Minutes of District Council Meeting Spring Conference 2009. Four Pillars Hotel, Cotswolds Water Park, Cotswolds 11am Saturday May 9th 2009 1. Call to Order: the meeting was called to order by District 71 Governor, Gary Sander 1a. Welcome and Introduction of past District Governors: Gary Sander welcomed Council Members to the meeting and pointed out the fire escapes. He recognised Past District Governors in attendance: Angus Galbraith, Cecil Kirk, Harry Knox, David Thompson, Mike Silverman 1b. Invocation was read by Jude Portbury 1c. District 71 Mission and TMI Mission was read by Laura McHarrie 1d. Top table Introduction: Gary Sander introduced the D71 Executive in the following order: District Treasurer – Margaret Stanway, LG Marketing – Teresa Dukes, Parliamentarian – Cecil Kirk, District Secretary – Jane Cameron, LG Education & Training - Joe Gibbs, PRO – Jim Hegarty 1e. Apologies read by Jane Cameron, District Secretary: Lucia Hughes, Diane Jamieson – Area 26 Gov, Lynda Molloy – Past District Governor, James McGinty – Asst Div G Gov, Mary Murtagh – Immediate Past District Governor, Mary O’Connor- Area 8 Governor and Past District Governor 1f. District Governor advised of the protocol for members who wished to address the meeting - when speaking a member should give their name and home Club - and also of the protocol of election process. He also clarified the identity of the members of the District Council by reference to the offices held by them. 2. Adoption of Agenda. Sufficient notice of the meeting having been given, a motion that the agenda be adopted was proposed by Michael J.Clarke and seconded by Jim Davidson. 3. Report of the Credentials Committee. The District Parliamentarian, Cecil Kirk advised that there were 207 Clubs eligible to participate giving a quorum of 69. There were 58 other eligible persons of whom 33 were present. 83 Clubs had registered giving 166 votes from the Clubs. Adding the 33 other eligible persons, this made a total of 199 with a simple majority of 100 needed. 3a. Appointment of Tellers – Samantha Babister, Anne King, Ivan O’Sullivan, Sue Sander; proposed by Cecil Kirk and Seconded by Eric Downey. Agreed by Council. 4. Minutes for the Autumn Conference 8th November 2008. Acceptance of the Minutes was proposed by Caroline O’Connor and seconded by Hilary Briggs. Agreed by Council. 5. Realignment of Areas within the District. – David Thompson, Chairman of Realignment Committee presented the report and thanked Committee members. It is proposed that the realignments set out below are accepted to take effect from 1st July 2009. PROPOSAL 1 (Divisions E & H) That Area 42, which currently comprises Chaseside 595108, Cottonwood 742, Casterbridge/Dorchester (pre-charter), Newbury 2965 and Vodaphone 1098583, transfers from Division E to Division H. Proposed: Michael J Clarke Seconded: Samantha Babister PROPOSAL 2 (Division B) That Area 45 and 47 are created and the clubs in Division B are realigned as follows: Area 6: Cardinals 674907, Corinthians 7951, Olympians 5235, Polish Your Polish 1095711 Area 29: Athenians 7365, Riverside 2731, Trojans 589261, West London 885179 Area 31: Canary Wharf Communicators 778270, Citi Criers 589935, Speakeasy@ Credit Suisse 2656, Thomson Reuters 1078232, WIBF (Canary Wharf) 8923 Area 33: Broadgate 5964, CareerBuilders 1182993, MLP London Bridge 760422, NZICA 1107650, St Paul’s 7989 Area 34: City of London 2027, Holborn 3149, LBS 4824, Tube Talk 5257 Area 45: Berkeley Sq 2390, Early Bird 835375, Grosvenor Sq 4141, Money Talks/Westminster (pre-charter) Area 47: Excalibur 9079, London Communicators 501, Northern Lights 647094, WIBF City 893055 Proposed: Freddie Daniells Seconded: Hilary Briggs PROPOSAL 3 (Division E) That Area 48 is created and the current Area 15 is realigned as follows: Area 15: Leeds 6640, Strictly Speaking Harrogate 1022885, York EbOrators 705274, A1 Speakers - Newcastle (pre-charter), Kingston Communicators (pre-charter) Area 48: Manchester Orators 6726, Dominion Speakers 1181523, Chesterfield Toastmasters (pre-charter), Didsbury Speakers (pre-charter) This proposal is conditional upon Chesterfield and/or Didsbury chartering by 30 June 2009 Proposed: Michael J Clarke Seconded: Jim Gregory
PROPOSAL 4 (Division G) That Area 44 is created and the current Area 41 is realigned as follows: Area 41: Anglia 3380, Cambridge Speakers 8105, Cambridge City Communicators (pre-charter), Huntingdon 1027647 Area 44: Bedford 911179, Elder Gate 6078, North Bucks 660325 and a potential new club probably in Northampton Proposed: Sandra Lawes Seconded: Graham Frost PROPOSAL 5 (Division H) That Area 46 is created and the clubs in Division H are realigned as follows: Area 14: No changes Area 21: Chiltern 4827, Marlow 1203783, Maidenhead 5461, Windsor 758236 Area 32: Arun 7298, Battle 1240705, Brighton 5439, Eastbourne 941371, County Communicators (pre-charter), Worthing (precharter) Area 35: No changes Area 37: No changes Area 42: Chaseside 595108, Cottonwood 742, Solent 5774, Casterbridge / Dorchester (pre-charter), Hamwic / Southampton (precharter) Area 46: Newbury 2965, Reading 8471, Vodaphone 1098583, Wessex 9090 Proposed: Samantha Babister Seconded: Chris Howell Council Comment: Jim Robinson (Thame) – commented that pre-emptive Area realignment can adversely change existing support structures and requested that realignments are not considered until absolutely necessary Roger Crewes (Bedford/North Bucks) – requested that the current TMI ruling on a maximum of 7 clubs in an Area is regarded as a recommendation only Sandra Lawes – commented that work load on Area Governors and their required travel are key considerations in realignments All realignments voted on and agreed by Council. 