Oran Park Gazette July 2023

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Masterplan HARRINGTON PARK MEDICAL PRACTICE & SKIN CANCER CLINIC BULK BILLING PRACTICE 02 4648 1666 Suite 1, 23 Fairwater Drive, Harrington Park NSW 2567 OPEN 7 DAYS Monday to Friday: 8:30am – 6:00pm Saturday: 8:30am – 12:00pm Dr Debbie Le Dr David Sor Dr Roy Abi Hanna Dr Ahmed El Ayoubi Dr Kavitha Sathiyanantha Dr James Lam oran park JULY 2023 | Issue 85 Four o ices, one great team! Your residential and lifestyle specialists. Contact us today! 4623 1211 Oran Park Lots from 2000m2 Industrial Land Now Selling Build your business at the Park oranpark.com.au/work oranpark.com.au/work Ph. 02 4604 5550 X-ray | Ultrasound | CT | MRI www.oranparkradiology.com.au Better Care, Better You Regis Grammar School Oran Park Opening Targeted for 2026 See Article Pg 9

Twist and Shout to the Iconic Sounds of The Beatles

It was 60 years ago that The Beatles popped onto the scene and produced eight years of work that would go on to shape music and pop culture.

Honouring those transformative years for music, premier tribute band, The Beatle Boys, will play in Camden this August, fresh from their recent sold-out concerts in North America, Asia and Africa.

The Beatle Boys will have the Camden audience singing along and tapping their feet to 35 of the bands’ chart toppers, including Help, A Hard Day’s Night, Can’t Buy Me Love, Yesterday, Love Me Do, She Loves You, Eleanor Rigby, Hey Jude, Let It Be and many more.

John Kater, who takes on the role of Paul McCartney, said the band was excited to bring their experience of The Beatles to Camden.

“Camden is a vibrant and captivating place. Its unique atmosphere and rich cultural heritage make it an ideal stage for The Beatle Boys,” he said.

“The enthusiastic and diverse audience that Camden attracts fuels our excitement to be there. The warm and welcoming nature of the locals, combined with their love for the arts, promises an unforgettable experience. We simply can’t wait to come to Camden.”

Mayor of Camden, Cr Ashleigh Cagney, said it was great to be able to offer entertainment nights like this one here in Camden.

“There’s no need to travel far to enjoy your Friday night when the show comes to you!” she said. “I hope it’s a great time for local Beatles fans – and to be honest, who amongst us isn’t a fan of one of the most iconic bands of all time?”

The show is on Friday 25 August from 8pm at Camden Civic Centre. Tickets cost $64.50 for adults and $59.50 for concession. For tickets and more information, visit trybooking.com/CCPCE.

r Article: Camden Council

Waste Collection Day Changes

Is your bin collection day changing?

Camden Council is reminding residents that some households will have their weekly pick-up day changed (from Friday 23 June 2023).

Those who are impacted have been sent a letter outlining the changes. You can also check out our interactive online map to see if your collection day is changing at bit.ly/mycollectionday.

Due to the rapid growth of the Camden area, Council is changing its waste collection routes to better serve the community. The changes help ensure an even spread of collections across the week and account for the future growth precincts of areas like Bringelly and Leppington.

Mayor of Camden, Cr Ashleigh Cagney, said the changes would be very beneficial to the overall waste service in the Camden area.

“Your bin collection day becomes a bit of a habitual weekly routine, so for those whose day is changing, we appreciate you working with us so we can improve our service for you and everyone in the Camden area,” she said.

“These changes came as a result of an extensive review we undertook to make sure our bin collection service was as efficient as possible now and into the future.

“Any short-term pain that comes out of remembering your new bin day will lead to long-term gain for an efficient service across the Camden LGA.”

r Image/Article: Camden Council


Submit your Community Notice on/by 10th of the month, to be included in the following edition. Notices may be edited or omitted due to space limitations. E: info@districtgazette.com.au

Community Groups

Harrington Park Over 55's Social Club

Meets the first Monday of the month from 10:00am at Harrington Park Community Hall (Fairwater Drive, Harrington Park). More details: 0413526307

Macarthur Art Group

Meets the second Saturday of each month from 9.30am2.45pm at Narellan Library (1st floor - Queen Street, Narellan).

More details: 0404 229 498

Children + Families

Harrington Park Pixies and Munchkins

Meets on Fridays from 10:00am at Harrington Park Community Centre (33a Fairwater Drive, Harrington Park). More details: pixiesandmunchkins@gmail.com

PlayTime @ NewLife Anglican Church

Meets every Wednesday (During School terms) at 10am - 12pm. PlayTime is for Mums and Carers with kids 0-5. NewLife Anglican Church (Cnr Marcus Loane Way + Central Avenue, Oran Park).

