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Meeting of the DISTRICT 71 COUNCIL 11 am, Saturday 11th November 2006 Abbey Court Hotel, Nenagh, County Tipperary, Ireland


Call to Order (Invocation, District Mission, Welcome, Apologies)


Adoption of Agenda


Report of Credentials Committee, Appointment of Tellers


Minutes of Council Meeting 13th May 2006


Confirmation of District Officer Appointments


2005/6 Year-end Audit


Adoption of District Budget and Treasurer’s Report


Reports of Division Governors & District Officers (Division Governors, Immediate Past District Governor, Public Relations Officer, Lt Governor Marketing, Lt Governor Education & Training, District Governor)


Bids for District Conferences

10 Any Other Business 11 Announcements and Adjournment

Quality Clubs

Toastmasters International District 71; Autumn Council Meeting; Sat 11th November 2006 at 11.00am District Governor 2006 – Nick Benning

Minutes of Council Meeting Spring Conference 2006 Bloomfield House Hotel, Mullingar, Co.Westmeath

13th May 2006; 11:00

1. Call to order; District Governor. Lynda Molloy DTM District Governor. 2. Welcome and Introductory remarks Lynda Molloy DTM District Governor. 2A. Apologies Area 1 Governor:

Kevin Bradley

Area 6 Governor:

Edward Till

Area 14 Governor

June McCullough

Area 15 Governor

Mike Clarkson

Area 19 Governor

Jennifer Bruce

Area 22 Governor

Jan Collings

Area 31 Governor

Clive Broadbent

New Club Extension Officer

Michael O’Sullivan

3. Adoption of Agenda Sufficient notice of the Council Meeting having been given, a motion that the agenda be adopted was by show of hands 4. Invocation by Sheila Lee ATMS 5. The District Mission read by Julie Brosnan CTM 6. Report of the Credentials committee Cecil Kirk presented the report of the Credentials Committee and informed the Council that 164 clubs were eligible to participate thereby giving a quorum (1/3) of 54 and other eligible persons number 52 There was a possible 142 votes plus 29 making a total of 171 possible votes. 6A. Appointment of Tellers The appointment of the following tellers was agreed by a show of hands;

Mary Farrell, Lou Anne Kent, Marina Gallagher, Michael Cronin Angela Sheehan 7. Secretary’s report – Approval of Minutes of Autumn 2005Conference. 8. District Governor Lynda Molloy thanked Adrienne Crowe for taking the minutes. Acceptance of the Minutes was by a show of hands 9: Matters arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising 10: Proposal for Realignment of Clubs within the Divisions A and E 11: Adoption of Alignment of Clubs within the Divisions A and E was by a show of hands, conditional on reaching objectives named in the report by 30th June 12: Report from the Nominating Committee chaired by David Thompson Immediate Past District 71 Governor; supported by David Minzey, Finola O’Brien, Janet Rose and Nick Theato 13: Nomination and Election of Division Governors and District Officers for 2006 - 2007; Division A Sean Corcoran Division B Pedro Cassillas Division C Bob Gilbert Division D Lucia Hughes Division E Jane Cameron Division F Geraldine Smith Division G Kay Federico Division H Jacqui Hogan WPM$3EED.doc

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Toastmasters International District 71; Autumn Council Meeting; Sat 11th November 2006 at 11.00am District Governor 2006 – Nick Benning

District Public Relations Officer; Lt Governor Marketing; Lt Gov Education and Training; District Governor;

Joe Gibbs Gary Sander Mary Murtagh Nick Benning

14: Treasurers Report and approval of midyear Audit July 2005 – December 2005; was presented by Mary Kehoe. Questions were raised from the floor as follows; • Eddie Dunphy regarding the shortfall following the Autumn Conference • Dave Robertson regarding sponsorship • Bernie Mulvey regarding budget expenses • Sandra Lawes regarding marketing • Jonathan Wallace clarifying that it was a six month budget • Ted Corcoran regarding deficit concerns The Treasurer addressed each question and the Mid Year Audit was accepted by a show of hands. 15: Reports of District Officers and Division Governors Written reports from District Officers were included in the Council pack. All Division Governors presented their reports verbally Division A James Robinson ATMB on Behalf of Tony O’Regan Division B Andrew Klimaytys ATMB Division C Paul Cantwell ATMB CL Division D Sean Brady ATMS Division E Martyn Tilson ATMS AL Division F Marina Gallagher CTM AL Division G Teresa Dukes ATMS AL Division H Andy Hammond ATMS CL Reports were also presented by;District Public Relations Officer; Gary Sander DTM Lt Governor Marketing; Mary Murtagh DTM Lt Gov Education and Training; Nick Benning ATMS AL District Governor; Lynda Molloy DTM 16: With apologies for delay, Introduction of Top Table; District Secretary; Adrienne Crowe District Public Relations Officer ; Gary Sander Lt Governor Education and Training; Nick Benning District Governor; Lynda Molloy Parliamentarian; Cecil Kirk Lt Governor Marketing; Mary Murtagh District Treasurer; Mary Kehoe 17: Presentation of Bids for future Conference; A proposal to host Spring Conference 2007 presented by Leslie Wells of Arun Speakers, Area 32 Div H, South East Coast of England subject to the approval by the District Executive and District Audit Committee of Business Plan. 18: Any other Business • Colin Walsh raised the issues of effective communication between District 71 and WHQ with regard to a particular membership issue • Meg Heyworth raised an issue with regard to Public Liability insurance for meetings in irregular locations • Robin Chawner suggested that an invitation be extended to local media to report on showcase contests • Ann Duncan raised the problems of renewing lapsed members on line; Ted Corcoran recommended faxing a membership form and ensuring that all members are registered 19: Announcements with respect to the afternoons events and Adjournment; There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 13:05 to be reconvened at the Autumn conference in Nenagh Ireland on 11th November 2006. WPM$3EED.doc

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Toastmasters International District 71; Autumn Council Meeting; Sat 11th November 2006 at 11.00am District Governor 2006 – Nick Benning

District 71 2006 -2007 District Officers - Appointed by the District Governor District Parliamentarian: District Treasurer: District Secretary: Audit Committee Chairman: Audit Committee Member; Audit Committee Member:

Ireland Division A

Cecil Kirk, ATM Glen Vaughan CTM, CL Teresa Dukes ATMS, AL Joe DeSouza Roman Klimczak David Tabor

UK Assistant Division Governors plus Area Governors and Assistants Division B

Jean Cunningham, Assistant Education & Training Caroline O'Connor, Assistant Marketing Michael O'Sullivan, Assistant Statistician Area 3 : Frank Donaldson Area 11 : Pat Connolly Area 17 : Margaret O’Regan Area 23 : Mary Brassel Area 36 : Joe McDonnell Area 36 Assistant : Bernadette Noonan

Nigel Cutts, Assistant Education & Training Paul Carroll, Assistant Marketing Area 6 : Gilly Cutts Area 29 : Ian Harrison Area 31 : Camilla Allwood Area 33 : Dick Dixon Area 34 : Debora Ilott

Division C

Division E

John Earle, Assistant

Mike Clarkson, Assistant Education & Training Judith Malan, Assistant Marketing Area 7 : Malcolm Warden Area 15 : Phil Heath Area 22 : Wyn Tingley Area 30 : Oscar Merkx

Area 2 : Dan O’Neill Area 5 : Maryanne Dalton Area 10 : Sean Oman Area 16 : Brian Mercer Area 18 : Martin Fullam Area 19 : Oliver Lynn Area 19 Assistant : Brian Robinson Area 26 : Donal Corbett

Division D

Division G

Winston Boyle, Assistant Education & Training Deirdre McGuire, Assistant Marketing Area 8 : Brian Matthews Area 27 : Tom Russell Area 27 Assistant : Pat Foley Area 28 : Peter Farrelly

Dave McNaughter, Assistant

Division F

Division H

Des Kennedy, Assistant Education & Training Julie Brosnan, Assistant Marketing Area 9 : Ronan Murtagh Area 12 : Seamus Gallagher Area 13 : Deirdre O’Brien Area 24 : Sean Dwan Area 38 : Sean Forde

Robin Chawner, Assistant Marketing


Area 1 : Mervyn Foster Area 1 Assistant : Graham Frost Area 4 : Roger Crews Area 4 Assistant : Jim Robinson Area 20 : Sandra Lawes Area 20 Assistant : Indra Sikdar Area 25 : Red Skelton

Area 14 : Bob Nisbet Area 21 : Gay Bryant Area 32 : Craig Newman Area 32 Assistant : Meg Heyworth Area 35 : Roman Klimczak Area 37 : Katherine Robertson

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Toastmasters International District 71; Autumn Council Meeting; Sat 11th November 2006 at 11.00am District Governor 2006 – Nick Benning

2005-2006 Year End Audit Report


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Toastmasters International District 71; Autumn Council Meeting; Sat 11th November 2006 at 11.00am District Governor 2006 – Nick Benning

2006-2007 Annual Budget


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Toastmasters International District 71; Autumn Council Meeting; Sat 11th November 2006 at 11.00am District Governor 2006 – Nick Benning


“Quality Clubs - Quality People”

