site guides - freshers’ info - elected officers - fashion - clubs & socs - class reps
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welcome & Contents
Welcome to our new volume of toast and indeed welcome to DIT for the academic year 2009/2010. To those of you joining us for the first time congratulations on an excellent choice of college and a big WELCOME BACK to everyone else. DIT Students’ Union is the biggest (& best) Students’ Union in Ireland. When you register as a student of DIT you automatically become a member of the Students’ Union. We have offices, shops and common rooms/areas in Aungier St, Bolton St, Cathal Brugha St, Kevin St and Mountjoy Sq but the door is open to all you DIT students wherever you are based. See the following pages for contact details and where exactly to find us. It’s your union so just drop into any SU office, give us a call or check out The website has a lot of information you will need over the year – so check in regularly and see what’s going on on your site. The Students’ Union is here to help with academic and course issues, exam and assessments, Employment – we have part time jobs listings, and info on your rights & entitlements. See our jobs adverts for more details and call in to the SU if you have any questions about work. We also have available accommodation lists and USI rent books –If you are renting you SHOULD have one - pick it up in the SU office. Ask us about your rights & obligations as a tenant and if you do have a problem with your landlord –come see us. The whole college experience can be a little overwhelming at the best of times and with DIT campuses and buildings spread across the city it can get very confusing. That’s where the Students’ Union comes in. Whatever it is you need we can help (or at least point you in the right direction). Just ask! See you soon.
get involved meet the team elected officer report: tracey elected officer report: sean elected officer report: jen fees site guide: aungier st. site guide: Bolton st. site guide: cathal brugha st. site guide: kevin st. site guide: mountjoy sq. site guide: rathmines pull out: the heart of the city freshers’ events special rag 2010 dandelive governing council walk in the park class rep recruitment spending money like water fashion nevin: property blabber competition
02 04 06 08 10 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 24 26 35 37 38 39 40 43 44 46 48
THE toast TEAM
[Editor] Mairead Butler [Sub Editor] Eve Donnelly [Design & Photography] Eddie Corr
[General] [Editorial] [Advertising] [Design]
get in touch
this is your magazine, and we want you to be involved. fancy writing an article, taking some photos or generally helping out? just drop us a line []. feel the need to reply to any of the issues raised? just mail us on the above address. All rights reserved. the entire content is copyright ditsu. ltd., and cannot be reproduced in whole, or in part, without written permission. Views expressed are those of the contribututors and not necessarily shared by the magazine.
GET involved
GET INVOLVED and get more out...
It’s easier than you think What does it mean to you to be a student in DIT? College isn’t just about learning, exams and graduation. It’s also where you can get involved in student politics, join societies, play sports, volunteer with local charities and lots more. So when you leave DIT with your qualification you’ll also have great memories and you’ll know that your contribution has enhanced the DIT community during your time here. To get the most from your time in DIT you should try to participate in as much college activities as possible. That way you’ll meet lots of people, make new friends, and experience exciting challenges and opportunities. All of which will give you a deeper understanding of yourself and how you relate to the people in your environment and the wider world. If you think of DIT as your community you’ll get more from it and have more fun if you get stuck in! Student participation and engagement is what makes Students’ Unions tick. We want to have more students at Governing Council asking questions about how we run the Union – it’s a democratic organisation so you as a member have a say. We need to have Class reps telling us where the problems exist with their courses so that we can demand change and improvement. This year, wherever feasible, we will strive to provide as many opportunities as possible for our members to be involved in all our activities, whether in the democracy of the union, social events or campaigns.
THE ‘How to’s’ What can I do?
How do I do it?
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Represent your class and help solve problems with Has your class elected a Rep? your course and facilities – maybe there aren’t If not, contact your local Union office or any of the enough textbooks in the Library or the lecture elected officers (contact details on page 06) and get rooms are always freezing. Being Class Rep means yourself elected. you can do something about these issues. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Help out with all the different campaigns that the Union organise during the year like WELFARE and SHAG Week (always a good way to get a free t-shirt!!)
Contact Jen, the VP for Academic & Student Affairs ( or Aimee O’Callaghan at 402 4510. They always welcome help in promoting healthy living and distributing free condoms.
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Become a Councillor and have a say in the running of the Students’ Union –we’re always looking for future Presidents!!
Councillors are elected each October and the elected officers are answerable to them. You don’t have to be a Class Rep to become a Councillor. Check out page 38 for more details.
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Volunteer during RAG week or better still organise an fundraising event in your class – a sponsored silence, chest waxing session, that will help raise more money for this years’ charity
Contact Sean, the Vice President for Fun ( )who’s the man in charge of all the Ents this year. He’s looking for new ideas to raise buckets of money during RAG week in March.
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Join a couple of Societies each year or better still set one up from scratch. Get fit and join one of the many sports clubs – everything from aerobics to judo
Clubs and Socs Week starts on September 28th when you’ll get a chance to see what’s available. Sean’s the man to talk to about this also or contact your local Union Offices.
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Think about volunteering with the local charities that do great work around the city centre. You won’t get a t-shirt but you’ll be helping improve the lot of people in need.
DIT students have a long tradition of working with organisations and charities in Dublin’s inner-city.
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Did you know that the SU has adopted a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy so any DIT student can apply for funding if they are doing voluntary work overseas with registered charities?
Full details of the CSR and the application form are available from your local Union Office or online at
meet the team
TRACEY FLINTER su president 6
JEN JORDAN su vice-president [asa
SEAN CAMPBELL su vice-president [s&t] 7
elected officer report
Words: Tracey Flinter Photo: Eddie Corr
TRACEY FLINTER SU President My name is Tracey Flinter and I am your President for the year ahead. Firstly, I would like to say congratulations for choosing one of the best third level colleges in Ireland. I am a graduate student from Cathal Brugha Street (yes, over on the North side). I studied Tourism for four years and boy, was it the best decision I ever made. My four years flew in and now, here I am, representing all of you - over 22,000 students, making sure your voice is heard. The DIT Students’ Union is a democracy, so that means that we are every single student in DIT, that’s right, you! Every single student has the power to create change. When you register with the college you automatically become a member of the Students’ Union. This entitles you to vote in elections, put forward motions and also attend the DIT Students’
Union Governing Council. You might have seen the pictures and blogs of my colleagues Jen and Sean by now. We are the three full time student representatives here in the DIT Students’ Union, elected last year, by the student body to campaign and represent on your behalf. So no matter how big or small the question or request, just ask, we are here to make sure your experience in DIT runs as smoothly as possible. You have the President (that’s me) Tracey Flinter and I look after all your needs here in DIT. I sit on many important committee meetings both internal and external to DIT in order to make sure the students voice is heard at all levels. I represent all DIT students at government meetings and also within the greater student movement, such as the Union of Students Ireland. You also have two Vice Presidents who look
after the areas of Academic and Student Affairs (that’s Jen) and Services and Trading (that’s Sean). I won’t go into too much detail as they will fill you in later on in the mag. Remember we are Students representing Students! Internally within DIT Students Union I look after all communications and democracy. It is a large brief but we are looking at every means possible at keeping students informed and up to date with information on a regular basis. We have a web site where all students can find out news and information on campaigns, fees, events, photos and what is actually happening with DIT and the Union itself. We are on bebo, facebook and twitter. We have info and posters on all sites on electronic notice boards or flat screens. This year we will be popping in and out of classes informing you of what exactly is going on from events to campaigns so keep your eyes peeled! The Democracy side of the house is a completely different kettle of fish. As I mentioned above we are a democracy based organisation - basically we do what the students want us to do! Each registered student has the right to vote and it is only through voting and making your voice heard that positive change can happen! We have a Governing Council which is made up of students from each site who mandate the elected officers on certain issues that arise throughout the year. Think of the Dáil and then think of students running the show, that is basically how it works. Yes, it gets heated and lively debates take place but it’s great craic. See for details of how to become a Gov Councillor. We have plenty planned for the year ahead so please get involved. Come to the cheap student gigs and let us know what you think! We will be running a large number of campaigns creating awareness among the student body throughout the year, all campaigns mean free stuff so make sure you get your hands on everything possible. No mater how big or small the idea everything is possible here in the Students’ Union. I will be around all sites so say hello and ask me anything! Keeping it presidential!! Tracey
TAKE 5: Question & Answer time with your Students’ Union President Tracey Best advice to newbies: You will hear this over and over again – get involved. Join a Club or Society, volunteer with any of our volunteering programmes or become a campaigner. There is always so much going on here in DIT that it is easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle so talk to the person sitting next to you! Every one is in the same boat when starting in college. The more people you know the better it becomes!! Whatever you do, don’t: Miss lectures, I know it might sound geeky but seriously there is only a 12 week period of classes. If you miss a class you then get left behind. The more you stay on top of your course work and attend classes the easier it is at exams and assessments time. Favourite memory of college: Favourite memory of college has to be RAG trip in first year, man was it mental! 2,000 students, 40 buses and 3 night clubs! Mighty craic. Also going on Erasmus to France in second year, pretty scary but I managed to get through and even learn some French! If I could change one thing about my college experience: Nothing, I had the craic and still managed to get a degree at the end of it! Best kept secret about DIT: I’m not sure if its a best kept secret but the computer labs in Cathal Brugha Street are haunted. I have experienced it myself one cold winter at 8.30pm when furiously trying to hammer out an assessment. My mates were with me to prove it. Freaky, I refuse to sit in the computer labs on the 4th floor on my own now!
elected officer report
Words: Sean Campbell Photo: Eddie Corr
SU Vice President [Services & Trading] How ye!
What’s the craic? I found 325 different ways of saying welcome in google, but in fairness that’s just a waste of paper. So, hello and welcome to DIT! Good choice (DIT) if you’re a fresher, and if you’re back for another year then - howya! As you can see I am Sean or Seany or the big fella or whatever ya want to call me. I am here to put the tingle in your toes, the shiver down your back, the bags under your eyes! Yes, we are the people who entertain you throughout your college life, and trust me you better save your money as what we have planned for you this year is going to be epic! Yes, you heard me- epic! So how do you sign up for all this or where do you stand to get picked?
Well, first off you don’t get picked, you get involved, (flash back time) that time you were 16 years old and you wanted to kiss that nice girl at the Junior disco but ya just didn’t have the balls to go over and give her the wettest kiss of her life. We’ve all been there folks, and now we are in the big bad world of Dublin. With mad things like buildings, a river and double decker buses, sure it’s only mad up here in the capital! Anyway, we are going to offer cheap gigs to DIT students for the year, cos we live in the real world and know students don’t have money to throw around the place. So keep looking on the website for the latest news on what’s coming up! I can put all the events on in the world but if you don’t turn up or don’t get your ticket early then you’re going to miss out!
Here is an insight into some of what’s in the pipeline at the moment!
Farmers market, Freshers, Week Of Welcome, Halloween Fancy Dress Ball, Christmas Ball (early in December, .Trad Fest (Irish party’s around Paddy’s Day), The Big Bash (end of year party), Battle of the Bands, The Farmers Ball.................phew....! and lots more to me!
Question & Answer time with your Students’ Union VP Sean
RAG: Raising And Giving week this year is for our Lady’s Hospital Crumlin and what a great charity it is. We are going to try and raise €20,000 for the children and with your help we will! Here are some of the ways we are going to raise the money; sponsored swim, bed push, street collection in Temple Bar! Bungee jumps (not naked this year please)....Freebies and giveaways during the week, cultural walking tour of the city! There is more planned but to be honest I really don’t want to spoil the surprise! And that’s the truth, for the people that know me you know I am telling the truth! I also look after the DITSU shops and any associated issues that might happen during the year are my bag. Quick note - Insomnia coffee is coming into all of our shops across all sites ASAP! We have also got new sangers coming into the shops which are yum yum diddle yum yum. So, eat, drink and be happy with our low prices! There will be offers from time to time for deals of the month in the shops so keep your eyes peeled! The final side of my life is to look after the facilites in DIT. No, I don’t go around fixing things, we had a phantom to do that last year, but all joking aside if you have a problem with a lab or a light isn’t working or the toilets are not clean or whatever then send me an email to and explain your problem and where it is.
Best advice to newbies: Be yourself, man! It’s hard to be someone else as well as trying to be yourself. Whatever you do, don’t: Sit in the corner and suck your thumb,get involved and have fun with the students union, there is loads of events on all year! Favourite memory of college: Winning an all Ireland medal with the mad lads in the rugby club, and getting elected as DITSU VP. If I could change one thing about my college experience: Exams after Christmas, it sucks studying over Christmas! Best kept secret about DIT: Did you know that Berite Ahern, Stephen Roche, Brian Kerr, and even Ray Foley off the radio came to DIT, am sure there were more but hey its a start eh?
I will work closely with the Buildings Managers throughout DIT and together will try and solve the issues for you. So what’s left to say? Well, become a Class Rep, Governing Councillor, member of a society, a member of a club, a member of the hells wait - forget the hells angels that was last week! But do get involved in some of the many things to do in DIT. Become YOU!!! You ARE the Students’ union, I am the Students’ Union, the Lads and Ladies who play sports are the Students’ Union. Every single DIT student is a member of the Students’ Union. The three of us (Tracey, Jen and myself ) represent you, the student, wherever you’re from and wherever you’re going. DIT is a great place to be in college and its you the people that make DIT what it is so be happy, be proud and love DIT! Get involved, climb a mountain or jump in a lake! SEAN
elected officer report
Words: Jen Jordan Photo: Eddie Corr
SU Vice President [Academic & Student Affairs] free beer!
Ha, as if, the year has barely started, give us a chance to get to know ye all first, will ya! So, you’ve survived the torture that was school or wherever you were before DIT. Now welcome to the best years of your lives. To all those that were here last year, ye know what I’m on about...Yes ladies and gentlemen, college IS all it’s cracked up to be! So buckle up, and dive right in at every chance ye get. Right, start at the beginning I guess. I’m Jen Jordan (porn star name I know but don’t get your hopes up boys!), I’m your Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs, which basically means I run awareness campaigns for you guys and keep an eye on whats going on in DIT when it comes to education and welfare, i.e. anything that isn’t a physical facility
or an event. Yes, everything else. That’s lectures, timetables, exams, repeats, health, accommodation. You name it and myself, Aimee and Mary will do our absolute best to help you out with it. I have two offices across the 6 main sites, one in Cathal Brugha Street, (The Brugha!) and one in Mountjoy Square. The lovely Aimee is the manager here with me in the Brugha and she helps me (and ye!) out with any welfare queries. In Mountjoy Square we have the fabulous Mary who knows everything there is to know about academic queries, so make sure you call in to us somewhere for a chat. I may be based on only two sites, but trust me I’ll be buzzing about all the sites as much as is humanly possible over the coming months. So stop me in the halls for a chat whenever you like and if you haven’t seen me in a while just gimme a buzz and
ask me why not! If you haven’t spotted my photo on the signs scattered around, you’ll recognise me getting to and from sites on my bike (a pale red racer!) with my headphones in and hair probably blowing all over the place. While you’ve all been on break for the summer, we’ve been slaving away here to make Semester One as jam packed with activity as we can manage. Week 1; WOW Inductions, Week 2; Freshers Week, Week 3; Clubs and Socs, Week 4; National Condom Week, Week 5; Finance week, and on and on and on! In the opening weeks myself, Sean and Tracey will be around to most of your classes with the help of the local convenors to elect class reps, I’ve already rattled on about this in the piece for class reps so make sure you have a read, and make sure you elect your rep soon so your class isn’t left behind, because everyone here in the union is ready to hit the ground running! The reason I ran for election was because I wanted to make DITSU the best it can possibly be in the future, but we need your help to get the job done, sher, how can we fix things if ye don’t tell us it’s broken! Communication is our biggest challenge here in DIT because we’re spread across the city, but it means each site has it’s individuality and that’s pretty cool too. To keep up to date, remember to grab a copy of Toast every few weeks and don’t forget to log on to the website for more recent changes. The year will fly by like you wouldn’t believe and you definitely don’t want to miss anything. cheers [sorry for the lack of free beer!] Jen
TAKE 5: Question & Answer time with your Students’ Union VP Sean Best advice to newbies: 1) Check the bogroll before using the facilities...especially in Bolton St! 2) 53503 bus text, it’ll be your saviour on a night out! 3) Eurosaver Menu, not so nutritious but filling! 4) It’s a scientific fact that if you smile and say hello to someone they’ll respond Whatever you do, don’t: Turn down anything free. Or let the year go by without trying at least 10 new things, whether it’s new food, new drink, a new place, different clothes, a new activity, just try everything! Favourite memory of college: Ok, don’t think I can pick only one... going to governing council for the drama, the Trad Fest in Vicar street, getting my whole class to Amsterdam after our final year exams, and, I’ll probably be shot for saying this but the Rag trips were epic! If I could change one thing about my college experience: I would have joined societies and been class rep and governing councillor in my first year instead of waiting ‘til second, hung around college more after and between lectures, and forced my housemates to go clubbing in places other than just coppers. Best kept secret about DIT: All six main DIT sites were used in the civil war and there are still tunnels linking them all up...
crumbs- tasty news tid-bits Greetings to all DIT International and Erasmus students!
Some infromation for Mature Students
We’ve got loads of exciting activities and events planned for you to enjoy this year. Be sure to get to as many of the DIT Freshers events throughout the city on the week of the 21st and be sure not to miss out on the amazing Dublin Culture Night happening Friday 25th of September ( It is going to be one to remember and a great way to kick start your time in Dublin.
Always remember and never forget that every student in DIT is a member of the Students’ Union. There is loads of help, advice and also fun that the Students Union can offer you, so be sure to get in the know. We assist students with everything from academic enquiries such as exams, lecturers, appeals, factilities to all the non academic stuff, like employment rights, legal advice, accommodation info and looking after your health.
We are planning loads of events, everything from visits to Croke Park to watch the Gaelic Irish football, a visit to the Dail Eireann (Irish House of Parliament), local site parties and activities, a traditional Irish Ceili (celebration of Irish dance and music) and we may even drop by the Guinness Store house for a visit if your lucky. Keep an eye out on for more information. We look forward to meeting all of you, so do call into your local SU office if you have any questions and wish to find out more. DIT STUDENT ACTION: How to get involved DIT Student Action is the volunteering hub for students and staff of DIT. It is where you will find a volunteering opportunity to meet your needs/ requirements. Whether you want to volunteer with children, volunteer with the elderly, volunteer abroad, volunteer with students or just fundraise, you will find an opportunity here! DIT Student Action includes opportunities from the DIT Societies Office, DIT Community Links, the DIT Sports Office, DIT Campus Life, the DIT Chaplaincy Service, Bike to Belarus, SVP and DITSU. In todayís economic climate graduate recruiters are increasingly looking for more out of their applicants than just a degree. Not only do they want to see a wider range of experience, but they also want to see evidence of how itís gained. Volunteering is the ideal way to gain those skills and to gather evidence along the way. At DIT we actively encourage students to give a little back. So volunteer, get involved and be a graduate with a difference. ( action)
The DIT Students’ Union web page contains useful information on the support services available both within the college and support available from services throughout Dublin. We have close ties with local services including Threshold (National housing advice centre), Citizens Information Bureau, FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres), Creches, local Gardai and numerous other services. So no matter what the question, we will do our best to help you find the answer or at least put you in touch with someone who can help. If you don’t ask, you’ll never know so get down to your local SU office. Also, DIT Student Assistance fund forms, Free USI rent books and loads of other useful literature is available from the office. DIT SPORTS Confirmed dates: Freshers Sports Day - Tuesday 22nd September Grangegorman Sports Grounds Clubs & Societies Festival - Week beginning Monday 28th September. Grangegorman Sports Grounds Sports Club Committee Members Training Session Tuesday 6th Oct. DIT Aungier Street Rm3079 12-2pm Sport Scholarship Presentation Dinner - Thursday 12th November Sports Awards Night - Thursday 15th April Croke Park
Calling all 2nd, 3rd and 4th years. . . WELCOME BACK!!
an céilí mór: it’s back!
Ok. . . we were worried ye’d all be feeling a bit left out, seeing as how the focus of our attention at the beginning of semester always seem to be the freshers and making the fun happen for them. . . so we’ve put together a little welcome back gig for ye all!
The céilí craic is back! On October 7th we’re teaming up with DIT Oifig na Gaeilge and Sonas, the céilí kings, to put on a hell of a show in the fabulous Button Factory.
Wed 30th September in Dicey’s, Harcourt St. is where it’s at. They’re starting a regular Wednesday night thing in there and we’re helping them kick it off in style on the 30th. The night is acting as a celebration for Clubs and Socs too and for those involved in signing people up during Clubs and Socs Week across the sites. So it should be a nice crowd! It’s a nice venue and you’re not likely to be surrounded by screaming Freshers, as much as we love them! They’re doing very student-friendly drink prices in there to mark the occasion and Bluemoose will be providing the entertainment. They’re not actually seen in DIT much these days, outside of the Freshers Ball and Grad Balls so we reckoned it’s about time they played a gig for the rest of the DIT population who aren’t either brand new or graduating! Tickets are a mere €5 and are available from your local SU from Mon 21st September. Come play. . . and WELCOME BACK!
There will be a host of acts on the night, from rap to bands, all performing through Irish – bizarre as that may sound. They’re all fresh from performing at Electric Picnic so they’re as good as it gets, believe us! The night will finish off with a full blown céilí so everyone will have the chance to get involved and do all those funny dances ye’ve been watching people do for years and years. Tickets are a mere €5 and will be available from your local SU. Acts will start performing on the night from around 8.30pm and will carry on till around 2am – so there’s value for money!
Swine Flu: Want more information? Check out and the DIT Health & Safety FAQ link for more information. Hand sanitizers are available at most DIT entrances and SU common areas. Be pro-active! Wash your hands regularly, dispose of used tissues and be informed on health promotion available throughout the college. Please Talk was initiated in 2007 following the deaths of a number of students by suicide. Please Talk has two main components. The first is the campaign’s message that ‘talking is a sign of strength’, which urges students to talk to someone if they’re having problems in their lives at home, college or anywhere else. The second part is the Please Talk website,, which provides a directory of support services available to students on their campuses, as well as other information tha may be helpful to them. Please Talk began in UCD and since then has been taken on board by 25 colleges including DIT.
Please Talk works closely with Students’ Unions, counseling services, chaplaincy services, and other student support offices on campuses throughout Ireland, as well as national bodies such as the CSSI (the Confederation of Students Services in Ireland), CN3 (Chaplains Network at third level), USI (Union of Students in Ireland), to ensure the Please Talk message and website is conveyed clearly to as many students as possible, and we are thankful for their support and enthusiasm. Anyone can get involved with Please Talk, be it by wearing a t-shirt or organising initiatives on campus. Visit
Words: Tracey Flinter Photo: Eddie Corr
no such thing as a free education? Back in 2004, when I started college the capitation fee amounted to just under €600. In the space of five years the capitation fee has increased to a whopping €1,500. Those of you who have been in college over the past few years have seen and felt these steep increases and are well aware of the current battle that we students are facing. Over the past year we have been protesting and campaigning against the reintroduction of third level fees. There were two major protests in Dublin city centre, and smaller protests all over the country. We lobbied TDs with letters and phone calls but it seems to be getting us nowhere. We have held debates and informed as many studens as possible about how this will effect their future but sadly students are seen as the well off majority that have been handed everything in the Governments eyes. According to the current Government the reintroduction of a third level fee will mean that all first year students starting this September will have to pay for their second year in college. So, current first years are paying €1,500 and next year could pay up to €8,000 to sit in the same seat! Now that I have your attention - I will fill you in on the facts and figures! A recent survey carried out by Bank of Ireland estimated the cost of attending college over a four year period can amount to over €38,000 without fees. Take that €38,000 and add €8,000 for each year of study in order for you to achieve your degree and like a smack in the face €70,000 appears! €70,000 for a college education. I don’t know about you but I certainly couldn’t afford that! Over the past few months we have been lobbying TDs asking them to state their positon on third level fees. The questions we asked centered around up front fees, graduate tax, students loans and so on. We clearly indicated in the letter that we would be making their position known in The Irish Times ( you may have seen the full page ad). Little did we know that we would recieve a serious amount of letters stating party positions. For those who did not reply we gave them the benefit of the doubt and contacted them and made them aware that we would be publishing information in the paper. There was a number of angry TDs around the country but it finally worked, we had caused a major stirr. I have met with a large number of TDs both inside and outside the Dail to discuss the future of third level education in Ireland. All responses came in - from in favour to completely opposed. My job was to provide TDs with information on the student loans system and listen to what they had to say. We are students representing students and when the TDs saw how seriously we were taking this they realised they have a fight on their hands! We are currently working with The Union of Students’ Ireland campaigning on students behalf. Over the coming days each student will receive a bumper sticker which states €70K for a degree, contact your TD! My priority is to protect the interests of all students. After meeting with a number of TDs it has become clear that there are other ways in which third level education can be funded. Currently the Auditor General is due to carry out an audit on all third level Institutes and Universities to see where exactly all the money is going. I have been informed that this audit will not be finalised until December. I ask what is the use in students contributing to a bottomless pit? Does it not make sense that this report is carried out before they start charging us for an education? Information was correct at time of printing! To find out more and keep up to date on this important issue, log onto or ask me when you see me around your college your president Tracey
Site guides
AUNGIER STREET aka: danger street The worst thing about Aungier Street Its huge!! It takes ages to find your way around at the start. Best place to eat in or around Aungier St. is: Café Sofia on Wexford St, the student breakfast. Best place to have the craic is : The student area in the basement and the courtyard – only during the summer months! Look out for bargains : In the many charity shops in the area. Best kept secret about Aungier St. is: One of the porters is a retired superhero, but we can’t tell you which... Most active society in Aungier St. is: Fashion Show Soc is huge here and Drama Soc are really active too. Most active club in Aungier St.: Surfing. Why is Aungier St. the best site: It is close to town, lots of pubs and restaurants around, courtyard rocks and there is always something to do. Don’t miss out on: Freshers week and a brekkie in Café Sofia. Words of wisdom for new folk in Aungier St.: The rooms are numbered in order, so it’s not as difficult to find your way around as it initially seems. Figure out where the library is early on and make sure and drop into the Students’ Union office in the basement, just to know where it is and get involved!
CLASS REP CONVENOR: ERIC FITZGERALD To date his most noted achievement is having quelled a small uprising in a distant and hard to pronounce place through a hilarious mix of leaflet drops and distribution of new underwear. For his trouble he received a Purple Heart, a Knighthood, and a €25 gift voucher for Dunnes Stores. He would like to thank his many pigeon friends, the Amish, and the Irish Government for providing virtually boundless opportunities of comic inspiration.
BOLTON STREET aka: boltoner The worst thing about bolton Street The serious lack of toilet paper and the lack of consistent heating Best place to eat in or around bolton St. is: Is Deli Baby, check out Joanne and June‘s specials!!! Best place to have the craic is : The smoking shelter. Look out for bargains : Wackers Pet Shop and Capel Street Charity Shops. Best kept secret about bolton St. is: The clean toilet, but we’re not telling where it is! Most active society in bolton St. is: Comedy and Drama. Most active club in bolton St.: GAA and Karting. Why is bolton St. the best site: Da Banter!! Don’t miss out on: The lunchtime gigs. Words of wisdom for new folk in bolton St.: Get involved! There’s more to college then just going to class, but don’t forget to do that too!
CLASS REP CONVENOR: SUZANN TUTTY After a tour of ‘Nam back in ‘69 Suzann now suffers from temporary discombobulation and delusions of grandeur due to the effects of Agent Orange. However, she uses her vast experience in warfare in her daily job with DITSU, which she joined upon hearing a rumour of free cookies. In her spare time she enjoys writing minutes from CRMs in calligraphy. Any monetary donations will be much appreciated and most definitely won’t be used to feed her growing baking goods habit. There were no free cookies.
Site guide
CATHAL BRUGHA STREET aka: the brugha! The worst thing about Cathal brugha Street: The lift breaks down very frequently, there are lots of stairs and some people are too lazy to take the stairs… Best place to eat in or around Cathal brugha St. is: The Canteen at first, but if you get bored of the food there, the Blue and Green room offer amazing food for reasonable prices! Best place to have the craic is : Anywhere you’re with mates be it the canteen, SU or a lecture room. Look out for bargains : Everywhere! You’re a student with a card that gets you 10% discount! Best kept secret about Cathal brugha St. is: Sometimes in the evenings if the Blue and Green room hasn’t filled up, the students go round asking people if they want a free dinner Most active society in Cathal brugha St. is: Drama Society. Most active club in Cathal brugha St.: Not many stand out up here... maybe start your own! Why is Cathal brugha St. the best site: Because it’s small and you can get to know everyone pretty easily. Don’t miss out on: SU events and the Senior Citizens Christmas Party in December –a rewarding thing to do around Christmas is to volunteer a few hours. Words of wisdom for new folk in Cathal brugha St.: Get to know the porters, cleaning staff, maintenance staff, librarians, canteen staff, pub staff and get to know your Students’ Union…because together…we know everything there is to know! 20
CLASS REP CONVENOR: NATHAN COX Before joining DIT Students’ Union, Nathan worked as a trained assassin under the codename Black Thrush. He was as happy as any paid killer could be before he realised that his true calling was to hurt people through words, not bullets. Now he gets his kicks by writing offensive letters to anyone that has an address. Haven’t gotten a letter yet? Don’t worry, you will. His pastimes also include ordering Domino’s at three in the morning and watching television shows
KEVIN STREET aka: kevin street! The worst thing about KEVIN Street That it’s old and shabby, but its still way cool. Best place to eat in or around KEVIN St. is: Probably on Camden Street but its pricey, the SU Shop and the Canteen always have great deals. Best place to have the craic is : The pub!!! We haven’t got a bar on campus but Camden Street is only around the corner! Look out for bargains : Charity Shops!! Aungier Street and Camden Street are full of them! And the Students’ Union Shop, we’ve got yummy insomnia coffee this year! Best kept secret about KEVIN St. is: The Pool and Gym are great, but be sure to check opening times! Most active society in KEVIN St. is: Drama Drama Drama! Most active club in KEVIN St.: The GAA is very active but the Rugby is close behind them. Why is KEVIN St. the best site: Kevin Street students have two things that make ‘em special (1) great work ethic and (2) great sense of humour. Don’t miss out on: Freshers Week! Check out and see the posters for details! Words of wisdom for new folk in KEVIN St.: Have fun enjoy your college experience, but do a little bit of work along the way to cover your arse. And – its been said before, but i’ll say it again – get involved!!
CLASS REP CONVENOR: GRAHAM HAYES Graham was born as Katinka in the former USSR. A difficult childhood meant selling matches on streets of Bognor Regis. Katinka eventually died of frostbite in 1997, but cryogenic technology and a kind ancient billionaire meant that Katinka was reanimated as Graham in the year 2004. Kind ancient billionaire mysteriously died of poisoning in 2005 and left all funds to Graham for education, handbags and accessories (some habits die hard). Graham’s career as a model is fledgling but promising.
Site guide
MOUNTJOY SQUARE aka: da joy / da square The worst thing about mountjoy square? The weird Hogwarts like staircases! Best place to eat in or around mountjoy Sq. is: Hill 16 (great soup & sandwiches) Best place to have the craic is : Down in the Students’ Union, of course! Look out for bargains : In the Chinese restaurants on Parnell St, for a quick chicken Teriyaki on the way home. Best kept secret about mountjoy Sq. is: Our Movie Nights down in the SU, always a bit of craic. Most active society in mountjoy Sq. is: The Reject Soc (everything from Pole dancing classes to table quizzes!) Most active club in mountjoy Sq.: Camogie (Go on the girls!) Why is mountjoy Sq. the best site: We have our very own Father Ted Corner – Careful now, don’t make a mess on the couch! Don’t miss out on: The Art Materialssale each semester Words of wisdom for new folk in mountjoy Sq.: Stay away from the lifts (they creak a bit too much for my liking...) and don’t get lost!! Get stuck in, Join a Society or Club.
CLASS REP CONVENOR: JONATHAN HAYES Two phrases that describe Jonathan are Raconteur and Man about town. It doesn’t matter what town, if Jonathan is in it, he’ll be about it. Jonathan is the proud owner of one of the largest private collections of stamps this side of the equator. Jonathan also owns a time share in an underground lair. He hopes one day to use this to raise awareness about himself. If you like long walks, laughs, being lectured about foreign films and the possibility of world domination, this is the man for you!
RATHMINES aka: the ‘mines The worst thing about RATHMINES? That its a bit further away from everyone else. Best place to eat in or around RATHMINES is: All depends on budget, for just coffee has to be Moda and theres loadsa takeaways nearby. Best place to have the craic is : Some mates gaff before we hit everywhere in Rathmines, Roddy’s on a Tuesday, Toast every other day, Rathmines Inn for the sunny post lecture pint and Tramco 7 nights a week... Look out for bargains : The charity shops and of course we have our own shopping centre with all its suburban glory, the Swan Centre. Best kept secret about RATHMINES is: We’re the best, we see through the charm and get straight to the issues! Most active society in RATHMINES is: Music Ensemble Soc, with gigs going on all the time! Most active club in RATHMINES: Oops, none! Why is RATHMINES the best site: Because we can sing and play the theme tune to ‘’its simply the best, duh duh duh duh, better than all the rest, duh duh duh duh...’’ Don’t miss out on: Calling into the new SU office en route to the library. Words of wisdom for new folk in RATHMINES: Get involved! And remember no question is too small, and no answer too short!
CLASS REP CONVENOR: LORNA GERAGHTY Lorna “The Electric Panda” Geraghty was born in Anchorage, AK to a band of outlaw Eskimos building a giant laser that they hoped would bring warmth and beach tourism to their frozen seaside town. Taken away from Alaska by missionaries, Lorna spent most of her youth somewhere in the Midlands playing soccer, jamming forks into light sockets, and building obstacle courses in her back garden. She believes that one day she will return to her Eskimo origins, as a great and powerful leader, who looks really good in swimwear.
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freshers’ week events
DIT Students’ Union team up with Ulster Bank again for 09/10
DIT Students’ Union and Ulster Bank keep the Freshers smiling
As has been tradition for the past 4 years, DIT Students’ Union and Ulster Bank will be working closely together again for 09/10.
Ulster Bank are doing it again – paying for 1600 DIT Freshers to go to their own Freshers Ball. As usual, Freshers just open an UB account and get a ticket to the Ball – and that’s not all they get. . . as part of the UB offering for first years, those who open an UB open an UB account will also receive the following:
While this benefits 1st years most significantly (see below) – I’m sure ye all remember opening the Ulster Bank account to get a ticket to the Freshers Ball when ye arrived in DIT – it’s not just the fresh-faced Freshers who feel the Ulster Bank goodness. Along with giving us money to throw a helluva Freshers Ball, UB – they’re known as UB to their friends – also get involved in other area of DITSU activity during the year. They will be title sponsors for RAG Week ‘10, which means we get financial support, allowing us to supplement the ticket prices for you lot so ye don’t have to spend as much of your own money to enjoy the events during the week. They also get involved in this very publication allowing us to spend less of you capitation money on producing it. This frees up more money to be used for events, campaigns etc. They will also be teaming with us this year to provide a program of sessions covering practical advice on managing your money and avoiding debt in these recessionary times. Keep an eye out for posters advertising these sessions and do come along. DITSU would like to take this opportunity to thank UB for their ongoing support.
€100 FREE cash money into your account – obviously there are Terms & Conditions involved but the gist of it is that you need to use the account 3 times a month up to Xmas. You’ll get €50 into the account before the end of Dec and then another €50 before the end of January. Be sure to read the full Terms & Conditions so you know the full story. Another benefit to qualifying for the FREE €100 is that you’ll also qualify for a FREE ticket to the BIG Bash in 2nd Semester. The BIG Bash is a gig we do towards the end of 2nd Semester before ye all get down to the hard graft of studying for the summer exams. A free ticket should save you at least another tenner, probably more. Upfront, interest-free overdraft of €650 Transaction Fee-free banking Commission-free foreign exchange €100 off a Toshiba Laptop 4 months free with SquirrelSave There are other benefits too but they’re more boring than all these ones so we’re not gonna bother going into them. Check them all out with at your local UB branch and again, be sure to check all the Terms & Conditions to be sure you’re happy with them.
freshers’ week events
WHEN: Mon 21 sept. Where: spy nightclub tickets: only 5
what: 2 djs, 2 channels, 1 headset and you... why: ‘cos it has to be seen to be believed! wear: your best disco clobber
You haven’t danced till you’ve danced with headphones on your head beside other people with headphones on their heads. They’re listening to one channel and you’re listening to another. They think you dance funny and you KNOW they dance funny. The only sound in the room is you and hundreds of other people singing along to the music. In fairness you could be one of the few who can ACTUALLY sing. It’s impossible to tell though, amidst all those other horribly out of tune people. Pity about them. There are 2 DJs and 2 channels so you’ll always have the option to switch off Celine Dion and hop to The Killers instead. I don’t think they actually play Celine Dion, but you get the point. . . They’ve taken Electric Picnic and Oxegen by storm and played to a packed house for us in Freshers Week last year. There’s footage from the night
floating around somewhere. It has to be seen to be believed! Or. . . better yet, just come along and become this year’s stars of the show! The venue is Spy (check out the map). It’s bang in the middle of the city and it’s a venue with a rustic charm! It’s like partying in your granny’s house, if your granny had one of those old country homes with high ceilings and some old furniture and weird art on the walls and fully stocked bars, but without the cheek pinching and force-feeding of brown bread and apple pie. Oh, and if your granny didn’t mind you and your mates dancing on the furniture. It’ll be a wicked night and experience has told us it’s a great way to kick off the week. Be sure to grab tickets quick for this one as there’s only so much room in Granny’s gaff! Doors: 10pm. Official ID essential
WHEN: Tue 22 sept. Where: dandelion tickets: only 5
what: red carpets, paparazzi and cocktails why: ‘cos you deserve the vip treatment wear: party dresses and smart shirts
For those of you who prefer to party somewhere more plush and posh than Granny’s gaff, then the Tuesday night is for you. We’re rolling out the red carpet, quite literally, and mixing up the cocktails to make you feel like a true VIP, in one of Dublin’s hottest night spots. There’ll be paparazzi on hand so be sure to dress to impress. And if that’s not motivation enough to have you all cracking out your best party dresses, we’ll have prizes for the most stylish people on the night. Come let us treat you like you DESERVE to be treated and enjoy the best in pop and floorfillers all night long. Dandelion is on Stephen’s Green (again, check the map if you need to) and is renowned as one of the best spots in town, with the most beautiful of
crowds. They’re also going to be host to some of our biggest gigs later in 1st Semester and, indeed, in 2nd Semester. . . more on that further on. . . Doors: 10pm. Official ID essential
Special ‘A es s all ar s’ w available thcc ristbands ar at allow yoea freshers’ gigs u entry to the firste 4 for only 10 eu ro... limited q nt ities av once they’rua e gone, theyai’rlable... e gone...
freshers’ week events
WHEN: wed 23 sept. Where: twisted pepper tickets: only 5
worse! what: sword swallowing, fire breathing & why: why not! just don’t try it at home... ! wear: try to outdress the freaks, if you dare
Ok. . . if you’re squeamish, you may as well not even READ this as you may find your stomach beginning to turn a little bit. . . The freaks come out on Wed night in The Twisted Pepper. We’ve got the Brayndead Freakshow peeps coming along to wow us with their weirdness. They were a huge hit on The Podge and Rodge Show when they were challenged with freaking out the delicate Mr. Daithí O’ Sé, now, granted, THAT wasn’t their greatest challenge I’d imagine but, by god – as the man says – they managed it big time! They do all sorts – fire-breathing, sword swallowing, power drill in the nose, glass & razor blade eating, human ashtray, eyelid weight lifting, straight pin up the nose and out the eye, belly bullseye, flesh stapling, knife-throwing and so on and so forth. . .
It’s gonna be a ‘different’ sort of night and we’ll have banging tunes to keep it all goin too. Twisted Pepper is a wicked little spot. They don’t take themselves too seriously and are welcoming to us freaks, both performers and customers alike! Doors: 10pm. Official ID essential
SAVE MONEY! wristbands are Special ‘Access all areas’ ry to the first 4 ent you ow all t tha available 10 euro... y onl for s gig freshers’ le... limited quantities availab ne... go e y’r the ne, go e y’r the e onc
WHEN: thur 24 sept. Where: the big tree tickets: only 5
.. what: paint party and full moon shenanigans. why: who doesn’t like playing with paint? t on! wear: something you don’t mind getting pain
Full Moon parties are always good! Throw in some madness with paint – hint for ya, don’t wear your BEST clothes – and it’s guaranteed to be a good night! We promise. So if you’re still standing after the 1st 3 nights of the week, join us.
P.S. Best way to find the Big Tree? Follow the moon. . . we sh*t ye not. . . follow the moon. . . haha. . . it’s on Dorset St. over near DIT Bolton St. . . but, seriously, follow the moon. . . it’ll all make sense on the night – we promise!
If you’ve a white T shirt you’d like to brighten up a bit, bring it along and if ye are VERY good during the week we may just fling out a load of white Tees for ye to let your artistic streaks go wild on! Aside from all that the music will be savage – it always is in the Big Tree.
It’s a mad party. Pure and simple. We don’t pretend it’s anything else.
The Big Tree is famed for hosting some of the greatest DIT nights in anyone’s memory (ask anyone about last years Farmers Ball during RAG Week. Pssst. . . don’t be too upset ya missed it, we’re gonna do it again for this year’s RAG) and we’re gonna introduce ye to it’s charms early on in your DIT lives.
Come play. The Big Tree is on the map - same one all the other ones are on. Doors: 9pm. Official ID essential
freshers’ week events
0 prize! what: a cultural treasure hunt with a 100 WHEN: fri 25 sept. why: to have fun and see more of the city Where: across the city in your su office tickets: register for free who: teams of 4. register Friday night is Dublin Night of Culture and there are some amazing events going on throughout the city. It’s a great night to get out and about and learn a bit about all the good stuff your home for the next few years has got goin on. There are all sorts of wonderful places staying open late and hundreds of free events and performances and it’s all for FREE. Check it all out at For our part. . . we’ve teamed up with DIT Societies Office and what we’re gonna do is, to encourage you all to get out there and enjoy the night, run a competition, a treasure hunt of sorts. You get together in teams of 4 for the night, we give you a list of places to go visit and take a photo of yourselves at. Then the teams who complete the task and get pics in all
the spots, will be in with a shot of winning €1000 cash money for the team! That’s €250 each, I’m reliably informed! That’s good money for a few hours work exploring Dublin. All details on how to sign up etc. will be available from the Students’ Union and DIT Societies Office during Freshers Week. Get out there! REgister in your local su office.
WHEN: tue 29 sept. Where: the Academy when you open an tickets: FREE ulster bank account
s it is! what: it’s a back to school theme, uniform se who: fred, codes, demolition twin djs, bluemoo e smash hits 90s band and so much mor
So. . . ye get a few days to recover after the madness that is Freshers Week and then we hit ye with the piece-de-resistence – The Freshers Ball. Ulster Bank sponsor it – thank you Ulster Bank – which means all ye need to do is open an Ulster Bank account to get your free ticket. Ulster Bank even give ye free money as part of opening the account! Seriously, they’re very generous those people. Be sure to check out all the stuff ye can get from them just for opening the account.
Headlining the night, on the main stage, back by popular demand after their Freshers Week gig last year are Fred. We got them last year just before they went over to North America and took over the place – apparently the Canadians go MAD for them!
The Freshers’ Ball happens in The Academy (it’s on the map) and is 4 floors of absolute madness.
They’ve had seriously positive press from all corners of the Irish music industry too:
It’s the biggest Back to School gig you’ll probably ever be to so we hope ye haven’t thrown out those uniforms! If ye have, then go buy a new one and enjoy one last night as a naughty school kid!
‘Startlingly good music’ [Hotpress] ‘Fred are a breath of fresh air’ [Tribune] ‘This is terrific stuff’ [The Sunday Business Post] – who knew THEY listened to good music?!
They’re a Cork-based 5 piece and you may not even have heard of them, but, to be fair, neither had the majority of those at Freshers last year who demanded we get them back!
freshers’ week events Supporting them will be Codes. Signed to EMI Records and being promoted by MCD, these guys are going to be massive. Unless you reside under a rock then you’ve heard their tune ‘This is Goodbye’ as it’s being given massive radio play at the moment, and rightly so! It’s a ridiculously catchy tune and a start to what will surely be a huge career for them. Check them out at Where normal gigs see a dj rounding off the night after the headline act, we do it slightly different here in DIT. Once Codes and Fred have set ye up nicely, we send out the greatest covers band this country has ever seen, and perennial DIT favourites, Bluemoose to rock your ickle knee high socks off. They rock. Simple as and they’ll keep the party going. Guaranteed. Check out the hardest working band in Ireland at
If electro is more your scene then we’ve got you covered on the middle floor with Demolition Twin tearing it up. Demolition Twin are a Dublinbased duo who have recently pooled their considerable talents to perform together. They’ve played everywhere good in the city and are now being poached to go to the UK and the US so we’ve commandeered them for the Freshers Ball, before they disappear. Check out their brand new Myspace at Now. . . if you truly miss the 90s then the basement is where it’s at. We’re gonna have the Smash Hits 90s Band down there playing all the favourites. From Mr. Vain to It’s My Life, it’ll take ya back and have you reminiscing of days long past! Check hem out on the ‘ol Youtube.
Aside from all that, yes, there’s more. We’ll have aerialists hanging from the ceiling, girls with infeasibly large snakes doing the rounds among the crowd, people doing crazy things with fire and much much more. And it’s all for free, for you. Just get in there and open that Ulster Bank account. You won’t want to miss this. Believe us.
Demolition Twin DJs
Doors: 10pm. Official ID essential
events team needed:
ting team is always The DITSU Events & Marke individuals who fun , ing looking for outgo in the events side of want to get involved the year. things during check out page 36 for more
rag 2010 Yes, we know full well it’s the start of 1st Semester but, believe us, it’s gonna fly and before you know it it’s gonna be January and you’ll be finishing exams and facing into 2nd Semester and RAG Week. Here in the Events and Marketing Dep’t we start working on RAG Week as early as possible so we can ensure as much exposure and money raised for the charity as possible. So we’ve already been meeting about RAG and are already planning events for the week. This year’s RAG Week is in Week 6 of 2nd Semester, the week of 8th March and the charity chosen by you, the students, at Governing Council this year is Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Crumlin in partnership with the Children’s Medical & Research Foundation. Just have a read of the letter across the page to see what difference your money can make. With that in mind we’re delighted to be working on their behalf this year and we look forward to you all getting involved and helping us raise as much money as possible. Keep an eye on the RAG section of the website during the year ( ) as we’ll be keeping it updated with the various events etc we’re planning for RAG. We’ll also be compiling a list of fund-raising ideas to help you get involved. Every year some of the best ideas for fund-raising are ones ye come up with yourselves, so contact us with any ideas, no matter how wild or crazy!
A letter to dit students from the CMRF: The Childrens Medical & Research Foundation (CMRF) is the fundraising charity for Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Crumlin. CMRF works with individuals, community groups, corporate partners and schools and colleges to raise money for the hospital. We provide supplementary income into the hospital for capital projects, medical treatment, research and training and education. We rely solely on the generosity and goodwill of the Irish public to carry out our work. CMRF has funded capital projects in the hospital including the Medical Tower which cost an estimated 14 Million Euro; this entire building was built through fundraised money. We are currently raising funds to upgrade the Accident and Emergency Department in the hospital and this will cost over One Million Euros. CMRF has also funded medical equipment such as incubators, air ambulance equipment, anaesthetic equipment, ophthalmology equipment, heart monitors and a lot more. CMRF also buys toys, tv’s, DVD’s, stereos and helps provide other entertainment for the hospital including the Clown Doctors who spend time playing and talking with children and young people. CMRF funds the research that takes place in the hospital; this research is vital to improving children’s health care and is recognised world wide. Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital is the biggest children’s hospital and children from all over Ireland are treated there. Over 100,000 children pass through the doors of Our lady’s Children’s Hospital which is the national centre for oncology, burns and cardiology. The foundation works with the most amazing kind and generous people who have come together for such a positive reason, to raise money for a children’s hospital. These people are making a huge impact and contribution to helping improve the care given to sick children. Without the support of our fundraisers we could not continue our work. CMRF would like to thank DIT for choosing us as their chosen charity and we look forward to working with you to raise money for Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital.
SU Events Team The DITSU Events & Marketing team is alway s looking for outgoing, fun individuals who want to get involved in the event s side of things during the year. All sorts of jobs come up along the way: - Fund-raising for charity - Planning the most vile food for iron stomach competitions - Helping bands set up equipment - Handing out flyers for events and campaigns - Running around like a headless chicken during events - taking the mic and keeping things going during lunchtimes - Putting up and taking down posters for event s - Picking unsuspecting students for blind date competitions . . . basically, whatever fun stuff needs doing
The Events Team get involved in everything going and the rewards are seemingly endless. . . seriously. . .:T shirts, goodies, partie s, valuable CV fodder and most importantly that warm fuzzy feeling in your tumm y you get from doing something good. So if you’re interested, just drop an email into events@ditsu .ie with ‘Events Team’ in the subject line telling us why you want to get involved. We look forward to hearing from you!
SU campaigns crew FINANCE you don’t know – you soon will) or Whether it’s WELFARE , S.H.A.G. (if also need a We en. happ ic mag the e mak to Week , we need lots of volunteers bananas the show on the road. From delivering the few CREW as well though, to keep nas, bana the g agin man ering info and to manning the info stands and deliv campus are available each on ions posit CREW two or possibilities are endless. One be paid. throughout the year and these will on a practical level and commit So if you would like to get involved paign weeks please email Aimee cam some hours to the Union during big her know why you would like to on and let pus you are based on. cam h whic and lved get invo
dandeLIVE great acts at a small price
DIT Students’ Union and Dandelion are pleased to announce a series of gigs over the course of the academic year, which will include 4 of Ireland’s top touring bands at a price unseen anywhere else on the island. The DandeLIVE gigs – haha, see what we did there? We thought we were RIGHT clever with that one – will see two happening in 1st Semester in November building up to another two in 2nd Semester, all being held in Dandelion on Stephens Green. 1st Semesters gigs should see Fight Like Apes return for a DIT gig after their spectacular performance at the RAG Ball this year. Such was the delight of the 1000+ people present on the night, that we knew we’d have to do another gig with them, sooner rather than later.We were hoping to do Republic of Loose in 1st Semester too but looks like their schedule will force that one into 2nd Semester, so if you have a suggestion of a good live Irish band we should look at doing mail The far side of Christmas will see The Blizzards and The Coronas for two separate headline gigs. After the Coronas brought the house down in Dandelion
to kick off RAG Week last year, we all saw how wicked a night can be had in there with a great band and so we set out to put the DandeLIVE gigs together. The Blizzards. . .well, what can ya say about them that hasn’t been said before. Never ones to disappoint on stage, Bressie and the lads will be back to get us all screaming and roaring. Most likely scenario is that The Coronas will play during RAG Week, as they’re putting together a special RAG show to go out on the road with. The best thing about these gigs? Well, there are a couple of great things about these gigs actually: Firstly: The ticket price – tickets for the DandeLIVE gigs will be a mere €8 presales in your local SU and then €12 on the door. Now, here’s a ickle experiment for you - check out how much it’ll cost you to see these acts around the country in other venues.You won’t find anything to compare to the value we’re giving you here. We’re not looking to make a load of money on these gigs. We’re simply looking to provide these acts to ye at as low a price as possible. Secondly: Dandelion will also do their part by laying on student-friendly drink prices so, all-in-all, a great night out will definitely not be breaking the bank. 39
governing council The Governing Council also establishes subcommittees, who have specific responsibility to a department, or an area of interest. The four main sub-committees, as dictated by the Students’ Union Constitution are: Academic and Student Affairs Sub-Committee Chief Ops and Communications Sub-Committee Services and Trading Sub-Committee Clubs and Socs Guild This is your opportunity to make a difference in how the Students’ Union is run, and to challenge your Sabbatical Officers to make sure they are constanty working in the students best interest. If you would like to make a change, this is the most direct way that you can input into the Students’ Union and make a difference to your campus, and your student life. The Sabbatical Officers are at the fore front of any decisions made in DIT. They sit on various DIT committees as representatives for the student body, and report back to the students via Governing Council, so you may feed back to your fellow students. Important issues that rose last year included:
DIT Students’ Union Governing Council is an exciting way to get involved at the highest level of the Students’ Union decision making process. The main role of Governing Council is to set out policies for the Students’ Union, by submitting motions to the council, debating and voting on them, and to oversee the work that the Union does – by reviewing the Plans of Work that each department produces annually. Any registered student is entitled to run for the position of Governing Councillor, and each site is entitled to a specific number of Councillors, depending on the number of registered students on that site. Your Class Rep Convenor, and the Vice-Presidents and President are all automatically members of the Governing Council. Elections for Governing Council, and any other democratic positions are held at your local Class Rep Meeting.
The fees issue - where a debate was held, as well as the two protests in Dublin The DIT White Paper (an orga.nisational change within DIT) – a question and answer session was held with the President of the Insititute. Election Hustings (Sabbatical and USI elections) – a meeting was held in Dublin City Chambers, with the Lord Mayor of Dublin opening the session. Choosing the DIT Rag Charity for 09/10 Academic Year. End of year Inauguration Ceremony of the newly elected Sabbatical Officers. Governing Council meets on average once a month, and alternates between Northside and Southside campuses. If you have any queries about Governing Council, or would like to get involved in the Council itself, or any other democratic positions that are available, please contact Claire Healey on 01 402 2940 or or call into your local SSA. Go on- get involved!
walk in the park
walk in the park see some sights, raise some dough
Well well well, what is this walk in a park all about then, eh? It is going to be a great day and an opportunity for every single student in DIT to get involved and have a fun day out of the city! We are planning to bring hundreds of you to Glendalough (Wicklow) to raise money for this years RAG Charity; Children’s Medical & Research Foundation, of Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Crumlin.
The walk itself is as short as you want it to be but not as long as you want it, we have a set of marshals set and ready to rock and roll in case you get lost. The first aiders will there on site also in case you have a problem with your zipper or something mad like that! We’ll be leaving between 9 – 9.30am on the day and heading back around 4 – 4.30pm in the afternoon.
I don’t want to hear ‘aaah I’ll leave it cos its going to rain’ or ‘I just couldn’t be bothered’. Come on folks get involved and have some fun away from college for one day out of the year! It’s going to be great. You can pick up a sponsorship card in any of our DITSU offices and bring some money in or you can just pay €10 to join us on the day! All money is going direct to the RAG charity so you can be sure that it’s money well spent.
So, what do you need to bring with you for the 8th of October? • Track suit bottoms, runners or boots, a tshirt, a hoody, a small day pack. • €10 for the day and some pocket money for sweets and fizzy drinks! • WATER, yes water, you will be thirsty and you don’t want to be like a dog with your tongue hanging out. • A sense of humor is very important!
There may be a little surprise on the day and a chance to win a little trip around the lake but we can’t tell you about that yet as its the people with the very very expensive equipment that need to get the go ahead so they can come along and have some fun with us!
Let’s raise some money and have fun doing it! The only thing left to say is that its going to be a great day out, so come along and have some good clean fun in the sun (well, we hope so.. fingers crossed eh?) - Sean
SO, WHAT’S THIS CLASS REP SYSTEM ABOUT THEN? Class reps have to be elected so the sabbaticals and part time convenors can do the job they’re paid to do. It’s your money paying their wages, so have a say in what they’re doing for you and your class. The system ensures that ALL students have a voice on whatever subject the have an interest in whether it be assignments, timetables, facilities, free stuff, events, RAG week etc. INTERESTING, SO WHAT DOES A CLASS REP DO? a) Go to meetings (we’ll give you a free lunch!) and get back to your class with any queries they had or anything that concerns them which is discussed. b) Let your sabbaticals/union staff know if your class is having any difficulties so we can help. c) Fill your classmates in on events, promotions, offers and free stuff. Call down to us if you want to organise a class party, we can probably get ye deals and freebies – think van wilder without the lube and dodgy pastries! Actually we have free lube sometimes too! d) Have a laugh! OK, WHAT KIND OF EXPERIENCE DO I NEED? Ha, NONE – that’s the beauty of it!! As long as your reliable, enthusiastic and sensitive to other peoples concerns, just put your name down, and fingers crossed when you get the position, we’ll bring you away overnight for training to a hotel. You and 200 others that is, so let the party begin!
Any registered student can put himself or herself forward to become a Class Rep. the Elected Officers will be doing the rounds and electing Reps in the classes over the course of the next few weeks.
CLASS REP recruitment But don’t just take our word for it. Have a gander at these reccommendations: Jen Jordan
Ken Gallagher
- SU Vice President
- Garda
I didn’t run for class rep in first year - it’s my biggest and I think only regret from college...I didn’t get involved fast enough.
I am currently working as a member of An Garda Siochana based in Store St in Dublin. (We cover Bolton St and Cathal Brugha St so watch out!) However before figuring out that I was too thick for any other job I attended DIT Aungier St where I got my Certificate in Transport Management. I also was the Class Rep for my course.
I came all the way up from Cork not knowing anyone up here in Dublin, and if I’m to be completely honest I was bloody terrified!! There was no f**king way I was standing in front of a room of 40 strangers and asking them to vote for me, the very thought of it made me sweat!! BUT the following year, I’d come out of my shell a bit, gotten to know my class and thought what the hell, sher I’ve nothing to lose and just like that I was class rep! I went along to training, met 150 other people in the same boat as myself and I started having an absolute ball in college getting to know everyone. Plus on the days when I was feeling lazy, the free food at meetings always kept me coming! Don’t forget: Being a class reps looks A1 on a CV, any jobs I’ve gone for I’ve always been asked about it, employers like someone who can handle a bit of responsibility and cope with lots of different people – you’ll definitely be able to handle that after a class rep experience. Class reps are the link form the students and DIT to the union. We can’t resolve issues and organise parties if we don;t know what ye want. It takes a pair of steel balls to do it, but if I hadn’t decided to stand up that day, there’s no way I’d be Vice President today, and trust me, that would have been the biggest regret of my life, not just college. So, suck it up, grab the bull by the balls and get into the thick of it. I promise, it’ll be worth every second!
Being Class Rep gave me invaluable experience for my current job, for example dealing with members of the public and dealing with people in authority. As Class Rep you have to try and please both parties in which you are in the middle. This means you really learn how to compromise and then sell your solution to both parties. In my course we had a very small number of hours a week, scattered over each day of the week. To deal with this I was able to have our timetable changed so that we had no college on a Friday at all! did this by arranging class rooms, clearing it with the relevant lecturers and then presenting it to the Head of the course, so by having it all sorted the Head of the course couldn’t argue. Apart from the work bit, as a Class Rep you get to make some great friends outside your own course and some really valuable contacts in and around the college. Plus there’s no shortage of sessions after meetings and on a serious side if in later years you have any interest in becoming an active member of your union it will benefit you considerably. If you get the chance to be Class Rep – go for it!
Bob Coggins – CEO of
Prof. Brian Norton - President of DIT At DIT we value enormously the active input of our students in decisions regarding the delivery of their programme of study and in the development of Institute policy more generally. There is strong student representation on the full range of bodies throughout the Institute including Programme Committees, Faculty Boards, Academic Council and the Governing Body. Obviously for such a system of representation to work there need to be representatives! I would therefore strongly encourage all students to consider putting themselves forward as class representatives. In addition to the important role of representing your classmates, being a class rep will also provide you with significant experience in advocacy and will give you an insight into decision-making processes in DIT; for many students these are invaluable skills for their future careers. Without students there would be no DIT, so please do become involved to help us strive to provide a truly student-centred learning experience.
The role of Class Rep is much more than being the party organiser and the loudest person in the class, although these may be the most enjoyable parts! Elected Class Rep in first year, I became the defacto voice for the class, and ensured the whole class was happy with how we were dealt with by the college. The fact that the class rep system is so well recognised in DIT is a credit to the Students’ Union and the college, and it should be exploited to its full potential. A lot of colleges don’t have as much emphasis on student participation in the education system, and suffer as a result. Don’t miss the opportunity to argue with lecturers, Heads of Department, and the Students’ Union where necessary. It’s an experience you’ll never forget. I ended up being Ents officer, and President of the Students’ Union, but lots of my friends who were Class Reps went out into the workforce and became the people who bring and hold groups together. They become the leaders, the managers, the key opinion formers and the backbone of their respective communities. Take the opportunity when it arises to make a difference, have your voice heard, and amplify the voices of your classmates.
Hold onto your hard-earned: Kevin Street:
Aungier Street:
Term-Time opening hours: Mon - Thurs: 8.30am - 7pm, 8.30am - 5pm Fri
Term-Time opening hours: Mon - Thurs: 8.30am - 6pm, 8.30am - 5pm Fri
This shop stocks: ECTI books and electrician tools, Lab coats, safety glasses & spatulas for lab.
This shop can cater for the Student Travelcard and is also a Ticketmaster outlet.
Reduced priced papers, Foo go & Weight watchers sandwiches & Insomnia coffee
Reduced priced papers, Foo go & Weight watchers sandwiches & Insomnia coffee
Bolton Street:
Cathal Brugha Street:
Term-Time opening hours: Mon - Thurs: 8.30am - 6pm, 8.30am - 4pm Fri
Term-Time opening hours: Mon - Thurs: 8.30am - 4.30pm, 8.30am - 3pm Fri
Competitively priced, freshly made Deli sandwiches. This shop is also a Ticketmaster outlet.
This shop stocks: Chefs uniforms & accounting books
Reduced priced papers & Insomnia coffee
Reduced priced papers, Foo go & Weight watchers sandwiches & Insomnia coffee
Mountjoy Square: Term-Time opening hours: Mon - Thurs: 8.30am - 5pm, 8.30am - 3pm Fri Reduced priced papers, Foo go & Weight watchers sandwiches
Words: Ornagh Cunningham
I had never really considered the phrase “spending money like water”, until I realised just how much of my money I actually spend on water. Water, or diet coke, or coffee. Or the occasional bagel. Or a magazine, some chewing gum, a croissant and phone credit. My consumption varies from day to day- I might spend ten euro or I might spend a hundred. One thing I noticed was that a large chunk of my cash was spent even before I’d been paid- I owed my mother a hundred and twenty, one hundred and forty on my credit card, there were more expensive items I planned to buy- nearly a third of my paycheque had disappeared within a day of it appearing in my account. Keeping a money diary makes you very aware of how much you spend. It’s so easy to ignore basic necessities like transport when you’re budgeting. I like to think I’m a responsible spender- I’ll look out for lunch deals, or I’ll try to do a lot of my shopping in seasonal sales, or vintage stores- I think you need to strike a balance between living a lifestyle you enjoy, and one that’s within your means, and while I try to do that, I seem to be able to rationalise away spending seventy euro on a cardigan, a cardigan I’m not even one hundred percent sure I like. It’s hard to keep track of money you’re spending if it’s not physical money. If you use a laser card or a credit card for most or a lot of your purchases you don’t notice the exact amounts you spend, or how quickly it’s adding up. I’ve started to use Ebay a lot more recently, and when all it takes to buy something is a couple of clicks and hey presto, it’s at your house in a few days, it’s far too easy to ignore just how much you’re buying.
Another thing that struck me, hard, in the face, with a wad of fifties, is the “false economy”. This little scumbag lurks in “buy two, get one half price” bins full of face wipes, or in the extra large packets of crisps I’m not able to finish, or in the slightly cheaper sandwich choice which I don’t really like, but I’ll get anyway, because it’s JUST SO BLOODY CHEAP, YOU CAN’T GO WRONG. You can go wrong. You can go far wrong, very wrong and terribly wrong. I buy a lot of body products in Boots, and I don’t mean a majority of what I buy, I mean an awful lot in general. I have a Boots card, and because I once read a sign in Boots that said it was the “most generous rewards scheme in Ireland” I decided to shop there exclusively and use my Boots card with every purchase, not really considering that Boots is more expensive or that I’m not the kind of person who actually carries a wallet everywhere, and therefore a rewards card, nor the kind of person who’ll retain a receipt to get my points later. It’s the same story with my bagel factory loyalty card, or my B.B’s loyalty card, or maybe even my college coffee shop rewards card- sure I eat there faithfully, but apart from shampoo and delicious pastries, do I ever actually reap any rewards? Heeeelllll no. If you see me on the second of September I’ll be paying entry to a club, and drinking in a pub, maybe drinking several drinks, probably buying you a drink, and all from the bar- height of luxury, me. Come see me on the twenty seventh and you’ll find me sneaking a shoulder of Tesco’s ironically named Imperial Vodka in my bra, into the free-in Palace, and considering walking home or crying to the driver of the Nitelink that my friends deserted me and stole my wallet in the process. I spend a massive amount of money on nights out, as all students do- it’s a huge drain. My mother says “Life is full of responsibilitiesyou can’t just go around the entire time enjoying life” and while I don’t like to ever admit it, she’s right- I can’t, because I simply can’t afford to. Keeping a money diary has worked in one of two ways- it’s made me very aware of the crazy amounts I spend on things I don’t need, money I waste on things I could buy more cheaply, and money I spend that I don’t even technically have- credit card purchases are very easy to forget about until next month. It hasn’t, however, changed my spending habits- that’s next month’s plan.
Photography: Oonagh Cunningham Model: Jenny Whelan All featured clothes from WaWa, Aungier Street.
autumn magic looking good on a budget
Fur hat €6 Faux fur coat €10 Pink shorts €3, Black stilettos €6, Black leather handbag €4
Grey Jersey sweater €4 Denim high waist shorts €4 Black shiny crop top €3
Red shoes €6 Blue jersey shorts €3 Pink high necked shirt €3.50 Check jacket €6.50
Mans shirt €4 Dress worn as skirt €7 White waist belt €3
Words: Ciaran Nevin
property blabber Ciaran heads out with €100 in his pocket, and a simple goal: prove that any student can kit out their new home on the cheap. Here he recalls his experience... A long long time ago, as a first year class rep, I remember hearing horrifying accommodation related stories in class rep meetings. Stories of homeless students having to stay in hostels with German backpackers and English Hens (Most likely looking for their last frankfurter before they took the plunge). It was during the height of the Celtic Tiger and as a result student accommodation was over-priced and under-maintained. Back home in Leitrim you could buy a tin of USA assorted biscuits for 10 pound auld money, whereas in Dublin the honour of living in a biscuit tin in Glasnevin would cost you €150, and they wouldn’t even throw in the pink wafers. The sad thing is that while accommodation is not quite as over-priced it is most definitely as poorly maintained So along comes the dreaded R-word, and suddenly students are better off than most (not including fees, stricter grant payments and the fact that our parents can’t afford to help us that is). Deflation and lower rents mean that it is a lot cheaper to live in Dublin than just a few years ago. The sad thing is that while accommodation is not quite as over-priced it is most definitely as poorly maintained. If the late Frank McCourt had returned to education before his death he would certainly have been able to knock another Angela’s Ashes out of his misery and dismay with the standards of student accommodation in our capital. For the first time in over a decade, students face unemployment, fees and a reduction of services in general.
Many of these things are outside of our direct control, so the easiest way to combat the pressure is to save money where you can. And so the challenge begins… This article will prove that a student can kit out their Aportmint, Pad, Flah, or Crib for less than €100. F*ck it anyhow its Sunday, Guiney’s is closed! The day I set out to do my big supermarket sweep happened to be All Ireland Hurling Final Day, so I had the advantage of not feeling too out of place in the big Schmoke. This was not quite the case when walking up Talbot St. from Bus Áras, I was seen by many locals to exclaim “F*ck it anyhow its Sunday, Guiney’s is closed!”. With Frawley’s of Thomas St. having closed some years ago, it became apparent that I would not be able to tour the usual Culchie Comfort Zones of Dublin’s fair city. Instead globalisation and all things capitalist would receive an all round endorsement as I filled bag after bag with modern essentials. Indeed we all have Adam Smith to thank for the fact that even as the shit is hitting the fan in the capitalist world we can still have a clean toilet (Tesco toilet brush €1.90). We can sleep safe and warm in our bed thanks to German efficiency (Aldi duvet, two pillows, mattress cover €17.99). We can dine in relative civility, thanks to a shop where civility is not generally a staff requirement (Argos 24 piece cutlery set €7.29). So the list goes on, between these three retailers I was able to keep within budget and buy;
sweeping brush €4.99; mop €4.12; toaster €6.99; kettle €9.99; bed linen €8.83; knife block complete with knives €3.79; 4 white mugs €1.56; 4 bowls, side plates and dinner plates €6.49; 3 piece saucepan set €8.75; frying pan €1.95; dustpan and brush €0.85; tea-towel €2.49; all important spud peeler €0.47; knowing that the Celtic tiger didn’t force you to bend over and take it – Priceless. And so the total arrived at €88.47, leaving just enough for a housewarming bottle of wine, crackers, and condoms. There are plenty of arguments against buying the cheapest things possible, such as false economy, buying Irish, anti-globalisation, or bitter memories of being able to afford designer toilet brushes. Before I leave you, I want to settle each of these points. In terms of false economy it is true that the cheap toaster may break before a dear one, but its also true that one of your housemates may return drunk some night and decide to dry his Calvin Klein’s in it. The cheap stuff will most likely last a year, and if your fellow hooligan inhabitants incorporate it into some sort of sexual perversion, its not the end of the world. So wake up and smell the stench of failed communist bullsh*t When it comes to buying Irish, or being anti globalisation, the argument really becomes childish. As with anything you buy wherever offers the better value. After all, many of our exports are so successful because they offer better value in foreign markets. It’s a global economy, and we are all the better of it, so wake up and smell the stench of failed communist bullsh*t. As far as buying brands goes, if you are in a position to buy branded mops, you must surely have only read this article for its immense entertainment value. In that case, I hope you enjoyed the communist bashing, Ladas never were that stylish now were they? But surely there young Nevin, the €88.47 speaks for itself, why are you pushing the point? Well you are right, it does speak for itself, but it also says a lot more. For the first time in many years, this country is a buyers market. Our emerald isle is awash with value. It proves that when the markets are left to their own devices the consumer benefits. For years house prices and rent prices were artificially inflated through regulation and tax incentives. The market was not let find its own balance and so like Fianna Fails poll performance, it crumbled. The consumer threw money at whatever they wanted and inevitably were put over a barrel and gang raped. The drive for value is a drive for efficiency, the fittest will survive and rightly so. Now take a minute to consider this before turning the page: One can kit out a flat for less than €100, buy a plane ticket for incredible value, buy clothes at up to 70% off, or buy a few cans for a night in for almost nothing. However, if one needs an education, healthcare, a train, or bus, the barrel is rolled back in (prices are continuously on the up). Why?
Dublin: On the cheap... Culture Night - 25th September Ok, by the time some of you are reading this, Culture Night may well have been and gone. If so, then place it somewhere in your subconscious and store it for next year and be sure to clue yourself in to what’s going on. Billed as a ‘night of entertainment, discovery and adventure in Dublin city’, there are over 120 arts and cultural organisations staying open late so that you can dip your virgin toe into the world of arts and culture. With hundreds of free events, talks, tours and performances, if you can’t find something going on to tickle your fancy, well, quite frankly, your fancy probably deserves to be left untickled. Horse Market – 4th October Smithfield Plaza Ok, being a Ballinasloe man, I’ve long been aware of the entertainment a horse fair can bring and, believe it or not, the first Sunday of every month sees Smithfield Plaza taken over by horsies and men selling horsies and all that goes along with such activities. This is well worth a look – at least once anyway! Jazz in The George – Sundays 16.30-18.00 Yes, The George is a gay bar. No it doesn’t mean you’re gay if you go in there! On Sundays they’ve got Zrazy playing jazz in the late afternoon. Jazz is good, people. Get in there and figure that out for yourselves. The Zodiac Sessions – Wednesdays 8.30pm Bruxelles There are a host of regular open mic nights in various venues around the city, and this is one of our favourite ones. Stop by and you may see the stars of the future many moons before they soar skyward to superstardom.
ONE FREE TICKET with PLUS ONE (for the guest of your choice) to
EVERY SINGLE DITSU GIG THIS YEAR 2009 - 2010 To enter: Just log onto Answer the 3 simple questions (hint - check the rest of the website)
& submit your email address Simples! Closing date for draw is Friday 02nd October at 5pm Draw takes place Saturday 03rd September Winner will be notified by email on Monday 05th September You must be a registered DIT student to enter.
Sign Up to join any of over 120 amazing Clubs & Societies Joining costs just €2 - €5
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s b u Cl d
28th Sept - 1st Oct ‘09 in your college
s c o S Fe stiva l an
Sign Up Days Aungier Street Kevin Street Rathmines Bolton Street Mountjoy Square Cathal Brugha St Portland Row
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