SEPT. 6-8, 2022 CAESARS FORUM / LAS VEGAS SCHEDULEEVENT + FLOOR PLAN SEPTEMBERTUESDAY,6 Pre-Conference Programming, Workshops, Outdoor Flying Demos, Welcome Happy Hour Note: Exhibits are ONLY open for Happy Hour SEPTEMBERWEDNESDAY,7 Conference Programming, Keynotes, Exhibits, Networking Reception SEPTEMBERTHURSDAY,8 Conference Programming, Keynotes, Exhibits VERTICAL FOCUS. GLOBAL REACH. THE COMMERCIAL UAV EVENT FOR: Construction &EnergyUtilities Forestry & Agriculture &InfrastructureTransportation Public Safety & Emergency Services Security &SurveyingMappingMining & AggregatesDeliveryDrone Presented by Produced by

Welcome! On behalf of our entire team, welcome to Commercial UAV Expo.
The commercial UAS industry has grown and evolved since our launch in 2015, but our mission has remained the same: to provide commercial drone professionals the single best resource for accessing the very latest commercial UAS technology; insightful education that enables you to define an ROI; and an unparalleled opportunity to make and foster valuable connections. We’re confident that this year’s event, the largest in our history, will accomplish just that. Over 225 top solutions providers from 26 countries will be displaying the newest generation technology on a sold-out exhibit floor. More than 180 experts will provide critical information in sessions that cover universal topics like regulatory issues to the particular nuances of a single industry, as well as workshops, trainings, outdoor flying demonstrations, exhibitor showcases, and more. An abundance of networking events and a mobile app and networking lounge, The HUB, powered by DroneUp, ensure you’ll connect with all the right people. It’s all here for you. Thank you for being here to learn, connect, and drive the industry forward.
Download the Mobile App2
Lee Corkhill Jeremiah Karpowicz Group Event Director Group Editorial Director
Social Responsibility
Sustainability Pledge As a leader in the global expositions and conference industry, Diversified Communications, the organizer of Commercial UAV Expo, recognizes its responsibility to understand and prioritize actions to reduce the carbon impact of the events it produces. Learn what we are doing at Commercial UAV Expo this year, and what you can do to help. UAV Empower UAV Empower is part of Diversified Communications’ Diversity, Equity + Inclusion efforts to drive discussions and actively advance the principles of racial equality, social justice, and inclusion. Through these efforts, we aim to influence and encourage an ecosystem for the open exchange of ideas and the ongoing pursuit of best practices. Learn more about Commercial UAV Expo’s DEI initiative and how we can support your efforts in this area.
Commercial UAV Expo is accountable and committed to contributing to the well-being of communities and society through environmental and social measures.

Download the Commercial UAV Expo Mobile App using the QR code or visit mobile-app. Login with the e-mail and password you used to register and set up your mobile app profile. If you did not set up your profile in advance, use your badge ID to login and create your profile. Use the mobile app to view the event agenda, exhibitor list, keynotes and speakers and plan your schedule - all of the event information you need is at the tip of your fingers! Start networking! The mobile app includes networking features that will recommend other drone professionals to connect with and meet. Review your recommendations and show interest in attendees and exhibitors. Once mutual interest is established, a connection is made and you’ll be able to live chat throughout the show or set up time for a one-on-one meeting in the official networking lounge, The HUB, sponsored by DroneUp, in the Exhibit Hall.
Tuesday,HOURS:September 6: 5:30PM - 6:30PM Wednesday, September 7: 10:00AM - 7:00PM Thursday, September 8: 10:00AM - 2:00PM 3
Network:WIFI Forum Meeting
Password: DroneUp EVENT MOBILE APP POWERED BY Your necessary tool for a successful event experience!
WIFI Powered by COME NETWORK AT The official networking hub of the exhibit hall floor.
The HUB is where networking takes place on the show floor! You can reserve a table in advance for meetings scheduled through the Mobile App Powered by DroneUp, or utilize open seating conveniently located in The HUB in the middle of the show floor. Have questions about how to use the Mobile App to get the most out of the event? Stop by and find out more!

