Divine Inspirations Magazine September 2011

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Divine Inspirations Magazine September 2011

Vol. 2 Issue 9

Speak the Word Pg.37

Never Lose Your Dinosaur pg23 Keep Your Commitments pg. 26

Jo CookFounder of SernLOVE India Project :

Pg. 13

Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don't try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he's the one who will keep you on track Proverbs 3:5-6 The Message Bible


Greetings! Back to School! Well it’s official summer fun is over. Many of us are preparing to send our children back to school or going back to school ourselves. Wherever you are in this season enjoy the journey. Change in the seasons of our lives is a good thing. It gives us a chance to have fresh start. Dare to dream, imagine or dare to do something out of the box. Remember Jesus came so you can live the abundant life, so live it to the fullest. This issue is filled with Inspired Words to Uplift and Edify your Spirit. Each month I receive these articles and poems and my spirit so Blessed. Be sure to share this publication with family and friends. Subscription is free! We welcome your feedback and comments. Be Blessed! Qualita Pendergrass 3

Scriptures to Pray over our Children Psalm 139(read whole passage) (God I know there is nothing that takes you by surprise and that you are with them every move they make and will be their guidance and protection.) James 5:15 15 The prayer offered by those who have faith will make you well. The Lord will heal you. If you have sinned, you will be forgiven. (Thank you Father that there is no condemnation in those who believe in you and I pray that as my child may fall short of your glory. I thank you in advance for your mercy is new and available to them each day and your love is unfailing too. I pray that you touch there heart to receive this truth.) Romans 8:28 28 We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him. He appointed them to be saved in keeping with his purpose. (Lord every good and bad circumstance my child may face today I will trust that it will work out in their favor because they love you and are called to do your purpose.) James 1:17 17 Every good and perfect gift is from God. It comes down from the Father. He created the heavenly lights. He does not change like shadows that move. (Help me to remember that my Child is a good and perfect gift from you. No matter what happens in life, that will never change.) Psalm 119:11 11 I have hidden your word in my heart so that I won't sin against you. (Lord hide the words in their/(fill in name) heart so she/he will not sin against you today.) Proverbs 25:28/ Galatians 5:23 Ps. 28 Like a city whose walls are broken through is a person who lacks self-control. / Gal. 23 gentleness and self-control. There is no law against these things. (Lord I ask that they are like a strong city whose walls are never broken and may they embrace the Holy Spirit. With that, I asked that they will have self-control and gentleness and no law can come against these precious gifts you have offered.) ~In Jesus Name, AMEN!~ Submitted by Georganne Gonzalez



Passages for Reflection: Philippians 4:4, 10-13

midst of your circumstances, no matter what the condition. Don't move your position with God in spite of what is happening in your current frustrated, painful, and/or stressful situation. Third, know how to handle life's paradox whether you're up or down: still keep on worshipping; praise the Lord; encourage yourself in the Lord; and keep your peace and joy. Fourth, say to yourself, 'I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.' Finally, we must become initiated in the divine secrets of spiritual coping with the Word of God engrafted on the inside. Spiritual coping skills are a must for whatever storms surround us, be aware that there is refuge in the secret place of the most High, and that's where we should choose to abide.

4 Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again- rejoice! 10 How I praise the Lord that you are concerned about me again. I know that you have always been concerned for me, but you didn't have the chance to help me. 11 Not that I was ever in need, for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have. 12 I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. 13 For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. (NLT)

We must learn how to cope because we live in a volatile world of instability. We need to have spiritual skills in coping with what life may throw our way unexpectantly. Our enemy will throw a fast ball or a curve ball and some will fall into suicide or depression. There will be challenges in our lives, homes, schools, and in relationships which will produce failures, setbacks, disappointments, and let downs. We need to deal with the issues that we face and learn how to cope.

Sometimes in life things, people, and places become topsy-turvy leaving us with the notion of not knowing which way to go or what to do. So how do we cope when life UNEXPECTANTLY hands us unemployment, a life-threatening prognosis, an eviction notice, not receiving that job promotion, or a long-term relationship ends? To COPE lets put our faith and reliant trust in the HOPE of God and His Word as a sure foundation. Stay connected, engaged, and hold fast to God at all times.

That no matter what news we receive, we can call on the Lord in whom we put all of our faith, confidence, trust, and hope. Be careful because satan will attempt to plant seeds in our mind to cause us to waver and doubt. Realize that we are in spiritual warfare with the battle that goes on in the mind, and you must utilize commanding prayers to cast demonic spirits out. In our text, Paul was in prison and rejoiced in the Lord greatly, anyway. First, regardless of what is going on in your life, rejoice in the Lord always. Second, learn to be dependent on God in the

Blessings, Lauretha Ward


When Passion Cries Crying out to the Lord is a Godly thing... It means that something is alive in you... that the dead stuff is being thrown out... Uncovered... and a day spring of passion for the lord is erupting... being quickened by the fire of love and the Holy Ghost. When passion cries it does not care who hears, but it may be better to go hide somewhere and let it out...unbelievers have a way of putting out the fiery passion of the Lord... especially if they are unbelieving Christians. But if you want a move of God ... then cry out... For your children... For your spouse... for your people and city... your nation and your God Let it ring out in sincerity and truth; let it ring in the ears of Satan. Let it ring from every roof top and prayer closet, Let it ring by faith...Till victory is won and the will of God be accomplish. When the passion of God in you cries... Everything changes... God stops in his tracks, and turn toward the noise of desperation.... and will visit the crier in their hour of need Cry out and don't take no for an answer Lam 2:18-19 Their heart cried unto the Lord, O wall of the daughter of Zion, let tears run down like a river day and night: give thyself no rest; let not the apple of thine eye cease.19 Arise, cry out in the night: in the beginning of the watches pour out thine heart like water before the face of the Lord: lift up thy hands toward him for the life of thy young children, that faint for hunger in the top of every street.

