WorkBoat Maintenance & Repair 2016 Conference, Expo & Events Guide

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WorkBoat Maintenance & Repair Conference and Expo


Everything you need to maintain, repair, and service commercial vessels, all under one roof.

Education | Regulatory Updates | Hundreds of Vendors | The Newest Products and Services | PEC Safety Course | Medic First Aid Basic Plus Course | Rigger Safety Course | Hands-On-Workshops | Product Demonstrations | Job Fair & Job Advice Center | Inspiring Speakers | Industry Insiders




Wednesday, April 13 | 1:00PM

Tuesday, April 12 | 3:30PM



Crisis Management – When the Unexpected Happens, You’re Ready

Building Stronger Shipyards with Collaboration

Co-Pilot, US Airways Flight 1549 “The Miracle on the Hudson”

Vice President, Gulf Island Shipyards, LLC

Save BIG

by registering yourself and your crew early! See inside for details.

3 ways to attend: Expo & Events Pass | All Access Conference & Expo Pass | Safety Course & Expo Pass


Presented by Produced by

It’s critical to be up-to-date on the latest in commercial vessel maintenance. In the face of today’s changing technology, economy, and regulatory environment, you and your team need to be more agile and learn new products and skills faster than ever before. The health of your vessels and crew rests upon the choices you make every day.

The WorkBoat Maintenance & Repair Conference and Expo in New Orleans this coming April will help you navigate it all, and prepare you for what’s coming down the road.


WorkBoat Maintenance & Repair Conference and Expo 2016

INSIDE THIS EVENT GUIDE: 2016 Schedule at a Glance


Conference Session Guide


Safety Training Courses Expo & Events Guide

“ I was proud to be a part of the first ever WorkBoat Maintenance & Repair event and enjoyed the interaction with shipyards and other ship repair professionals.” – STEVEN LEE Equipment Manager, The Dutra Group

11 12-14

Job Fair & Job Advice Center Details


Exhibitor List


Hotel & New Orleans Information


Registration Options


Featuring: The 2016 SINEX Users’ Conference, produced by SINEX Solutions, will take place alongside the 2016 WorkBoat Maintenance & Repair Conference and Expo. Admission to the SINEX Users’ Conference is complimentary to SINEX customers, but is not included with your WorkBoat Maintenance & Repair Conference and Expo registration.

Register for the SINEX Users’ Conference at

WorkBoat Maintenance & Repair Conference and Expo 2016







7:30AM - 6:00PM

Registration/Badge Pick Up

8:00AM - 3:00PM

Conference Program: featuring breakfast, access to 15 education sessions across three tracks, networking lunch and meet and greet with Tuesday’s featured speaker Christian Vaccari from Gulf Island Shipyards

All Access Pass Required, includes all 3 days of Conference, Expo and Events

8:00AM - 12:00PM

SINEX Users’ Conference

Registration with SINEX required,

8:00AM - 4:00PM

PEC Basic Orientation Safety Awareness Course (Course led by Bayou Supply & Safety, a PEC Authorized Provider)

Training Course purchase required ($170), includes bag lunch and a Expo & Events Pass

10:15AM - 11:00AM

Special Session: Doing Business with Navy Boats Program Office (PMS325)

Expo Pass Required

12:00PM - 6:00PM

Exhibit Hall Open

Expo Pass Required

1:00PM - 2:00PM

Hands-On Workshop: Magnetic Drilling

Expo Pass Required

1:00PM - 2:30PM

Product Demonstrations

Expo Pass Required

3:30PM - 4:15PM

“Building Stronger Shipyards with Collaboration,” featuring Christian Vaccari, Gulf Island Shipyard, LLC

Expo Pass Required

4:00PM - 6:00PM

Opening Happy Hour – open to all attendees and exhibitors

Expo Pass Required




9:00AM - 5:00PM

Registration/Badge Pick Up

8:00AM - 12:00PM

MEDIC First Aid BasicPlus Adult CPR, AED, and First Aid Training Program (Course led by Bayou Supply & Safety)

(*Safety Training courses sold separately)

Training Course purchase required ($120), includes Expo & Events Pass

10:00AM - 10:45AM

Networking Breakfast – Continental, open to all attendees and exhibitors

Expo Pass Required

10:00AM - 12:30PM

Job Fair & Job Advice Center, presented by Louisiana Workforce Commission

Sign up for job fair is required, visit www.WorkBoatMaintenance

10:00AM - 5:00PM

Exhibit Hall Open

Expo Pass Required

8:00AM - 10:00AM

SINEX Users’ Conference

Registration with SINEX required,

10:30AM - 1:00PM

Product Demonstrations

Expo Pass Required

1:00PM - 2:00PM

Keynote Address: “Crisis Management – When the Unexpected Happens, You’re Ready” Jeff Skiles, Co-Pilot, US Airways Flight 1549

