Summer has well and truly started, and there are two free award-winning water parks for families in Camden to enjoy and cool off from now to 27 April 2025.
The water parks will be on every day from 10:00am – 7:00pm, at Curry Reserve in Elderslie and Dawson-Damer Park in Oran Park. Dawson-Damer Park is Macarthur region's largest water play space and there’s a range of interactive water features.
Located on the corner of Dick Johnson Drive and O'Toole Avenue in Oran Park, Dawson-Damer Park is an inclusive facility and wet play wheelchairs are available for hire. These wheelchairs will provide and improve access to the water play area for children and people living with a disability.
The child and adult-size-all terrain wheelchairs were designed by a team of specialist paramedics and tested and approved by people with restricted mobility.
As part of Council’s overall strategy to encourage and improve accessibility and inclusiveness for people with a disability, Council provides temporary and permanent access codes for people with a disability to access the adult change facilities at Dawson-Damer Park and Curry Reserve.
The accredited Changing Places Facilities feature an adjustable adult-size change table, hoist, toilet, shower and space for two carers to support a person with a disability.
Curry Reserve Water Play Space, at Camden Valley Way, Elderslie boasts a large splash pad with 36 play features for children of all ages. The award-winning water place space is also an inclusive facility with wet play wheelchairs for hire and an accessible accredited public toilet and adult change facility.
Don’t forget they also have three pools in the Camden LGA, including Camden War Memorial Pool, Mount Annan Leisure Centre and Oran Park Leisure Centre.
Mayor of Camden, Cr Ashleigh Cagney, said “It’s great to see the community cooling off at one of our free water play spaces. Sometimes I take my own children along to splash about, and they absolutely love it.”
“We know it’s expected to be an extremely hot summer, so don’t forget to apply lots of sunscreen, wear a hat and drink plenty of water,” Mayor Cagney said.
Submit your Community Notice on/by 10th of the month, to be included in the following edition. Notices may be edited or omitted due to space limitations. E: info@districtgazette.com.au
Harrington Park Over 55's Social Club
Meets the first Monday of the month from 10:00am at Harrington Park Community Hall (Fairwater Drive, Harrington Park). More details: 4648 5085
Meet every third Saturday at Narellan Library 1st floor from 9.30am - 1.30pm. Tea coffee biscuits for a gold coin donation. More details: 0404 229 498
Meets the second Tuesday of each month from 10.00am to 11.30am at New Life Anglican Church Oran Park. Morning Tea is provided and there is no charge. More details: 0438 093 412
Meets Wednesdays (During School terms) at 10.00am -11.30am. PlayTime is for Mums and Carers with kids 0-5. NewLife Anglican Church (Cnr Marcus Loane Way + Central Avenue, Oran Park). More Details: www.newlifeanglican.org.au/wp/playtime.
Held weekly on Saturdays from 7:00am till 12:00pm at Camden Town Farm (40 Exeter Street, Camden). More details: camdenproducemarket@hotmail.com or www. camdenproducemarket.com.au
Held on the first Saturday of the month (excluding January and February) from 8:00am till 1:00pm at Cobbitty Public School (Cobbitty Road, Cobbitty). More details: www. cobbittymarkets.com.au
Come along and meet new friends. Chat with mums who have 'been there' and connect with their local breastfeeding counsellors and educators. The group meets monthly at Spring Farm Community Centre (275 Richardson Road, Spring Farm). More details: camden_wollondilly_aba@outlook.com
Did you know there’s a new group right here in the local community to help those pets displaced from their owners?
Oran Park and Harrington Park Lost Pets was formed in December 2024 by local resident Hailey Rebecca. The Facebook group already has 131 members and is continuing to grow.
“Our existing community Page, Harrington Park + Oran Park Community, has 30,000 members and that was getting flooded with lost animal enquires. By creating Oran Park and Harrington Park Lost Pets, we wanted to create a hub specifically for that” explained Hailey Rebecca to the Oran Park Gazette.
“It’s the perfect noticeboard if you have lost a pet or if you have found someone’s pet” she added.
Hailey is conscious of the time that it takes to approve posts and has enabled members to be able to post instantly within the group.
“On the current community page, we have to approve posts. This can take time as there are hundreds daily. I wanted to create a hub where posts are approved instantly, which is what you can do with Oran Park and Harrington Park Lost Pets,” said Hailey.
If the community’s needs change, she will be happy to expand the group in the future.
“I already have a few community pages and am always looking to expand, however the community may need” she assured.
