Divine Inspirations Magazine June 2011

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Divine Inspirations Magazine June 2011

Vol. 2 Issue 6

Inside this issue: Grace Abba:God the Father Native Tongue

Gene Schmidt Musician and Songwriter Founder of Christian Songwriters and Musicians Intl. Pg 14

Whose Prophet Are You? Five Blessings of God to The Saints Spending Time with your Spouse


Greetings! Happy Father’s Day! Wow we are at the halfway point in 2011. I recently decided to do a “caster cleanse.” This cleanse helps your body release toxins and waste from your body giving you a renewed refreshed feeling. I also decided to do an overhaul in my spiritual life also. It has opened up my spirit and given my soul a much needed refreshing. I encourage you as we enter into the sixth month of 2011 to take a moment and do a cleansing of your mind, spirit and soul. This issue we are featuring Gene Schmidt a songwriter and musician. His testimony shares how his faith led him to found a group that ministers to secular and church musicians. Be sure to pass this publication to your family and friends! Visit our new website at : www.divineinspirationsmagazine.com to subscribe for free. We always welcome your feedback and comments. Blessings! Qualita Pendergrass Editor in Chief 3



Purpose in Paradox Judith M. Mosley The purposes of God are a paradox to the earthly mind. He teaches patience in waiting, singing in sorrow and contentment when faced with unmet desires. The weight of our circumstances reminds us that we cannot carry them alone, and that we must cry out to God who is our only hope. He is faithful. He will not abandon us. Deuteronomy 33:26-27 Even when we feel we cannot take another step, He urges us on. At times when we just know our hearts will break if we hear one more word of discouragement. He lets us know that He will keep us. Psalm 41:2 He knows that if we would stretch to do what we think is impossible we will come that much closer to his goal of our understanding that when it is darkest, He is our light, Psalm 139: 11 & 12, when we are weakest, He is our strength, 2 Corinthians 12 and that we don't have to see before we believe. John 20: 24 - 29

God is not too great to care. We are just too small to understand Him. 6


At the Beginning of the Day in the firmament of His power, through His excellent

At the end of the day is often spoken by the voice of

greatness and His mighty acts. The birds have come to

millions of people around the globe. It has become a clichĂŠ. I hear it roll off the tongue of those who realize and maybe even appreciate what it means to treat oth-

the words of the Lord thy God as I commit and surrender my life to Him.

ers in a respectful manner. Not to have brought harm to another's life at the end of day reflections; reflec-

At the beginning of the day, I open my heart to receive

tions of all the blessings that rained down from God's

God's promises for my life that helps me to grow from

Almighty Heavenly Throne.

the One and Only True Vine of which I am a fruitful branch. Sharing His gospel with the world, I live to

At the beginning of the day when I am awakened by

obey and serve the Lord thy God with all my heart and

God's strength along with the riches of His glory,

soul for He abides in me, guides and leads me. I am

praises sing out from my heart and permeate the walls

forever grateful. God, I give You glory, honor and

of my home going up to the Lord who is always atten-

praise all the days of my life.

tive to my praises and prayers. Blessing and bestowing upon me and my loved ones, a new day created by

Cynthia G. Boyer

the amazing power and strength by God the Father, I

Rubies in the Garden Ebook - An Everlasting Keep-

am reminded of God's greatness and wondrous works

sake Treasure - Buy Now

through His majesty that I see as I gaze out my bed-


room window. I see the sweet little birds perched high


upon the branches and I hear the sweet sounds of God's love through their singing and chirping; true evi-


dence that God is real. When i look at the sky, be it


blue or gray skies, once again, I am reminded of God's


goodness, His generosity and His love.


As I listen to the sweet sounds of God's love through their singing and chirping, God communicates with me

tell me a story through their wings, as they fly, I hear


At the beginning of the day

At the beginning of the day I lift up my eyes His glory appears Slowly I rise At the beginning of the day I cleave unto Treasures of his grace His merciful kindness Sealed in this space At the beginning of the day Words of wisdom Spring from my heart His amazing wisdom He imparts At the beginning of the day Arms open wide To receive His strength In His peace I abide At the beginning of the day My footsteps ordained I follow the Shepherd No matter the rain Lying in silence Into the Light He Came In the Power of His Resurrection There is Life in His Name. At the end of the day A dream fulfilled An obedient Spirit Living God's Will At the end of the day My mind is free To reflect on His goodness Now I lay me down to sleep It is because of Christ I gently sleep in perfect peace. Written by Cynthia G. Boyer 9



A Tribute to My Dad By John Taylor

are married and have also been involved in there marriages for several years, because the example was set for them by our father. He has always told us that we have to give our all to anything that we do or we shouldn’t do it. This was his statement to us during our educational pursuits, careers, families, friendships and to ourselves. He taught us about the power of loving and believing in ourselves because people may not believe in what you do or what your dreams are but if you believe in yourself you will get pass any thing that comes your way. When we were younger my father was a strict disciplinarian, and our mother who didn’t work outside of the home would always say wait until your dad gets home and we knew what that meant. He still remains the disciplinarian of our family even though we all live outside the home he still gets and deserves the ultimate respect from us. My dad always told us that after we graduated from high school we had to go college, the military or get a job but we could no longer live in his house. This was great for us because it made us take charge of our lives and start the path to adulthood and responsibility. The main thing that I love about my dad is that he loves Jesus and currently serves as a deacon in his church. When I was growing up every Sunday my family went to church and the ritual for Sunday started on Saturday night, by polishing our dress shoes, getting our clothes ready and my father giving us haircuts and my mother would press my sister’s hair with the hot iron. The haircuts by my dad would last until we were old enough to get a job and pay for our own haircuts. Every Saturday we got our haircut because my dad would say you should always be well groomed and look your best. This has stuck with my brothers and I, we still to this today get a haircut either Friday or Saturday and my 2 sisters go to the hair salon every week. My dad also loves family time with us we would eat as a family every night and listen to talk radio since we didn’t have a television in our house (based on my parent’s religious beliefs). We now take a family fishing trip every year to the coast of Wilmington, NC since my Dad loves to fish. In conclusion I will say what I have shared here this month is something that needed to be shared years ago. My dad is great man and has shown me the example of what being man is like. When my Mom died were all living at home and some my relatives asked my dad if he

The Lessons I learned; a tribute to the Best man that I know; my father…John H. Taylor June 19, 2011 is Fathers Day and it’s for this reason that I’ve decided to honor my Dad in this month’s column. When I think of my dad a few words come to mind strict, structured, very forth right you never have to guess what he is saying because he will always make it clear for you, great sense of humor, loves to sing, dedicated, committed, and Loves Jesus. My dad who just turned 65 this past February and celebrated it with my siblings and his 7 grandchildren. My parents gave birth to me when they were 22 years old. And I have seven siblings 4 brothers, 1 step- brother and 2 sisters with my oldest sister being 45. My Dad taught us a lot about family values, responsibility, hard work and yes helping others in need. If you ever met any of my siblings you will find that we all have my father’s personality and hard work ethic. Because we are all very straight forth and “real” and really don’t deal with a lot of drama in our lives. We also will help anyone in need which is evident by our career choices, we all work in the “helping profession” with careers ranging from nurses to correctional officers. My parents were married for 25 years until my mother’s death; she died as a result of injuries that she received in a car accident. It’s for this reason that I can’t imagine not having my dad in the home with us. I hear many stories of individuals growing up without their fathers being in the home. Many people speak about not having a clue of even their father’s name. When we look at the number of single family homes in America it shows that many men have provided a sperm donation resulting in producing a child but many haven’t been fathers. Because there is a huge d difference between a sperm donor and a father. While we know that mothers can do it all, they will even tell you that they can’t be a father and readily would appreciate the father coming around and helping raise the child. My father has since remarried and has been married for 25 years; he demonstrates for us all daily the commitment to marriage, faithfulness, honesty, handwork and the joy of being connected to another. Most of my siblings

(Continued on page 13)


wanted them to let some of us live with them because it will be hard for him to take care of all of us. My youngest sister was five years old at the time he stated “no” these are my children and they will all stay together and I will take care of them. He did just

seems like it’s your good news. We thank God that he has given you to us. We thank God that you have given us the example of what a real man and real father that and today I’m so grateful that he kept us looks like. all together which resulted in our family be- You are the glue that has holds our family together and we just want to tell you that ing stronger and more dedicated to each you are the greatest and we all strive daily other. I just ask that if you are a man and in our lives and in our careers to be just like have children or decide to have children you. that you take some of the lessons from my We want to say Thank You dad, because he is truly an example of a great man. We Love you Daddy….Happy Fathers Day!!!! John G. Taylor, MA Clinical/Christian Therapist www.Johngtaylor.com Johngtaylor06@gmail.com

Letter for our Dad We want to say Thank You, We want to say that you’re the greatest Father on earth We thank for your love and your guidance that you have shown us We want to say Thank you

Your children: Belinda, Andre, John, Lamont, Martin, Chris, Narkise and Rodrick. …and the grandkids also want to say that they Love you and you are best grandfather in the world. Written by: John G. Taylor

