Divine Inspirations Magazine April 2011

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Divine Inspirations Magazine April 2011

Vol .2 Issue 4

Inside this Issue: Let the Church be the Church Travel Light Hey! She too is an abuser! Spring Clean Your Marriage Single Christian Series pt three Sister Dingbat

Dionne Watts-Williams Principal and CEO of Inspired Creative Group Feature story on Pg.22



Contributing Writers and Poets

Min Cheryl C. Shumake

Judith Mosley

Dr. Cynthia Togle

Kaysha Sahai

Ann Thomas

Pastors Mike & Trisha Fox 4

Elder Mae Davis

Min Cheryl Thomas

Apostle Lee Ann Marino,PhD

Contributing Writers and Poets

Feon Davis

Michelle Pumphrey

Min Tony Rowsey

John G. Taylor

Evangelist Zella Burno

Sharon Reid-Robinson

Not Pictured: Quentin Moore and Cynthia Gale Boyer 5

Mandy Woodhouse

Robert T. Sells

Yvette Johnson

Greetings! Happy Resurrection ! He is Risen! As a Christian the Passion is my favorite holiday to celebrate. Without the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus we would not have been reconciled back unto the Father. Be sure to celebrate this season rejoicing that the blood of Jesus was shed for you and me. The flowers are blooming they are so beautiful. What have you planted in the Garden of Your Life? What shall we see bloom in your field. You can share the Inspired Words each month that appear in Divine Inspirations Magazine. Please be sure to share this publication with your family and friends. We welcome your feedback and comments. Blessings! Qualita Pendergrass Editor-in-Chief


Reminiscing Like Lot's Wife Fantasizing And Still Wishing. Looking Back At The World, Blowing Kisses. Body Gone, But Your Mind Yet Reminiscing.

Looking Back, Strolling Down Memory Lane. Romantizing The Obscene, And The Profane. Remembering Your Sinful Past, God Didn't Ordain. Glorifying The Filthy World, And The Devil's Domain. Distracted, Not Pressing Toward The Mark Of The High Calling. Though Not Instantly Turned Into A Pillar Of Salt, You're Still Falling. Because Only The Good, And Not The Bad Times Are You Recalling. For You've Glossed Over The Mess, All The Things That Were Appalling. Stop Reminiscing, And Pull Your Head Out Of The Sand. Put The Sinful Past Behind You, It's Not Good For Any Man. Grab Hold And Get A Firm Grip, Of God's Unchanging Hand. Deny Yourself And Follow Him, On The Foundation Make A Stand. Study The Biblical Blueprint, And Adher To The Master's Plan. In Remembrance, Reminisce On The Goodness Of The Lord. For This Is The Only Looking Back, You Really Can Afford.

To God Goes The Glory. Copyrighted 03/27/2011 7

Minister Tony Rowsey

Hey she too is an abuser; A conversation about Women that abuse their intimate partners.

Domestic Violence is defined as: The pattern of behavior used to maintain power and control over another person in an intimate relationship. This control takes on many forms and it‘s deemed to lower the self esteem of the person. I‘ve spoken throughout my career with some women that were abusers and they talked about wanting the control over there intimate partners because they believe that at some times in their life their power was taken away and they want it back. I constantly remind them that you can‘t justify or take away power from another to gain yours. I recall stories of women talking about how they have cut their partners, slapped them, pushed them into a corner, refused to let them see their children and have made them feel less than by the words that the used. The five types of abuse and examples of behavior used by women that abuse:

I‘m sure that the title of this article already has you shaking your Emotional (Playing mind games, demasculation, threatening heads or thinking what is this about. This article like all of the to report that they have been raped) articles in my column are designed to shake up your thinking, broaden what you believe you know, embrace acceptance of othVerbal (calling names, screaming) ers and to also shine a light on the realities of the world in which we live. I‘ve been involved in the social issues of the world for Technological (Face book sabotage and Email sabotage) the last 25 years and I‘ve seen some of the most oppressed, overlooked and judged people in our world. In my career I‘ve worked Sexual (negative comments about private areas, threatening as a Correctional Officer, Probation Parole Officer, Domestic to discuss personal sex lives with others) Violence Counselor, HIV/AIDS case manager, Therapist for clients that were (HIV positive, Mental Health Diagnosis and SubPhysical (slapping, kicking, pushing, choking) stance Abuse addictions) and currently I work as a Clinical/ Christian Therapist working with individual, couples and families to address and deal with their issues. It‘s for this reason my column may at times seem intense, controversial and hard hitting but Some recent research shows the following about women‘s abuse: I‘ve seen a lot and I have a lot to share to help us all become better neighbors to those in our community that need their voices ●California State surveyed 1,000 women 30% admitted to physiheard, need acceptance, truth, relief and yes the love that God has cally abusing their partner. commanded that we give to others. When we hear or think of domestic violence we typically ●Female to female violence occurs in about 2 out 5 lesbian relathink about men that abuse women; I wrote an article in October tionships 2010 that talked about Men that abuse. We‘ve all seen that 95% of the reported domestic violence cases are men abusing women. ●U.S. Department of Justice showed that in 1994, 167,000 men The other reality is that there are women that abuse their intimate were the victims of assault by an intimate partner partners. While the numbers reported for this violence is less staggering but that‘s only because it isn‘t reported as often by men ●In l985, Straus and Gelles replicated their 1975 National Family because most men will not report that their girlfriends or wives Violence Survey. Of 6,002 couples surveyed, 12.4% of the husare being emotionally, physically, mentally and even sexually bands reported some level of physical assault by their wives in the abusive to them. This is because of the shame, embarrassment, previous year. ridicule that they will suffer and the thought that no one would believe him....does these reasons sound familiar? It should because it‘s the same feelings that female victims of Domestic Vio- 8 ●In a longitudinal study of 272 newlywed couples, before marriage, 44% of the women reported that they used physical aggreslence talk about. Yes a victim is a victim whether it‘s male or sion against their partners; at 18 months after marriage, 36% of female.

the wives reported that they used aggression against their spouses; and at 30 months after marriage, 32% of the wives reported that they used aggression against their spouses. For more info view this websitehttp://www.fact.on.ca/ Info/dom/hines01.htm) The above research shows what I‘ve been seeing and saying for years; women are abusive but it‘s sometimes accepted and is overlooked because females strength doesn‘t compare to that of a male. Society has seem to give a pass on female to male violence just look at the MTV show Teen Mom, where the female is so physically, verbally and emotionally abusive to her boyfriend and the producers and camera personnel don‘t seem to show any level of concern as she slaps and pushes him while filming the show.

I‘m looking to start a confidential support group in Philadelphia for men that are victims of abuse I want to start an batters intervention group for women that are abusers I will meet with local and state officials about the need to provide shelters or safe places for men that are victims of abuse. In conclusion I ask that you join me in this challenge and let‘s help these men come out of the darkness and speak to the abuse that they have suffered at the hands of their abusive wives or girlfriends. We all know that domestic violence occurs in all relationships heterosexual and same sex. We should have the same position on all levels of abuse and that position should be that ―There is no excuse for Domestic Violence‖. You will often find parents telling their sons not to ever hit women; I believe that message should also be given to our daughters not to hit Men. Because it‘s partly believed by some women that since he was taught not to hit women he will not hit, push, or grab me but I can to him and he will not do anything. I also say that if you are a woman that has to hit, push or slap your man what that says about what kind of woman you are and where are your values. I believe as a community and as the church we must loudly say No violence is accepted regardless of who is the victim… because Hey she too is an abuser………

The profile of women that abuse: Jealous of the time their partner spends with others Controlling of where their partners go Controlling of who their partner talks with Control what their partners wear Constantly accuse their partners of having affairs Unrealistic expectations about relationships Manipulative behavior

What‘s been done to help men come out of the darkness and admit to being abused? There has been some movement in helping men come out of the darkness and admit that their abuse at the hands of their women. This movement is not to be confused with movement of men that are raising the flag against men that are abusing women. Many men that I have spoken with have been ashamed to bring up the subject because of the image that it will portray of them being weak, gay, less than or submissive. My comments with these men has always been that being abused is nothing to be ashamed about but the abuser tell you these messages so that you will not speak up and come Resources for men that are victims: out of the closet about your abuse. http://www.safe4all.org/ www.batteredmen.com What can us the church do to help these men? The church I believe can start having these conversawww.themenscenter.com tions from the pulpit and making it clear that violence of any kind is still wrong. The church I believe should become a safe place for theses men, men are often viewed To contact John: by the church as strong, leaders, commanders and dediwww.Johngtaylor.com cated. While this is a good image of a man, I believe that their should be room for another definition of men in Johngtaylor@gmail.com church and that is victim. We should help these men learn to love themselves in spite of the abuse, feel comfortable sharing about their abuse and still feel like they are men even though they have been abused. What action will I take? 9

If This is the Last to be Written

Our world is to be loved To those who live the same We are our differences So though not the same Destruct the hierarchy despite Which causes love to bleed in vain We are the doctors and the nurses At times malpractices Producers of our pain Project gutters to congress stalls Cell block bars to gated mansions Freedom is a mindset Plant it right Watch the blossom The trials to be judged The tribulations to trouble all One must free the mind Or the rest will fall Let’s follow In harmony and in key Let us seek to slumber with peace Let us shoot for highest of honors Without the aim of greed As brothers and as sisters Despite color and who is deemed coolest Humanity to abide by As humans we are great tools We must answer to fix our thoughts We must train to never stop A search to find one’s purpose By far the toughest job Yet as long as we occupy together Our builds must be brighter futures Love, compassion and understanding The smartest of all life’s tutors Long to carry each other Leave little room for slipping If this is the last to be written Live in peace And let love keep on living. Quentin Moore


Let the Church Be the Church The church I attend is participating in

church to change society, challenge a culture, heal

EACH. EACH is an acronym for Everyone A

the sick and raise the dead?

