sue Sander Area 41: Graham Frost Area 41 Assistant: Derek Pink

Division F – Deidre O’Brien

Division H – Samantha Babister

Annabell Fitzgerald, Assistant Marketing Area 9: Werner van den Hemel Area 12: Dermot Bryne Area 13: Siobhan Doherty Area 24: Mai Mannix Area 38: Angela Farrell

Area 14: Helen Quinn Area 21: Trish Weller Area 32: Linda Hooper Area 35: Shegun Olusanya Area 37: Yvonne Forbes

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Toastmasters International District 71; Autumn Council Meeting; Sat 8th November 2008 at 11.15am District Governor 08/09 –Gary Sander DTM

2007-2008 Year End Audit Report Page 1 of 4





2007/08 ACTUAL









42,056.80 A

42,056.80 A


ESTIMATED NEW FUNDS AVAILABLE - INCOME: Add : Membership Income from World Headquarters



Balance in District Bank Account(s) on July 1,




(5,046.95) B


Fall Conference Net Income




Spring Convention Net Income Interest












Total Other Income










(5,046.95) D

EXPENSES: A. Marketing




B. Communications and Public Relations (from Page 3)




C. Education and Training




D. Speech Contests




E. Administration




F. Travel



G. Other

41.61 55,523.31





(D minus E plus F)




73,300.00 N/A 34,662.85

(41.61) 17,776.69







(22,823.64) G


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BEGINNING BALANCES: Balance in District Reserve Account at WHQ on July 1,


2007/08 BUDGET

- JUNE 30, 2008

2007/08 ACTUAL

DISTRICT FUNDS ANALYSIS (District share of per capita fees) 1. Balance in District Reserve Account at World Headquarters on July 1,

EXCH. RATE 1.000000










4. DEDUCT: Funds Requests from WHQ during July 1 to June 30 DEDUCT: Purchases from WHQ during July 1 to June 30

(47,000.00) (1,734.20)

(47,000.00) (1,734.20)







2. Add: Membership Income from WHQ

5. District Reserve Account Balance on June 30,


(This figure must agree with the District Reserve Statement at June 30) ( line 3 minus line 4 ) ANALYSIS OF CASH BALANCE AS OF June 30,


6. Balance in District account(s) June 30, 2008 (Includes funds in any Division, Area or other accounts) 7. ADD: Balance in District Reserve Account at World Headquarters (line 5 above) 8. DEDUCT: Unpaid bills / obligations at June 30 TOTAL CASH AVAILABLE (Agrees with Page 1, Section IV, Line G)

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Toastmasters International District 71; Autumn Council Meeting; Sat 8th November 2008 at 11.15am District Governor 08/09 –Gary Sander DTM

2007-2008 Year End Audit Report Page 3 of 4 71


YEAR END AUDIT REPORT - DISTRICT NO. FOR THE PERIOD JULY 1, 2007 - JUNE 30, 2008 Following is a brief description/explanation of the estimated funds available and estimated expenses. (This sheet is not protected. Users may adjust the white area as necessary or include a separate sheet.) Each section of this narrative page must be completed in order for this report to be considered complete and counted as in. Funds Available (Section I) Membership income for the year exceeded the projected figures. The projected membership income figures having been set at the beginning of the year by WHQ. Marketing (Section II, A) Marketing expenditure for the year was aimed specifically at club building, club rescue (coaches) and membership growth. Funds were provided to new clubs and clubs in difficulty for publicity and marketing; marketing funds were made available on a divisional basis for the promotion of clubs in the respective divisions and for the printing and publishing of promotional material; rewards and recognition expenditure is also included here. Communications and Public Relations (Section II, B) Communications and Public Relations expenditure for the year comprised communications within the District including District newsletters, District Directory and the D71 website. Cost savings were achieved by hand delivery of the District Directory. Plans to engage in a focused national advertising/marketing campaign are being carried over to the following year. Education and Training (Section II, C) Costs and expenses involved in District and Club Officer training. Two DOT training sessions are held annually in both the UK and Ireland; Two COT training sessions were also provided for club officers during the year. Speech Contests (Section II, D) Speech contest expenditure was roughly in line with budget. Administration (Section II, E) Expenditure comprised administrative supplies and District Management materials including a contribution to the administrative expenses incurred by District officers. Expenditure includes stationery, postage, printing, etc. Expenditure was in line with budget. Travel (Section II, F) Expenditure related to travel reimbursement to District officers based on actual costs incurred. Costs were monitored carefully and expenditure was within budget. Other (Section II, G) The budget did not project any expenditure outside the specific categories above and actual expenditure was in line with this.

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Toastmasters International District 71; Autumn Council Meeting; Sat 8th November 2008 at 11.15am District Governor 08/09 –Gary Sander DTM

2007-2008 Year End Audit Report

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Toastmasters International District 71; Autumn Council Meeting; Sat 8th November 2008 at 11.15am District Governor 08/09 –Gary Sander DTM

2008-2009Annual Budget Page 1 of 7




Due at WHQ by September 30, 2008 FOR THE PERIOD JULY 1, I.



- JUNE 30,

2009 71 BUDGET

FUNDS AVAILABLE Acct.# A. BEGINNING BALANCES: 100 Reconciled balance in district local bank account(s) on July 1 (Includes funds in any division, area, conference or other accounts) 120 Balance in district reserve account at WHQ on July 1 (from WHQ) TOTAL BEGINNING BALANCE

% OF


(8,062.60) 65,549.13 57,486.53








400 B. ESTIMATED NEW FUNDS AVAILABLE - INCOME: MEMBERSHIP INCOME FROM WHQ: In August (following the June 30 period end) WHQ will provide the amount to be entered in Box B. This sum will equal the total per capita income from the prior year. Total membership income (from WHQ)

410 430 480 490


C. OTHER INCOME (List specific sources): 1. Fall conference net income (from page 4) 2. Spring conference net income (from page 5) 3. Interest 4. Other: N/A N/A N/A


Total other income

II. 600 610 620 630 640 650 700


TOTAL ESTIMATED FUNDS AVAILABLE (A plus B plus C) EXPENSES: A. Marketing (from page 2) B. Communications and public relations (from page 2) C. Education and training (from page 2) D. Speech contests (from page 2) E. Administration (from page 2) F. Travel (from page 3) G. Other (from page 3) TOTAL EXPENSES


(no limit*) (25% max*) (30% max*) (10% max*) (20% max*) (30% max*) (10% max*)

20.8% 13.3% 20.3% 3.0% 15.8% 26.8% 0.0%

16,650.00 10,650.00 16,290.00 2,440.00 12,645.00 21,536.00 80,211.00








F 570 LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE (from page 3) Note: this amount is included with Education & training when calculating the maximum allowable expense DISTRICT STORE 450 551 559












LESS: REQUIRED DISTRICT RESERVE FUND BALANCE AT YEAR-END 17,736.57 In August (following the June 30 period end) WHQ will provide the required fund balance to be entered.







For this budget to be complete, the following must be attached: the pages detailing expenses A through G, district conference income, the budget narrative explaining expenditures in each expense category and the signed certification page. All estimated income and expenses for the year must be included and this form and the certification must be signed by the district governor, lt. governor education and training, lt. governor marketing, and district treasurer. The district administrative bylaws require that this budget be submitted for approval at the first district council meeting of the year.

* Estimated budget expenditures cannot exceed the listed maximum percent of total expense.

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Due at WHQ by September 30, 2008 FOR THE PERIOD JULY 1, 2008 - JUNE 30, 2009 Following is a brief description/explanation of the estimated funds available and estimated expenses based on the goals outlined in the district success plan. The white rows are not pasword protected. Users may adjust the white area as necessary by adjusting the row height. Alternatively, a separate sheet may be used. Each section of this narrative page must be completed in order for this report to be considered complete and counted as received by WHQ.

Funds available (Section I) District Reserve Balance at 30 June 2008 $65,549.13; Estimated new funds available per TI $70,946.29; Funds in District Bank Accounts at 30 June 2008 ($8,062.60)

Marketing (Section II, A) Emphasis being placed on maintaining existing clubs and building new ones. An allowance has been budgetted for Divison's to apply for funding for specific marketing plans.

Communications and public relations (Section II, B) Increase in cost of web page hosting, etc plus increasing in estimate of costs for improved District newsletter.

Education and training (Section II, C) Emphasis being placed on assisting with costs of Club Officer trainings and Area/Division trainings plus materials to assist clubs, areas and Divisions achieve Distinguished status.

Speech contest (Section II, D) Continuted assistance with the Speech Contests at District level.

Administration (Section II, E) Funds allocated to ensure that the District runs smoothly and efficiently.

