TIPS RE RADIO INTERVIEWS FOR DIVISION H CLUBS 2007_2008 From Robin Chawner, Asst Div H Governor – Marketing tel 07798 638541 email
1 GOLDEN RULES 1 Approach your radio contact in good time, have an email ready to follow up your first call 2 Thank them in advance for taking the time to consider your offer 3 Listen to your relevant stations to get idea of house style for onair interview 4 Know the name of your target presenter 5 Treat it like preparing for a Topics session prepare for the expected and the unexpected questions 6 Book a roleplay at your club ahead of the broadcast – get a CL credit for it, too 7 Invite the presenter to your club 8 Thank your host at the beginning and the end of the show 9 Check if they have an online what’s on; make sure your club meetings are included 10 Give your club contact phone number and email address twice, preferably at the start and finish 2 OUR FIVE USP’S 1 No risk 2 Constructive feedback 3 Achievements celebrated / rewarded 4 Selfpaced progression 5 Reinforced learning 3 GOOD PUBLIC SPEAKERS – BORN OR MADE? Most people, with help, can acquire the skills, attributes and knowledge (see answer to question 3. Key thing is that joining your local speakers (Toastmasters) club can provide just this sort of help and at much more costeffective rate than commercial outfits who tend to give ‘one dip’ treatment. 4 WHAT ARE THE CHARACTERISTICS OF A GOOD PUBLIC SPEAKER? There are two categories: Cognitive (know ‘how to’ ie understanding and application) Cognitive encompasses skills (knowhow) and knowledge (knowwhat) Examples: using words with precise meanings, using pauses, eye contact. Affective ( ‘want to’ ie behavioural) Affective encompasses attributes ie personal characteristics eg extravert Examples: being ‘natural’, willing to step outside comfort zone, enjoy learning. Obviously you can expand on this list, hugely – maybe you want to mention some of the examples from your own experience. 5 ANY ‘RULES OF THUMB’ Here are, if you like, ten tips. 1 Research your audience. 2 Signpost your speech structure [ opening, body, conclusion ]. 3 Stay ‘on message’ and ‘keep to time’. 4 Let your body speak (keep gestures congruent with words). 5 Be yourself. 6 Combine ‘headandheart’ appeal; use personal anecdotes. 7 Summarise key points; ‘end with a punch’ 8 Be prepared for questions 9 Thank your audience/hosts 10 Get feedback