Chance to Hear. It is a massive evangelism training

Today, church is often defined as a specific

strategy for our metropolitan area with some 400

denominational organization of believers, like Bap-

participating churches. The training will conclude

tists, Presbyterians, Methodists, etc. Or church will

on Easter and be followed by very specific activi-

be referred to as the building, the brick and mortar

ties to expand outreach in each church. I love

where we gather to worship, learn about God and


fellowship with each other. The bible tells us in

Depending on the study you read, roughly

Ephesians1:22-23 that the church is the body of

70 – 80% of Americans claim to be Christians to-

Christ. Furthermore, the word ―church‖, as Jesus

day. Drive through any major city in our country

defines it, comes from the Greek term ―ekklesia‖

and there is a church on every corner. According to

which means an assembly or called out ones. The

a report on money.cnn.com, as of October 2009,

church is a group of believers, called out of the

there were about three thousand five hundred

world into the Kingdom of God, to live as God‘s

churches in the city of Detroit alone. That city has

people under the authority of Jesus Christ and act

a population of about 700,000. Merely 200 people

as His representatives in the Earth.

(men, women and children) for every one church.

There are a number of metaphors in the bi-

If 7 to 8 out of every 10 people in America

ble for ―church‖. Words like ―body‖, ―flock‖, and

claim to know and follow Christ, and there are so

―wife‖ which are descriptive of our relationship to

many ―churches‖, where is the demonstrated power? The power that caused the first century

(Continued on page 12)


God. But look at these words; ―salt‖, ―light‖,

said when he uttered, ―It is finished!‖ The

―army‖. These words describe our function.

veil was rent. Once again, we had direct ac-

These words denote transformation. Once

cess to God. However, after becoming Chris-

food has been salted, the flavor is changed. It

tians we are not just saved and in relationship

cannot be unsalted. Light illuminates space

with the Lord. We are foot soldiers enlisted

and removes darkness. The only way dark-

in an army of Holy Spirit-fueled individuals.

ness can return is to somehow shut the light

An unstoppable force appointed to contend

off. Let a well-trained army loose on the en-

with the enemy and the world for the souls of

emy and the battle is over. If you are in the


church, you belong to God and are charged

We are called primarily into a rela-

with the privilege of causing Kingdom trans-

tionship with the Lord. The mechanism for


that is the cross. Encompassed within that

We do need ―church‖ in the way it is

call is the mandate to bring reconciliation and

thought of most often today. We need the

introduce people to the One who will trans-

strengthening support, friendship and encour-

form them. We, the Church, are called to ex-

agement that come from fellowshipping with

tend and expand Jesus‘ ministry in the earth.

others. Yes, we need church fellowship. But,

We are His body; His hands, His heart, His

more importantly, we need the church to be

mouth and feet reaching into the world.

the church.

So, what did Jesus do while He was

When the church was established, in

here? We know from the Bible Jesus

Acts Chapter 2, the work of the cross had al-

preached the good news, healed the sick, met

ready been completed. Jesus meant what He

physical needs, loved the sinner but pointed 12

to the remedy for sin, raised the dead and

For those of us in the church, we

annihilated the religious traditions which

are reminded we are not called to a

kept people bound in legalism but denied

―Sunday-go-to meeting‖ existence (and

them relationship.

for some of us that includes Sunday eve-

Guess what the Church is sup-

ning service, mid-week bible study, Friday

posed to do? Preach the good news, heal

night prayer, Saturday morning rehearsal

the sick, meet physical needs, love the sin-

and Saturday night board meeting too).

ner while pointing to the remedy for the

Church attendance is wonderful and cer-

sin, raise the dead and annihilate the reli-

tainly can build us up but that is not what

gious traditions which keep people bound

being in the church is about.

in legalism but deny them relationship.

We go to church, get built up, to

We are the conduit of God‘s love in the

go out of church and empty ourselves out.


The purpose for church attendance is most Our time, abilities, and resources

evident after we have been strengthened

are needed to fulfill the work and the mis-

by the preaching, worship, and fellowship.

sion of the church. We are God‘s Plan A

We walk out the doors, into the world, and

and there is no Plan B. We are the militant

are Spirit-led to reach people with the love

paradox; gently loving and reproving peo-

of God. We are the vehicle through which

ple, humbly performing good works so

God carries out His purpose in the earth.

people can glorify our heavenly Father

My husband says it like this, ―We go get

while violently waging war on the enemy,

fed to go out and feed.‖

sin, dogma and anything else that would

1 Corinthians 12:27 sums it up

dare keep captive what God wants back.

best: ―Now you are the body of Christ and 13

each one of you is a part of it!‖

Health and Nutrition the Biblical Way


The Spiritual Significance & Health Benefits of Cinnamon By Kaysha Sahai

Cinnamon is the brown bark of the laurel tree, and is commonly found in India. The oil of cinnamon has strong anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. In Biblical times, cinnamon was used as a holy anointing oil:

Then the LORD said to Moses, “Take the following fine spices: 500 shekels of liquid myrrh, half as much (that is, 250 shekels) of fragrant cinnamon, 250 shekels of fragrant calamus, 24 500 shekels of cassia—all ac-

Type 2 Diabetes Curing headaches and migraine pain The two most popular types of cinnamon are Ceylon and Cassia. The cinnamon found in most grocery stores is Cassia. Ceylon is more expensive and is said to be of higher quality. Note: Do not take cinnamon in high doses. If you are currently taking medication for controlling your blood sugar level or blood thinners, please consult your doctor before using cinnamon as a regular supplement.

cording to the sanctuary shekel—and a hin of olive oil. 25 Make these into a sacred anointing oil, a fragrant blend, the work of a

perfumer. It will be the sacred anointing oil. - Exodus 30:22-25 Today, cinnamon is used as a spice and for medicinal purposes. According to www.HealthRemediesWeb.com, an online source for natural remedies and cures, cinnamon can been used as a remedy for the following: Aiding digestion Treating diarrhea Curing the common cold Reducing arthritis pain Eliminating bad breath Boosting memory and cognitive function Treating toothache Lowering cholesterol Reducing blood sugar levels and treating

Ceylon Cinnamon is sold in most Health Food Stores and available in capsule form, which is said to simplify the consumption process. Source: 1 http://www.homeremediesweb.com/ cinnamon_health_benefits.php

Kaysha Sahai currently serves as a Freelance Writer, Author and Artist. Kaysha is also a trained Biblical Health Coach and Meditation Teacher. She is also the author of the book: The Biblical Path To Wellness: A Simple Guide To Achieving Balance In Your Life. For more information, you may visit: http://www.thebiblicalpathtowellness.com/


Keeping the Faith Excerpt: What if God doesn’t answer in the way you expect? What if trouble comes when you least expect it? These questions and many others have been answered by the authors of the Keeping The Faith anthology. Whether you’re dealing with an unexpected illness, the loss of a parent, the drug addiction of a spouse, abuse, infertility or spiritual weakness… Keeping The Faith will inspire, uplift and give each reader the ability to trust God no matter the situation. Reading the amazing stories in this anthology will strengthen the reader’s determination and give them the ability to keep the faith! Enjoy reading my chapter “The Shield of Faith" For more information or to schedule for speaking engagement or book signing contact Michele_amills@yahoo.com 16 www.loveinspiteofwomensbiblefellowship.com

Forgiveness is the way to victory By Evangelist Zella Burno

Living inside out we must forgive. No matter what the situation is, we must be willing to forgive. Jesus death on the cross forgave the ones who were picking at him, even the ones who crucified him. We must not hold anything in our heart that would cause the Holy Spirit not to flow. Carrying unforgiveness has caused many Christians to loose out on having joy. The joy of the lord is our strength. [Neh.8:10b] When you have a clean heart you can really rejoice in the lord with all your might. David in the 51st Psalms cried out to the lord, ‗have mercy on me, O God, according to thy loving kindness; according unto the multitude of tender mercies blot out my transgressions.” David sinned with Bath-Sheba, and had her husband killed. Nathan the prophet told David about his sins.( 2nd Samuel 11th & 12th chapters). When we sin we have to forgive ourselves, so that the blood can do a purging in our mind. 17

God‟s mercy is ever ready to be merciful to us. (Heb. 9:14) Like David we must ask the lord to wash us thoroughly from our iniquity, and cleanse us from sin. 1st John 1:9 says, if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. The power of the blood gives us the victory, when we confess our sins. Unforgiveness is a spirit that keeps bitterness and strife around all the times. When we start telling each other I forgive you and I love you. The love of God will start to fill up your spirit. The body of Christ has to love unconditionally, no matter who it is. The scripture says: We must keep truth in our inward parts: and in the hidden parts we shall make to know wisdom. Wisdom is the principal thing: therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. [Prov. 4:7] Remember to Live Inside Out!