Decree w/ me: Passion for God offends people..... they perceived the cries to be a distraction when they really captures the Lord's attention....I will get OUT OF THE BOX of ordinary and be passionate for the Lord today.

by Blaine C Vann



Be Original Jeremiah 29:11 ―For I know the plans I have for you‖ says the Lord. ―They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.‖ I find myself having the same conversation with numerous people I meet from completely different walks of life. Folks are very fond of saying…‖I’m just being myself, or I’m keeping it real.‖ Not, to mention outlining for me in complete detail how they are “in line,” with the Word of God for their lives etc etc…Well, all of this could be very true, or merely their ―truth‖ from a standpoint of living their lives from what appears to be a ―template,‖ position. I am often baffled by those that have convinced themselves that they are in fact in tune, in touch, with:1) who they are as a person, and 2) who God say, they are…at the very core of their being. To understand this has nothing to do with others or, in relationship to someone else…or a ―version‖ on the theme of another person. I have come to the realization …the core of this “unawareness,‟ lies twofold, 1) emotionally immature, and 2) spiritually immature; let us exam the following: Emotional – Aroused or agitated in feeling or sensibilities. Immature –Lacking complete growth, (unfinished) emotional. Spiritual – Relating, breathing, incorporating sacred matters, joined in spirit, supernatural being or phenomena. Authentic – Not false or imitation, real, actual an original, true to one‟s one personality, or spirit or character. Template – A gauge, pattern or mold, an overlay to

serve as a pattern of an original. First, and foremost…God is SPIRIT, If we are convinced we are in fact in line with what God… has for our lives which is the very best, let‟s put what we are doing, who we are doing it with, and lastly how we are doing it to the test. We know there is nothing new under the sun: Ecclesiastes 1:9 ―History merely repeats itself. It has all been done before. Nothing under the sun is truly new.‖ Which means…we are not called to re-create “the wheel.” However, being a ―template,‖ means we are not living the life God has called us to live…it means we are attempting to, gauge, pattern or mold our lives after others to achieve the results that are being manifested in their lives. We want the anointing that God has places on other‟s without doing the ―heavy lifting,‖ we are lazy! The heaving lifting is spending time with God…long enough to hear what He is trying to tell us to do. It‟s being obedient enough to do what God…tell us to do when it doesn‟t fill like we are going in the right direction, or we just don‟t want to do it. It‟s being patient enough to get our own instructions…and not attempting to” What”….gauge, pattern, copy, mold yourself after another person‟s gift, talents, guidance or direction. We are immature…when we become angry, jealous, envious, frustrated, impulsive and impatient. We are not being our authentic self‟s…when we are not in line with God‟s best for our lives… when we (Continued on page 9)


are unable to manifest an original perspective on a lesson that God has relayed millions of times before to get His message across to His children. This only comes…from spending time with God, and He alone… gives this information! When our words and our actions lack the very: passion, drive and direction that other‟s can see, feel, and understand when God is moving. God‟s very power and presence…creates awareness for those that know His voice: John 10: 27 ―My sheep recognize my voice; I know them and they follow me.‖ If you doubt, or question this to be true…it‟s easy enough to confirm…look to see if what you are attempting to: gauge, pattern, copy, mold from someone else‟s divine direction, and whether are not it is working out for you. Better, yet…here‟s an idea, just ask God! Proverbs 4:20-21 ―Pay attention, my child, to what I say. Listen carefully. Don’t lose sight of my words. Let them penetrate deep within your to this dark and fading world…we are to utilize all the tools and resource that God has available to us. God, whispers…we have to be quiet long enough to hear what He has to say. We can never attempt to sail along on other‟s coat tails and expect to receive the same rewards…we can only ―fake,‖ it for so long. The day will come when we are called upon to stand alone and defend a position, to head up a team, to create a document, to teach, consult…and the skills, wisdom, information, and knowledge will not be there why… because we have spent our lives being a ―TEMPLATE.‖Be an original…seek God‟s face, His grace, guidance, direction and correction for your life; then and only then will you move into your Authentic self!

and growing and full of love.‖ Be Blessed, Kennita Coleman, BCPC., M.S. Life Coach, Christian Counselor, Consultant


Kennita Coleman is a member of the American Association of Christian Counselors, and American Psychotherapy Association, CAMFT California Association Marriage Family Therapist, Board Certified Professional Counselor. Kennita Coleman completed her Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology with a concentration in Marriage & Family Therapy. Kennita Coleman has Dual Bachelor Degrees: Psychology & Human Development. Additionally, a professional background in the field of Customer Service/Consumer Marketing. Kennita Coleman has provided Christian Counseling at her homebased church; and worked in the field of Crisis Intervention/Prevention in the mental health field

Ephesians 5:16 ―Under his direction, the whole body is fitted together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy 9

After the Storm Grasp not at the stars, but the plain and common sweetness of life’s daily bread. For your strength lies in the ordinary things that have given you great power

Picking up the pieces after one of life’s storms is not always as easy as we would like for it to be. But take refuge in knowing that you are not alone, that God is with you and has been even when you were going through. How do you think you got this far? Often times we place limits on how much we can endure and for how long never realizing that for each minute, hour or day that we do endure; we find ourselves pressing forward only to endure longer. We tend to under estimate our abilities as none of us really knows how much we can stand until we are put to the test. We all have storms to overcome. And although there are times where we feel overpowered, overwhelmed and sometimes depressed we must maintain our faith to move through. The fact is life is a combination of both planned and unplanned events, circumstances and uncertainties. And in the midst of these we must dispel all fear and remain firm in our faithfulness and belief in God as He is all things and all power. There is no storm that He cannot remedy – no mountain He can’t move. So in the midst of your life’s circumstances and uncertainties, don’t hold back, don’t give up and don’t give in. Continue moving forward in your faith in God who gives you life knowing that He always provide. And remember to always: ―Rejoice in hope Be patient in tribulation Be constant in prayer‖ Romans 12:12 An excerpt from Inspirational Sips from The Tilted Tea Cup Yvette Johnson


This Place is Not for YOU By Dr. Patrice J. Carter

up from the pit, as THIS PLACE WAS NOT FOR him. Numbers 12:6 states (Amplified Bible), “And He said, Hear now My words; if there is a prophet among you, I the Lord make Myself known to him in a vision and speak to him in a dream”. I share this because; God speaks to me in dreams and visions. Thus, I would like to share a dream with you He gave me on last night.

Next we are led to Psalm 27:5, one of my FAVORITE Psalms and verses, which states, “For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavilion; In the secret place of His tabernacle He shall hide me; He shall set me high upon a rock.” Okay, so it‟s all coming together, except, I wanted to understand, why Jeremiah was cast into the dungeon? Therefore, I went back to Jeremiah 38:6 to search for answers. Stay with me, we‟re going somewhere. The reason Jeremiah was cast into the dungeon was for giving the Word of God that Jerusalem was to be taken captive by the Babylonians and that when the time came, everyone needed to surrender and as a result God would save them (even in the midst of their captivity). God was ALLOWING them to be taken into captivity as a result of their continued sin of idolatry and following the occults; Zedekiah was the king at that time and refused to receive the Word from the Prophet of the Lord; and refused to submit to the will of God.