Travel (Section II, F) Funds allocated to assist the District Officers/Area/Division Governors in meeting their official club visits, trainings and District meetings. Due to the huge increase in fuel and air taxes in the UK we have looked to help with travel expenses as much as possible - mileage allowance at $0.26 per mile. Other (Section II, G)

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Toastmasters International District 71; Autumn Council Meeting; Sat 8th November 2008 at 11.15am District Governor 08/09 –Gary Sander DTM

DIVISION A “The Courage to make a difference – the difference is you” The Division A team of Area Governors, Assistant Area Governors and Assistant Division Governors are out in force working with the clubs promoting Toastmasters. Education & Training: A Division Area training was well attended it included educational sessions on the CL award presented by 2 assistant divisional governors, who have the responsibility of promoting this to all clubs in the division. Another educational session included website development to enhance club PR. The team facilitated group sessions on the club officer roles for the forth coming year. Club Standards: Area Governors on their club visits are reported all clubs are working towards achieving the DCP programme for the coming year. PR/Marketing: Each club is continuing to promote their club through local newspaper reporting, radio broadcasts, bring a friend, car bumper stickers, bookmarks and through updating their websites. Another Assistant Governor has carried out a survey of toastmasters at the Division training night to find that most people joined toastmasters to be entertained and to form a social network. Conclusion: Overall we have a mix of very strong, strong and some weak clubs but the Division A team are committed to the development of all clubs in the division. Caroline O Connor Division A Governor Area 3 I have visited all Clubs in my Area (area 3) except one that has suspended itself for twelve months. Midleton Toastmasters,4482 I visited this club on September 24th and found the club to be well attended and the committee had a DCP target program in place and hope to achieve distinguished club or greater. They are focused and are goal orientated.Socially active and will be attending to expanding membership Glanmire Toastmasters 2333 This club was visited on September 3rd.I found the club to be vibrant and focused, a definite DCP programme in place and hope to achieve presidents distinguished again this season. This club, over the years has developed in leaps and bounds as is shown by its high membership and the president and his committee are ensuring that existing members are managed and looked after; to avoid new members replacing lost members as can happen in an expanding membership Talking Heads 3300 I visited this club on September 16th.This club has a mature profile that shows in its friendly yet well organised meetings. Although striving to achieve the highest DCP award it is hampered by lack of new members but continues to innovate and diversify its meetings to attract new members and have found the committee to be very enthusiastic and friendly Blarney Toastmasters 3579 This club was visited on September 23rd. A well established club which runs well organised meetings and had a number of guest's on the same night that were treated to exceptionally good speeches from which I myself learned a lot. The committee have shown me their DCP plan and hope to achieve Presidents Distinguished and have demonstrated enthusiasm and a clear plan to look after existing members and seek out new members through club promotion Guardian 1153557 I visited this club on October 14th.A newly established club, I found it a pleasure to attend and see a new club develop over the past year. The President is working very hard with her committee and a number of clubs both within Area 3 and other Area's have given and continue to give support as the membership steadily grows. The committee have a DCP in place and although their targets are modest, I think having seen such enthusiasm among the membership and committee they will exceed their target comfortably. Youghal 597387 There was no Area Governor visit to this club. Unfortunately this club has opted to suspend itself this season due to membership difficulties and is to regroup and re launch next season. I wish them well. Eric Downey Area 3 Governor

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Toastmasters International District 71; Autumn Council Meeting; Sat 8th November 2008 at 11.15am District Governor 08/09 –Gary Sander DTM

Area 11 Area 11 has five established clubs in West Cork, and another is developing in Kinsale in the southeast corner. The Area team, with two assistants, is enthused and supportive of the advances of all clubs. Bandon (7364). This club celebrates its 20th anniversary this year with a strong membership. There is a good mix of experienced and new members and each is actively working on the communication and leadership or advanced manuals. The competent Leader manual is slowly coming into use. They send members home feeling better than they did on arrival, and the club’s ongoing aim is to turn the stress factor into the fun factor. Bantry (772301). Bantry members have a great assortment of skills, which they use very effectively. The club is well organized and a pleasure to be a part of. Membership is are growing and strengthening, reflecting the advances of the Bantry community. Club members are focused on skill development by way of the communications and leadership programmes. Beara (678448). This newly chartered club has wonderful potential. Members are adventurous and enthusiastic, with novel publicity ideas and a Youth Leadership Programme underway. The population of their catchment area is relatively small, but they’ll make up in activities for their low numbers. Clonakilty (2272). This is another club growing in numbers and enthusiasm with their expanding community. They’ve been meeting for over thirty years, and the experience shows in every activity they conduct. There is a relaxed, welcoming atmosphere with lots of humour. Last year they built numbers, this year they’re working on opportunities for members to develop skills and assume leadership roles. Kinsale (precharter). This potential club is catching on well with community members and hopes to charter before the new year. There is enthusiastic, professional support from surrounding Toastmasters Macroom (9470). Having re-established their strong community base of support, the leadership of Macroom is focusing on skill and leadership development and maintaining the high level of esprit that exists among members. The club officers make good use of out-reach activities which inspires and helps develop club member abilities. Ann King Area 11 Governor Area 17 All 4 clubs are back after the "summer". Existing members are returning in good numbers and each club reports a healthy number of new members. The Galtees as the newest club is growing in confidence and attendance at meetings is good and it is likely that members or two from the club will soon gain the new CL Award and also there will be at least one ACB. Fermoy have reported several new members and the meetings are light-hearted and good fun, which augers well for the future. Speakeasy hosted the Area Final with their usual panache and a great crowd attended to hear contestants of a high calibre. Speakeasy continues to promote toastmasters within local secondary schools and are hosting their annual schools contest in the coming weeks. Failte are back meeting and are well supported by neighbouring clubs to gain new members. Maire Corbett Area 17 Governor Area 23 Area 23 is comprised of five clubs located around Cork city and suburbs. Powdermills is a club that is going from strength to strength led by a very committed team. Again they have set their DCP target to achieve Presidents Distinguished award. Crusaders now located in a prime area to attract potential for new members. Club PR is up and running but members are slow to join. The club has some very enthusiastic people who will encourage more to participate more fully in the club. Carrigaline has a very good team to lead them to a very good year, but more members need to be encouraged to make more speeches. PR is being promoted strongly. Slainte is progressing well under the leadership of a good committee. GCC This is a college based club that is set to emerge before the Christmas break. A college club is a very different type of club from the community. The membership is a transient group of students Denis Heffernan Area 23 Governor Area 36 I have visited all the clubs (West Limerick, Tralee and Killarney) on my circuit on more than one occasion in the first instance to make a social call and to build rapport with the respective presidents and club officers. My second visit in my role as Area Governor has begun with my home club, after the meeting proper I convened a meeting with the president and club officers and we completed the Area report of club visit form, Tralee and Killarney will be completed before the end of this month. I will be filing these reports directly. I am glad to report that the clubs in my Area are holding quality Toastmaster meetings that are well attended, and are maintaining the integrity of the Toastmaster mission. Bill Doyle Area 36 Governor

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DIVISION B Education & Training - It has been an exciting but challenging start to the Division B year. On the exciting side, we kicked off on our second day ‘in office’ with a Division wide workshop on Evaluations by the current UK and Ireland champion, Hilary Briggs and the 2004 champion, Bob Ferguson. With over 70 in attendance things started in great style. We then organised the largest Club Officer Training sessions that Division B have held with nearly 150 receiving training over three sessions. We also kick-started a programme of educational evenings for specific club committee roles. Our first was for VPEs. With Sammy Babister, Division H Governor, Dick Dixon, Immediate Past Division B Governor and Rory Marriott, a past VPE and rising star of Div B running the show, nearly 15 VPE’s left chock full of new ideas for their roles and clubs. We are planning a similar event in late November for Club Presidents. Club Strength - On the challenging side, we have several clubs, particularly company clubs, suffering from the financial turmoil. Bank Street Speakers disappeared with Lehman Brothers. MLP! ToastMarshters and Thomson Reuters are also suffering. It is our hope that we can, salvage more sustainable solutions for these clubs. Our open clubs have not been in better health. We see further growth of membership with one or two possibly spawning new clubs. With the restructuring of our troubled clubs plus a stream of interest from folks interested in setting up new clubs, I remain hopeful that we can continue to provide quality meetings to more members at more clubs than when we took over. Conclusion - As ever, nothing is possible without the work of the team. In addition to my Area Governors listed below, I am blessed with help from my two Assistant Division Governors, Dorothea Stuart and Dave Sellman plus the support of non Council members Rory Marriott, Simon Bucknall, Maria Jesus-Rojo, Iain Duthie and of course, Dick Dixon, Immediate Past Division Governor. Freddie Daniells, Division B Governor AREA 6 Berkeley Square (2390) - A well-established morning club with a friendly and supportive atmosphere. This club could do with more members attending meetings and may need some help in building the membership. Cardinals (674907) - They are conducting an audit of members' needs to plan an education strategy. The focus this year is to ensure members feel fully supported by the club. Corinthians (5235) - Are focusing on building members' potential. A membership building programme and additional workshops.and educationals programmes are in hand as well as developing the website. Excalibur (9079) - Advanced Toastmasters Club. Excalibur will be ON TOUR this November (12th) - to Credit Suisse First Boston where they will, in addition to the regular prepared speeches, have a workshop given by a former hostage negotiator from Scotland Yard. Olympians (5235) - There are two main goals for this club during 2008. The first is to ensure that they have a dedicated committee that meets frequently. Secondly is to boost the membership to 35 plus members. POLISH YOUR POLISH (674907) - This club was born in 2008 in London meeting at the Polish club, Kensington It has a thriving membership and the meetings are conducted in Polish except for the contests which are spoken in English. One of the aims is to get Polish speakers confident enough to also speak at English speaking clubs. Carol West, Area 6 Governor AREA 29 London Athenians (7365) – The target for this club is for their membership to venture out to other clubs and share their expertise. The club is targeting for President’s Distinguished Club. London Business School (4824) - This club meets in the London Business School. The membership is mostly students of the LBS, who are on a 2 year MBA course. This there is a large turnover of members each year. The club committee plan to increase the external (non-student) membership and have regular meetings like other clubs in the division. The club aims to increase its membership and to register at least 1CC, 1CL and 1ACB this year. London Trojans (589261) - The club is targeting for Select Distinguished Club. Area Governor’s challenge for this club is to achieve President’s Distinguished Club. They have set themselves a special assignment of leveraging from the experienced members of other clubs in the area, so that the club benefits from good role models. Riverside Communicators (2731) - The club has a large number of advanced TMs. This year they are continuing with 1 additional meeting a month dedicated to its advanced members. They will definitely achieve Select Distinguished Club and very likely President’s as they did last year. West London Speakers (885179) - This club was established 2 years ago and plans to increase its membership and continue to grow. They plan to achieve President’s. The club has already embarked on a mentoring scheme. Himanshu Vora: Area 29 Governor

