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Competent Leadership Manual
Promoting Promoting the new new Competent Competent Leadership manual manual
Pedro Casillas – Division B Governor
From the District council meeting in November 2006, Exec PRO, Joe Gibbs and Division B Governor, Pedro Casillas took an action to investigate the use of the new Competent Leader manual through-out the District. Many leaders expressed concern that the manual was not being used widely and that if action was not taken soon, we would soon reach the grace period in July 2008 where the CL manual would be the only means of achieving the Competent Leader award and find that members would not be achieving Cl award because they had not started to use the new manual. Our goal, then is to ensure that all clubs have manuals and that they are being used regularly and effectively by all members. To this end we have taken the following action: Area Governors were contacted to find out which clubs were actively using the new CL manual Which ones were having difficulty obtaining them and what were their plans to acquire them The success strategies that were being adopted to implement the manual This presentation is based on the feedback from clubs throughout the District. They are suggestions which if followed, should assist clubs to successfully implement the new manual. Page 1 of 6
tmpdFzmZu Slide 2 As you should know by now, the new CL manual has been available since January 2006. New members should automatically receive the manual. The manual has been in official operation since July 2006. Please note that the Old CL award will be discontinued from July 2008. Therefore, it is important that we start to communicate with clubs through out the District to ensure that everyone has a new manual and starts to use it. If we don’t we may reach a situation where members wishing to achieve CL will not be able to do so, as they are not following the new CL manual. Slide 3 So, what’s in the new manual and why should it be of interest to me? During a typical TM meeting members will take on many roles. That of Evaluator; Timer; Grammarian; Toastmaster; GE; Table Topics master and evaluator. The new 10 Project Competent Leadership Manual gives the member the opportunity to receive feedback on the performance of a particular role. The feedback provides an invaluable addition to the development of a TM reaching their goal as Competent Communicator and Leader. Slide 4 Develop listening skills and get rewarded! Additional written feedback on a variety of club roles Earn CL award for roles you already do during a club meeting Leadership opportunities abound! – chair a special event; run a competition; serve on HPL committee and more Slide 5 Think about it…use of the Cl maual lead to success in whatever way you wish to define it. More money Climb the ladder – use what you learn in the CL manual to your work and home life Create something new Push your boundaries Soar with the eagles Page 2 of 6
tmpdFzmZu Etc, etc Slide 6 To achieve DTM status a Toastmaster must complete both the Communication and Leadership tracks. New members should be encouraged to work through both the Competent Communicator and Leadership manuals Slide 7 The above table shows the different roles that a TM can carry out whilst working through the CL manual. The manual provides a mechanism to provide recognition for many roles which are carried out during a meeting. In addition to the normal programme roles, there are also the opportunities to take on other Leadership roles such as Mentor or as Chair of a special club event etc. All of these help….(see next slide) Slide 8 The above table can be used with along side the CL manual. As you can see the table clearly shows the number of the Project on the left; the title of the project; the roles that the project covers and the number of roles that need to be completed per project. The above table shows 4 projects: the complete list can be found in the embedded document on the right called, ‘New Competent Leader Manual’. To open the document, simply double-click on the icon and the Adobe Acrobat document will open. You can save the document to your hard-drive or print out. Thanks go to, Frank Storey of District 18 for permission to use this. So, if you are working on Project 2 for example, Critical Thinking, a TM has to complete 2 out of the 3 roles to complete the Project. The good think about the manual is that you do not have to complete all the roles in order, i.e. you do not have to complete all the roles in Project 1 before starting Project 2. You can mix and match.
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tmpdFzmZu Slide 9 Some FAQ’s Note: the emphasis should be on written evaluations rather than oral ones. As all evaluators receive an oral evaluation from the GE at the end of a meeting, it is not necessary for there to be 2 oral evaluations. However, if a club has time to present an additional oral evaluation, then there is nothing to stop them doing so. As previously mentioned, it is not necessary to deliver the projects in chronological order. It is entirely up to a member how they work through the manual. As for choosing an evaluator. The easiest way would be for member using the CL manual to ask someone, preferably in advance or at the beginning of a meeting. If the club feels it appropriate, the VPE could be tasked with assisting with this. Slide 10 The above Excel spreadsheet, produced by Samantha Babister of Woking speakers, is one suggested way of tracking your achievement as you work through the manual. The complete spreadsheet is made up of an introduction, a sample completed spreadsheet and a blank sheet for use by members. All you have to do to use the sheet is, in conjunction with the previous sheet, record on the spreadsheet the completed projects as they are completed. To view the complete spreadsheet, plus examples, Double click on the Excel icon on the right to open the spreadsheet Slide 11 Reminder: The current CL award will continue to be awarded until 30 June 2008. Slide 12 The CL is included in all new member kits and can be ordered from Slide 13 So, now we know how to use the manual, how can we promote its use throughout the District?
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tmpdFzmZu Slide 14 First, we suggest that Club Officers should deliver this presentation to clubs soon after COT. We will be sending out the presentation and support material to all clubs. At clubs, we suggest that the VPE or President remind, at the beginning or end of every meeting until the message gets through, all members to bring their CL manual to all meetings. The VPE can assist by adding a reminder when sending out the club programme or by use of Club plan if that is used. We will be asking all Division and Area Governors to support the use of the CL manual and ask them to promote its use during club visits. Slide 15 Now that you know what the manual is all about and how to go about promoting it, what about monitoring? During April, Division B Governor, Pedro Casillas and Exec PRO, Joe Gibbs, will be contacting Division and Area Governors for feedback on the use of the manual throughout the District and will review the success of the initiative then. In the meantime, we suggest that the VPE with the assistance of other Committee members, review use of the manual once per month. They could take a printed out spreadsheet and speak to members during the course of a meeting and update the sheet as they go along. Or they could email the spreadsheet and ask for it to be updated or perhaps they could use the D71 website. If a club uses a Newsletter, a reminder could be included in every issue. Also, a printed reminder could be added to each programme. And there are lots of other ways which clubs could think up. Slide 16 Now, the material to make this happen. We will be sending all members: This presentation The complete Excel spreadsheet and CL guide Page 5 of 6
tmpdFzmZu Also, additional information about the CL manual can be found at at the URL above Slide 17 Conclusion In order for the CL manual to be a success we need to make it part of our Club’s culture We will do that by running education sessions using this presentation as a basis We need to promote the value of the CL manual to members Provide the tool and guidelines for tracking progress Slide 18
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