Expo Pass Required

WorkBoat Maintenance & Repair Conference and Expo 2016

2:30PM - 3:15PM

Hands-On Workshop: Confined Space Non-Entry Rescue

Expo Pass Required

2:30PM - 4:00PM

Product Demonstrations

Expo Pass Required

4:00PM - 5:00PM

Happy Hour - open to all attendees and exhibitors



8:00AM - 2:00PM

Registration/Badge Pick Up

9:00AM - 2:00PM

Exhibit Hall Open

Expo Pass Required

9:00AM - 10:00AM

Networking Breakfast – Continental, open to all attendees and exhibitors

Expo Pass Required


8:00AM - 12:00PM

Rigger Safety Course - current API RP 2D requirements and recommendations (Course led by Bayou Supply & Safety)

Certification Course purchase required ($150), includes Expo & Events Pass

9:30AM - 11:00AM

Product Demonstrations

Expo Pass Required

10:15AM - 11:00AM

Hands-On Workshop: Fire Extinguisher Techniques

Expo Pass Required

11:30AM - 1:00PM

Film Presentation: “BARGE” a documentary film by Ben Powell

Expo Pass Required

1:00PM - 1:30PM

Product Demonstration

Expo Pass Required

1:00PM - 2:00PM

Happy Hour – open to all attendees and exhibitors

Expo Pass Required


Wednesday Schedule Cont.

“ The size of WorkBoat Maintenance & Repair made it easier to talk with suppliers and view their products” – JIM PREMEAUX, Gulf Coast Regional Manager, Tele-Fonika

WorkBoat Maintenance & Repair Conference and Expo 2016




WorkBoat Maintenance & Repair Conference and Expo 2016

This full conference day of 15 educational sessions across three tracks focuses on marine maintenance issues including regulatory updates, structure and hull, and power and propulsion. The extensive program of presentations, panel discussions and roundtables will give you and your operations crew the information, ideas and connections you need to navigate commercial vessel maintenance.


Tuesday’s conference program requires the All Access Pass for admission, and includes all conference day sessions, breakfast and lunch. It also includes the full three day Expo & Events Pass, with daily happy hours, hands-on workshops and general sessions, job fair, product demonstrations, events, and keynote.

Structure & Hull Track

Power & Propulsion Track

Regulatory Track

SubChapter M: It’s coming, have you got a plan?

8:00AM - 9:00AM

Networking Breakfast

9:15AM - 10:00AM

Asset Management Strategies

Extending Fluid Life and Enhancing Performance

10:15AM - 11:00AM

Using Big Data and Analytics to Improve Performance

Fleet Operations and Maintenance Contracts

11:15AM - 12:00PM

Combating Marine Fouling

Condition Based Monitoring Systems

12:00PM - 1:15PM

Networking Lunch featuring a meet and greet with Tuesday’s featured Expo speaker Christian Vaccari from Gulf Island Shipyards

1:30PM - 2:15PM

Maintenance Efficiency: Planned Vs. Predictive

2:30PM - 3:15PM

All-Track Session: Corrosion Prevention Methods

3:30PM - 4:15PM

Featured Speaker: CHRISTIAN VACCARI, Vice President, Gulf Island Shipyards, LLC “Building Stronger Shipyards with Collaboration”

10:15AM - 11:00AM

Special Open Session: Doing Business with the Navy Boats Program Office (PMS325) | Maintenance, Repair and Logistics Products

Vibration Sensor Systems


The WorkBoat Maintenance & Repair Conference is the only educational series dedicated solely to the needs of the owners, port captains, fleet managers, engineers, and mechanics responsible for keeping America’s commercial vessels in service and working hard.

Ballast Water Regulations

Hybrid Systems Suitable for Environmental Regulations

(The All Access Pass is not required to attend this session, open to all attendees and exhibitors)

The majority of our boat platforms are craft are built to existing commercial standards, resulting in savings in cost and schedule. US Navy Boat acquisitions includes, but is not limited to, Rigid-hull Inflatable Boats (RHIB), Coastal Riverine Craft, Force Protection Boats, barrier tenders, Fleet Harbor Security Boats, and Utility Boats. With the a Department of Defense push for greater focus on life cycle management, sustainment and sustainment, our target audience are boat maintainers & overhaul providers as well as those offering logistics products.