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AREA 31 Women in Banking in Finance Speakers (Canary Wharf): This well-established club maintains a high standard and is planning to retain its President’s Distinguished Club status for the fifth year running. The club is friendly and supportive. Although it is a women’s club, men are welcomed as guests and are actively sought as General Evaluators. Women in Banking & Finance (City): This lively club attracts lots of new members and has started on the DCP. They have a very strong president and committee this year and their meetings are well run with guests being made most welcome. Canary Wharf Communicators: Started as a company club, this is the only truly open-membership club in Canary Wharf. The club attracts a large number of guests who often find it on the Internet. The club is fortunate in having the support of some very experienced TMs who provide great leadership and role models. Speakeasy @ Credit Suisse is a in-house Club. Speakeasy benefits from excellent company support, which encourages staff to join the club. The club meetings are reasonably well attended and membership is a mandatory part of the graduate programme for the bank. CitiCriers is the in-house club for Citigroup. CitiCriers boasts a strong and dedicated President and Committee. As a club they are warm and inviting and they had excellent attendance for the officer training and area competitions. The sixth Club in the Area, Bank Street Speakers was an in-house club at Lehman Brothers and has unfortunately disbanded as a result of the bank’s demise. Jane Campbell: Area 31 Governor AREA 33 Broadgate Speakers in the City (5964) – The club is reaping the benefits of the hard work over the last 2-3 years and has already achieved 10 new members (total of 42) and 5 DCP points. A very friendly club, keen to get its members involved in wider activities across the Area. DCP Goal: Presidents Distinguished. Career Builders (1182993) – A new Company club that chartered in September that meets at 08:00am. The club held its contests within weeks of chartering and is already active in the wider Toastmasters community. DCP Goal: Distinguished Club. London Communicators (501) - A very enthusiastic club, hosting the recent Area contests and providing a Club Coach. DCP Goal: Presidents Distinguished Club. MLP! Toastmasters (760422) - The club has challenges members and key committee members are often travelling. A new president has just been appointed, with a core committee of three in place. Two Club Coaches are being appointed to support a re-launch. DCP Goal: Distinguished Club. Northern Lights Speakers (647094) - A very warm and friendly club. One challenge it faces is its location near Camden - being between central London and some of the more residential areas in North London. They are developing new approaches to attracting new members. DCP Goal: Select Distinguished Club. ToastMarshters (7989) – This Company club has been through a series of redundancies and has now withdrawn funding. There are a handful of the members who would like to continue. One Club Coach has been identified, with another being sought. The plan is to convert the club to an open one and seek members from the many businesses in the surrounding Tower Hill area. DCP Goal: Distinguished Club. Thomson Reuters (1078232) – A Company Club, chartered in June 08. Pressures of business have started to impact on meetings with some recent meetings being cancelled. I am in the process of reviewing the situation with the President and committee with a view to developing a plan to boost membership and ensure the reliability and quality of meetings. DCP Goal: Distinguished Club. Hilary Briggs: Area 33 Governor AREA 34 City of London (2027) – at 15 years old, the club attracts lots of new visitors and maintains a healthy base of members. The meetings are flexible, very supportive and lively and are working towards Select Distinguished. Grosvenor Square (4141) – This is a well-established club has achieved 2 DCP points already for new members and additional new members. The Committee have set a goal to achieve President’s Distinguished Club. Holborn Speakers (3149) – This is one of London’s largest clubs. Last year the club had the largest number of people achieving the CC award and will be aiming for the President’s Distinguished again. Tube Talk (5257) – The only Company club in the area and 5 years old. Metronet are keen to introduce “Speechcraft” into the company-training programme to benefit employees. Aiming for President’s Distinguished. Early Birds (835375) – A breakfast club.The meetings professional with everything taking place within 1 hour. To date, they have 6 new members and are working on the Distinguished Club Programme. NZICA Bank Speakers (1107650) – The Area’s second breakfast club. This is a young, vibrant and enthusiastic club who have 6 new members. They will achieve a minimum of Distinguished Club. Liz Hobbs: Area Governor D71_Council_ReportNov08 issue

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DIVISION C Champions We have a strong and committed team of the Division Governor, 2 Assistant Division Governors; 7 Area Governors and 1 Assistant Area Governor who are working together and with the clubs to share good ideas and develop good practice. Education & Training: Area training was well supported and included vital facts about the new award structure. Most of the Division C training is conducted at division level, but there were additional session for new clubs and for those who missed the first sessions. Club Standards: Many clubs in Division C have a real sense of enthusiasm and optimism towards achieving their DCP awards and the Area Governors & Assistant Governor are working with clubs to help achieve their high targets. They are also supporting the clubs requiring help with club specific issues. PR/Marketing: PR can be a challenge for some of the clubs, but all clubs are making good efforts this year, whether it is building up or maintaining an existing club or for new clubs getting off their feet. Most clubs have their own web sites and many are beginning to use the website to full advantage. Some Areas have put their “Welcome” on the web site and we encourage clubs to do the same. Club Strength: We are keen to ensure that all clubs have at least 20 members. There are at least two clubs currently at pre charter that aim to charter before the end of 2008. The most recent new pre-charter club has yet to decide on a name but will be focused on the Polish community in Dublin. This committee had some initial training and is enthusiastic and eager to have a high quality club charted shortly. Celebrations: Dublin (Area 2) celebrated its 50th year in April last year; it was a wonderful night with people celebrating from all around the division. Greystones (Area 5) celebrates its 15th year in mid November; we’re all really looking forward to that! Conclusion: We are very fortunate to have a dedicated team of people working together, giving valuable time and effort to their clubs, areas and division to support the achievements of Toastmasters across Division C; it looks very promising again this year. Kate Thornhill, Division C Governor Pat Cowley, Ass. Division Governor (E&T) John Mulligan, Ass. Division Governor (Marketing) AREA 2 Dublin Club: This Dublin club expect to achieve the Presidents Distinguished. They have successfully added 8 new members, with a further 4 planned in January. They have formalised the club mentoring system. There has been informal mentoring in the past, this year mentors will be formally assigned to all new. Hellfire Club: A club with varied meetings, including topics, speeches and debates at each weekly meeting. A recent meeting had 4 speeches, a lively debate and a novel topics session. The clubs goals are to continue with interesting meetings and to introduce new ideas on a consistent basis so that we will retain our existing members as well as encouraging new members. Iarnrod Eireann: was a corporate club, but is now open to all. They are committed to quality meetings and have a good mix of both long term and new members. This year they are again aiming for Presidents Distinguished. They are also exploring different avenues of increasing their membership. On November the 6th they host a joint meeting with Tubetalk from London in the Ripley Court Hotel, in Dublin. Vox Populi: like to be known as the coolest Toastmasters club. They aim to address the lack of experienced members by requesting some of the old members to return. There are continuing efforts made to convert our large guest numbers into members by being more proactive; such as a starter pack for guests and greater contact by committee with guests. New to our agenda this year is a debate night. Mandy O’Connor, Area 2 Governor AREA 5 There is something, special, different and mysterious about us. Visit one of our clubs; where you will be welcomed with open arms. Area 5 is based around 4 thriving clubs, Dun Laoghaire, in south county Dublin, Bray, which sits on the Dublin/Wicklow border and Greystones and Wicklow town which are well within the county boundary. All of our clubs are based in pleasant seaside locations so drop in when you are on your next getaway. Dun Laoghaire Club: A south Dublin club with an active membership. Dun Laoghaire members are looking forward to the challenge of growing the club and breaking the 30 member barrier. Bray Club: Over 25 years old, Bray Toastmasters Club is a big teddy bear of a club. It has a large membership and meets on a weekly basis. Bray Toastmasters are an extremely close knit and welcoming club as can be seen by their large attendances at Division and District events. Bray members have contributed significantly to Area 5 and are the founding club for both Greystones and Wicklow.

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Greystones Club: Greystones club have their sights set high this year. They have moved to a new meeting place in the recently opened Greystones Theatre, a venue well suited to Toastmasters. The club also have ambitious plans to celebrate their 15th anniversary, where the event is expected to attract over 150 people. This event will provide great publicity for Toastmasters and follows on a recent local radio interview and intensive local publicity by its very active committee. Wicklow Club: Wicklow, founded by members from Bray and Greystones just 5 years ago, has a very active membership and has targeted new membership as a major goal this year. It is a very friendly and welcoming club situated in the cosy setting of The Wicklow Sailing Club that has proven to be a very good host to Toastmasters. Cormac McGrane, Area 5 Governor AREA 10 Area 10 is made up of 5 clubs, all situated North of the Liffey in Dublin City. There is a mix of community and corporate clubs, all with their own strengths. Malahide: Have just celebrated their 25th Anniversary. This is a strong club and under the watchful eye of its President has high hopes for Distinguished in this year’s DCP. Fingal: Have been President distinguished for the past 11 years and this year’s committee, plan to ensure they get no less!! New members are coached and mentored to ensure a the high standard is continued. Swords: were award President Distinguished last year. This club has benefited from having Toastmasters that are dual members. I’m sure that this year’s president will keep the high standard of meetings, to attract new members. East Coast: is a small club fighting to increase their numbers. They also meet in Swords but on a different night. They have moved venue and are no longer a company club so they are very determined that this will be the year they reach 20 again. One of the strengths of a small club is that you will almost always get on the agenda! Clontarf/Marino: a fairly new club. Last year they were President Distinguished and that was just their 2nd year, Ella McCarthy has been set the target of keeping the high standard this year and assures me she and her team are up to the challenge. As a mentor and founding member of this club it will be a pleasure to encourage them to do so. Area 10 is a friendly place always happy to see Toastmasters from the different clubs visit one another and also happy to have Toastmasters from other Areas visit us. Bernadette Mulvey, Area 10 Governor AREA 16 Area 16 is comprised of five clubs in the North / West area of Dublin - five strong, vibrant, friendly, enthusiastic, and supportive clubs. All five clubs in Area 16 have met their training and administrative goals to date, which is just one example of the cooperation that exists in our area and an example why the Area 16 clubs make being Area Governor a pleasure. Castleknock: a strong, vibrant, and friendly club with 40 members. We are proud of our reflection of modern Ireland with a diverse membership that includes American, British, Chinese, Japanese, Polish, and Russian—and of course Irish. This diversity creates an exciting and inspiring environment. We have achieved President’s Distinguished Club for the past two years and we are determined to do so again this year. Clondalkin: achieved the Presidents Distinguished club award last year and our goal is a repeat performance. We recently celebrated our 10th Birthday by inviting past members to a reunion dinner. Roll on the next 10 years!!!!! Glasnevin: Following a change of venue last year, they are excited by the enthusiasm that change can ignite. Their new location is in the Skylon Hotel, which is located close to Dublin airport. Lucan: is the longest standing club in Area 16 and is a strong club with 40 members. Lucan is well organised, enthusiastic, and energetic with great support by experienced members, including active DTMs, and past officers. Phoenix-Tara: is the newest club in Area 16 having chartered in June 2006. Even with our ‘new’ membership we achieved Select Distinguished Club in 2007/2008. We will achieve this again in 2008/2009. This year we are also focused on the Competent Leadership Program and have appointed a competent leadership ‘Champion’ to promote the program. Luanne Kent, Area 16 Governor