More Details: www.newlifeanglican.org.au/wp/playtime.

Hobbies + Interests

Library Movie Club

Meets on the second Wednesday of the month from 6:00pm at Narellan Library (Corner Queen and Elyard Street, Narellan). More details: 02 4645 5039

Storytime (2-5 years)

Held weekly on Wednesdays from 11:00am till 11:30am at Oran Park Library (72 Central Avenue, Oran Park). Family Storytime (all ages welcome) is the 1st Tuesday of the month at 6:00pm, during school term only. More details: 02 4645 5645


Camden Fresh Produce Market

Held weekly on Saturdays from 7:00am till 12:00pm at Camden Town Farm (40 Exeter Street, Camden). More details: camdenproducemarket@hotmail.com or www. camdenproducemarket.com.au

Cobbitty Village Markets

Held on the first Saturday of the month (excluding January and February) from 8:00am till 1:00pm at Cobbitty Public School (Cobbitty Road, Cobbitty). More details: www. cobbittymarkets.com.au

Support + Wellbeing

Australian Breastfeeding Association CamdenWollondilly Group

Come along and meet new friends. Chat with mums who have 'been there' and connect with their local breastfeeding counsellors and educators. The group meets monthly at Spring Farm Community Centre (275 Richardson Road, Spring Farm).

More details: camden_wollondilly_aba@outlook.com

2 July 2023 www.oranparkgazette.com.au NEWS + MEDIA

Harrington Park Over 55’s Social Club

Harrington Park Over 55’s Social Club is open to men and women over 55, who would like to socialise and have fun.

The group meets monthly at the Harrington Park Community Hall, on the first Monday of the month at 10:00am.

Each month, they have a guest speaker, and entertainment on the day. Morning tea is also supplied.

To join Harrington Park Over 55’s Social Club, there is a once only joining fee of $25.00, then $25.00 for yearly membership. An attendance fee of $5.00 each month includes the entertainment and morning tea.

Other activities that they participate in include dine out lunches, bus trips and theatre/cinema outings.

“It is a very friendly and welcoming social group. There are great opportunities to make new friends” said Phil Weller, President of Harrington Park Over 55’s Social Club to the Oran Park Gazette.

“Groups like ours help seniors to get out of the house, away from the drudgery of the same old routine and socialise. They assist in stopping senior members becoming lonely and bored in life, especially now that COVID restrictions have lifted, and people are out and about” he continued.

If you would like more information about Harrington Park Over 55’s Social Club, contact Phil Weller on 0413 526307.

www.oranparkgazette.com.au July 2023 3 Servicing All Areas P: 4655 2800 M: 0400 995 640 A: 17 Hill Street, Camden F: 4655 2833 Services tailored for your loved one Let my family care for you personally • Camden’s Only Locally Owned and Family Managed Funeral Home • 24hrs – 7 Days • Pre Arranged Funeral Plans Available • All Financial And Personal Circumstances Considered Gaz.advert.artwork.qxp_Layout 1 14/9/20 10:55 am Page 1
Your local corporate + commercial lawyers PARKANDHILLS.COM.AU As proud club sponsors, we wish the Oran Park Gregory Hills Chargers JRLFC a fantastic ‘23 season! 0493 153 053 info@parkandhills.com.au Office 7, Suite 3.02, TRN House 90 Podium Way, Oran Park
r Make new friends | Image:

15 Years of Dry July: OG Sober Challenge Marks Milestone with Biggest Year Yet

68% of drinkers have considered going alcohol-free in 2023, making this year the perfect time to sign up to the OG sober challenge.

2023 marks a milestone 15 years of Dry July, the annual challenge encouraging Aussies to give up alcohol and raise funds towards improving the comfort, care and wellbeing of people affected by cancer.

Since its inception in 2008, Dry July Foundation has raised over $82 million for more than 80 cancer organisations and funded more than 1,200 projects across Australia in the process.

It all started with three friends in a pub pledging to give up alcohol for a month to raise funds for their local hospital, their original goal was to raise $3,000. They well and truly smashed it, gaining the attention and support of Adam Spencer and raising a whopping $250,000. All three Founders still remain on the Board of Dry July Foundation, and proudly take part in the challenge each year.

Co-Founder Brett Macdonald says, “We love to have a laugh about the old joke ‘three men walk into a bar’, and that’s really how it all started. Never did we imagine 15 years ago that Dry July would not only take off in Australia the way it has, but that it would be the inspiration for countless other sober challenges here, and around the world.

“We couldn’t be prouder to be the trailblazers of such a positive global trend, that has not only impacted people’s health and relationship with alcohol, but above all, has raised vital funds for people affected by cancer. That mission has and always will be our number one priority.”