4 Download the Mobile App Meeting Space 31 3 31 2 31 1 30 8 30 7 30 6 30 5 30 4 30 3 30 2 30 1 31 0 30 9 32 0 32 1 11 9 1 2 0 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 2 4 1 2 5 13 3 13 2 13 1 1 2 7 1 2 6 1 2 9 13 0 1 2 8 BALLROO M PARKING LOT A LLIA N C E B A LLROO M 13 4 13 7 A / V LE C 1/6/20 9:15 EXHIBIT HALL ENTRANCE BOARDROOMACCORDCOUNCILBOARDROOMUNITY BOARDROOM PRESS & SPEAKER ROOM MEDIATABLE 405-407408-410ELEVATORS 401-404 412 231-232230229 REGISTRATION FIRST AID Looking for speaker and session details? Download the Mobile App, Powered by DroneUp, for the most up-to-date info! Safety Matters Health & Safety: Please check the show app for the latest health and safety information. First Aid: First Aid is located next to the Unity Boardroom. Surveillance: If you see something, say something. Thefts or suspicious activity should be immediately reported to Show Management at the Customer Service Desk located in Registration. In case of an emergency: Report the emergency immediately. Call the venue security dispatch line immediately by calling 725-228-3924 from your phone and also call 911. In case of evacuation: Follow the instructions given over the public address system and by uniformed security personnel. Walk, do not run, and use evacuation routes to reach emergency exits. Do not use elevators. In case of an emergency in the city: Be vigilant about your surroundings while in the city. Call 911 if needed for police, fire department and ambulance. Report any incident to show management at Registration Desk. Lost and Found: Lost and found articles may be turned in or claimed at Registration Desk.

payments, credit cards only)Accord
5Download the Mobile App Workshops, Trainings & Demos Pre-Conference
Hour - Exhibit
Participating Easy: Lidar Hosted GeoCue Unity Boardroom 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM or 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
11:00 AM - 3:00 PM Lunch available purchase (No cash Boardroom
Group |
Software /
Photogrammetric UAS Hosted by ASPRS Room 229 | 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM Lidar UAS Hosted by ASPRS Room 229 | 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Live Outdoor Flying Demonstrations Organization & Support Provided By
Exhibit Hall Open
Mapping with
for Any Drone Projects
+ Photogrammetry Mapping
Mapping with
The Complete Workflow Easy Hosted by Skyline AirWise Room 230 | 10:00 AM - 12:45 PM or 2:00 PM - 4:45 PM
Solutions |
End-To-End Workflow DJI Zenmuse L1 Hosted by BAAM Tech Room 230 | 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Night UAV CSI Demonstration Hosted by SMG Check Mobile App for Location | 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
vendors: Decisions Made
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM Coffee - Outside of Room 405-407 2:00 PM - 5:30 PM Exhibitor Showcase Track I & II - Room 405-407 & 408-410 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM Happy Hall
THURSDAY, SEPT. 8 Night UAV Flight Workshop - Theory Field Hosted by SMG Council Boardroom | 2:00 PM - 10:30 PM 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM

Lunch & Networking Break - Exhibit Hall Drones and Your Business - Exhibit Hall Theater
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Town Hall Meeting: The Current State of Public Safety - Room 231-232 Drone Innovations for the Enterprise - Exhibit Hall Theater
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM Coffee & Networking Break - Exhibit Hall 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM Regulatory Insights - Room 401-404 Drone Visionaries: Getting Drones to Work Today - Room 408-410
Pitch the Press - Exhibit Hall Theater
Surveying & Mapping - Room 405-407
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
BVLOS Operations - Room 401-404 Infrastructure & Transportation - Room 408-410
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM Networking Reception - Exhibit Hall 5:45 PM - 6:10 PM Drone Innovations from the Heart of Europe - Exhibit Hall Theater Presented by Czech Republic Pavilion
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM
Understanding the Drone Industry - Exhibit Hall Theater
FAA’s Vision to Enable the Next Generation of Flight - David Boulter, FAA Check the mobile app for more keynote details.
6 Download the Mobile App
Coffee & Networking Break - Exhibit Hall Check Mobile App - Exhibit Hall Theater
8:00 AM - 8:45 AM
AAM / UAM - Room 401-404 Energy & Utilities - Room 408-410 Construction - Room 405-407 Town Hall Meeting: The Future of Public Safety - Room 231-232
Opening & Keynotes - Room 401-404
Coffee & light bites - Outside of Room 401-404
Improving Internal Inspections with Lidar Drones - Room 405-407 Working with the FAA for Public Safety Drone Operations - Room 231-232
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 7 Agenda Hall 10:00 AM – 7:30 PM

