Divine Inspirations Magazine July 2011

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Divine Inspirations Magazine July 2011

Linda Johnson Founder & CEO “Covered Ministries L.L.C.” Pg. 18

Volume 2 Issue 7


Greetings! Happy Summer! I pray you are enjoying your summer thus far! I have been having many lazy hazy days and learning how to rest. I am learning to listen to my body and take time out to replenish myself. Life is to enjoyed and when we overburden ourselves even with ministry we soon burn out, and no one benefits from that. So I encourage you to enjoy some lazy hazy days this summer! I welcome you to share this issue with your family and friends, Please be sure to visit our new website at http:// www.divineinspirationsmagazine.com

Blessings! Qualita Pendergrass Editor in Chief



God is so good to us More than what we will ever know But, just to mentions a few things, we do know He woke us up early this morning to see the beautiful sunshine He allowed us to hear the sweet melodious sounds of the birds singing We saw the leaves on the trees clapping ever so gently God tells us to; lift up our voices like trumpets I will an shall lift him up at all times I will praise and worship His Holy name I will praise Him in the good times Praise Him in the bad times Worship Him because of who He is in my life I have a right to praise Him Why? Because He has given me permission to do so Besides, I have been commissioned to praise and worship Him everyday I have a right to praise him Do you know you have this right too? Copyright @ 2011 by Cheryl Thomas

C .J. T. Words of Expression



Joy of Tomorrow The Sunlight Of Joy, Will Shine On Tomorrow. Washing Away The Tears, And Gloom Of Sorrow. It Will Light The Path, And Show The Way. It'll Lead And Guide, To A Brighter Day. Heart's Now Heavy, Burden And Sad. But The Joy Of The Son, Will Make Glad. The Storm Will Pass Over, As The Clouds Fade Away. As The Rainbow Of Hope Appears, Ushering In A New Day. The Storms Of Life Come, That We Might Blossom And Grow. Placing Our Trust In The Son Of God, Basking In His Mighty Glow. The Lord Is The Life Giver, The Storms Of Life Obey His Will. Death May Destroy The Body, But The Soul It Can Never Kill. For The Promise Of Eternal Life, Is To You, And Those Afar Off. So If You Repent And Turn From Sin, Your Soul Won't Be Lose. Jesus Is Our Refuge, Our Strength, And Strong Tower. He'll Calm The Storm, And Bring Forth A Joyful Shower. Though Today Is Dark, And Your Heart Heavy With Sorrow. Take Comfort In Knowing, The Son Will Yet Shine On Tomorrow. To God Goes The Glory.


Copyrighted 06/25/2011 Tony Rowsey

of the things that you enjoyed doing together when you were dating, the things that helped you to fall in love in the first place. Flirt with each other and keep the romance alive in your marriage. Give a hug and kiss goodbye when they leave for work, and greet them with a hug and a kiss when they get home. Let your spouse know how much you love them and how much you need them. Show appreciation Give appreciation and say thank you when they do something kind or thoughtful for you. Give appreciation and thanks for the things they normally do for you or for the family. For example, even if your wife makes dinner every night, thank her for making the dinner so she knows you appreciate it. If your husband takes out the trash, or mows the lawn, thank him for doing that so he can feel appreciated. It really helps people feel motivated to keep doing what they are doing or even do more if they feel appreciated for what they are already doing. Romance does not have to be expensive Sometimes Couples may think that to have romance, they need to spend a lot of money to do it. This is not necessarily true. Many times, the little things can make a big difference. Writing love notes to your spouse, calling from work or sending a text message just to tell them you love them, etc. Ignite your marriage Doing little things like these really can help build closeness in your relationship. Do not let yourself get too busy to have a happy, close, and intimate marriage. You can re-spark the love and romance in your marriage.

Ignite your marriage Pastors Mike & Trisha Fox Too busy for love One of the biggest problems in marriage relationships is that couples get too busy with so many other things in their lives that they lose their closeness with their spouse. This can sometimes be a slow process and you may not even know what caused the pulling away or lack of closeness. They have so many things that they need to do every day. Some couples are both working full time, and/or are busy with other things like church activities, or spending time with friends and/or doing hobbies. If they have children, it is even easier to be busy, with school activities, sports, etc. Schedule time for closeness and romance It is very important for couples to schedule closeness time together. Usually if they do not schedule time to be close, it does not happen. Couples need that time to be close without any distractions. They need alone time together. When you spend closeness time with your spouse, it will definitely make your relationship healthier and happier, and if you have a healthier and happier marriage, it will make you healthier and happier. Spending closeness time with your spouse can be like using a charger for a phone or other device. It can help to recharge your energy, and help you to be ready to deal with the daily challenges of work, marriage, children, etc. Have fun together Spend time doing fun things together. Do things together that you both enjoy and that are fun and interactive. Maybe try doing some 7

The Gift Basket

I received a beautiful gift basket today From a very dear Friend of mine When it arrived to my home It was like a breath of warm sunshine It was filled with lace and mercy And ornaments of grace All the items in the basket were very neatly placed. An elegant pink satin bow Graced the wicker woven handle Permeating the room in my home A lightly scented candle A spooner mug embraced a box of herbal tea Which added elegance to this gift Designed just for me. I also found a journal to pen my daily blessings And a book of inspiration A reminder of God's salvation A little hidden treasure I found nestled deep inside A locket with a Scripture, (John 14) From the One in Whom I abide Ecru letter sheets And monogrammed letter head The perfect gift for letter writing In the stillness of the night before I go to bed. A book of heartfelt prayers Words to bless my life This gift basket was assembled by the Hands of Jesus Christ. Written by Cynthia G. Travick-Boyer, (c) 2011 Rubies in the Garden Ebook - An Everlasting Keepsake Treasure - Buy Now Christian Women United in Business President & Business Manager http://www.cynthiagboyerpoetry.blogspot.com www.clwdesigns.blogspot.com cyndisdesignz@gmail.com www.momsinslippers.com http://www.zazzle.com/cyndislightworks12* http://www.cafepress.com/Clwdesigns


By Apostle Dr. Lee Ann B. Marino, Ph.D., D.D.

