Reframe and Inspire with Passion
Reframe and Inspire with Passion
Outline of the Presentation !Why people leave Toastmasters !Adult Learning Principals and TMI ! Experiential Learning Cycle !Evaluation !Giving and Receiving Feedback !Johari Window !Self-Awareness !Emotional Intelligence !Choice Theory !My scripts for selling TMs 6
Reframe and Inspire with Passion
The!Reasons!Members!Leave!Toastmasters 1% die
3% move away 9% move on to other products because of a recommendation
68% go elsewhere because the people peop e they t ey deal dea with are indifferent to their needs
9% find a cheaper product elsewhere 10% are chronically dissatisfied
290 Moments!of!Truth 2
Reframe and Inspire with Passion
Reasons for Joining Toastmasters First: 23%
I wasn’t as confident as I wished to be
Second: I wanted to further develop 22% the skills I already had Third: 21%
I had a fear of Public Speaking
Fourth: I wanted to meet/socialise 18% with new people Fifth: 16%
I needed to make Presentations at work 6
Reframe and Inspire with Passion
Pedagogy and Andragogy !Pedagogy
The art and science of teaching children From the Greek Paido (children) and agogus (educating). !
The art and science of teaching man From the Greek Andros (man) and agogus (educating). 5
Reframe and Inspire with Passion
Child Learners and Pedagogy !The teacher sets the learning objectives !Accept the information presented at face value !Have little experience to draw on !Are often not motivated and not ready to learn !Hope that what they are learning will be useful !Little d discussion, u o , communication o u a o one-way o ay 5
Reframe and Inspire with Passion
Adult Learners and Andragogy ! Bring knowledge, skills, attitudes ! Bring experience of life i.e. wisdom ! Like Lik to t solve l problems bl ! Like to apply their learning to real situations ! Like to have choices and self-direct
Reframe and Inspire with Passion
Adult Learners and Andragogy !Like to share in setting their learning objectives !Have a variety of learning styles/preferences !Do best in an environment where they feel safe, accepted, and respected !Are motivated and want and need feedback !Need their abilities and achievements honored
Reframe and Inspire with Passion
Adult Learners Summary: Adults are Self Directed Learners What does this mean? It is the process where individuals take the initiative in diagnosing their needs,, designing g g learning g experiences, locating resources, and evaluating learning. -Knowles, 1975 5
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Toastmasters use Adult Learning? Responses about their experiences as Club Members The Club provides a warm support atmosphere Learning is ongoing and builds on previous activities It is a place where I can experiment and make mistakes I am seen as individual and can go at my own pace I like the diversity of the members and their backgrounds Immediate feedback lets me know how I am doing Learning is fun at the meetings Meetings are structured so that I am always involved The purpose of each learning activity is clearly explained I feel challenged by the various meeting roles TMs continues to meet the needs I had for joining it
Not True
99 98 97 95 98 95 92 70 76 85 88
1 2 1 4 1 5 8 16 16 5 8
0 0 2 1 1 0 0 14 8 10 4 6
Reframe and Inspire with Passion
6 words to sum up your view of TMs *interesting *challenging g g
nothing new
confusing f i
valuable l bl
th thought-provoking ht ki
*enjoyable j bl
waste of time
0 6
Reframe and Inspire with Passion Membership benefits from Joining Toastmasters Does TMI deliver what it promises?
I have improved as a speaker I am a better listener I am a clearer thinker I have improved interpersonal skills I have developed my potential I am more confident I am a better leader Use my leadership skills outside TMs I am more tolerant of diversity in others I better understand others I make a difference in society Apply my new skills outside the club
Strongly Agree
Strongly disagree
70 42 32 36 38 44 39 41 33 34 24 37
13 33 31 37 33 36 29 24 32 31 31 31
0 7 20 9 12 3 14 12 14 16 22 7
0 1 0 1 0 0 1 6 4 2 6 8
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Reframe and Inspire with Passion
Toastmasters uses Andragogy !The!Club!is!a!mixture!of!rich!experiences !Avail of lots of choices and self"direct !Avail!of!lots!of!choices!and!self direct!their!learning their learning !They!get!immediate!constructive!feedback !Th i hi !Their!achievements!are!recognised t i d and!honoured dh d !They!have!a!reason!for!joining!and!are!motivated !They!feel!accepted!and!valued!for!their!contributions !Learn!by!doing!and!apply!what!they!learn!in!life y g pp y y 5
Reframe and Inspire with Passion
Learning Styles !Adults!have!a!variety!of!Learning!Styles !Most!people!are!predominantly!one!type!of!!!! learner,!but!can!adapt!to!another!style !Learners!tend!to!look!for!their!preferred!!! style!in!learning!situations !Here!are!some!of!the!main!learning! styles‌ 5
Reframe and Inspire with Passion
Learning Styles !Auditory!Learners !Visual!Learners !Kinaesthetic!Learners !Reading/Writing!Learners However ultimately adults learn best by doing However,!ultimately!adults!learn!best!by!doing. 5
Reframe and Inspire with Passion
Kolb Learning Cycle Experience
How do I put this to work? What do I need to do differently?
