DIT Students' Union Marketing Pack 2010

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WELCOME TO THE STUDENT MARKET THROUGH US YOU CAN REACH OVER 22,000 STUDENTS, ACROSS 30+ CITY CENTRE SITES DETAILS: Here you can find all the details on how your company can access the vibrant and expanding student market. Enclosed you can find further information on a wide range of advertising avenues; ranging from the humble poster to the mighty RAG ball, we offer you direct access to this key demographic through a multitude of official student media.

Contacts: Can’t find what you are looking for? Need more information? Want that personal touch? Then feel free to contact us at anytime and we will be happy to guide you through the complete process. Mark Breen- Events & Marketing Manager. 01 402 3619 events@ditsu.ie Mairead Butler- Communications Manager. 01 402 4654 communications@ditsu.ie

notes: DIT is the largest 3rd level College in Ireland with over 22,000 students comprising Full time, Part time, International, Erasmus, Apprentice, Mature and Postgraduates. The Students’ Union represents all Students locally and nationally and runs campaigns, events and gigs which cater to all their various needs. The mix of students at DIT is exceptional and diverse. While 18-25 year-olds make up the majority of our student body, enrollments from Mature and International/Erasmus students continue to grow year on year. Your company has the opportunity to create awareness of your product or service among a specific group with tremendous influence and buying power. So why not take this opportunity of letting them know who you are and what you do?


DIT Students’ Union Events & Marketing Department // (01) 402 3619 // events@ditsu.ie

CAMPUS ACCESS WE OFFER access to MULTIPLE LOCATIONS, with high footfall and strong visual presence DETAILS: Access to DIT sites is available for promotional / sampling purposes. As each DIT site is a compact, city centre campus, access is direct and footfall high. Access is always in a central, high-visibility area on each site. DIT Students’ Union offices and staff are located on each site to aid you on the day. DIT Students’ Union has an in-depth knowledge of the demographic of students across all sites and can help ensure your activity achieves optimum results.

RATES: Access rate is €750 per-day-per-site. Discounts are available for activity on multiple sites. Access is sold on a per-site-per-day basis.

notes: Certain times of the year see a surge in demand for campus access, most notably during our Freshers’ Week (Sept) and RAG Week (Feb/March). We maintain strict control over the number of external organisations granted access, especially at these times, so as not to dilute the benefit for any one organisation. At these times of the year, different day-rates apply (see specific sections for details). We have a large volume of repeat business in this area, with various agencies working with us on behalf of various clients. Campus Access can be requested by submitting the Access Application Form, which can be found at www.ditsu.ie/advertising


DIT Students’ Union Events & Marketing Department // (01) 402 3619 // events@ditsu.ie

EVENTS TEAM AN ACTIVE local EVENTS TEAM DELIVERs YOUR message directly TO OUR STUDENT BODY DETAILS: DIT Students’ Union has an established Events Team. The Team comprises a large group of students, specific to each site, who promote DIT Students’ Union activity on site. These student team members possess significant local knowledge of student behaviour on their site. The Events Team also operates as a Promotional Team when required by external organisations. The Team is available to work alongside you / your client to ensure optimum return from your activity.

RATES: We operate in teams of 2. The rate is €20 per-team-per-hour. A minimum of 2 hours work is required.

notes: Events Team can be requested when submitting the Access Application Form, which can be found at www.ditsu.ie/advertising


DIT Students’ Union Events & Marketing Department // (01) 402 3619 // events@ditsu.ie

FRESHERS PACKS THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO REACH over 3500 potential customers in one week DETAILS: Inductions Week is when all new 1st years (Freshers) arrive in DIT each September. It is solely 1st years on site during this week. There are over 3500 new 1st year students annually, mainly aged 18-24, many of whom will go on to become high earners. Each student is handed a ‘Freshers’ Pack’ by DITSU staff during this week so this is the optimum time to market your organisation to these potential brand adopters.

RATES: We offer inclusion in these packs at a flat fee of €750.

notes: DIT Induction Week takes place in mid-September every year. Inclusion in these packs is on a first come first served basis. Directly competing brands cannot be accommodated. There are male and female versions of the Freshers’ Packs allowing you to target one particular group, should you wish. Bookings will be accepted from July 1st annually.