We thank you for the teachings that you gave In our time of need you’re always there When we have bad days or troubles in our lives We can always call you and hear you say “Everything will be alright” When we call you with good news or accomplishments you are so happy for us that it 13

Gene Schmidt Songwriter and Musician

Founder of Christian Songwriter’s and Musician’s International (CSMI) csminetwork.com His genre-diverse original music has been heard on an international level and sung in different languages. His acoustic ability complements the numerous melodies he has composed over the last two decades. In an age when the world is experiencing hardships of epic proportions, Gene‘s acoustic folk style with inspiring lyrics bring comfort to hurting and healing hearts. His acoustic songwriting demands a cultivated palette to fully appreciate the burst of diverse flavors at play in his music. Although his style is acoustic based, the arrangements go much deeper, culling from ballad, folk, slapstick country, rock and contemporary. Over the years he has been petitioned to write theme songs for causes and/or campaigns. His song ―Heart To The Homeless‖ received recognition from President Reagan when Nancy Reagan held a homeless campaign. Causes close to his heart are Romanian orphans, the persecuted church, and mentoring song writers. He affiliates himself with Hand of Help, a non-profit organization that aids Romanian orphans and evangelizes. (handofhelp.com). More recently he has founded CSMI, Christian Songwriters and Musicians International, a network established to equip, mentor, educate and record sprouting artists while admonishing them to maintain their integrity and nourish the church. (csminetwork.com). He draws from personal experiences from his international travels as well as aspects that effect our daily living; love, pain, life, death, and the lessons learned in between. Gene has spent over 20 years with Hand of Help Ministries and over 20 years with the music 14 group he founded called Remnant.

My Journey Gene Schmidt An Italian Poet once wrote, ―We do not remember days, we remember moments‖. Cesare Pavese. I‘m happy to say that as I reflect on all that was impressionable, lasting moments, was that in which I saw the Father‘s hand so divinely orchestrate a praise where once was doubt, a triumph where fear once lived, and joy where weary legs needed strengthening. At the early age of 9 I picked up a guitar and began finding comfort in exploring melodies. It wasn‘t until I was in the military and stationed in Germany that I began frequenting an old military chapel and began teaching myself piano and guitar. The chapel became a place of solitude from the Burn unit where I saw horrific exploits of pain. After finishing my years of service I returned to the states and began playing secular music in clubs. This journey was short lived as God had different plans for my life. A man who lived in the downstairs apartment in the house we shared began praying for me, and after growing tired of returning home at 3:00am after singing the same songs over and over, I realized the hope that this man had, was something I lacked. I embraced the faith and have never looked back. Years later I had attended a meeting where a man by the name of Dumitru Duduman shared his experience of being persecuted for His faith from the communist secret police party for smuggling bibles, testimony after testimony of how God intimately through His Spirit directed them, instructed them, where to go, what to say, where to hide the Bibles. Etc. This experience challenged everything I once believed; could God really be that personal? Could God speak to me like that? I‘m here to say with an emphatic exclamation, Yes He Does! Yes He Has! Again, I would say I don‘t remember the days, but indeed I can share with you a small reflection of some of these moments. It is from these moments I‘ve penned some of the most intimate worship songs that have drawn me to my knees in humble awe. Years ago one of the jobs I held was a warehouse manager for a freight company. I managed a group of young muscular men who moved the freight to an established truck ready to hit the road. On this day, a memorable day, the boys were riding my back about having to watch their mouth around me, the literature I read, anything that was Christian; they had some sort of comment about it, mostly profanity. When a truck driver arrived for his load, he fell and twisted his knee on the loading dock. The boys and I watched as this grown man screamed in agony, He yelled, calls 911, it‘s out of socket. One of the workers in a mocking gesture said, ―let‘s see what your God can do now?‖ As he looked at me with both righteous an- 15

ger and fear of humiliation I put aside my feeling and just whispered to God, ―I need you to defend yourself, your name, I need a miracle‖. One by the one the boys gathered around the driver, they stood there waiting for me to make the move. I asked the driver if He would let me pray for him, in pain he nodded yes. I placed my hand over his knee as said, ― God for your glory we ask that you would heal this knee and take away all doubt and pain from this place. ― Loudly, there was a noise I will never forget, we all heard a crack as we watched the knee go back into place. Immediately the man stood up and said with both surprise and elation, ―Thank you God! ―. The rest of that day I shared with all the workers the hope that is within me and the reason I believe, two of them received Christ that day.

One of the songs God gave me came from a moment in my Christian walk, is called, The Martyrs‘ Praise. I had received several messages from some African brothers who had contacted our ministry to come and speak at their convention. We agreed to attend, what I did not know then, was that I was embarking on the most dangerous, barbaric, malicious journey of my life. The results of the election between the Kibaki and Odinga groups were announced. Hostile tribes hit the streets; their targets were any people of the opposing tribe and foreigners. My team and I were 4 ½ hours out of Nairobi when the vehicle we were in hit a makeshift checkpoint. The police there, with fear in their eyes told us we had to turn around. Looking up ahead we could see black smoke. Disappointed we were not able to go forward, reluctantly we turned back. Just a few miles up the road again we were stopped, but this time with boulders blocking the road. A mob of people approached us with screaming, sticks, and machetes as they yelled, ―What tribe are you from? ― The African pastors who were both in the front seat began to put our vehicle in reverse to try to avoid them. It was yelled again, ―what tribe are you from?‖. One of them replied, ―brother, we are from two different tribes.‖ Just then I heard my friend speak, he said we‘re cooked. Out of thin air, a large military vehicle with tall muscular men with machine guns created a parameter around us and dispersed the angry crowd. We watched as one of the men pushed the boulder out of the road with a mere shove of his leg. Another approached our vehicle and gave us instructions to go to the next town and stay for the night until things calmed. We heard cries, bullets flying, smelled the smoke of building being burned. It (Continued on page 16)

was then that all of us came together for prayer. In a word given to one of the brothers, God said he would send rain to protect us. The African Pastors chuckled as it was the middle of dry season. Early morning we left, and as we approached Nairobi, the crowds who had gathered disbanded because there, in the middle of dry season was rain. I will not forget that moment. I heard one the African Pastors say, papa, look, the clouds, just as God said. The rain allowed us to get to the airport and fly out that day. Later we learned that in the city of Eldoret, a stop on our itinerary, a church was set on fire with over 200 people perishing in the onslaught. We also learned the black smoke ahead of us was 4 tourists in an SUV who were burned alive from a mob. Several months later, we were back in the States. I was sharing this testimony with a fellowship in Houston, TX. I received a word from the Lord, had I not intervened, you would have tasted the grave. Indeed I really believe the soldiers who showed up just in the nick of time, were angels. I penned the song ―The Martyrs‘ Praise ―from that experience. The lyrics say: undivided, we stand united, willing to die for our faith, though our lives our taken, our faith won‘t be shaken, as we kneel down to pray, this is the martyrs praise. God used this to bring awareness to the plight of the many refugees as a result of the fighting. We were able to send thousands to the Pastors to help them feed the many people who were taking refuge in the churches. Through rain comes cleansing. Through trials come testimonies. If there were no tests, there‘d be no testimonies. While my ―faith moments‖ have increased my faith it has given me much to ponder through my song-writing. As I get older I‘ve become keenly aware that the younger generation is being pulled by many opinions and secular influences. They are in need of mentorship, discipleship, and encouragement. After seeing young musicians burned from a bad Nashville experience, I felt the Lord directing me to help raise the standard for accountability to God fearing musicians and songwriters who would be the David‘s of this generation. They will bring comfort and peace to not only the hurting musicians, but the church itself. While the church is currently going through a refining phase, many are enduring trials of epic proportions that

are either causing them to give up and turn away, or stand up and abide. It has been a challenge in encouraging the songwriters and musicians of the church to trust God for their provision. With workshops, writing sessions, recording assistance and guidance from writers like Lenny LeBlanc, Phil Keaggy, and Ginny Owens to mention a few, we‘ve been able to redirect their hearts and focus of returning the gift back to the gift giver. As a network of artists we are able to bring together experience, feedback sessions and recording aids to musicians looking for work etc. The teaming of these two groups has proved to be an asset to each. I have been privileged to share my God inspired music with a Christian band called Remnant. We‘ve had the opportunity over the last two decades to take these songs to the church on an international basis. To hear a song being sung in a different language has a way of unifying God‘s people; the same Spirit but in a different tongue. What an awesome God. While our focus has shifted to writing and recording more recently, I find joy in writing songs for other artists as well. Words cannot describe the feeling of seeing someone intimately moved from something God first used to move me. The website Indieheaven.com has become a social media for Independent artist‘s to profile their projects and allow feedback from the masses. I feel it can help the artist be inspired to go higher and reach for a new level of mastery as well as be visible to potential networking with other artists who are looking for songs to record. The group Christian Songwriters and Musicians (Csminetwork.com) has developed a rapport with churches as well as reputable festivals to connect artists that met a certain level of spiritual accountability and integrity. Joining in this group helps a songwriter, musician or even church fellowship, many opportunities of networking for the kingdom. While certain landmarks of my personal goals remained unchecked on my list of accomplishments, as I look back on the journey He prepared for me. I realize that God path was the correct route for me. Today, my wife and I continue to work fulltime for Hand of Help ministry. This the ministry that was mentioned in the story of the bible smuggler, chronicled in the autobiography ―Through the Fire without Burning.‖ This ministry has


This ministry has allowed me to embrace my gift in music, while ministering to the church and inform them of the plight of the Romanian orphans, who knew? I encourage you to allow God to continue to direct, slow down, take time to listen, acknowledge him, and He will direct your path. As a writer, as a musician, as a Pastor, as a worship leader, as a parent, when you yield yourself to a cause greater then yourselves, then real ministry can begin.