What happened? Wh t W What Worked? k d? Wh Why? ? What didn’t? Why?
How does this relate? What else works this way? What else could work this way?
Reframe and Inspire with Passion
Experiential Learning C Cycle l
Complete a Speech P oject Project Plan the next Speech Project incorporating what you learned
Self Evaluate and receive feedback Draw conclusions for future Speech Projects
Reframe and Inspire with Passion
Experiential Learning Cycle
Reframe and Inspire with Passion
Teaching Adults More methods used leads to more retention !Reading
!S i !Seeing
!Seeing & Hearing
!Talking & Writing
!+ Doing
90% 5
Reframe and Inspire with Passion
Toastmasters uses Andragogy !The!Club!is!a!mixture!of!rich!experiences !Avail of lots of choices and self"direct !Avail!of!lots!of!choices!and!self direct!their!learning their learning !They!get!immediate!constructive!feedback !Th i hi !Their!achievements!are!recognised t i d and!honoured dh d !They!have!a!reason!for!joining!and!are!motivated !They!feel!accepted!and!valued!for!their!contributions !Learn!by!doing!and!apply!what!they!learn!in!life y g pp y y 5
Reframe and Inspire with Passion
Evaluation is the Key Evaluation
Emotional Intelligence
Reframe and Inspire with Passion Dramatic i Improvement in i Giving i i Feedback db k 1 =!excellent:!!! = excellent: a!personal!strength!of!mine. 2 =!very!good:!!! little!room!for!improvement!by!me.
Shows the Increase in self evaluated grades between the present time and the outset of Training for GIVING FEEDBACK
4 =!satisfactory:!! but!I!know!I!can!improve!much!more 5 =!not!satisfactory:!!! not satisfactory: I!need!to!make!a!special!effort!to!improve. 6!=!inadequate:!!! serious!weakness!I!must!urgently!address.
83%!now!good!or!better!compared!to!! 20%!at!time!of!joining At P At!Present t At!the!Outset
% of R Responden nts
3!=!good:!!! 3 good: but!room!for!further!improvement!by!me.
45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1
Self-Evaluated Grades 6
Reframe and Inspire with Passion Dramatic Improvement in Receiving Feedback 1 =!excellent:!!! = excellent: a!personal!strength!of!mine. 2 =!very!good:!!! little!room!for!improvement!by!me.
Sh Shows the th Increase I in i self lf evaluated l t d grades d between b t the th present time and the outset of Training for RECEIVING FEEDBACK 60
3!=!good:!!! 3 good: but!room!for!further!improvement!by!me.
4 =!satisfactory:!! but!I!know!I!can!improve!much!more
6!=!inadequate:!!! serious!weakness!I!must!urgently!address.
95%!now!good!or!better!compared! to!45%!at!time!of!joining At!Present
%o of Respondents
5 =!not!satisfactory:!!! not satisfactory: I!need!to!make!a!special!effort!to!improve.