MIRY CLAY In the dream, I was in a wooded area. In the middle of a clearing in the woods, I saw a large muddy boiling area and a man walking about. The man was dressed like someone who was working and had on an apron and looked weary and hot. Below the mud, I could see flames shooting up, but as I continued to watch, people would walk into the mud/ clay and be sucked in. I said to the man, am I supposed to go in there and he said, “No, this place is not for you”.

REQUEST TO GOD When I woke up, I immediately began to seek God as to the meaning of this dream and to pray for understanding. The main thing that stood out to me was the mud/clay. What in the world was this all about? I was led to search the bible for any reference to mud and the Word led me to Psalm 40:2. Psalms 40:2 (New King James) states, “He also brought me up out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, And established my steps.”

Further, he spoke privately with Jeremiah to seek advice and shared his fears with the Prophet and the fact that he didn‟t want Jeremiah to tell anyone what they discussed. Jeremiah implored Zedekiah to allow himself and Jerusalem to be led into captivity and in doing so; God would preserve them and bring them out. If Zedekiah refused, Jeremiah shared with him the outcome, which would be, the enslavement of Zedekiah‟s wife and children, Zedekiah would be seized and Jerusalem would be burned to the ground.

I thought, okay this sounds like a good Word. The subtitle for this Psalm is, “Faith Persevering in Trial”. As I began to study the reference scriptures to gain a greater understanding, and the ability to accurately and clearly share it with you, the Lord led me to, Psalm 69:2, 14 which states, I sink in deep mire, where there is no standing. I have come into deep waters, where the floods overflow me. Psalm 69:14 goes on to pray, “Deliver me out of the mire, and let me not sink; let me be delivered from those who hate me and out of the deep waters.”

Zedekiah was afraid and refused to heed and believe the Word of God and therefore brought destruction on himself and his family and Jerusalem was still taken captive by the Babylonians. ZEDEKIAH Zedekiah‟s name was interpreted as, “Righteousness of God”. However, he was righteous in name only. Righteousness is defined as doing what is morally right, genuine or good (Merriam-Webster). Zedekiah refused to submit, therefore committing disobedience and unrighteousness.

As I continued to study, the next reference was Jeremiah 38:6 which shows the Prophet Jeremiah being cast into a dungeon and sinking into mire/clay for speaking the Word of God to the people regarding their pending captivity and judgment. Some who heard disagreed and became angry with this and threw him into a pit. Jeremiah was later raised

THE POINT… (Continued on page 12)


How many times in your life have you been faced with a situation(s) where you know the Lord has told you that He was not pleased with something or even someone in your life and you failed to listen or act by turning away out of fear or disobedience? As a result, you may have been led into a season where nothing you seemed to do worked and you felt “boxed in/stuck” in a situation and unable to get out. At this point, MANY people would begin to blame the devil and/or complain to God rather than to honestly search within themselves for the reason behind this situation-YOU. More than that, when God does say to us, “you‟re the problem; we would turn away and say, “no Lord, it‟s not me”! There are many lessons in this study and I want to try to state them simply so that you can apply them to your life, as led by the Lord:

Lesson One-Be Bold If God has given you SOMETHING to do or SOMETHING to say, or simply put, you know there is a mandate from God on your life. You need to get to it and stop being afraid. The Prophet Jeremiah was called at a young age, by God. When God commissioned him, He told Jeremiah, whatever, I give you to say to them, say it and don‟t be afraid for I will be with you to deliver you. (Jeremiah2:7-9) Hence, Psalm 27:5, God will hide you! So…..BE BOLD!

Lesson 2- Don’t Fear Captivity God led Jerusalem into captivity for a purpose. His reason was to lead them into captivity as a result of their continued sin and to show them His loving kindness and tender mercy. This doesn‟t make Him a mean God, it makes Him a JUST God. He has to punish sin because there is NO sin in Him and He cannot allow or approve of sin in us. His word says that He will punish sin, so if He doesn‟t, it would make Him a liar and immoral. However, we can see that God is still a gracious and loving God, because He tells Jerusalem and Zedekiah, “submit to this captivity and I will keep you in the midst of it and I will bring you out of it”.

Jeremiah was lowered into the mire, but he was raised out of it, because God promised to deliver Him for doing His will and because Jeremiah obeyed God, “that pit/place, was not for Him” either. My question is, “Is this place for you”? The answer is either yes or no, depending on how you proceed. If you desire to continue on the way you are going, taking your own way, living according to your own reasoning, sinning and operating in fear; or choosing to please people, over God, “this is the place for you”; HOWEVER, if you decide to turn away right now, repent and make a stand for righteousness and trust God, you will be released from captivity and “this place will not be for you either”? Zedekiah had a choice, Jerusalem had a choice and now you have to decide….”Is this place for me?” God has promised deliverance and He is just and able to perform it, but the first step is ours to make. Please choose wisely and be blessed. About Dr. Patrice J. Carter Dr. Patrice J. Carter is a Minister, Author, Motivational Speaker and President of PJS Consulting Concepts, Inc. and lives in Fayetteville, NC with her husband, Dalton and their son, Miles. As an Author, Dr. Carter has recently completed her first book entitled, “SUPERb Woman: From Bad Girl to God’s Girl” (Available-October 2011) which will focus on worthiness and self-esteem; and a deconstructed view of the Proverbs 31 woman for women of all ages, whether single or married. Dr. Carter can be reached via her email at bcomegodsgirl@gmail.com or her website, www.bcomegodsgirl.com. Check out her events calendar!..

Some of us are in captivity right now, a relationship, a job, financially, mentally, emotionally or even spiritually. Are you fighting in the midst of it to get out or are you seeking God to find out why you‟re in it and what you need to learn or do while you‟re there? He has already promised to keep you and to bring you out.