6. Nomination and Election of Division Governors: Ronnie Gillanders presented the report from the Nominating Committee on behalf of Chair, Mary Murtagh; he confirmed all nominees were eligible and thanked the members of the Committee Process for Elections: Gary Sander announced the Candidates for Div A, B, C, D, F and G (uncontested); he requested the District Secretary to cast one vote and asked for a show of hands from the Council. The two candidates for Div E Governor presented their election speech to Council and election ballets were posted with the following result: Votes Cast: 161 Votes for Jim Gregory: 101 Votes for Colin Walsh: 60 The following officers were elected: Division A Division B Division C Division D Division E Division F Division G Division H
Helen Hourican Hilary Briggs Luanne Kent Mary O’Connor Jim Gregory Werner van den Hemel James McGinty Chris Howell
7. (Agenda Point 9): 2008/9 Mid-Year Audit: presented by Margaret Stanway; she indicated that the Council pack contained a Report giving the position mid-year to 31st of December 2008 as is required by TMI. However, this report contains errors in data made available in Excel down-loads from TMI who are aware of the problem and are working to rectify this. In order to assist the Council, the Treasurer had prepared a more up-to-date financial picture to May 2009 which she presented to Council and which showed the funds that had been allocated under the various headings, the money spent to date and the balance. Council Comments: Roger Crewes queried amount shown under Speech Contests on the Mid-Year Audit (page 8 of Council Report); Treasurer confirmed that this was incorrect due to previously mentioned errors in TMI financial data received Yvonne Forbes queried if the honorarium made available to Area Governors was automatic or had to be requested; Treasurer confirmed this was an automatic payment Pat Duggan commented that the slides created and presented by Treasurer were more clear and up to date than the required data in Council Pack and requested that these also be included in future Council Packs Acceptance of Mid-Year audit (on understanding that the errors in data would be rectified) was Proposed by Kate Thornhill and seconded by Luanne Kent. On a show of hands the Mid-Year Audit Report was accepted.
8. Nomination and Election of District Officers Process for Elections: Gary Sander announced Candidates for District Governor, LGET and LGM (uncontested); he requested the District Secretary to cast one vote and asked for a show of hands from the Council. The two candidates for PRO presented their election speeches to Council and election ballets were posted with the following result: Votes Cast: 175 Votes for Freddie Daniells: 121 Votes for Dick Dixon: 54 The following officers were elected: PRO Lt Gov Marketing Lt Gov Education & Training District Governor
Freddie Daniells Jim Hegarty Teresa Dukes Joe Gibbs
(Agenda point 9 covered above) 10. Reports of Division Governors & District Officers: written reports from District Officers were included in the Council Pack; officers also presented a verbal summary report. Division A Division B Division C Division D Division E Division F Division G Division H
Caroline O’Connor Freddie Daniells Kate Thornhill Pat Fahey on behalf of Peter Farrelly Michael J Clarke Deirdre O’Brien Sandra Lawes Samantha Babister
PRO Lt Gov Marketing Lt Gov Education & Training District Governor
Jim Hegarty Teresa Dukes Joe Gibbs Gary Sander
11. Bids for future District Conferences•
Spring 2010 – Ronnie Gillanders for Sligo; bid to be progressed in consultation with D71 Executive
Autumn 2010 – Kate Thornhill/Eddie O’Hanlon for Dublin; statement of interest accepted
12. Any other business TMI Governance Proposal: Joe Gibbs presented the proposal and explained D71would be assigned to a region during process of creating 14 regions; this would result in greater representation of D71 at TMI Board level and increased support for D71. He encouraged all Club Presidents to send International Proxy Votes direct to Gary Sander (address is pre-printed on Proxy) in order that D71 can vote to accept the Governance Proposal during business meeting at August 09 International Convention. Gary Sander presented an award to Mary Murtagh in recognition of her distinguished service as District 71 Governor; this was accepted by Joe Gibbs on behalf of Mary Murtagh. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned to reconvene at York on 15th November 2009.