DIT Students’ Union Events & Marketing Department // (01) 402 3619 // events@ditsu.ie

FRESHERS Week this is your first chance to reach the entire student population

DETAILS: Freshers Week immediately follows Inductions Week and sees the entire student body return. Freshers Week is a week of major activity across all sites during the day, as well as a full schedule of night-time events in the city.

OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE: Freshers Week Title Sponsorship. Freshers Ball Title Sponsorship.

notes: Traditionally these elements are all part of one large annual sponsorship arrangement. Only if such an arrangement is not in place, will the elements be offered separately. DIT Freshers Week takes place in mid/late September every year. Campus Access during Freshers Week is charged at â‚Ź1,000 per day, per site. If you have an idea for getting involved in Freshers Week then talk to us- we are always open to suggestions.


DIT Students’ Union Events & Marketing Department // (01) 402 3619 // events@ditsu.ie

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Rag Week

DETAILS: RAG Week (Raising And Giving) is a week of major activity across all sites during the day, as well as a full schedule of night-time events in the city. The main focus is to raise money for the chosen charity each year. Charity fund-raising events take place across all sites during the week as well as around the city both during RAG Week and beforehand. Examples of daytime events include Bungee Jumping, Zorbing, SCAD Freefall, Sponsored Swim @ 40ft, Carnival Day.

OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE: RAG Week Title Sponsorship RAG Ball Title Sponsorship

notes: Traditionally these elements are all part of one large annual sponsorship arrangement. Only if such an arrangement is not in place, will the elements be offered separately. RAG Week takes place in late February / early March every year. Campus Access during RAG Week is charged at â‚Ź1,000 per day, per site. If you have any other ideas for getting involved in RAG Week then talk to us- we are always open to suggestions.


DIT Students’ Union Events & Marketing Department // (01) 402 3619 // events@ditsu.ie


LAUGHS/LIVE at lunchtime MAXIMUM BRAND EXPOSURE To a captive audience IN A CAMPUS ENVIRONMENT DETAILS: This is a series of on-site lunchtime events, across all main DIT sites, during 3 specific weeks during each semester. The events take place in common areas / stage areas on each site, ensuring maximum visibility These events guarantee concentrated exposure across the entire DIT student population during each week. Examples include Live Bands, Comedians, Hypnotists, Caricaturists etc.

RATES: This series of events can be sponsored on a per-semester or per-full academic year basis, at a price of €3,000 per semester or €5,000 per full academic year.

notes: These events are pre-promoted through posters, flyers, on-site calenders, Toast magazine and Express newsletter. The level of consistent on-site exposure offered by these events offers significant value for money.


DIT Students’ Union Events & Marketing Department // (01) 402 3619 // events@ditsu.ie

WEB ditsu.ie ditsu.ie is constantly accessed by our student body

DETAILS: Our current website has been active for 2 years now and has seen a phenomenal growth in usage [eg. 20,272 unique visitors from Sept-Dec 2009] The site has info on entertainment, academic and welfare issues as well as jobs/ accommodation listings and forums- all accessible to our 22,000 students.

BANNER ADS: This form of on-line advertising entails embedding an advertisement into our student organisation’s web page. Banners can be static or animated and rotate in order between each banner on an internal click or refresh on the web page. Banner adverts give you a visual opportunity to promote and attract students to your services or product and direct students straight to your on-line services.

section sponsorship: If you wish to take over the branding of a discrete section of our student organisation website for the day or even a week, we can make it happen. The result is a quick, hard-hitting and instant-response marketing campaign, giving you immediate organisation acceptance and student trust, as well as the ideal online support mechanism for on-site marketing or press advertising.

LOZENGES: Lozenges are hard-coded advert boxes, usually positioned in individual placements and do not rotate or share the same area with other adverts, and remain on internal clicks or page refreshes, giving you a constant presence on our site.


DIT Students’ Union Events & Marketing Department // (01) 402 3619 // events@ditsu.ie

toast magazine 4,500 copies across DIT, 6 times a year, straight into student hands.