Lesson 3- Make a Choice I want to remind you about the dream I shared with you in the beginning. When I asked the man about the mire, he said to me, “this place is not for you”. Remember that 12

Jo Cook Founder of ServnLOVE India Project

Ask most people in Western countries what comes to mind about the country of India, and they will most likely mention things such as Bollywood, poverty, the Hindu religion or even colorful food and clothing. But ask Jo Cook, and you will get an answer that both inspires and challenges you. For her, India is about hope, restoration and empowering those most in need. Jo is the founder of the ServnLOVE India Project, out of Bangalore, South India. She is also pastor‟s wife and mother of four, currently living in Lafayette, Louisiana with her family and has been involved in ministry with her husband for many years now. Jo worked as a physical therapist when she went on her first mission trip to India,

which changed her life forever. “I never really had a heart for India,” explains Jo, “but I could not get those little faces out of my mind…” Jo was deeply touched by the parentless and needy children in India, but was also overwhelmed by the sadness, poverty and oppression. Yet she knew that she had to do something. After years of prayer, hours of research and a haunting purpose, God began to appeal to the deep longings in Jo‟s heart and opened doors for her to begin her own ministry in India. The most unexpected open door came through a relationship that her oldest daughter, Lindsey, formed with an Indian man while at university. Prashant, now (Continued on page 14)


Lindsey‟s husband, met Jesus during their courtship and became deeply moved by Jo‟s heart and love for his country. Prashant‟s father, a man of influence in the Bangalore region and the current director of the ServnLOVE Project in Bagalkot, was also so greatly moved that he both donated the land for the center and now oversees the day-to-day running of the school. In 2009, construction began on what was first thought to be an orphanage. In the rural villages of Bagalkot, there are many children, both parentless and needy, who the native Indians call “deletes.” In their present condition, they have no opportunity for growth, care or education. “When I first went to India several years ago, I felt sad for the people…now, I see the solution. Kids are being loved and educated, women being empowered. I see GOD at work” says Jo. And God is obviously doing much more with Jo Cook‟s dream than she ever could have imagined. The school currently houses and educates 10 children, includes two house mothers (one widowed and one abandoned by her husband) and a young male Indian teacher.

It runs almost solely on fundraisers, monthly sponsorships, and the generous giving of Christians across the world. In the short six months that the school has been opened, they have already rescued three AIDS orphans, two malnourished little girls, and a few wandering “deletes” who the villagers knew from the streets, not to mention offering a home and job to two recently single women who, if not for the school, would not be able to make a life for themselves any other way. The most beautiful part about the project is that what started off as an idea for an orphanage has actually become so much more. In early July 2011, Jo led a team to Bagalkot to minister to the children and house mothers at the school. What she and her husband found was extraordinary. Dr. Jeff Cook, Jo‟s husband, described the center as already having become a huge community hub for the surrounding villages. “They are very hospitable,” describes Dr. Cook, “and every afternoon we would see local children coming to have milk and cookies with our students. Several men would come and not say a word, just sit on the front porch for hours reading the newspaper


and sipping chai tea because it‟s a peaceful environment (thanks to all the prayer walking, which they don‟t know about!)… We hope in the future to offer medical clinics, veterinary clinics, agriculture classes and English classes to the community.” In 2009 when Jo first took a small team to Bagalkot, the surrounding rural villages were astonished as they had never seen white or black people before. In 2011, the village people were excited to meet with their new American friends, and the Cooks had several opportunities to pray for the sick, the grieving and the needy in the area. They hope to take another mission team in October, 2011 to do medical training and possibly a few English courses. The ServnLOVE India Project is the first and only privately funded, government certified boarding school in the Bagalkot area, and Jo is excited to see how young lives will be shaped and how powerfully communities will change through this project. The next goal for the project is to slowly implement Christianity into

the curriculum, which the Cooks are working on. “The area of Bangalore is zero percent Christian,” explains Dr. Cook, “so we are teaching Christianity in small doses. We have to let them see Jesus first, and hopefully in a few months we can tell them more about Him.” According to Jo, the greatest needs at the moment are prayer for the staff and students, and the funds for a van for the school. “The eldership of the village feels that it is unfair that other children from other villages do not have the same opportunities to learn and feel loved,” explains Jo, “so they are working to get a van to be able to pick up children who live far away, as well as go into the bigger cities to get supplies.” God is at work in India! For more information on the ServnLOVE India Project or to get involved, email info@servnlove.com or visit the website at www.servnlove.com.





Transformation: The Power of a Converted Mind

Romans 12:1-2 (New International Version) 1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

them. The first thing to do is realize the” spiritual battle” that goes on in your mind daily-the enemy looks to distract God‟s people from hearing his voice and heeding his instruction. So he causes troubles to shake our lives and try to move us out of our place in God. This causes God to be in constant “war mode” to recover (get back) what the enemy seeks daily to destroy-the war that goes in your mind creates the migraines and the frustration. This causes many believers fight back only to keep sane because the attacks are so powerful. The enemy looks to destroy your mind because it‟s the very place that thoughts are gathered and decisions are made-the mind is an important aspect to the life of every believer that‟s why it‟s important to protect it. So what will be your choice will you choose to obey God or turn a deaf ear to his voice and instruction? Life does get tough and sometimes seeing God‟s great plan is hard , but inspite of it all will you still believe? We give ourselves “spiritual migraines” when we don‟t obey and refuse to wait on God for what he has for us. We try to fill the shoes of God and do his job. God is capable of doing things without our help-our responsibility is to trust God and allow him to perfect us through obedience. Obedience can silence all other thoughts or decisions that will cause one not to hear the voice of God. When we block out the noise in our lives that we have created, or allowed the enemy to use to distract us then we can hear God better. Listening to God and heeding his voice can help us avoid “spiritual migraines”, “spiritual anxieties”, and

Have you ever had a migraine whose pain was excruciating and so intense that it kept you from sleeping or even functioning properly? The intensity of pain that a migraine can cause makes it hard for one to continue on throughout their day and do those things that they would normally do. So what causes migraines to be so extreme and a pest to those who have them? Studies have shown that stress, not exercising, and even skipping meals can bring about migraines. Too much of one thing can cause a powerful force of anotherthink about it not taking care of your body and stressing can cause sickness and harm to one‟s life. Stress and so many other things are the driving forces behind migraines, and a lot of the frustrations we have in life each day. We put extra stress on ourselves when we carry things that we weren‟t designed to carry on our own. Don‟t carry unnecessary weight leaving no room for the things you really need in life to be better. So what can you do with this baggage you‟re carrying and will you ever be able to get rid of it to live a , half decent life? Actually, one can but they must figure out how to deal with what has been bothering 19


migraines”, “spiritual anxieties”, and “spiritual fears” because our ears are tuned into his voice and we are looking to do whatever he asks us to. It‟s our disobedience that causes God to react to our actions-which then causes “spiritual chaos” to hit our lives as a result. May we lay down our own wills to heed his-obedience it is a sign of worship and daily service before God. When done properly God will see this and honor those who heed his word. Romans 12 speaks on “presenting yourself to God and in return your obedience will be strengthened.” An obedient mind can function and can discern the will of God. Its capable of knowing God‟s plan and following it-and with no doubt this mind can fight off any attack or trial that may comes its way. An obedient mind has to be a changed (converted) mind first and when it is the battle will end. A mind that is controlled by God knows how to function and live around the distractions that come from the world and the enemy himself. New thinking, new living all come with a converted mind. There is no limitations or clouded judgments that come with it only genuine freedom. Freedom from the headache and the pain of life which will cause one to miss God every time-but no more today we are breaking free of those migraines to obey God! A mind that has been transformed won‟t be unstable but able to function properly without any blockage. Choose to have a transformed mind and watch your life change in the midst. Control the way you think and

what you hear and let God win the battle in your mind today. Let him set you free and give you something new to think about like joy, and peace in him. Receive healing in your mind today to live totally for God in Jesus name.