Dr. Cynthia Togle Introduction Two thousand years ago, a man appeared on the scene of history. He was born into the world and grew up into manhood just like us, but this man was different from anyone else. He was no ordinary man. He was God, Himself, coming to earth in human form. He was the Son of God. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God… The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” (John 1:1, 14) The Purpose of His Coming 1.

To Rescue Mankind From Satan’s Power “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.” (Luke 19:10) ―For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves,” (Colossians 1:13)


To Give His Life as a Ransom to Buy Us Back 28 just as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Matthew 20:28 (NRSV)


To Destroy the Works of Satan in our Lives “8 Everyone who commits sin is a child of the devil; for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The Son of God was revealed for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil.” 1 John 3:8 (NRSV)


To Give Us Eternal Life 11 And this is the testimony: God gave us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. 12 Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.” 1 John 5:11-12 (NRSV) 16

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life 17 “Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. John 3:16-17 (NRSV) See also John 10:10 5.


To Give Us New Birth into the Family of God John 1:12 (NRSV) - 12 But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God, 13 who were born, not of blood or of the will of the flesh or of the will of man, but of God.” See also 1 John 3:1-2.

6. To Restore Our Fellowship with God the Father 1 John 1:3 (NRSV) - 3 we declare to you what we have seen and heard so that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ. “

He cast out evil spirits Mark 1:34 (NRSV) - 34 And he cured many who were sick with various diseases, and cast out many demons; and he would not permit the demons to speak, because they knew him. See also Mark 5:1-17.

Jesus Came To Show Us What God IS Like

He performed miracles Mark 4:37-41 (NRSV) - 37 A great windstorm arose, and the waves beat into the boat, so that the boat was already being swamped. 38 But he was in the stern, asleep on the cushion; and they woke him up and said to him, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” 39 He woke up and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” Then the wind ceased, and there was a dead calm. 40 He said to them, “Why are you afraid? Have you still no faith?” 41 And they were filled with great awe and said to one another, “Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?” See also John 6:1-21.

John 14:7-11 (NRSV) - 7 If you know me, you will know my Father also. From now on you do know him and have seen him.” 8 Philip said to him, “Lord, show us the Father, and we will be satisfied.” 9 Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you all this time, Philip, and you still do not know me? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, „Show us the Father‟? 10 Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on my own; but the Father who dwells in me does his works. 11 Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; but if you do not, then believe me because of the works themselves.” See also John 1:18. 1.

He Showed Us God’s Love 1 John 4:9-10 (NRSV) - 9 God‟s love was revealed among us in this way: God sent his only Son into the world so that we might live through him. 10 In this is love, not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the atoning sacrifice for our sins.”

He raised the dead John 11:43-44 (NRSV) - 43 When he had said this, he cried with a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out!” 44 The dead man came out, his hands and feet bound with strips of cloth, and his face wrapped in a cloth. Jesus said to them, “Unbind him, and let him go.”

Romans 5:8 (NRSV) - 8 But God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us.” 2.

He Showed Us God’s Power He healed the sick, the lame and the blind Matthew 4:24 (NRSV) - 24 So his fame spread throughout all Syria, and they brought to him all the sick, those who were afflicted with various diseases and pains, demoniacs, epileptics, and paralytics, and he cured them. (See John 9:1-7.)

Jesus Shared Our Sufferings In His Life During his life on earth Jesus experienced all the troubles of life that we face, and so understands how we feel. Hebrews 4:15 (NRSV) - 15 For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who in every respect has been tested as we are, yet without sin. See also Mathew 8:17. 19

Jesus Died On the Cross for US Wicked men took the Lord Jesus and executed him by nailing him to a wooden cross like a common criminal. He could have saved himself, but he did not for it was through his death on the Cross that God was going to save the world. Jesus died for us! Read Mark 15:16-39.


faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. See also John 14:1-13.

Isaiah 53:5-6 (NRSV) - 5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the punishment that made us whole, and by his bruises we are 6

All we like sheep have gone astray; we have all

turned to our own way, and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all. Jesus Rose from the Dead For US After three days in the tomb God raised His Son from the dead! Read Matthew 28. This too was for us! Ephesians 2:4 -6 (NRSV) -


But God, who is rich in mercy, out of the

great love with which he loved us 5 even when we were dead through our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved— 6 and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Read also Romans 6:4.

Jesus Opened The Door Of Heaven For Us When his work on earth was completed Jesus returned to Heaven to be with God, His Father. But this, too was for us! … for he opened the way into God‘s presence for us, where we can live now and forever! Hebrews 10:19-22 (NRSV) 19

Therefore, my friends, since we have confidence to enter

the sanctuary by the blood of Jesus,


by the new and living

way that he opened for us through the curtain (that is, through his

and since we have a great priest over the house of

God, 22 let us approach with a true heart in full assurance of

1 Peter 2:24 (NRSV) - 24 He himself bore our sins in his body on the cross, so that, free from sins, we might live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed.




The Tomb At the door of the sepulchre I kneeled down to pray On the other side of the stone Is where my Savior lay. Sleeping peacefully in the tomb To rest His stripes and open wounds I longed to enter this Spirit-filled room. Patiently I waited for the stone to roll away But sleep encompassed me On that Third day Falling upon me in a comatose way. As silence melted into the land Quietly I lay in the Master's hand. When I was awakened To the dawn of the day The door of the sepulchre Had been rolled away. Two angels graced my presence They took me by the hand And led me into the tomb To witness the glory Of the Father's Plan. A sweet odor of spices Filled this empty room And a fine linen napkin Lay in the sepulchre In the stillness of the tomb. At that very moment I knew I had been given A new Spirit-filled life By the rising of the Son Jesus Christ. Written by Š Cynthia Gale Boyer, 2011


Dionne Watts-Williams


Biography Dionne Watts-Williams is an accomplished communi-

ward are

cations strategist with a genuine desire to see

directors of the Young Adult Ministry. The ministry

organizations excel. As Principal & CEO of Inspired

strives to aide in the growth and spiritual maturity of

Creative Group, LLC, she provides clients with ethical

Christian young adults; this is through discussions on


topics that relate to various aspects of the lives of

quality communications consulting.

Christian young adults including relationships, career,

Serving small businesses, authors, life coaches, and

education, finance, and most of all, MINISTRY. The

nonprofits all across the country, the firm helps cli-

Fellowship also partners with local college campus


ministries, hosts fun social events/gatherings, and

“Write the vision, and make it plain” through core


capabilities such as: PR, Branding, Crisis Communica-

the youth of the church.


Though initially hesitant to take on such a prominent

Event Publicity, Copy Writing, Editing, and Publishing.

role in one of the city’s largest churches (2000+

A native of Philadelphia, PA, Dionne has more than 12

members), Dionne finds the greatest fulfillment in

years’ experience in Communications. She has a B.S.

witnessing the spiritual growth amongst those she


and her

Communications & Technology from Chestnut Hill

husband serve, and seeing their sincerely hunger for

College, and a Master of Journalism degree from

God. She advises the AMPED Steppers (youth step


team) and is involved in the production and promo-

University. She’s worked with and for various for- and

tion of Time of Deliverance, the church's upcoming

not-for-profit groups including publishing companies,

international television broadcast ministry. Most re-

communications firms, tourism agencies, literacy or-

cently, as a member of the church's Cultural Arts

ganizations, law firms and international organiza-

Committee, Dionne has been instrumental in plan-


ning the ministry's year-long business development

She is a strategic partner of Fourth Dimension Con-


sulting Group and R.I.S.E. U.P. Women. Through such

She has been an active member of Zeta Phi Beta So-

partnerships, she helps entrepreneurs understand

rority, Inc. since 2000 and currently serves as presi-

the importance of communications as a vital business

dent of


Kappa Omega Zeta Chapter (Montgomery County,

and equips them with knowledge and necessary tools


to help grow and sustain their businesses.