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AREA 18 Area 18 has 4 clubs and extends from the foothills of the Dublin Mountains right into the heart of Dublin. Engineers (3677): Meet in the IEI headquarters located in Ballsbridge although they are attached to the Institute of Engineers they are open to all. They have a Membership of over 40 are still looking to Build Their meetings are well attended and strive for quality. They also step out of their Comfort Zone by having Debates with other organisations. Their Goal for this year is Select Distinguished Powertalk: Meet in the headquarters of the ESB although they are a small company club their agenda is always full. They are hoping to expand and to encourage employees from other companies to join them and to experience Toastmasters. Their goal for this year is to become a Distinguished Club. Rathfarnham: Are still glowing from the appearance of Sultan Nazir at the Inter-district International Speech Competition at the World Convention in Calgary in August. They have a membership of over 40. Their meetings are well run. They have an interesting item on the agenda “who said that?”. The nominated person notes down phrases/expressions used during the meeting and invites the audience to recount who said what. Ensuring the audience are attentive and improve their listening skills. Their goal is Presidents Distinguished. Tara: Toastmasters are constantly looking at ways of increasing their membership. Their meetings are well attended and their agenda is a good mix of competent and advanced speakers. They are again aiming for Select Distinguished; and with a little push even Presidents Distinguished. They recognise the merits of mentoring less experienced members and believe it will improve the quality of the speakers and mentees. Peter Kieran, Area 18 Governor AREA 19 Hillsborough Speakers Club: Hillsborough Speakers Club are aiming for Distinguished Club status this year. They are planning inter-club events with Cookstown and Newry later on this year. Membership retention is a challenge that the whole club is addressing. They are also using their website more for publicity. Cookstown Speakers Club: Cookstown Speakers Club have done very well with their membership drives this year. Historically membership retention is was a worry but this is being tackled head on this year and will hopefully be resolved this year. For the first time they hosted the area Table topics & Humorous Speech contest this year. Geographically the Club is situated far away from the other clubs in Area 19, but although they don’t get the opportunity to interact with other clubs that often, it is a strong healthy club. Newry Speakers Club (pre Charter): The first meeting of Newry Speakers Club took place at the end of 06. They’ve had much publicity and two open days, both bought in new members. Only 10 members, recent meetings have been larger with guests from other clubs. This year has started very well, with the Newry members now on the committee and taking a more active role in the organisation of club meetings. Drogheda: This club has the largest membership base in the area. It is also well organised and achieves great educational success. The club is particularly warm and welcoming to new arrivals and existing members. Dundalk): Dundalk hopes to benefit from educational sessions as Toastmasters visit from other clubs. Membership drives will be a priority with more emphasis to ensure the club is easily contactable. Navan: Having been below charter strength last year, they are working hard to ensure that their educational awards will count toward the DCP in 2008/2009. Although a small club the members are enthusiastic and dedicated to good quality meetings. As a result the meetings are well organised and Navan was first in the Area to complete their autumn contests very successfully. Diane Jones, Area 19 Governor Michael Rossney, Ass. Area 19 Governor AREA 26 AIB: This is the in-house club for Allied Irish Banks plc, which meets in Ballsbridge. A club of many years, it boasts some of the most experienced speakers in the Area. They continue to be enthusiastic, with a drive on to recruit new members from within this large organisation. Eblana: A long-established club with a very enthusiastic and talented membership, keen to recruit new members. Fortnightly meetings are held in the imposing surroundings of the Freemason’s Hall in Molesworth Street, Dublin. Very welcoming and they enjoy greeting visitors and members from other clubs. PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers): A new club, chartered at the end of 2007/2008, PwC a in-house club. They meet biweekly at their headquarters in the IFSC, Dublin. Extremely enthusiastic and well organised, with the vibrancy of a club well on its way to success. We’re all looking for forward to its first CC’s . Society: A club of many years, Society meets at the HQ of the Society of Chartered Accountants in Ireland, but is open to all. Membership is vibrant and ranges from new members to seasoned, advanced speakers. Hopes to achieve at least 3 CC’s and a CL this year, as well as undertaking very focused new members drive. Diana B. Jamieson, Area 26 Governor

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DIVISION D – Daring to be different There is no denying that this year, Division D got off to a shaky start but things have settled down to what I presume to be normal. Each area has had a well-supported Training session with Area’s 28 and 40 joining forces in a joint training session. This was a great exercise in co-operation between the areas and should promote greater communication and visits between clubs. The Club sizes vary greatly across the Division ranging from a low 15 to above 35. There does not seem to be any definite reason for these differences either from location or effort. In fact effort is not short in any club, it just seems that some clubs “attract” members more easily than others. The older more established clubs have been somewhat slower to adapt to the new Leadership Manual but this should correct itself as new members start using these manuals. In general Division D is in fine shape, indicated by 3 of our clubs, Carlow, Kilkenny and Thurles, your hosts for this conference. Peter Farrelly, Division D Governor AREA 8 This Area has 5 clubs, DLS Communicators, Dungarvan, Enniscorthy, Tramore and Waterford. Having “lost” one club (Gorey) in last years re-alignment this Area functions well. While membership numbers are a little low in all clubs, a Membership Drive spearheaded by The Area Gov. will correct this before year-end. DLS Communicators. With close connections to the Waterford brand it is not surprising that quality is synonymous in this club. Membership is currently at 15/16 and includes some excellent motivational speakers. A mentoring programme is on the way so these skills will soon flourish. Dungarvan. A very enthusiastic club where guests are shown a great welcome. There is an ongoing membership drive to increase membership numbers. Enniscorthy. A club with wonderful quality and enjoyable meetings. Like other clubs in the area membership building is important and has been taken in hand. Tramore. A very lively club where the quality of the presentations are excellent. A current feature of this club is that a number of the “less popular” advanced manuals are been worked. The standard of evaluations are very high in this club. Waterford. A good atmosphere prevails at meetings and a steady flow of guests provides lots of new members. These new members will ensure that the new Leader Manual will be put to better use. Mary O’Connor, Area 8 Governor AREA 27 The Area in general is going well, with five clubs, Cashel, Clonmel, Thurles, Tipp Talkers and Emeralds. Regular meetings of the Officers of these clubs are a feature. Cashel. One of the newer clubs in the Area, with a current membership of 22. There is a very hardworking committee in this club who are guiding the club well and are very willing to help with area functions. This club hosted the Area Training and Area Humorous speech and Table Topics Competitions with great success. Clonmel. This is the largest club with a membership of 43! Having moved venues from time to time, their current meeting place at the Bridge Club seem to have come up trumps. A very willing club whose members have set up two clubs in the area. Tipp Talkers. The newest club in the area. A very warm welcome awaits members and guests alike at “The Excel” venue where the hard working committee is concentrating on building up membership numbers. Thurles. A very, very busy club at the moment with 22 members. Working with roles in the Three Castles Conference. In addition this club does not neglect its own goals, has attended training and has one C.C. to date with more in the pipeline. Emerald. This advanced club is what we call a “Division Club” and rotates its meeting venue between other clubs in the Division. Membership is confined to C.C’s and above but visitors are welcomed as at any Toastmaster Club. Unusual features of this club is its Evaluation’s process and the “Hotspot Speeches” where there is only 10/15 minutes to prepare your presentation. Pat Fahey, Area 27 Governor

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AREA 28 Area 28 is a thriving area. Club meetings are rewarding experiences for members and guests. Following reorganisation in 2007 this Area now comprises four clubs Athy, Kildare, Maynooth and Naas. This area is on the fringe of the Dublin Commuter belt, which brings both challenges and opportunities. Area 28 offers all the values of Toastmasters and brings friendship to club members right across the Area. Athy: This is a young club but is very strong in both membership and in attracting guests. The vibrancy of this club can be seen in the fact that some of its members are already serving officers at Area level. Kildare: The principle challenge for this club is to attract and retain members. Modern commuting times and lifestyles mean it can be difficult to commit leisure time. There are currently 7/8 members or past members studying for Masters or PhD’s .The persistence and perseverance of Kildare Club, now in its fifth year, is an example to other clubs Maynooth: The diversity of age groups, Nationalities and professional backgrounds can be seen in this club. The youngest in the Area, this University Town club has a particularly strong membership. Guest are frequent, numerous and willing to join as indicated by member numbers which are close to 40! Naas: This club is approaching its 19th year. Over the years Naas has made many contributions to Toastmasters at all levels including National and International. Members from this club have established many new clubs and freely offer their experience to clubs within and outside Area 28. William O’Donovan, Area 28 Governor AREA 40 Area 40 was re-organised last year and is now represented by four clubs, Carlow, Gorey, Kilkenny and Portlaoise. All clubs are running well but as two of these clubs meet on the same night this makes visits and competitions difficult. This should be considered in future re-organising of Areas. Carlow: This is a very good club with a lovely atmosphere at meetings. Very hardworking officers are guiding this club. There is now a renewed emphasis for the more advanced members to work with the new Leadership manual Gorey: This club has fit well into the new area and is a fantastic club with a high standard. This club is not shy in helping out and trying new ideas. How about Poetry reading to supplement Topics or a cancelled speech! Kilkenny: A thriving well-established, well-run club, very willing to help other local clubs and events. Instrumental in setting up other clubs including the advanced club Emerald. One of the three hardworking clubs hosting the Three Castles Conference. Portlaoise: A very well established club with a steady flow of guests, a good number of which become members. This club has a wonderful variety of speeches ranging from Icebreaker to Advanced and as such is an example to all. The future is bright for this club, now back at its old venue following the re-building works. Anne Allen, Area 40 Governor