Hidden in His Presence Sakinah Salley ssalley@liberty.edu


Challenges Everyday presents new challenges; some are like earth quaking experiences while others are like a warm spring-summer breeze, easy and yet, likealtering. No matter what the challenge( s), obstacle, trial or tribulation, we, as believers, can often see God's handiwork as He commissions us to fulfill His Will for His glory and to grow a life-changing relationship with Him. Many of the challenges that we are forced to face and perhaps even endure have brought me to my knees in prayer always with thanksgiving and praise to my Lord and Master. Other challenges have gripped my heart, embraced and engulfed me with silence, left me speechless, but in the midst and thru it all, I am able to comprehend the importance of still being able to praise God for being the One Who is always right by my side helping me to weather the storm that rages through my heart, helping me to see a clearer picture of what took place in my life to bring me closer to and glorify the Lord in all that I do - the lesson. Everyday presents new challenges. To stay focused and on track, it is important that we receive our To Do List From God with an open heart and mind.

*A prosperous life comes from abiding in, obeying and trusting the Lord, Jesus Christ.

Cynthia G. Boyer, Inspirational Creative Designer Rubies in the Garden Ebook - An Everlasting Keepsake Treasure - Buy Now CWUIB, Vice President & Executive Director http://www.cwuib.com http://www.cynthiagboyerpoetry.blogspot.com www.clwdesigns.blogspot.com cyndisdesignz@gmail.com www.momsinslippers.com http://www.zazzle.com/cyndislightworks12* http://www.cafepress.com/Clwdesigns http:// www.treasuresofhisgracechristiangifts.blogspot.co

*I inclined my ear unto wisdom and by His amazing grace He gave me understanding. *Take your steps into your awesome journey, conquer your dreams in the Light of the King's glory. *Trust in the Lord with every inch of your fiber and He will give you understanding for He is a loving, caring, merciful and wonderful Father. *In the face of the flower I see God's might, His grace and His power. *There is hope in knowing that the seeds I have planted an abundance of fruits will be growing. *Rubies in the Garden are treasures from Heaven; cherish them forever for they are gifts from God, the Almighty Father.



―Just Pray‖

Just Pray….means more than mere words to me Just Pray….these words are full of Power and Possibilities Endless and Immutable; Can’t be Transferred Maybe Delayed, but won’t be Denied So when I ask or say to you, Just Pray….Don’t take my words lightly For in you, I have confidence that when you Just Pray….You can not only reach Heaven but God too And cause God to take a look at me and say, ―That’s my Daughter going through! Let ME come down and see about Her. Because for Her, I PROMISED I would move!‖ So the next time I say to you, Just Pray…. Please pray for me And know that you and your prayer Maybe the key to My Breakthrough! (c) 2010

Carlet Horne


Never Lose Your Dinosaur Two months ago, second week of July actually,

the cave opening and use a chain to pull ourselves into the

my family and I went to Italy. We spent time in Rome,

cave. We made it into the Grotto and saw the most bril-

Naples and Capri. I had been there once before but this

liantly blue, clear water I have ever seen in my life. It was

time was extra-special because we took all the children


and our mothers. It is my belief travel is as essential as an

At some point during this trip to Capri and the

education to a life lived well. That is my opinion only but

Blue Grotto, I turned to our 18-year old daughter and said,

I have gained a deep appreciation for different people and

“Never lose your sense of awe and wonder.” She asked

cultures and a global Kingdom perspective by venturing

me what exactly I meant by that statement. After I an-

outside of my “community”. And there is something to

swered her she replied, “Oh, you mean; never lose your

be said for experiencing “history”. It is one thing to read


about the Pantheon. It is quite another to walk on the very floors commissioned by Marcus Agrippa. On this particular trip, we took a “day-trip” down to the Island of Capri. Capri is an Italian island in the

The previous year our daughter had gone to a fair in town.

Tyrrhenaian Sea (which empties into the Mediterranean).

While there she stopped to have her face painted. She

It is essentially a mountain with very little coast line but it

asked for a dinosaur. The artist painted a dinosaur on her

is absolutely gorgeous. To get to our restaurant, which

face and they struck up a conversation. The artist, being

was very close to the top, we had to take a ride in a bus,

impressed by the sense of wonder and excitement about

up an extremely narrow one lane, two-way, road that was

life which poured out of this then high school senior, said,

carved into the side of the mountain. It was an exhilarat-

when she was done painting, “Never lose your dinosaur!”

ing ride to say the least. We came down the mountain

The Bible tells us that the whole earth is full of

after lunch, got on a boat and made our way out to the

the glory of God; the heavens declare His glory and the

Blue Grotto.

skies, the work of His hands. While this Earth was created

The Blue Grotto is a sea cave off the coast of

to sustain life, for us to enjoy and to be the stage upon

Capri. To get to it, we had to take a boat to the cave en-

which the drama of humanity is played out, its‟ primary

trance, get off that boat, and step down into a 4 person

purpose is to say something to us about our Lord and

row boat, while balancing between the two as the waves

(Continued on page 24)

rolled, row to the entrance of the cave, lean back to clear 23

Creator: God is awesome, glorious, and wondrous. He

news reminds us every day just how bad things are.

stretches the heavens like hanging a curtain and He

We have personal hardships we are facing and daunt-

rides upon the sea. He sets the boundaries of the sea,

ing days before us. But, I want you to remember that

saying, “You can come this far and no farther.” And it

God is still on the throne. I want you to intentionally

is all held together by the mere word of His power. He

look at the world around you this month and pick up

determines the height, color and width of the moun-

on the subtle notes of praise.

tains. Even the rocks know that He is praiseworthy.

If you have “lost your dinosaur”, I want to

The Bible is very clear in that even if we did not have

challenge you to find “him”. You will “him” in the

the Word of God, we would still be without excuse,

moment right before the rising sun breaks over dawn‟s

for the Earth testifies of our God.

horizon. You will do so in the sound of a baby‟s laugh.