Division A encompasses all the clubs in counties Cork, Kerry and West Limerick. Business in the Division got off to a great start at the the District Officer Training in Portlaoise on June 11th and this was followed up by a full Division Council meeting on July 12th On the Agenda was Club Officer Training where the Council identified areas that needed specific attention. Dates of the training were coordinated as were contests. Area Governors club visits were also discussed as were the needs of clubs in each area. As club membership was one area of particular concern it was decided to conduct an in dept survey of all the clubs to ascertain what kind of PR each club undertook. This is ongoing. The new CL manual and its implementation in the Division was also of particular interest to the Council and a plan of introducing it to the clubs at both COT and club level discussed and planned. Once again in Division A we have a dedicated and hard working team of Area Governors and Assistant Division Governors who are in constant contact with their clubs offering advice and assistance where needed which is already paying dividends in increasing membership and quality club meetings. Seán Corcoran, ATMB. Division A Governor Education and Training: Quality Clubs and Quality Meetings is the theme and aim for Division A this year. The five Area Governors organised very successful informative Club Officer Training Meetings which were overall very well attended. Each Area Governor held a Questions and Answers session at the end of the meeting which the officers found very useful. Club Standards: On their club visits the Area Governors were asked to encourage the officers to hold a number of Educational sessions. The Moment of Truth, and Meeting Roles and Responsibilities we felt were the two most important to improve and maintain Club Standards. The Area Governors were also asked to provide a general Evaluation to the Officers of the club at the end of the meeting, point out their strong points and areas that need improvement. Judging: To improve the standard of judging in the Division it has been proposed that in conjunction with Officer Training a work shop on Judging should be run New C/L Award: Some clubs are experiencing difficulty understanding the new C/L Award system so plans are under way to possibly run a work shop on this also. The Grammarian and the A Counter seem to be giving the most problems. Conclusion: There is a very dedicated group of Area Governors in Division A this year and with their experience and help I have no doubt that this will be another Bumper year for Division A. Jean Cunningham, ATMS Assistant Division Governor, E&T Division A Marketing : “People can’t join if they don’t know you exist” (Toastmasters 2005). Within Division A, I have circulated via e mail to all past Club Presidents and Education Vice presidents a Public relations questionnaire. There are 26 clubs in Division A, a total of 11 questionnaires returned, 2 did not receive questionnaires. The overall findings revealed that Local newspapers (8/11) and Parish newsletters (6/11) were the method of press release used. Community activities used posters on community notice boards (8/11) and posters in local shops (8/11). Corporate advertising was minimal with only (3/11) placing notices on company notice boards. The most effective method of advertising and “that works best for clubs” was members bringing friends (5/11). Does your club have a flyer? yielded a surprising only (4/11) so, from this if a person visits a club who is not a friend of a member, then they have no information on the club or contact details that they can read which may encourage them to return at a later date. 8/11 clubs have a web site and one club expressed this was instrumental in raising their membership from 15 to 27 in one year. This suggests that modern communication methods are very positive in gaining new members, but having a web site that is updated on regular basis will attract more potential members. Of the 8 clubs who had a website only 3 updated information following each meeting, updates varied form once a month to once a year. Surprisingly, only 3 club websites had links to District 71 website. On the matter of press releases 6 clubs identified using a varied length release, from half a page to 500 words. 5 of the 6 clubs issued a standard release following each meeting, while others varied from once a month to never. Plan: I plan in January 2007 to circulate this survey again to the present VP PR and from this a Division plan can be put in place to help clubs market their club and gain new members. Caroline O'Connor, CL, Assistant Division Governor, Marketing

Area 3 - Frank Donaldson CTM Area Council Meeting The Area Council meeting was held in Midleton on 19th August. Club Officer Training, This was joint initiative between Area 3 and Area 23 and was held on 3rd July. Youghal – 597387, hosted the Area 3 Humorous Speech and Table Topics Final on 8th October with an attendance of approximately 50. Talking Heads (Garryvoe) – 3300, enjoy probably the best meeting room of any Club in Area. Membership had increased to 34 by October. .Midleton – 4482, has changed meeting venue in Midleton where the nightly overheads are a fraction of what the Club paid previously. The membership as of July last was 20. Glanmire – 2333, had a membership of 33 in July of this year and this was up by 10% on the July 2005 position. Glanmire are a very active Club with a very clear DCP focus. Blarney – 3579, There is an excellent combination here of long serving members and those who have joined in the last five years or so. Cobh – PC, Discussions are taking place with the Irish Naval Base at near Cobh with a view to some of the young Naval recruits becoming members of the Cobh Club. WPM$3EED.doc

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Toastmasters International District 71; Autumn Council Meeting; Sat 11th November 2006 at 11.00am District Governor 2006 – Nick Benning

Area 11 - Pat Connolly ATMS Clubs: Bantry, Clonakilty, Muskerry, Bandon. All 1st, club visits were completed in w/e Friday 13th October 2006. Hospitality was excellent in all clubs but starting-time of meetings in all cases needs to be improved. The Bantry meeting is of 90 minutes duration. No mid-way break. Works very well, with refreshments served after the meeting. Next programme filled on night. Clonakilty meeting is 2 hours duration, with break half way through. This club started closer to time than the other clubs. Next programme filled on night. Muskerry since foundation had a 2 hour meeting, but this was said to be causing difficulties for members who were attending another function 10 miles away, later on the same evening. From the next meeting, October 26th, until the end of the 2006 the meeting time will be 90 minutes duration on an experimental basis and will then be reviewed. Bandon ran a superb Area 11 Final. It coincided with their Club meeting night. The venue was ideal and the team meshed perfectly. Summary: All semi-annuals have been returned and goals have been set. I thoroughly enjoyed my visits. I have personally written to each President to thank them for their courtesy.

Area 17 - Margaret O’Regan, ATMB Quality clubs have quality ideas but that does not necessarily mean one has to reinvent the wheel! With this in mind Area 17 has made their own of some very good ideas that are already out there in District 71 such as a diary covering the toastmasters year with all relevant events in the area included in it. Co-operation among the clubs characterises Area 17. This was evident by the number of officers who attended and contributed at the area officer training and area council meeting. To assist with this cooperation, Area 17 has its own club officer directory with contact details of all officers in the area. The Fáilte club is hosting a theme evening. It is planned for early February, will involve all clubs in the area and generate much publicity for toastmasters. Speak Easy has initiated an inter-school public speaking contest which has created huge interest in the participating schools. The Galtees have had the need to create the post of “social secretary” to co-ordinate their social events. Toastmasters and nontoastmasters are welcome to these. Fermoy, the elder club and mentor, in the area remains a club of character and Characters.

Area 23 - Mary Brassil, ATMB CORK CLUB 1868. Good strong membership working towards their goals. Toast Master Martin Condon won the Area Humorous Speech Contest and is going forward to the Divisional Final. CARRIGALINE 510 Good strong club. Toastmaster Orla Fitzgerald won the topic contest and is now going forward to the Divisional they are working towards their goals under the leadership of Tim Ford the President. Crusaders 5482 Membership is strong the club is growing and developing well under the Leadership of Michael Buckley President and his hard working Committee. Slainte 3969 A friendly club promoting Toastmasters to increase membership working under the leadership of President David Cowhig and his committee. Powdermills 4028 Great start to the year Joined Area 23 hosted the Area Humorous and Table Topics Contests. Strong membership working under the leadership of President Eamon Murphy and the Committee. At the end of each visit I speak to the President and the committee and if the is any thing that needs attention we act immediately.

Area 36 - Joe McDonnell, ATMG The 3 clubs in Area 36 are running very well and achieving their targets. Tralee Toastmasters has a new set of officers, who are maintaining the high standards that this club has achieved since its inception in 1993. They are working with staff and students at the town's Institute of Technology, with a view to establishing a Toastmasters club there. Already a number of 'demo' meetings have been held in the third level college with staff and students participating. Killarney Toastmasters has kicked off the New Toastmaster Year with an excellent meeting, - having former International President, Ted Corcoran, deliver a most informative educational spot. The newest club to Area 36, West Limerick, has what must be the most enthusiastic committee in the Division. Meetings are very well attended and a great effort is being made to increase membership here with 6 new members signed up at the start of October. Overall Area 36 is keeping the Toastmaster Flag and Banner flying high.

Division Statistician - Michael O'Sullivan, DTM So, what’s a Division Statistician when it’s left out of home? Well it’s a guy (or girl) who loves numbers and looks for trends over time. By utilising club information from the past seven years we are able to identify clubs with a strong tradition of achievement. Armed with such information Governors, Division and Areas, can support those clubs maintain their proud tradition. For those clubs without a tradition of achievement this is year 1. But in reality it is not just about numbers; for behind the numbers are wonderful people developing their skills and thereby contributing to the continued success of Division A.