The annual convention, ―Impact‖, will be held in Nashville on November 18th and 19th, 2011. Workshops, seminars and music events tba.

Christian Songwriters and Musicians (Csminetwork.com

Gene and his wife Anne reside in south central Wisconsin along with their 3 children.


101 Ways to Keep Going When the Going Gets Tough By Marci Tilghman-Bryant

Do you ever experience moments when you just want to disappear, moments when you just want to stop trying altogether? It's in these times that we often find outside reinforcement less than enough. It either isn't there, or it's as if everyone around us is oblivious to our particular needs. So what are we to do when others don't seem to help? When we still feel like giving up? We are to look within ourselves and find that inner calm to keep going! In this inspiring book, author Marci Tilghman-Bryant offers readers 101 Ways to Keep Going When the Going Gets Tough. They range from the simple, like taking a walk or long, hot bubble bath or going to a comedy show to the more poignant, like remembering that because God created us, we all have a right to be here. Marci's book is an encouraging reminder to us all that when the going gets tough, the tough get going. And you are tough! Marci Tilghman-Bryant is the founder of Building the Virtuous Temple Ministries, whose mission is to teach sound biblical doctrine and to train men and women in all phases of ministry. She is the director of the BVT School of Ministry; Marci Bryant Ministries is part of its international outreach. Marci works with pastors, missionaries, and leaders across the nation and in other countries such as Australia, Canada, England, France, Ghana, Italy, and Nigeria. Visit her website at : www.marcibryantministries.com. 18


And Jehoshaphat said, Is there not here a prophet of the Lord besides, that we might enquirer of him? And the king of Israel said unto Jehoshaphat, there is yet one man, Micaiah the son of Imlah, by whom we may enquirer of the Lord: but I hate him; for he doth not prophesy good concerning me, but evil. And Jehoshaphat said ,”Let not the king say so.” 1 Kings 22: 7-8.

Has a lying spirit been put in your mouth? that's why we all must examine ourselves daily, when speaking for the Lord , we had better make sure it is the Lord speaking. If not then don't attach His name to what you are saying , make it known that this is coming from your heart. We have too many saints running around here chasing wealth, and not chasing after God. There are saints who have a church home, and a Man of God that the Lord has placed to watch over their souls. But they rather run to some conference to hear some one else speak into their lives, people who have no connection to them nor care about ever seeing them again.. Everybody seems to want a prophesy, Well I have one , God is tired of the people of God having a form of Godliness but denying the power thereof. Stop thinking that you can hide your sins from God, stop pretending you love one another and you really don't, stop chasing titles. God says, love what I love, go do the commission that I have given you and that is to ―Go ye therefore into all nations.‖ Stop coveting your neighbors, stop saying what God has for me it, is for me, and be mad all the while because he has blessed someone else. Learn how to celebrate each other, cut out your envious and jealous spirit. Stop allowing the enemy to use you to cause discord in the house of God. These are the thing that God is shouting from heaven. He is waiting for ―HIS‖ true Prophets of the Lord to come forth and speak, and let all of Ahab's Prophets Sit down and SHUT UP! Amen!

People of the Most High God! God has place this word upon my heart, and I must be obedient to his command. Church we are in a bad state right now. I know this message will ruffle some feathers, but guess what, Jesus came to ruffle some feathers too. Lately I hear so much prophesy coming out of the mouths' of many who profess to be men and women of God. They are prophesying things that they say God is speaking. I hear a whole lot of prosperity messages going forth, God is going to give this and he's going to give that. I would think that God would be more concerned with the way we are representing Him in this world today, than material things. One would think God has schizophrenia or something. I hear a lot of prophesy on many different topics each person has their on word, but all are saying it is from God, and they have to tell the people of God. I really don't believe that God want us to focus on getting rich, especially when our hearts are not being truly being turned towards Him, because we surely would not use it to advance the kingdom. We must represent the Lord with a consecrated lifestyle, we must live holy, we must turn from our sinful ways. I believe if God has anything to say to us, it would be words of correction to the people of God! For those who are prophesying ear tickling messages and saying its coming from the throne, I ask the question ,who are you the prophet of?

By Michelle Pumphrey livforjesus@verizon.net


HEAVEN’S WAR HAS COME TO EARTH School shootings and gang murders now have become the norm. Spiritual warfare is running rampant; as hell’s evil spirits swarm. Mothers murder their babies; after carrying them and giving birth. Hell’s wickedness is looming; heaven’s war has now come to earth. You may think me insane; the Word’s prophecies are being fulfilled. Today is the date of salvation; that is the Heavenly Father’s holy will. Should you think I am trippin’; you should take a glance at the news. Time is running out; the Savior is coming; we have a whole lot to loose. The Lord’s adversary knows that the sands of time are not in his favor. Don’t be shocked at his actions; to steal and kill is his normal behavior. The enemy does not care if it has been only twenty years since your birth. He wants to kill you quickly; beware; heaven’s battle has come to earth. As it stands, there are many skeptics and atheists who will be left behind. You need to decide; the battle has begun; you may not have a lot of time. This message is for to the lost souls who are not covered by Jesus’ blood. I beg you who have yet to surrender; go to Jesus; if I were you, I would. The Word of God plainly says that no one knows the day of the Rapture. The enemy is desperate at this point; he is setting traps for your capture. This word of warning is not merely for those who have not been reborn Saints, we as well have got to beware; heaven’s war has come to earth. By: Sharon Reid-Robinson 2009


A Brief Moment with Andra Kellon

DIM: I was amazed at this young man you‘re about to meet. He is a mighty man of God, a poet, and a spoken word artist who is totally sold out for Christ. I have enjoyed many of his messages in the written form as well as on YouTube. He is truly a poetic messenger and evangelist and a man after God‘s own heart. So sit back, relax, kick your shoes off, get your Orange Pekoe tea and enjoy ―A Brief Moment with Andra Kellon‖. DIM: Tell us a little bit about yourself. AK: I am a Christian Spoken Word Artist that lives in Raleigh, NC. I am a Religious Studies student at St. Augustine's College which is also in Raleigh, NC. I have been writing for 5 years. I have a passion to write and relate the messages God gives me to share with His people. I see myself as a present day warrior in the Kingdom of God and as a future worldwide staple in the Christian association of redeemed saints successfully leading others to salvation and/or redemption. DIM: How did your ministry get started? AK: I battled alcohol and drug addiction as well as homelessness for 12 years. I started writing while at a rehabilitation center in Houston, Texas. A friend I met there was sharing some of his Spoken Word pieces with me after a rap session that we had and he suggested that I write some Spoken Word pieces as well. I told

him that I couldn't do that because that type of writing was "too deep" for me. He insisted that after listening to the lyrical content of my raps, that I was more than qualified to write Spoken Word. While he was urging me to write, I felt God in my spirit giving me confirmation that the words my friend were speaking were actually from God Himself. I got up, grabbed a pen, a composition book, and my Bible and commenced to writing my very first piece aptly entitled: "This Is My First One". The intricacies with which the piece entailed left no doubt in my mind that God would definitely use me as a vessel to share His Word through the talent /gift of Spoken Word Poetry. DIM: What inspires you to write? Do you have any specific techniques you use for your writing? AK: Truthfully, My writings are NOT actually my writings. They are God's writings! Not to sound too "religious", but they are the actual words God gives me to say to His people. So I know that when I sit down to write I am about to be connected to the thoughts and dialogue of God Himself. That is what inspires me to write. I wouldn't say that I use any specific technique when I write concerning style and/or iambic pentameter, other than to be attentive of and obedient to the guidance and impartations of the Holy Spirit. I follow His lead. 21

DIM: Have you got any plans in the near future? AK: YES I DO! Firstly, my plans for right now are to just keep writing. Secondly, I wish to form a network of Christian Spoken Word Artists in the RaleighDurham- Chapel Hill Triangle area where we consistently have venues to spread the Gospel of Jesus, raise money and awareness to support eradicating homelessness and drug abuse among those desiring and seeking help, show individuals that we can use our God given talents/gifts to uplift the Kingdom, and to simply encourage and support one another. Thirdly, my plans include continuing to network through social media in order to spread the works of and word about Andra Kellon. In doing so, I have hopes that my efforts will be recognized by an entity that has the specific interests and means of seeing my local dreams manifested reciprocally on a global level. DIM: What has been the best part about being in the ministry that the Lord has given you to do? AK: So far, it has been moments such as when I was asked if I would like to be interviewed for this article. It's always a blessing to my spirit and internal state of perceived self-worth when my contributions are recognized. Even though I give (Continued on page 22)