I know many of you reading this are already shaking your heads. We know about words with various letters, but what is the "R" word? Better yet, what could possibly be the "R" word? I'll give you all a hint. The "R" word has become the most lethal insult in the church today. We tell people that they are the "R" word anytime we don't like what they say or don't want to discuss any points they make because we're concerned we might be wrong. Have you figured out what the "R" word is yet? Read on. Last weekend I posted the following as my FaceBook status: "You can't find it within you to do the smallest, littlest thing for God. Everything is a struggle. And you STILL expect OVERFLOW...Really?!!!" A woman came on with an extensively long post in response to my status, more-orless accusing me of being a religious leader and imposing faith by works on people. Sigh. She deleted the comment before I could go to my page and comment on it, but I still received the message, clearly directed at my comment, in my inbox. She deleted it because she could see she wasn't going to get support on my page for what she said, so instead she went and made it her own status. There people agreed with her. On my page, that wasn't going to happen. It's probably better she took it down because my response to her was not going to be what she wanted to hear. I thought about commenting on her page, but the Lord told me to do something else instead: He told me to watch. So that I have done. I have been watching her com-

mentary all week on various things and the only thing I can say is this: the battle between faith and works rages on, with the "R" word as the ultimate insult. We've turned a perfectly innocent word (that is actually found in older translations of the Bible) used to describe something and now made it a vicious attack on the leadership of others, often made without regard or consideration for the work they do. I personally resent the fact that someone who knows next to nothing about me felt that she had the right to label me as being a 'religious' leader because of something I posted in my FaceBook status, but we'll let that go for now. Such behavior was not only not very Christian, it was just plain rude. I'll venture she had never been to my website and I can testify she's never said a word to me elsewhere - she just wanted to get in her two cents about what she perceived to be wrong with what I said. The funny part is, she didn't even understand what I wrote. I wasn't talking about salvation, I wasn't burdening people, I was upholding the principle of obedience. God expects His people to be obedient unto Him, not another god. We are to uphold His precepts. Therein lies the meeting of faith and works. If believing that the people who call themselves 'saved' or by God's Name should still be obedient to Him makes me 'religious'...then SO BE IT. There it is, the "R" word: Religious. Now if we want to make people question what they teach, offend them, or just plain be rude, we tell people they are 'religious.' When did 'religious' and its sister word, 'religion,' be9

(Continued on page 10)

come dirty words? Do we even understand what 'religious' means?

purpose, they faltered far from God. If we look in the New Testament, we learn why religion was so important to the ancestors: it had a purpose. Its purpose is not to be followed to the letter or to be imposing, but to make mankind aware of their need for a Savior. Also in the New Testament (Romans 1, to be exact), we learn that everyone - all of mankind - had knowledge of God and that all were without excuse - even the Gentiles despite the fact that they did not have the written law. Theologians have debated the meaning of this for years, only to come up with different viewpoints on what this means. I believe that, if we rightly divide Romans 1, we understand why the Gentiles were also without excuse: because they too had a knowledge of God, even though they did not understand it. They knew of God through their religion, in watching nature, the times and the seasons, in learning God's principles through seed-time and harvest and beyond, and even though they were not brought to the full letter of the law, they still had enough knowledge from their religious experience to recognize they could not save themselves. Instead of seeking a true Savior, the Gentile religions worshipped a host of gods (who, if are carefully inspected, we can see many of them were types of Christ), idolizing nature and the creation rather than the Creator.

I started out as a Religion/ Comparative Religion Major (among three other majors) in 1997. To me, studying the history of religion is a fascinating look into the lives of men and how they perceive their walk with the divine. It's been an experience. I've been to over 500 different types of services, both Christian and non-Christian, to explore the experience of mankind through religion. If I were to define religion, I would define it as mankind's search for the divine via methods that seemed to work right for various people throughout history. What religion has done throughout the ages is try and adopt various directives to the individual that were handed down from generation to generation, seeming to "work" for someone in the past. Among Muslims, the person things seemed to work for was Mohammed. Among Hindus, it is Krishna and a variety of gurus. Among Buddhists, it was Buddha. Among Jews, it is their concept of their ancestors, among Christians, it is whoever their leader thinks it should be (insert obvious joke about division in the Body here)...and so on and so forth. Some groups have more modern figures, others more ancient ones, but the principle is the same: this worked for someone, so we'll try it, too.

Whether Jew or Gentile, all of humanity missed the mark with religion. The Jews wanted to be like their neighbors and didn't want to do what God asked of them, and the Gentiles wound up completely off the mark. We can see in New Testament times how out of control Judaism was in the first century as the leaders began to impose legislation

The Bible speaks to us very profoundly about religion and its purpose. Religion was employed all throughout the Old Testament through the law. It was not an evil thing, nor a dirty word; it was the way by which God's people reached out to Him. Whenever those people faltered from that 10

upon people, passing such off as the Word of God. They loved their religious customs and pageantries, the way they were treated by others, and how advanced everyone thought them to be. The Gentiles also reached such a point: it is still common in various religions around the world to sell girls as temple prostitutes and to worship religious leaders as gods on earth. What started out as a pointing to something else - and which can be and is an effective tool to make people recognize they can't save themselves became about self-worship and self-idolatry through those various means.

them to be in, it's religious to ever sing the old songs, it's religious if you don't have a light-show performance at every service, it's religious if you use an older translation of the Bible, it's religious if you still believe people need to be baptized...oh yes, and it's religious if you expect people to obey God. Today's church runs on chaos and disorder, totally void of reverence as everyone pursues and does everything they feel they want to do...and then say "God" led them to do it. Well no, God did NOT lead your 34-year old self to go out and get pregnant by that man whom you are not married to and have his baby...YET AGAIN. We 'get' that example. How about this for you: God did NOT lead you to mouth-off to your leader because you don't like what they said. God did NOT lead you to behave like a common heathen. God did NOT lead you to carry your drunk self all throughout the streets of the city right after you sat in the bar and witnessed to your friend about how he needs to change his life because he's more drunk than you are. God did NOT lead you to quit your job and live off the system because you have a 'calling' and now feel you are 'too anointed' to work. God did NOT lead you to say everything you do is in His Name, but called you to take responsibility for your behavior and develop the discernment to know the difference. I am so tired of all these excuses, all these reasons why people today don't follow God. They don't follow God because they are in disobedience. Whether or not that causes someone to lose their salvation shouldn't be the point. The fact that someone is disobeying the Almighty God IS the point. And maybe, just maybe - if we start to look beyond our petty hair-splitting of the Word, we might