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DIVISION E REPORT (The Big ‘Un!!) Dare to Dream Supporting Clubs from Lands End to John O’Groats – well almost! Division E consists of 7 Areas, covering all of Wales & Scotland plus most of England. The majority of the Areas are relatively young, and are all growing and developing well. Area Visits: 5 of 7 Areas visited including 4 Area Speech contests. Attended East Midlands Toastmasters charter dinner. Areas 30, 39 & 43 to be visited in the Spring. DCP Goals: All clubs and areas expected to achieve at least Distinguished Club Club Growth: All clubs growing and 8 pre-Charter clubs in the Division with up to 5 more planned Miles Traveled: 2,582 miles to 16th October 2008! And enjoying myself. Michael J. Clarke ACS, Division E Governor AREA 7 30 people attended at Opera event at Kellogg College, Oxford in July. Club Officer Training well attended by all clubs in Area. All clubs are working hard towards Distinguished Club. Membership growing significantly at most clubs. Inter-club pantomime preparations well underway and looking to include winner of Area 39 competition Colin Walsh, Area 7 Governor AREA 15 Leeds City Toastmasters: Membership continues to be over 40. 8 members gain to date. Planning to achieve President’s Distinguished Club in 2008/09. Manchester Orators: Membership stands at 38. Hosted Area Speaking Competition. Planning to achieve Distinguished Club in 2008/09 York EbOrators: After challenging times in 2007/08 club achieved President’s Distinguished Club and aims to do the same in 2008/09. Membership risen from 7 to 27 in 2008. Hosting Autumn 2009 District Conference Strictly Speaking Harrogate: Membership is holding steady at 22 but with good visitor numbers at all meetings with high conversion rate Pre-charter clubs: Dominion Speakers (Warrington) ready to charter. Fylde Coast close to charter. Chesterfield Toastmasters holding regular meetings. Scotch Corner due to meet in November. Hull planned for early 2009. Michael J. Clarke on behalf of Jim Gregory, Area 15 Governor AREA 22 South West Speakers: Currently about 24 members. The club has felt isolated from wider TM due to distance from nearest club (100 miles) Main drive now is members, some will be leaving to concentrate on new club in Plymouth. Northavon: Very established club, 40 plus members, considering splitting. Attracting new members continually through website. Club working well Thamesdown: Established club with many experienced members. Celebrating their 25th anniversary in Oct 08 Voice of Wales: Loss of Jan Collings the DTM founder member has been a blow to them. Have enquiries for a possible new club in Cardiff. Having normal teething challenges of new club. Pre-charter clubs: Plymouth - Demo meeting early October with close to 20 members promised to sign up, should charter within 1 or 2 months. Cheltenham - Currently 13 members. Actively recruiting. John Evans is President and is experienced TM. No date for charter but hopefully in the New Year Phil Barber, Area 22 Governor

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AREA 30 Linlithgow Speakers: Energy and motivation are high and they expect to achieve at least Select Distinguished Club. Highlights - signing up 12 new members in the last 3 months, & successfully hosting the Area International Speech Contest in April 2008. Goals include maintaining 25 members, achieving Distinguished Club, hosting a Tall Tales event on 16 October 2008 and initiate a successful mentoring programme. Southside Speakers: Membership risen from 5 to 17. Achieved through focused drive and support from other clubs. Highlights include stall at a local fete that resulted in new members, celebrating the club's second birthday in Sept 2008. Challenges this year will be growing the membership and hosting the COT in Jan 2009. Glasgow Toastmasters: Regularly attracts 8 visitors to meetings. 2 goals for this year are to introduce and sustain a mentoring programme by having a dedicated mentoring co-ordinator. To have 3 members complete their CL manual by 2009. A challenge is to win the Debate with the Glasgow Junior Chamber of Commerce and to host the Area Humorous Speech and Table Topics Contest. An embryonic idea is to sponsor another Glasgow Club. Capital Communicators: Hosted a successful COT in July 2008. Has a successful mentoring programme with nearly every member being mentored. Goals: Hosting the Area International Speech and Evaluation Contests in 2009. Setting up a Speakers Bureau. Sponsor a new club in Edinburgh. Maintaining the club's high standards Moira Beaton, Area 30 Governor AREA 39 Spa Speakers: Doing well; several new members; progressing with roles and speeches; Anticipate they will once again do well with their DCP. Bullring: Impacted by move of premises and loosing a couple of high profile and dedicated members; they have a number of new members onboard who are keen to progress. Heart of England: Expected to achieve Distinguished Club. East Midlands: They have enthusiastic, dedicated and inspiring club officers and members who are eager to progress, learn and achieve their personal goals as well as club goals. They are aiming high for DCP. Pre-charter clubs: Black Country Speakers Planning a 1st demo meeting on Thurs 23 October. Looking to introduce a Pantomime Competition between the clubs in our area as well as a debate contest! Carla Alves Da Silva, Area 39 Governor AREA 42 New Area created in 2008 with the split of Area 22. Established clubs with full programmes and growing membership. Two corporate clubs in Area, both competed in Area Speaking Competition in October 2008 for first time. All clubs working strongly to achieve Distinguished Club - Casterbridge, Chaseside, Cottonwood Speakers, Newbury, and Vodafone Speakers Michael J. Clarke on behalf of Jan Thorpe, Area 22 Governor AREA 43 Two of the clubs (Dundee and Findhorn & Forres) charted within the last few months while Aberdeen charted in spring of 2006 i.e. all the clubs in the Area are less than three years old. This presents opportunities and challenges for the area. The major opportunity is that the scope for growth both in terms of increasing membership as well as growing new clubs is enormous. The major challenge is that the area has few experienced members, with only four members with more than three years TM experience. One key strategy is that in addition to recruiting new members, member retention should feature high on the priority list to ensure that we have many experienced toastmasters in the area in the near future. Matthews Mtumbuka, Area 43 Governor

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DIVISION F – Fabulous F Made up of 5 areas Division F is Ireland’s largest geographical Division. Each area has a very efficient and capable area governor. To date we have had 2 division council meetings, which help keep all of us working together. We held a very successful Division Final in Loughrea on the 18th October. The standard was very high and we had a good turnout. We wish our two contestants Michael Collins (Humorous Speech) and Sean Burke (Topics) the best of luck this weekend. Division F got off to a flying start this year with all clubs in the Division having at least 4 officers trained. All clubs also had their dues send to the US on time. This puts the division in a good place on the DCP. With 21 clubs in a large geographical area it can prove challenging. However with 2 pre-charter clubs meeting in the Division we are well on our way to being a Presidents Distinguished Division. We also have several clubs with anniversaries this year. Limerick Toastmasters celebrates 25 years, Nenagh Toastmasters are 20 years old while Raheen Toastmasters celebrate 10 years since chartering. The Division has always grown strong leaders. This is borne out by 3 out of the current District Executive coming from the Division. Thanks to a great team Division F is in a very strong position and I look forward to the rest of the year. Deirdre O’Brien, Division F Governor AREA 9 Area 9 covers three counties, Westmeath, Offaly and Longford. There are four clubs in the area and I have been able to visit all of them on several occasions. Mullingar 8824: A strong and vibrant club. There is a good attendance and the meetings are of a very high standard. It has organized a workshop with District winner Simon Bucknell and more initiatives are in the planning. Tullamore 3727: A well-established club with a friendly atmosphere. The club organized the Area 9 Humorous speech and Table Topics contest to a high standard. Meetings are well run and a few new members have already signed up. Athlone 6573: A solid club for over 21 years. They were the only club in the area with all officers attending the training. They have already signed up four new members and gained the first DCP point in the area this season. Longford 610578: A good club with enjoyable meetings. The club had the winner in both the Area Humorous speech and the Table Topics contest. Area 9 is a stable area with all clubs well established. All clubs are lead by enthusiastic presidents and their committees are working hard to achieve results and raise the standard. All clubs are working towards goals in the DCP plan although I think that the slow uptake of the New Competent Leader manual will cost the clubs a few valuable points. In general I am very happy with the clubs in my area and I would like to thank all Toastmasters in area 9 for their efforts and contributions. Keep up the good work! Werner van den Hemel, Area 9 Governor AREA 12 Having hit the road running I can now report that Area 12 has four vibrant and exciting clubs with a new club up and running in Tuam. The committee involved with Tuam are very committed to getting the club Chartered as soon as possible with excellent meetings already being carried out. Membership is growing steadily with the members bringing their friends and colleagues along. Each club in the area is very active in promoting and advertising in the area with strong committees in place. Much emphasis is on inviting guests and this is evident on the number of new members already signed up. A special word of thank you must go to the Club Presidents who are excellent and are never switched off from Toastmasters. The DCP is very much the plan for all clubs and each club is aiming high. Area 12 is an example to all. Dermot Byrne, Area 12 Governor