WorkBoat Maintenance & Repair Conference and Expo 2016




Structure & Hull The best engineers, builders, and fixers all share a common belief: something good – and even something great – can always be better. This series brings that search for better solutions to the area of structure & hull maintenance. Learn strategies to optimize the quality of your welding, paint application, corrosion prevention, and more. Because there’s always room to improve.

9:15AM - 10:00AM Asset Management Strategies Vessels always need general maintenance, how far in advance should general maintenance be scheduled? How does emergency maintenance play a role in the scheduling process? Between general and emergency maintenance, how should one keep an inventory of parts and liquids needed for machinery? What happens when a new vessel is needed, is that an addition or a replacement? This discussion will cover the challenges and opportunities of fleet management.

10:15AM - 11:00AM Using Big Data and Analytics to Improve Performance There are many challenges facing workboat owners and operators. These include macroeconomic volatility, the increasing complexity of vessels, more environmental regulations, attracting and retaining quality technical leaders onboard and ashore. One path forward for owners and operators is to leverage the technological changes that are occurring. This will not only reduce costs and increase efficiency, but will also reduce operational and compliance risk. With greater “sensorization,” increased connectivity, and improvements in data analytics, there are new opportunities to capture value from operations and maintenance improvements by turning previously low value data into high value actionable information. The marine industry is currently heading down the path that other industries have of using data and analytics to improve reliability, 8

safety, efficiency and productivity. This new “Internet of Things” or “Industrial Internet of Things” is not without its challenges. New capabilities are needed, mindsets and cultures need to be changed, and business processes will need to incorporate this new technology. For those that are successful in this transition, the benefits will be significant and will enable companies to get ahead in increasingly competitive markets. This session will walk through examples of the use of data and analytics to improve maintenance and operations performance. Data and analytics are used to predict and avoid failures, identify fuel savings opportunities, avoid downtime, recover from a failure faster using remote troubleshooting, and provide greater transparency to identify potential risks in your organization ranging from safety to environmental.

11:15AM - 12:00PM Combating Marine Fouling Environmental interests and the commercial marine industry have not always been perfectly aligned. Today, the extra energy that’s needed due to increased friction caused by biofouling of underwater surfaces costs the shipping industry billions of dollars annually. Concurrently, environmental concerns over localized, excessive concentration of heavy metals leached from antifouling paints and invasive species transported via ballast water, fouled hulls and intakes has been elevated to the legislative level. As reports emerge of governments legislating “fouling” and establishing inspection

WorkBoat Maintenance & Repair Conference and Expo 2016

programs with fees, fines and subsequent hull cleanings, both the maritime community and governments have turned to the coatings industry for answers. Traditionally, antifouling coatings containing heavy metals were used to minimize the attachment of marine organisms from fouling a vessel’s hull. Just as an international convention banned the use of TBT (tributyltin) in antifouling paints, some states are considering imposing limits to the use of cupric ions in antifouling paints as a means to limit bioaccumulation of metals in coastal and inland waters. This session will not delve into the toxicity debate between naturally occurred copper and man-added cupric ions, but instead will focus on current technologies that satisfy both environmental and maritime concerns. The session will address how, through the use of FRC (foul release coatings) and coatings containing newly developed biocides, both maritime and environmental interests can be safely and effectively satisfied, and the discussion will focus on current use technologies, their applications, unconventional uses, and their relatively small impact on the environment.

1:30PM - 2:15PM Maintenance Efficiency: Planned vs. Predictive Equipment and machinery are susceptible to failures overtime or even sometimes unexpectedly. Shipyards use techniques to determine when maintenance should be performed. The debate is whether strategies in planned maintenance verse predictive maintenance weigh one another out. Strategies play

a role in overall maintenance to save cost, create efficiency and optimize time management which is why predictive maintenance may be the answer for most shipyards. But shouldn’t planned maintenance still be required even with high costs associated and the amount of man power it takes?

2:30PM - 3:15PM Corrosion Prevention Methods Corrosion is inevitable and extremely harmful. However, paints and lubricants prolong the process before corrosion occurs. Hear from industry experts on why paints and lubricants need to be

changed, how they can strengthen engine wear, why new paints and lubricants are superior to those previously in place and how technology may play a role. Visit to see a full list of speakers and session updates.