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Toastmasters International District 71; Autumn Council Meeting; Sat 11th November 2006 at 11.00am District Governor 2006 – Nick Benning


“Quality Clubs – Be Visible”

At our first Division B Meeting in July I laid out the vision for the Division this year – that of aiming to make Committee members as visible as possible. The rational being that a strong Committee would lead to better planned meetings; which would lead to more guests wanting to join; which would lead to more interesting and challenging meetings as the new members begin to contribute to the club; which would lead to growth in membership; which would lead to leadership challenges and so on. The challenge at Officer training to all Committee members was for each Committee member to present a report to the club on what they were doing in their role – this would cover the role at present and goals for the year ahead. The challenge was to show that the being a Committee member is a valuable role and should be embraced by many members of the club. We have asked all Committee members to present to their clubs twice a year between September and November and then March to June. Education & Training: The theme of officer training is in two parts. Part one in July looked at general information about Committee roles, plus practical tips covering - how to use the web site; the DCP plan; the new Recognition system as well as break-out sessions where members were given the opportunity to meet their Area Governor. Part two in January will focus on leadership, with an extended programme developing Leadership Skills. The aim to continue the theme of showing members that leadership is a valuable skill and by developing strong leaders will lead to growth in clubs throughout the Division. As part of ongoing education & training, Area Governors have been encouraging clubs to schedule regular Educational sessions and workshops. Nigel Cutts has taken on the role of Asst Div Gov Education and will be focusing on Mentoring across the Division. Club Standards: Area Governors have been in regular contact with their clubs and have offered advice on areas from running workshops and competitions as well as assistance with setting up DCP. The latter part of the year will see the Division reviewing Area visits and to identify specific clubs that might benefit from assistance. PR/Marketing: Paul Carroll has taken on the role of Asst Div Gov Marketing and his primary role will be to review the use of websites across Division to determine how websites are used and to share best practice. Paul will report back to the Division later in the year with recommendations for a programme of action. Club Growth: We started the year with 2 prospective new clubs and already, after just a few meetings, West London Speakers has chartered. Congratulations to them! The early morning speaking club, Early Birds is also making good progress and is expected to Charter next year. While we will continue to identify potential opportunities elsewhere in Division B for new clubs, we are conscious that our Clubs continue to need support and our priority will be to support these and other clubs who are experiencing difficulties with membership. Conclusion: Division B has a strong, enthusiastic & dedicated Division Council this year & with their commitment & stewardship I am confident it will be another successful year for the Division. I would like to thank all the Area Governors and Assistant Division Governors for their dedication and support over the past months – THANK YOU! Pedro Casillas, Division B Governor Area 6 - Gilly Cutts London Corinthians Club - A passionate President with great enthusiasm. Excellent member support through mentoring and a strong committed committee. A consistently growing membership and a high level of risk taking! The areas needing attention are to hold Educational Programmes earlier in the TM year for new members to learn from. To update and improve their website in order to really show what a fantastic club Corinthians is and to perhaps give newer members the opportunity to evaluate as soon as possible and to take on more leadership roles rather than the longer term members. This could generate more excitement at meetings. I recommend that the members maintain their commitment and passion for their club, which will surely lead to its continuing success and growing energy. London Cardinals Club - A creative, dynamic and enthusiastic president who inspires his committee to give their all in support of the club. Strong mentoring relationships create support for growth and risk taking in safety! This club is bursting with passion and enthusiasm! The areas needing attention are to look to the future when membership will becomes too great and possibly either another club needs to be formed or an advanced "arm" to the existing club. I recommend that the club continue doing what they are doing.....Cardinals is a remarkable club where guests literally queue up to join! Long may their passion and success last! Excalibur Toastmasters Club - An enthusiastic president and VPE at the only Advanced club in London: Advanced Toastmasters who give experienced evaluations. This is an excellent venue in central London. The areas needing attention are that very few people know about it and something needs to be done about that! Creating and distributing a leaflet would let people know about it. The committee needs more people to share ideas and create growth for the club. I recommend that urgent action is required in the form of a leaflet and visits by committee members to other London clubs. Contact with all Presidents to be aware of members reaching CC and wanting more. WPM$3EED.doc Page 11 of 32

Toastmasters International District 71; Autumn Council Meeting; Sat 11th November 2006 at 11.00am District Governor 2006 – Nick Benning

Area 29 - Iain Harrison Athenians - A large club with members from many Nationalities diverse and can be loud. Generally well run with historically a good website that keeps the guests coming through the door. High quality of experienced speakers - I am a member and visit at least once a month, there are some areas to work on related to mentoring and PR that I am following up London Business School - probably the club with the most potential, great brains and fertile leader development area; lacks continuity and would benefit from a consistent committee team. I visited last week and took along an exhibition speaker that I shall repeat monthly Riverside - A very pleasant environment, nice people relaxed and supportive environment, has developed many successful competition winners, quietly competent – working closely with on PR to get the numbers up. Trojans - Needs strong leadership and direction, someone to pull it together will benefit from support – I visited last night and there are definitely some areas to work on with regard to the quality of the evaluations and a workshop would be useful on this. West London Speakers – our latest addition to the Division this year! They will do great things led by an enthusiastic president who could be the next Area Governor. Lots of conversations and Alistair is doing great work on the personal development front with the committee members - a problem child club.

Area 31 - Camilla Allwood Area 31 is a President’s Distinguished Area with six vibrant and energetic chartered clubs. Four of the six are company, or restricted-membership, clubs that attract young London professionals. While this often means that new members start with a good level of speaking competence, the downside is that membership turnover can be high as members change jobs and may be unable to attend due to pressure of work or travel. City of London Toastmasters is a thriving Club with a keen membership. In part due to its excellent location in the City, the Club invariably attracts lots of guests. It has a core of twenty dedicated members who always attend as well as less regular attendees and the innumerable guests. The meetings are always lively. Women in Banking in Finance Speakers (Canary Wharf) chartered four years ago and have been a President’s Distinguished Club for the last three. The Club benefits from strong leadership and a warm, supportive atmosphere. WIBFS CW meets in the sumptuous premises provided by Credit Suisse and runs effective meetings that always keep to time. Sister club Women in Banking & Finance (City) chartered in 2005. This young club has a young and enthusiastic membership and is seeking to grow and establish itself. The Club already has a high standard of speakers and evaluators, and the friendly and intimate feel of the Club is attracting a growing number of professional women. Canary Wharf Communicators benefits from a very experienced President and VPE. Another young and growing Club, CWC attracts members from a variety of companies in Canary Wharf. The President of this Club recently won the Area Table Topics contest, providing a fine example for her fellow Club members. Speakeasy is the Credit Suisse in-house Club. Again, a club full of young professionals Speakeasy has a vibrant membership and benefits from being able to choose between a number of different conference and meeting venues. This Club initiated the Area 31 annual Christmas party and recently hosted the Area Humorous Speech and Table Topics contests. CitiCriers is a Toastmasters club for Citigroup employees. This Club boasts a strong leadership team and a number of longstanding and excellent Toastmasters who help to maintain a very high standard of speaking and evaluating skills. CitiCriers regularly sends members to Division level contests and is doing the same this year. In December CitiCriers will host the Area 31 Christmas party and promises a story-telling contest and lots of fun. Our seventh and newest Club in the Area is Lehman Brothers. This is a very small and young Club which needs plenty of support to grow to charter size.


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Toastmasters International District 71; Autumn Council Meeting; Sat 11th November 2006 at 11.00am District Governor 2006 – Nick Benning

Area 33 - Dick Dixon Broadgate Speakers in the City - The Committee are committed to make the club work, lots of new members, with an experience member very good at organising & running workshops. I recommend that the club attends workshops and work to improve communication with other Committee members. Northern Lights Speakers Club - A club with good a range of membership experience. The areas needing attention are to run Educational sessions, & workshops; put the experience members to work. I recommend that the club sets up plans to implement the DCP and introduce Education programme from the Successful Club Series Toastmarshters Club - They have the desire to establish club targets and work towards them. The areas needing attention are for the club to focus on club goals. I recommend that the club attends workshops at other clubs and host a joint club night with Tube Talk London Communicators Club - there is a depth of Experience in its membership. The areas needing attention are to work towards keeping its experienced members motivated & involved. I recommend that they organise and run a workshop. MLP! Toastmasters Club - Good foundations & organised meetings set up. The areas needing attention are giving more experience to its membership. I recommend that the club takes part in club competitions as well as attending other clubs & workshops and a joint venture club night with Tube Talk.

Area 34 - Deborah Ilott Tube Talk is a friendly closed club, for employees of Metronet. Their strengths are that they have a good range of skills and experience (both amongst the committee and the members) that work well at a team level. They also have excellent support from their sponsors. Their committee is a little inexperienced and they would benefit from increasing the membership. Grosvenor Square Club - The Committee is still finding its feet at the moment. However, it is well organised with a professional atmosphere. The membership base is solid with a diversity of members, particularly newer members. The areas needing attention are to focus more on 'converting' guests into members and more emphasis on mentors. I recommend that the club encourages a member of the club to act as a mentoring co-ordinator. Holborn Speakers Club - The club has a very diverse membership and has a relaxed and fun atmosphere. There is a good mix of established and experienced members, but with new members joining all the time. The club's central venue is an advantage and the current President has tremendous energy and commitment. The areas needing attention are none. As long as it keeps going the way it is, the club will achieve a great deal this year. I recommend that the District keeps open channels of communication with the club. Berkeley Square Toastmasters Club - This is a breakfast club that is friendly as well as being very professional. The areas needing attention are that the President feels that the start of the meetings could be slightly better organised. As Area Governor I will work with the club to encourage members to access other clubs as BS only has two speakers per meeting, therefore reaching CC can be problematic in that it takes a long time. Recommendations for action: None specifically. This is a very good club and Linda is proving to be an excellent President, with a great deal of enthusiasm and drive.