When I remember God‟s goodness to me; the

You will do so when you feel the power and gentility

fulfillment of promises kept, the strengthening to en-

of the ocean as it sweeps against your feet. You will

dure, the redeeming, empowering, lavish loving God

do so in the sweetness of a lemon Italian gelato (ice

has for me, I stand in amazement of who He is. How-

cream) melting down your throat. You will do so when

ever, when I forget, I have but to look at a multi-hued

you catch a glimpse of a Bald Eagle soaring, as you

butterfly which was a squiggly bug a few days ago, or

are doing something as mundane as driving down the

smell the heady scent of lilacs on the air after a thun-

expressway. Pay attention. Songs of praise are all

derstorm, or hear the pounding of the Pacific on the

around you.

rocky California coast as I am driving along the Pa-

Job 25:2 reads, “Dominion and awe belong to

cific Coast Highway, to be reminded that we serve a

God. He establishes order in the heavens.” In this, the

Holy, creative, great big God, to whom all praise is

last few months of 2011, stand in awe of an awesome


and worthy God of wonders. I know I am being somewhat poetic here but

Cheryl C. Shumake

it is with purpose. I desire to inspire you today to take a moment to be surprised and amazed by God‟s creativity. God delights in our admiration of the work of His hands. I know there are horrible things happening in this world. We are living in perilous times and the 24


To be anointed of God is blessed; it is beyond doubt hallowed. With my humble submission to Jesus; my appointing followed. A deep-seated love for poetry, I have had for quite some time. My fondest dream has been coupled with an anointing Devine. While I’m nowhere close to deserving, I am thankfully elated. God knew that I would surrender; so He unwearyingly waited. My departure from my God has long postponed my anointing. God is merciful; I pray my labors are in no way disappointing. So precious to my heart is this the vocation to which I’m assigned. God affectionately granted His mercy; even as I wasted life’s time. I am a woman kept; I have weathered many storms as I lived in sin. I returned to Jesus wrecked; He loves me; He is my dearest friend. The true Son of God; my Lord; full of grace and unadulterated love; Spoke to me in a still small voice; with clear commands from above. The Savior of humankind bade me to carry out a much needed task. I have no clue as to why He chose me; but I’m honored to be asked. One day while I was on my own; I felt His holy hand’s gentle touch. The stroke of His hand has completely changed me; He lifted me up. I am in full ecstasy; my soul is in high spirits to have this appointing! My past matters not; God uses even me; through blessed anointing!!! BY: Sharon Reid Robinson Copyright 2007


Keep Your Commitments! another said, "I will follow you, Lord; but first let me go back In this day and age, God is calling us to keep our

and say good-by to my family." Jesus replied, "No one who


puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in

If any of you spend any time at all in this world,

the kingdom of God." (NIV)

whether it be working, shopping, or engaging in recreational

All three of these individuals had something in com-

activities, one constant you will find is a complete and total

mon: they all wanted to follow Jesus, but on their own terms.

lack of responsibility. People do not follow through on their

They were only willing to follow Him unto the end of the

commitments. They falter to keep their promises. Many will

Kingdom if they didn‟t have to make a full commitment to

say one thing, and then do another. Then you have the many

following Him. They wanted to be Christians with worldly

who just never make commitments at all; instead of breaking

preoccupations, thoughts, duties, and only committed in part

promises, they dodge the opportunity to make them at any

to Christ. Their efforts were half-hearted, just desiring to do

cost, not wanting to be involved, make a stand, or follow

enough to get by. In trying to have one foot in the world and

through on anything.

one foot in the Kingdom, Jesus gave them very powerful re-

This isn't a new phenomenon by any stretch of the

proves as such conduct is not befitting those who work in

imagination. Back in the time of Jesus, He too confronted

Christian service. How many of us are like these individuals -

people on the issue of failing to keep commitments. While

not fit for service in the Kingdom of God - for no other reason

many were interested in the benefits they could reap from

than the bare fact that we either avoid commitments or fail to

serving in the Kingdom, there were only a few who were will-

keep the ones we do make?!

ing to pay the price necessary to reap those benefits. In Luke

I have seen too many people who try to negotiate the

9:57-62, we see three different individuals have very similar

terms of the Kingdom in the hopes that they can reap the bene-

dialogs with our Lord:

fits, but not truly commit to Christ. When I was a young

As they were walking along the road, a man said to

Christian, I mistakenly thought Christianity was more of a

Him, "I will follow You wherever you go." Jesus replied,

“Let‟s Make a Deal!” episode than a walk of faith. Watching

"Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son

those who were supposedly strong in their faith pick and

of Man has no place to lay His head." He said to another man,

choose which aspects of the Christian life they liked best while

"Follow Me." But the man replied, "Lord, first let me go and

ignoring the rest. These half-hearted commitments to faith in

bury my father." Jesus said to him, "Let the dead bury their

Christ gave me, and countless others, the impression that be(Continued on page 27)

own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God." Still 26

ing a Christian does not involve a serious decision to

to the Father, we must never forget that every commit-

follow wherever God leads through to the end.

ment we keep is an opportunity to grow from glory to

I have since learned the serious errors of my

glory and faith to faith.

earlier thinking. The Christian walk is about obedi-

We don't hear a lot on commitment these

ence and commitment as we walk in faith; and we

days, but we need to hear such a word all the same.

show our commitment through our obedience. Itâ€&#x;s for

We will never grow into the full stature of the body of

this reason that we, as Christians, see the value and

Christ without making and keeping our commitments.

importance in keeping the commitments we make, and

If we are to become honest, positive witnesses to the

likewise see the importance in making commitments

Gospel, we must likewise become people who are dis-

and keeping them. We need to be people true to our

ciplined, mature, and sincere enough in our faith and

word because it shows the truth of adhering to God's

our word to be those who stick by every commitment

Word. People can find plenty of disappointment, dis-

we make in this life. Every time we do so, we prove

heartenment, and dishonesty in the world; but in the

our God faithful yet again as His living epistles. Apostle Dr. Lee Ann B. Marino, Ph.D., D.D. Apostle In Office Apostolic Fellowship International Ministries P.O. Box 935 Cary, North Carolina 27512 USA Email: drleeannbmarino@powerfortoday.org www.powerfortoday.org (919) 397-9122

Kingdom, they should be free to find answers to counter the grave negativity and dishonesty in our world. When God calls us, we must answer - and make any commitment to Him that He asks of us. It is true that when we follow God, the commitments asked of us are not always fun. There will be times when even the strongest Christian may be tempted to turn around and flee from the work of God - but we must remain committed anyway. We may have to choose between this world and the next; between friends and family and God; between what seems financially profitable and what may not seem to reap an earthly reward; and between the dead and the living. While such choices may not be ones we ever planned on facing and may be ones that challenge our commitments 27