Dionne's special interests include: writing poetry,

An experienced workshop presenter, some of

reading (especially the works of Toni Morrison), sing-

Dionne's key topics include: "The Write Stuff: Tools


for Better

music, spending time with family, watching comedies,

Business Writing"‚ "Put Your Best Brand Forward";

and adding to her massive shoe collection. She most

and “The Art of Anticipation: Intro to Crisis

recently turned her favorite passion and pastime, in-

Communications.” She recently released an e-book –

terior decorating, into yet another business venture:

“PR: A Critical Necessity."

Details by Dionne.

Dionne is also a freelance voiceover talent.


Learn more about Dionne and her company, Inspired

She worships at Deliverance Evangelistic Church

Creative Group, by visiting

(Philadelphia, PA) where she and her husband Ed-


What started out as a part-time freelanc-

a long-term strategy for success. It’s avail-

ing endeavor for Dionne in 2007 evolved


into Inspired Creative Group, a strategic

download on the company’s website.

communications company specializing in

The most recent initiative, PR Basics™, is a

innovative PR and branding strategies,

quarterly tele-seminar series for small busi-

and premier editorial services. Established

ness owners to become equipped with

as an official entity in 2009, ICG is com-

the tools needed to implement their very

prised of a team of graphic designers,

own communications strategies. Topics

writers, and PR experts. The company

covered include media pitching, effec-

works primarily with Christian authors, life

tive business writing, corporate identity,

coaches, and small businesses to help

networking, social media, and SEO mar-

them "write the vision, and make it plain."






Some of ICG’s many service offerings in-

Free consultations are also available.

clude Public & Media Relations, Product

For more information, visit

Launches, Event Promotion, Corporate


Sponsorships, Copy Writing, and Editing. Its recent client roster includes: Cheryl

Inspired Creative Group, LLC

Pullins (life coach and Chief Visionary of


Victorious Living International); Jaime L.


Rohadfox (life coach, and author of


“Give It Up, Turn It Loose!”); Shaun Ste-

Facebook: www.facebook.com/

phenson (life coach, speaker, and author


of “Faith vs. Fate”), Gospel singer and

Twitter: www.twitter.com/InspiredCG

songwriter Danielle Lewis, and most recently, New Life Coach, Inc. In 2011, Dionne released “PR: A Critical Necessity,” an e-book in which Dionne clarifies myths associated with public relations and illustrates its validity. The hope is for every reader to walk away with a clear understanding of PR, how it works, and a desire to incorporate it as a part of 24

Conditional Obedience by Ann Thomas (annthomasministry.com)

Rob was always in somebody’s church from the time he could utter his first words. His grandma drug…took him to church with her every Sunday. As a toddler, going to church didn’t seem that bad because he was able to lay his head on grandma’s lap when he got tired. When he awoke, the service was just about over. But once Rob turned nine years old, things changed. If he nodded off during the service, he was awakened by the excruciating pain that accompanied a well calculated and perfectly timed pinch from grandma. Grandma wasn’t having any of that. “Pay attention boy, God’s got something to say to nine year olds too,” she would say elbowing him while reaching for her change purse. Rob saw every kind of preacher there was. He saw tall ones, short ones, black ones, skinny ones, fat ones, white ones, loud ones, reflective ones, you name it, and he saw it. One Sunday, now at age 12, Rob was sitting in a church full of Holy Ghost shouting; foot-stomping, track-running Christians. You know…the ones who would take off running around the church until they simply passed out. The pastor was a whooping and hollering, spitting and sweating preacher. He started declaring that God had a call on each person’s life sitting under the sound of his voice. “It doesn’t matter how old you are, ha! God’s can use you whether you’re 90, ha! Or 9 years old, ha!” He began walking around the church, laying hands on certain people. Before he knew it, Rob felt the preacher’s hand on top of his head. His hand felt like it weighed 50 pounds and Rob somehow couldn’t remain standing. While lying on the floor, Rob heard a voice. He looked around, but the preacher had moved on and there wasn’t a man or woman within ten feet of where he laid. He looked toward the ceiling of the church and saw what looked like a light. He felt a warm sensation cover his body and then the voice spoke 25 again. “Rob, I’m calling you to preach my word.”

Rob was astonished. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. The voice spoke again and Rob realized it was God. So he answered. “Yes Lord. I will preach your word.” As he sat up, he fixed his gaze on the preacher, who was yelling and spitting while laying hands on another young man. The preacher’s suit jacket was kind of tight, his shirt was missing a button, his bell bottom pants were high waters, and his afro was nappy looking. He may have had power in his preaching, but he dressed like a pauper. Rob shook his head with disgust and replied, “Lord, I will preach your word, but not like that!” Today, Rob is 39 years old and has a job that pays $250,000 a year. He appears to be the epitome of success from a distance. According to the world’s standards, he’s arrived. According to God’s standards, he’s an underachiever. Rob has acquaintances, not friends. Everyone he meets only gets to know what he wants them to know and nothing more. If he seems to have a vulnerable or transparent moment, it’s for selfish gain. Married and divorced twice, a father to four children by three different women, Rob hasn’t had the impact on the lives of three women and four children that God intended. So, what exactly happened to Rob? When God called him to live a life that would please him and have the greatest impact for the Kingdom, Rob placed conditions on God. He said, “I would do this, only if…” He would do it, but on his terms. As a result, he tied God’s hands from blessing him. Did you know that as powerful as God is, we hinder his ability to show us great things by our disobedience? He needs our cooperation. And he needs us fully on board, not half way and not with conditions. Have you ever heard anyone say, “I’m a little bit pregnant?” Sounds foolish, doesn’t it? It’s the (Continued on page 26)

same with being a little bit disobedient. Anything other than complete and radical obedience is disobedience. God says he knows the plans he has for each of us. His plans are to prosper us and not to harm us. His plans are to give us the future we hope for [Jeremiah 29:11]. God has great plans for Rob but Rob will never know until he lets go of his conditions. Most people don’t know that Rob was abused and abandoned as a kid by his biological parents. That’s how he ended up being raised by his grandmother. He loved his grandma, but he yearned for the love of a mother and a father. Deep down beyond the façade, the annual salary, and the nice car he drives, Rob desires to know he is wanted and of great value. He wants acceptance. He desires meaningful relationships; relationships that come with an assurance of not being abandoned. But no one can ever make that promise and live up to it. Yet, Rob believes that conditions are synonymous with guarantees. Eventually, these conditions drain and suck the life out of those who desire a transparent relationship with Rob. People are soon turned off by what appears to be selfishness and pride; but really is fear of rejection. Rob knows the Bible very well. He is chock full of head knowledge. He can recite all of God’s promises, but he doesn’t believe them. These promises remain in Rob’s head for conversation about God’s love; but never made it to his heart for confirmation of God’s love. He doesn’t truly embrace, believe, and receive them. So he ‘sounds’ spiritually grounded in his conversations. People are impressed with how well he knows scriptures and constantly ask if he’s a preacher or some sort of church leader. Rob can run from God’s calling, but he can’t hide from it. This infuriates him.

The thought of being a preacher carries unpleasant thoughts for Rob as he perceives this role as poverty-driven and lacking control over his own destiny. He seeks to lift himself up, rather than humble himself and let God do the lifting. Obedience requires humility. Humility requires vulnerability. Vulnerability requires trust. Rob’s parents disappointed him. They hurt him. They were less than what God intended them to be. But Rob’s attempt to make his own life right by placing conditions on everyone, including God is an intimacy killer. There is only one person who can say they will never leave or forsake us and keep that promise - - and that’s God [Deuteronomy 31:8]. God wants to draw so close to us that we can’t tell where we stop and he begins. He wants to be our father, mother, brother, sister, husband, and wife. He wants to breathe true intimacy into our lives. But we have to allow him to - - with no conditions. There are many things that we can do for the Lord. We can sing, dance, read our Bibles, teach Sunday school, usher, and be on the communion team. But, if we do not obey his word, then we do not love him. Obedience is God’s love language [John 14:15]. Obedience is not doing what God asks some of the times. It’s not placing conditions on him. It is trusting in his faithfulness with reckless abandonment so we can walk in the blessings he has for each of us. Are you missing out on your God-given purpose and destiny because you’re placing conditions on what God has asked you to do?