In the last 15 years, over 317,000 Dry July-ers and counting have given up the drink and joined the cause.

Dry July Foundation CEO, Katie Evans says, “It’s undeniable that the mass participation we’ve seen has impacted Australia’s drinking culture. Our research this year proves people are less worried about backlash from their mates if they opt to take a break from the booze.”

73% of people agree that it is more popular than ever, and over half admit it’s no longer taboo to take a booze break. As for past Dry July participants, the experience has been such a positive one, that four in five have considered going completely alcohol-free.

Over the years Dry July-ers have noted the greater sense of purpose and achievement they feel not just from giving up alcohol but do it for a cause and raising money for those affected by cancer.

To sign up for Dry July or make a donation, visit the Dry July website – www.dryjuly.com.

r Dry July Co-Founders Phil Grove, Kenny McGilvary, and Brett Macdonald | Image/Article: Dry July Foundation/Forward Agency

More than just a Hobby

Established in 1906 in Summer Hill, the Sydney Society of Model Engineers Inc. (SSME) is the oldest model engineering club in Australia and the oldest continuously operating Model Engineering Club in the World at 117 years old. In October 1971, the Society opened the Model Park at its current location in Luddenham.

Membership is currently well over 200 members, ranging from juniors to seniors, and is one of the largest clubs/societies of its type both within NSW and Australia.

The Model Park is home to a wide range of sections, each dedicated to a specific area of model engineering. These sections include large scale ride on trains, HO Gauge railways and smaller radio controlled garden railway trains, radio control boats, radio control aeroplanes, control line aeroplanes ¼ Scale speedway cars, 1/5 Scale off-road cars, stationary steam engines, tether cars, slot cars, and garden railways.

Each section is run by passionate and skilled volunteers who share their expertise with other members and organize various events and activities throughout the year.

They have public open days once a month (the last Sunday of each month). A typical open day attracts between 300 - 500 people, comprising of families on a big day out, people with an interest in all things modelling and various special interest groups.

“As the chairman of the board, I am proud to lead an organisation that has been at the forefront of model engineering and railway construction for over a century.

“Personally, I have been involved in the Society for most of my life and some of my fondest memories are of running around the flying field with my brothers and cousins, marvelling as my father and the other members worked tirelessly to develop and prepare the model park. It was here that my love for modelling was born, and with it, a lifelong passion for flying” said David Kennedy, President, and Chairman of Sydney Society of Model Engineers Inc. (SSME).

At SSME, they believe that model engineering is more than just a hobby; it is a way of life.

“Whether you are a seasoned veteran or just starting out, you will find a welcoming and supportive community at SSME” he said.

Memberships are always open for the Society, whether your interest or passion is in model cars, planes, or trains. For more information on membership visit the website (www.ssme.org. au or www.modelpark.org.au) or contact membership@ssme. org.au.

4 July 2023 www.oranparkgazette.com.au
r A great day out at the Model Park | Image: Sydney Society of Model Engineers Inc. (SSME)



This is your last opportunity to secure a luxury apartment in the prestigious Metro precinct, centrally positioned in the heart of the Oran Park community.

Generously sized, these 3-bedroom apartments feature ample floor space, sophisticated style and the finest finishes.

Built in partnership with the award-winning Allen Jack + Cottier Architects and currently under construction with Richard Crookes Construction, the residences are completed to a high standard with:

• Miele oven, gas cooktop, rangehood, built-in microwave oven and dishwasher plus striking Parisi tapware, tinted mirror splashback and Caesarstone benchtop centrepiece

• Ceramic tile floor throughout with carpet to bedrooms

Apartment G.03

Interior 111sqm

Exterior 33sqm

Total 144sqm

Apartment 3.10

Interior 108sqm

Exterior 23sqm

Total 131sqm

Price $819,500

www.oranparkgazette.com.au July 2023 5 View the Display Apartment by appointment Open 9am – 5pm | Cnr Oran Park Dr & Peter Brock Dr, Oran Park 9043
3 2 2
Price $829,500 3 2 2
• Ground floor entry, two levels of secure parking and a communal rooftop with barbeque facilities
6 July 2023 www.oranparkgazette.com.au Memberships are limited & selling fast! Contact us on 9043 7554 to join our vibrant co-working space, or visit our website oranparksmartworkhub.com.au to find out more. All members benefit from a range of services... Smart Work Hub A unique co-working space that will help your business achieve its goals Oran Park Learning & networking opportunities Printing & scanning facilities High speed internet Event space for hire Informal meeting area Close to food, gym & banking facilities Access to tech-enabled rooms 500 free parking spaces Part Time $200 monthly Full Time $400 monthly My Desk $500 monthly My Office $1220 monthly

Winterfest Camden to Finally Return

After three years of forced cancellations, the eagerly anticipated Winterfest Camden is set to return in 2023. Onslow Oval in Camden will transform into a winter wonderland from 10:00am to 9:00pm daily, from Friday 7 July to Sunday 9 July, for three days of fun-filled winter themed activities and entertainment for the entire family. Activities over the three days include:

• Ice-skating rink and ice slide;

• Mechanical snowboard and snow globe;

• Kids activities and inclusive space;

• Live entertainment and ice performances;

• Food and beverage stalls;

• Themed displays and activations; and

• Lots more!