What we can see from all of this is that when people start to go beyond the bounds, religion's purpose is lost, until it becomes something else, something sinister, something that enslaves people. Being 'religious' can lead someone to the Savior as they learn all the rules, regulations, and sign points won't get you there. God knew that. Now if we could only know that, and recognize religion is a part of God's plan. It is not the end of it, but it leads one to where they need to get to be to recognize the Lord on it. Now we fast-forward to modern movements that want nothing to do with their ancestry or history. I think anyone who calls themselves a leader and knows nothing about Christian history needs to sit down in the pew and stop leading people until they learn something about it. People don't study history because they are afraid that what they find will challenge where they are heading today...and God forbid we do that! Now everything is religious. It's religious to call one's self by the ministry God has called 11

start to get people where they need to be on the road TO obeying Him.

leading people into all sets of earthly nonsense because we will know what is God from what is not God. Until we get to this point, I will keep proclaiming the Gospel and keep proclaiming obedience to God because that is the forgotten aspect of the Gospel. The word "repent" means to change our ways, our direction, turn around, and ascribe to the things of God. We ascribe to that obedience because we are in Jesus Christ and we can because we have Him.

I have spent YEARS in the Word reconciling the battle between faith and works. The battle, my friends, was not made by the Word, it was made by man. No we are not saved by our works but our works CONFIRM our faith. You can say you are saved all day long...but do you act like it? We've even made a debate out of that: can you still be saved and not act like it? I don't really care. I am not interested in debating out every minute detail to figure out how close people can come to hell and still be saved. The Bible tells us that we are saved by grace, through faith, and that faith without works is dead. That is not a contradiction. No, what it is is two parts of a whole. The Bible is about more than getting people to 'get saved,' receive Jesus, or accept an altar call: it is about getting people where they need to be in Jesus Christ, discipling them, and sending them out into the world. Maybe we need to stop trying to do a "new thing" and making crackpot theological nonsense and start getting to what God has called us to do from the beginning.

And if this message causes me to be branded as 'religious' yet again, it won't be the first time. So be it. I'll take the hit. This isn't about me or what I think; it's about getting the church where we need to be in obedience to Him.

Apostle Dr. Lee Ann B. Marino, Ph.D., D.D. Apostle in Office Apostolic Fellowship International Ministries P.O. Box 935 Cary, North Carolina 27512 USA 1 (919) 397-9122 drleeannbmarino@powerfortoday.org Š 2011 Lee Ann B. Marino

What has He asked of us from the beginning? To obey Him. All the way back to the garden, the struggle has been one of obedience. When we get there, we won't need religion to point us to our need of a Savior, because in obedience, we already know how much we need Jesus. In obedience, we know that His grace is sufficient, and everywhere we are weak, we will be strengthened. If we are obedient, we won't have to worry about religious leaders mis12

HOUSEWORK My spirit was an untidy mess; hence unclean and cluttered. My heart was worn out; barely thumped; it faintly fluttered. I was knocked down by many years pain and unrelenting sin. So filthy, I was too ashamed to invite Jesus’ Spirit to come in. Jesus came often to my house; He knocked at my injured spirit. He whispered gently of His love; I feigned that I did not hear it. Jesus unwearyingly knocked; man’s hands would have been sore. I couldn’t convince myself to unfasten my bewildered soul’s door. Oh well, you know how Jesus rolls; He is bound and determined. His intention was to save my iniquitous mortal souls from burnin’. My life arrived at a place’; I was so wicked I could almost see hell. Hell’s burning pits are no place for a human being’s soul to dwell. I realized that I needed Jesus; I couldn’t clean my own filthy home. My house had bee too dirty for too long; I couldn’t do it on my own. Because of confusion; I tuned out Jesus knock for a really long time. I felt a hoarder; it was time to clean up that dirty inner home of mine. I responded to the knock of Jesus; with sincere utterances of remorse. Thank God for Jesus’ patience of; I got a chance to make a new choice. My house is in order; by God’s grace and my surrender to His holy will; Christ made His way into my dirty house; His Spirit resides with me still. BY: Sharon Reid-Robinson 13



Ironically, I just received an email entitled 'God spelled backward is Dog' This is a difficult writing for me. Although my Bella Firenza was my Lhasa apso, she was also my family and my purpose. It was me and her. Bella, like family, was always there for me. A car accident shortly after I relocated to NJ caused the painful reality that my little diva doggie needed to go with another family. This was one of the hardest consequences faced while me and Bella were guests in a family home......although grateful, I was never ready to have my Bella removed yet have faith that she made a happy transition.....and is given all the love she gave me. Faith I have! This is not being shared for empathy or sympathy; this is simply a story of faith and love. My Bella Firenza - Eight Months Old and the Beginning of Our Journey - Born February 20 2006 Bella was so much more than a Lhasa. My Bella was my little dog with a big heart.

ers!! It was October 2006 and Bella was eight months old. Our first formal picture was at Pet Smart and she had no reluctance in front of a camera. As time went on, Bella formed a strong connection to me. This is the time I slowly started unleashing her on her walks making certain she stayed close and knowing she had confident comfort with me. I considered enrolling Bella in Therapy Dogs International where she could visit schools to help children 'come alive' and aid them in their quest to read. This formality changed on multiple occasions. One is during our walk in a local park. A caretaker of a person with a disability asked if they could pet Bella. Before the words of 'sure' came from my lips, Bella was already rolled over with her paws in the air, ready for a belly rub. The people lit up!! Keep in mind Bella was a 20 pound beauty. I'll post a picture someday. I was able to bring Bella to an assisted living facility to spend time with a friend of the family. The family friend could not get enough of Bella. My Bella was a joy and gave so much.

