District 71 Training Jan 09 Making a Difference
Joe Gibbs District 71 LGET 2008/09
Joe Gibbs 2006
Do you know how your Club’s, Areas & Divisions are doing? Division Governors are you in regular contact with your Area Governors? Area Governors are you in regular contact with your Club Presidents? Do you regularly review your plan for your Area/Division against the results so far? Have you made adjustments to your plan to obtain your goals? Have you made a Difference? Joe Gibbs 2006
How do we make a difference?
Providing leadership, guidance and support to our Clubs and their committies Providing good quality training in our Areas and Divisions. Improving the standard of meetings & overall membership in club’s. Improving the educational standards across our Areas and Divisions Joe Gibbs 2006
Making a difference
Addressing PR & Marketing needs of overall Division Supporting weak and new clubs. Seeking opportunities for club growth Giving more people the opportunity to benefit from the Toastmasters program.
Joe Gibbs 2006
How do you measure your success?
Number of new clubs Number of new members Number of old members retained Number of educational awards DCP!
Joe Gibbs 2006
Monitoring Progress
TI website
Club Business Section (Password Protected) https://ecommerce.toastmasters.org/ecommerce/timssn District Performance Reports
Go to D71 Distinguished Club Program by Area/Division
http://reports.toastmasters.org/reports_new/Disting uishedClubReport.cfm? secondTime=1&d=71&thisYear=20082009&thisMonth=1&thisDate=2009-0109+00%3A00%3A00.0&btnSubmitGo=+Go+ Joe Gibbs 2006
Joe Gibbs 2006
Keys to Success
Keep sight of your overall vision for each Area & Division. Monitor your Area/Division’s progress and adjust plan accordingly. Continue to identify strengths & weaknesses Focus on addressing weaknesses & building on strengths Hold regular meetings
Good Communications – (Team & D71 Executive)
Agendas Minutes and action items Phone, e;mail, face to face.
Utilise limited time strategically Determination to succeed! Joe Gibbs 2006
District 71 Training Jan 09 Club Officer Training – Round 2 Joe Gibbs District 71 LGET 2008/09
Joe Gibbs 2006
District Mission Statement ď Ž
District Mission:
The mission of the district is to enhance the performance and extend the network of clubs, thereby offering greater numbers of people the opportunity to benefit from the Toastmasters educational program. Joe Gibbs 2006
Focusing on the critical success factors as specified by the district educational and membership goals. Ensuring that each club effectively fulfills its responsibilities to its members. Providing effective training and leadership opportunities for club and district officers. Joe Gibbs 2006
District 71 Training Jan 09
Effective Club Officer Training – Round 2
Joe Gibbs 2006
Why do we need COT?
To ensure our Leaders are helping to achieve the District Mission and serving the needs of our Members. To ensure Club Officers know how to carry out their roles and responsibilities To develop leadership skills within the clubs To fulfil the requirements of the DCP Joe Gibbs 2006
How should I approach 2nd Training?
First review progress to date in each Area TI Reports on Education, Training & Membership Progress in achieving the Distinguished Club Program goals
Discuss with Presidents what they feel would benefit their Clubs in training. Decide on suitable topics/workshops Phone each President and explain why YOU need them and their committees to attend Joe Gibbs 2006
The Program……
Review Distinguished Club Program (DEFINITE)
If Membership retention is an issue
Conduct “Finding New Members” or “Closing the Sale” modules from the Successful Club Series.
Marketing & PR
Download latest Club Reports and Review
Review PR and Marketing ideas
Additional Workshops to Consider:
Communications and Leadership: Advanced Manuals, New CL etc How to organising quality contests A Judging or Evaluation workshop Joe Gibbs 2006
Put things in context……
Open with District Mission Always explain why a particular item is important.
Ie DCP is important not solely for the recognition and awards it brings. Most importantly its an indication of how successful a Club is in meeting its membership needs
Schedule time for Discussion & Networking Joe Gibbs 2006
How do put together a COT program?
Use experienced past Club Officers to lead the roles and responsibilities piece. Use existing workshop presenters
Past Division & Area Governors
Create interactive sessions with opportunities for sharing of ideas. Remember:
Primary purpose is to educate new Club Officers in how to carry out their roles effectively. Its YOUR training – lead it, manage it, report back on it. Joe Gibbs 2006
Where should you have it?
Central location Can be combined with other areas Self financing Limited financial assistance is available from District. (€50/£35 per Area) If additional financial assistance is required expenditure must be pre-approved in writing by the DG.
Joe Gibbs 2006
When do you carry out the training?
February 28th is LAST date for Club Officer Training. District calendar on TI website http://www.toastmasters.org/Members/OfficerResou
Joe Gibbs 2006
What MUST you provide and to whom?