Beauties of Your Worth

If you find there are days here on earth that you don’t mean much to anyone, reach out to the Lord and He will surround you with all the beauties of your worth. The birds flying about, the trees bearing new leaves, the sprout of a flower, are some of the magical ways the Lord can hold you with his tender, guiding ease. When you drop to your knees and pray, the Lord will sustain you and never turn you away. When you tire and wonder why and forge ahead to get through, look to the Lord and he will guide you with his keen, watchful eye making your soul fresh and new. A smile to share, a kind deed to be done, a listening ear to show you care, are some of the glories that honor the heavenly one. A heart that breaks can be filled with the love that is held together by the pure gentleness instilled. The fiber of your being will sustain when you reach to the Lord. He alone carries your pain and mysteriously turns it into abounding gain. To understand and to be understood are such important components to all mankind, pray that God abounds you with the grace to seek and He will undoubtedly help you find. Never feel alone or trapped in your being, the Lord is by your side to lay his gentle touch and help you rise so you can rejoice in everything worth seeing. He loves you that much and sees your value through his eyes, reflect in the stillness of the Lord and in his word you will abide. When the day is done and your joyful spirit is again uplifted, praise the Lord for He alone has shown you that you truly are gifted with all the beauties of your worth. Heidi Maria Schilling


God’s Career Guide for Successful Leadership Part II ―And the Lord was with Jehoshaphat…And his heart was lifted up in the ways of the Lord”, (2 Chronicles 17:3-6 KJV)

As a review to Part I (August 2011), we learned that there were two aspects of Jehoshaphat‟s character that enabled him to be a successful leader. The first was that ―his heart was lifted up in the way of the Lord‖ (2Chronicles 17:6), which meant that he followed the pathway of God, and the only way to know the pathway of God is to seek Him through a relationship in His word and by residing in His presence. The second aspect was that he learned to be a leader through mentorship from his father, ―he walked in the first ways of his father David‖ (2Chronicles 17:3). David‟s success as a leader and King was a guide to Jehoshaphat‟s success as King of Judah. In this article, Part II of the series, we will learn that successful leaders have the ability to instruct, they are task oriented, and they know how to delegate. I have seen leaders, especially Pastors, burnout because they want to be hands-on at everything. They refuse to seek the assistance of those individuals who carry their same-spirit for the vision–– even though, these individuals are capable and can be delegated to and may have a clearer revelation of God‟s vision for the ministry. This problem was evident in Moses when he alone tried to resolve all the matters of the people of Israel. Whenever the people had a problem, they would come to Moses and he would sit and be judge for the people from morning until the eve-

ning. He did not ask for help nor did he delegate to those that were capable of helping him to judge some of the matters (Exodus 18:13). When his father-in-law, Jethro, saw that Moses was overwhelmed, he gave Moses wise counsel and that he suggested that he seek help (Exodus 18:19) –– the bible says that Moses harkened to his father-inlaw‟s voice (Exodus 18:24). These are the instructions that Jethro gave to Moses (Exodus 18:19-22): Receive wise counsel; Teach biblical principles and train others to lead; Designate specific groups; Allow them TO LEAD! Moses‟ father-in-law, Jethro, a successful leader, gave him helpful instructions that enabled him to bare the burdens of the ministry. There is a key component to the relationship between Moses and Jethro as it relates to who gave the wise counsel and who received the wise counsel. Moses had what I would consider in today‟s‟ vernacular a Mega-Ministry and Jethro had a ministry that was more so like the „church on the corner‟ with about only two hundred members –– in ministry, large numbers are good, but they do not necessarily measurer the success of a leader. Pastors, take note, you may have someone in your congregation who owns a successful business – do not despise their success because of church hierarchy and politics, their business-skills may be useful for the success of the kingdom. Remember when people are taught biblical-principles and trained in the ministry, they can be a great asset and help to lighten the burdens of the ministry.

(Continued on page 30)


Moses, like Jehoshaphat, had a relationship with God, followed God‟s ways, and had great a leadership example as a mentor. But he also recognized, in order to have a successful ministry, he had to select individuals that also had the ability to lead… 7 In the third year of his reign he sent his officials BenHail, Obadiah, Zechariah, Nethanel and Micaiah to teach in the towns of Judah. 8 With them were certain Levites—Shemaiah, Nethaniah, Zebadiah, Asahel, Shemiramoth, Jehonathan, Adonijah, Tobijah and Tob-Adonijah—and the priests Elishama and Jehoram. 9 They taught throughout Judah, taking with them the Book of the Law of the LORD; they went around to all the towns of Judah and taught the people (2Chronicles 17:7-9, NIV). If you are a leader or someone who aspires to become a leader in the kingdom of God, I hope that this two part series has been a helpful tool to navigate you into becoming a successful leader. May ―22The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it (Proverbs 10:22). May you have great success as you lead God‟s people!

Copyright © 2011

Elder Mae Davis


All things are Possible

With God all things are possible We must believe to receive We must not doubt because, God will surely bring you out We must pray And know that God always makes away We must press on Relying on God for less stress With God all things are possible Your body is racked with pain God is a healer and perfect health you can gain We must have faith in Him To be winners in running this race If God could speak and calm the sea Surely, He can make a way for you and me With God all things are possible What seems impossible to us Is always possible with God Copyright Š 2010 Cheryl Thomas


It’s Not Your Time

Most importantly though, is that God certainly was not behind it and He did not take them! God is love, He is life! Jesus said in John 10:10 that the thief (Satan) comes to steal, kill and destroy but Jesus comes to give life… and more abundantly! That is His whole purpose! God is not some Grim Reaper, waiting around for us to mess up so He can snuff us out. No, He offers a change in life and the power and grace to pull it off, to actually live it! Would Amy or any of those men have died when they did, the way they did, without the inclusion of drugs or alcohol in their lives? Most likely not. Substance abuse was the culprit, in one way or another. It is such a tragedy that so many people, great and small have lost their lives to some sort of abuse be it drug or alcohol related. Think of Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendricks, John Belushi, Len Bias, Jim Morrison, Elvis Presley, that man or woman you know from the neighborhood and, perhaps… someone very close to you.