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Toastmasters International District 71; Autumn Council Meeting; Sat 11th November 2006 at 11.00am District Governor 2006 – Nick Benning


“Quality Clubs – The Year of Achievement”

Division C is the Largest Division in district 71 comprising 7 Areas and 32 clubs. The majority of the clubs are located in the greater Dublin area. The Division Council saw consolidation of existing clubs and helping weaker clubs as two of their primary tasks. Club Officer Training has in the past been conducted as a single divisional session. This is presently being reviewed as additional training has had to be provided at area and club level to facilitate those officers and clubs who did not or were unable to attend the Divisional training. Club, Area and Division Humorous speech and Table Topics Contests were run efficiently with great participation at Club level. Bob Gilbert, Division C Governor Area 2 – Dan O’Neill

No report Area 5 – Maryanne Dalton

No report Area 10 –Sean Oman

The five clubs in this area are all very active and well run. Club meetings are enjoyable and educational. Clontarf-Marino is the newest club in the area and can only be described as thriving. Growth of between four and eight members is expected. East Coast is a small club that has struggled with membership. A massive recruitment drive is getting underway at present. The club is organising a Speechcraft course for early New Year. Fingal Club is in a healthy state and should meet all it’s goals. Malahide is one of the oldest clubs in the country. It is a healthy, well run club that has recently lost some of its long-time members. This may be a transitional year for the club. Swords club has a good membership base; a hard working committee and runs well conducted meetings. Friendliness is the hallmark of all clubs in the area. Area 16 – Brian Mercer

All clubs in the area are very well run. The recently chartered Phoenix-Tara club is functioning extremely well. The meetings are well attended and well run. The club is ably assisted by the Castleknock club. Lucan club is in existence since 1983 and is one of these clubs that seems to does everything right. Strong membership – meeting attendance runs at about 70% membership. Glasnevin Club has a good membership, but attendance at meetings appears to be about 50%. A drive is underway to increase attendance. Meetings at the Clondalkin club are well run, but the small number of speeches per meeting is a cause of concern. A membership drive is underway. Castleknock Club is also well organised and is firmly set on achieving or bettering its set goals. Area 18 – Martin Fullam

Engineers is a club with many very experienced members. This was very evident in the organisation and quality of their meetings Power Talk is an in-house company in the ESB. It has a low membership base. The members feel that it satisfies their needs and the needs of the company. Rathfarnham is a very good club with an enthusiastic membership. The club has a great social atmosphere with tremendous involvement from all members. Tara is another club that is well organised and committed to achieving its goals. It is embarking on a new membership drive and a demo night will take place in the near future. WPM$3EED.doc

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Toastmasters International District 71; Autumn Council Meeting; Sat 11th November 2006 at 11.00am District Governor 2006 – Nick Benning

Area 19 - Oliver Lynn

The area covers Cookstown and Hillsborough clubs in Northern Ireland as well as Drogheda, Dundalk and Navan Clubs. After some early concerns about Dundalk it now appears to be running well and meetings are well attended. I will keep an eye on this club and have offered it any assistance that it requires. The other clubs are all in good shape and should not present any problems. Area 26 - Donal Corbett

AIB – I regard this as a very good club, whose meetings are well run, and is confident of achieving Select Distinguished club this year. Eblana – Another well-run club that has set itself goals that it believes are achievable. Griffith College - This club has some problems with gaining and retaining members because of the transient nature of students. Options for this club are being reviewed. Society – Good club. Excellent atmosphere at meetings. Will achieve its goals. St. James – This club is for members of the staff at St James Hospital and holds its meetings around noon. Shift work means that some meetings are not well attended.


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“Quality Clubs @ Dynamic D – a growing family”

A full attendance at the council meeting in September ensured we were all working to the same objectives for Division D. namely:. To follow the mantra for the year “Quality Clubs”, Increase membership in all clubs with particular attention to the new and weaker clubs. To pay special attention to the new Leadership programme to ensure clubs/members will be ready to submit their application for.the awards when the time comes. Contests were discussed and the need for consistency in judging. Judges at Division are to be recruited from other divisions. The meeting afforded all present the opportunity to establish a network with their counterparts. Club Growth: The division has two prospective clubs. Maynooth has begun its meetings and has ten members to date. Congratulations to Peter Farrelly and his team of dedicated workers. It is their goal to reach charter status by Christmas. In Tipperary town Tom Russell and his team will launch on November 8th. It is their earnest hope to charter early in 2007. We agreed to identify potential areas for future club growth. PR/Marketing: This role is in the hands of Deirdre Maguire, Assistant Div Gov Marketing. She will produce a news-letter which is designed to build and maintain contacts between the clubs in Div D. She will take responsibility for promoting contests and events throughout the division. The creation of a Division web site is expected to yield a high return of visitors to the 15 clubs and alert visitors to the site of potential clubs and events. Club Standards: In keeping with this year’s theme “Quality Clubs” Area Governor’s will be vigilant while visiting clubs. They will encourage what is effective and recommend where improvements would help in turning a club/meeting into a quality club/meeting. They will be in a better position to comment on this at the next council meeting following a few months in the role. Education & Training: The Competent Leader presentations are of benefit to every club, however they are of most benefit if presented early in the year. It is our hope to have all CL presentations done early with maximum benefit to members new and existing. These awards can then be registered early. With the introduction of the new CL manual we are conscious of the need to assist the VP Ed in the clubs with the transition. Winston Boyle Ass Gov Ed and Training will take on that role and pay particular attention to the southwest of the division. It was agreed that at least two members would begin the new programme in clubs by Christmas. To ensure consistency the evaluations are to be carried out by General Evaluator. This was decided as the uniform approach in Div D. Conclusion: In keeping with our theme the division is displaying great dynamism and the family continues to grow in both members and clubs. Division D requires immediate restructuring. There will be a consultation process between the area Governors and all the clubs early in January. I will be proposing the creation of at least two new areas for the division at the spring conference. Lucia Hughes, Division D Governor AREA 27 - Tom Russell All clubs are performing well, with over 20 members. CASHEL: 864624 Chartered for less than a year. We have a good attendance each night. Lively speech and topics session each night. Organisation is in place for Area Humorous speech and Table Topics contests. CLONMEL: 5462 Fine, well attended meetings in fine surroundings. They have had 15 guests already. It may divide into two clubs, one in Abbott’s factory. Clonmel is very vibrant and well run club. KILKENNY: 5812 The club has a good membership and is progressing well. It is a club with a great social atmosphere . THURLES: 4173 This is a well organized club. It has good attendance with many speeches. Some guests are very interested, and one has already joined. It will hold the Division D finals. The groundwork for all this is done. TIPPERARY (P.C.) The hotel is booked. Contacts are in place for a pre-launch publicity blitz on the Nationalist and South Tipp Today newspapers and on Tipp-mid-west radio. We launch on 8th November 2006 in the Royal Hotel Tipperary. WPM$3EED.doc

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Area 8 – Brian Matthews Enniscorthy Toastmasters are in a very strong state. All the tasks are carried out in a correct fashion. I think the evaluation forms would be better if they were signed. DLS Waterford is a friendly club with a nice welcoming way. They need to get their membership increased and this is urgent for them. Gorey Toastmasters still has the 'glow' of a new club. It is going well and the membership drive will keep them on track. Waterford Toastmasters is a solid comfortable club with a good membership drive and excellent P R. They were very inclusive and welcoming on visitors and will continue to grow. Tramore Toastmasters is a lovely local club. It has a very relaxed approach but keeps to the rules and offers great help to the newer membership. Dungarvan Toastmasters is also a lovely welcoming club. However it is very dependant on a small core of long term members and will need to attract more 'younger blood'. I was very impressed with all the clubs but realise that some of the clubs are weak on membership. The function of 'Ah counter' is a bit lax and could be better controlled. Area 28 - Peter Farrelly This area consists of Naas 3669, Carlow 7491, Portlaoise 9363, Kildare 644057 and Athy 866008 The first three established clubs are progressing fine with a strong membership. Portlaoise club is settling in well to their new venue. The priority in Kildare club is to attract new members. The successful hosting of the recent Area Contest will no doubt help to establish the calibre of this club . The Athy club, chartered June ’06, now have a home- grown committee and is taking its place in the community. They have a friendly and relaxed way of running the meetings and are on target to gain their first award in the D.C.P. Carlow and Athy club have hosted an hour long local radio programme as part of a joint P.R. venture with members from the surrounding clubs contributing Maynooth (PC) There was an encouraging number of new members registered on the inaugural night It is showing signs of being very vibrant and will contribute another club to “Dynamic D, a Growing family”


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DIVISION E “Quality Clubs - Encouraging Excellence and Enthusiasm for Everyone” What an enthusiastic and busy start to the new TM year! Within this large geographic area, one of our key aims is to achieve more inter-club/Area activity – both educational and social. I am grateful for the hard work from all Area Governors and from Mike Clarkson, Asst Div Gov E&T and Judi Malan, Asst Div Gov Marketing. Membership – always a key concern; we aim to ensure that all clubs recruit to retain minimum Charter-strength and improve member retention. Areas 15 and 7 lead the PR push with radio appearances and joint-Club meetings and many clubs are developing specific recruitment activity. Work to improve member retention includes newsletters, member surveys, improved websites, education sessions and promoting quality meetings. Education – many clubs/Areas are focusing on increasing their education sessions; Area 22 has developed an Evaluation tutorial and Mentoring, Meeting Roles, Evaluation and Contest training are key areas across all Areas. There was a good turn-out for Area COT and plenty of sharing of ideas has resulted in some great Club Success Plans. Club growth – we aim to Charter at least 3 Clubs this year and to set-up at least 1 pre-charter club in each Area. Good growth opportunities in Areas 15 and 30 require careful management to ensure new clubs have full and continued support from existing Clubs Social – Tall Tales on barges, Pantomime, Gardens Parties, Burns Supper - all enrich the TM experience. I look forward to a strong performance from all Areas this year and hope that everyone achieves their personal goals. Good luck to all our Clubs and members and Happy Communicating Jane Cameron ACS CL, Division E Governor