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AREA 13 Area 13 consists of four Toastmasters clubs: Shannon, Ennis, Raheen and Kilrush and District. Shannon club meets in Oakwood Arms Hotel every second Wednesday at 8p.m. So far this year, three new members have joined and between three and five guests have attended each of the meetings. Unfortunately Brian Moore has had to step down as Club President due to work commitments but he will continue as an active club member; a new president will be appointed. The majority of club officers have been members of Toastmasters for less than a year, hence the club, while attracting new members, needs support to develop committee members’ knowledge of their roles. Ennis club members have supported Shannon through club visits; the challenge for the area will be to involve other clubs’ committee members in supporting Shannon club. Ennis, Kilrush and Raheen share common attributes in that they are established clubs that attract a number of guests at each meeting. However, they face a common challenge: retaining club members. While Raheen and Kilrush have attracted two new members each, Ennis has yet to have a guest sign up for membership; club president Robert Bennett has indicated that the club will start a recruitment campaign shortly. Each of the four clubs was represented in the Area Club Humorous Speech Contest and in the Area Table Topics Speech Contest which was held in Temple Gate Hotel, Ennis on Saturday 11th. Area 13 was represented in the Division F final contests on 18th October by Michael Collins (Humorous Speech) and John Moran (Table Topics). Congratulations to Michael Collins who will represent Division F in the District Finals to be held on the 8th November in Kilkenny. Siobhan Doherty, Area 13 Governor AREA 23 Nenagh is a well-established club with 34 members and due to celebrate its 20th anniversary in January. Three of the remaining clubs in the area have 20 members currently and one aims to have 20 members by year-end. Limerick Club had a very successful 25th anniversary celebration in October 2008 and has with 3 new members. Thomond has 2 new members. Roscrea, which chartered a year ago, is vibrant and has 5 new members. All clubs are progressing towards their goals in the distinguished club programme. Mai Mannix, Area 23 Governor AREA 38 Area 38 consists of 4 clubs, Innisfree Sligo, Sligo, Carrick on Shannon and Enniskillen. Area 38 got off to a great start with 4 or more officers from all 4 clubs attending club officer training in August. Innisfree hosted the area final with the assistance of the other 3 clubs. Congratulations to Caroline McNulty (Innisfree) winner of the Humorous Speech Contest and to Brian Dolan (Enniskillen) winner of the Table topics contest. I was delighted to visit all clubs in the area and was warmly received. It was a wonderful experience observing other clubs in operation. I visited Innisfree and Carrick on Shannon on their club contest nights and I was delighted to see contests run with strict adherence to the rules. My visits to Sligo and Enniskillen were on regular meeting nights but again the standard was high. Finally we are Area 38 hope to charter a new club in Letterkenny, Co. Donegal before this Toastmaster season ends. Letterkenny’s inaugural meeting took place on 23rd September. A large number attended and there were 4 new members on that night. Angela Farrell, Area 38 Governor.

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DIVISION G “The Courage to Make a Difference – It’s All About the Members.” Division G has 5 Areas and the energetic and committed teams of Area Governors (3 of whom have Assistants) are working hard to maintain the high standards traditional in the Division. We share ideas through our monthly conference calls, which have agendas and follow-up notes. I am also fortunate to have a very capable Assistant Division Governor who is a tower of strength. Education & Training: Area training was well supported by all of the clubs with the focus on the roles and responsibilities of the club officers and using the DCP as a basis for achieving flourishing clubs. We are encouraging co-operation with neighbouring Divisions. Members from Division G have attended workshops in Division B and Division contest dates have been co-ordinated. Many clubs organise educational sessions and workshops and the Area Governors communicate these to other clubs and Areas where possible. Club Standards: The clubs are enthusiastic and committed to the DCP. Area Governors are identifying clubs with specific issues and providing support. We encourage clubs to use EasySpeak for meeting management, if they do not already use FreeToastHost. We extol the virtues of the D71 website. PR/Marketing: The clubs are fully aware of the need for ongoing PR and some strong PR work is being carried out by some clubs with their own websites, newsletters and programs of activity. The D71 website is increasingly used for publicity and as a source of information. All 5 Areas have put their “Welcome” on the web site and are encouraging clubs to do the same. Other activities include a stand at the Buckinghamshire show, holding Open Days and promoting pre-charter Watford Speakers by leafleting at stations, in an indoor shopping mall and hospital radio. Club Strength: The vast majority of clubs have more than the minimum 20 members and the few that have membership issues are being supported by the Area Governors. Membership drives and events are ongoing. Chelmsford Speakers chartered in June and we are confident that our 3 other pre-charter clubs will charter in 2008/9. Celebrations: Berkhamsted celebrated its 1st anniversary; Chelmsford held its Charter Dinner, Thame is about to celebrate its 27th year with a Founders Dinner. Conclusion: The foundations are in place for another successful year in Division G. I am very fortunate to have such a hardworking and capable team working with me, which is making the challenging role of Division Governor the most enjoyable and stimulating I have held in Toastmasters so far. Sandra Lawes Division G Governor Area 1 Camulodunum Speakers (5673) -There is a good mixture of well established and new members. They have completed their officer training and achieved 4 CCs, 1 AC, 1 CL and 1 ACG to date. There are more than 20 members, including 4 new ones and prospects of 4 more. Chelmsford Speakers (115392) – Our newest club in the Division. They completed officer training, have more than 20 members, 2 CCs, with 2 more imminent and an AC, An ACS, a CL and a DTM. Ipswich Electrifiers (6459) – This club has an enthusiastic membership with all members mixing well. The recent move to a new venue has been conducive to growth. They have 20+ members with 2 CCs achieved with two more in the offing, 2 ACs another pending and a CL. Speak Easy @ Martlesham (714161) - Now into its fourth year, this club is exceptionally friendly and competent. The has already achieved 4 CCs, 1 AC and 1 CL as well as 4 new members. Membership is currently 24. Constance Turner, Area 1 Governor Area 4 Area 4 consists of 4 established clubs with experienced members and past Area and past District officers. Berkhamsted Speakers Club (1053038) Berkhamsted is on course to achieve Presidents Distinguished Club again. Great credit must be given to the President and his team for their commitment and creativity. Aylesbury (762) For the 4th consecutive year, this club intends to achieve 10 DCP points and with 4 new members plan a membership of 30. There is a mix of long established and new members and newcomers are encouraged to tackle their CCs at a brisk pace under the stewardship of this year’s committee.

Thame (309) Thame is 27 years this year with an core of experienced officers and members. The President and committee are focusing on a goal of President’s Distinguished Club, and making being a Toastmaster fun with great speeches and meeting variety. They started the new Toastmasters year with a revamped website, new venue and lots of plans for promotion and retention. Vale (4410) Membership is a perennial problem at Vale but with this year's influx of new enthusiastic Committee members, great strides are already being made towards the DCP goals. In addition, Vale plays an important role in supporting the Area as a whole. Alastair Watson-Gandy, Area 4 Governor

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Area 20 Harrovians Speakers (7749) This is a very friendly club with an energetic committee. Its meetings create a relaxed and fun learning environment and they make good use of inviting guest toastmasters from other clubs to take on roles, in particular the General Evaluator role. The website is highly creative. Hertfordshire Speakers (6327) Last year this club recognised that it needed to put greater focus on welcoming guests and attracting new members. They are now seeing the benefit of this and are continuing that focus while also recognising the importance of retaining existing members. For this they are looking to add more variety to their meetings and to focus them to specific needs of its members. HOD Speakers (2326) This is a very friendly club. HOD is distinct from the other clubs as it only meets once a month. They have a good base membership of 22 but are not complacent about membership and plan growth. West Herts Speakers (8828) – This club is unusual in that it has suffered from ‘over membership’. Having started this TM year with 61 members, they went though a period of redirecting new members to other clubs but are now taking on members again. This is a well run club which is well focused towards welcoming guests to encourage them to join and towards education and learning. Watford Speakers (Pre-charter) – This club was started in early 2008. Since then it has continued to grow in a good venue. Thanks to lots of hard work and support from other clubs, in particular West Herts Speakers, Watford Speakers has a good membership base and hopes to charter by the end of 2008 or early 2009. Veronica McCarthy Area 20 Governor Area 25 Area 25 is comprised of four clubs in Norfolk and Suffolk. North Norfolk Speakers Club (9823) With a thriving group, a core of experienced members and an ever-growing membership, this club goes from strength to strength and is hitting all its targets in the DCP and beyond. Norwich Speakers Club (1292) With a good membership and new venue, this club is doing well and always has new guests and members joining. They strive to be the best they can, and are pushing forward in the DCP. Speakers Without Borders (2650) Originally a club with a strong membership from the local US Air force base, this club currently has a very low membership and is working hard to address this. A re-launch with a change of venue has had the desired effect. The club still has a strong core group who keep the fire burning and refuse to let it go out. The support of District Officers is greatly appreciated and is a key factor in reviving the club’s fortunes. Articulate Speakers (6844) Due to publicity for the Humorous contest and through advertising, the membership is starting to grow again. The members are very eager to finish their projects and are working hard on the DCP. Suzie Sander Area 25 Governor Area 41 Area 41 is a new Area created by taking some clubs from Area 4 and some from Area 1. We are working hard to give a sense of unity to the new Area and to ensure that the Area provides a mutually beneficial and supportive environment for the clubs. Anglia Communicators (3380) – Probably one of the strongest clubs in the Area, Anglia is likely to achieve President’s Distinguished again. Membership growth is excellent, retention and development are being worked on. Strong committee. Effective, proactive PR. 2 DCP goals achieved. Bedford Speakers & Leaders (911179) The youngest chartered club in Area 41. Still being supported by their sponsors and mentors from neighbouring Milton Keynes, this club aims to achieve President’s Distinguished. Cambridge City Communicators (Pre-Charter) This brand new club started this Autumn and has already signed up four members. It is receiving support from the Area Governor and from their sister club, Cambridge Speakers. This club expect to charter by the end of the 2008/9 year. Cambridge Speakers (8105) - This is a very large and thriving club. There are challenges retaining members, which are being addressed by the very experienced and committed President. Plan for Select Distinguished. 3 DCP goals achieved. Eldergate (6078) A very well established club. The officers are aware of a need for more members to be involved at committee level and for members to be encouraged to attend more regularly. Aiming for President’s Distinguished Club this year. 1 DCP goal achieved. Huntingdonshire Speakers (Pre-Charter) We fully expect this club to charter by the end of 2008. They are receiving support from the Area Governor and their neighbouring clubs. North Bucks Speakers (660325) The younger of the two clubs in Milton Keynes, this club is working on encouraging members to attend more regularly. There is a great atmosphere and feeling of teamwork and they have set the objective of President’s Distinguished Club. 0 DCP goals achieved yet. Graham Frost Area 41 Governor