Winterfest Camden was first held in 2019 and, due to overwhelming support by the community, was then slated as an annual event. However, it wasn’t meant to be with the COVID-19 pandemic forcing the event to cancel in 2020 and 2021, and Camden’s fourth flood in five months forcing 2022’s event to not go ahead.

Mayor of Camden, Cr Ashleigh Cagney, said she was excited for the event to return.

“I can’t lie – I’m praying every day that something beyond our control doesn’t delay what we have planned for you!” she said. “We know how long you’ve waited and that’s why we’re working super hard to make it an incredible event for you and your family.”

“It’s going to be the perfect way to enjoy the school holidays and we just know everyone will have a great time.”

For more information, visit www.winterfestcamden.com.au.

r A celebration of Winter | Images: Brett Atkins/Camden Council.Article: Camden Council

www.oranparkgazette.com.au July 2023 7

W: www.nepeancommunity.org.au

E: info@nepeancommunity.org.au

When “How Was School?” and other Questions Fall Flat

Parents often complain to me that when they ask their child, “how was school?” or “how was your day?”, they receive no more than a “good/fine” or a grunt in response. There are many ways parents interpret these responses, either believing their child doesn’t want to talk to them or is being pouty or impolite. Neither are true or fair.

Adults under-estimate the amount of cognitive processing that questions ask of children. When asked a question, I must not only decipher the meaning of the question but work out if I know the answer and want to give it to you. That’s a lot of thinking. Younger children with developing language capacity take even longer to manage a response.

Timing of question is usually another complicating factor. Questions fired at children just as they are bundling into the car at pick up rarely stimulate riveting conversation. Transitioning from school or day care to home is another process. Think about how you feel the minute you arrive home from work; even if you had the most successful day, you still need to recharge the batteries. Children, like adults, fatigue over a long day away from their safe base.

So, what then is the answer to the tricky question of questions? First, it’s important that we come from a place of genuine curiosity and openness. Children see the emptiness of this adult business of small talk and what they crave is connection. If you don’t really want to know the answer, best not to ask.

However, if you do want to connect with your child, then wrap that curiosity up in a reflective statement. Reflective statements share what you observe of your child’s emotional experience. For example, “it seems like you’ve had a hard day” Statements are open-ended and free from obligation to respond. However, if children feel seen and heard by parents, more often than not they will actually speak more. And then there’s times children don’t want to talk about it. In which case, just say you are open for a chat when they’re ready.

We often create more conversation with children when we don’t ask too much.

Book Review your

put it down. Ellis mother of three often finds nature as her place of refuge. In a moment of intense emotion and distraction, Ellis mistakenly leaves her baby, Viola unattended and drives away from the woods. In the short time it takes for her to realise, and return, the child is gone. This is the final straw in an already fractured marriage and she falls into despair and guilt, drowning herself in alcohol and drugs.

The only solution she sees is to leave it all behind. Ellis fears becoming her own mother, something she believes is inevitable, so removes herself from her family’s lives and takes to the mountain wilderness.

Spending time in nature has always been Ellis’ escape, and Vanderah’s writing describes the mountain environment so beautifully. The journey is heartbreaking and tragic at times, though thoughtfully explored by the author.

Intertwined is the story of Raven, home-schooled and isolated, a beautifully naive young girl. Her mother has secrets and Raven is not allowed to see other people. An encounter in the woods with some local children, opens Raven’s eyes to the outside world and she wants to know more.

The novel is told through the eyes of these two characters, both lovers of nature and struggling with their individual issues. Themes of addiction, secrets, forgiveness, trust and love are brought together in a moving and for some maybe too neat ending.

A well crafted novel, with absorbing characters and difficult subjects that was moving and delightful and impossible to put down.

r Book Review by: Tess

SUBMIT YOUR BOOK REVIEW and receive a $50 GiftCard if your review appears in print!

8 July 2023 www.oranparkgazette.com.au r Image: https://www.pixabay.com
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Regis Grammar School Oran Park Opening Targeted for 2026

Davies Presses Transport Minister for Certainty in Oran Park

Member for Badgerys Creek, Tanya Davies, has written to the Minister for Transport, seeking clarification on the Government's plans to finalise the business case for a Sydney Metro connection between the future Aerotropolis of Western Sydney and Macarthur. Additionally, Mrs Davies has inquired about the expected completion date to provide certainty to the local community.