Area 7 - Malcolm Warner, ATMS CL Area 7 comprises three established clubs - Oxford Speakers, Bardwell Speakers, Ridgeway Speakers and two newer clubs – Bicester Achievers and Spa Speakers. Dedicated committee members support the clubs. There are also Gavel Clubs at Warwick University and Bullington Prison. Area 7 was a Select Dist. Area last year. Bardwell, Oxford, Bicester and Ridgeway were Select Dist. and Spa achieved Pres Dist. with full 10 points! All are aiming at least to match this success this year. Our focus this year is for our clubs to work together to increase community presence, build membership and deliver greater benefits to our members. So far we have managed two BBC radio interviews, several joint meetings and have further plans for joint PR activity. A combined meeting of Heart of England (from across the border in Area 15) with Spa Speakers at Warwick Gavel club gave a great start to the year with more than 100 students and Toastmasters present. The Area also benefits from inter-club activities, such as barbeques, river trip and Area Pantomime Competition, hosted by Ridgeway Speakers at the Unicorn Theatre on 24th of November, where all five clubs will take part. Spa Speakers made a great start to the year and achieved the Smedley Award for five new members in August/September. Bicester Achievers has finally found a suitable permanent venue in the Council Chamber. However, past venue problems caused a drop in membership and a recruitment drive is now priority. Oxford too must relocate after many years in the Radcliffe Boardroom and have found a new city centre venue. Oxford and Bardwell presented Toastmasters at the Freshers fair and have a mailing list of several hundred potential visitors. Spa Speakers produced a stunning newsletter and are working with Ridgeway and Bicester to share this work

Area 15 - Phil Heath ATMS CL Leeds City Toastmasters - The club has recorded 31 members at end of September. There are a good number of wellestablished members in addition to a growing nucleus of keen and committed new ones. Keen to achieve Presidents Distinguished status for the second year running, they have already achieved 4/10 goals. An active social calendar together with participation in the competitions makes Leeds a strong and vibrant club. Manchester Orators – After problems last year Manchester now looks to be making a good comeback. A keen president and a good team with lively meetings means the club has started to grow. From a base of 26, membership now stands at 33 the highest growth rate in the area. The club has currently achieved 2 goals but aims to emulate last year’s success of Presidents Distinguished status.


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Heart of England - This is a well-established club that has also had its problems in the past. The President and Imm Past President are keen for club growth, resulting in a sister pre-Charter club (Bullring Speakers). Membership remains stable around 29 and the club has achieved 1 DCP goal York EbOrators - Dedicated and experienced Toastmasters lead the club but have in the past struggled to maintain charter level. However there is a good level of visitors and regular attendances by members from the Leeds club and the club has grown to over 21 members. Currently headed up by a very keen team who are endeavoring to spread the word; the club has achieved 1/10 goals from the DCP. Bullring Speakers is building up with around 14 members and is on course to charter in the New Year.

Area 22 - Wyn Tigley CTM Chaseside (Company) – President is aiming to achieve in the DCP this year and is building on the good membership growth from last year Cottonwood – Club is keen to achieve Select Dist Club again this year. President is promoting Contest participation and encouraging members to attend D71 Spring Conference in nearby Portsmouth Northavon - Regular committee meetings and a comprehensive club development plan. The club plans to achieve Pres Dist status again this year. Successful hosts of the Area Humorous Speech/TT Contest. SW Speakers – chartered in June ’06 and has already established well-organised and well-attended meetings. The members are keen to achieve CC education tracks. Members benefited from Area Gov’s tutorial on Evaluations which was well received and had an immediate impact on evaluations. President is keen to recruit more members quickly and to achieve well in the DCP programme in its first year. Newbury - the club has a good mix of experienced members and some newer faces but could definitely benefit from an increased membership – something they do recognise. Their meetings however are vibrant and they are keen to succeed. Thamesdown - developed a Club Success plan to achieve Pres Dist status, with membership building a priority; keen and enthusiastic Committee. Considering joint meetings with nearby Newbury Club Plans are underway for a new Club in South Wales and to follow-up status of Gavel Club at Bristol Univ

Area 30 - Oscar Merkx CTM CL Aberdeen Toastmasters - The enthusiastic Committee are keen to consolidate and build a strong membership base and to achieve Distinguished Club; well-attended meetings with lots of guests. Capital Communicators - going for President’s Distinguished Club. This club attracts many guests and has a strong membership. Hosts of Area 30 Humorous & TT Contest, they have re-launched website. Glasgow Toastmasters - aiming for President’s Distinguished Club. Held Debate with Glasgow Junior Chamber of Commerce and are planning workshops on Evaluation and Contests. Successful launch of easy speak club system. Linlithgow Speakers - on target for Distinguished Club; they are working on membership building, with some good PR ideas; successfully hosted the first ever Area 30 Tall Tale contest - on candlelit barge! Proclaimers@Sun - are below Charter strength and recruitment is problematic due to on-going corporate restructure. However, the weekly meetings are very well-run with excellent evaluations and education achievements. Southside Speakers – our newest Club! They chartered at the beginning of October and are aiming for Distinguished Club status. Speech slots are well booked-up in advance. Hadrian’s Orators (pre-charter) hold regular meetings, well run with a friendly atmosphere. Struggling to attract guests and Committee members - the club continues to need support. Three pre-charter clubs in planning: Edinburgh University, Clyde Speakers & Fyne Speakers. There was a great turn-out for officer training we are encouraging more Area-wide events


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“Quality Clubs – Growing Them Together”

Division F is expanding, 5 areas now, we started the year with a new area –Area 38. Our primary goal for the year is to extend our District 71 motto of “Quality Clubs” to all our 19 existing clubs and to new clubs on the horizon “Growing Them Together” being our motto. We want to see quality meetings throughout and see our weaker clubs expand their membership base. Education & Training Our aim is to provide good quality training. To improve the quality of training we decided on joint training sessions in areas 13 & 24 and areas 12 & 38 and to standardise the training. A very high standard of training was provided in all areas. I attended all training along with Asst, Division Governors Julie Brosnan in the South and Des Kennedy in the West. It worked very well with the increased pool of resources and a good mix of new and “seasoned” toastmasters. Des Kennedy and Ronnie Gillanders are assisting in the new area 38 as it has two new clubs. Club Standards At our training sessions we encouraged members to go out of their comfort zone of their club and visit other clubs in and outside their area to compare and learn from others. Our Area Governors will evaluate all clubs and will identify weaker clubs that may need assistance. A very high standard of Humorous Speech & Table Topics Contests were held in all areas. Mullingar club held a very successful conference in May and I am sure we will look forward to an equally successful conference in November hosted by Nenagh Toastmasters. PR/Marketing Julie Brosnan has taken on the role as Asst Div Gov Marketing and her role is to increase the profile of Toastmasters throughout the Division visiting clubs and attending area contests. She has also agreed to produce newsletters to keep all clubs informed and help grow our clubs together. Club Growth Building on the successes of last year we have started the year well with a demonstration meeting in Edenderry on September 20th .Well done to Seamus Whelan (past Area Governor Area 9) and Alma Manny (who says she is an ordinary member ,but she is no ordinary member). I would like to thank all clubs who are helping out not only within the area but also outside the area. It is wonderful to see Toastmasters from all areas willing to give a hand to set up a new club. This club will be on the map. We are also looking at Co Donegal and Co Galway. Conclusion Division F is very fortunate again this year with the enthusiastic and dedicated division council. With this commitment and support I am sure we will have a very successful year in Division F GERALDINE Smith Division F Governor

Area 9 - Ronan Murtagh Area 9 has gotten off to a good start to the year with all 4 clubs achieving their targets of submitting club officer lists and semiannual fees on time and attending club officer training. Also we had a very successful Area 9 Humorous Speech and Table Topics Contest in Athlone. Athlone (6573) is the longest established club in the area and is achieving its 20th Year this year. This club has a good leadership in President, Mel Keyes and VPE Joanne Kelly. Longford (610578) is a relatively new club having chartered in 2004. The club is growing and developing well under the leadership of President Pat Purcell and VPE Jude Portbury. Mullingar (8824) are building on the success of the Lir Conference which they successfully held in 2006. There is a large membership base and a good attendance at meeting. There is good leadership under President Angelika Brady and VPE Werner Van Den Hemel. Tullamore (3727) has started the year well. The club has a good attendance at meetings. President John Murphy and VPE David Reynolds are doing a good job for the club.