ALL glory to God and am fully aware that this work is HIS work and without HIS will being construed within, it would amount to absolutely nothing; I still receive comfort in being congratulated for the miniscule part that God has allowed me to play in using His words to edify and uplift his children. Others that come to mind are when people respond to my videos on Facebook or YouTube telling me that the poetry has truly blessed them. They will sometimes relay to me that the message came to them at the exact time in their life when they needed it most and it essentially brought them to tears. Sometimes I get messages from people telling me that they know someone that would benefit from a particular message and ask permission to share the message with them. I guess the best part so far is the realization that I am a chosen vessel of God and that He's using my talents to touch the spirits of His children.

captive by him at his will". In other words, I say what God tells me to say and keep a "thick skin" as to the backlash. DIM: Where can people find your music and/or products if they wanted to support your ministry? AK: Support sites will be up soon, but in the meantime I can be found, as well as my thoughts and various ministry vehicles on a number of sites. They are: ~ Facebook.com/andra.kellon ~ Youtube.com/AKELLON100 ~ Reverbnation.com/mrsupreme You can also follow me on Twitter: @AKELLON_SUPREME

DIM: Are there examples of your faith that show in your writing and if so, what are they?

Interviewer: Robert T.Sells

AK: Yes, on many fronts. One is in me sharing my drug addiction in pieces such pieces as "A Changed Life", "Struggles and Mistakes", and "After All I've Done". It is not always coherently comfortable sharing previous mistakes and mishaps in life with total strangers because of possibly being perceived in the negative connotation of "once a loser, always a loser". My faith is exemplified in my writings by me putting the messages out there in spite of how I may feel personally, because of my belief in Romans 8:28 ~ "All things work for the good to them that love the Lord." Another example is in me dealing with controversial subjects like homosexuality in "Free at Last" and parents being their child's "friend" and not shielding them from this carnal society we live in and its purposed effects in the piece entitled, "Just Like the World". Whenever people are forced to look at themselves and evidently receive revelation that what they see as a perfectly acceptable lifestyle is actually detestable in the eyes of God, they sometimes become offensive in their defensiveness of their beliefs and the way they think their beliefs are viewed by "their" God. That being the case, I find comfort and confidence in my belief in verses such as Psalms 118:6 ~ "The Lord is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me?" and 2 Timothy 2:25-26 ~ "In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken 22

NATIVE TONGUE Wikipedia defines ―native tongue‖ as a first language. It is the language (s) a person has learned from birth, or that a person speaks the best and so is often the basis for sociolinguistic identity. In some countries, the terms native language or mother tongue refer to the language of one's ethnic group rather than one's first language. Sometimes, there can be more than one mother tongue, when the child's parents speak different languages. Those children are usually called bilingual. I would invite each of you that are born-again, baptized believers to start an effort to return to your native tongue, that of speaking in tongues! Speaking in tongues is the most talked about phenomena in Christianity; yet, I believe it is the most misunderstood. Few Christians understand what it's all about. I was surprised to find that the Bible mentions speaking in tongues thirty-five times. That is a lot and I believe worthy of some study and understanding. In fact, I have dubbed it ―our native tongue‖. God would not have mentioned something often if it was of minor importance. WHAT’S THE BIG DEAL? Sociolinguistics is the study of the effect of any and all aspects of society, including cultural norms, expectations, and context, on the way language is used, and the effects of language use on society. We have all heard the saying ―don‘t just talk the walk, but instead, walk the walk!‖ My argument is that if more of us baptized body of believers ―walked the walk‖ of speaking in tongues, we could be effective in our efforts to win souls for the Kingdom! The Apostle Paul writes, "He who speaks in tongues edifies himself...I would like every one of you to speak in tongues" (1 Corinthians 14: 4,5) The word "edify" means to "build up" or "charge up"--much like charging up a battery. We all need a spiritual charge. All of us at times feel spiritually drained. Speaking in tongues can charge your spirit. Speaking in tongues is our heavenly language. "For anyone who speaks in tongues does not speak to men but to God. Indeed, no one understand him; he utters mysteries with his spirit" (v. 2). Jesus says that those who believe in Him will "speak in new tongues" (Mark 16:17). The word "new" means appearing for the first time. No one had spoken these 23

languages before. It is only appropriate that "new tongues" should be spoken by those of the "new birth." It is natural and normal to speak in the language of your birth. We are born again from above, therefore we should speak the language from above--that language is called "new tongues." THE LANGUAGE OF THE BAPTIZED The first scriptural account of speaking in tongues occurs in the Gospels (Acts 2): When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. (Acts 2:1-4This experience is what John the Baptist and Jesus the Christ called the baptism in the Holy Spirit. This was the fulfillment of Jesus promise, "In a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit" (Acts 1:5). Every Christian believes in baptizing in water. But few accept the more complete baptism--the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Have you been baptized in the Holy Spirit? The Bible clearly teaches that the baptism in the Holy Spirit is a separate experience from salvation and comes after a person is saved. A biblical story illustrates this fact (see Acts 19:1-7). Paul met some disciples of John the Baptist. He thought they were believers in the Lord Jesus, because they talked so much about repentance. Paul, unaware that they were only disciples of John, yet knowing something was missing in these men, asked them an obvious question, "Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?" The question itself proves that Paul, including the early church, believed that it was possible to be a believer in Jesus without having received the Holy Spirit. If receiving the Holy Spirit was automatic at conversion, then why Paul did asked the question, "Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?" KNOWING THE LANGUAGE

I was baptized in the Holy Spirit at the New Mickle Baptist Church in Camden, New Jersey. Rev. Parham invited those wishing to dedicate themselves to winning souls for the Kingdom to come forward for prayer. I made my way to the front of the church. Without notice, something struck me from behind, and I went down on the floor. I began to weep uncontrollably. God's presence was all over me. This went on for several minutes. A thought occurred to me, "This must be God showing me that He was mad at the way that I had been ―playing‖ church‖. No sooner did I think that when I heard this scripture in my mind, "And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues." In my young (12 years old) mind, I thought ―If I'm filled with the Holy Spirit, then I'll speak in other tongues. Right then, I began speaking in other tongues--and I haven't stopped yet!  Speaking in tongues is my first language. It is the language that I return to when I am stressed, angry, disappointed in man, sad, or filled with the joy of the Lord! Speaking in tongues is the physical, biblical evidence that one is baptized in the Holy Spirit. We should not settle for anything less. Don‘t allow the enemy to trick you into believing that you do not need your native tongue! We should not forsake the energy and fuel that speaking in our first tongue provides. If a people are known by their ―language‖; what are you known by? Ask that God restore your language and pray for it in faith. God never lets a thirsty soul go dry.

Praise The Almighty Psalm 119:105 His grasp is upon my spirit I am in His arms secure my trial goes forth He has been the light unto my path No man No demon Shall overpass The Almighty A glory like no other His hand surpasses the pain, and aggression His Holy spirit speaks to my heart Praise the Almighty


For He is not done yet

Faith M. Thompson

My mission is assigned in His book I gladly serve him all days of my life. Through my spirit, he has ministered to my heart.

written by Feon Davis


A Mosaic of Ordinary Women Can Change the World” – by Mandy Woodhouse ―I love words. As an inspiration writer, I try to keep my wording as simple and easy to understand as possible. Secretly, however, on the other side of my computer…I am a nerd who loves researching the root and meaning of even the most difficult of words. One of my favorite words at the moment is the word ―mosaic.‖ Mosaic is a noun which several dictionaries define as ―a colorful, variegated pattern or picture; a combination of diverse elements forming a coherent whole.” The root of the word comes from a Greek word meaning ―muse.‖ The creative part of me loves the root meaning, and the female part of me appreciates the romantic nature of the word itself. But the ―pastor/minister/apostle/leader/influencer― inside me finds excitement in the word mosaic! Picture with me for a moment, if you will, a mosaic of lives from within your sphere of influence—people of different genders, backgrounds, colors and races—all united in identity, purpose and mission, ―a combination of diverse elements forming a coherent whole.” The word ―mosaic‖ alone sounds way more fun and less intimidating than other words in today‘s leadership vocabulary. What I have found as far as ―leadership‖ is concerned is that being a ―leader‖ simply means you have influence. And I think Christians can have the greatest influence when hearts are kept pure before the Lord. I am not by any means an expert on leadership (or mosaics either, for that matter). I did graduate from a Bible ―Leadership‖ College, but what actually flips my switch is writing about social injustices and mentoring women, not necessarily studying the ‗10 Steps to More Effective Leadership.‘ I do consider myself a ―leader,‖ however, because I know the power of taking a significant stand and influencing those around me in every sphere of life. In fact, I believe that every man and women (especially believers) has within them the potential to be the change that they want to see, whether that change be within their own business, amongst their own community or even in other parts of the world. The people who inspire me the most are other women who I can model my life after; the every-day girls who one day realized their significance and decided to make a change. Some are women that we may have heard of, such as Mother Theresa or Oprah. Others are women out of the spotlight, such as Marilyn Skinner from Canada, who now lives in Uganda, East Africa looking after nearly 2,000 AIDS orphans and former child soldiers, as well as 900 HIV positive 25 widows and nearly 100 abandoned babies. Or my current boss, Jo