Being given Bella from my brother was my gift from above. Bella was a small dog needing nurturing and love. Bella needed to play and have a routine. Bella needed a home. Bella needed me and I did not know how much I needed her. My life was never the same! In 2006 I drove Bella from NJ in the back of my Explorer crated and drove her to her new home 250 miles away. The first night home, Bella spent on top of my queen bed. There she was, lying on her back, all four's raised. What a scare.....could it be my new Bella wasn't breathing anymore? To my elation, Bella was sleeping (as she shortly thereafter started snoring) and in that form is how Bella slept every night thereafter. Let me share so much joy Bella gave me and oth-

Yes, I felt a true sense of purpose and companionship with Bella. A squeak toy was never the same after Bella put her mouth around it and tossed it. Once the squeaker frolic ended, the toy was no longer of interest. That didn't stop Bella. She would befriend another toy of interest and the cycle repeated. Bella was my protector on more than one occasion. The most vivid was a baffling experience for me. I moved to a first floor apartment. (Continued on page 17)


Day after day I would come home to find Bella had chewed something. She would chew a wooden chair leg, a wooden basket, but the most devastating chew was that of cable cords. I tried hot sauce to deter Bella...but instead of stopping her from this behavior she loved the sauce. In my heart I knew Bella was trying to warn me of something, but what? I could tell by the daily look on her face that something was wrong. I trusted my Bella in every sense of this complex word. The guy who rented me the apartment was entering while I was working and Bella was home. Once I confronted him, Bella was less stressed and returned to her loving self. Needless to say, we left that apartment shortly thereafter. Bella loved the snow and would cool her belly by bouncing from snow pile to snow pile. She had her winter vests although she didn't love having them put on.....after a while she could care less. Bella was a swimmer too. She was fearless and, like her canine friends, enjoyed all the elements. Bella was blessed at a pet blessing and I still hold her Canticle of the Creatures prayer and picture from that day. Bella loved her pup corn and simple treats. Her friends were Kramer and Kahlua, the dogs of my best friends. Bella did have a pet blessing medallion on her leash. Bella was my purpose. She gave me a reason to come to an empty home after a long day at work. I could count on Bella to be sitting at the window, waiting for me. She knew my schedule. I knew Bella was the best thing that happened for me in a long time. So she was never deprived. I would take her to doggie daycare. Like a child, she needed to play with other dogs and interact. I had a peace of mind knowing she was occupied. The happy times are endless. The happiness Bella brought me will never be taken from my heart. September 17, 2010 was the day. Bella

knew something was up. I tried distancing myself, but how could I? So I washed her toys. I washed her clothes. I packed her bows and everything that meant something. We took a walk to get new treats at the local pet store. I ran her around the soccer fields and she always came back to me. That was my Bella. Back home we went....where I took her crate, her food, her bowls and the Welcome New Family letter I wrote and arranged everything in her Sherpa bag. Everything went outside. Bella looked at me and I cried looking at her. I needed to be brave. So outside we went. 4:00 came and off Bella went to her new family. I thought for sure she wouldn't leave me. But her beautiful cascading tail lifted and went to and fro. She was so excited to go 'bye bye' she never looked back at me. My last day with Bella will never be a true last day. It is nine months later and I will never have a last day with Bella. We gave each other so much and that will never be taken away. The next morning the new owner called and thanked me so much for the beautiful dog and the beautiful letter I wrote, including the handwritten Canticle of Creature prayer. I hadn't slept at all the night before and was not at all in a spirited mood but was prompted to say 'I can tell my Bella belongs with you'. How I pray to this that Bella is given all the love she deserves. God Bless and thank you for letting me share my story of Bella and our journey.


Linda Johnson CEO


BIOGRAPHY been conducted: Count It All Joy TV Broadcast, with Linda Bridgewater Johnson is a native of Fort

host Bishop Jeffery D. Thomas, Sr., The Real Talk Em-

Worth, Texas, by way of New Jersey. She is the Foun-

powerment Commentaries on Blogtalkradio with host

der/CEO of Covered Ministries LLC, Back 2 Basic Semi-

Christopher L. King, Rejoice 1110 AM with host Cedric

nar, and Pre-Paid Photography. She began her writing

Bailey, Gospel Jam Radio with host Monae Miller,

career in 2006 after facing a few traumatic experiences

Women Let’s Talk Blog Radio with host Dr. Angela L.

in her life. She used each sentence as therapy, which

King, and Speak Out/Speak Up with host Karen Hunter.

led her to empowering others through her perseverance

Her interviews have been Podcast downloaded from as

and acts of forgiveness. A defining moment in her life

far away as Mongolia, Bosnia, Ireland, and Hungary.

took place when the Holy Spirit led her to put her testi-

Debut features have been conducted by many digital

mony in writing. She tried to run from the assignment


that would remove her from her comfort zone. However, the spirit would not allow her to rest until she surren-

Specifically, her personal ministry, Covered

dered her will for God’s will. In doing so, she gave birth

Ministries, LLC is dedicated to serving as spiritual activ-

to her first book, In Bed with a Snake, From Defilement

ist for purity, abstinence, and HIV/AIDS. Now she uses

to Deliverance of Sexual Demons. Four years later, her

all her gifts together in serving the Women’s Haven,

book was released and recently received the 2010 Ex-

South Dallas Nursing Home, Boys and Girls Club, and

cellent Book Award from the Black Essence Award In-

other assignments. Her compassion for serving extends

corporation. Prior to the book release while operating

into your career with the government. She is the recipi-

under the anointing, Sexual Immorality Seminars was

ent of numerous outstanding accolades from the De-

birth. Both seminars are founded on biblical foundation

partment of Homeland Security, written Commendations

in equipping all genders, races, and religious affiliations

from Congressman Mac Thornberry, Senator Kay Bailey

to return to righteous living and godly principles.

Hutchison, Congresswoman Kay Granger, and two-time Law Enforcement Academy graduate. Another highlight

In 2009, she became a prayer warrior for the

of her service career stems from receiving the Out-

Count It All Joy TV broadcast, hosted by her pastor,

standing Achievement and Dedication to Public Service

Bishop Jeffery D. Thomas, Sr., Mt. Rose Church of Dal-

Award from the Federal Executive Board of government.

las, Texas. Of which, she is a faithful member and Servant Leader for Singles Serving God Ministry. She serves under the mentorship of Minister Cyndi Diggs, St. John Baptist Church of Grand Prairie, Texas. Linda is a highly sought after speaker regarding taboo subjects that center around sexual immorality, healing, generational cures, secret sin, strongholds, forgiveness, and deliverance. Numerous interviews have already


Now you become a Sister in Christ engaging

I’m Free!

in sexual relations with your Brother in Christ which equals spiritual incest. It took me many years to understand this because the

As we embark on the one year anni-

bible says a carnal mind cannot understand

versary of In Bed with a Snake I must ask you

spiritual things. My carnality did not want to

a question. How would you feel after being

understand because I was operating in the

freed from bondage for over thirty-years? I

flesh. I was in church but church was not in

will tell you how I felt after hearing the fet-

me. My mind became locked up with its own

ters break. Newness immediately came over

prison stripes of unrighteousness.

me as the glory of the Lord filled my soul. A

Over the years, I hid behind a church

sigh of relief escaped me as my external wit-

persona while serving in the choir, church

ness wailed unto the Lord. For the first time

photographer, reluctant deaconess, women

in my life I could truly say I felt unspeakable

ministry, Sunday School member, Baptist

joy that flowed like a river.

