District 71: Officer Nominating Form 2010 INSTRUCTIONS: This form is to be used to nominate an individual for an elected position on the D71 District Council for a one year term beginning July 1 st 2010. The election will take place at the District Council Meeting at the Sligo Land of Heart’s Desire Conference on Saturday 15th May 2010. The Nominating committee will confirm eligibility and notify council of nominations in early April. Please note - candidates should give their consent to being nominated. Completed forms should be returned to Gary Sander no later than February 28th 2010: Gary Sander DTM 2 Hockwold Road, Weeting. Suffolk, IP27 0QE UK
email garydtm@gmail.com
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I wish the nominating committee to consider the following person for the office of:
□District Governor □Lt. Governor Education & Training □Lt. Governor Marketing □Public Relations Officer (must be a member in Divisions A, C, D, or F □Division Governor (please specify division: ….) Name _______________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Telephone (H) _________________________ E-mail: _________________________ Home Club name and no. ________________________________________________ Submitted by: _____________________________________________ (print clearly) Date: _________