Lynn Cook, a small-town, soft spoken Texas girl who with her husband not only runs an orphanage in India, but also reaches out into the neediest of communities in South Louisiana. Or one of my best friends, Lori…who happens to have broken down trucks in her front yard where she houses homeless women during the week while she prepares a feast for the entire homeless community of our city which she holds on Saturdays. All of these women are ordinary girls, using their greatest feminine qualities to work alongside each other and the men in their world to accomplish extraordinary things. Most of them, with the help of the Holy Spirit and others, have changed eternity and brought great color into the world around them. They are leaders, even though they do not know it. So let me pose this question to you: If one ordinary, small-town woman like Jo Lynn Cook, my dear friend Lori, or even Mother Theresa, can make such an impact in today‘s world—just imagine what a company of people, a ―mosaic‖ of ―leaders‖ could do! Of course I give examples about leaders within the social justice arena—this is just part of my job and what gets me going. But the example is the same for any area of leadership. A mosaic of people transcending culture, creed, age, status and even denomination can go so much further and be so much more rewarding and fun than being a one-woman-team or leading just for the sake of getting a job done. There is so much that women bring to the table, especially when full of loveliness and gentle, feminine confidence. Vision, goals and deadlines are important, but a mosaic of ordinary, united woman can do most powerful things. A group of united women, for the cause of Christ, can transcend any barrier that the world tries to place in front of them. Making a significant impact wherever you are is not as frightening when you have a company of like minds alongside you. Everyone colors the ―mosaic‖ with their own hues, making the impact both personal and collective. Ordinary women coming together to do an extraordinary thing is always world-changing! ―Alone, we can do so little. Together, we can do so much.” – Helen Keller

FIVE BLESSINGS OF GOD TO THE SAINTS ( Ephesians 1:1-12) A study of the fact of God's blessings is a wonderful study.

in choosing us as your children. Help us to live this day as if

God is the greatest giver of all blessings that we enjoy in

we were the children of a holy loving God.

Christ. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above,

The blessings of adoption

coming down from the Father of lights. God is the source of ―Having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself according to the good please of his will” [Eph 1:5]

all true blessings. As Apostle Paul examined in Ephesians 1:1 -12. It is clear that God has blessed us beyond measure. Therefore let us now focus on five areas of God‘s blessings

People do make choices for a reason. In God‘s case there was

to us.

no necessary, no compulsion, no outside influences forcing his hand, only his love for us, his pleasure, his will. It all be-

The blessing of being chosen

gan with God, not us. It was a decision he made before we “He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love” [Eph 1:3]

had a say in the matter. Because of his love he arranged for our adoption as his own children even when he already had an only and much beloved son.

The first spiritual blessing of all is being chosen. This is God who loved us enough even before were we born to choose us

Love and predestination are not self-contradictory. In our

in Christ, the only way we could be His.

world, any decision taken without consultation is seen as a

It is important to remember who it that has chosen us is. He

power grip or a move to dominate and control. It is our God

is the God and the father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Long be-

who predestined us; he chooses to adopt us as his own chil-

fore we were born, even before the creation of the world, he

dren, because he loves us.

decided to make us his children, through Jesus Christ.

Adoption therefore becomes one of the many blessings that are ours through Jesus Christ, but we have not yet entered

Just as there re reasons for choice, there are, purpose for

into full experience of it.

choice. God‘s purpose was that we should be holy and blameless in his sight. Our standard of goodness is not

Eternal God and loving heavenly father, thank you for loving

enough. Our most righteous acts are like filthy rags in the

us enough to claim us as your own, even to the point of sacri-

context of God‘s standard. And this is the standard he has set

ficing your own son for us. May we share your pleasure

for us, holy and blameless in his sight. Jesus affirmed that

gladly to your will and be quick to share your love.

standard, ―be perfect as your father in heaven is per-

The blessings of Grace

fect‖ [Matt 5:48]

“To the praise of the glory of His grace, but which he made

The irrefutable DNA of God‘s paternity is that we are holy

us accepted in the beloved” [Eph 1:6]

and blameless in his sight. The only what that can happen is

Another result of God choosing us is praise being given to for

by God‘s making it happen. This points us to a tiny phrase in

his glorious grace. God unmerited favor towards us is cer-

Ephesians ―in Him‖ in Christ the blessings are ours

tainly good news. Especially to those driven to him to earn their salvation through ―being good‖. God‘s grace is what

Father, Thank you for the purposefulness you have given us 26

(Continued on page 27)

distinguishes Him from every other gods that human Gracious father, thank you for your extravagant generosity towards us. Help us live lives characterized by generosity to others.

have worshipped. He has freely given us His favor, apart from and even in spite of, our attempts to gain merit on our own.

The blessings of Inheritance

Grace is closely identified with God that to praise his “In him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of his will, which we who first trusted in Christ should be to the praise of His glory.”[Eph 1:11-12].

grace is to praise Him. God‘s praise will be praised throughout eternity, because it is glorious. God‘s glory, his being, his character, his very nature and grace is surely his essential characteristics. As wonder-

Christ is the source of the believers‘ divine inheri-

ful as God‘s grace is, it is one of the most difficult

tance, which is so certain that it is spoken of as if it has

spiritual concepts to grasp and even more difficult to

already been received. Before the earth was formed,

communicate. Amazing grace must be one of the most

God sovereignty determined that every elect sinner

sung songs in and outside of the church, but the reality

however vile, useless and deserving death by trusting

of grace is difficult to comprehend.

in Christ would be made righteous. As God works out

“Oh God what a gift you have given us, Father your

His plan according to the counsel of his will. He ener-

love without limit, may we never presume on your

gizes every believer with the power necessary for his

goodness or take your love for granted

spiritual completion. God‘s purpose is to offer salva-

The blessings of Ransom

tion to the world, just as he planned to do long ago.

“In Him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins according to riches of his grace which he made to abound toward us in all wisdom and prudence” [Eph 1:7-8]

God is sovereign, he is in charge. When life seems chaotic, rest in this truth, Jesus is Lord and God is in control. God purpose to save cannot be thwarted, no

There are many metaphors that help us understand

matter what evil Satan may bring, the Holy Spirit is

what God has done for us in Christ through his death.

God‘s guarantee that we belong to Him and that he

One of the striking is redemption. It is the picture of

will do that what he has promised.

paying a price a ransom for something previously owned. Unlike ransom currently being paid for slaves

Father, thank you for giving us the blessings of inheri-

in Sudan, this is not just a humanitarian gesture to lib-

tance. Help us to live a life that is full of hope and be

erate people unfairly enslaved by some oppressor. The

able to love you.

precedent for this metaphor is Israel experience de-

Apostle Fred Indangasi

scribed in the Old Testament where they once be-

Lead Pastor Kings Highway Baptist Church

longed to God; they had become enslaved in Egypt,

Founder Jesus Power Evangelistic Missions Int‘l

quite beyond their control. In another case they had

P.O. Box 87659 Mombasa, Kenya

become enslaved in Babylon, this time due to their

Email: jpemissions@yahoo.co.uk Tel: +254 720-530-445

own willingness. In either case they had rightly belonged to God, but they were helpless to change their lot until God himself redeemed them and made them his people ounce again. 27

NEIGHBOR, LISTEN, I SAY, IT IS WELL Passage for Reflection~2 Kings 4: 16-26

wounded by thorns. So they sit grieving, mourning over disappointments, mistakes, failures, challenges, struggles and past memories. Some are saying; ―I‘m at the end of my rope and I don‘t know what to do; my spouse left me; I was served an eviction notice; my job is downsizing; I was just diagnosed with an incurable disease; I have more bills than money, and am struggling to get debt-free.‖ Right now in the midst of what appears to be a stressful, hopeless, and dead situation, realizes that your dreams are not dead and that the promises of God for your life are not dead. I want you to know that no matter what you are going through, God can turn it around to break through and the best days of your life are just ahead. Your end is so much better, brighter, and sweeter than your beginning. For God knows the plans that He has for you, of peace and not evil, to give you a future with a great ending.