Training Union (B.T.U.), etc. You get the

Being a slave to sexual immorality,

picture. My darkness could not minister to

specifically fornication, was not of God. God

anyone regarding their salvation or deliver-

gave me a choice and I choose the wrong ac-

ance because I needed to be delivered. At the

tion to fill a void. As a youth and young adult

time, I did not know you could be saved and

I made the wrong choice when fornication

not delivered. Further, fornication became

became my cell mate, not soul mate. I did not

my husband, but I was single according to

understand the spiritual significance of sisters

worldly standards. How could this be?

and brothers In Christ engaging in sexual

Can you say nobody but God? Only

immorality. As I matured in the knowledge of

God was able to release me from my OWN

Christ the Spirit revealed the spiritual signifi-

mental prison tied to fornication.

cance of this unsanctioned act. He revealed

Let me encourage you if you are

the key word is In Christ. Allow me to help

wrestling with sexual immorality. You too

someone right here.

can be free, live a righteous or celibate life.

A biological sister engaging in sexual

God has afforded you a way of escape with

relations with her brother is incest. When you

purity and abstinence.

add, In Christ, it becomes a spiritual connection or spiritual relationship with Christ.

(Continued on page 21)


Singles ask me one main question:

Essence Incorporation “Excellent Book”

How do you abstain from sexual relations as

Award. This year the ministry will focus on

a single? The answer is simple and found in

reaching women, men, and youth with my

Psalm 119:9. Obey God’s word! That does

book, Back 2 Basic Seminar, and Sexual Im-

not mean temptation will not TRY to over-

morality Seminar. All are tools God put in

come you. However, when you meditate on

place for such a time as this. It is time to

things that are true, noble, just, pure, of good

make the captives free!

report, and praiseworthy, the peace of God will be with you. Your focus will be on Him and not unrighteousness. As long as you focus on unrighteousness you risk missing the inheritance God has for you. See 1 Corinthians 6: 9-13. I took His way of escape and got delivered. Now I am back to strengthen the brethren with my testimony In Bed with a Snake, From Defilement to Deliverance of Sexual Demons. Your freedom comes when you obey God and flee sexual immorality. After being freed, I started moving according to God’s will. All of which, brought about the birth of Covered Ministries, LLC and In Bed with a Snake. In its short existence, Covered Ministries, LLC, a deliverance ministry, was called to serve as a spiritual activist for purity, abstinence, and HIV/AIDS. I pioneered a brand new movement of Christian realism books. Released in July, In Bed with Snake was the first to be placed in circulation reaching hundreds of saints. God was truly glorified when I be-

came the recipient of the 2010 Black 21

Eyes of Faith Judith M. Mosley

These eyes can fool us. They trick us into concentrating on what is in their view. Then we get caught up in what we see, forgetting that there is so much activity unseen, going on, on our behalf everyday. Our God is always at work. He provides grace and mercy to take us through the day. He gives us wisdom from His Word to guide us with decisions we must make. He forgives our sins. He heals our wounded spirits. He gives us opportunities for service. Our Lord is moving in every part of our lives. What should be our response to His works done for us? We must open our spiritual eyes, so we can be grateful and focused on Him. Then our faith will grow, and it will be greater than anything our physical eyes can see. For we live by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7


Victim vs. Victorious Mentality Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? Yea, they may forget, yet will I not forge t thee.” Isaiah 49:15

Recently, I saw a video documentary on face book explaining the damaging effects of internal racism among the African American race. This documentary provided interviews with various African American women of different ages, stages, and skin color/ shades ; explaining their personal experiences and how painful the affect has been on their self-esteem. Being a dark skin African American woman who has experience this type of dismissive treatment as a young women growing up, I can certainly understand the painful effects…and the lasting wounds. However, too continually, bemoan this injustice only service to put a band aid on the wound. Yes, it happened/s and the reasoning are complex and various, from a historic standpoint…, to ignorance, to complacency…take your pick. Here’s the problem…stop talking about how bad it is…and be about changing it. Instead of concerning yourself with the latest: purse, makeup, shoe, what he is doing, what she just said etc etc…go home and comb your little girls natural hair and tell her how beautiful and special she is; instead yelling and screaming at your young black son; explain to him how your love him and dis-like his behavior. Instead of being angry and calling them “you little — -k, stop using those words towards them… and you will not have to worry about these words being solidify in the streets, or school because your child will not identify with it. Children are innocent…they learn things at home; the first classroom is the home…they learn to model behavior and it comes out in other situations, i.e. school. If you want your child to grow up with a strong sense of self, it is your job to tell them who they are: “you are smart, strong, smart, beautiful… 23

and I love you.” Tell them …until they believe it… they internalize it, and it does not matter what anyone on the outside attempts to tell them…because they are strong in their belief system to withstand the attempted dismissive…”chipping away,” of their self-esteem from the outside world. This is not to say…kids will not be mean, that’s all a part of growing up…they need to learn to find their way. However, it is our job as parents…to equip them, to give our children the tools to withstand what will come against them. You would not expect a “plant” to water itself, why would you expect your child to just know how to handle the complex social situations of growing up. In summation, damaged children…grow up to become damaged adults, external wounds can heal, and we can see with our eyes the healing process. It is the internal wounds…that can last a lifetime, just because you don’t see the hurt, the betrayal in a child’s eyes…does not mean damage has not been done. Be Blessed,