Introducing the Regis Grammar School Oran Park, a cutting-edge educational institution poised to become the most prestigious school in the Macarthur region. This state-of-the-art co-ed private school is designed to accommodate up to 2,000 students and will offer unparalleled sporting facilities and artistic opportunities. The school's proposed location is at the heart of Oran Park's burgeoning Pondicherry Lake Precinct, perfectly situated to cater to the community's educational needs.

In addition to its academic focus, Regis Grammar School will feature a licensed childcare facility capable of caring for up to 90 children. The school's vision emphasizes its commitment to excellence, stating, "As evidenced by our proposed building placements, Regis Grammar School will set a new standard for high-end education. Our campus will boast top-tier sporting fields, swimming pools, a gymnasium, a performance hall, and abundant opportunities for music, dance, and cultural activities."

The school, officially known as Regis Grammar School Oran Park, aims to provide a comprehensive educational experience from kindergarten to year 12. The development plans include a 30-meter outdoor pool with a covered learn-to-swim complex, a library, and courts for tennis, futsal, and netball.

Mick Owens, General Manager of Greenfields Development Company, expressed the community's desire to offer diverse schooling options. He stated, "We have Oran Park Anglican and two excellent public schools already established. This grammar school, along with nearby Catholic schools, will further expand the choices available to our residents. Providing this variety has been our deliberate focus from the beginning, and the addition of Regis School aligns with that vision."

While the school's opening is targeted for 2026, pending approval processes, it is important to note that the timeline may change.

Regis Grammar School has already announced its inaugural headmaster, Shane Hogan, regarded as one of the top educational leaders in New South Wales. This appointment is seen as a significant achievement for the school. According to Regis Grammar, Hogan's expertise will play a vital role in guiding each student towards achieving their academic potential and life goals.

The school's mission emphasizes a holistic approach to education, stating, "We believe in matching goals with capabilities, stretching minds, nurturing hearts, and guiding hands to put knowledge into action. True learning stems from understanding, and understanding is born from doing."

As the development is still in its early stages, precise figures for school fees will only be available closer to the opening date. However, Regis Grammar anticipates that its fees will be higher than those of the Catholic and Anglican school systems, comparable to those charged at Hills Grammar School. The specific fee structure for students in the junior, middle, and senior schools will be determined at a later stage, following a model similar to that of Hills Grammar.

Regis Grammar School Oran Park promises to be an educational institution of exceptional quality, offering students a wealth of opportunities in academics, sports, and the arts. Its state-of-the-art facilities and commitment to student success position it as a leading choice for families seeking an exceptional educational experience in the Macarthur region.

Mrs. Davies emphasised the importance of fulfilling the election commitment made by the Government, ensuring the Minister is well-informed about the concerns and aspirations of the Oran Park residents, many of whom are young families who have chosen to make this community their home.

"During the recent election campaign, NSW Labor pledged to complete the business case for a new Metro line between the Aerotropolis and Macarthur," Mrs. Davies stated. "I am committed to advocating for the Oran Park community to receive the certainty they rightly deserve, and I will hold this Government accountable if they fail to deliver on their promise to our community."

Mrs. Davies has formally submitted the following Question on Notice to the Minister:

"During the recent election campaign, Labor committed to finishing the business case for a Metro line between the Western Sydney Airport and Macarthur. Now in Government, when will the Government complete this business case?"

"I eagerly await a prompt response from the Minister, and I will ensure the community is informed of the outcome," Mrs. Davies affirmed.

r Article: Member for Badgerys Creek, Tanya Davies

www.oranparkgazette.com.au July 2023 9 r Feature Article [Cover+Above] Master Plan + Proposed Concept Plan for the new Regis Grammar School at Oran Park. Images/Article: Greenfields Development Company
Davies MP Authorised by Tanya Davies MP, Shop 43, 155 Bennett Road, St Clair NSW 2759. Funded using Parliamentary Entitlements. Tanya Davies MP Member for Badgerys Creek Shop 43, 155 Bennett Road, St Clair NSW 2759 (02) 9834 2966 (02) 9834 6291 badgeryscreek@parliament.nsw.gov.au tanyadaviesmp tanyadavies.com.au Contact Tanya 587 8 1 0 82.0 82.5 597 008 08 5 UP MAIN OVAL TENNISCOURTS NETBALLCOURTS SENIORPRECINCT PERFORMINGARTSCENTER ADMIN LIBRARY + ICT HUB STEM M DDLE PRECINT JUNIOR PRECINT GYM / MPH HALL ABOVE 12 PAR G SP CE 30M POOL + LEARN TO SWIM EARLY LEARNING CENTER DRANSFIELD DRIVE 16PARKINGSPACES 8 PARKING SPACS 16 ARKINGSPACE DROPOFF PICK UP QUEUE / DRAWING No. REV CONCEPT SITE PLAN A090 PONDICHERRY LAKE PRECINT
for Mulgoa Tanya






10 July 2023 www.oranparkgazette.com.au
2 1

Construction Commences on New School for Gregory Hills

Premier Chris Minns, Deputy Premier, Minister for Education and Early Learning Prue Car and Member for Camden Sally Quinnell recently visited Gregory Hills Public School to turn the first sod and mark the start of construction for the new school.

