Hellfire Toastmasters Newsletter MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Dear Hellfire Toastmaster We have had a successful start to the year with five new members (to date) and wins in the Area Humorous Speech and Table Topics Competitions. There have been consistently big attendances for meetings with the usual excellent speeches, humour and generally enjoyable evenings. I hope the new members enjoy the meetings and feel that they are learning something from each meeting. We are looking at trying something different at some meetings to move us out of our comfort zone. Examples include (1) Having a mock 'trial' where people can act out their Ally McBeal or 12 Angry Men legal fantasies (2) Having a 'heckling' night where speakers can be questioned from the floor. Details will be finalised in due course. The Club receives recognition for manuals completed, so I would urge everyone to try and complete their respective manuals by next May, particularly those who are close to finishing them. Best wishes to members of Hellfire Toastmasters for the remainder of this year and 2007.
Hellfire Toastmasters win at the Area Contest
IMPORTANT: Toastmaster Meetings
Rob Sutton (Humorous Speech) and Jim Quinn (Table Topics) both did the Club proud and won on the evening resulting in their participation in the next stage which was the District Contest. This was once again a fine performance by Rob and Jim with Rob achieving second place. We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate both Rob and Jim for representing the Club in such style.
We all enjoy the variety that presents itself at our weekly Toastmaster meetings. Whether it be learning something new from the speeches or participating in a lively debate or having your say with a Table Topic. Not forgetting the all important Evaluations and General Evaluation. All participants on the programme make up the evening.
The next stage of the Contests is at the District 71 Conference. This will take place in the Abbey Court Hotel, Nenagh on 10-11 November 2006. Please contact Mandy for further information if you wish to attend. Congratulations on reaching No.10 Richard Whelan gave us a fine speech to reach his CTM. It was most informative and a real learning experience. Well done Richard on achieving your CTM and we are looking forward to further speeches as you move through the Advanced Programme.
Welcome New Members: We would like to extend a warm toastmaster welcome to our new members, most of which have already completed their icebreaker; John Shields, William Shields, Zanya Dahl, James Reilly and Richard O’Keefe.
In order to run our meetings in true Toastmaster style, if a member on the programme is unable to attend, it is incumbent on that member to organize a replacement and advise the Toastmaster accordingly a few days in advance. Participants on the programme should arrive no later than 7.50 pm so that the Toastmaster can take details of speech titles, etc. Members’ co-operation with regard to the above is requested so that we can continue to enjoy an evening of Toastmastering without the added stress for the Toastmaster. Joint Meeting - Tara/Hellfire Clubs
Attention all Members – please ensure you are listed on the Educational Charts which tracks your progress. Please talk to Mandy in this regard.
Brian J. Delappe President Hellfire Committee - 2006-2007 President: Brian J. Delappe VP-Education: Mandy O’Connor VP-Membership: Barry Connolly VP-PR Bernie Tracey Secretary: Breda Duffy Treasurer: Denis Fitzpatrick Sergeant at Arms: Deirdre O’Connor
Issue 1: Nov 2006
Christmas Party 12 Dec 2006
The Christmas Party this year will take place in the Courtyard Restaurant, Donnybrook. The cost for the dinner is €42.00. This is an ideal opportunity for the members of the Club to enjoy a social evening together so we would encourage every one, particularly new members to attend. Deirdre O’Connor is organizing the evening so please confirm your attendance to Deirdre and pass her the €42 as soon as possible so that she can firm up on the numbers attending.
Following a successful joint meeting of the Hellfire and Tara Club, a further joint meeting will take place on Thursday, 30 November 2006. The Tara Club will chair the meeting and the Toastmaster will be John Lynam. This will be an interesting experience as we will be running with the Tara toastmaster meeting format. Mandy has agenda details for the evening and we would encourage all our members to attend. Last Meeting for 2006 Please be advised that our last meeting for this year will be 5 December 2006. We will resume again in the New Year on 16 January 2007.
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Friendly Reminder The Debate
Become the Speaker and Leader You Want to Be
How Toastmasters Meets Your Needs
This part of the evening allows all members’ to have their say and participate in this activity. Please remember the following:
Toastmasters offer a proven way to improve your communication skills. By participating in a fun and supportive Toastmasters group, you will become a better speaker and leader and gain confidence to succeed in whatever path you have chosen in life.
1. If you are one of the Debaters and when you are called to the rostrum to sum up for 2 minutes, please do not use new material. Your summing up should reflect the comments from the floor which have supported your point of view and rebut others who have weakened your proposal. 2. When placing your vote at the end of the Debate, please remember that you are NOT voting on whether you agree or disagree with the motion you are voting on which member in your opi nion was t he m ost persuasive in putting forward their argument.
1. To clear the stress left by the "fight or flight reaction" he demonstrated two simple exercises i.e. rolling of the neck and shoulders. These simple neck and shoulder exercises if practiced for a minute or two eight or nine times a day will remove much of the stress we carry in these areas. 2. Using the breath of life make a habit of doing 10 breaths (in and out) seven or eight times a day in the following way - in through the nose to a count of four; out through the mouth to a count of eight, pause.
How Toastmasters Works
Words of Wisdom to take home! In a recent speech Richard Whelan provided us with insights which were based on wellness training he experienced. He informed us that just as it is easy to develop bad habits, the following three good habits if practiced daily will significantly improve our physical and mental wellbeing.
Deliver great presentations Easily lead teams and conduct meetings Give and receive constructive evaluations Be a good listener
Self-paced programmes allow you to progress as rapidly or as gradually as your needs dictate. The hands-on Competent Communication and Com petent Leadershi p programmes provide the “howto” and the practical experience so c ri t i c al t o progress. An atmosphere of professional camaraderie makes your Toastmasters club a unique learning environment, informal, yet dedicated to learning. The Toastmasters programme can be tailored to meet your personal objectives. Whether you want improvement in p r e p a r ed or i m pr om p t u speaking or greater skill in the use of visual aids, you will gain experience and knowledge.
Your improved presentation skills will win you the respect and admiration of your colleagues and employees and make them wonder what you did to change!
Leadership skills acquired t hrough part i ci pati on i n Toast masters will increase your management potential.
You will acquire an increased abilit y t o m otiv ate and persuade, making you more effective as a supervisor or manager.
You will have access to a wide range of educational materials, including books, CDs, DVDs and seminar programmes, available at reduced cost through the Toastmasters International Supply Catalogue.
If you would like to join Hellfire Toastmasters, please speak to Barry Connolly our VP – Membership committee member who will be happy to answer any questions you may have. For more information on the Hellfire Toastmaster Club please visit our website on www.hellfire.ie QUOTE OF THE SEASON I find the great thing in the world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving. To reach the port of heaven, we must sail sometimes with the wind and some times against it – but we must sail and not drift, nor lie at anchor. Oliver Wendell Holmes
3. To counteract the myth of aging use the simple Feldenkrais method and Somatic movements at least once a day. The easiest and most important of these is the “cat stretch” which can be completed in five minutes. Thank you Richard of imparting these words of wisdom to us.
Please send your contributions for the next Newsletter to Bernie at beaconcoaching@eircom.net
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