K. Coleman, BCPC, M.S. Life Coach, Christian Counselor, Educator

“And They Dropped Everything to Follow Jesus” by Mandy Woodhouse “And

they dropped everything to follow Jesus” (Luke 5:11)… My husband recently led an interactive Bible study in which he posed the question to about a dozen believers: “What would compel you to drop everything and follow Jesus?” This may be a strange question to ask a group of born-again Christians who have obviously already dropped their old lives to follow Him, but he was making a point. What is the thing(s) about Jesus that would draw a person to Him? Is it the same thing(s) for everyone, or are there individual characteristics about Jesus that would bring people to Him? What was it about Jesus that made a group of men drop everything they had to follow Him? If Jesus is worth sacrificing an entire life to know, then we must be able to describe what it is that makes Him worth it in our own lives. In today’s post-modern world, the answer to this question is one that can be a great tool to introduce Jesus to those who do not know Him. The idea is that we all have our own story, our own 24 “narrative,” and our story is one that others cannot

refute because it is ours. Many people these days do not accept the Bible as truth, nor do they accept the words of a minister because of the many and unfortunate situations that ministers put themselves into due to pride and deception. However, no one can say that your story is not real. So as a believer, what made you drop everything to follow Jesus? What about Him drew you in, embraced your heart or caught your attention? And why would a few fishermen and tax collectors leave their situations to follow a man that they knew nothing of? These questions may seem redundant, but I feel it necessary to continue asking ourselves until we really get it. If we do not really understand why Jesus is better than Buddha, self-indulgence, Mohammad or even fame and fortune, then how will we introduce Him to anyone who desperately needs Him? These questions left me reeling for about a week. WHY Jesus? What about Him would draw in the (Continued on page 25)

hurting, the hungry, the broken and the lost?

My brief challenge to you is to remember everything about Jesus that drew you to Him, and At age 19, I left a life of self-consumption and to put this into words with conviction. No one insecurity to gain a relationship with a Person can take away your story, and your story, if who I knew would never grow disappointed in told with great passion and earnest, is enough me or reject me. My husband left a life ruled to draw even the least of these unto Him. Alby anger and rejection to find Hope and true though God’s word never returns void, we unFather figure. Others have run to Jesus to find fortunately need more than just a few Bible acceptance, miraculous living, healing and verses to help people see Jesus. We need to more. The disciples did not even know who show them a Jesus that is worth dropping eveJesus was…yet they followed Him because rything for. Because He IS worth dropping something compelled them to follow. And everything for in order to truly be alive. these same compelling traits can draw someone to Him even today. Jesus is greater than anything that man or woman can imagine. We just have to get to know Him. Another important question to ponder would be why would someone else choose to drop everything and follow Jesus based upon your life? The scripture says that people knew that these uneducated men had “been with Jesus” (Acts 4:13, NIV). Is this what defines my life and yours, that we have obviously been with Jesus? If I had to have a description of any sort, I would want it to be that people sense the love and presence of Jesus when around me. His unconditional love is what draws most people into His arms. Friend, if we are going to draw people to Him in these last days, we must have a compelling argument, a compelling testimony, and an understanding and conviction about our own salvation which will cause others to take notice.


THE CONDUCT OF CHRISTIAN MARRIGE Apostle Fred Indangasi Submission: The wife’s role

women in [1Tim 2]. The second context for the women’s submission is that one of

I believe that the difficulty we find in defining submission is due, in part to the fact that while submission is the same in its essence, it may differ greatly in its expression, and depending on the context it is found. A wife’s submission to her husband is manifested differently from a child’s submission to the parents or a slave’s submission to his master. Ones submission to

for in our text. [Ephesians 5:21-32]. The wife is to put herself under the leadership of her husband, her own husband. When Paul speaks of the wife being in submission to her own husband, in everything, he means that she need never cease to be submissive in spirit even if she must disobey him in a specific

a person in authority over him is expressed differently from

area. This means also that wives should not attempt to com-

his submission to one who is under his authority. A wife’s submission to her husband is modeled after the church’s sub-

partmentalize their lives, setting certain areas off limits to submission.

mission to Christ, while her husband’s submission is to be

The basis of the wives submission

modeled after Christ’s leadership over the church. Two reasons are given or at least implies for the wife’s submission to

The basis of submission of the wife to her husband is the duty of the church in relation to its head Jesus Christ. In marriage

their husband, first is drawn from creation and concern, the

relationship; it is the husband’s privilege to portray the head-

husband’s headship of his wife, while the second is drawn

ship of Christ over the church by his loving and sacrificial

from redemption and concern of Christ leadership of the

leadership. The wife’s privilege and her calling, symbolically


represent the church in its submission to the lord Jesus Christ

The scope of wife’s submission

its head. The wife therefore, symbolizes the submission of the

The submission of women is addressed in two general con-

church to the head. The divinely appointed role of marriage

texts in the New Testament. The first is the submission of

symbolizes of Christ and the church. This is therefore the basis

women to men in the context of the church which is corporately gathered. This is the basis of Paul’s instruction to

marriage. This is the context of submission which Paul calls


(Continued on page 27)

of the attitudes and behavior of both the husband and the himself to her as the wife is supposed to subject herself wife.

to the husband. But this form of subjection if different, it is not to give in, but to give up-to. No husband is playing his proper role in marriage until he learns to give

The guiding principles of the wife to her husband

himself up to his wife to open, his heart to her, share his

There are three guiding principles for the submission of

emotions and dreams, his thoughts and disappointments,

the wife to her husband;

his joys to fully expose himself to hid wife. There is

In the fear of the lord vs. 21

nothing that makes a woman happier that to know that

As to the lord vs. 22

she fully enters into her husband’s life. Jesus gave him-

As the church is subject to Christ

self up for the church, first that he might sanctify her.

In order to obey Paul’s command to be submissive, the

Second that he might present the church to himself in

Christian wife must understand the biblical doctrine. She splendor and third that he might fulfill the mystery of must live with her husband as the church lives towards

his own being. These same goals apply to the husband

Christ. The submission of a wife to her husband in the

and wife relationship. As Christ gave himself up to sanc-

proper areas of his authority is precisely the gauge of her tify the church, so the husband is to give himself up to submission Christ. Whether our cultures agree with

his wife in order that he might sanctify her. This sancti-

scripture or not, whether we agree with Paul or not, the

fication basically means to “put in proper use” Christ

clear teachings of this text is supported by other equal

gave himself on the cross in order that whole church,

clear instruction from scriptures is that wives are to be

those who should be redeemed by his grace might be put

subject to their own husbands in everything. The basis

to proper use which God intended them for. The hus-

of this wives submission is the relationship of Jesus

band therefore is to give himself up for his wife in order

Christ and his church. The purpose of her submission is

that she might fulfill her womanhood. Now the love of

to demonstrate the submission of the church to the head, the husband toward his wife is to be an image or reflecJesus Christ. To fail to submit is to disobey our lord, to

tion of Christ’s love to the church, like ardent and de-

dishonor the word of God and to distort the representa-

voted, like it tender and self-abandoning and like it anx-

tion of Christ and his church.

ious above all things by any sacrifice. The third reason Christ gave himself up for the church was in order to