Hailey is also pleased to announce that a pet scanner has already been purchased to assist with reuniting lost pets with their owners. This is a wonderful asset for the group.
“Cameron, who is also the moderator of the group, has recently purchased a scanner to be able to scan animals that are lost. This will be great for the community. In the short time that the group has been open, we have reunited quite a few families with their fur babies” concluded Hailey.
For more information or to join the group, search Oran Park and Harrington Park Lost Pets on Facebook.
I’m pleased to announce that I’m delivering on my election promise to build Spring Farm a new school crossing.
Two raised school crossings on Barley Road have been completed, with a third on Springs Road currently undergoing planning This crossing is expected to be commenced in early 2025.
It’s great to be back! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and an excellent start to the new year.
As a former teacher and parent in the area, I know this infrastructure is a vital, longawaited change. Spring Farm Public School experiences huge levels of traffic, and this crossing is a vital strategy to ensure our kids have a safe path to and from school.
I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and an excellent start to the new year.
Since being elected, I have been focused on addressing the neglect of the former government by improving community safety – because nothing is more important than knowing our children are looked after. In my first year as Member for Camden, I have successfully actioned and completed the Camden South Public School wombat crossing.
As it continues to be a hot summer, remember to stay sun safe by staying out of the sun, wearing sunscreen, and dressing in protective, long-sleeved clothing. If you’re heading to the beach to cool off, swim at patrolled beaches between the flags.
I will continue to campaign for upgrades for our local area – and to make them happen as soon as possible.
ice is open all year to those who need it. If there’s a state government issue or a local matter you need my help with, don’t hesitate to contact me on 4655 3333 or
Thank you to our community for raising these issues and helping me to action this change. To keep updated with my ongoing school crossings campaign, scan the QR code.
As it continues to be a hot summer, remember to stay sun safe by staying out of the sun, wearing sunscreen, and dressing in protective, long-sleeved clothing. If you’re heading to the beach to cool off, swim at patrolled beaches between the flags.
rnatively, come and see me at my office in Narellan Town Centre! I’m always up
If you would like more information about this issue or any other State Government matter, please contact me at my office on (02) 4655 3333 or at camden@parliament.nsw.gov.au.
Yours sincerely,
delivering cost of living support and We have more to do this year, and I’m looking forward to sharing with you all that we accomplish.
My office is open all year to those who need it. If there’s a state government issue or a local matter you need my help with, don’t hesitate to contact me on 4655 3333 or at camden@parliament.nsw.gov.au
Oran Park Gregory Hills Chargers JRLFC are ready to fire into the 2025 season, with registrations now open.
Pre-season training will commence in February, season training, trial games and the upcoming competition kicking off after this. A registration/information day will be held at Oran Park Podium between 10:00am to 2:00pm on Saturday 1st February 2025.
This season, the Chargers are aiming to field teams in the Under 6s to the Under 16s. With almost 400 players registered last year, the club continues to grow.
The popular club celebrated their 10th Anniversary last season, with many highlights throughout the year.
Keep an eye on my social media or sign up to my newsletter by scanning the QR code below to keep updated with our coming achievements and news.
Alternatively, come and see me at my office in Narellan Town Centre! I’m always up for a chat.
Have a safe and prosperous start to 2025!
Last year, we achieved so much – delivering cost of living support and community wins to our local area. We have more to do this year, and I’m looking forward to sharing with you all that we accomplish.
Keep an eye on my social media or sign up to my newsletter by scanning the QR code to the right to keep updated with our coming achievements and news.
Sally Quinnell MP Member for Camden
Have a safe and prosperous start to 2025!
4655 3333
January 2025.
“Our Under 12 Gold team took out the competition: ending the season as Premiers and Minor Premiers! We also had our first ever Under 14 Girls tackle team, who had an amazing debut. We cannot wait to see the girls back on the field again, with extra girls joining the team” said Casey Gettings Media Manager of Oran Park Gregory Hills Chargers RLFC.
Oran Park Gregory Hills Chargers JRLFC home ground is Jack Brabham Reserve, located on Dick Johnson Drive in Oran Park.
The 2025 season promises to be one of their biggest yet and they are looking forward to the referees blowing their whistles to start the game.
“We are looking forward to seeing all of our Chargers back on the field doing what they love!” she smiled.
Oran Park Gregory Hills Chargers JRLFC welcome any new or returning players for the year ahead.