40 30 20 10 0 1
Self-Evaluated Grades
At!the!Outset 6
Reframe and Inspire with Passion
Self Awareness
Life Satisfaction
Job Performance
The Whole Person Self Awareness
Reframe and Inspire with Passion
Everything about you
The Johari Window: Everything About You
Known to self
Not Known to self
The Johari Window: Known to Self; Not Known to Self
Known to others
Not known to others
The Johari Window: Known to Others; Not Known to Others
Reframe and Inspire with Passion
Known to Oth Others
Not known to Others
Not known to Self
Reframe and Inspire with Passion
F db k and Feedback d th the Bli Blind d Spot S t
Reframe and Inspire with Passion
S lf di l Self-disclosure and d the th Open O Space S
Selfdisclosure HIDDEN
Reframe and Inspire with Passion Comparison of JoHari Windows for a Member
Has just joined the Club
Several months later
Reframe and Inspire with Passion
Toastmasters develops your EI (EQ) Toastmasters!develops!Emotional!Intelligence
Personal Competence
Social C Competence t
SelfSelfAwareness Constructive Evaluations
SelfSelfManagement Serving S i as a Club Officer
Social Awareness
Relationship Management
How to H t Listen Li t Effectively
Working W ki ttoward d CL & AL Awards
Reframe and Inspire with Passion
Toastmasters develops your EI (EQ) Self" Self" Awareness •Emotional!Self"Awareness •Accurate!Self"Assessment A S lf A •Self"Confidence
Social Awareness •Empathy •Organizational!Awareness •Service!Orientation
Self" Self" Management •Self"Control •Trustworthiness •Conscientiousness •Adaptability •Achievement!Orientation •Initiative
Relationship Management •Developing!Others D l i Oth •Leadership •Influence •Communication • Conflict!Management C fli t M t •Teamwork!&!Collaboration
Reframe and Inspire with Passion
EQ iis th the only l one that th t can change h
The Whole Person
Reframe and Inspire with Passion
William Glasser
Reframe and Inspire with Passion
William Glasser’s Choice Theory JOHARI WINDOW
! Born in Cleveland, Ohio in 1925. ! Chemical Ch i l Engineer E i att age 19 19. ! Clinical Psychologist at age 23. ! Medical Doctor at age 28. ! Psychiatrist at age 32. ! Dr. Glasser founded The Institute for Reality l Therapy h in 1967 96
Reframe and Inspire with Passion
Choice (Control) Theory • This!theory!of!motivation!proposed!by!William! Gl Glasser states!that!behavior!is!never!caused!by! t t th t b h i i db a!response!to!an!outside!stimulus!(situation!or! person). • The The!control!theory!states!that!behavior!is!a! control theory states that behavior is a constant!attempt!to!satisfy!one!or!more!of!our! five!basic!needs. 5
Reframe and Inspire with Passion
Relevance for Toastmasters !I believe that Choice Theory y explains p why people join, stay and/or leave Toastmasters and that we should keep this in mind when planning activities at all levels within the organisation.
Reframe and Inspire with Passion
Choice (Control) Theory
! These basic needs are thought to be innate (we are born with them). ! We choose all that we do and we are responsible for the choices we make. ! The needs drive our choices and influence how we behave in those choices. 5
Reframe and Inspire with Passion
All Behaviour has a Purpose “It!is!our!best!attempt,!at!the!time,! given!our!current!knowledge!and!skills, to!meet!one!or!more!of!our! basic!human!needs�. Dr.! William!Glasser
Reframe and Inspire with Passion
Glasser’s 5 Basic Needs ! Survival ! Fun ! Power ! Freedom ! Belonging 5
Reframe and Inspire with Passion
Survival Need • Physiological!Need • The!need!for!food,!shelter,!safety • Safe!from!danger Safe from danger Is!Toastmasters!a!safe!environment!from! bodily!harm,!mental!or!physical!intimidation,! abuse…..? 5
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Fun Need • • • • •
The need for enjoyment To play To laugh Naturally motivating No one has to bribe you to do these things
Is Toastmasters Fun…?