The new school will replace a temporary school that opened on Day 1 Term 1 2023 – a stop gap measure after the former Liberal National government repeatedly failed to deliver on its promise to build a school. The new primary school will cater for up to 1,000 children from the area and is anticipated to open next year as the Minns Labor Government delivers on its promise to prioritise schools in the fast growing northwest and southwest of Sydney.

The State Significant Development application is now approved, and the construction contract is imminent.

It follows two major education milestones in southwest Sydney. In April, construction began on the stage 2 upgrade for neighbouring Gledswood Hills Primary School which will deliver an additional 20 learning spaces.

Gregory Hills has grown from 38 people in 2011 to 14,300 in 2021. The Camden LGA is growing from a population of 107,908 in 2021 to 197,735 in 2041 –an increase of 83 per cent.

The new primary school was first promised by the former government in 2018, it was supposed to be delivered in 2023, but the school had been delayed.

The permanent Gregory Hills Public School will include 44 learning spaces, 4 support learning spaces, administration and staff facilities, a canteen, multi-purpose hall, library, covered outdoor learning area (COLA) and landscaped outdoor learning areas.

Outdoor play areas will include a sports court and a playing field, with the potential for shared community use.

“I met with parents and the community as one of my first visits when I became Labor leader. I’m proud to return as Premier to turn the sod on Gregory Hills Primary School.

“Southwest Sydney is one of the fastest growing parts of Australia. Families moved into this area under the impression they would get a new school.

“For years, all they have had is a vacant block of land. Parents have waited long enough; the community has waited long enough.

“Parents, carers and kids in this area deserve a proper school and I am happy to be starting that process.” said NSW Premier Chris Minns.

“Our government recognises the importance of education and local schools, and that is why we are supporting families who came to this area of Sydney to build a community.

“I am delighted to be here to celebrate as we take an important step forward in this school’s journey, and I look forward to seeing the new school take shape.” said Deputy Premier, Minister for Education and Early Learning, Prue Car.

“The new primary school will be a much-needed facility for our community, and I am very pleased that construction has now begun.

“This is an essential project for our growing community, and there are more big changes to come now that we have started the process to locate a site for a new local high school,” said Member for Camden Sally Quinnell.

r Construction for Gregory Hills Public School has officially begun | Image: Prue Car MP – Facebook. Article: Premier Chris Minns MP/Prue Car MP

A fresh start for Camden.

www.oranparkgazette.com.au July 2023 11
(02) 4655 3333 camden@parliament.nsw.gov.au Shops G20/21 Narellan Town Centre, 326 Camden Valley Way, Narellan NSW 2567 PO Box 1084 Narellan NSW 2567 Authorised by Sally Quinnell MP, Member for Camden funded using parliamentary entitlements.Shops G20/21 Narellan Town Centre, 326 Camden Valley Way, Narellan NSW 2567


Article Written + Submitted by: The Probus Club of Oran Park

E: secretary.oranparkprobusclub@gmail.com P: 0410758755

The aim of a Probus Club is to promote fun friendship and fellowship to its members. Membership is available to people in the community who are retired or semi-retired. Probus is not a fundraising organisation and there are many Probus Clubs to choose from throughout Australia and New Zealand.

Oran Park Probus Club meets on the first Tuesday of the month at Wests Lakeside Golf Club at Camden. However, due to renovation works at Lakeside, our recent meeting was held at WSLC at Leumeah. Members had a great view over the football field and stands, but that didn’t detract from the attention paid to the Speaker at the meeting, a beekeeper who brought a ‘working hive’ display. Everyone was handed an individual sample of pure honey – delicious! The Speaker started beekeeping at the age of nine. He spoke passionately about his ‘girls’ as he called the bees, talks to them, and rarely wears protective gear when working with them. Bees apparently hate noise and the smell of horses, bad breath, and perfumes – one of the useful tips we learned about bees in order to avoid a sting! After the Speaker departed, we resumed our normal meeting with one unexpected guest. One of the bees had escaped and landed on a member’s head before flying around amongst the group. One of our gallant members caught the bee in one of the used honey cups and later took it outside to the garden. However, I’m not sure if it made its way home – a long distance to fly to its hive on the South Coast.