Area Governors: List of attendees from each club Positions of each attendee ie VPE, VPR etc.
To whom? The Division Governor The LGET:
LGET’s e:mail address: joe.gibbs@o2.ie Joe Gibbs 2006
What resources are available to you?
TI Website – Training Materials
Achieving Success Standards Maintaining Strong Clubs Building New Clubs Building Successful Teams Conducting Quality Speech Contests http://www.toastmasters.org/Members/OfficerReso
Joe Gibbs 2006
What resources are available to you?
DOT presentations D71 website – knowledgebase District directory Area/Division Governors packs CD of presentations
Joe Gibbs 2006
Useful Links – Education & Training
Distinguished Programs The Distinguished Club, Area/Division and District programs serve as the basis for goal achievement for your clubs, areas/divisions and districts. http://www.toastmasters.org/DCPmanual.aspx http://www.toastmasters.org/AreaDivision.aspx http://www.toastmasters.org/DistinguishedDistrict.aspx Training Club Leaders Your guide to planning and presenting club officer training. http://www.toastmasters.org/217_training.aspx Club Officer Roles Access important information about each club officer's roles and responsibilities. http://www.toastmasters.org/clubofficers.aspx
Joe Gibbs 2006
Useful Links - Membership ď Ž
Membership Building Contests Recognize individuals and clubs for their contribution to membership growth by accessing these reports online. http://www.toastmasters.org/MembershipContests.aspx How to Build a Toastmasters Club: A Step-By-Step Guide http://www.toastmasters.org/HowtoBuildaToastmastersClub.aspx How to Rebuild a Toastmasters Club: A Step-By-Step Guide http://www.toastmasters.org/HowtoRebuildaToastmastersClub.aspx Toastmasters International Membership Application Let clubs know that these membership applications are available online for their use. http://www.toastmasters.org/MembershipApplications.aspx
Joe Gibbs 2006
Useful Links - PR ď Ž
Membership Growth Need strategies on club growth and quality programming? http://www.toastmasters.org/MembershipGrowth.aspx Let the World Know: Publicity and Promotion Handbook Need strategies for effective public relations and promotion? Here's a handbook of practical guidelines for success. http://www.toastmasters.org/Let_World_Know.aspx
Joe Gibbs 2006
District 71 Training Jan 09
Succession Planning
Joe Gibbs 2006
District Mission Statement ď Ž
District Mission:
The mission of the district is to enhance the performance and extend the network of clubs, thereby offering greater numbers of people the opportunity to benefit from the Toastmasters educational program. Joe Gibbs 2006
What is Succession Planning?
“A process of systematically & deliberately preparing for future changes of leadership in key positions. The process may identify potential replacements and provide strategies for developing individuals to meet future needs”
Joe Gibbs 2006
Why is Succession Planning important?
Good leadership is key to the continued success of our organisation. To provide leadership and growth opportunities to our members. To ensure we best serve the needs of our members. To ensure continuity and continued service to our Areas. Because it is part of being a good leader. Joe Gibbs 2006
Succession Planning & the Division Council
Area Goveronors are windows to the Clubs Find out who is interested in Leadership positions in the Clubs Discuss with your Division Council Division Governors – provide a list of recommended Area Governors to the LGET. Incoming DG begins discussions with potential 2009/10 Area Governors in May. Joe Gibbs 2006
Conducting an AGM
Guidelines can be found on P44 of “When You Are thePresident:
Also at “Annual Club Elections” on TI Website. http://www.toastmasters.org/Members/OfficerResources/ClubOfficerResources/ClubElectionsAnn ual.aspx
Before March 31: Appoint a nominating committee (see club constitution at www.toastmasters.org/pdfs/210c.pdf). The committee should be chaired by the immediate past president or most recent past president available.
Last meeting in April: Nominating committee reports to the club.
First meeting in May: The nominating committee report is presented to the club. If the nominating committee has no report at the last meeting in April, postpone the election until one week after the meeting at which the report is given. Call for nominations from the floor. Nominations and elections begin with the president and proceed in descending order
Remember: A quorum (51 percent of active members) is needed to conduct business (including electing officers). Proxies or absentee ballots are not allowed at the club level. Members must be active and present to vote. Don’t forget to fill out a club and officer information form online at the Club Business section of the TI Website immediately following your election so the correct officers will receive every important mailing. Or your club may submit the club and officer information form by mail or fax, instead.
Joe Gibbs 2006
LG Education & Training
Joe Gibbs
94 Ard Coillte, Ballina, Co Tipperary, Ireland
Tel ++ 353 86 8575541
The future will be what we make of it………......... Have you gotten started yet ? Joe Gibbs 2006