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DIVISION H Division H is thriving with 25 chartered clubs with our latest addition, Camberley chartering in the last few weeks. Well done Camberley! There are three current pre charter clubs running and another three pre-charter clubs likely to be launched after Christmas. The Area Governors are enthusiastic and thorough, the clubs are well run and most are collecting many DCP points and looking forward to Presidents Distinguished status this year. We are looking to launch a Division wide web resource and for the first time run Division wide events specialising in preparing for the International and Humorous Speech contests, Evaluation, Judging and more. What a great year for Division H. Samantha Babister, Division H Governor Area 14 Camberley Speakers Chartered recently with 25 members. This was partly due to the influx of members from Fluor, a nearby company. They have joined Camberley before they split off and form their own company club. The addition of more members will hopefully attract other guests to join, so that when Fluor makes the split, the club will still have a healthy membership. Important for the club officers to remain focussed on getting new members. Talkability at Sun Sadly, despite the valiant efforts of President, Marlane Heard, this club is reduced to 4 members. This is a company club that has the problem that many former members have been made redundant. The area contest was held at their premises and was a great success. They have gone down several avenues to get more employees to join, and may have 2 former members coming back. Perhaps a letter to the MD would be useful. Woking Speakers Woking is a young club. It is very focussed on giving the members what they want, and have come up with some innovative ideas to support them. They have achieved President's Distinguished Club 2 years running, and are well on their way to achieving it again. Unfortunately, their President had to resign for personal reasons, however the new President is now in place. Guildford Speakers Guildford is a well-established club, which has been running for around 13 years. It continues to have a strong membership and is working towards achieving President's Distinguished Club again this year. Situated near the centre of Guildford, and there is rarely a week when there is not at least one guest. The club is very supportive of its members needs, and regularly organises special evenings. Epsom Speakers Epsom is the longest established club in the area of 40 years. Some long-standing members have recently left the club, however this has made room for others to become club officers and the club continues to have a strong membership. Their goal is to achieve President's Distinguished Club again this year. I believe they have no problems to report, and the club continues to function well with in excess of 20 members. Mole Valley Speakers Mole Valley went through a period where their membership numbers were low, however, with the help of open evenings, poster campaigns and the support of other clubs in the area, the club now has well in excess of 20 members. Recently, they had 4 guests join in one night, thus achieving a DCP point in one go. Despite their healthy membership, they continue to hold open evenings. The President and VPE are very experienced, as they have carried out the roles before, and I am confident that the club will continue to thrive under their leadership. Helen Quinn Area 14 Governor Area 21 There are 5 clubs (one advanced) in Area 21. The clubs are all strong with good leadership. Generally, new membership appears to be slow this year for all clubs. There seems to be a lack of knowledge within the membership of the requirements for the advanced communication and leadership awards, this will be addressed as part of ongoing training. Chiltern Speakers This is a well-established club of 30 members with an enthusiastic committee. The club is working on the Distinguished Club Programme. They may be able to achieve Presidents Distinguished Club. Maidenhead Speakers This is the oldest club in the area at 25 years, they have a membership over 50. The president noted that they have had many enquiries from potential visitors, but only half come to meetings. Reading Speakers This is a lively club of 30 members with some new members. The officers are planning to achieve Presidents Distinguished Club. Membership has again been slow this year, however they are confident of meeting their DCP goals. Windsor Speakers This is the newest of the clubs in the area, and has a membership of 35. The club is vibrant, friendly and informal. There are a lot of visitors and the first goal for membership should be reached this month. There is likely to be a surge of CC awards this year, 6 predicted to date. The club should be able to easily achieve Presidents Distinguished Club this year, having been one point short last year. Marlow Orators This is a new advanced club. The membership has fallen below 20, as some of the charter members did not continue. A membership drive is required to maintain the level of 20. The Distinguished Club Programme is in evidence, however, but educational awards are given to the members home club. Trish Weller Area 21 Governor

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Area 32 The area has 5 Chartered clubs and 2 Pre-Charter clubs. Area training had the theme ‘Members Matter’ and was well attended. Two very useful area council meetings have been held. All chartered clubs are aiming for Distinguished Club status, and it is hoped the pre-charter clubs will charter during the year. Several club Presidents and the Area Governor are aiming to complete High Performance Leadership projects this year. Arun Speakers Chartered for nearly twenty years. Special meetings have included a Tall Tales contest and a wellattended summer celebration with varied speaking activities. Brighton & Hove Speakers Member recruitment remains successful although high turnover. Recently held a meeting based on a Coaching theme. The club has moved to new premises, which provide improved facilities. Eastbourne Speakers Chartered since January 2007, members are enthusiastic although fairly low in number. It is hoped that increased PR and a future move to a more central venue will result in twenty members by the year-end. Solent Speakers A lively club. Actively supporting preparations for the planned New Year launch of ‘Hamwic’ precharter club in Southampton. Home club of the area Table Topics contest winner Gavin Miekle. Wessex Speakers High membership although not reflected in meeting attendance. Wessex hosted the Humorous Speaking and Table Topics contest for Area 32. Battle (PC) Founding members led by Giles Robinson, launch meeting 6th November. Worthing (PC) Launched in September by Past Area Governor Meg Heyworth and Peter Cornwell. Linda Hooper Area 32 Governor Area 35 Meridian Speakers Club Relatively young club with a vibrant membership of 32. Meridian Speakers is aiming for Distinguished Club status. The club is looking to maintain progress and to make full use of mentorship scheme. They hold a Christmas dinner in December and another during the summer. This is done mainly through the club's website which has been successful in bringing visitors to the club. Bromley Speakers The club is 16 years old and has 48 members. They are aiming for Presidents Distinguished Club. The club treats every guest as a potential member and has had 4 new members so far. Croydon Communicators This is a relatively new club, about 3 years old, with a vibrant membership of 20. The Membership Programme hopes to extend their membership above 25. The club is predicting 1 CC,1 AC and aims for Select Distinguished Club Speakers of Croydon The club will achieve Presidents Distinguished Club again! They have already got 4 points. Main source of new members is the website, 5 of which came through its membership contest. Speakers of Croydon had 25 members at the beginning of the year, lost about 8 but replaced 5. The big difference with the club is that it only has 12-month memberships. The club is now in its 6th year. Lewisham Speakers (PC) New club being launched on 19th November by previous Area Governor and a large team comprising members of many clubs in Area 35. see Shegun Olusanya Area 35 Governor Area 37 Ambassadors Speakers Club A very successful year for Ambassadors. They held their Charter Dinner in July and have continued to thrive; they are aiming to have 5 CCs this year. They are hosting the Area Humorous and Table Topics Contest and the Area Governor, Yvonne Forbes, comes from this club. Premier Communicators The summer is a quiet time for this club as they have several members who are at the University and away for the summer. However numbers will build from early October when they return. They are trying very hard this year to promote the Leadership programme as well as the Communication programme to their members. Tunbridge Wells At one time they were quite concerned about their low numbers but appointed a mentor from Bromley Club to help them. When I attended it was a lively, well-balanced meeting with both new and experienced members, and real quality speeches. Maidstone Continues to be a very successful club with 2 past Area Governors being from this club and several quite experienced members. They are very enthusiastic and committed to all training and competitive events. Toasted Sandwich Club This is the Pfizer club and is a bit different to the other clubs as it is a work based club only for employees. They meet for 1 hour at lunchtime each week. So far this year they already have 4 DCP goals, two of which were earned by CLs. They currently have only 20 members but the Area Governor has already found another member for them. Yvonne Forbes Area 37 Governor

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IMMEDIATE PAST DISTRICT 71 GOVERNOR – Mary Murtagh What a wonderful organisation Toastmasters International is. There are 236.000 members in 11.700 clubs in 92 countries, all following the same Communication and Leadership programme, which has only been somewhat updated since 1924! All these members are improving their skills in a supportive environment, enjoying the experience and taking the benefits to the wider world of work and leisure. But the most amazing aspect of all is that Volunteers carry out all this wonderful work worldwide! Volunteers go about their adopted roles with extraordinary generosity, and missionary zeal, spreading the message to all they meet. Their reward is satisfaction in their work, seeing others benefit from their efforts and learning from their experience. However we are all human - childlike in a way. Recognition is a great incentive and often the only recompense available in a voluntary organisation. Recognition is not so much a record of achievements or a "well done" clap on the back. It is as an affirmation of "you are going about the task in a valuable way". Let's be generous but honest with our commendations. My late father was very definite about corrections or readjustments where necessary, in his phrase "Don't send the fool farther", emphasising the need for a guiding hand where appropriate. Some of my teachers had a similar idea but their language made their efforts less effective! Each step along the road of communications or leadership must be acknowledged before the peers and fellow Toastmasters. It may be the spur needed at that moment to revive drooping spirits and a powerful motivation to lift the head and renew the resolve to make that goal. You may never know how valuable your encouraging words are, so do not spare them. Within each club this process is achieved very successfully by means of mentoring and People building People. Nor it is confined to clubs. Areas, Divisions, Districts and TI bear a similar responsibility. Hence the Autumn Conference incorporates the Hall of Fame, which recognises the achievements of the previous year. Last year was a very good year for D71. Through the endeavour of many, D71 was seventh in the world, no minor final result. Let’s congratulate ourselves and celebrate as we move to next year with The Courage to make a Difference.