Area 12 – Seamus Gallagher Area Training took place with Area 38 on the 14th August, 2006 in Claremorris Co Mayo. This was a unique and historic occasion in that it was the first time two Areas, in the West of Ireland, joined together to provide joint area training for Club Officers. It resulted in the participation of Officers from seven Clubs with an attendance of over 40 members. Having such a large gathering of experienced Toastmasters facilitated greater learning and exchange of ideas. The Area Contests were held on Saturday 7th October 06 in the Menlo Park Hotel, Galway City and were hosted by the Galway Club. I wish to thank Ms Rena Casey President of the Galway Club for hosting the competition. My Area visits consisted of an address to Club membership in which I outlined the role of the Area Governor and the various interactions throughout the year with the Clubs such as Area training, Area Contests, Area Visits etc. I also outlined the unique principles of the Toastmasters Organisation which I feel makes it such a great organisation, and the critical importance of adhering to the Distinguished Club Programme. Following the meeting, I completed the Area Visit Report with the President and Vice-Presidents, Education and I reviewed and discussed the importance of the Distinguished Club Programme, as a vehicle to promote a Quality Club. WPM$3EED.doc

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Area 13 – Deirdre O’Brien, CTM Area 13 consists of 4 Clubs, Raheen, Shannon, Ennis and Kilrush and District Toastmasters. In late August we held a joint officer training program with nearby area 24 (Area Governor – Sean Dwan). I’m delighted to say all four clubs had at least four officers trained. October dues and club officer lists were also returned on time by all four clubs. This puts the clubs well on their way to achieving their DCP goals. I’d like to thank the committees of all four clubs for their efforts and I look forward to a strong year for area 13. Kilrush and District Toastmasters is the newest club in the area and is now in its 2nd post charter year. I recently visited the club on its demonstration meeting. The current president, Joan McGeorge, is doing a great job. All members were very enthusiastic. Ennis was the host to this years Area 13 Humorous Speech and Table Topics contests. The club committee is led by president Carmel Daly. The club continues to hold on to its experienced members. This proves a great resource for new members. I’m looking forward to my upcoming area visit. Shannon continues to strive to increase its membership. The club continues to face a very challenging year. The new committee with Anthony Galvin as president are very committed. With the help of club mentor, Assistant Division Governor Julie Brosnan, they have intensified their PR activities. It is hoped that this will help to bring the membership back up to previous levels. The club is also being helped by nearby neighbours in Ennis and Limerick. Hopefully we can look forward to strong Shannon club in the near future. Raheen is based in Limerick City and is one of three other clubs in the city. Like a lot of clubs in city areas it sees a high turnover of members. Under the lead of club president Siobhan Doherty, the club is on a recruiting mission and a recently held demonstration meeting are all part of the plans. I attended the club Humorous Speech and Table topics contest.

Area 24 – Sean Dwan AREA 24 comprising 4 Clubs - NENAGH, THOMOND, LIMERICK, BALLINA/KILLALOE all of which are vibrant and we expect to see an increase in membership. Ballina/Killaloe Club was chartered last year and I will be paying special attention to membership increase although it has in excess of 20 members. I have visited each of the Clubs over the last few weeks and I am happy with their progress. Area 24 and Area 13 held joint officer training in August 2006 which was very satisfactory. All Clubs’ Presidents and their Officers are energetic and helpful with the onus on “Quality Clubs” with enthusiasm. Thank you to the Presidents & the committees in all four clubs for their dedication and hard work and I am looking forward to a great year in area 24. There is always room for improvements and during my visits I have advocated: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

When evaluating a speaker, you must study the manual well in advance of the speech not just glance at it on the night. Time Keeping - particularly arriving at the meetings in time. Dress properly particularly when giving speeches and when at the top table. Each member brings just ONE guest to a meeting over the term and membership goals will almost certainly be met. "Enthusiasm" is the key to Quality Clubs. Everything else will fall into place.

Area 38 - Sean Forde Area 38 - An Area in its infancy. It consists of three clubs, two of which have recently chartered - Sligo , Carrick on Shannon (Chartered in 2005) and Innisfree (chartered in April 2006). As it is a new area with new clubs we teamed up with Area 12 for Officer training. We were very pleased with the outcome as there was a great mix of new and experienced toastmasters. Four or more officers from each club attended. I will look forward to supporting all clubs in Area 38 and my motto is “Quality before Quantity”. Sligo Toastmaster Club hosted our area Humorous Speech and Table Topics contests and did an excellent job on the night. Sligo, with Angie O’Hara at the helm, is a very vibrant club. They will endeavour to recruit new members now that the second Sligo club - Innisfree is well established. Innisfree club has 22 new members and they are also concentrating on building their club substantially. Gerard Gilligan a member of their club won the Area Table Topics Contest. I am very confident this club will be very successful under the very competent President, Jean McLoughlin, VPE Angela Farrell and all officers.


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Carrrick on Shannon chartered in 2005 and has 25 members. Their President, John McCawley, and VPE, Annetha Kieran – Loughran, and all the committee have ambition to build up membership. John is representing the Area in Humorous Speech contest in Galway.


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Toastmasters International District 71; Autumn Council Meeting; Sat 11th November 2006 at 11.00am District Governor 2006 – Nick Benning


“Quality Clubs – Working Together”

We have a strong and committed team of Area Governors and Assistants who are “Working Together” to share good ideas and develop good practice. Education & Training: Area training was well supported and included vital facts about the transition to the new award structure. In addition to education slots being held at club level Area 4 organised additional training which included excellent training sessions on PR, Judging and Evaluations. Club Standards: Many clubs in Division G have a real sense of enthusiasm and optimism towards achieving their DCP awards and the Area Governors are working with clubs to help them achieve their high targets. Area Governors are also supporting clubs requiring help with specific issues. PR/Marketing: PR is encouraged in all clubs and some particularly strong PR work is being carried out by clubs with small numbers in order to increase membership. Many clubs have their own web sites. Malcolm Warden the D71 Web Master gave us advice on how to use the D71 Web Site most effectively. Some Areas have now put their “Welcome” on the web site and are encouraging clubs to do the same. Club Strength: We are keen to ensure that all clubs have at least 20 members. One of our clubs is currently on 17 and two are at 20. These clubs are in different Areas and their Area Governors are monitoring their progress. Area 1 is looking in to the possibility of starting two new clubs in the future and Area 4 is working hard to develop their new club in Bedford to charter strength by Easter. Celebrations: Eldergate celebrated its 20th year, Thame is about to celebrate its’ 25th year and Aylesbury had a dinner to recognise reaching its milestone 50th anniversary as the oldest club in D71. Conclusion: Because we have a dedicated team of people “Working Together” to support the achievements of Toastmasters across Division G the prospects look very promising again this year. Kay Federico, Division G Governor

Area 1 – Mervyn S Foster Area 1 has five clubs located throughout East Anglia. Although they all vary in style and culture, they are all highly motivated and keen Toastmaster clubs. Anglia Communicators (3380) – This is a relatively new club with a vibrant membership. The Membership Building Programme target is to extend their membership from 20 to above 25. This club meets in a restaurant and the meetings involve a meal during the break. The club is predicting 5 CC’s ,2 AC’s and 3 ALB’s and also aims to attain President’s Distinguished Club this year Camulodunum Speakers (5673) - This is our oldest club in the Area and is full of lively members with loads of skill and talent. The club has already gained 6 new members and are in the process of signing up more. Their meetings are well organised and new members and guests are made very welcome. They may achieve Select Distinguished Club if not President’s as they did last year. Cambridge Speakers (8105) - Cambridge is a thriving club located in a bustling University town. The membership comes from all walks of life. It is an energetic club with a multi-national membership which enhances the clubs variety of speeches. They plan to have 4CC’s this year and at least 2ALB and 1AC. Ipswich Electrifiers (6459) - A very enthusiastic group with loads of experienced Toastmasters. The club has a wealth of knowledge within its membership, It is a strong and healthy club with a good committee at the helm. They aim to have 3 CC’s, 2 AC’s and 2ALB this year. Speak Easy @ Martlesham (714161) - Now into their second year this healthy and vibrant club is well run and has a very able committee. It has the benefit of several experienced Toastmasters. The club aims to increase its membership and will be able to register at least 4CC’s, 2AC’s and 1ALB this year.


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Area 4 – Roger Crews All 5 established clubs in the area have experienced members including a past Area Governor and other past District officers. All clubs are starting to implement the new leadership programme under the stewardship of Assistant Area Governor - Jim Robinson, Aylesbury (762) DCP goal: President’s Distinguished Club - The oldest club in the country is emerging stronger following a difficult period. President Khai-Eng Tyler has encouraged her team and the club is gaining members. It has a vibrant mixture of long standing and new enthusiastic members. Aylesbury hosted the Area contest very successfully and their 50 year dinner was a TM classic. Eldergate, (6078) DCP goal: President’s Distinguished Club - Celebrating 20 years this year, Eldergate is planning to be a president’s distinguished club for the 4th year in succession. President –Brian Bollen’s fiery determination to succeed is both keeping members active and attracting new ones. North Bucks Speakers (660325) DCP goal: President’s Distinguished Club - Now in its 2nd Chartered year, the club is thriving and has a strong executive of 10 officers to continue the development. We held our first Humour & T T contest/ social evening in September that was a great success with 35 attendees. Thame (309) DCP goal: President’s Distinguished Club - Celebrating 25 years this December, with a Founders Dinner incorporating a Tall Tales contest and guest speaker Boris Johnson the local MP. The club has a well established membership with an active core. President Angus Galbraith is working on bringing 8 new members into the club with the support of the executive committee. Vale (4410) DCP goal: President’s Distinguished Club - A year ago the club was down to 12 members, but by focussing on the essentials, the club ended the year as a Select Distinguished club with 20 members. The new executive is determined to continue this recovery ending the year with at least 25 members and a more robust and supportive club programme. Pre- Charter “Bedford Speakers & Leaders” (PC 911179) - President Colette Jones and I launched the club in May with the full support of Eldergate and North Bucks. The club has found a good venue and is running a full programme, including a leadership evaluation, each fortnight, with the support of neighbouring clubs. We are committed to chartering by Easter.