Come Reveal Come reveal yourself to me Lord Show me Your glory I wait and don’t worry As You shower me with Your presence Your love envelopes me, Develops me, transforms me Into the servant You need me to be Lord take Your time I’m in no hurry Reveal to me Your unlimited knowledge & power Your unmerited grace As the tears flow I feel you here I feel Your presence As you hold me near I thank You Lord Because You erase all fear I feel You in me as You being to heal Everyone in Your presence And I say Hallelujah! To You Lord, “Come Reveal” © 2010 - Robert T Sells 27

WHAT IS THIS FIRE? What is this firestorm that simmers bottomless inside? When it overcomes me it is impossible for me to hide. This flame causes me to love when love is not returned. This is one of the many things of Jesus I have learned. What is this fire that sometimes reduces me to tears? It warms my spirit; it soothes my most profound fears. This fire makes me know that Jesus Christ surely lives. The fire entices me praise God and openhandedly give. What is this fire that burns unrestrained from my pen? At times I don’t wish to write, but I can’t keep it within. Sometimes there’s no slumber; though sleep is my desire. I have no control, Lord; what is this sweet wondrous fire? What is this fire that through life’s thunderstorms remains? No difficulty can drench it; Jesus’ Spirit is this fire’s flames. Hammering rains cannot drown the fire as the devil desires. “The Holy Spirit of God”, is the name given to this Holy fire. BY: Sharon Reid-Robinson Copyright 2009


“Travel Light�

By Mandy Woodhouse If you have ever done any traveling at all, then you understand the stress that can go along with the adventure. You know what I mean: Packing and repacking and packing again. We all know that deep feeling in your gut that you may have forgotten something important or that you may find yourself needing that extra sweater after all. There are also online check-ins and waiting around forever to actually board the plane, then having to endure turbulence and the sometimes strange strangers next to you. But the absolute worst—lugging your oversized bags around from place to place, wishing all-the-while that you had listened to your instincts and packed lighter. If only the adventure called for one small backpack and a toothbrush! For some of us, our travel always consists of these small bags. But for most people, the common sight is a person weighed down with bags and seemingly unnecessary cases dragging behind them. My husband and I took a domestic flight to New York City recently and traveled most of the way with a lovely woman who was going for a few days less than us. My husband and I, being seasoned travelers, found ways to shove everything we could into two, small school back packs so that we could move freely throughout Manhattan before our friends who live there could meet up with us. Our travel buddy, however, had with her a giant purse and a suitcase (which thankfully had wheels). The trip from 29 the airport to the bus to the subway to Time Square was

easy for my husband and me, but difficult for our lovely new friend because of the heavy baggage she had to drag around, especially once we got to the world famous Time Square! Whatever was in that suitcase that she thought she needed so badly both slowed her down and made the trip much less enjoyable for her than for us and our tiny back packs. God really showed me a great lesson in all this through another couple that we met up with in New York, named Josh and Belinda. Coming from Australia, Josh and Belinda felt led to move to New York and sold everything they had. They left for New York with a small bag of clothing, a few credit cards, and lots of faith in their faithful God. They traveled light and enjoyed every second of their grand adventure. And more than anything else, the peace of God is so evident on both of their faces that we have seen people literally stop and stare at them on the street as they walk past! They took Jesus literally when He told the disciples to drop everything to follow Him. Now I do not think that God wants everyone to sell all their belongings and move to an entirely different country completely on faith; this is a decision that must be 100% God inspired. The point that I wanted to make about Josh and Belinda is that God used them in my life as great examples of what it means to travel light. No worries, no fears, nothing intimidating them or holding them back; (Continued on page 30)

just a back pack each and a willingness to obey is what stood out to me about this wonderful couple. At the same time I felt challenged to the core—do I personally ―travel light‖ in my life adventure, or am I more like my friend who we met on the plane who miserably had to drag her baggage all over Time Square? This is an essential lesson for the believer who wants to live out the promise that Jesus gives in John 10:10 (NIV), to live ―life abundantly.‖ I am convinced that we cannot live an abundant life with baggage dragging behind us. If I hold onto bitterness, for example, I am like the people in the airport who have a suitcase and an extra, unneeded carry-on. And if I have bitterness and resentment, then I have just checked an extra bag at the counter (thus having to get yet another bag from baggage claim later). Then add insecurity, rebellion, bad attitudes and an impure thought life to the list…no one could make it through busy, tourist-infested Time Square with all that luggage! If I go camping this weekend, there will be no need for me to take along a fancy dress, high heels and my husband‘s best business suit. But unfortunately in life, we carry around all these extra items just in case we need them emotionally in the future. OR, we often do not even realize that we do carry extra baggage around, mostly because it has been with us for so long. I believe however that God wants us to live like Josh and Belinda – to live free, full of joy and peace, and light enough to really enjoy the journey. Jesus promised us, after all, an abundant life. He also said that He would take our burdens and yoke (Matthew 11:30) and make life lighter for us. My husband and I love to travel, and although packing and airports are not our favorite part of the journey, we understand the importance of traveling light. And we strive, now more than ever, to travel this way in our spiritual and emotional lives too. We want to enjoy the adventure for all that it is worth, and I pray that every born-again believer learns that it is their inheritance to enjoy life while living and travelling light.


Refuge In Him

My refuge in him is before me I am in heaven looking among man My refuge in him is shelter, and peace "He said, "I have a mission for you" In refuge I am hobbled The stream flow as He created A refuge in him "He commandth, " And it shall be done" Refuge in him isn't costly Nor doubted Refuge in him is surrendering unto thee. Ephesians 6:17 Psalm 18:1

written by Feon Davis http://heartmindandsoulasone.blogspot.com

Spring Clean Your Marriage Pastors Mike and Trisha Fox Spring time is almost here! We are coming out of winter and into the beautiful spring. Springtime can bring feelings of new beginnings. In fact, after a brutal, bitter cold winter, we look forward even more to this upcoming wonderful season. The snow and ice will be gone, animals will be born, and flowers will start to bloom. Springtime is also the time that a lot of people do ―spring cleaning‖ for their homes and properties. We can also apply this same principle of ―spring cleaning‖ to our own marriages! Marriage can sometimes seem to go through seasons, just like the months of the year. This is the opportunity to re-evaluate if your marriage could use a fresh perspective. Maybe you‘ve been going through a long, cold winter in your marriage, and have allowed what‘s called, ―Ice Buildup.‖ Ice Buildups It‘s been explained that Ice Buildups happen when water freezes, then melts, then freezes aging. When it melts, it seeps into cracks and crevices. But then the cold comes again and ―refreezes‖ it. Then a little sun

and warmth melts the top frozen layer, and when more water runs over the frozen part, it causes re-freezing to occur. What‘s worse is when it gets cold yet again! Eventually, the constant refreezing will cause ―Ice Buildup‖ and a tremendous amount of damage is caused by Ice Buildup. Everything from roof shingles plied away, to solid parking lot pavement literally torn asunder causing huge holes and large cracks that can damage your car. Have you been holding onto resentments and hurts that you haven‘t yet expressed to your partner? Have you been trying to sweep things under the rug, hoping that it will somehow magically just go away? Many times we as busy married couples assume that ―not doing anything‖ about the little unresolved issues will somehow make things go away, and everything just sort of ―works out‖ on its own. This could not be farther from the truth. It‘s as the Ostrich, who when hurt or in danger, forcefully shoves his head in the ground. What the bird (Continued on page 32)


doesn‘t realize is that it is still leaving the rest of his body exposed. The problems simply do not go away. In fact, if left unresolved, they worsen; even to the point of a collapse in the structure of the marriage itself. Take time to sit down with your spouse and discuss anything that has been built-up. Have a ―state of the union‖ discussion about where you‘re at in your marriage. Methods used to Spring Clean One common concern that we hear is the ―method‖ of talking about these things. Remember, the whole goal is to become closer, stronger, deeper and more intimate in your marriage relationship. We‘ve run across couples where one of them tries to avoid any conflicts and hides trying to work it out. This is counter-productive to a healthy relationship. It absolutely needs to be discussed. Yet at the same time, we realize that many on the opposite end try to ―force‖ their partner to open up and deal with issues in dominating and pushy ways. Many times they don‘t even realize that they are acting in this manner. The Shy Turtle It brings us to the story about a boy who while walking down a path, found a turtle. He picked it up and starting examining the creature. This scared the turtle, and as we all know, the turtle immediately went into its shell to hide. The boy found and picked up a stick and tried unsuccessfully to force the turtle‘s head to peek out. The dad happened to walk to where he was and saw the incident. The dad told his son that if he continued trying to force the head out of its shell using this method, he could actually ―kill‖ the turtle! They eventually took it home with them and the father brought the frightened turtle close to the fireplace where it was warm. It only took a few minutes before the head of the turtle slowly peeked out, and its legs came out, and it started to crawl. We can learn from this turtle that it takes love, patience and warmth to re-ignite the love and trust after a long, cold winter‘s season of hurt and pain. We can respectfully bring things to the table that need to be addressed and at the same time bring the issues with solutions, not just the problems. Try to figure out new ways to be there for each other. Ask your partner again what their needs are, and what you can do to better love them the way they need to be loved. Who knows, after a long winter‘s cold, it may be time to freshen things up a bit by putting some romance back into your marriage! Spring to Action! What can you do to make your spouse feel loved? What things can you do together that you both enjoy?