Sacrifice: The husband’s duty

fulfill the mystery of his own being. He gave everything

Husband love your wives as Christ loved the church.

he had; including his own life, for the sake of his

The word is used to describe everything from sordid

church, and that is the standard of sacrifice for a hus-

sexual passion to patriotic. Paul does not merely say

band’s love of his wife.

love your wives as Christ loved the church, but he goes on to describe what that love is, “And gave himself up for her”. That is what love is. That is the way the husband is to be subject to the wife. He gives himself for her. This does not mean he is to give in to her that is her role towards him. If he did that, he would be subjecting 27

Any Minute Now

Any minute now God’s gonna pull you through Just keep on believing And He’ll work it out for you For even in your darkest of nights He’ll be there to make everything alright. And when you find yourself backed against the wall Remember... He’ll be there to catch you He’ll never let you fall Yes… Any minute now God’s gonna pull you through Just keep on believing And He’ll work it out for you For when the stormy winds of life do blow Remember God’s mercy and grace is waiting In the overflow And when you feel you’ve lost all hope And you find yourself at the end of your rope Don’t be discouraged Stay encouraged Remembering that… Any minute now God’s gonna pull you through Just keep on believing Even when you are unsure of what to do Knowing He’ll work it out for you. “Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him, And He shall bring it to pass..” Psalm 37:5 From the book SIPS – Spiritually Inspired Poetry and Short Stories The Tilted Tea Cup Yvette Johnson The Inspirational Poet


I figured it was time to acknowledge this “gift”. Other than my grandmother, I think I am the only woman in my entire family with this particular talent. Women in my family (mother’s, father’s, husband’s) has the ability to take ugly, hardened, dry dirt and turn it into a virtual oasis; especially Terry. She is notably gifted at all things gardening and she really enjoys it. It was while in a recent conversation with her I decided to fully embrace my “floralcidal” tendencies and happily live with them. This is just one of my many limitations. Far too often we eschew and down play our limitations. It is ingrained in our American culture to pursue perfection and avoid any appearance of weakness. (Notice I wrote “perfection” not “excellence”. There is a vast difference between the two but that is for another column.) Unfortunately, this attitude has made its way into the church which is problematic for us as the Body of Christ. This mindset causes us to rely on our own strength, denying God the enjoyment of our dependence and the opportunity to work on our behalf. We tend to cover up, excuse or


I think it is about time I came clean with all of you. I am a killer. I mean I am a serious, bona-fide, licensed, not-so clandestine assassin. And I am very good. Although the general public has never heard of me, my potential victims hear my name and shudder in fear. When they find out it is me who has been contracted to take care of them, they wilt with the weight of their impending demise. They call me, “Round-Up” because I have not met a plant I could not destroy. I learned my craft from my maternal grandmother; who is most famously known as, “Weed Whacker”. She once annihilated the entire Cacti Clan of Detroit with one single blow. Did not even break a sweat! She taught me well. I cannot help it. My natural, killer instinct just about broke my husband’s heart. He recently blessed me with a beautiful potted plant filled with my favorite flower, Calla Lily. He was smiling, encouraging, “You can do it, baby!”, and hopeful. Sadly, my in-bred proclivities would not be overwhelmed by my desire to make him proud of me. Lily was axed within 24 hours.

(Continued on page 30)


overcompensate for our weaknesses. As Paul discovered, God has an altogether different idea for how to deal with our limitations. The Apostle Paul was a learned man and anointed by God to take the Good News to the Gentiles. As such, he was high profile, well -known, to say the least. In the 12th chapter of 2nd Corinthians we find him struggling with an issue. It seems he was given a “thorn in the flesh”, a limitation, a weakness, and it was frustrating for him. It was more than frustrating. He called it, “a messenger from Satan”. That sounds like he felt whatever it was, it was evil. Although he recognized purpose behind it, “in order to keep me from becoming conceited”, verse 7, he still wanted to be rid of it. Three times he asked the Lord to take it away. He was told, “No. My grace is sufficient for you, because my power is made perfect in weakness” Paul had an “Aha” moment. God’s empowering presence becomes perfected in us when we surrender to His sovereignty in our weaknesses. Relying on our own strength leads to pride in our ability to produce results, which actually weakens our effectiveness. I am a planner. You give me an event to organize and it is done by the time you turn your head. This is a particular strength of mine. While organizing my first conference, I began doing what I do. I distinctly remember God whispering to me, “This can be all you and none of Me or

none of you and all of Me.” I immediately put down my planner and started listening. Two years later, women are still talking about what God did for them that weekend. What we can accomplish in our own strength is limited but what God does through us has eternal impact and will expand His kingdom. Paul had the right response to God’s answer. He said, “I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong” You want Christ’s anointing to operate in your life? Get weak. Let God do it. You want Christ’s strength flowing through you to empower others? Get weak. Let God do it. And be happy about it because in the end you are made strong and have achieved the results God wanted all along. So now what is my solution to enticing flora and fauna to grace my home? Let Terry do it.


DRIVE IT DEEP Passages for Reflection: James 3: 1-6 James 3 1My brethren, be not many masters, knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation. 2For in many things we offend all. If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man, and able also to bridle the whole body. 3Behold, we put bits in the horses' mouths, that they may obey us; and we turn about their whole body. 4Behold also the ships, which though they be so great, and are driven of fierce winds, yet are they turned about with a very small helm, whithersoever the governor listeth. 5Even so the tongue is a little member, and boasteth great things. Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth! 6And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell.