“Please feel free to head over and like our Facebook page by searching ‘ChargersJRLFC’. You can also visit the website www.playrugbyleague.com to register as a Charger this season” Casey ended.
Enjoy living in the Park with easy access to the conveniences Oran Park is known for.
No matter where you live in Oran Park, you’re only moments from a great range of amenities including The Podium Shopping Centre, a wide array of schools, parks and facilities.
Set in one of the fastest-growing LGAs in Australia, Oran Park is a thriving, peaceful, master-planned community of new homes and expanding dining and retail precincts.
Visit the Sales Office today and discover all Oran Park has to offer.
Scan the QR code to register your interest to be informed about future land releases.
Gledswood Hills and Gregory Hills families have been given a sneak peek of their community’s first ever public high school, as the Minns Labor Government reveals draft designs for the new Gledswood Hills High School.
Promised by NSW Labor ahead of the state election, the new Gledswood Hills High School is a win for local families, who spent years campaigning for the school after the Liberals and Nationals claimed it wasn’t needed.
The permanent school will help cater for Camden’s booming population. Following consultation with the local community, the school was officially named Gledswood Hills High School in September last year.
The permanent Gledswood Hills High School is due to open on Day 1, Term 1, 2027, catering for up to 1,000 students, with 51 classrooms, specialist support classrooms, a muti-purpose hall for sports and performance, sports and recreation facilities, a library, a canteen and a covered outdoor learning area. The school will be located at 9 Gregory Hills Drive, Gledswood Hills.
To meet the community’s urgent enrolment needs, Gledswood Hills High School is opening two years earlier, in temporary facilities on Day 1, Term 1, 2025, next door to Gregory Hills Public School. The school will cater for Year 7 students, with an additional year of schooling added each year.
The temporary high school will provide classrooms for up to 300 students, specialist classrooms for science, wood and metal workshops, home science, music and visual arts, change rooms, toilets and a library.
The fast-tracked delivery of Gledswood Hills High School by the Minns Labor Government comes after the Enrolment Growth Audit found the area experienced some of the fastest enrolment growth in the state between 2018 and 2023.
This is part of the Minns Labor Government’s long-term plan to rebuild public education in NSW, with the 2024-25 Budget delivering a record $3.6 billion for new schools and school upgrades in Western Sydney.
“It is fantastic to see new designs for Gledswood Hills High School – this community’s first ever public high school.
“Families in the Camden area were ignored for far too long under the Liberals and Nationals, as the community grew without access to a local public high school.
“It has taken a new Labor Government for local families to finally be listened to, and to get the public school infrastructure they deserve” said Deputy Premier and Minister for Education and Early Learning Prue Car.
““It is exciting to be delivering the new Gledswood Hills High School for local families, who I have been proud to work alongside in fighting for this school.
“I am proud to be part of a Labor Government that prioritises delivering for South-West Sydney families and is getting on with the job of building schools where they are needed most.
“I look forward to sharing further updates as this project unfolds and cannot wait to see the first students walking through the gates of this much needed new high school” said Member for Camden Sally Quinnell.
r Feature Article [Cover+Above] Artist’s impressions of the new school | Image/Article: Prue Car MP
With the upcoming heat waves, Mayor of Camden, Cr Ashleigh Cagney, is reminding residents of the importance of water safety and checking the safety of their swimming pool fence.
“One of best things about summer is months of swimming in the pool. We all know how important it is to keep kids safe in and around the pool and ensuring that children are supervised whilst swimming in the pool, even when they know how to swim,” Mayor Cagney said.
“Pool owners have a responsibility to ensure that swimming pools and spas have compliant fences and there are some simple checks you can do to check the effectiveness of your pool fencing.
“Even portable or blow-up style pools which are able to hold water with a depth over 30cm must have a compliant pool fence installed,” Mayor Cagney said.
The NSW Government provides simple self-assessment checklists for pool owners, which can be found online: Register your NSW Pool Now — NSW Swimming Pool Register (https:// www.swimmingpoolregister.nsw.gov.au/).
Council has also put together a promotional video to help residents check their own pool safety and compliance. This can
be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wdBw_ r4AFs
As part of their commitment to supporting residents with pool safety, Council has a Swimming Pool Inspection program which includes inspections and applications for a Certificate of Compliance for swimming pool fences.
For more details on the Swimming Pool Inspection Program and to view the video, go to Swimming Pool Compliance » Camden Council (https://www.camden.nsw.gov.au/environmentand-regulatory-services/compliance/) and scroll down to the ‘Inspection Program and Pool Fence Checklist’ tab.