Remember, ―Variety is the spice of life!‖ The weather will soon get warmer, so there are plenty of options both indoors and out. Ask yourself, ―Are there things that you used to enjoy doing together, and just haven‘t had time for?‖ Well now‘s the time to get those activities working for your marriage! Surprise your partner with flowers, or candy. A spring bouquet, perhaps… for ―no particular reason‖! I remember picking up a nice spring bouquet at the store and brought it to work so I could take it home to my wife. Many people asked if had ―done anything wrong!‖ Don‘t just get surprises for negative reasons… keep the romance alive whether all is good or not. Does your spouse like it when you wear a certain outfit, or a certain perfume or cologne? Wear it. Take a walk together! Go swimming together. Go to an amusement park together! Play and have fun together. Do whatever it is that will draw you closer together and re-spark that fire between you. Building the fire of love through romance and intimacy will help melt that winter ice that has built up through the season. And the more you do things together, the more you‘ll feel those feelings of love, trust and respect like when you first fell in love. Conclusion So you may have to work a little, and do a little cleaning, and rearrange some things, but it will definitely be worth it. New life will come into your marriage, the flowers will bloom again, and you will have a strong, healthy marriage. Rev. Mike & Trisha Fox are Certified Marriage Coaches, Authors of Marriage For Today: A Practical Guide for Couples, Speakers, Writers and more! To contact or book Mike and Trisha with Marriage For Today, Call (302) 399-7851 or visit their website at: www.marriagefortoday.com, or simply email them at info@marriagefortoday.com

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Touch Me Lord Touch my mind My spirit My soul Touch me Lord And make me whole. When I am weary And I am worn From the struggles of Life‘s daily storm I need you Lord To see me through For my days seem dark And my spirit is blue I seek the power of Your mighty hand To guide me through This thirsty land The living water My hungry soul shall feed The bread of life To satisfy all my needs And when my spirit is tattered And my mind is torn While I struggle Through life‘s daily storms Touch my mind My spirit My soul Touch me Lord And make me whole.

Yvette Johnson Inspirational Sips The Tilted Tea Cup – All Things Inspired All Rights Reserved 33

The Single Christian Series - Part 3 (The Single Christian Couple: Getting Ready for a Lifetime Together) By Robert T. Sells Well we‘ve finally reached the end of this series and it has truly been a blessing for me to write this. I pray that something has ministered to you as you are preparing yourself for the man/woman that God has set apart just for you. In this month I will be dealing with the Christian couple and how you can begin preparing for spending the rest of your life with the mate that God intended for you to be with.

opened my spiritual eyes to see her the way He saw her. I knew immediately it was love! And on our first date I found out He had spoken the same thing to her on that same day! When she told me I knew then why she was crying on that day when I looked at her. Powerful! Because up to that point she had been telling God that she did not want to be bothered with any of the men in that church because she didn‘t think they were worth her time. Now hear me on this one. She had been done so wrong in her previous marriage being abused for years and I had been verbally and mentally abused in my previous marriage so neither of us wanted the ―wrong‖ partner again. We both decided that if it was going to happen again that it was going to be God‘s will only!

So you‘ve been praying and seeking the Lord‘s face as a single person, communing with Him in the middle of the night, day, morning, afternoon, evening and whenever else you could. You see when you‘re single you are married to the Lord as a Christian so you should be spending as much time as you can with Him so you can begin to really learn His voice. The reason for this is because without a doubt you want to know when God speaks, especially concerning your future marriage. You DO NOT want to be married to the wrong person when you finally do ―tie the proverbial knot‖ as the more mature southerners say. LOL! And after much praying and seeking and following God‘s instructions He has gotten you ready to the point where He knows you‘re ready to receive your life mate. Let me tell you how it happened for me.

So at this point God has brought us together and now we had to prepare for marriage. Well one evening I was talking with her and the Lord had me tell her something that only she knew. She hadn‘t told me about this but I told her at the Lord‘s prompting and she immediately began to cry. She said she knew it was the Lord speaking because I couldn‘t possibly know that so she now had her confirmation that I truly was the man of God that she was waiting for. This did my heart so good to hear her say that. I was so happy I just took her in my arms and held her because I didn‘t know she needed that. I just did what I was instructed to do. That‘s why it is so important to be able to hear from God before you meet your future spouse.

I was singing on the praise team at a previous church for 5 years and for 3 of those 5 years I was singing with my future wife on the praise team. I just didn‘t know it yet! But here‘s what happened. Marlas and I used to see each other every week at church but didn‘t have a romantic interest. We would say what‘s up all the time, we‘d give each other high fives, but never suspected until one day when the Lord had us sit next to each other. He had me look at her one day (December 31, 2004) and when I did He

As you spend time together preparing for marriage there are several things you can do. One of the biggest things you can do is avoid the pitfall that a lot of couples fall into and that is having sex before marriage. Now you have to know yourselves but if you know you (Continued on page 35)


are burning with passion, don‘t spend too much time alone with your mate because it can lead to intimacy. Believe me there will be plenty of time for that after you get married. (smile) Instead what you want to do is begin to do some of the things that will set the biblical foundation for your relationship.

that welcomes the Spirit of God into your relationship. The Apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 3:16 (NIV), “Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst?” The bible also says: “When two of you get together on anything at all on earth and make a prayer of it, my Father in heaven goes into action. And when two or three of you are together because of me, you can be sure that I'll be there." (Matthew 18:19-20 MSG)

First of all you should pray together as often as you can. “Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” (Colossians 4:2 NIV) Pray for God to send ministering angels to guide the both of you on your journey. Pray for the Holy Spirit to bond you together spiritually until you are bonded physically in marriage. Pray for God to send the spirit of love and commitment to your relationship. Plead the blood of Christ over your marriage and for Jesus to protect your relationship. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. (Philippians 4:6 NIV) Pray for God to release the spirit of agreement over your relationship so that you will be strong enough to come against any future arguments that will try to arise. I promise you they will arise. “Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 KJV)

You should sit down and read the bible together. Men I strongly suggest you read the Word of God to her as often as you can. Let me tell you why. Your fiancée is a receptacle for the Word of God. As you pour into her you will begin to see the Lord ―grow her up‖ spiritually. I'm not saying that she isn‘t already but this is different. A woman receives the Word in a totally different way when it‘s read to her by the man she loves. Then as you follow it up with any revelation the Lord gives you it will be even more of a blessing. Reading the Word of God to your woman of God causes her to fall deeper in love with you if she truly has a heart for God. It stirs up her spirit man inside and renews her soul. She becomes more and more committed to you and you become more committed to her as you take on the role of spiritual head of the family. As you submit to Christ, your family will submit to you. “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.” (Ephesians 5:21 NIV)

As you move forward together as a couple, the devil WILL try to break you up. He will try everything in his power to cause strife and division. So pray together to bind up the devil in your relationship and your marriage. Bind his hands in the mighty name of Jesus so you can render the enemy totally ineffective in your marriage! “Verily I say unto you, whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” (Matthew 18:18 KJV) Remember it is in your agreement as a couple

As you prepare your wedding remember to keep the spirit of agreement in everything you do, whether is the type of flowers, the colors, the bridesmaids and bridegrooms, the location, the honeymoon location, the total cost if the father of the bride isn‘t paying, the reception, to limo or not, photographer, videographer, etc… You get the point. The spirit of agreement must always be present even if you agree to disagree because you 35

won‘t agree on everything. The planning of the wedding is a big event. We only had 8 months to plan our wedding but it was beautiful. It was the exact wedding my wife wanted to have and she was so happy. It did my heart good to see her so happy. Now the devil will try to step in again. Just because you bind him up doesn‘t mean he won‘t keep trying. He will. We had our location cancelled at the last minute and had to find a location quickly. Thank God that the Lord led us to another reception hall that was much bigger, very affordable, and had onsite catering! Hallelujah!! We got a DJ, photographer, and videographer; all who were very professional but also charged us a dramatically reduced rate! You see God was constantly in the middle of the planning because we invited Him in. And He worked everything out for our good! Praise God!

your mate doing. Why can I say this with confidence? I can say this because He did the same thing for us. He worked everything out for our good and the gifts and talents he placed in us work together and fit together perfectly to create an unstoppable force for the Kingdom of God!