Area 20 - Sandra Lawes There are four clubs in Area 20, all well established and making good progress. Two key issues facing all four clubs are retaining existing members and finding enough time to undertake the tasks of managing and promoting the clubs. Indra Sikdar, the Assistant Area Governor has worked energetically and competently to assist me and the clubs, particularly in the organisation of training and contests. Harrovians (7749) is a large friendly club with a membership to date of 33. There is a very active recruitment programme and eight new members have already joined this year. Some of the new officers are relatively new to Toastmasters. They are enthusiastic and energetic and are being supported by a core of experienced members and past officers. The club has achieved President’s Distinguished Club for several consecutive years and is determined to do so again this year. Hertfordshire Speakers (6327) is a strong club with a membership to date of 28. It is well organized and has an enthusiastic officer team, with clear objectives for the club. The officers are focused on the Distinguished Club Programme and have a solid plan to achieve their points. HOD (2326) This very friendly club meets once a month in Stanmore. There is an active programme to attract new members. The President is very aware of the Distinguished Club Programme and has set the club the objective of achieving at least Distinguished Club this year for the first time. West Herts Speakers (8828) This 10 year old club is going from strength to strength. The membership to date is 32. The atmosphere is friendly and welcoming. The venue in St Albans is excellent with good car parking and disabled access. The club has achieved Select Distinguished Club for a number of years and the President and officers are focused on the Distinguished Club Programme.

Area 25 - Red Skelton Area 25 is comprised of four clubs located throughout East Anglia. The clubs are unique as individuals but work together to support the area governor and make area 25 an exceptional area to reside. Speakers Without Borders (2650) is a young club. SWOB moved venue’s to attract more members. There is an ongoing membership drive to boost the club to 20 members. The club is predicting 4 CC’s. 2AC’s and 2 CL’s by the end of the Toastmasters year. Working Towards Select Distinguished Club. North Norfolk (9283) has a good mix of experienced and new members. There is an enthusiastic team of officers. They predict 4CC’s, 2AC’s and 2CL’s Working Towards Select Distinguished Club. Articulate (6844) is a thriving club in Dereham. They have an active new member program and are hosting an open house humorous speech evening with newspaper coverage. The club is predicting 4CC’s, 3AC’s and 2CL’s this Toastmaster’s year. Working Towards Select Distinguished Club. Norwich Speakers (1292) are enthusiastic and have many experienced Toastmasters. The club hosted our Area contest. The club predicts 4CC’s and 2AC’s Working Towards Select Distinguished Club. WPM$3EED.doc

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“ Quality Clubs – Helping each other succeed” Summary

All clubs are working towards DCP goals and ALL clubs have their first point towards this; indeed, at least 4 have already achieved their first 3 points! This is a very good step towards achieving the goal of “100 percent distinguished” for the Division. Regular Division council meetings are being held where experience can be compared and ideas exchanged. ‘Leading by example’ will also encourage greater interaction between areas and clubs Member recruitment is going well, especially now that Robin Chawner is onboard as Assistant Division Governor focussed on helping clubs with their PR. He has had several successes already in raising the profile of Toastmasters and has produced an excellent “PR pack” which is being distributed to clubs by the Area Governors. Although all clubs took part in officer training, not all managed to send at least 4 officers. There were several reasons for this, and several ways are being looked at to achieve 100% success for the next round of training. For example, a Division “seven-up” award has been introduced for any club that gets all seven officers to attend. Although it is still a struggle to get people to come to Area contests due to the wide spread geography, the recent Division contest was very well attended and enjoyable. Members are being asked how the Area contests could be more attractive for them to attend. Jacqui Hogan, Division H Governor

Area 14 – Bob Nisbet Epsom is a strong club with very ambitious membership recruitment targets. Mole Valley is addressing its low numbers and has gained some new members. It is also undertaking a membership evening. Talkability@Sun was affected by the annual turnover of work placements but is again trying to build up numbers. Guildford was affected for a short time by the incapacitation of its VPE. Sam Babister has stepped in to fill the gap and the scheduling is now back on track. They are working towards DCP goals but because of the demographics following the Guildford/Woking separation into two clubs there is a gap that may affect the achievement of some of these. Woking has the feel of an established club probably because its membership is largely experienced Toastmasters. The committee have identified a significant PR "Hit List" in a push to acquire new members.

Area 21 – Gay Bryant Area 21 is growing and developing well. Steve Catchick’s (Maidenhead) entertaining and informative presentation on the new competent leadership programme at an excellent officer training is being shared with others to bring them up to speed. Windsor Speakers are now holding their meetings in a new venue. This has been a little hard to find and so a new energetic recruiting campaign is under way. All the club offices are being held by new members, who are still finding their way with protocols etc. They recently took part in the Windsor Arts Festival and put on an evening of entertainment, with speeches and table topics. It was attended by about twenty five non-toastmasters and was an excellent evening. Reading Speakers have many new faces and have developed a style of their own. They are flexible in the way they meet the members speaking needs, while keeping within the framework of the Toastmaster protocols. Chiltern Speakers has grown tremendously. They are a fun club, where speaking is made as relaxed as possible. They have an innovative approach to the speaking programme. Maidenhead Speakers has a high standard and continues to develop as a club, with excellent speakers and many new comers. It provides a great learning environment. Jean FFord has been working hard to establish a new club in Camberley by holding speech workshops. Two people in the Egham have expressed interested in starting two new company clubs.


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Toastmasters International District 71; Autumn Council Meeting; Sat 11th November 2006 at 11.00am District Governor 2006 – Nick Benning

Area 32 – Craig Newman All clubs are focussed on membership growth. Brighton and Hove Speakers club are leading the way, having recruited twelve new members already this year. Arun are making excellent progress in organising next year’s Spring Conference in Portsmouth. They are a well established club with many long standing members. Thanks to the Assistant Division Governor being based in the area, several ‘coups’ have been achieved with PR recently. In particular, Peter Shaw (Arun) and Beauty Zindi (Solent) have recently made their radio recording debut with 106 originalfm to promote Toastmasters in general and Arun & Solent Speakers in particular. Wessex Speakers in Winchester and Solent are also both thriving. Eastbourne now has the necessary twenty members needed to charter at last, and will be our first new club in Division H. Worthing, another pre-charter club, is looking for a permanent venue, but otherwise doing well. Interclub communication is proving to be a challenge due to the very linear nature of the Area along the south coast.

Area 35 – Roman Klimczak Bromley Speakers is the oldest established Club in the area, with a distinguished track record. There is a programme in place with the aim of achieving Presidents distinction. There has been a steady stream of new members joining the Club (6 to date) mainly from them viewing the web-site and word of mouth. This is a well organised Club in steady hands. Croydon Communicators only chartered last year, and since the beginning of the year has had to change its venue twice. This has affected membership which initially declined, due in part to full time students returning to their Colleges. However their enthusiastic President Shegun Olusanya has organised a youth evening to encourage potential future members and has brought back some lapsed members. With assistance to raise the profile of the Club, they are confident they will reach charter levels by the end of April 2007. Greenwich Meridians is a young but well attended Club, with a variety of members all showing enthusiastic support. Membership levels are good, and new members have been joining. The Committee are looking at some of the formalities of Toastmaster meetings, and although don’t currently undertake voting at the meetings, they enthusiastically held their first Humorous Competition. Speakers of Croydon are a strong Club with an established membership base. There is a regular uptake of new members and meeting attendances are on a par with Bromley & Meridian Clubs. They have also changed to the same venue as Croydon Communicators, but meet on a different day & alternative weeks.

Area 37 – Katherine Robertson Tunbridge Wells Speakers, while a thoroughly professional club, is not seeing the attendances that could be possible. There are mixed views as to whether this is an ongoing trend and if so, what can be done to reverse it. The Area Governor is giving them some focussed support with their PR, and will review progress closely. Premier Communicators of Canterbury is a lively, friendly and well run club and a joy to attend. It has some very experienced toastmasters as members and some very good speakers. The club’s membership is currently low but this is likely due to simply not being as active in their PR as they could be. They are quite ‘out of the way’ with regards to their location and need to keep up their PR to ensure that they stay visible to the wider public The Toasted Sandwich is a company club open only to people who are employed by Pfizer. Overall they appear to be a reasonably healthy club and their meetings are well run. They do however need encouragement to get more involved with other Toastmasters clubs. The plan is to hold an event at their place (contest or officer training) to try and bring them out of their shell and force some interaction with other clubs. Kent Speakers have made a remarkable recovery from a very low membership last year having gone from seven to twenty one with new guests still regularly turning up. This is due to advertising the club in the local area and by making its meetings as good as they can be. The club is very much held together by a couple of long-standing, dedicated members, so attention is being given to encouraging newer members to get more involved. Ambassadors Club, Margate is a pre-charter club and has been active for about nine months. Overall it is doing reasonably well with a friendly and supportive atmosphere. To help them tighten up their protocols, members are being encouraged to visit WPM$3EED.doc

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other clubs and get involved with toastmasters events. With continued support and good PR, they will be ready to charter by the end of June 2007.


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Toastmasters International District 71; Autumn Council Meeting; Sat 11th November 2006 at 11.00am District Governor 2006 – Nick Benning

IMMEDIATE PAST DISTRICT 71 GOVERNOR – Lynda Molloy My year as District Governor was “Simply Amazing”. It was a privilege and honor to be District 71 Governor. The support and commitment from each District Officer was remarkable, without this commitment, District 71 would not now have its current success, enthusiasm and energy. It is the commitment, support and dedication of each District and Club officer who motivated and supported their members. A quality Club Environment is the single most important factor in membership building and retention enabling members to “Realise Their Potential Within”. Congratulations to each and every Member, Club, Area and Division officer for District 71’s recognition as President’s Distinguished District 4th in the World. District 71’s recognition as the 4th most successful District in the world reflects that each Club and District officer was motivational and supportive in affording members the opportunity to develop communication and leadership skills thereby “Realise Their Potential Within”. Each successful club reflects a healthy, supportive and quality environment where member’s personal development is nurtured and supported. “Every achiever that I have ever met says, 'My life turned around when I began to believe in me”. District 71 was awarded 20+ Award in Washington DC as the No;1 District with a membership of 20 or more members along with our prestigious Presidents Distinguished recognition. Congratulations to our 8 Distinguished Toastmaster recipients, a record number of Distinguished Toastmasters. We were set challenging goals by WHQ, minimum paid clubs 157, Membership 4,500, 312 CTMs and 89 ATMs, we exceeded all our goals and our year end results were extraordinary. Congratulations to all sponsors and Mentors of the 16 New Clubs bringing District 71 to a club base of 169, Membership total reached 4,817, CTMs 351 and ATMs 131. At the Hall of Fame, (Sunday 12th ) I look forward to recognizing outstanding Toastmasters who were exemplary in their commitment, enthusiasm and energy to provide clubs with “Positive learning environment in which every member has the opportunity to develop communication and Leadership skills” The experience I gained, the people I met, the friends I made and most importantly the opportunity to be the Leader of such an amazing and successful District. I owe a great debt of gratitude and thanks to the many Toastmasters and past District Officers who were a pillar of strength and support to me over the last 4 years and I look forward to the opportunity to acknowledge you at the Hall of Fame on Sunday morning.