Hotel. They got along well until last year’s Christmas party when Izzy confessed her feelings for Lucas and invited him to meet her under the mistletoe… where she found him kissing her flatmate.
The hotel is in disrepair and needs to make bank fast or close, leaving Izzy and Lucas out of work and the customers-turnedresidents out of a place to call home.
During a quiet shift, Izzy cleans out the lost-and-found room and finds a box of engagement and wedding rings. Having lost her own heirloom at the beach, she’s determined these rings find their way back to their owners, and begrudgingly enlists Lucas to help.
One ring is claimed, and the owner offers a handsome reward. Just one more reward like it would save the hotel, which ups the ante on Izzy and Lucas’ competition to see who can track down the most owners of the remaining rings. Over time, Izzy and Lucas open up about past hurts and what the success of the hotel and the #ringthing means to them.
But it’s not all smooth sailing; there are many reasons a ring may be lost and some who wish lost things were never found.
‘The Wake-Up Call’ is a tale about love and lost objects and finding home in people instead of places.
I adored Izzy and Lucas, and the cast of unique characters in the hotel. In true Beth O’Leary style, the twist at the end was totally unexpected, and entirely believable. I quite literally couldn’t put it down until I finished it the same day.
‘The Wake-Up Call’ is the perfect post Christmas treat for readers who like enemies-to-lovers romance with epic banter and a happily ever after.
r Book Review by: Chloé Steward
EMAIL: info@districtgazette.com.au
SUBJECT: Book Review
This December
This holiday season, families are invited to experience the magic of Christmas at Luddenham Christmas Tree Farm, which opens its doors to the public for the very first time on December 1, 2024.
Located just 20 minutes from Parramatta and 45 minutes from Sydney’s CBD, the farm offers a picturesque and festive setting to select your perfect Christmas tree.
As a family-run business, Luddenham Christmas Tree Farm understands the importance of family traditions and the joy of the holiday season.
Every year Valentine’s Day rolls around in February, and whether it began as a pagan festival or a decree by one of the St Valentines, we cannot escape the modern day take: It’s a retailer’s paradise.
Their trees, carefully grown and shaped by the family over the last four years, are a true labour of love.
Visitors can choose from a wide range of sizes, with the special option to cut their own tree, making the experience even more memorable.
As the Christmas trees are discounted 70% and the tinsel is swept up, we’re faced with hot cross buns, and the promotion of goods that will ensure our loved one’s undivided attention on Valentine’s Day.
“We want families to create lasting memories,” says the farm’s owner. “There’s nothing like the enchanting scent of a real Christmas tree filling your home. It’s a tradition we hold dear, and we’re thrilled to share that with our customers.”
The farm is committed to providing a joyful, fulfilling experience, whether you’re looking for a perfectly shaped tree for your living room or a larger tree for a grand space.
Beyond the trees, visitors can book mini Christmas photoshoots on select days to capture the enchanting vibe of the farm and make magical memories.
This retail-fueled day is quite a drain on the non-renewable resources of our planet. We’ve been learning to compost our scraps, we’re recycling our paper and plastics, we’re carrying our keep cups and takeaway Tupperware in our bags, and now we need to extend our ‘Recycle Reuse Repurpose’ mantra to the special days in our year: St Valentines, Halloween, Easter, and Christmas. What better way to kick another new year off than with our focus on a carbon neutral St Valentine’s Day this February!
Here are some simple and effective ways to be kind to our planet, whilst also being kind to our loved ones:
With its welcoming vibe and beautiful setting, Luddenham Christmas Tree Farm is sure to become a cherished part of your holiday traditions.
So, grab your family and friends and join them this December for a truly unforgettable Christmas experience.
Luddenham Christmas Tree Farm
1. If you must buy cut flowers, make sure you compost them later. If garden products are your go-to, perhaps you could buy a flowering plant instead, simultaneously helping with CO2 levels while getting a bit longer out of your flowers.
Open December 1, 2024
Located at 821 Luddenham Road, Luddenham NSW
Visit: www.luddenhamchristmastreefarm.com for more details.
2. Balloons – They are not recyclable, cause injury and death to wildlife, and helium is a natural resource that is not renewable. We will eventually run out of it, so consider your true need for self-escaping balloons before purchasing.
r Opens on December 1 | Image/Article: Luddenham Christmas Tree Farm
3. Instead of a gift, these days ‘gift experiences’ are a thing, and there are plenty you can do as a couple. You could book a trip to a day spa, a hiking trip, a baking course, an art gallery –whatever floats your (and your partners’) boat!