2 Kings 4: 16And he said, ―About this season, according to the time of life, thou shalt embrace a son. And she said, Nay, my lord, thou man of God, do not lie unto thine handmaid. 17 And the woman conceived, and bare a son at that season that Elisha had said unto her, according to the time of life. 18 And when the child was grown, it fell on a day, that he went out to his father to the reapers. 19 And he said unto his father, my head, my head. And he said to a lad, Carry him to his mother. 20 And when he had taken him, and brought him to his mother, he sat on her knees till noon, and then died. 21 And she went up, and laid him on the bed of the man of God, and shut the door upon him, and went out. 22 And she called unto her husband, and said, ―Send me,‖ I pray thee, one of the young men, and one of the asses, that I may run to the man of God, and come again. 23 And he said, ―Wherefore wilt thou go to him today?‖ It is neither new moon, nor sabbath. And she said, It shall be well. 24 Then she saddled an ass, and said to her servant, Drive, and go forward; slack not thy riding for me, except I bid thee. 25 So she went and came unto the man of God to Mount Carmel. And it came to pass, when the man of God saw her afar off, that he said to Gehazi his servant, Behold, yonder is that Shunammite: 26 Run now, I pray thee, to meet her, and say unto her, Is it well with thee? is it well with thy husband? is it well with the child? And she answered, It is well.

In our text, the Shunammite‘s only son of promise was now dead and this caused her to be tested severely. In the natural when we have tests we are given the multiple choice answer choices of either A, B, C, or D. Yet during a spiritual test when you need the answer is it:

(A) Go to the Pastor, or (B) Turn to my spouse, or (C) Go to my best friend, or (D) Talk to my children Or, what about ―none of the above‖ as (E)?

Look around and you will see people who had dreams of excelling with a job, going to college to get a career; a dream of marriage and having children; a dream of retiring and vacationing; or starting a youth ministry or new ministry. However, what happens is that many are going along enjoying life and then unexpectedly get

The answer E means that it is none of the above, because the #1 28

(Continued on page 29)

key is, when you are being tested severely, you need to turn to the LORD immediately. Psalm 50:15 says, ―And call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me.‖ You will go through spiritual tests and your only option or answer is to call on Jesus for direction and relief.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANGEL AMONGST US ―A Tribute to Virginia” Yes, there are angels amongst us and yes angels are real!

Note that the Shunammite laid her son on the bed of the man of God, shut the door on him, and moved forward with no mention made of mourning or grief. When we take a look at the text, it notes that she was praying in verse 22. One could infer that while she was alone with her son that she prayed and got direction as she knew what to tell her husband and what to do. When you are going through your test, Isaiah 41:10 says, ―fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.‖

I know this to be true and am excited to share with Virginia the expression of what her gifts of being herself really do.

Virginia, or Midge as I know, your presence appreciated, your values so real, genuine at heart with a smile one can feel, your sincerity, your words of truth and fortitude are some of your treasures from above brought here to earth with familial love. Do I understand this, And at the end of the story, God showed up and restored oh, yes I do~~~because of your goodness and graces through everlasting family ties, I was life to the Shunammite‘s son as she remained full of faith during her test. What dreams do you have lying brought back to you from angel eyes. dormant? First, realize this and do as the Shunammite woman did: don‘t grieve and mourn over it; began to pray and war; don‘t share your dreams with everyone except with the individual who can assist in bringing it to life. I say it is well, you must speak positive words only and stay away from envy, jealousy, and strife. Second, when facing the enemy, put God in remembrance of your past victory. Do as David did and hit the rewind button and recall past victory so that you don‘t speak negativity. Third, when you fast and pray, keep your focus on God, and believe what God will say.

I wonder if you realize your purpose is in every breath you take and in every gesture of kindness you make. You count, oh yes you do, and I am so blessed because of special you. Yes, angels are amongst us and yes angels are real. A tribute to you Virginia, an earth angel whose heart, purpose and presence are full of zeal and always elude a very special feel!

Blessings Lauretha Ward

Happy Birthday Midge ~ you are a blessed, wonderful woman... This is my gift to you with Love. Heidi Maria-Schilling


Grace Dr. Cynthia Togle Ph.D Is Grace? The grace of God was very important in the life of the early Christians (Acts 14:26; 15:40). The word ―grace‖ has two meanings. We must understand both aspects in order to experience the fullness of grace in our lives.

pects of God‘s grace – His unmerited favor and His enabling power – come to us because we are in Christ. ―But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ…‖ (2 Peter 3:18). See also John 1:14, 1617.

1. Unmerited Favor ―For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith— and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9 not by works, so that no one can boast. 10 For we are God‘s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do‖ (Ephesians 2:8-9).

These two parts of grace is available for the believers on a daily basis. ‖You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus‖ (2 Timothy 2:1). See also Romans 5:1-2. 1. Forgiveness of Sins. ‖For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus‖ (Romans 3:23-24).

Grace is God‘s mercy at work. Even though we were sinners, deserving of judgment, God forgave us and saved us in Christ. ―But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, 5 made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved. 6 And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, 7 in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus‖ (Ephesians 2:4-7).

2. Power to Overcome Sin. ‖For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. 12 It teaches us to say ‗‗No‖ to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age‖ (Titus 2:11-12). Misunderstanding of Grace If we only understand one of these truths without the other, we can seriously misunderstand God‘s grace. ‖What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? 2 By no means! We died to sin; how can we live in it any longer?‖ (Romans 6:1-2).

2. Enabling Power The second part of the meaning of grace is just as important as the first. Not only does grace make us accepted into the family of God; it also enables us to live the Christian life. ―But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect. No, I worked harder than all of them—yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me‖ (1 Corinthians 15:10).

The first misunderstanding of God‘s grace is to think that it doesn‘t matter if a Christian sins, because God‘s grace is always available to bring forgiveness (read Jude 4). But no, forgiveness is only one half of the work of grace. God‘s plan is for us to overcome sin through the power of His grace. ―For sin shall not be your master, because you are not under law, but under grace‖ (Romans 6:14). Read also 1 John 2:1-2.

In salvation, the fullness of God‘s grace is at work. Through God‘s unmerited favor we receive forgiveness and restored relationship with Him even though we don‘t deserve it. But more than that, God‘s enabling power is also at work. It is only by God‘s grace that we are transformed (Ephesians 3:20), born again (John 3:3, 6) and becomes a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). Grace simply means that God does what cannot do ourselves, so God saved us by His grace. Neither can we live the Christian life in our own strength, so God‘s grace gives us ability to do what we cannot do ourselves. Both as-

The second misunderstanding of God‘s grace is to think that a Christian cannot sin. John wrote about this clearly: ―If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us‖ (1 John 1:8). See also verse 10. (Continued on page 31)


God‘s grace works only when we realize our need of God‘s help. It is in the midst of our weakness that grace comes to do what we cannot do ourselves (See Romans 8:3-4).

Like Paul, we too can discover the daily outworking of God‘s grace in the midst of our weakness and inability.

But he said to me, ‗‗My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.‖ Missing the Grace of God Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my ―See to it that no one misses the grace of weaknesses, so that Christ‘s power may rest on me. God…‖ (Hebrews 12:15). 10 That is why, for Christ‘s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, As Christians, we have been called to continue in in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am God‘s grace (Acts 13:43). We can miss the grace of weak, then I am strong. God through: (2 Corinthians 12:9-10) Self-effort (Galatians 2:21; 5:4) Self-gratification (Galatians 5:13; Romans 13:14)

G.R.A.C.E is God’s Redemption At Christ’s Expense

Grace is so important in God‘s plan for our lives because only grace changes the focus of our lives from self to God. If we could save ourselves, the result would be pride and boasting. If we could live the Christian life in our own strength, the result would be the same. ―And if by grace, then it is no longer by works; if it were, grace would no longer be grace‖ (Romans 11:6).

My Commitment

Lord, I declare that I am saved because of your grace. I also believe that your grace will give me the enablement to live in righteousness and holiness. I recognize my limitations and know that I We experience God‘s grace in our lives through cannot do anything apart from you. I commit to humility – a revelation that we cannot save or you my weaknesses for your power is made perfect change ourselves. We can only rely on the wonder- in my weakness, for when I am weak, then I am ful grace of God. But he gives us more grace. That strong. Amen. is why Scripture says: ‗‗God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.‖ (James 4:6). Grace in Action ―Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need‖ (Hebrews 4:6). As we walk with God each day, we constantly meet new trials of our faith (1 Peter 1:6-7). Our response to God is faith, which is believing what God‘s word says despite what the circumstances might indicate. God‘s response to our faith is His grace. ―And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work‖ (2 Corinthians 9:8). 31

God knows the path that He has paved for my life and should I remain steadfast in my obedience of faith in Him as I journey through my life trials and storms then I shall arrive victoriously rewarded – a crowned jewel.