James speaks about the importance of faith to the believers. 'A man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: show me thy faith without thy works, and I will show thee my faith by my works' (was the challenge to his hearers). God's word challenges us to do more than believe it but receive it; and more than talk it but we must walk it out. For what comes out of our mouth is connected to what we speak from our heart and it should be void of unbelief, wavering, double-mindedness, or doubt. When we go through the storms of life its normal for our tongues to take on the turmoil of our life. But be careful because a small storm can last a long time if we add fuel to the fire with speaking on the conditions of our pain, sickness, loss of job, marital woes, financial difficulties, and relational strife. We must learn to not allow the wind to steer us in our storm but grab hold of the wheel. Grab hold to the rudder (our tongue) and in the midst of going through hell we must speak to our mountains and command them to move or say to the storm, 'peace be still.' Its not hard to talk the right thing when things are going 31

right. But can we talk right when getting a pink slip, the house goes into foreclosure, the money gets funny, the repo man comes for the car, and our kids start to fight. Here comes the real test of the tongue as the wind starts to blow and frustration begins to abound. Are we then going to grab hold to the rudder (our tongue) and turn the situation around? During that time we must invite God's power and anointing into our lives during problematic situations and speak the word only. We therefore must evaluate and solve heart issues with the decision of what we are going to do before the crisis comes from the enemy. Right now be proactive and declare we are going to stay unified, grow, and build this thing and quitting is not an option as we go through trials, tribulations, sickness, and life's' issues. Drive it deep so that when the enemy comes 'it becomes our conviction and not an option' to move forward in God until we see breakthroughs. For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Rom. 8:38-39)

What are you speaking over your body, health, children, grand-children, ministry, calling, anointing, gift, and talent? Are you speaking your demise or destiny, your pain or purpose, your funeral or future, your trial or testimony? Whatever you are speaking will guide you onto the path of your destiny. Death and life are in the power of the tongue... (Prov. 18:21) Blessings, Lauretha Ward



Spirit 2 Spirit Message Music Ministry Kingdom Blessings We are Spirit 2 Spirit. This musical Ministry is the vision given to two brothers, Michael & Denny Jenkins We believe our vision and musical concept to be the new direction of Christian based music!! Spirit 2 Spirit is a totally unique approach to Music and Ministry. We are Advocates and Innovators of the new genre "Message Music" and a platform for the concept of: Ministries Adopting Ministries/ Sharing Partnerships, for the operation of our causes for Humanity. We do what we do because we love the Lord... Doing our part in the building of the Kingdom...One day at a time! This is a message we would like to share in hopes others will share in our vision and uplift and support one another in their effort to do their share in the Worlds healing process. Please allow us to share part of our vision with you. These thoughts have been laid on my heart thru the spirit, from real life experiences that have been shared with us. I have very little regard for Ministries, Pastors, Churches, Evangelist, International Ministries, Charities etc… Who have the support of loving charitable Christian people, by way of Tithes, donations, gifts, pledges and the like, (whether they be from the poor, average, or well to do) but don’t operate with a true sense of giving. We ourselves have a giving spirit and have supported International and Mega Ministries but their help doesn’t trickle down to help those in need in my community! How about yours? It may never happen! I know folk who have tithed religiously with their church, and when faced with personal hardship have been directed to seek help from The Department of Social Services….Sad but True! After viewing countless Religious/Spiritual programs, Concerts, Testimonies, Websites, documentaries, and the like, on mega Christian Networks like TBN and CBN and receiving emails like this one: Give a sacrificial PRAISE OFFERING -- sow a seed of faith of $20 or more today into the Breakthrough ministry -to help me proclaim the Gospel to a lost and dying world through our TV broadcast ... and I will send you Angels 34

Unemployed, a three-DVD video series that I believe will lead to angelic help in your life. Give a sacrifice of praise to God, and sow your sacrificial seed of faith. Let me suggest a gift of $20, $40 or $60, as you ask God to dispatch His angels to protect and strengthen you. After having contacted and made Pledges and Donations to Ministries of this kind, like countless others have wanting to help those in need. I realized they ask you to partner with them in their efforts to spread the Gospel. I wondered what it really meant when they said partner with us? I believe good things are being done, but where is the partnership? You give, but it is as if you are paying for a product or service. I have personally tried to contact some of these organizations to solicit some feedback with my concerns and vision to no avail. Now, having founded a Musical Ministry, as we began to network and ask people for support for the Ministry, we felt as though we were doing the very same thing, and we know we want to inspire people to seek a personal relationship with God and help those in need, for we live in a time where there is GREAT NEED! What God has put on our hearts is this… A true partnership with a Ministry, Church, foundation (etc… The universal truth is, it is in our giving we receive. It is the charge of every Ministry to take what is donated to them to do for others in need. So it is every Ministries responsibility to give., however, if your ministry is in lack there is little you can do to help. If Ministries include other ministries in their giving, it will allow additional funds for their causes….A simple example, if we give to Ministry X this month, Ministry X will have those funds to work with that Month, in turn, if Ministry X gives to our Ministry next month, ours will have those funds to work with that month. So, If this simple exercise of giving is adopted among many Ministries, a guaranteed flow of income will be in motion for the Ministries to operate with, not counting the individual donations/pledges, or donations/pledges made by companies for tax purposes. Meaning every ministry should have the giving go both ways, so the giving helps all involved. Example: We have a music Ministry, so we donate and pledge by way of Concert and Cd Revenue along with Benefit performances and fund raising events. We can also (Continued on page 35)

include an exchange of link posts to one another’s websites for traffic promotion for Donations and Pledges to one another, not just one way giving.. For individuals who give with no organization affiliation, they should be given personal assistance when needed and always be given a gift! I believe this is a true Spirit of giving that will add integrity, blessings and honor to the building of the Kingdom. We truly need a unified effort for this to work…Please give us your honest input regarding this matter… Ministries Giving Ministries! Excellent! We live in a time where the need is so great. Natural disasters and horrific situations are spanning the globe, so we want to do our part by focusing on our own community. How many folks do you know who are struggling with the necessities in life, right in your own community? It has been placed on our hearts to ask everyone who is connected in any way to a Church, Ministry, or Charitable organization to incorporate this vision of giving to help those who duties in Christ are to unconditionally help those in need !!!

sic…That will be a great help in our cause….To reach and give those in need! Thank you… I apologize for the length of this message, but we feel very strongly about this! Can you please take this vision to a Christian conference and share it? We hope you will find something in our vision note worthy and inspiring enough to share it with your readers! Adopting Ministries/Sharing Partnerships God bless you, and your family, Denny & Mike Jenkins/Spirit2Spirit

Hopefully this message will be the defining hour in your life! Thank you for your indulgence,…I pray this message will lead to great accomplishments for the Glory of God… May God bless and keep you…Peace We are currently awaiting the release of our upcoming Project, projected to be released by The Tate Music Group July 12th 2011 Please feel free to visit our website to acquaint yourself with our efforts....When you visit our site please click on our Ministry tab to see what we are attempting to accomplish…We would like to add your Ministry or charitable organization to the list! www.spirit2spiritmessagemusic.com You can reach us at this email address as well: dennyjenk8846@hotmail.com We are asking everyone to please call your local Christian/Gospel/ stations to request to play our mu35

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