“Learn by Doing” g 5
Reframe and Inspire with Passion
Power Need !Empowerment!– gain!and!keep!respect !The need to achieve !The!need!to!achieve !To!be!recognized!for!achievement/skills !To have a sense of self worth !To!have!a!sense!of!self"worth !To!contribute Are!you!“valued”!in!Toastmasters!….? Nobody “fails” Nobody! fails !in!Toastmasters. in Toastmasters 5
Reframe and Inspire with Passion
Freedom Need !The!need!for!independence !For!autonomy !For!control!over!one’s!own!life !For!choice
Are you given “Freedom” Are!you!given! Freedom !in!Toastmasters….? in Toastmasters ? 5
Reframe and Inspire with Passion
Belonging Need !The!need!for!camaraderie! !For!relationships !Social!connection !Part!of!a!group
Do you “Belong” Do!you!! Belong !in!Toastmasters!….? in Toastmasters ? 5
Reframe and Inspire with Passion
Conclusion from Choice Theory ! People join Toastmasters to satisfy their innate Psychological needs ! They stay as long as these needs are being met ! They leave if these needs are no longer being satisfied or they yp perceive that the Club is indifferent to their needs (remember the 1st slide)
Reframe and Inspire with Passion
Club Membership Cycle Well
New Nmembers e w E n e rg y Nbring e w L e anew d e rs energy
G r eat C lu b organised M Club eet in g s Meetings
Members E n e r g i ze d needs M e m b ebeing rs h i p satisfied
Guests return G uand e s t s join Jo in the Club
M e m b e rs h i p members B ri n g s bring G u e s ts
Guests see G u e s ts A re Toastmasters I m needs p re s s e d as satisfying 6
Reframe and Inspire with Passion
Implications for TMI • We need to constantly work as a District/Division/Area/Club to ensure that member member’s s basic psychological needs continue to be met if we hope to retain them for longer than at present.
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Balanced Meetings We need to plan Club Meetings that are balanced i.e. have elements of all four basic psychological needs incorporated, and in that way the meeting will be need need-satisfying satisfying and all attending will grow and develop.
Reframe and Inspire with Passion
How do you explain Toastmasters On the next slides are some ideas that you can have in your mind to use when asked by someone to explain what is Toastmasters about and how they will benefit if they decide to join a Toastmaster Club.
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Vision of TMI “Toastmasters!International!helps!its!members!! f p to!achieve!their!full!potential!and!make!their! dreams!a!reality” “It!does!this!by!helping!them!improve!their! communication!and!leadership!!skills!and!giving! them!the!courage!to!change!their!lives.”
Reframe and Inspire with Passion
Club Mission “The!Club!!provides!a!mutually!supportive!and! positive learning environment where adult learning positive!learning!environment!where!adult!learning! methods!are!adopted” “Members!develop!and!practice!communication!and! leadership skills which boosts their self"confidence leadership!skills,!which!boosts!their!self confidence! and!facilitates!their!personal!growth”
Reframe and Inspire with Passion
Evaluation is the Key “Evaluation,!which!involves!members!giving!and! receiving constructive feedback to fellow receiving!constructive!feedback!to!fellow! members,!is!a!key!feature!of!the!Toastmasters! Educational!Programme.! g Over!a!period!of!time!this!develops!a!sense!of! self awareness in the members which in turn is self"awareness!in!the!members!which!in!turn!is! known!to!be!the!single!most!important!human! trait!that!leads!to!greater!satisfaction!with!life! g f f and!satisfaction!on!the!job.!� 6
Reframe and Inspire with Passion
Sizing up the whole person “Self"awareness!is!a!key!component!of!Emotional! Intelligence (EQ) Intelligence!(EQ).! Research!shows!that!development!of!high!EQ!is! by far the most determining factor in on the job by!far!the!most!determining!factor!in!on!the!job! performance EQ has more effect on job performance than EQ!has!more!effect!on!job!performance!than! either!IQ!or!Personality!and!of!the!three!EQ!is!the! only!one!that!can!be!improved!throughout!life.� 6
Reframe and Inspire with Passion
Choice Theory and TMs If!we!examine!William!Glasser’s!Choice!Theory!we! can!see!why!the!Toastmasters!Programme!is!so! h h T P i successful. Glasser!says!that!we!are!all!driven!by!4!innate! psychological needs These needs are Fun psychological!needs.!These!needs!are!Fun,! Freedom,!Power!and!Belonging.!
Reframe and Inspire with Passion
Choice Theory and TMs “Any!activity!that!satisfies!all!4!of!these!needs!has! a!powerful!positive!effect!on!the!behaviour!of! individuals.!! II!believe!that!well!organised!Toastmaster!meetings! believe that well organised Toastmaster meetings will!have!the!necessary!mix!of!!activities!to!meet!all! of these needs and this will help attract new of!these!needs!and!this!will!!help!attract!new! members!to!our!clubs!and!retain!existing!members! for!longer!periods!of!time.� 6
Reframe and Inspire with Passion
Harry Knox DTM
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