Back in July, my wife called me today to tell me about the news of the tragic and premature death of Amy Winehouse. The first thoughts, I think are “It must have been a drug overdose” but the cause of death is not yet known. There will be discussions and assumptions for years as to what really happened and what a shame it all is, and yes, it is a shame. “It must have been her time”, some said to try and find some sort of conclusion to this sad story. But was it really her time? Did she have to die at the tender age of twenty seven? Was God behind this whole thing? Did He actually take her? No, no, no and no! I have lived a lifestyle of drugs and alcohol for more than twenty five years and it‟s only by the grace of God that I‟m still here, but I‟ve lost many friends and acquaintances over that span of time. Several years ago while serving as Counseling Coordinator at Bethel Colony of Mercy (a faith based drug and alcohol center) I had the privilege to get to know more than two hundred and fifty first timers to the program every year. Over a three year span, there were fourteen deaths (after these men left the program) directly related to drugs and alcohol abuse. Did these men die too soon? Yes! Was it there time? Emphatically, NO! The deaths of these men, just as the death of Miss Winehouse, came from a season of hard living, i.e. substance abuse, years of cigarette smoking combined with poor diet, etc. But some were victims of murder and suicide while most of them, their weak hearts just refused to continue to cooperate with their lifestyle. These seasons often last a very long while. It was NOT there time.

It was not their time; it is not YOUR time either! www.mylowyoung.com


Blessing in Disguise by Lee Williams

The recession has stripped many of their wealth and their worldly possessions. But, as I ponder the current state of the economy, my mind keeps returning to one radical thought: The recession has been a blessing in disguise. I know many will disagree with me. However, while some people choose to focus on all of the things they have lost, I chose to focus on how much we have gained. In my very humble opinion, I think we have gained a greater sense of caring and compassion for another. There was a time, when people were blasé or cavalier about their jobs. Now, they are more apt to provide better customer service or go out of their way to complete a job-related task, and do it with a smile. Moreover, the recession has drawn many of us closer to God. For the first time ever, many of us have found ourselves relying on unemployment benefits, food stamps, donations and/or help from friends and family just to stay afloat. The startling reality is that oftentimes, the money we gather up doesn‟t always pay the bills or supply our every whim. But somehow, we make it day after day, month after month, year after year. Who could have predicted that this would become our cross to bear? Some of us had to put off lavish vacations, trips to the beauty salon, a new pair of shoes and a few other things that we once took for granted, but we survived. There once was a time when we mistakenly believed that we achieved our riches and prosperity on own accord. Many of us foolishly believed that if we went to the right schools, made the right contacts and found the perfect job, everything would be alright. It‟s time for us to confess with our mouths and humble our hearts because we were

wrong. Somehow, in our climb up the ladder of success, we forgot God, and we turned our backs on his only begotten son, Jesus. We forgot to put our trust and faith in Jesus, the one who selflessly died for our sins. Seduced by a world fueled by arrogance and greed, we lost sight of the truth: Jesus is our source. He supplies our need, and he makes a way out of no way. If you don‟t believe me, tell me, how many days have you gone without food, clothes, water or shelter, despite whether you had a job or sufficient income? Jesus, the faithful shepherd, tells us that he will never forget his flock. “Take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? For your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you,” Matthew 6:31-34. God wants us to know that we will get back on our feet, but when we do -- don‟t forget him. Make time for him in your life. Don‟t be a stranger to God. Lean on God. God will supply your need. All we have to do is ask? No matter how discouraging things may become, God wants you to have faith. God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Ephesians 3:20. In times of despair, remember this bible passage, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths,” Proverbs 3:5-6. God will always see you through.



Matthew 4:4 – Man shall not live by bread alone






This is the season that what the Lord is speaking in


this hour must come forth. We cannot go back to


a past season of hearing God, we must hear what


God is saying NOW!!! Speak forth what God is


saying to the Church in this hour. It cannot be wa-


tered down or flushed through religion or the tradi-

This season will be difficult for those who do not

tions of men, it must be given RAW!!! It is time

know how to tap the realms & dimensions of the

for my people to eat meat and not merely drink

Spirit. There is a need to enter another dimension,

milk. Some are even on skim milk not even whole

to see what & who you are fighting & arm your-

milk. It is time for MY CHURCH TO COME

self with the weaponry to win “that” fight. There


are principalities assigned to every ministry and

It is time to deliver the Word that I have put in

most leaders have no clue how to identify their

your Spirit to release. IT‟S TIME TO TEACH

“principality.” They are just warring & fighting as


one that beats the air, never hitting the target.


Like Ezra, leaders must call forth prayer, now!!

UP THE CHILDREN. Wait before God for in-

There is a prayer mandate in the Kingdom for

structions and He will tell you what to do. Fasting

leaders, missions and visions.

& praying is so you tune into HIS channel.

come forth in the spirit. It‟s time for leaders to


stop warring and competing with each other and


begin to wage war in the spirit realm. How do you


this? This is done on your knees in prayer, lifting


your hearts in worship. I know those of you who


lift your heads as a form of worship, but I see it as


a form of pride. You are not worshiping me, you


seek to lift up yourself. Many of you do not lift


your hands anymore toward me, you don‟t bow


before me, you have lost humility. You are full of 34

Strategies must

pride and arrogance. I must warn you, I am no longer tolerating such behavior or attitudes in this hour. Many will come from the north, south, east and west, who will know my name and who I am. They will proclaim my glory and their words shall be of me.

forth a Samuel who will speak His Word ONLY. I pray for every leader to move in the realm of Holy Spirit. Understanding and enlightenment in the inner man will come to you and you will understand how to flow with God. I pray for a spirit of consecration, fasting, prostration and prayer will permeate your heart and infiltrate your assignment. FATHER, SEND A WAVE OF GLORY INTO YOUR HOUSE, IN JESUS NAME. AMEN !

Some leaders will be embarrassed in this season because they have not heeded these warnings. They think they are above the counsel of others and above My spirit and wisdom as it flows from the mouth of those, who they dub beneath them. I am no longer wrestling with you, like Jacob, you didn‟t want a limp (something others would see to identify and know you had been with me) you chose the latter of success, you chose the platform and that is where I am going to meet you. However, it will not be to give YOU the attention, greed and self-promotion you desire, it will be show the world and the Church who you really are. I will allow them to see your heart, motives and intentions because you are not of me and like Saul, I have dismissed, demoted and turned off your microphone. You have been fired. Most of the messages from the pulpit on Sunday morning are irrelevant. Most pastors cannot locate themselves, so how will they spiritually locate the sheep? Where are you in the Spirit? I am not asking the status of the building program, the next conference, the next event, your itinerary, schedule or number of attendees at your church. I am asking you, as God as Adam, WHERE ARE YOU?

Pastor Jennifer Sanders Jennifer Sanders Ministries

Men and women of God, find out where you are – spiritually. Make sure you are aligned with God in your leadership endeavors. You are called to be a “faithful” shepherd of God‟s people and you must take this mandate seriously. Don‟t become an Eli, sitting on the wall but with lost vision and hearing in the Spirit. I assure you, God will raise and call

Website: www.jennifersandersministries.org Conference website: www.realtalkconference.com


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