DETAILS: Toast, our SU magazine, is printed in A5 full colour glossy format. There are 6 issues per year, 3 in each semester. It is distributed by hand across 10 DIT sites with a print run of 4,500 per issue. Toast has been firmly established across all DIT sites. Take-up is always brisk and students recognise it as ‘their’ magazine. We also occasionally run an ‘Express’ newsletter, which focuses on campaigns/ events which fall between Toast issues.

RATES: Inside Front cover = €1000 per issue or €5000 for 6 issues. Full page ad = €800 per issue or €4000 for all 6 issues. Half page ad = €500 per issue or €2500 for all 6 issues.

notes: The advertising rates can be negotiable, particularly if you are interested in some of our other marketing opportunities. We also have special rates for charities and non profit organisations. As mentioned above we also print an A4 folded to A5 colour newsletter for specific campaigns. The ‘Express’ gives you the opportunity to sponsor the booklet with an editorial space, your own logo and full colour branding throughout is available where appropriate for some of our info campaigns. The rates vary depending on the level of exposure and print run.


DIT Students’ Union Events & Marketing Department // (01) 402 3619 // events@ditsu.ie

SU CLOTHING & Merchandise see your brand on hunderds of walking billboards for a year

DETAILS: During the course of each academic year, DIT Students’ Union buys clothing for both staff, elected officers and over 300 Class Representatives Overall, that’s more than 350 people acting as walking billboards. DIT Students’ Union also produces merchandise for students such as bookmarks, pens, USB keys and magnets. Branding options are also available for these. There may other opportunities to sponsor clothing for specific events/campaigns, we are always open to suggestions.

RATES: SOLD for this year, talk to us about 2011 Sponsorship of this clothing is priced at €3000. /12 Rates for merchandise and other clothing opportunities will be priced on an individual basis. STILL OPEN, talk to us about other opportunit ies

notes: Traditionally this opportunity is part of one large annual sponsorship arrangement. Only if such an arrangement is not in place, will the elements be offered separately.


DIT Students’ Union Events & Marketing Department // (01) 402 3619 // events@ditsu.ie

GRADUATION BALLS YOUR LAST CHANCE TO REACH OUT TO THE DEPARTING STUDENT MARKET DETAILS: Each year, 4000+ students graduate from DIT. Each year we organise between 3 and 5 Graduation Balls, organised by faculty as follows; Business, Applied Arts, Built Environment, Science, Tourism & Food and Engineering. These are held in a 4/5 star hotel. The Graduation Balls provide an opportunity to speak directly to the graduates with minimal communications clutter.

OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE: Graduation Balls Title Sponsorship Graduation Balls Menu Sponsorship Graduation Balls Mailing Sponsorship Individual Graduation Ball Sponsorship options also available.

notes: Graduation Balls take place in October/November every year.


DIT Students’ Union Events & Marketing Department // (01) 402 3619 // events@ditsu.ie

TESTIMONIALS SATISFIED CUSTOMERS. THAT’S WHAT IT’S ALL ABOUT. AND WE HAVE MANY. Sarah O’Flanagan – CMS Marketing: ‘We visit DIT regularly on behalf of clients as we find the impact of activity there to be fantastic. The DIT sites are quite compact and the level of exposure to the student body for our clients is significant. Visiting more than one site ensures we are hitting a completely new audience each time. We have no problem recommending DIT Students Union in this regard and have always found them to be highly professional.’

Fergus O’Neill – Ulster Bank Group: ‘We have enjoyed a fantastic relationship with DIT Students’ Union for a number of years. The mutual support continues to build our understanding of and support for students.’

BOB COGGINS – CAMPUS.IE: ‘As one of the largest colleges in Ireland, we always see DIT as an integral part of any collegebased campaign, and always find a good reception from the students there.’

James stafford – red bull: ‘We go into DIT quite often to reach the student market and we are always well received and looked after. The people in the Students’ Union know their stuff.’

m. Quattrociocchi – student travelcard: ‘Student Travelcard attend DIT regularly as all locations are central ensuring we have a high footfall of students, the Union are also very helpful in supporting us while we are there.’


DIT Students’ Union Events & Marketing Department // (01) 402 3619 // events@ditsu.ie

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