When you keep God present in your relationship before you get married, you will be in the habit of keeping Him present and first throughout your marriage. God will come first in every decision, every situation, and every challenge that presents itself. Your marriage will not always be easy and sometimes it will be challenging, but remember when you keep God present you will always be victorious over every situation. I can honestly tell you that our marriage hasn‘t always been a bed of roses. The devil has tried to attack us in many ways, but we stand victorious today because we refuse to have a marriage without God at the head of it. And because of our faith, God has enhanced our love for each other more than it ever has been. Because of our faithfulness, we have seen the fruit of our labor and God isn‘t through with us yet. Our company, "Words of Inspiration Ministries" was birthed out of our faithfulness to what God has called us to do. When you get married continually seek God in prayer and ask him what He desires you to do as a couple. I know for a fact that the things that He has you doing for Him as a single person will fit perfectly with whatever He has

Allow your relationship and time together before marriage to be a training ground for how you will work as a married Christian couple. This is the time you will use to be sure your foundation and direction is set in stone, based on God‘s word and His leading. Trust God for your relationship and your marriage. Pray together all the time. Read the Bible together all the time. Speak life over your marriage before it happens and come together in agreement for everything that God has intended for your marriage and your marriage will be blessed beyond measure. You will have people telling you on the street that you look so happy together. Single people will tell you they wish they could have what you have. There is your opportunity to minister to them and testify about how good God has been to the two of you. Allow God to use your marriage as a light in a dark world. Allow your marriage to be a beacon of hope to the hopeless. People will see that God is still in the blessing business through your marriage. People will learn just by watching you that they too can have a blessed marriage. They will see that God really does bless those who are willing to put Him first in all that they do. When you do this, you will see that there will be no end to what God can do through you. He will take you places you‘ve never been before as a couple. He will prosper you in all you do. And it‘s all because you put Him first. Have a blessed life and a wonderful marriage – in Jesus‘ mighty name! He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the LORD. (Proverbs 18:22 NIV) That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh. (Genesis 2:24 NIV)


Sister Dingbat�


Apostle Lee Ann Marino, PhD ally women (Nympha - Colossians 4:15, Lydia Acts 16:40, Chloe - 1 Corinthians 1:11, Priscilla 1 Corinthians 16:19). I mentioned the Apostles Junia (Romans 16:7) and Apphia (Philemon 1:2). I also pointed out that, given her background with the Anglican Communion, there are a number of women who were preachers or leaders in modern times acknowledged within their communion of saints, including Fanny Crosby. She really didn't answer me. It was of more interest to her to argue with a stage four cancer patient and call her a redneck instead. She clearly had no Bible background and was just reiterating what someone in her off-color current denomination told her to say. She had belief, but no information; zeal, but no knowledge.

A bird that flies in the fog is a dingbat Today I was asked to back up another online minister in defense of women preachers and church leaders on FaceBook. A woman took the liberty of turning an innocent comment about someone going to church and creating a bizarre debate about whether or not women could be leaders. Her argument was that women in leadership was pagan (I'm not sure where she got that from because even paganism tended to degrade women in leadership in those days) and she insisted women could do things in their houses, just not in church. Her strange logic eluded me to no end, especially when she started saying she could commit murder tomorrow and still go to heaven - but apparently women preaching was the unforgivable, unpardonable sin for which there was no redemption.

Years ago on the show "All In The Family," Archie Bunker made the following statement: "A bird that flies in the fog is a dingbat!" In other words, someone who tries to do something without any foresight, ability to see, or vision is, well...a dingbat. The woman posting all over FaceBook was...well...a dingbat. Sister Dingbat is what I am going to call her. She was so busy being fanatical she forgot to be informed. She sounded cultlike and ridiculous, not to mention totally without merit in her opinions. She was flying around in a thick fog, making vague statements without any clue. The rants and raves of ideas placed in her mind rolled around to no end, never ending, and never coming to any knowledge of the truth (2 Timothy 3:7).

The issue of women in the church has not been as much of a primitive historical debate as we might like to believe. More and more evidence supports women in leadership roles alongside men in New Testament times. Historical evidence points out the exclusion of women came later as the church grew more and more political and, as a result, more and more deviant from the truth. We could debate on this singular issue here, but it is not my desire to turn this issue into the argument for or against women preachers. I'm an apostle; we all know where I stand on that debate. I have spent years analyzing, studying, researching, and working in apologetics on this topic and it is not of debate within my mind. I can't believe with all the evidence out there to support female ministry we still have debate and argument against it. That having been said, to put it on a plane as greater than if not equal to murder, is probably the most ridiculous argument I've heard against female ministers yet. I did point some things out to her. For example, all the people in the New Testament specifically named as pastors with congregations were actu-

Today's church encourages zealotism without learning. Too often we are made to believe our enemies lie where they do not in the hopes we will get so worked up, so obnoxious, and so defensive that people can't even talk to us anymore. It's not uncommon for me to meet people who claim to be the most Christian of the Christian who are so disagreeable, dislikeable, and obstinate that you don't want to hear a thing they have to say. May I remind every believer: people liked 37

(Continued on page 38)

to hear Jesus. They liked to talk to the Savior. They grew from what He said. People don't want to hear Christians today. Maybe we need to step back and think of why that is. Do we sound too fanatical? Is it too much about our own opinions rather than God's Word? Do we even know what God's Word says - and better yet, do we understand it? It's not enough to have a handful of Bible verses to spout off at any given time. We need to display revelation and knowledge in our understanding of God's Word and live that Word with our lives. There is no shortage of so-called Christians flying around in a fog of opinion, legalism, and doctrine with mouths louder and bigger than their own good. Get into that Word...get that revelation and understanding...or else, risk running around...as Sister or Brother Dingbat. "Pay attention to the Word. Understand knowledge. Love life." - Quote attributed to Jesus as found in an apocryphal writing The Lie (To Tell The Truth) Many years ago in the early days of television, there was a game show called "To Tell The Truth." Three contestants would appear on stage, all claiming to be the same person. The star-studded panel would ask the contestants questions in order to determine which person was telling the truth. It was amazing how easy it was for the contestants to lie without batting an eyelash. Of course, when we say someone is not telling the truth vs. someone is lying, it somehow doesn't sound quite as bad. I started to recall how often I have heard people lying in the course of a day. I thought about God's rules for our lives as laid down in the Ten Commandments. I began to realize that the foundation of almost all the Commandments is in regard to telling the truth. Each of the Commandments sets us up for a life without lying. If we stray from the rules of living, it opens up the door to deceit and lies. So here we have this wonderful set of guidelines to follow. So if we are following them, why are we constantly slipping from these guidelines and lying? Is it because lying is not listed as one of the Ten Commandments? Or is it because lying has become a way of life in our society? Moving along in time to present-day television, there is a now-TV show with a non-conventional character called "House." One of Dr. House's most frequent

lines is, "All people lie." Each episode shows how people lie even when they are in jeopardy of dying, or in jeopardy of hurting even family members or friends. Many times they lie because they have travelled so far outside the bounds of God's set of rules. Other times, it is just because lying appears easier than telling the truth. There is another situation comedy where the main character lies all the time. He is lying and the audience is always laughing at him. He lies to his family, he lies to his wife, he lies to his friends, etc. Have we become so numbed to lying that we cannot tell the difference between a lie and the truth? Why do we find lies so amusing? You may think I am exaggerating, but believe me, I'm not. It is all around us. It is part of our favorite TV programs, it is in the workplace, it is in our homes. Maybe the media makes us think it's OK to lie. Lying has become an active member of our society. Why do people feel the need to lie about issues that are not deserving of a lie? Whatever happened to the truth? Truth is now frowned upon. Society does not revere people who are honest and tell the truth. They are perceived as mean and angry. Let's face it - no one likes to hear the truth. In fact, most people become very angry when faced with what they know to be the truth. That sounds very backward, doesn't it? It used to be considered dishonest not to tell the truth. Now it appears society has made it easier to lie and for lying to be an accepted part of the culture. The worst part of all this lying is that people are telling lies and actually believing them. Somewhere along the way, society has opened the doors to dishonesty for an entire culture. Yes, we are an advanced and technologically advanced people. With these advances come discernment and responsibility. People can now communicate without seeing or hearing each other. They can portray themselves as anything or any one. We are all aware that people on the internet communicate lies everyday in an effort to achieve their goals. We, as a society, are at a great risk. Maybe it's not only technology, but a society that lacks the maturity to deal with a quickly evolving technological advances. Are you a representative of God? The next time you open your mouth to speak: stop, think, and remember to tell the truth. 38

Divine Melodies Judith M. Mosley

Try to imagine the Lord as the composer and director of the symphony He calls our lives. Think of Him choosing the key it will be written in. See Him placing the notes on the staff. He decides the meter and the rhythm; when it should be fast or slow. He inserts the rests in just the right places. Sometimes the music is smooth. Sometimes it is choppy. Other times it is loud or soft, but God, the composer, knows how it will all come together and how it will end. Then think of Him picking up His royal baton and directing the instruments. He expects our eyes, and ears, our hands and feet to keep time. He expects our mouths to sing enthusiastically. He looks for our minds, souls and hearts to interpret the notes as He has already written them. As we do, we will realize that God in His infinite wisdom knows how to bring His music out of us, and the longer we listen to the melody; we will understand its beauty and play along.

Philippians 2:13 For it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.