Power & Propulsion The technology that powers America’s commercial fleets is changing faster than ever – presenting a unique challenge to the crews in charge of maintaining vessel motors and fuel systems. Join WorkBoat and the leaders in fuel and propulsion technology as we discuss the most effective ways to prevent equipment failure and maintain a reliable, high-powered, high-tech fleet.

9:15AM - 10:00AM Extending Fluid Life and Enhancing Performance Oil analysis can be a critical tool in extending fluid life and enhancing the performance of marine equipment. Recent field tests from RSC Bio Solutions have demonstrated that a well-run oil analysis program can extend fluid life by approximately 83%. However, while this type of analysis is routinely performed in many settings, few marine operators fully understand its value and what is required to implement and manage an effective oil analysis program, and use the data to their advantage. In this presentation, a business case will be presented for instituting an oil analysis program, citing actual examples and data gathered from RSC’s extensive field testing reports and experience helping its customers implement, institutionalize and manage these programs. You’ll determine how oil analysis can be used as a tool to improve operational and cost effectiveness and prepare you to build the business case for such a program.

10:15AM - 11:00AM Fleet Operations and Maintenance Contracts Maintenance Contracts or Customer

Service Agreements (CSA) can be one the best investments you can make. Every customer is unique, which is why we have developed flexible CSA options that can be customized to fit any customer’s needs. CSAs are one of the most cost-effective ways of reducing expense, disruption, and loss of revenue caused by engine, component or system(s) downtime while contributing to the overall safe operation of the fleet. CSAs ensure that maintenance and repairs are completed by highly skilled, factory trained technicians and allow you more time to tend to your business. The more comprehensive the CSA, the greater the benefits. Research has proven that with CSAs, engine, component or system(s) operating time significantly increases. Your vessels are able to run longer, productivity rises, and potential revenue increases.

11:15AM - 12:00PM Condition Based Monitoring Systems Vibration analysis, infrared thermography, oil analysis, and ultrasonic are technological advancements used to determine equipment condition while an asset is still working. The importance of analyzing will determine the amount of life left in a specific asset. This will prevent scheduled outages, increase machine performance

and reduce cost repairs. This presentation will explain why CBM technologies improve performance life and operate as a vital maintenance program.



1:30PM - 2:15PM Vibration Sensor Systems Vibration sensor systems and the basics of vibration theory will be explained. The use of these systems and vibration theory as a predictive/preventative maintenance tool to keep vessels working at optimum performance will also be explored. Basic terminology and practices will be reviewed to round out the introduction. In addition, the most advanced computerized data collection methods will be discussed and/or demonstrated to showcase its accuracy and efficiency. Attendees will become familiar with basic fault identification such as engine mounts, engine misfire, bent shafts or propellers and misalignment issues, and see how vibration analyzers are able to identify these issues. Detailed case studies will be highlighted to provide actual working examples of these systems and technology in the field.

2:30PM - 3:15PM Corrosion Prevention Methods Corrosion is inevitable and extremely WorkBoat Maintenance & Repair Conference and Expo 2016




POWER & PROPULSION SESSIONS (continued) harmful. However, paints and lubricants prolong the process before corrosion occurs. Hear from industry experts on why paints and lubricants need to be

changed, how they can strengthen engine wear, why new paints and lubricants are superior to those previously in place and how technology may play

a role. Visit to see a full list of speakers and session updates.

Regulatory Updates If there’s anything you can count on changing as quickly – and as disruptively – as technology, its government regulation. EPA Tier 4, Coast Guard Subchapter M, and other new industry rules mandate fundamental changes in vessel equipment and operations. Fortunately, there’s time to plan and prepare. These sessions were designed to bring you up to speed on the regulations you need to work with, and how to do so in a way that keeps your business moving full steam ahead.

9:15AM - 10:00AM SubChapter M: It’s coming, have you got a plan? The mechanical and electrical systems and equipment section of the proposed Subchapter M rules requires that several life/safety inspections be conducted at prescribed periods. However, in the new regulation, there may be several other tasks that must be performed and documented such as labeling valves, putting guards around rotating machinery, etc. Operators should have a system that allows them to develop and perform tasks for initial compliance, and for documenting ongoing tasks that ensure critical systems are being properly maintained. There is a range of tools that can be used to create good preventive maintenance (PM) tasks, and schedule and document their completion. Like most cases where an inspector looks over the way you operate, it can be very beneficial to project professionalism and an efficient management system. This presentation will provide an overview and recommendations on tools that can be used based on the complexity of operations, and the costs to obtain and maintain the systems. This will be broken down in terms of basic compliance, an intermediate capability, and an advanced capability based on the current and future needs of a company. 10

11:15AM - 12:00PM Ballast Water Regulations

increased and emission costs can be decreased.