4773 9908
4. If it’s jewellery you must have, check your local vintage shops, or support an ethical jewellery making organisation, a quick google will find plenty of options.
Reasonable prices 100% guarantee on our work
Visit us at Hairline Mulgoa where all our clients are our priority! Whether you have made an appointment or not, at Hairline Mulgoa we ALWAYS fit you in; and with a smile!
5. My last suggestion to you is to handmake something you know your special someone will love. More thought and effort can go into something you have handcrafted yourself, which is often appreciated far more than a last-minute gift from the corner supermarket.
• Cutting and Colour
• Colour Correction
• Styling/up-styles
Specialists in:
• Formal Hair/Weddings
• Eyelash and Eyebrow Tinting
• Men’s Cuts
Of course, the overarching message on St Valentine’s Day to those treating their Valentine to a (sustainable) gift – remember that it’s just one day. Be kind and caring every day.
• Blow Dry/Straight & Curls
• Kids’ Style Cuts (All ages) Shop 2, 1216 Mulgoa Road, Mulgoa
r Valentine’s Day returns on February 14 | Image: www.pexels.com.
Article: Kate Neill
Mon, Tues, Wed & Fri: 9am - 5pm, Thurs: 9am-7pm, Sat: 8am-1pm
www.mulgoagazette.com.au February 2025 13
Expressions of Interest are now being sought for Round 9 of the Australian Government’s Stronger Communities Programme.
A total of $22.65 million will be allocated to 151 electorates with grants of between $2,500, and $20,000 available for local community groups.
There will be a maximum of 20 projects funded in Hume up to the value of $150,000.
The funding can be used to deliver infrastructure projects that provide social benefits for local communities.
Federal Member for Hume Angus Taylor said our wonderful community groups were not immune to the current cost of living crisis.
“Many rely on sponsorships and donations provided by local businesses.
“When businesses fall on hard times this has a flow on effect to these organisations”.
Interested groups are being asked to fill in an expression of interest form and return it to the Camden or Goulburn office either by email angus.taylor.mp@aph.gov.au or in person by Friday, 14th February 2025 at 5pm.
The projects will be assessed by a community panel after that date.
Organisations will then be invited to apply for a grant by the Member for Hume on or before Friday, 21st February.
r Stronger Communities Programme | Image/Article: Angus Taylor MP
Article Written + Submitted by: The Probus Club of Oran Park E: secretary.oranparkprobusclub@gmail.com | P: 0410758755
Step into Baker’s Contemporaries exhibition where art weaves stories of legacy, inspiration, and creative brilliance. From now until April 2025, immerse yourself in a captivating exhibition that pays tribute to Alan D. Baker, alongside Royal Art Society of NSW artists such as Arthur Streeton, Margaret Preston and Norman Lindsay.
For over a century, this revered artist collective has nurtured and celebrated Australia’s finest talents from Arthur Murch, Sydney Long, J.S. Watkins, Brian Stratton, Jane Wray, Patrica Johnston, Nola Tegel and William Dobell. All works sourced from the Camden Art Collection, the artists themselves, and private collections offer locals the opportunity to view a world class art exhibition.
Since opening in December 2024, the exhibition has attracted local, interstate, and international visitors, who are eager to view the collection displayed for the first time as a collaboration of significant Royal Art Society artists.
In 2025, the Gallery will boast a program of masterclass opportunities for eager participants to further explore the works and practices of Baker and his contemporaries.
Baker’s Contemporaries is on exhibition at the Alan Baker Art Gallery, Macaria, 37 John St, Camden and is open 11:00am – 4:00pm, from Thursday to Sunday.
The exhibition is on now | Image/Article: Camden Council
With the Christmas and New Year celebrations behind us, it has been a sombre start to 2025 for members of Oran Park Probus Club. Sadly, two of our members passed away in January. Both have contributed to the Club as Committee members and volunteers. One a previous Vice President, the other a foundation member since 2014, who has been the Club’s Treasurer and the Club’s Public Officer for many years.
The Management Committee of Oran Park Probus Club is back to work after the holiday break. In March, the Club will hold its Annual General Meeting. All current members of the Committee will stand down and elections will take place. Nominations have been called from our membership. This year the Committee has decided to appoint two Tours Officers. We will all look forward to another year of interesting and exciting outings and coach tours! Planning is already underway for new outings, whilst those already booked last year will take place in February and March.