Pebble in the Sand Just as that pebble in the sand Was created by the Master‘s hand Throughout my trials and tribulations Life circumstances and situations I am mold Shaped And designed Crafted carefully over time For this ever-changing life Sometimes filled with its trouble and strife Brings trials of doubt and fear Filling my heart with painful tears And yet… I remain prayerful for His will to be mine As it is by His love that I shall resign For His spirit resonates in my soul Purifying me as fire purifies gold So just as that pebble in the sand That was created by the Master‘s hand Who is now That mountain that sits on high With its peak touching the sky I am mold Shaped And designed Crafted carefully over time Precious.. More vibrant than any silver or gold For my light will never grow old As my life I gave to Him My Crowned Jewel His precious Gem Yvette Johnson The Tilted Tea Cup - All Things Inspired


Abba: God the Father In the Old Testament the use of the word, Father, to describe God is found fifteen times; likewise, in the New Testament it is found over one hundred and fifty times. Throughout the bible, the Fatherhood of God is lovingly demonstrated and the imagery of God as Father is abundantly evident. The Fatherhood of God is displayed through his mercy. It is a wonderful experience to know the mercy of the Father when we disserve judgment, ‗Like as a father pitieth his children, so the LORD pitieth them that fear him.” (Psalms 103:13). The Fatherhood of God is a supplier of all our needs through his son, Jesus Christ; ―But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19). The Fatherhood of God protects his children; “He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust:” (Psalms 91:4).

and inherited the privilege to call him Father. It is through Jesus Christ that we have become the sons (children) of God (Romans 8:12-16). This ordinance of fatherhood even applies to the women that have had to stand in the gap for those absentee fathers – my hat is off to you all. Continually pray and ask God to give you the strength and fortitude to direct your sons and daughters in the path of righteousness. God‘s attributes as Father are a pattern for every father to aspire to be. Whether you are someone‘s spiritual father – like Elijah, or a biological father it is important to remember that true fatherhood is an anointing straight from heaven, which is given to a man to minister to the children that God has given to him, both in the spirit and in the natural.

Jesus wanted his disciples to understand the importance of recognizing God as Father, this is evident when he taught them how to pray, “After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name” (Matthew 6:9). Jesus wanted the disciples to understand that when they prayed to the Father that they had to recognize that he is Holy and that the Father is to be respected, revered, and honored. Knowing God as Father gives us kingdom access to our kingdom inheritance, both in heaven and in earth. Paul teaches this principal through the ―Spirit of Adoption”. We have received the privilege of calling Him “Abba, [g] Father” through the gift of his son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. When Jesus gave his life for us we became the sons and daughters of God 33

Our Forever Reign Why do we speak healing for our bodies and our mind In our finances, relationships and daily grinds We speak healing because by His stripes We were healed And when we speak All the plans of the enemy are revealed Every wicked plot and plan no longer concealed Everyday we must speak healing because God planned it for us So we walk in the victory that we Spoke over our lives And our faith becomes filled in our thoughts No longer porous We follow the Word of God for our bodies And as we speak healing we remain joyous No more wrestling with pain and its chorus No more believing God hasn‘t restored us No more shouting, ―The pain my God it floored us‖ So before we see the victory we claim Allegiance to God And goodbye to pain Even as we say I‘m healed again and again We shout hallelujah to our God For He is good And we thank God for the ability to forever reign. © Robert T. Sells – The Anointed Poet


My Children

God has given me very precious gifts and He gave them specifically to me Two boys and a beautiful girl and to them a loving mother I am supposed to be. He fashioned them after what he believed one day I just might need To encourage me and to keep me smiling and to cultivate them as a farmer does his seeds. A Mother has a big job when rearing even just one child She must cook, clean and be everything even when darkness covers the light. The light always has a way of being brought back to the front And keeping you from doing those things that you should but then actually don‘t. God has allowed my children to have gifts that they always share. One of them ministered to all and spoke God‘s Word everywhere. Then He gave to me two sons that are opposites on the same totem pole The oldest loves to be by himself and tries always to do what he is told. The youngest is a bit more quiet and enjoys every book that he reads He is the softer of the three and you‘d never know that he has many needs. But God again knew exactly what it was that I might need Because he gave me my three children and allowed them to be my seed. One of them I had to send back home into the Master‘s Arms But I am sure without a doubt that she is far away from any harm. My oldest child went away for a time but we will surely meet again Because now to raise the others, I intend to hang onto His Helping Hand. (c) 2011 by ―EyceCreme‖ Carole Steamer 35

All this bespeaks the question...who determines what's "enough" experience...or "enough" of anything, for that matter?

I am NOT ASHAMED By: Apostle Dr. Lee Ann B. Marino, Ph.D., D.D.

I remember the first time it happened. I can still see the handwriting on the card I received from a Catholic youth leader I'd met at a Catholic leadership program in 1998. When she found out I was going into ministry - and leaving the Catholic Church - she was notably horrified. When she saw the name of my ministry (back then, it was Revival Ministries International), her response to me was, "How goes your quest for Revival Ministries International? It sounds VERY (with "very" underlined) Evangelical. You best be careful before you get yourself too involved." I read between the lines, even back then. That implication - you are doing something that I think is wrong for your life and therefore you better not do it because I think it's wrong - left me heartbroken. I thought this was supposed to be about God, not about what she thought I should do or not do. As time progressed and I stood up to this woman, we grew further and further apart. I could feel her disapproval in every letter and discussion we had. More than disapproval, I felt her judgment. She made the decision for me that I should be Catholic. It didn't matter what the truth about Catholicism might have been or even where God wanted me; all that mattered is she wanted me to be Catholic, and there I should stay.

A recent new/old contact to me has made me think a lot about the power of suggestion and influence in our lives. I say a "new/old" contact because I knew the person a long time ago, when I can safely say I wasn't who I am today. It was a long and forgotten age when I knew I was called to be an apostle - I had known for about 6 months - and yet I ran from it. While I didn't know what an apostle was, really, I knew enough to be afraid. I was afraid of what people might think. My ministry was already not going well; I didn't want to make more problems. I was ashamed of who I was and who God called me to be. In my state of disequilibrium, as I attempted to sort out what God was speaking to me versus what everyone else was speaking to me, I found myself often confounded and disillusioned. I thought when we pursued the things of God, people understood that. Instead, everybody picked at me - told me I didn't have this type of experience or that type of experience; I hadn't seen enough of the world; I was the wrong sex; I didn't have enough money; I didn't have enough friends; I was too isolated; I went to the wrong church; I had the wrong beliefs; I shouldn't want to preach; I went to the wrong school; I needed a man because I couldn't stand on my own; I needed to have children, because I was incomplete without them...and so on.

It wasn't the last time this would hap(Continued on page 37)


pen. This endless battle of control circumvented me for a number of years. For many years I was extremely impressionable about ministry and what ministry meant. I wanted my ministry to work and I thought it worked by making sure people liked me and were happy. I was impressionable to pastor a church when I was not called to pastor. (For those who might have any doubt, I am still not called to pastor, despite the numerous pressures I still receive about that issue; and while I am as polite about it as I can be, I will not do anything God has not called me to do to please others.) I was impressionable enough to believe I had no life experience, even though I clearly did, and felt inferior when people judged me based on how they perceived my circumstances. I've been cajoled, wheedled, and even manipulated into joining everything from Jehovah's Witnesses to Buddhist meditation groups by people who didn't respect the eternal boundary of NO. I thought I needed to be married and have a man in my life because somehow that was going to "help" my ministry. Even though I have never wanted them, I thought having children was somehow a "have-to" at some point as well. I turned myself inside out, compromised my personal integrity, and spent a lot of time hurt.

had for me. Being ashamed and afraid of people, measuring ourselves by their standards, and seeking their approval was not the way to make a ministry. I didn't need to be baby-sat. I didn't need someone to come in and try and change me. I did not need manipulation to make me feel badly about myself. I needed to be who I was, and not ashamed of my calling in the Gospel. At every crossroads in our lives we are confronted with many options. The world is quick to give us its standard path, and people operating in the flesh are likewise quick to try and shape us in their image. Some people like us, some people don't, and some people never understand the choices we make because we follow God. I don't think we quite understand what it means to follow God much of the time. We think following God is some mystical experience by which a white light shines and we follow it to an open door to a netherworld. The Christian life isn't a video game! We are walking out our lives, obtaining experiences and insight that we gain as we go along. Experience is not staged, set-up, or planned; insight is not planned; and we gain neither when we do what other people think is best for us. Acts 5:29, "We must obey God rather than men," has a whole new meaning to me now than it did in days gone by. God calls us to obedience, but every one of us will be faced with the decision to obey people who well-meaning or not, are operating in the flesh - or obey God. There is a difference

What did I find? I could turn myself inside out, upside down, and feel as violated and compromised as I wanted: it still was not enough. I could do everything everyone wanted and I still wouldn't get what God had for me because I wasn't pursuing what God 37

between standing strong in what God has called us to do and defiantly disregarding a leader or instruction because we have issues with authority. The difference lies in surrendering to the fleshly desires, impulses, and concepts of people (and the spirits that control the flesh) versus obeying the will of God in every circumstance. Whether we obey our flesh or someone else's flesh reaps the same destructive consequences on our immediate, spiritual, and emotional lives.

when I needed it. While I might not have always liked the immediate results, I did what I needed to do, had the help I needed at the time, and I have been obedient to God to the very best of my ability. I have done what I needed to do. While that hasn't put me where I am going, it has always put me where I need to be. I am not sufficient in myself, but in Christ, I have all the sufficiency I need. Like it or not, I'm doing things God's way. And for who I am, who God has called me to be, and where I am in my life, I am not ashamed.