Lynda Molloy, DTM Immediate Past District Governor November 2006


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Toastmasters International District 71; Autumn Council Meeting; Sat 11th November 2006 at 11.00am District Governor 2006 – Nick Benning

PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER REPORT – Joe Gibbs So it’s November already and as District PRO I’m approaching the half-way point in the year. It’s time to take a brief review of progress to date and see how the remainder of the TM Year looks……. Newsletter: The District Executive has agreed that the Newsletter should be published 4 times per year and the first issue has come and gone with news and views from around the District. This year I have tried to make the Newsletter not just informative, but to also include some tips and helpful hints in each issue. I plan to continue this in issue 2 – due out later this month. If you have any items which you believe might be of interest to fellow Toastmasters please send them on. Website: As all of you should be aware Malcolm Warden and his team have done an excellent in getting the new website up and running. The site is constantly being updated and added to and you really should visit on a regular basis as it becomes a forum for widespread and regular communication. On the PR side I have been working with Malcolm to try to make the front page more useful and “friendly” in promoting Toastmasters. We have reduced the amount of information on the page, created new pages and added more general Toastmasters information that may be useful to the non Toastmaster looking for information on the organisation. We will continue to work and improve the look and content of this over the coming months. Monthly Tips: Through the new Website I have been emailing PR Tips to the Division and Area Governors, the Presidents and the Club PROs. This is in an attempt to make PR an all year round job rather than at the beginning of the TM year only. So far there has been one on creating a PR Plan for the Year and one on Tips for Press releases. There should be a November tip by the time you read this! The feedback on these so far has been excellent. If you haven’t been receiving them please ask the District Webmaster to add your email address to the list or contact me directly. National PR: In the past few months in both the UK and Ireland there has been a significant increase in the amount of exposure that TM has achieved on local and regional radio. So far however we have not succeeded in gaining national exposure in either the UK or Ireland. We are working a number of initiatives to see if this can be rectified over the next few months. With the help of Robin Chawner I have prepared a Press Release on the considerable achievement of D71 in the year just passed and am currently pursuing a number of possibilities with respect to getting this published. PR Team: A further initiative which I am in the early stages of setting up is a District PR Team. This is with a view to creating a small Team of resources in both islands who would seek to publicise the overall "package" that Toastmasters offers at a National level in both the UK and Ireland. This would also require building relationships with other Organisations who may recommend us to their Members, support us and help us to publicise our efforts in their organisations. The key here is "building relationships" - something that's it's difficult to do in one year as a PRO. The Team would also give continuity and support to future D71 PROs. In conclusion – I welcome your suggestions, ideas and comments and thank you for your ongoing support.

Joe Gibbs, D71 Public Relations Officer


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Toastmasters International District 71; Autumn Council Meeting; Sat 11th November 2006 at 11.00am District Governor 2006 – Nick Benning

LT GOVERNOR MARKETING REPORT – Gary Sander The LGM’s responsibilities can be summarised as: 1. Membership. 2. New clubs.

Membership As of the 14th October 2006, for the first time a major milestone has been achieved - we have now passed the 5,000-member mark! District 71 has a grand total of 5,008, including dual members, which is all down to your hard work. Well done everyone, this is a fantastic result. I am also pleased to report that last year our District did again have the largest proportion of clubs with over 20 members in the world. At the convention in Washington this year, the other District leaders repeatedly asked us how we achieved this. It is a fantastic result and we should strive hard to maintain it. It is important not only to attract new recruits but also to make our clubs attractive to existing members so that they continue to renew. Naturally if there are several new clubs chartered, this will be a major contribution to a further growth in membership. New clubs Two and half years ago District 71 had 130 clubs; it now has 170 chartered clubs. Again this is a great achievement on your part and I thank you for all your hard work to date and for the new clubs still to charter. There are 24 pre-charter clubs currently meeting in the District, as listed below. Please visit them to give your support and help them charter. If you wish to know the next meeting dates of any particular club you can check the District website at ‘’ (and click on the club name on the maps in the ‘clubs’ section to go through to the club website) or email me on ‘’. DIVISION A - Bantry, Kinsale. DIVISION B – West London (chartered), Lehman Brothers; DIVISION C- Cavan DIVISION D – Lismore, Maynooth, Tipperary. DIVISION E – Hexham, Bullring, Southside Glasgow (chartered), Nottingham, DIVISION F – Edenderry, Killaloe/Ballina; DIVISION G – Bedford, Huntingdon. DIVISION H – Sevenoaks, Eastbourne, Worthing, Margate, Kent, Camberley, Surrey, West Sussex.

Gary Sander DTM, Lt Gov Marketing


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Toastmasters International District 71; Autumn Council Meeting; Sat 11th November 2006 at 11.00am District Governor 2006 – Nick Benning

LT GOV EDUCATION & TRAINING REPORT – Mary Murtagh The District, just as the Club, Area and Division, has goals to reach to become Distinguished, Select Distinguished or Presidents Distinguished. District 71 has always reached its goals slowly drip feeding throughout the year, with an avalanche of award applications in the final weeks or even days before the deadline. This is living dangerously as with so many applications being processed in the same few days your member could lose out through lack of time. At the end of October (33% of the year) 9.5% of the CC goals and 9.1% of AC goal has been achieved. I urge all VPEs to register CCs ACs, CLs ALs etc immediately the project is completed to give members recognition as soon as possible. Their hard work deserves this. Attention should be given to the new Competent Leader Manual, which all new members will have received in their pack, on registration. Change is always a little challenging but I consider this an exciting and valuable addition to the Toastmaster Programme, and it will be worth the effort. This manual will focus on Leadership in Toastmasters – an underestimated aspect of this great organisation. This new manual is a positive development in redressing the imbalance. We are in a transitional period, as both the old CL and the new CL will be recognised until July 2008. Those working on the old Competent Leader award will be recognised as OCL. Having completed the new Competent Leader manual, the AL Bronze will be awarded. As there are 10 projects in the new manual it is advisable for new members to start on it as it is likely to take nearly 2 years to complete. • Note the CL and CC may be worked concurrently. Club Officer Training has been going well with 89.2% of clubs with 4 or more Officers trained. Thanks to all the Area and Division Governors who worked above and beyond the call of duty to ensure that missing officers were accommodated at neighbouring training sessions or even held extra sessions. Now these clubs should make every effort to have 4 officers attend the next training session in order to obtain their goal.

Mary Murtagh DTM, Lt Gov Training & Education


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Toastmasters International District 71; Autumn Council Meeting; Sat 11th November 2006 at 11.00am District Governor 2006 – Nick Benning

DISTRICT GOVERNOR REPORT – Nick Benning Let’s be honest: it is not easy building or maintaining quality clubs. Consider a new club. People sometimes claim that setting up a new club is like falling off a log - but they do not tell you the log is going through rapids! In truth it takes a lot of effort. Building up membership from zero is much harder than replenishing the natural wastage of an established club. And when a club has chartered it is not out of the torrents. Then it enters into the tough early years when the committee, often comprising members who are completely new to the organisation, grapple with the chores of administration and getting membership safely above the 20 mark. Our District has had a net growth of 16 clubs a year recently so we have many clubs in this position. At the other end of the scale, consider a successful and well established club. A thriving club which is bursting with members and experienced committee members looks as if it runs itself. But to make that club operate properly it still takes considerable effort by the committee. More members mean more people to schedule and look after. If you think it is easy – consider this. How many members in your club have leadership awards this year? At the time of writing the only ones registered in the whole District are 8 old Competent Leader awards. There are no new Competent Leader, Advanced Leader Bronze or Advanced Leader Silver awards. If we are truly about communication and leadership we should be achieving more. To help with the challenges of running quality clubs there is a new District website at I think it is already one of the best Toastmaster sites in the world. Yet it has been designed specifically to help you - the District 71 member - if not to make things easy at least to make them easier. The next time you have a problem or want to know something the chances are you will be able to find the answer on the website. But of course the personal touch is still very important. There is always someone to whom you can turn to for help and advice, and in return pass on some good tricks that you have found. One particularly good way to keep up with what your job involves and compare experiences with others in your position is to attend the training sessions in January/February. Above all let us keep in mind the wonderful rewards of our efforts: - that marvellous creative experience when a new club is formed; - the intoxicating ‘buzz’ of a well run meeting; - the magical transformation of a nervous new member into a confident and accomplished performer. It is not easy … but it is worth it!

Nick Benning, District 71 Governor


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