GRACE IS NOT FOR PREMEDITATED SIN! By Michelle Pumphrey livforjesus@verizon.net What then? Shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? GOD FORBID! Know ye not, that to whom ye yourselves servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness. ROMANS 6:15-16.

Saint‘s, the Grace of God is one of the most precious gift that the Father has bestowed upon us, If it had not been for his grace many of us would be a done deal, His grace has allowed us favor that we did not deserve. You know what I find hard to digest? I find that the people of God are the main people who know about the grace of God, yet they are the ones who seek to take advantage of it! We know the laws and statues of our Lord. He makes his standards very clear to the believer, after all we are the ones sitting in his house, reading his word, studying to show ourselves approved, and yet still we are the main ones cheapening His grace! With our shabby lifestyles from Monday to Saturday night! I heard believers premeditatedly plan their sin. Set it on the top of their agenda, and then say when God is ready to take it away from me he will. I THINK NOT!! Hebrews 12:1 says, ― wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us! ―I am going to stop right there! There are things that we have to make an effort to rid ourselves of; we can with the power of God that is working in our lives. We can achieve it. Now we don't always make our mark, yes sometimes we may slip and fall, we may even get tangled up in things unaware, and the Father know this. This is when His Grace kicks in for us. He searches the heart and sees that it wasn't a planned thing. But when you rise up

early in the morning and plan out a day of SIN (any and everything that you know offends God) and you think Grace is going to be lying on the side to help you out! One has to question whether true repentance has taken place in your life! Oh yeah I am fruit inspecting, because saints there are people depending on us. There are people waiting on you to minister the word of deliverance to them. How can you do that when you are not delivered from anything yourself? You‘re to busy making excuses for why you are continuing to enjoy your sin. It should make the believer sick to their stomach when they offend God, we shouldn‘t just shrug our shoulders and say well thank God for Grace. Well that's that. And I am not saying have condemnation, for that is sinning against God, but there must be remorse for hurting the heart of God. We went out of our way not to offend our earthly fathers, and they have no heaven or hell to put us in, nor do they put breath in our bodies daily! In closing, to all that this may apply to, the bottom line is, If you can get up daily and plan your premeditated Sin then you can get up and plan to be obedient to our Father. You will never know when God will premeditatedly withdraw His Grace from you. Amen!


Jesus’ Blood Gave Us Life

sion” (Hebrews 9:22).

If you are like me, you grew up in the church so you always knew certain things were always going to happen – they were constant fixtures. You knew that communion services were every first Sunday of the month and, with-out-fail; you could expect the choir to sing at least six songs that had significance to ‗The Blood of Jesus‘.

Blood also helps our bodies to heal. The white blood cells (leucocytes) are the body‘s first line of defense against bacteria that invade the body. When bacteria enter the body, white blood cells start to reproduce in great numbers. They travel to the site of infection and overcome the invaders. Likewise, the blood of Jesus does the same for our spiritual bodies. When Satan invades, the Holy Spirit stands ready to come to our rescue and bring healing to the body.

You could hear the choir singing and the congregation singing along – ―The blood that Jesus shed for me,

“But he was wounded for our transgressions, he

way back on Calvary, and the blood that gives me

was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of

strength from day to day it will never lose its power‖.

our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we

Another favorite – ‗I know it was the blood, I know it

are healed” (Isaiah 53:5). The Lord desires that we

was the blood, I know it was the blood for me…‘

walk in divine health; His blood also gives us strength.

Many of us that have sang these hymns commemorating how Jesus shed his blood on Calvary. I often won-

The devil wants to keep us weak and make us defense-

der how many of us really know how significant His

less, but Jesus‘ blood gives us power ―...be strong in

blood really is.

the Lord, and in the power of his might” (Ephesians 6:10).

Blood is defined as a red fluid that circulates through-

The blood of Jesus is our sustaining power through the

out the bodies of vertebrates, delivering oxygen and

Holy Spirit and it keeps us walking in victory; it gives

nutrients to the cells and tissues and removing waste

us the strength to become over comers.

products. It is the vital principle for life. Blood is very

“And they overcame him by the blood of the

important for life. If there is an insufficient amount of

Lamb” (Revelation 12:11).

blood in our bodies we die. When Jesus shed His blood on Calvary, we received life. His loss was our

Therefore, as you celebrate Jesus finished works on

gain; it was his blood that became the vital principle

the cross remember to stay in the flow “And sinners

for our life.

plunged beneath that flood, Lose all their guilty stains”

The blood in our bodies help to removes waste prod-

Elder Mae Davis

ucts in our circulatory system. Jesus‘ blood removes


the waste in our lives – sin. In order to remove the sin in our lives there had to be the shedding of blood “And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remis-


Can you hear me now? Reverend Cheryl Thomas

Our ears are a very vital part of our bodies t God has given us. They are for us to listen and to hear. We thank God for our physical ears. I truly thank God for our spiritual ears to be able to hear His voice when he gives us instruction. It is not just enough to hear but to listen. Revelation 3:6 He that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. Someone might say I don‘t physically hear when God speaks to me. He speaks to your spiritual man; he speaks to your heart. But, if he chooses to speak audibly to you, he can do that too. After all He is God and He can do anything. Remember Moses, when God spoke to him he was standing in front of the burning bush. God is saying can you hear me and if so you are listening to me? You see it is not enough just to listen, but to obey. Are you doing what you want to do or what God wants you to do? When He speaks to you and gives you specific instructions, why do you have to consult man for confirmation and validation? I realize we respect those that are in authority, and have ruler ship over us. The instructions and orders God gives supersedes what man may say. The question is whose voice are you hearing? How can you know His voice if you don‘t spend time with him. It is imperative that you know when God is speaking. St.John 10:4_5 4 -And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice. 5- And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him, for they know not the voice of strangers. When you spend time with God, you are able to recognize when He is speaking to you. When you hear his voice, do you obey or put it off until tomorrow? Today I will say,‖ Lord not my will but let your will be done, give me the strength to hear, listen, and obey.‖

When we choose to listen, because we do have a choice, let us hear what God is telling us. Even when he tells us to get up early in the morning, and get out of our warm beds He has a Word for us. No matter the time even it is 3:00 am. You don‘t have to be a minister or have a title for God to speak to you. He is no respecter of persons. It is a blessing to be able to seek the face of Jesus and hear him when He speaks back to you. We can go to God on our own behalf and I know he hears our petitions. He might not always give you the answer you want, but he gives the answers that are best for you. Whatever the answer, trust and know God truly knows what‘s best for you what you need, when you need it or if you need it. God is saying can you hear me now! Do you hear me when I say obey my commandments and do what I tell you to do? Do you hear me when I say, tell someone about me? Do you share my goodness, grace and mercy with someone? Do you forgive them inspite of their ways, and say, ―I still love you?‖ Romans 3:23-24 23-For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. 24- Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. It is important to ask God to forgive us and He is faithful and just to forgive us of all our unrighteousness. It is time to do the things that God has instructed you to do. We say we belong to him, than act like it. He is our Father and we must obey Him. II Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. God is still speaking to us today to hear his voice. His 42 wants us to humble ourselves before Him and before man.

He wants us to pray, then pray some more, pray without ceasing, continually praying to our Father. Seek the face of Jesus with all our heart, soul, and mind. Stay before him daily, seeking him early in the morning, noonday and the evening. We must turn from our wicked, ugly ways and ask God to forgive us from all of our unrighteousness.

Not only hear but to listen, obey and do. What are you waiting for, God is speaking to you. Do what he tells you today. We must work while it is day.

We must learn to love our neighbors as ourselves. Do you even speak to your neighbors when you see them? If they have done wrong to you ask God to forgive them. But, let your light shine always. It takes Agape love, the love of Christ to show true love. God is faithful and just to forgive and will forgive our sins. And when we ask for forgiveness the word of God says, then I will hear from heaven and heal there land. That land in our life could be health issues, financial obligations, family situations, in need of employment, a place to stay, whatever the situation give it to God.

St. John 9:4 I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day the night cometh when no man can work. Be about our Fatherâ€&#x;s business What is He telling you to do? Rev. Cheryl Thomas Preacherlady114@yahoo.com

Can you hear me now? We need to get more adamant about hearing the voice of God. You know how we get when we are on the cell phone and something goes wrong with our connection. We do everything we can to stay connected. We say, ―hello, hello can you hear me now? You turn the volume button up as high as it can go, you quickly call back to get a better reception, sometimes you have to stand in a particular area or your call will drop without warning or any notice. You find it necessary and important to hear. Well, God is saying, I want you to hear me. Can you hear me when I say obey my commandments? Can you hear me when I say live and serve me? Can you hear me when I say love your enemies in spite of? Can you hear me when I say pray without ceasing? Can you hear me when I say tell the world about me and my Word? Can you hear me when I say; you shall have life and have it more abundantly? It, is time out for not listening and time to listen.



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