In December the Coast Guard announced it wants a higher performance standard for how ultraviolet ballast water treatment systems work. While ballast water regulation is a low enforcement priority with the Coast Guard for now, international adoption of the IMO convention on ballast water continues apace, and the IMO could start its clock ticking on implementation by the end of 2016. Starting in 2018, U.S. operators could begin seeing requirements to install treatment systems at their next scheduled drydocking. Operators should start planning now for record keeping, alternate tank management methods, and longer range options for treatment systems.

Visit to see a full list of speakers and session updates.

1:30PM - 2:15PM Hybrid Systems Suitable for Environmental Regulations Hybrid systems are the up and coming trend in the marine industry, especially to the workboat market. With evolving technologies and experienced engineers, it’s no surprise green technology would come into play. However, just like anything, standards are to be met when implementing new systems. Hybrid systems easily meet EPA Tier III and Tier IV regulations. The innovations of these systems are proof that efficiency can be

WorkBoat Maintenance & Repair Conference and Expo 2016

“ The sessions I attended and the contacts I made were the best things about the show. I got to meet people in the industry I never knew before and learned a lot about new products. The sessions brought new light in a way that was never done before and were very informal. I like this format, you learn a lot from everyone there.” – HUGH LUPO Partner, New England Marine Electronics, LLC

SAFETY TRAINING PROGRAMS Take care of your safety training needs while you’re at WorkBoat Maintenance & Repair!

The WorkBoat Maintenance & Repair Conference and Expo now features safety training courses you and your crew need to get your job done – giving you opportunity to experience all the Expo has to offer during your visit, and take care of your training needs.

All safety training course enrollments include a WorkBoat Maintenance & Repair Expo & Events Pass, a $75 savings! Courses led by

COURSE SCHEDULE PEC Basic Orientation Safety Awareness Course Price: $170 per person

Tuesday, April 12 | 8:00AM – 4:00PM 8 hour course, bag lunch provided The PEC Basic Orientation safety awareness course includes both SafeGulf and SafeLandUSA. PEC Basic was designed to take the place of multiple operator orientations and to give each student a general idea of life and safety issues in the oil and gas industry, upstream, downstream, onshore or offshore. This one day program meets API RP 75 & API RP T-1 requirements and provides a basic understanding at an awareness level of certain general safety information that an employee should know before entering a company facility and while performing their assigned work duties. Over 25 of the leading oil and gas operators accept this orientation as it meets their requirements.

MEDIC First Aid BasicPlus Adult CPR, AED, and First Aid Training Program Price: $120 per person

Wednesday, April 13 | 8:00AM – 12:00PM MEDIC First Aid BasicPlus is a combined adult CPR, AED, and first aid training program designed specifically for the occupational first aid provider. This extremely flexible program will help employers meet OSHA and other federal and state regulatory requirements for training employees how to respond to medical emergencies at work. MEDIC First Aid programs are accepted as equivalent to the AHA and ARC by many state regulatory authorities, the Department of Homeland Security, United States Coast Guard & others. MEDIC First Aid is consistent with OSHA’s best practices for first aid training programs.

Rigger Safety Course - current API RP 2D requirements and recommendations Price $150 per person

Thursday, April 14 | 8:00AM – 12:00PM This course is designed to teach the student the safe rigging practices and procedures used and defined by the current API RP 2D requirements and recommendations. The course consists of classroom discussion and hands-on demonstration.


NEW FOR 2016!

Upon completion the student will have an awareness level understanding of: • • • • • • • • • •

Rigger responsibilities Standard slings and component parts Basic knowledge of wire rope Basic sling hitches Proper use of shackles, eye bolts, hooks, rope clips, turnbuckles and tag lines Sling angles and effect Load stability Inspection and care General rigging procedures and precautions Hand signals/ communication

Bayou Supply and Safety requires a minimum score of 80% on evaluation. Incorrectly answered questions will be reviewed to ensure understanding before course completion.

Enroll now to participate in these trainings, and combine the course with your visit to WorkBoat Maintenance & Repair Conference and Expo. Your admission to the Expo and Events is FREE with your participation with one of the above trainings. Visit to register yourself and your crew.