Encouraging new members to join Probus is the only way Probus Clubs can grow and remain viable. At Oran Park Probus Club, visitors are always welcome to attend our monthly meetings, listen to the month’s Guest Speaker, meet our members and, stay on to socialise with members at lunch after the meeting. If our visitors like what they hear and see, we hope they will return and consider joining our Probus Club.
Probus Clubs offer fun and friendship for retirees. If you retired from work last year and are finding it hard to fill your days, or if you just want to make some new connections, consider joining a Probus Club. Oran Park Probus Club will be holding a membership stall at Oran Park Podium on 27 February. If you are in the shopping centre that day, please look out for our banner, come and say hello and have a chat, and find out more about our club. Our activities and events may interest you – they include tours and outings, dining, pub lunches, coffee and chat, walking group, book swap, Boyz Club, craft, movies, theatre shows, trivia. The Committee is always looking for members to start up a new activity that will interest others. Come and see if this is what you’re looking for!
Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month (except January and November) and commence at 10.00am in the Function Room of Wests Lakeside Golf Club, 50 Raby Road, Gledswood Hills.
If you would like more information about Oran Park Probus Club, please contact the Club Secretary, email: secretary. oranparkprobusclub@gmail.com
Blue Wren House
– Camden Women’s Shelter is delighted to announce its annual high tea event, “Splash of Blue”, scheduled for Friday, March 21, 2025, at Camden Valley Inn (290 Remembrance Drive, Camden Park NSW 2570). They cordially invite the community to this elegant event to showcase their support in raising essential funds for local women and children experiencing homelessness due to domestic and family violence.
Last year alone, the shelter provided emergency accommodation to over 60 women and children, highlighting the urgent need for ongoing community support.
Event Details
• Date: Friday, March 21, 2025
• Time: 11:30 AM – 2:30 PM AEDT
• Location: Camden Valley Inn, 290 Remembrance Drive, Camden Park NSW 2570
• Tickets: $99 per person; Sponsorship packages available
• Dress Code: Guests are encouraged to incorporate a ‘splash of blue’ into their attire
How to Book
Tickets are available for purchase online through the TryBooking Event Page at https://www.trybooking.com/ events/landing/1315335. Given the anticipated high demand, early booking is recommended.
Join them in making a difference.
Why Your Attendance Matters
By attending the “Splash of Blue” High Tea, you’ll help Camden Women’s Shelter continue its vital work in our community. Since opening the doors 18 months ago, the shelter has offered a safe haven for over 70 women and 100 children escaping domestic and family violence, providing short-term accommodation, essential resources, and compassionate care.
“Our shelter was founded by the community, for the community. Your support is invaluable to the women and children who enter the doors of Blue Wren House,” said Kim Meredith, Board Chair of Camden Women’s Shelter.
About Camden Women’s Shelter
Blue Wren House – Camden Women’s Shelter is a communitybased, not-for-profit organisation dedicated to providing short-term accommodation and support to women and children escaping domestic and family violence. Its mission is to empower individuals to rebuild their lives, fostering selfesteem and independence.
For more information about the event, sponsorship opportunities, or to learn how you can support Camden Women’s Shelter, please visit www.camdenwomensshelter.org.au.
r Tickets available now | Image/Article: Blue Wren House – Camden Women’s Shelter
Not all household waste can be put in your kerbside bins.
Community Recycling Centres (CRCs) offer a FREE and EASY solution for the disposal of household problem waste. Residents can drop off the following items:
• Paint
• Gas bottles
• Fire extinguisher
• Fluoro globes
• Smoke detectors
• Aerosols
• Motor oils
• Other oils
• Household batteries
• Car batteries
• X-rays (film only)
• Cardboard (clean & flattened)
• Polystyrene foam (clean)
• Mobile phones
• Printer/ink cartridges
• Corflute (clean, dry and without eyelets)
Plan your visit to the CRC to ensure it goes as smoothly as possible:
Handle and transport your items carefully. Protect your vehicle by placing items on a protective sheet or tray in the boot to capture any leakages or breakages.
Sort waste items into different types and place securely in the boot of your car ensuring items won't move around while you are driving.
Only household quantities accepted ie up to 20 litres or 20kg of any one item.
Unaccepted Items at the CRC:
• Pool chemicals
• Garden chemicals
• Household chemicals
• Fuels
• Poisons
However, these items are accepted for FREE at Household Chemical CleanOut events.