Oran Park Probus Club members recently enjoyed a coach trip to Katoomba, stopping at the Three Sisters for morning tea before enjoying the Skyway Railway and Gondola at Scenic World. This was new to some and a trip down memory lane for others. A great lunch followed at the Katoomba RSL, then some shopping in Leura before the return journey. A lovely day enjoyed by all participants, in the sunshine amongst the changing Autumn colours.

If you would like to hear more about Oran Park Probus Club and our activities, please consider attending a monthly meeting as a visitor, at 10.00am on the first Tuesday of the month at Wests Lakeside Golf Club, Camden. Visitors are always welcomed.

For more information about Oran Park Probus Club, please contact the Club Secretary on email: secretary.oranparkprobusclub@gmail.com.

r Scenic World Katoomba by Rail | Image Supplied


It is indeed an exciting time to be living in this beautiful part of South West Sydney, one of the fastest growing regions in Australia. At the same time, it is good for us to remember – especially as our nation reflects on the upcoming Referendum and Voice to Parliament, that we live in a part of the world that for tens of thousands of years has been a home to the Dharawal People.

As Catholic Bishop of Darwin Charles Gauci said: “We need the ongoing journey of reconciliation and healing. Whatever happens with the Voice will not solve all the issues, we are all on the journey together. Let’s make sure we are informed, and to see which is the best way forward for dignity and respect for all.”

At its heart, the upcoming Referendum is an opportunity for all people who live in this ‘Great South Land of the Holy Spirit’, indigenous and non-indigenous alike, to work together for Reconciliation.

As they say “Reconciliation is not a mere gesture; it requires deep introspection, empathy, and concrete actions to address the past and create a more inclusive future. It is about recognising the ongoing effects of colonisation, listening to the voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and working together to build a society that values and respects the rights, cultures, and contributions of all. Together, we can be agents of change, contributing to a more just and equitable Australia”. Let us acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the lands and waters where we work and live. Let us pay our respects to Elders past and present. Let us acknowledge the deep spiritual attachment and relationship of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples to this country and commit ourselves to the ongoing journey of Reconciliation. The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council has launched a new website called “One Journey, Together” for all of us to learn about the Indigenous Voice to Parliament. Visit: www. indigenousvoice.church.

12 July 2023 www.oranparkgazette.com.au
Written + Submitted by: Parish Priest Fr David Catterall MTh P: 02 4648 2226 W: www.marymackillopparish.org.au A: 94 Oran Park Drive, Oran Park NSW 2570 Facebook: www.facebook.com/oranparkparish Twitter: www.twitter.com/oranparkparish FAITH – ST MARY MACKILLOP CATHOLIC PARISH ORAN PARK

In just 10 short years, Oran Park Rovers FC have shown why they are a powerhouse in the Macarthur Football Association (MFA) Competition, with over 1,000 players registered with the club this season.

The 2023 season, which is underway, has seen 1,200 players registered with the local club. This comprises of 94 teams.

It’s a far cry from Oran Park Rovers inaugural season in 2014, which saw 3 teams take to the field at their former home ground, Wayne Gardner Reserve. These days, the Rovers call Doohan Reserve in Oran Park home, since making the move in 2021. The state-ofthe-art sporting facility accommodates 4 full size pitches.

The new season is already proving to be successful for the club on the field.

“Most of our teams are proceeding very well in their competitions after the first few rounds” said Jason Robbins, Secretary of Oran Park Rovers FC to the Oran Park Gazette.

Despite the teams being at full capacity for players, coaches, and managers, they are always looking for sponsors and volunteers to bolster their ranks.

Preparations are now in full swing for Oran Park Rovers FC’s 10th Anniversary celebrations, which are slated to take place next month.

“We have our 10 Year Anniversary Celebration on Saturday the 12th of August. This will be held at our home ground (Doohan Reserve) and will feature games with our M League teams as well as having activities for all, live entertainment, food vans and more” he announced.

As Secretary of the Rovers, Jason enjoys being a part of the close-knit local club.

“We have a strong community environment and involvement, and always strive to be the best we can for all our members” Jason explained.

He believes that the foundations that were built in 2014 and beyond through the hard work and dedication of its members, have helped shape the club to what it is today.

“We are only 10 years old. The way the club has developed and succeeded is mostly due to our volunteers both past and present, those who give up some time to ensure the club can provide the best to all our members. The platform was set many years ago and from that the club just keeps getting stronger and successful” he ended.