WorkBoat Maintenance & Repair Conference and Expo 2016

Experience the only industry Expo exclusively focused on commercial vessel maintenance & repair. Access to all three days of WorkBoat Maintenance & Repair Expo and Events is included with all registration packages.

The Exhibit Hall at WorkBoat Maintenance & Repair is your opportunity to connect with others who “do what you do.” See the reps from the companies and suppliers you rely on every day, discover new maintenance related products and techniques, share best practices, and grab a beer and trade stories from the trenches.


Co-Pilot, US Airways Flight 1549 “The Miracle on the Hudson” Crisis Management – When the Unexpected Happens, You’re Ready Wednesday, April 13 | 1:00PM When you’re a pilot and both your engines fail over the largest city in America, you must act quickly and independently, but you must also trust in the system that has trained you and prepared you to handle such crisis moments. Jeff Skiles’ story of the “Miracle on the Hudson” (US Airways Flight 1549’s emergency landing on the Hudson River) would not have the perfect ending if not for years of training and preparation that allowed the two pilots to understand exactly what the other was doing – thus maximizing their time, communication, and effectiveness. Having only met each other three days earlier, Skiles and Sullenberger were able to work together as a team because they trusted in their system and training and the professionalism of everyone involved, from the air-traffic controllers to their crew. As he takes you through the events leading up to, Skiles will demonstrate the key lessons and principles that made the flight crew prepared, calm, and confident so they could successfully land the plane. If such lessons in the value of training, teamwork, being prepared and having a plan can save 155 lives when time is tight and every move must be perfect, imagine what these lessons can do for you and your crew.


Tuesday, April 12 through Thursday, April 14

Hands-On Workshops Magnetic Drilling Tuesday, April 12 1:00PM – 2:00PM Learn, or get a refresher, on the methods of drilling to create efficiency and accuracy. Presented by Hougen Manufacturing

Confined Space Non-Entry Rescue Wednesday, April 13 2:30PM – 3:00PM Survival strategies are vital and knowledge is power when it comes to knowing what to do in an emergency. Learn how to complete a confined space non-entry rescue with multiple people. Presented by Bayou Supply & Safety

Fire Extinguisher Techniques Thursday, April 14 10:15AM – 11:00AM Learn proper techniques of an extinguisher and feel like you’re putting out an actual fire by aiming this laser-driven fire extinguisher at a digital screen of fire. Presented by Delgado Community College

WorkBoat Maintenance & Repair Conference and Expo 2016


EXPO & EVENTS (continued) Daily Happy Hours Tuesday, 4-6PM | Wednesday, 4-5PM Thursday, 1-2PM Free beverages spark great conversations. Grab a beer, trade stories from the trenches, catch up and unwind as we wrap up each day of the Expo.

Product Demonstrations Daily on the Expo Floor

Complimentary Breakfast Hour Wednesday, April 13 & Thursday, April 14 Join us for the first hour of the Expo on Wednesday and Thursday, and grab a bite with your crew, suppliers and new connections as you hit the Expo floor and explore all the workshops, demos, and exhibits. There’s nothing like a free cup of coffee, fruit and pastries to fuel your conversations!


Vice President, Gulf Island Shipyards, LLC Tuesday, April 12 | 3:30PM “Building Stronger Shipyards with Collaboration”

This is your chance to step in as exhibiting companies step out of their booths and give you a chance to use their products the way YOU would use their products when you do what you do. Try it on; give it a spin, grind it, set off sparks, and maybe even get your hands dirty, because there’s no better way to understand a product’s value than by trying it out yourself.

Special Film Presentation “BARGE” – a documentary by Ben Powell Thursday, April 14 11:30AM – 1:00PM

Grab a bag of popcorn and a beverage and then grab a seat for this special showing of the remarkable film “BARGE”, a documentary that evocatively depicts the lives of the Mississippi River’s ship workers over 28 day shifts, shuttling cargo back and forth along America’s waterway.

JOB FAIR & JOB ADVICE CENTER Presented by: Build your career, make your move or expand your connections at the NEW job fair at WorkBoat Maintenance & Repair, featuring more than 30 companies representing the commercial marine industry, all with open jobs. Admission to the Expo & Events is free for all job fair attendees, but registration for the job fair is required. Visit to sign up.