Search for other nearby CRCs to find out if other items are accepted and if any
conditions apply. Paintback sites accept up to 100L of paint (in 20L containers). Many of the materials accepted at the CRC can be reused and recycled if processed correctly. Recycling helps our environment because it saves water, energy and natural resources.
Venue: Council Depot - Narellan 5 Millwood Avenue, Narellan NSW 2567
r Image/Article: Camden Council/NSW Government
Article Written + Submitted by: Lead Pastor Stuart Starr
A: Cnr Central Avenue + Marcus Loane Way, Oran Park NSW 2570
W: newlifeanglican.org.au
E: stuart@newlifeanglican.org.au
There is a classic childhood scene at towards the beginning of the movie Forrest Gump. Young Forrest walks awkwardly onto the school bus for the first time and is greeted by a sea of faces and the repeated refrain, “seat’s taken.” I’m not sure if you’ve ever experienced that sense that it’s a squeeze and there’s no room. You would do anything to avoid it - and we would too.
At NewLife, our church has been growing steadily as a part of the fabric of Oran Park for the past 14 years. We have come to the point where our 9:30am morning family service is full. Now that is a pretty good ‘problem’ to have if you’re a pastor, and it has allowed us to consider how we can make some more space to keep growing.
Our response is to start two brand new morning services in the place of the one. Starting 2 February, NewLife will be offering an 8:30am and 10:30am family service, alongside our 6pm evening service. Both morning times will continue to feature engaging preaching, vibrant singing, and (very importantly) our NewLifeKids’ program. That means that whichever morning service you choose, your kids from ages 2 through to Year 6 in primary school, will have dedicated teaching, games, and craft, so that they can learn about Jesus and God’s Word in the Bible at their own ages and stages.
If it has been some time since you last darkened the door of a church, this month is a great time to find our church building on Central Avenue (you cannot miss the large glass tower). When you visit, please come and say hi - you will find me most weeks up the front and then after the service at the door. So, grab a friend and poke your head in - we can assure you - the last seat will not be taken.
Western Sydney International (Nancy-Bird Walton) Airport (WSI) and Western Sydney University have combined forces to drive education, training and job opportunities ahead of the airport’s late 2026 opening.
WSI and the University recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that will see the organisations partner in a range of ways to drive positive outcomes for communities in Western Sydney – one of the fastest growing regions in the nation.
WSI CEO Simon Hickey said this new MoU builds upon a terrific history of collaboration between the airport and University in recent years.
“Western Sydney is in the midst of an incredible transformation, with the airport a major catalyst for broad infrastructure investment and significant job creation that will generate bigger and better career opportunities for students today and for generations to come,” he said.
“Already we’ve had Western Sydney University students join the airport’s internship and summer research programs, which have allowed them to get practical, hands-on skills while completing their studies, and have also had students take part in a major research project supported by the airport and our technology partner, DXC Technology. This MoU will build on those substantial foundations.
“Strengthening our partnership with the University is an important way we can help more young people during their journeys to study, up-skill or start their first job – whether it’s in aviation, science, technology, advanced manufacturing or other diverse industries in Western Sydney.”
Western Sydney University Chancellor, Professor Jennifer Westacott AO, said the partnership with WSI is crucial to unlocking the full potential of the airport and its broader impact on the region.
“The collaboration with WSI provides a key platform to enhance the education, research, and innovation connections needed to maximise the airport’s potential. This is vital not only for the airport’s development but also for the lasting benefits it can bring to the Western Sydney region,” Professor Westacott said.
“Beyond the substantial jobs boost created through the construction phase, the jobs and skills development opportunities that will emerge from the airport’s operations
Oran Park Rovers FC are primed and ready for the 2025 soccer season to kick off. With pre-season training now underway, the competition begins in early April.
Last season would see an amazing 1,300 players making up 103 teams for the mighty Rovers. This was an increase of 100 players the previous season, up from 1,200. Registrations for the upcoming season are still open but are due to close soon on February 3rd.
The popular club has employed a new online registration system called Play Football 2.0. The system allows members to pay for their registration online.
Reflecting on the many highlights from the 2024 season, there’s one that stands out for the proud club.
“Last year, we were the club that had the largest amount of female football players in the local competition. This is a great achievement” said Christina and Karla, Oran Park Rovers FC Committee members.
They are looking forward to the season ahead, with all their returning players as well as new ones.