Mary Murtagh, Immediate Past District Governor, November 2008

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PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER REPORT – Jim Hegarty Word of mouth is the most effective PR approach: Prior to making my training presentations on PR, at the District Officer Training [DOT] Sessions held in Stansted [June 8th] and in Portlaoise [June 15th], I split the attendees into their own four Divisions and asked them to appoint a reporter for a ten-minute brainstorming session. All eight Divisions, in Ireland and Great Britain, reported that the most powerful means of getting your message out was by personal contact, word of mouth and bring a friend. Sharing PR approaches and strategies: I promised the attendees in June that I would report, by email, on ‘the PR ideas generated at those two brainstorming sessions’. I also sent my PowerPoint Presentation to a very wide Toastmaster community in Ireland and Great Britain. The PR Presentation, together with the ‘results of the brainstorming sessions on PR strategies’, is available on the District 71 Website; This process of sharing PR ideas generated very many responses from right around d71. Stay on the learning curve: PR in the Countryside: In July, I attended three Toastmasters events in the Bucks County. I discussed PR strategies with three Club Presidents, Area Governor Alastair Watson-Gandy, and Division G Governor, Sandra Lawes. The PR event being planned, which you can read in the September District Newsletter, available on the District 71 Website, , was a stall at the Bucks County Show, which generated over 30 enquiries, several visitors and two new members to date. Stay on the learning curve: PR in the City: In early September, I attended three toastmaster events in London. I learned about how PR is managed in a large city environment. Workshops on Speech-Craft, Topics/Media and Writing Humorous Speeches can attract 40 / 50 people, not all of whom necessarily belong to a Toastmasters Club. I met Division B Governor, Freddie Daniells, David and Carol West presenting a Workshop, Dorothea Stuart, Assistant Division B Governor – Marketing, organising a Committee Meeting in a Company Club and Alan Bywaters, President of Grosvenor Square Speakers. See, articles in September Newsletter on . See, also, National Awareness: In Great Britain, there is a great PR opportunity emerging, arising from a BBC 2 program, which is due to go on air in mid-to-late January. It will feature the winners of competitions to find the best speakers in the 14 –18 year age group. Many of those students, who have experienced the joy and the power of feeling comfortable, while speaking in public, will want to join their local Toastmasters Clubs. In Ireland, Kate Thornhill, Division C Governor, promoted Toastmasters in a radio interview on the Marian Finucane show. Michael Kelly’s article, entitled “ACCUSTOMED AS THEY ARE ....” , was published in The Irish Times on Sat. Oct. 4th , showing Toastmasters in a positive light. Teamwork is the key – The energy and synergy of teams is well recognised, in industry, in commerce and in the wider community. We, in the Toastmasters community, achieve a very high level of synergy, when organising Area, Division and District events. 1. PR can be done by everyone 2. There is a need to make the most of our PR resources by co-ordination between Clubs on a regional basis.

Jim Hegarty, D71 Public Relations Officer, November 2008

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Toastmasters International District 71; Autumn Council Meeting; Sat 8th November 2008 at 11.15am District Governor 08/09 –Gary Sander DTM

LT GOV MARKETING REPORT – Teresa Dukes District 71 is off to a fabulous start this year with regards to membership growth and retention. Even during these financially trying times there are still clubs cropping up all over the place, which just shows that our Education and Training programme as well as our Leadership Programme, is in high demand. Pre Charter Clubs – This year we started out with an extremely high number of pre-charter clubs already meeting and taking up the challenge to build a strong and sustainable club. With the support and experience of fellow Toastmasters they are working hard to reach that magic charter status. We had at the beginning of the year (1st July) a record number of 21 pre-charter clubs meeting in our divisions and as of 20th October we reduced that number down to 18 listed below: • Division A: Kinsale • Division C: Dublin Polish Club, Newry • Division E: Black Country Speakers, Cheltenham, Chesterfield, Dominion Speakers, Dorchester, Fylde Coast Orators, Hadrian’s Orators • Division F: Letterkenny, Tuam • Division G: Cambridge Communicators, Huntingdonshire Speakers, Watford Speakers • Division H: Battle Speakers, Lewisham, Worthing Chartered Clubs – The reason our pre-charter clubs fell from 21 to 18 is because 3 of them have reached Charter Status! Congratulations to CareerBuilders from Division B, Armada Speakers from Division E and Camberley Speakers from Division H. Leads from World Headquarters – Since the 1st of July we have received well over 18 requests for information on starting a new club. These leads come from all over the place and usually from people unaware of where their nearest club is. This year Division B, E & H are leading the pack with 14 out of 18 requests with the remaining 4 coming from Ireland. This shows that there is a need for growth in the middle of the UK, Northern parts of Ireland and within metropolitan cities. From these leads 3 have turned into real pre-charter clubs. Struggling Clubs – As well as starting new clubs to bring in members we also need to ensure that our existing clubs remain strong and sustainable. With the financial crisis affecting everyone it was inevitable that it would touch us as well. However, this is where experienced Toastmasters have the chance to share their knowledge and give back where help is needed. At the moment I have concerns over 14 clubs who haven’t renewed their semi-annuals as of 10th October and these are the ones I will be watching and helping support to get their feet back on the ground. We have appointed coaches for at least 3 clubs so far but I think it is important for us to stay vigilant and continuously look at ways of keeping our membership above the 20+ mark so that we catch problems early before they get beyond our help. Financial Support In order to assist our membership growth the District has put into place some financial assistance that I will elaborate on here: New Clubs - £150/220 Euros – All new clubs have the right to draw down these funds in order to assist in the marketing of the new Club. Banner & Bag - $100 – It has been decided that EVERY club reaching Charter status will have their banner paid for. No time limit to do this. Club Coaches - £150/220 Euros – All clubs with 12 or less members will be assigned a club coach in order to assist them in getting back up to the 20+ membership requirement. The will also have the ability to draw down funds to assist them in marketing the club during this period. Divisional Marketing - £300/380 Euros – Division Governors can draw down this sum in order to assist in the marketing of new and existing clubs as well as struggling clubs. Request must be accompanied by a detailed plan on what the Division wants to focus on. Good luck to you all for the hard work already exhibited and to that, which is yet to come!

Teresa Dukes DTM, Lt Gov Marketing, November2008 D71_Council_ReportNov08 issue

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Toastmasters International District 71; Autumn Council Meeting; Sat 8th November 2008 at 11.15am District Governor 08/09 –Gary Sander DTM

LT GOVERNOR EDUCATION & TRAINING REPORT – Joe Gibbs TRAINING: The early part of the Toastmaster year always kicks off with cascaded training from District Officer level right down to Club level. Training for the top three members of the Executive is conducted in the US each year in August, ironically after the main two training sessions have been carried out at District level. District Officer Training: This year held in June in Portlaois and Stansted for all incoming Area and Division Governors the training focussed very much on the essential needs for each new District Officer. In particular there was significant emphasis on the role of the Division Council and how it can be used to build effective teams, communicate with them regularly and ensure that the District Executive were informed of key events and happenings with the Divisions and Areas. We also covered the key requirements of the DCP, the importance of attracting new Members into the organisation and of course the essential topics and material for the Club Officer Training. Club Officer Training: During the months of July and August in and effort to ensure that all our Club Officer were sufficiently trained in their new roles, Area Governors with support from their Division Governors successfully carried out Club Officer training throughout the UK and Ireland. We had record turnouts with 7 Clubs sending their full committees for training. Well done to Midleton, Polish your Polish, Ridgeway Speakers, Athlone, London Athenians, Tube Talk and Chaseside Speakers. EDUCATION: Workshops: Key to any educational programme is not just the educational materials used at Club level but also the quality and type of workshops offered at District Conferences and throughout the district at Division and Area gatherings. The Conference workshops this time cover such diverse topics as Storytelling and improving your Evaluations, coming up with a Strategic Plan for Club Growth or keeping a Youth Leadership Course interesting and innovative. We are fortunate in having presenters from Ireland, England, Scotland and Australia in an effort to ensure continued variety. Educational Awards: While it’s early in the TM year there have already been a number of awards earned and registered by members throughout the District. As of October 13th we already have 37 CC’s, 16 CL’s, 8 AL’s 15 AC’s and 2 DTM’s. On the DTM’s congratulations in particular to Phil Heath of Harrogate and Brian Matthews of Enniscorthy Club who completed their DTM’s in July and August respectively and can proudly wear their DTM badges in recognition of their hard work and achievement. FEEDBACK: Key to understanding our organisation and its benefits is the feedback we receive from our members. Many thanks to all of you for your valuable input on the recent Leadership Survey. We had well over 300 responses and will have a presentation on the preliminary findings at the Kilkenny Conference. For those that cannot make it we will make the presentation available on the website after the conference.

Joe Gibbs, Lt Gov Education & Training, November 2008 D71_Council_ReportNov08 issue

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Toastmasters International District 71; Autumn Council Meeting; Sat 8th November 2008 at 11.15am District Governor 08/09 –Gary Sander DTM

DISTRICT GOVERNOR REPORT – Gary Sander We are about half way through our year and so far it has had its ups and downs. Our thoughts go out to those clubs and members who find themselves on the down side, having been affected by the current monetary situation around the World and I applaud their Toastmasters spirit of “we shall work through this”. On the up side, we already have several new clubs chartered this year with more being set up and we welcome them to the Family. After well-attended District Officer training sessions in Stansted and Portlaoise, our Area and Divisional Officers started their year full of enthusiasm for their new challenges this year. With the ‘Courage to make a Difference’, everyone has made a start to the Toastmaster year with a positive outlook and set themselves new challenges from making that next speech, starting that new club or even organising a conference. With that in mind, the difference shows with the amount of Educational awards already registered with TI. I would like to say that even though we are looking to start up to eighteen new clubs this year, let us not forget that we also have to look after the clubs we already have and make sure we offer every kind of assistance to those clubs in need. Finally we have two Conferences already well into the organisational stage and one more in the planning. Today, whilst I was typing out this report, a candidate for International President called me and during the phone conversation asked me “what is the greatest asset in your District”? Without any hesitation I answered “The Members”. He went on to ask why and I said “The Members of District 71 are its greatest asset because in these troublesome times, they don’t sit and worry about the past, they don’t sit and moan about the now, they look at what they can achieve in the future and they go for it”. In most cases, this may mean setting more targets than normal inside and outside of Toastmasters; it may mean making sacrifices or stronger commitments to reach those targets but all with the knowledge that those targets are achievable and they will make a difference. This takes courage and you, the members of District 71, have that in vast amounts. I applaud and thank you all for the difference that every single one of you makes to this great organisation.

Gary Sander DTM, District 71 Governor, November 2008 D71_Council_ReportNov08 issue

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