JOB ADVICE CENTER Take advantage of the free Job Advice Center, designed to help you in your job search alongside the job fair. You’ll get resources and one-on-one advice from maritime and HR professionals. Topics include resume writing, tips for online application forms, interview etiquette, next career steps, and moving up the ladder in the maritime industry. Employers, please visit to reserve your table at the job fair.


WorkBoat Maintenance & Repair Conference and Expo 2016

Connect with reps from the companies and suppliers you rely on every day, and discover new maintenance related products and techniques that will give your fleet a competitive edge. Here’s a preview of some of the companies you’ll see at the Expo. ABB Inc.

ERL Commercial Marine

Maxim Watermakers

AER Supply Ltd.

FCI Watermakers Inc.

McDermott Light & Signal

Alexander/Ryan Marine & Safety Co.

Fit Up Gear/Romar/MEC LLC

Meltric Corporation

All American Paint


MMLJ, Inc.

Fluid Power Energy

MNI Diesel

Force Control Industries Inc.

Mobile Paint Manufacturing Co.

Fronius USA LLC

Motion Industries Inc.

GlobalTech Motor & Controls

Motor-Services Hugo Stamp Inc.

Goltens Miami

MTP Drivetrain Services LLC

Governor Control Systems

MTU America Inc.

Grindex Pumps


Gulf Island Shipyards LLC

NACE International

Helm Operations

National Association of Marine Surveyors

Allemand Industries, Inc. Allied Bearing & Supply Applied Cooling Technologies Askew Industrial Corporation Aurand Manufacturing & Equipment Co. BAE Systems Southeast Shipyards Bayou Supply & Safety Belzona of Baton Rouge Bludworth Marine LLC Boats & Harbors Bocatech Inc. Bollinger Shipyards LLC Buck Kreihs Marine Repair LLC C Fly Marine Services Caterpillar Inc. Center Lift Inc. Certified Labs Champion Technologies, Inc. Chevron Lubricants Coastal Marine Equipment Inc. Conrad Shipyard, LLC Cospolich Inc. Cygnus Instruments Inc. Dale Fastener Systems Dehumidification Technologies Dickson Marine Supply Donaldson Company Inc. Donovan Marine Inc. DRYCO Duralux Marine Paint Duramax Marine LLC Elliott Bay Design Group Empowering Technologies by Llebroc Industries

National Specialty Alloys Inc.

HoldTight Solutions

Nightstick by Bayco Products

Hug Engineering

Northern Lights


Olympus Scientific Solutions Americas

Independent Diving Service In-Mar Solutions International Paint LLC Jim-Buoy Karl Senner, LLC KE Marine Inc. Key Electronic Solutions Koolin Klothz Law Valve of Texas LeBlanc & Associates LLC Lifting Gear Hire Corporation Lignum-Vitae Bearings


Schoellhorn-Albrecht Machine Company Schottel Inc. Separator Spares & Equipment LLC



Sherwin-Williams Shield Technologies Corp. Sinex Solutions SKF Solberg Crankcase and Ventilation Systems South Coast Electric Systems Spano Fastening Systems STX Service Americas, LLC. Sulzer Turbo Services Superior Energies Inc. Survival Systems International Tarps Manufacturing Tero Marine AS

Patterson Manufacturing

Thermcor, Inc.

PPG Protective & Marine Coatings

Timco Industries Inc. Versitec Marine


VT Halter Marine Inc.


Walex Products Company, Inc.

R W Fernstrum & Company

Ward Leonard

Randolph Products

Wartsila North America, Inc.

RCI Technologies East

WCR Incorporated

Red-D-Arc Inc.

Williams Machine Works

Republic Diesel

Wooster Hydrostatics Inc.

RSC Bio Solutions

Lock-N-Stitch Inc. Logan Clutch Corp. Lokring Gulf Coast Louisiana Environmental Monitoring Lubriplate Lubricants Ludeca Inc. Mactech Inc. Marine Equipment Supply

List current as of February 12, 2016.

For an updated list of exhibiting companies, visit Interested in Exhibiting or Sponsoring at the 2016 WorkBoat Maintenance & Repair Conference and Expo? Contact Chris Dimmerling, or (207) 842-5666.

Marine Industries Corp. WorkBoat Maintenance & Repair Conference and Expo 2016




WorkBoat Maintenance & Repair Conference and Expo 2016

We’ve secured special hotel rates just for WorkBoat Maintenance & Repair visitors. Stay in the official event hotels to get these rates – visit to book!