“We would like to welcome all new and previous players back
will be critical for the region. These opportunities will provide local residents with better access to employment and be a key driver of regional growth.”
Western Sydney University Vice-Chancellor and President, Distinguished Professor George Williams AO emphasised the tremendous opportunity this strengthened partnership presents for students, staff, and the broader community.
“The MoU marks an extraordinary opportunity to expand on the excellent work already done with our students and WSI, including initiatives such as Launch Pad innovation projects, internships, and Capstone projects led by our School of Computing, Data and Mathematical Sciences,” Professor Williams said.
“We are excited to grow these opportunities for hands-on learning and collaboration as we support WSI with initiatives across technology, humanities, and sustainability.”
Elena Sevdimbas, a recent Western Sydney University graduate, gained valuable skills through an internship with WSI. The Cumberland resident, who completed a Social Science Internship with WSI’s Community Engagement and Social Impact team, said the most impactful part of her internship was working directly within the Western Sydney community.
“As a recent graduate and former WSI intern, I saw firsthand the educational opportunities for students created through this partnership. Through this collaboration, students will gain access to valuable research, internships, and career pathways that will enhance their professional development, just as I had the opportunity to do,” she said.
More than half of the approximately 3,500 people currently working to build WSI hail from Western Sydney, while ‘learning’ workers, which include trainees, graduates, apprentices, and workers training to upgrade their qualifications and skills, currently account for around 30 per cent of the workforce.
As WSI prepares to open in late 2026, thousands more jobs will be created across all parts of the precinct from domestic and international operations to services in the WSI Cargo and Business precincts as well.
r Article: Western Sydney International Airport/Western Sydney University
to Oran Park Rovers FC and we can’t wait for this exciting 2025 season to kick off” they said.
“Greeting new faces and watching all our players enjoying themselves on and off the pitch is something we look forward to” continued Christina and Karla.
Oran Park Rovers FC are thrilled to continue their partnerships with their valuable sponsors and the wider community. “Sponsor support has been instrumental in our success, and we are truly grateful for the opportunities they provide. Together, we are not just a team, but a collective force that goes beyond the boundaries of the pitch” the ladies stated.
For more information about the club, visit www. oranparkroversfc.com.au or find them on Facebook.
r Juniors representing half time at a Macarthur FC match | Image: Oran Park Rovers FC. Article: Julie Lobel
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Camden Athletics Club + Little Athletics http://camdenathletics.org.au/
Camden Cats Senior AFL Club
Greg McGuiness 0413 257 516
Camden Netball www.camdennetball.com.au
Macarthur District Softball Association
Lesley Darby 0401 740 023
Narellan Physie Club narellanpcc@hotmail.com
Mount Annan/Currans
Tanya Nellestein
Writer Julie Lobel
Jasmine Stinson
Hill Knights Softball Club
Jennifer Tadros 0404 629 710
Camden RSL Youth Club Boxing
Ron 4646 1658
Macarthur Bushwalkers
Ken 4628 2528
Narellan Jets Junior Rugby League
Cindy Morley 0413 086 601
Camden District Cricket Association
Kyle Malcolm - President 0411 371 115
Cobbitty Narellan Cricket Club
Mark Bush - 0497 555 071 - mbush@hvg.net.au
Oran Park Cricket Club
Karl Bennett coaching@oranparkcricket.com.au
Oran Park Rovers Football Club
Nathan Hawthorne 0422 139 993
Oran Park Gregory Hills Chargers RLFC
Melissa Takacs 0491 644 812
Oran Park Hockey Club
Michelle Brennan 0400 050 078
Camden Junior AFL Club
Naomi Porter 0417 683 768
Camden Junior OZTAG camdencobras@oztag.com.au
Harrington Park Scorpions Softball Club
Greg Trevena and MB: 0417 257 385
Mets Baseball - Catherine Field
Kim O'Grady 0412 081 144
Camden Valley Wildfire Basketball Club www.wildfire.org.au
Matt McKenna 0410 503 684 play@wildfire.org.au
Community Groups
Gledswood Toastmasters
David Johnson 0417 423 458
Rotary Club of Gregory Hills Next-Gen President 02 9136 6349 or facebook.com/ rcgregoryhills
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Although New Year Resolutions are no longer in fashion it seems, we all have dreams that we hope will come true this year, be it the regular ‘lose weight,’ ‘get fitter,’ or the universal ‘learn Spanish.’ However, we all know wishes do not just come true when you hope. Write them down, think of ways to achieve them, then DO IT!
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