Conference content subject to change. Please check the mobile app for the most up to date
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM
7:30 AM - 9:00 AM Roundtable - Room 405-407
Coffee & light bites - Outside of Room 401-404
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM Delivery - Room 401-404 & Counter Drone - Room 408-410 Drone Autonomy - Room 405-407
Commercial UAV
Presented by Korea Pavilion
Coffee & Networking Break - Exhibit Hall Check Mobile App - Exhibit Hall Theater
Law Enforcement Drone Use Case Series - Room 231-232
Lunch & Networking Break - Exhibit Hall
Keynote: Defining the Future of Drone Delivery - Room 401-404
State of the Drone/UAM Industry in Korea - Exhibit Hall Theater
Women Behind the Drone Revolution (11:00-12:00) - Exhibit Hall Theater by DroneTalks a Drone Revolution (12:00-12:30) - Exhibit Hall Theater
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
THURSDAY, SEPT. SHARE IT. Expo Commercial UAV Expo @ExpoUAV #expouav Commercial UAV Expo 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM Sessions Produced in Partnership with Exhibit Hall Theater - Open to all registrants. sponsored by DRONERESPONDERS Safety Summit - Open to all DRONERESPONDERS & full conference registrants.
8:00 AM - 8:45 AM
With Jay Merkle, FAA; Dallas Brooks, Wing; Jim O’Sullivan, Matternet; Tom Walker, DroneUp
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM & Precision Agriculture - Room 401-404 Programs in the Enterprise - Room 408-410 & Aggregates - Room 405-407 Rescue Drone Use Case Series - Room 231-232
#expouav Exhibit Hall Open
7Download the Mobile App
2:30 PM - 3:00 PM Last Call in the Hall! - Exhibit Hall
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

8 Download the Mobile App Exhibitor List subject to change. Please check the mobile app for the most up to date information. 3LRobotics s.r.o. 455 4S Mapper 739 A2Z Drone Delivery 819 Aaceses Ihmire Industries, LLC 1005 AARDVARK TACTICAL 124 Accipiter Radar 1029 ACSL Ltd. 931 Adinkra Inc. 355 AEE Technology 939 Aerial Safety Vehicle Solutions (AVSS) 339 Aero Systems West 1031 AEROLUXURY 240 Aerospace Arizona Association 246 AEVEX Aerospace 442 AgEagle Aerial Systems Inc. 709 AIR6 SYSTEMS 1011 Airborne Public Safety Association 551 AirData UAV, Inc 1009 AirGo 553 AIRIAL ROBOTICS, inc. 452 AirPixel 909 AirWise Solutions 1018 allocortech inc. 1051 Aloft 348 AltoMaxx Technologies 339 Amazon Prime Air 241 Amprius Technologies 249 Applanix 303 Archangel Imaging Ltd. 943 Arcsky 449 Arena, a PTC Business 1041 Ascent Aerosystems 839 ASTRA Lite, Inc. 908 Astrium, Inc. 206 Asymmetric Unmanned 248 Aurelia Aerospace 351 Autel Robotics 531 Avision, Inc. 1004 Baldwin Safety & Compliance 229 Balko Tech 555 Biokinetics 123 Blue Nose Aerial Imaging 548 Blue Vigil 341 BRINC 829 Brytee 144 Carahsoft 654 Carlson Software 300 C-Astral Aerospace 424 Censys CorporationTechnologies 101 Circle Optics 943 CodigoDelSur 224 Colorado Drone Chargers 1045 Commaris 501 Commercial UAV Expo 446 Commercial UAV News 446 Consortiq 354 Control Point Associates, Inc. 201 Corpus Christi Regional Economic Development Corporation 338 CR Flight 901 Culver Aviation Inc 331 Cupix 324 Custom Power 407 Cytta Corp 1024 Czech Republic Pavilion 909 DAT/EM Systems International 211 Diversity Development Network of Canada 1048 DJI 109 Draganfly Innovations USA, Inc. 238 Drone Delivery Canada 445 Drone Rescue Systems 923 DroneDeploy 207 Dronedesk 451 DroneHub 943 Dronetag 909 DroneTalks - Manageld Swiss GmbH 350 DroneUp 719 Elistair 954 Elsight 219 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University 116 Emesent 137 Event 38 Unmanned Systems 102 E38 Survey Solutions 102 EXEDY Globalparts Corporation 906 FAA - Office of Hazardous Materials Safety 253 First Resonance 910 FIXAR AERO LLC 952 Flyability 701 Flybotix 809 Flymotion 250 Fotokite 943 Freefly Systems 801 Frontier Precision Unmanned 117 Fruity Chutes 1001 FT Wind Sensors 951 Fullerton Drone Lab at Fullerton College 250 Fusion TechnologiesEngineeringB.V. 453 GENIUS NY 943 LISTEXHIBITOR