For more information about Oran Park Rovers FC, including their upcoming 10th Year Anniversary Celebration, visit their website at https://www.oranparkroversfc.com.au/ or find them on Facebook and Instagram.

www.oranparkgazette.com.au July 2023 13
Rovers Put Oran Park on the Sporting Map
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r Oran Park Rovers FC players | Image: Jason Robbins/Oran Park Rovers FC
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12th July 2023


Online: 1st August 2023

Letterboxes: 1 + 2 August 2023


Emergency Services

Police, Ambulance, Fire 000 or 112 mobile

Narellan Police Station 4632 4499

Police Assistance Line 131 444

Lifeline 24-Hour Counselling 131 114

WIRES (Wildlife Rescue) 4754 2946

NSW Rural Fire Service 1800NSWRFS

St. Vincent de Paul Society 8250 1484

e: Socialjustice.Wol@vinnies.org.au

Camden SES 4647 0319

(For emergency help in floods and storms call NSW SES – 132 500)

General OPT information, Contact: Sales & Information Office 9043 7500

Health Services

Camden + Campbelltown Hospital Switchboard 4634 3000

After Hours Medical Clinic

Flynnko Pty Ltd

ABN: 65 601 734 472 trading as:

Breastfeeding Helpline

1800 686 268 (1800

Sports Clubs


You know Winter has well and truly arrived when your bathroom pipes have frozen and water is no longer free-flowing in the early hours of the morning.

Yesterday, I received a call from a reader who has recently relocated from Western NSW to our local community. They were beyond delighted to have a local resource like the Gazette available at their fingertips.

It brings me great joy to receive these calls, of which I receive many. It’s a real privelege.

In any given week, I am in contact with a number of retailers, trades and local business owners. Sometimes I’m a shopper, other times I’m Belinda from The Gazette discussing fantastic print advertising opportunities.

With the recent rate rises top of mind for many, the common message is that times are expected to get tougher; and that your local support is key.

22 74 64

Camden Athletics Club + Little Athletics http://camdenathletics.org.au/

Camden Cats Senior AFL Club

Greg McGuiness 0413 257 516

Camden Netball www.camdennetball.com.au

Macarthur District Softball Association

Lesley Darby 0401 740 023

Narellan Physie Club narellanpcc@hotmail.com

Mount Annan/Currans

Hill Knights Softball Club

Jennifer Tadros 0404 629 710

Camden RSL Youth Club Boxing

Ron 4646 1658

Macarthur Bushwalkers

Ken 4628 2528

Narellan Jets Junior Rugby League

Cindy Morley 0413 086 601

Camden District Cricket Association

Kyle Malcolm - President 0411 371 115

Cobbitty Narellan Cricket Club

Mark Bush - 0497 555 071 - mbush@hvg.net.au

Oran Park Cricket Club

Karl Bennett coaching@oranparkcricket.com.au

Oran Park Netball Club

Rachael Cecil 0433 994 591

Oran Park Rovers Football Club

Nathan Hawthorne 0422 139 993

Oran Park Junior Rugby League

Dave Gabriel 0451 440 661

Oran Park Hockey Club

Michelle Brennan 0400 050 078

Camden Junior AFL Club

Naomi Porter 0417 683 768

Camden Junior OZTAG camdencobras@oztag.com.au

Harrington Park Scorpions Softball Club

Greg Trevena and MB: 0417 257 385

Mets Baseball - Catherine Field

Kim O'Grady 0412 081 144

Camden Valley Wildfire Basketball Club www.wildfire.org.au

Matt McKenna 0410 503 684 play@wildfire.org.au

Community Groups

Gledswood Toastmasters

David Johnson 0417 423 458

Rotary Club of Gregory Hills Next-Gen President 02 9136 6349 or facebook.com/ rcgregoryhills

There’s no need to spend more than you are able to; but money you don’t spend with the big national stores or online is always welcomed by the local businesses that appear in these pages.

Grab a hot ‘cuppa’ and enjoy this months dose of ‘Your Community News’.

‘Go easy on yourself. Whatever you do today, let it be enough!’





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Advertising Policy... Payment on booking secures your space. The Business Directory offers cost effective advertising to businesses in an alphabetical format. Premium Placement may be available, at an extra charge. An editorial focus on a local business may be included if space permits, at the Editor’s discretion.

Community News... The Oran Park Gazette welcomes community news and events, local achievements, births, deaths, obituaries, weddings, engagements and anniversaries (published free of charge) Articles of interest will be accepted at the Editor’s discretion. Articles do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Editor. Letters to the Editor... May be printed and edited as necessary. Names must be submitted but can be withheld from publication at the writer’s request. Every effort is made to print correct information but no responsibility can be taken for errors or omissions.

www.oranparkgazette.com.au July 2023 15 FROM THE EDITOR THE LAST WORD CONTACT
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Managing Editor Belinda Sanders Writer / Sales Cim Sanders Writer / Sales Tayla James
16 July 2023 www.oranparkgazette.com.au

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