Though I've never been perfect, I do know that God decides what is enough for my life. He sets the boundaries I live, abide by, and follow. Everybody can understand it, nobody can understand it; it does not matter. I have the experience I need for where I am. I am as old as I need to be. I have the amount of money I need. I have seen enough of the world. I do not need to have children. I do not get my identity from a man. I did not go to the wrong school. I am not the wrong sex. I have as many friends as I need to have. I have as much influence as I need to have. I do not go to the wrong church. I do not have the wrong calling. It is not wrong for me to want to preach. As God takes me on further, He will see to it that I have what I need, even then. This is a progress in Him, not in others. What I need for the future, He will provide, when it is time.

Apostle In Office Apostolic Fellowship International Ministries P.O. Box 935 Cary, North Carolina 27512 USA Website: www.powerfortoday.org Email: info@powerfortoday.org (919) 397-9122

What I have is sufficient for my calling in Christ. Who I was is who I was, but it's not who I am now. I did not get everything I prayed for, but everything I needed, 38

You Are My God!‖ In this portion of scripture we see

Desperation Desperate: beyond or almost beyond hope; reckless

an example of desperate trust. Psalms 107:1 reads, ―A

and violent; extremely bad; to despair; frantic; dis-

song for the ascent to Jerusalem. I took my troubles to

tressed; despondent; rash

the LORD; I cried out to him, and he answered my

Desperation: a state of recklessness caused by despair;

prayer.‖ Literal translation: ―I am in trouble, I cry to

extreme anxiety

God, desperate for an answer; and He answered me.‖

Were we to merely accept Webster‘s definition

Here we see that our desperate cry moves our compas-

for these two words, we would come away with nega-

sionate Father to act.

tive connotations. Rightly so, under normal circum-

Elsewhere we are told it is only when we seek

stances. Think of a desperate person. What do you pic-

God with our whole heart that we find Him. The Bible

ture? Probably a woman who is so broken by loneliness

is not describing a cursory search for a piece of paper

she would do anything and jeopardize her sense of well

on which you may have written the name and number

-being to have a man in her life. Or you may be pictur-

for a babysitter you might use in the future. Oh no! The

ing a man so emaciated from the need to feel validated

Word of God is describing a furious quest driven by an

he uses abusive tactics to demand respect rather than

absolute need to locate your most treasured possession.

earn it.

Desperation can be an ugly, wicked thing.

What the world sees as foolish, harmful to the self-

Yet, scripture implies there is another aspect of des-

image, or something to be avoided, the Lord often uses,

peration we should pursue and embrace.

promotes, and views as wise. The world has an abject

Psalms 31:14 reads, ―But I am trusting you, O

view of desperation but it is essential to our pursuit of

LORD, saying, "You are my God!"‖ (NLT) The literal

the Most High. 39

translation reads, ―Desperate, I throw myself on you:

(Continued on page 40)

You know what I have noticed? Desperate

ship is the expression of our longing to know and be

people are passionate people. They hunt fervently.

with God. Worship is the core of our very being des-

They are more zealous in their chase than a child who

perately reaching to the Creator; the only One who can

is ―It‖. The need for what they crave is paramount to

reach us where we are and bring us everything we

life itself. Only the object of their desire will assuage

need and truly desires.

the ceaseless ache created in the center of their heart

The Father is also desperate. He longs for us

and they go to any lengths to get to it. Desperate people ache for fulfillment.

to seek Him. He has embarked upon His own quest Are

and only those who will worship Him in spirit and in

you or have you ever been ―desperately‖ in love?

truth will satisfy Him. He wants us far more than we

Your deepest desire is to be in that person‘s presence

could ever want Him and has gone to great lengths to

and to make it pleasant for them. Grooming habits

win our hearts. He is waiting to hold you in His arms,

change, money flows, you cannot stop thinking about

teach you His ways and love you into the person you

them. You orchestrate your life to accommodate your

were always meant to be. As we each seek Him, He

heart‘s requirement to be with him/her. Are you des-

satisfies us with more of Himself.

perately seeking answers? You embark on an exhaus-

I want to encourage you to get desperate. Al-

tive search, subject yourself to the opinion of the

low Him to become your steadfast focus. I dare you

learned and not so learned, near and far, to meet the

to reach out, know the richness of His love and com-

quest for knowledge.

municate that love so others may know Him too. I

Desperate people are committed people.

challenge you to alleviate the Father‘s desperation.

Nothing will deter them from their intended objective.

Search Him out until His longing for you is content.

They are focused and determined to stay the course

Lift up your heads and worship Him. Lavish Him with

until they are satisfied. They let go of everything that

adoration in response to the extravagant love He has

keeps them on the ledge and willingly fall with utter

for you.

abandonment into their mission.

all our hearts, soul and strength. Then get ready for the

Let us fulfill our call to love the Lord with

ride of your life!

Desperation is the heart of true worship. Wor-


Give me strength

Lord give me the strength to make it Lord give me the strength to make it I know you have prepared me for what ever might come my way I need your strength to allow me to make it through this day I ask that you help me with what I do and say Encouraging me to seek your face Letting me know, how important it is to pray Lord give me the strength to make it I realize I need you ever step of the way Lord give me the strength to make it Psalm 27:1 The Lord is my light and my salvation Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life Of whom shall I be afraid Copyright Š 2010 by Cheryl Thomas


Spend Quantity and Quality Time with Your Spouse It is very important that you make time to spend together as a couple. Life can get so busy sometimes and if you don’t make your time together a priority, it won’t happen. It is important to set date nights to be alone together. It really does help the health of your relationship when you get that time that is needed to be together. Both quantity and quality time are important in your relationship. Some people think that the quantity of time doesn’t matter as much as the quality of time together. We have talked to couples who are both very career minded, and make frequent business trips away from each other. One couple had a wife who had just finished a business trip that lasted at least a week, and the day she came home she was leaving again to go to a Women’s retreat with her church for the weekend. This couple explained that even though they spend so much time apart, that was ok because they do “Family Vacations” once a year to Disney World or some other special place. Family vacations do not make up for the lack of time together the rest of the year. Even with your kids you can see how this works. If you spend a week together on a family vacation, your kids are going to get used to spending this time with you. Then when you go back to work they will miss you again. It may be pretty hard going back to the normal schedule after having such close time with them. We had one teenager comment to us that their dad was a great guy when he was around, but he was hardly ever around. No, he wasn’t a deadbeat dad, he was a loving father and husband who was trying to work two jobs, along with his wife’s job, to support the family. Make spending time with your spouse a priority. This is also very dangerous situation to be in as a married couple, and even as a family. You cannot make up for hardly spending any time together by doing a once a year vacation. You need to spend quantity time together as well. Making a date night for once a week, can make a 42

very positive impact on your marriage. If you make it a priority, you will end up looking forward to it. In addition to this, it is good to try to spend a little time together every night before bed. It doesn’t have to be long, but maybe you can just sit together, and talk about your day, and just spend a little time being close. Try to spend quality time together that will inhance your closeness. In addition to quantity time it is also important to have quality time. When you spend special time together with your spouse, try to do something that is interactive and fun for you both. Some couples like to watch movies together, but we suggest doing something a little more interactive. We’re not saying that you should never watch a movie together, just try to also include other things that may make you feel closer. Examples of interactive, quality time activities. Some examples of interactive things to do together may include doing a puzzle together, playing a game together, having a romantic dinner together, taking a walk on the beach together, or whatever it is that will make both of you feel close to each other. When you’re spending this special time together, try to limit other distractions, like cell phones, or even just talking about the kids, bills, etc. Try to just spend that time focusing on each other and on what you can do to feel closer to your spouse. Remember it takes both quality and quantity of time to have a close relationship. So, spending both quantity and quality time with your spouse is very important. You can’t have just one and not the other. But if you make spending time with your spouse a priority you will most likely end up having a happier and more fulfilling marriage.

Pastors Mike and Trisha Fox

The Wave The color blue comes alive with vivid gleam and glow. The water either surges or a placid calm is renewed and the vibrant sea again comes to be.

Bewilderment Take a breathe, glance at the sea; capture laughter or a simple odyssey, let be what will be........bewilderment can intrigue thee

Poems By Heidi Maria-Schilling 43

Thank You Lord. I thank the Lord for Mercy and Grace, for bringing me such a long distance. I thank Him for showering down His Anointing, and blessing my existence. I was living in a world of sin, it was a hard means of subsistence. Going down the wrong path, taking the road of least resistance. The Word of the Lord pricked my heart, we came to a consistence. I repented and turned away from sin, because of His insistence. Now baptized in His Name, and filled with His Spirit, thankful for His assistance. Lord I appreciate all things great and small, thankful for all You've done. I thank You for all the trials and tribulations, and all the victories won. I thank You for shielding me from all dangers, and loving me as a son. Thank You for starting a work, that by no man can be undone. Lord, You brought me back from a mighty long way. Kept my mind, when my feet did slip and I went astray. Saving me from a world, full of filthy sin and decay. Now I offer You my alms, as I kneel and pray. Lord let Your Will be done, I'll follow and obey. Thank You for a second chance, and a brand new day. To God Goes The Glory. Copyrighted 02/03/2010 Minister Tony Rowsey





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