9Download the Mobile App GeoCue Group Inc. 1008 Geodetics, Inc. 442 Geo-Plus 922 Geospatial World 141 GizzMoVest LLC 225 Global Aerospace, Inc. 648 gNext Labs 352 GreenValley International 1046 Gremsy JSC 1043 Grepow Inc DBA Tattu battery 107 HANCOM InSPACE 739 Hansadrone 454 Harris Aerial 431 Hesai Technology 301 Hextronics, LLC 322 HITEC Commercial Solutions 549 Hollywood Drones/DroneTV 1053 HoverCrane 552 Hylium Industries 739 ideaForge Technology Pvt. Ltd. 545 Inside Unmanned Systems 340 Inspired Flight Technologies, Inc. 439 InTerra LLC 402 Iris Automation 105 Korea Pavilion (MOLIT&KIAST) 739 Leica Geosystems Inc. 729 LIAZ 909 Lidaretto 1000 LIDARUSA 419 Lone Star UAS Center of Excellence & Innovation (LSUASC) 338 Luxfer MEL Technologies 825 Maris-Tech 843 Measur 809 Measure 709 MFE Inspection Solutions 701 MicaSense 709 Microdrones 1008 MORAI Inc. 450 Motorola Solutions 143 Multivista 924 Nanomotion LTD 524 NARMA Inc. 739 NASA Aviation Safety Reporting System 949 Nearthlab 747 Nippon Kayaku America 1031 Northern Plains UAS Test Site 400 NUAIR 947 NV5 Geospatial 1002 NVBAA 200 Ofil Ltd. 106 P3Tech Consulting 1048 Parasafe 1031 Pendleton UAS Test Range 847 Phase One 506 Phoenix LiDAR Systems 305 Pix4D 409 PP-Solution Inc. 739 Propeller Aero 855 Qii.AI 823 QRF: 2022 1047 Quantum3D Inc. 239 Quaternion Inc 739 Remote Optix 953 ResilienX 943 RIEGL USA Inc. 509 RIIS LLC 209 RJM Precision Instruments 755 RN Technologies 353 Robotic Skies 905 Seiler GeoDrones 849 senseFly Ltd. 709 SimActive 1039 Skydio 319 SkyeBrowse 128 Skyfront Corp. 401 Skyline Software Systems, Inc. 919 SKYTRAC 650 Sonoran Desert Institute 1023 SONY 1052 Spatial Media/LIDAR Magazine 846 Specialty Coating Systems 1007 Spright 219 Strix Drones USA Inc. 347 Sundance Media Group 132 Sunhillo Corporation 811 Swift Tactical Systems 328 T&T Inc. 739 Tallysman 110 Teledyne FLIR 1017 Terrasolid Ltd 204 The American Surveyor 846 The Ohio State University 122 Thirdeye Robotics Co.,Ltd 739 Tillamook UAS Test Range operated by Near Space Corporation 346 TopoDOT 425 Topodrone SA 125 TraceAir 652 TruWeather Solutions 244 Tundra Drone AS 550 UAVIONIX Corporation 955 Uncrewed TechnologySystems 853 Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - UPC 129 University of Arizona Applied Research Corporation 246 Unleash live 851 UpVision 909 USI - Unmanned Safety Institute 230 Utah State University 131 UVify, Inc. 739 UViRCO Technologies Ltd 1027 Vertiq 1049 Virtual Surveyor nv 226 Volarious 946 Volatus Aerospace Corp. 519 VOTIX 751 VRMesh 222 vRotors 554 Warren CommunityCountyCollege 114 Watts Innovations 539 WhirlyVision LLC 247 WiBotic Inc. 807 WindShape 943 Wingtra 306 WingXpand 140 WISPR Systems 325 Women and Drones 1048 Wonder Robotics 251 Workhorse Group Inc. 309 Workswell 909 xyHt Magazine 948 YellowScan 208 ZenaDrone, Inc. 1022 Zephyr Drone Simulator 230 Media Partners & Supporting Organizations