Extend your stay and take advantage of everything New Orleans has to offer! WorkBoat Maintenance & Repair dates fall right in-between the French Quarter Festival, April 1-10, and The New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival, April 22-24. Not only is the Crescent City the center of the North American commercial marine industry, but it’s also a pretty fun place to work and play. New Orleans’ nightlife, culinary adventures and culture gives you an experience like no other.

WorkBoat Maintenance & Repair Conference and Expo 2016


Traveling to New Orleans for the WorkBoat Maintenance & Repair Conference and Expo?


REGISTER TO ATTEND Registering to attend the WorkBoat Maintenance & Repair Conference and Expo is EASY. Select the pass that’s right for you and your crew.


SAVE $100! Register before March 13 and pay just $495! If you’re a little late to the game, you can still save $50 by registering before April 12th!


SAVE $25! Register before March 13 and pay just $50!


CALL 800-748-5049

OR REGISTER AT THE EVENT on April 12, 13 or 14

(at-show registration fees apply)


WorkBoat Maintenance & Repair Conference and Expo 2016

The ALL ACCESS PASS gets you into every one of the 15 conference sessions on Tuesday, April 12 and into every other feature at the show, including all three days(April 12-14) of the Expo, the Keynote, every breakfast and happy hour, every product demo, every speaker, and even the Job Fair and workshops. This is your chance to experience everything WorkBoat Maintenance & Repair Conference and Expo has to offer. Explore the full conference schedule on pages 8-11 of this guide, and other Expo features on pages 12-15. $495 by March 13, 2016 $545 after March 13, before April 12, 2016 $595 on or after April 12, 2016

This pass gives you access to every feature on the Expo Floor for three whole days, including access to 200+ exhibitors, product demos, happy hour every day, Wednesday and Thursday breakfast, the keynote and featured speaker, workshops, and the Job Fair. Individual daily passes are not available. $50 by March 13, 2016 $60 after March 13, before April 12, 2016 $75 on or after April 12, 2016

Want to attend the Expo & Events for FREE? We’ll give you a free pass to the Expo & Events when you tell three qualified people about the show! Visit to send your qualified colleagues and friends show information and get your free Expo & Events registration.


SAFETY TRAINING COURSE PASSES All safety training course enrollments include a WorkBoat Maintenance & Repair Expo & Events Pass, a $75 savings! The WorkBoat Maintenance & Repair Conference and Expo now features safety training courses you and your crew need to get your job done – giving you opportunity to experience all the Expo has to offer during your visit, and take care of your training needs.

Courses led by

PEC Basic Orientation Safety Awareness Course Price: $170 per person Tuesday, April 12 | 8:00AM – 4:00PM

MEDIC First Aid BasicPlus Adult CPR, AED, and First Aid Training Program

Price; $120 per person Wednesday, April 13 | 8:00AM – 12:00PM

Rigger Safety Course - current API RP 2D requirements and recommendations Price: $150 per person Thursday, April 14 | 8:00AM – 12:00PM

Interested in Exhibiting or Sponsoring at the 2016 WorkBoat Maintenance & Repair Conference and Expo? Contact Chris Dimmerling, or (207) 842-5666.

Event policies: WorkBoat Maintenance & Repair Conference and Expo is a trade only event. Solicitation by non-exhibitors at the show is prohibited and is grounds for removal. Show Management will remove any non-exhibiting persons from the show floor who are reported or observed soliciting attendees. Exhibitors may do business within their booth or other specifically designed areas; displaying or promoting products outside of the booth without express permission is prohibited.

Planning to attend the SINEX Users Conference? Admission to the SINEX Users’ Conference is complimentary to SINEX customers, but is not included with your WorkBoat Maintenance & Repair Conference and Expo registration. Visit to register for the SINEX Users’ Conference.

All registration and conference payments are non-refundable. All attendees must be at least 15 years of age, and registration/badges are required. Persons under the age of 15 will not be allowed in the exhibit hall during exhibitor move in and move out. By registering to attend, attendees and exhibitors are giving permission to Workboat Maintenance & Repair Conference and Expo and WorkBoat Show Management to use photographs of you at the show for promotional purposes.

WorkBoat Maintenance & Repair Conference and Expo is part of the WorkBoat and Diversified Communications portfolio of commercial marine industry events, publications and online products.

WorkBoat Maintenance & Repair Conference and Expo 2016



Produced by

Don’t miss the only commercial marine industry conference and trade show dedicated to helping fleet managers, port captains, and operators keep vessels in top condition and working hard. Register yourself and your crew now at

Register by March 13 for the best price!

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