10 Download the Mobile App Exhibit Hall 101 102 105 106 109107 116114110 117 122 123 124 125 132128 137 140 143141 144 200 201 206204 207 208 219211209 224222 225 226 229238230 239 240 241 246244 247 248 249 250 253251 354352350348346340338328324322306300PavilionUniversity University Pavilion 131 UniversityPavilion 129 Exhibit Hall Floor Plan subject to change. Please check the mobile app for the most up to date information. Network:WIFI Forum Meeting Password: DroneUp WIFI Powered by Is your organization looking for ways to scale your business, build brand awareness, and establish thought leadership within the commercial UAV industry? Stop by booth #446 to learn how we can help! TAG IT. POST IT. SHARE IT. Commercial UAV Expo Commercial UAV Expo @ExpoUAV #expouav Commercial UAV Expo #expouav

11Download the Mobile App Exhibit EntranceTheaterHall RefreshmentsRefreshmentsRefreshments 1000 1001 10041002 10071005 1008 101710111009 10221018 10451043104110391031102910271023 1046 1047 1048 10511049 1052 1053339331319309305303301325341347351353355 400 401 402 419409407 424 439431425 442 445449 450 451 452 453 454 455 501 506 519509 524 545539531 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 654652650648 739729719709701747751755 843839829819801807809811823 846 855853851849847 905901 908906 909 910 943939931923919 946 947 948 951949 952 953 954 955 Entrance Refreshments Refreshments Refreshments TheaterExhibitHall Refreshments Refreshments 446 Show Management Lunch GENIUSPavilionNY PavilionKorea PavilionCzech Start Up Pavilion Theater Sponsored by: HUBThe 825 922925 1024

SAVE the DATE September 5-7, 2023 • Caesars Forum / Las Vegas ADVISORY BOARDMichaelCohen Aerial AssociationEvolutionofCanada Brendan Groves Skydio Greg Agvent CNN Lisa Ellman Hogan CommercialLovells/DroneAlliance Grant Guillot Drones in PodcastAmerica Eszter Kovács DroneTalks Sebastian Babiarz GUTMA Pharns Genece Unmanned OperationsSystemsGroup Thomas Haun Turner Staffing Group Jonathan Beaty KiewitServicesGeospatial Dyan Gibbens UnmannedTrumbull Ethan Hunt AT&T Robert Blair Three FarmsCanyon/Aigen Shayne Gill AASHTO Ted Kalnas Los Angeles City Fire Department Eileen Lockhart Spright Dallas Brooks Wing James Grimsley Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma Roxana Kennedy Chula Vista DepartmentPolice Robert McCoy Crown Castle Grant Jordan SkySafe Thank you!Gretchen West American Robotics Jennifer Pidgen SundanceGroupMedia Chris Todd Airborne ResponseInternationalTeam(AIRT) Tom Walker DroneUp Todd Schlekeway National Association of Tower Erectors (NATE) Your Global Resource for Commercial UAS News, Insight, Technology & Connections. Learn More in Booth 446 DIVERSIFIED COMMUNICATIONS’ TECHNOLOGY PORTFOLIO: