December Issue of Divine Inspirations Magazine

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Divine inspirations Magazine December 2009

Vol.2 Iss 12


For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

Isaiah 9:6


This publication is copyrighted and the articles are protected. Divine Inspirations Magazine (c) 2009 All Rights Reserve


Merry Christmas! I love this time of the year, the shopping, decorations and the Christmas spirit in the atmosphere. I know during this season many may feel a little down for many reasons, the loss of loved ones, and finances. But when we put into perspective the reason for the season, we all will have something to celebrate. Jesus was sent into the world to save us from sin and restore us back to the Father, awesome. So don’t let the hype of the Christmas sales and shopping remove this thought from you, JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON! We are thankful for another year of bringing you the inspired words from the best writers. I want to thank such an awesome group of writers who donate their talents to this publication. If you have never contacted Divine Inspirations to give a comment please visit our website and sign the guestbook or send us an email at we love to hear your feedback and comments. We wish you all a Blessed Holiday Season! Qualita Pendergrass Senior Editor/Publisher “Living the Abundant Life”


Contents Feature Articles: Hosanna/6 Tiffany Ann Lewis Speak the Word of God with Power & Authority for Constant Victories/11 Evangelist Debra Savage

It Is Christ Living in Me/13 Bob Bennett

The Fabulous Black Woman Speaks/18 Eddie Simpson

Things This Apostle Has Learned from FarmVille/37

Poetry Café:

G Forces of God/40

The Perfect Gift/13

Blaine C. Vann

Wanda (Lady La Rouge) Harris

In Every Issue: The Destiny Challenge/ 14- Positioning Yourself in the Kingdom Minister Jaketha Farmer

A Brief Moment/33 with Ken Rich. Robert T. Sells

Dispel the Doubt/19 Karmen A. Booker

Sophia Avery MA

Weary yet Strong/22

The Reality Corner/46 Happy Holidays…But is it really?

A Simple Instruction/24 Minister B. Michelle Horton

If Your Marriage Hasn’t Been Challenged…/29Robert T. Sells

Premeditated Sin! Is That A Part of God’s Image and Likeness/32

Elder Mae Davis

Apostle Dr. Lee Ann B. Marino

A Word in Season/36 Healing Wounds-

Eunice Wangui Stuhlhofer

D.I.V.A.S./54 Negotiate Your Family out of Hell-

John G. Taylor MA

The Bible Teacher/49 GracePastor Cynthia Togle, Philippines

Debt Free Living Principles/52 Flora Kynard

Michelle Pumphrey 5

Fisher of Men/17 Bridgette Whitney

Seeking the Face of God/20 Karmen A. Booker

In The Garden/22 Cynthia Boyer-Ornaments of Grace

The Night is Almost Over/25 Pastor Cecile Suire

From Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day/27 Beverly Leonard

Who Is Christ? /40 Robert T. Sells


Tiffany Ann Lewis

Why is it that at the most wonderful time of the year with the kid‟s jinglebelling and everyone telling you be of good cheer that millions of people are suffering with the holiday blues? Is the Grinch really stealing Christmas?

O‟ God, save us now!!! “Hosanna to the Son of David! „Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!‟ Hosanna in the highest!” (Matt. 21:9) These are the words that greeted Jesus Christ as He made His Triumphal entry into Jerusalem just days before He was crucified. It is not a typical Christmas theme; however, I think it‟s perfect. “Hosanna” is a Hebrew term that is best translated as a prayer - “Save, we beseech Thee” or “Save now.” The quote comes from Psalm118:25-26 and means: save, save now, to be saved, delivered, or liberated. It was more than a cry of enthusiastic public approval; it was a plea from an oppressed people to their Savior for deliverance. Do you see why it fits at Christmas time with the holiday blues? When Jesus arrived here on earth, Israel, the

The holidays can be a time full of joy, cheer, parties and family gatherings. But for many, while decking their halls with red and green, deep inside they are blue. The hap-happiest season of all becomes a time of loneliness, selfevaluation, regret, anxiety, and fear. We combat these feelings by putting on a happy face and suffer in silence while looking for love and comfort in all the wrong places like food, alcohol, over-spending or overplanning. We keep pushing through looking forward to Jan 1st when it will all be over. 6

apple of God‟s eye, was suffering incredible oppression and/or depression. Jerusalem had fallen into the hands of the Babylonians and was now in 400+ years of prophetic silence where it seemed as if the heavens were brass. Perhaps you can identify.

found. Prompted by the Holy Spirit, Simeon went to the temple at the exact time that Mary and Joseph were bringing Baby Jesus there to be dedicated to the Lord. When Simeon sees them, he scoops Jesus up in his arms and blesses God. I have read this hundreds of times before, yet today the Spirit drew my attention to Jesus‟ age. He was 40 days old. Mary and Joseph were there to do for Jesus “according to the custom of the law.” (vs. 27) The law required a male child to be presented in the temple 40 days after his birth. (see Lev. 12)

Enter in Simeon and his encounter with “the Consolation of Israel.” (Luke 2:25) Let‟s go to the bible and read Luke 2:25-32; for the sake of space I am not going to write it out here. Simeon was a devout Jewish man who lived in Jerusalem at the time of Jesus‟ birth. He was seeking the fulfillment of the messianic prophecy that promised Israel would be restored. The Holy Spirit told Simeon that he would not die until he laid his eyes on the Lord‟s Christ, the Consolation of Israel. I want to draw attention to the capitalization on the word consolation found in the New King James version of the bible. Consolation is a noun and means: comfort, solace, relief, encourage, refresh. Consolation is a person, not a place or a thing; it is an individual who is a source of comfort to somebody that is upset or disappointed. Beloved, authentic comfort can be found in the arms of Jesus Christ, “the Consoler, the Comforter.”

A 40-something time period whether days, months, or years is always a period of testing, trial, probation, or chastisement (but not judgment) and ends with a period of restoration. Let me repeat that…it ends with a period of restoration. God designed the “40-something era” with a beginning and an ending. It has a purpose and a promise. God allows this season in order to bring about a beautiful thing, rejuvenation,regeneration,restoratio n, and rebirth. However, too often we get stuck in the space in between. Can you imagine if Simeon had not allowed the Holy Spirit to lead him that day, if he was so down „n out that he just didn‟t wanna get out of bed? He would have missed his moment of destiny. He would have missed embracing the only thing that would have penetrated

Simeon was looking for consolation in the midst of his oppression. When we look for Jesus, He will be 7

the dark night of his soul, “the Light of the world.” (Jn. 8:12)

Christmas? God sent Jesus at Christmastime because He loves you and He cares for you – He loves you and He cares for you. Why? Because He loves you and He cares for you! Any lie the devil tosses at us that contradicts this foundational truth is a particle of dust attempting to refract His light and keep us in our dark despair. Glory to God in the highest, it cannot be done for, “the Light shines on in the darkness, for the darkness has never overpowered it, put it out or absorbed it…” (Jn. 1:5 AMP) His light shines through the darkness in order to lighten our path so we can walk on following His Star to find where our Consoler, our Comforter lays.

On that day in history, Simeon found the Light at the end of his tunnel, Jesus Christ. Simeon declared that Jesus was “a light to lighten.” (vs. 32 KJV) In biblical Greek the word he used for light is “phos” (Str. #5457). The word has some remarkable meanings. First and foremost it is anything emitting light like a lamp, a fire, or a torch. Other things that are included in this word search are; heavenly lights - such as what surrounds angels when they appear on earth and, a star. Remember the wise men followed “His star.” (Matt. 2:2) Cool, huh? The definition of the word on further saying that light reveals truth and knowledge, and enlightens the reasoning process of our minds thus bringing understanding, especially regarding moral and spiritual truth. Beloved, His Light brings the power to understand His Truth! It is interesting to note that a beam of light will shine on for eternity just so long as there are no particles to refract it. This is why we can see the light of a star even long after the star has ceased to exist. As I studied out this word I was shocked to learn that it comes from an obsolete word, “phao.” Considering that light is eternal isn‟t it outrageous that the word phao is now obsolete! Friends, do you see how the Grinch is trying to steal

I want to close with Acts 16:20-26. Paul and Silas were severely beaten and now find themselves sentenced and in a dungeon with shackles on their feet. Talk about an impossibly dark circumstance! They had a choice to make; either pray and worship God or lie down in their prison cell and give up knowing it will all be over soon. They chose to pray and sing praise. The word for praise here is humneo (Str. #5214) and means, to sing praise, to celebrate God, and to sing the paschal hymns. Paschal hymns are what the Jewish people call the “great Hallel” and come from Psalms 113-118 and 136. Beloved, here in this prison cell Paul and Silas sang our Hosanna. With hope and faith in 8

their hearts they prayed for help and celebrated God yes celebrated Him in the midst of their circumstances. You see, Hosanna is a prayer and praise because it believes God is able to save, and it believes He is willing too. The darkness they found themselves in could not overcome the ray of hope that Jesus ignited deep inside of them and “Suddenly there was a great earthquake…and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone‟s chains were loosed.” (vs. 26) The Grinch doesn‟t want us to embrace the light in our darkness because he knows our chains will come off. So instead he tries to keep us looking at our situation instead of our Savior convincing us to just push through. He steals the “Hosanna” off our lips telling us to just buck up and be strong keeping us from asking for the Saving Grace that Jesus came to earth to give us. Beloved we don‟t have to be strong and just push through till it‟s over, He is here NOW. God is the Great I Am, the God of right here and right NOW. Hosanna, save us NOW from this dark gloom that is all around, let there be light!

to wait until tomorrow. They took palm branches to greet Him, today let‟s take our pine branches. As we light our tree let us sing, “Blessed is He!” As we deck-out our halls let‟s shout, “Hosanna in the highest.” Lord, save me NOW from my anxiety, save me NOW from my job stress, save me NOW from my depression, save me NOW from my oppression, save me NOW from my addiction, save me NOW from my affliction, save me NOW from my regrets, save me NOW from my fear…Lord, just save me NOW! Lord, turn our eyes upon Jesus NOW. Cause us to look full into His wonderful face. We rejoice because we know that the cares of this world will grow strangely dim in the light of Your glory and grace. Amen and Amen.

Jesus says in Matt. 23:39 “For I say to you, you shall see Me no more till you say, „Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD!” I don‟t know about you but I need to see Him NOW. I need to experience His peace NOW – TODAY; I can‟t afford 9


Speak the Word of God with Power & Authority for Constant Victories!" Luke 4: 4 And Jesus answered him, saying, it is written, that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.

that what is in you will eventually come out. With that being said if there is no word in you, then there is no power for you to draw from. You cannot defeat the enemy by cussing, yelling, insulting or any other carnal means. You must use the word of God in order to be victorious. Just as the natural man has to be nourished with food & water, the spirit man has to be fed the bread of life, which is the word of God. I would like to challenge each of you today to commit to reading and studying your bibles.

As people of God we have been given the high privilege of son ship with our Creator. We have everything we need in Jesus to live an effective and abundant life here on this earth. We have the whole armour of God and the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God at our disposal to wield against the kingdom of darkness. No matter what situation we are faced with there is an answer in God‟s word to repel the fiery darts of the enemy. Jesus is our example and was confronted with temptations offered by the devil. He didn‟t act out of his own intellect or emotions; he simply spoke with conviction and authority using the word of God as his Source. As long as we live in this earthly realm we will be confronted with trials and temptations. There is only one way to fight the enemy and that is with the word of God.

That way when the enemy comes against you, you will have an antidote for every obstacle he places before you. If Jesus had to use the word of God as the most important component of his spiritual arsenal, then how much more should you & I? Speak the word with power & authority and you will literally put the devil on the run, instead it being the other way around. DEBRA SAVAGE MINISTRIES P.O. BOX 750421 MEMPHIS, TN

However we cannot use our swords if we don‟t know the word. It is true

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It Is Christ Living In Me need help; a dead corpse needs life. He needs the life of Jesus living in him to live His life through him. Only Jesus can. Only Jesus is qualified to be the Christian. The Christian is to be hidden with Christ in God. He is to take off his “dead” grave clothes (like Lazarus) so Jesus in him can be seen as a shining beacon. A car cannot function without gasoline. A flashlight cannot function without batteries. To function normally, the Christian must have the presence of his Creator in him. Christ in the Christian puts God back into man. Jesus in him and living through him is normal Christian living. It is the resurrected life of Jesus in the Christian that people must see. When the Christian permits Jesus to live His life through him, the fruit of the spirit comes forth. The Christian life becomes a complete joy. Being burnt out and overwhelmed becomes a thing of the past. He will have setbacks, but he gets up and grows toward maturity in Christ. The Christian learns to rest in Jesus and lets Jesus worry about the results. Jesus is the vine; he is a branch. He rests totally dependent on the life of the vine to produce spiritual fruit through him. He simply bears fruit. A branch does not grunt, groan, or burn out to produce fruit; it simply bears fruit.

It is no longer I who live, but Christ living in me,” should be one of the most frequently spoken statements from the lips of professing Christians. Many Christians do not understand the riches found in the fore-mentioned statement. They know theologically what “Christ living in them” means, but lack the understanding to apply it to everyday life. They love Jesus and do their best for Him. Since their best for Jesus usually is not enough, their lives become lives of drudgery and burnout. Something is missing. The something missing is not an “it.” The something is a person Jesus Christ. “Christ in you” is our hope of glory. Jesus Christ is the Christian life. The burnt out Christian is saved, but lives as though he is still spiritually dead. He lives like a dead corpse. A dead corpse does not


Likewise, a Christian need not grunt or groan trying to live the Christian life for Jesus. He is to rest in Jesus, permitting Jesus to live His life through him. Being free and enjoying our relationship with Jesus is normal Christian living. Jesus in us makes all things possible. Enjoy your life with Jesus in you, and apply daily, by faith, Jesus living through you. Continue confidently to say, “It is no longer I who live, but Christ living in me.” May people whom you encounter only see Jesus living in you.

The Perfect Gift Discover Christ this season! To all, take heed, for he is the reason! Although previous choices offered limited possibilities

Bob Bennett

His gift of restoration renews opportunities!

Christian Writer & Speaker

Christ’s gift is perfect

Fully equipped with peace, hope, reassurance and joy

Available not only to you But any man, woman, girl or boy Say yes, to a gift superior to the rest Redirect your future In a direction irrefutably the best There are no parts to assemble No limits and a timeless guarantee Accept the perfect gift One ordained and expedited By God, through Christ, for all Many years ago at Calvary Lady La Rouge


Positioning Yourself in the Kingdom



everal months ago, I heard that “2009 is the year of birthing and breakthroughs.” After reading that, I can see some of you shaking your head and saying, “But it’s too late for me, it’s December!” What seems likes an outdated statement could leave many feeling like they have once again missed a move of God. But guess what, that belief is not true! Such a proclamation has always been in the spiritual realm. Regardless of the calendar year, what God has for you is still waiting for you. As believers, birthing and breakthrough have always been ours for the asking. Yes, that DREAM (or VISION) is still there, waiting for you. Right along with that BREAKTHROUGH too. So, now you should be wondering, “What must I do to receive it?” Well, I am glad you asked…


The Way to Breakthrough What would you say if I were to ask, “What is the purpose of life?” Of course, that is a rather vague question. However, your answer will determine where you are on the path to experiencing a breakthrough or birthing a dream.

BREAKTHROUGHS and DREAMS will neither come that easily nor will it be that simple. Many times we are waiting on God when truthfully God is waiting on us. Many have heard and used the scripture, “But those who wait on the Lord, shall renew their strength…” (Isaiah 40:31, NKJV). What does the word, “wait”, really mean? Does it mean that we go ahead and ACT on FAITH as we continue to go about our lives? Or does “wait” mean to live a life of habits, traditions and routines hoping that things will get better on their own, which leads to a life of MISSED OPPORTUNITIES.

Believers typically answer such a question with rather general responses like “To love our neighbors,” “To be a servant to others” or “To obey the commandments.” All of these answers are wonderful, yet they do not fully address the question. Perhaps, I should rephrase it: “What does God say is YOUR purpose in life?”

In a recent sermon by Bishop T.D. Jakes entitled “Use Everything You Got”, he references the need to not only pray in the spirit but also to do what it takes in the natural realm. Bishop Jakes was saying that we need to operate on both levels – physical and spiritual – if we want to reap a harvest in our lives.

By changing the question, a different answer should begin to form in your mind. An answer that helps you come into the realization that God has a PURPOSE for each of us that demands ACTION. Yes, I say it! God has SOMETHING for you TO DO that will release your breakthroughs and birth your dreams!

So, what should we do IN THE MEANTIME? The answer is to MAKE SURE that we are operating in the WILL of GOD for OUR LIVES. When we take on the WILL OF GOD, our focus is no longer on what God can do for us, but on what we can do to glorify Him. The key is in discovering or clarifying the SPECIFIC purpose that He had in mind for each of us. By fulfilling HIS WILL, we let the SPIRITUAL REALM know that we mean business when it comes

Yet, without a good understanding of their PURPOSE, many will continue to find themselves disappointed in their progress in life and continuously waiting on something that they should be ACTING ON. Many waste their lives away hoping that this Sunday will be the day that God will GIVE THEM that financial breakthrough or GIVE THEM that physical healing or GIVE THEM that - whatever it is they are waiting on. Yet, for the majority of us, 15

The Month’s Challenge…

to PROACTIVELY WAITING for our blessings, breakthroughs, dreams and more.

(1) Perform a Google search for a free spiritual gifts test online or purchase and complete a test from your local Christian bookstore. The results can be used in the next step below. (2) Download and complete the free PDF version of “Creating Your Mission Statement” by Laurie Beth Jones ( Or visit your local library to obtain a copy of her book, “The Path” and refer to the chapter entitled “Your Passion is Your Power” for a guide in writing a mission statement.

God has two PURPOSES for us. The first is our purpose as it relates to the Body of Christ (see 2 Cor. 5:18) and secondly, we each have individual missions. Your PERSONAL MISSION directly connects with HIS PURPOSE for the Church. So, what is mission? Discovering Your Mission MISSION involves a special assignment given to a person and/or a group. Do you know the MISSION of God for YOUR life? Do you know the reason(s) that God specifically BIRTHED you into this WORLD?

MIN. JAKETHA FARMER is the Founding Pastor of “40 Days of Change Online” – home to the popular “40-Day Destiny Challenge”. She is also the Founder, Producer & Host of GOT ISH-OOS? Visit her online at or email her at

One way to DISCOVER your MISSION is to evaluate what God has already placed in your heart from the beginning of time. Secondly, it is important that you discover, perfect and operate in your SPIRITUAL GIFT. A spiritual gift is one or more gifts bestowed upon Christians to expand or strengthen both your local church and the Body of Christ ( Spiritual gifts are mentioned in several places in the Bible: Romans 12:68, 1 Corinthians 12:1-14 and Ephesians 4:11. Although you can only have ONE MAJOR mission in life, you can have SEVERAL spiritual gifts. In addition, it is always best to re-test yourself every three to five years for validity

References: Johnson, T. (2009). Your Purpose vs. Your Destiny. Accessed Oct. 19, 2009, from Treat, C. (1995). Fulfilling Your God-Given Destiny. Nashville: Thomas Nelson.


Matthew 4:19 “ And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.�

Fisher of Men From his upbringing as a Child

God truly prepared Fisher for this fight.

in the LORD

Right or wrong

To his discipline in the army

he will stand strong.

as a Man

He knows the LORD is coming back

To his livelihood

it will not be long.

as a Carpenter From his unconditional love

GOD called Fisher

as a Father

how can you doubt

His commitment and vow

Look at him, so anointed

to his Wife

and appointed. You need

You can see why God called Fisher

to thank GOD for him

to a Holy Life.

and give a Shout!

Clifford Fisher, I called you with your quiet style

Shout for Fisher victories

and sense of humor.

Shout for his testimonies

Your compassionate and thoughtful ways

Shout for the lives he has won

you let people know that CHRIST is the only way,

for CHRIST the only begotten Son. Fisher of Men

to peace, joy, love, and happiness.

That is who you are.

Yes God called Fisher to fish for men.

Bridgette Whitney All Rights Reserved 11/19/09

Rich, poor, black or white, sin sick, deaf, blind


The Fabulous Black Woman Speaks…

I ran in to a childhood friend the other day and I instantly noticed how short and damaged her hair was. This was the first thing I noticed because when I met her as a little girl; I was amazed with how long and beautiful her hair was, especially since her skin was as dark as mines. When I was younger, it was rare to see a “full” Black child with as much hair as she had. I was in awe with how long her braids were without having to add extensions like the majority of the little girls did, including me.

was full of everything I was told not to use, so of course I didn’t purchase it, so I was back to square one. After searching tirelessly, I decided to formulate my own hair care products made of all the healthy ingredients I had read about. The natural ingredients did the trick of not only growing her hair, but completely ridding her of eczema and fixing my hair problems as well. Soon, not only did her hair begin to grow; it began to thicken up and past the other little girl’s hair by double the length; then triple. Within only two years, my daughter’s hair had reached the middle of her back while the other little girl’s hair seemed to remain the exact same length. After conducting a few surveys and further research, I concluded that overtime the mineral oil, petrolatum, paraffin and all of the other ingredients really does gradually stunt hair growth.

As I finished up my conversation with her, I thought about all of the little girls that I’ve known over my lifetime that started out with a lot of hair and either lost it due to damage and breakage, or their hair seemed to just stop growing all together. My own daughter was born with very little hair and then lost the little she had to eczema. She was left with a couple of strands of hair in the very top of her head, but other than that she was as bald as her bottom everywhere else.

In my hair care workshops, I tell this story and each time I would have someone comment that when they were younger they used the “grease” products and they had long hair or that for years their grandmother pressed their hair using these products and they never experienced problems. (Of course just about every one of them were at the workshop because they were having issues growing their hair; so just by that my findings were somewhat confirmed) I would point out to them that maybe they didn’t know their growth was stunted because they had never experienced the full growing potential that using natural products could give them;

During this time I was still looking for hair care products that were gentle enough for her delicate scalp yet effective enough to manage and strengthen my relaxed hair. I had noticed that my friend’s daughter’s hair seemed to be pretty thick and growing steadily, so I asked her what she was using. She gave me the name of a product and of course I rushed out to the nearest beauty supply store to purchase it. When I got to the store I was disappointed with how small the jar was and how expensive it was, but even more disappointed when I read the ingredients; it 18

maybe they had accepted that ten inches of hair was as long as their hair would grow; not knowing they were depriving themselves of fifteen inches, which is exactly what I personally realized once I stopped using products that contained these ingredients. Last year I cut eleven inches of hair off; leaving myself with about three inches of hair, when before I didn’t even know I could grow eleven inches, let alone cut that much off and still have some left.

they have in the bank. However, this is not true. Success is using your God-given gifts for the glory of God. But, you first have to discover your God-given gifts. Steps to Achieving Success are: 1. Humble yourself (surrender your mind, body, and spirit to God). 2. Be patient (waiting and expecting God to lead and guide you).

So, give your hair an opportunity to reach its fullest potential. For six months try using natural products or ingredients; even if you can’t use 100% natural ingredients; at the very least make sure your shampoo doesn’t contain sodium lauryl sulfate and/or sodium laureth sulfate and your moisturizer is void of mineral oil, paraffin gel, petrolatum, and propylene glycol. Just avoiding these ingredients could make a difference as they have been established to cause drying, breakage and stunted hair growth.

3. Endure trials and tribulations. Consider it wholly joyful, my brethren, whenever you are enveloped in or encounter trials of any sort or fall into various temptations. Be assured and understand that the trial and proving of your faith bring out endurance and steadfastness and patience. But let endurance and steadfastness and patience have full play and do a thorough work, so that you may be perfectly and fully developed [with no defects], lacking in nothing. (James 1:2-4)

Eddie Simpson

4. Seek God by using the R-S-M Method This Book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe and do according to all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall deal wisely and have good success. (Joshua 1:8)

Dispel the Doubt Many people think that success is measured by the size house they have, the amount of clothes they have and the amount of money


But seek (aim at and strive after) first of all His kingdom and His righteousness

As you walk in your God-given purpose, you will experience:

(His way of doing and being right), and then all these things taken together will be given you besides. (Matthew 6:33)

    

5. Walk in the purposes of God, constantly obeying God‟s leading and direction – moving forward and moving onward toward completion.

Divine Divine Divine Divine Divine

strength ability Love, peace, and joy completion victory

Karmen A. Booker has been called by God to exhort and teach others the Word of God. She is the founder of Wings of Love Ministries (WOLM), which is a teaching and evangelist ministry whose vision is to encourage and inspire people to accept and commit their lives to Jesus Christ so their lives will be transformed into righteousness, and they will experience unceasing love, joy, and peace. She has produced product resources that can help you grow in your spiritual walk with Jesus Christ. Email her at to receive a copy of her product catalog.

SEEKING THE FACE OF GOD When we seek God‟s Face, we behold beauty and glory, which takes us beyond the tallest building story. Walking, running, and yielding toward God‟s way on the straight and narrow path we will stay. A path full of love, joy, peace, and blessings, if we are faithful to trust God through our testings.

O God, faithful and true, thanks for leading and guiding us always to you. © 1997 Karmen A. Booker


To Purchase this book contact Stylicia Bowden:


In the garden Where God's glory reigns

Weary and Yet Strong

I silently pray and praise His Holy Name

Eunice Wangui Stuhlhofer

Encompassed by peace in the midst of

One of the most read articles in my blog is entitled: He is strong in my weakness; this article, is therefore the top post on my blog every week. Technically, I am able to verify how the readers accessed my blog and the articles. Majority of the readers come across this particular article through a search engine while looking for some information on God’s strength during their weaknesses or trials. I thought about it seriously and wondered why other articles are not as popular. Then I perceived that many Christians (I included), are constantly going through trials and challenges and; they are looking for some support in order to live an overcoming life.

His majesty The birds have their being Their wings tell a story Butterflies color the flowers in bloom From the rays of the sun to the bright shining moon In the garden I can hear the mighty waves of the sea In the strength of His mountain I worship the Lord continually My garden is lovely with breathtaking views

Although we are supposed to live the abundant life that Jesus died for, the truth is that most of us are battling what looks like endless battles. Before you dispute this, remember that Jesus warned us that we will have many troubles in this world but; He also encouraged us to have peace because He had already overcome; praise God. (John 16: 33) This should remind us that trials are not out of the norm in a believer’s life; it is the response that really matters. So in our weaknesses, Jesus in us is strong

I'd love to share my garden with you It's filled with God's love and sky-lit hues I welcome you to this saving place Where you're sure to feel His soft embrace. Please enter in peace where faith abounds And where fruits of the Spirit can always be found.

It is important to remember that it is the work of the enemy to wear out the Christians through unfruitful busyness, confusion, conflict, unbelief, discontentment and strife, just to

Written by Cynthia G. Boyer Ornaments of Grace '09 22

name a few. (Daniel 7: 25). He knows that by wearing you and I out, he can accomplish his evil mission. We also know that he comes to kill, steal and destroy (John 10: 10). However, we also need to be convinced that we know without doubt, that we have the power to overcome all things, making us victorious. For me, that has meant receiving a Word from God that I can stand on without wavering for as long as the battle is raging. We must without exception spend time in the Word to receive a Word that we can hold on to. Otherwise how will God speak to us? In the Old Testament, He spoke through the prophets; today He is speaking through His Word which is empowered by the Holy Spirit. It is time for Christians to see the Word not as paper and ink, but as alive, active and sharp (Hebrews 4: 12) When Jesus was tempted by Satan in the wilderness, He overcame him only through the Word; not through performing miracles, crying to God or even speaking in tongues. That was Jesus’ moment of weakness: He had just come out of a fast and ready for ministry; a lot was at stake for our Saviour: the future of mankind. Yet, He knew that there is awesome power in the Word of God. He unleashed the weapon of the hour in His circumstances. If the Son of God, who had power over everything relied on the Word during his weakness, how much more will we His disciples, run to the Word during our weaknesses?

reading the Word on my own yet expecting God to intervene. Interestingly, I expected him to speak to me through a preacher on the screen or an author in a book. As much as these channels are very helpful and God uses them too, I only had temporary relief because I was not personally connecting with the Word of life. Christian books are good for encouragement and inspiration but if we cannot read the Book of life, other books will become just like fairy tales because they do not have life. We want to know God through His Word and not through someone else’s revelation. Then, we can relate to the books and the sermons in a better way. In every season, the believer can use the Word; which is referred to as the sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6: 17). It is something in your hand to lash out at the enemy in our times of weakness. The Bible says that God’s people perish for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4: 6). That being a foundational Truth, we must go further and pray for the Lord to give us revelation knowledge of His Word. In my Christian life, I have operated under three categories: ignorance or lack of knowledge, head knowledge and finally by God’s grace, I have also experienced revelation in some areas. Revelation has given me victory over many circumstances; suddenly, my eyes see what God wants me to see. I may not see the full manifestation but I have peace to wait for it. To know God and His Word personally should be the cry of every believer. I pray that you would love the Word of God; I pray that God would give you revelation in your circumstances as you read and meditate on His Word. I pray that God will speak to you through His Word in your times of weakness and always.

There was a time when I was very fond of reading Christian books on any particular situation that I was going through; I needed to read someone who had been there. I felt I could only relate with another being like me. I also was in the habit of watching Christian television with a hope that a preacher would speak on what I was going through. Then I would know that God had spoken to me. I spent little time

With much Love and blessings!


As we read about the miracles of Jesus, you will even see Him giving simple instructions. So many times Jesus tells the wounded and fearful ones to “get up and walk, go thy way and sin no more, get out the boat, throw in the net, follow me and Lazarus come forth.” It almost seems like it is too good to be true. But most often that’s how God sometimes operates, very uncomplicated and straightforward.

A Simple Instruction By Minister B. Michelle Horton

“Be joyful always: “Pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1Thesalonians 5:16-18 (NIV)

Over the course of my years as a Christian, many people have stated to me, “I don’t know what God’s will is for me.” It’s ironic because sometimes the answer is so direct and (shall I dare say) so simple.

From the book of Genesis to the book of Revelation God is giving us a simple truth. Go where I say go, do what I say do, say what I tell you to say and you will be healed, free, delivered, provided for, cared for, saved and the like. As I think of God, and listen for His voice, I can say without hesitation that God’s most simplistic instruction is found in St. John 3:15. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (NIV)

Can you imagine Adam and Eve living in the perfection and beauty in the Garden of Eden, created just for them, seeing great greenery, the splendor of the sky, the glorious glow of the moon and having all day to investigate the inheritance of being a child of Jehovah God? They were created perfectly by the hand and heart of God and given a simple instruction to do not eat of the tree of life.

Wow, it’s as simple as ABC; accept, believe and confess. Sometimes, we make God’s word so complicated by adding in our predetermined thoughts on what is going on and we miss speaking the simple truth. So today, if you have a question about God’s will for your life, let’s start and end with a simple truth found in 1st Thessalonians 5:15-18

In 2nd Kings Chapter 5 is the story of Naaman, king of Syria and Elisha the prophet. Naaman was a king yet also a leper who desired to be healed. He visited the prophet Elisha and was given a simple instruction to wash in the Jordan seven times in order to be healed. Naaman refused to believe that that was all he had to do to be healed.

“Be joyful always.” Because the joy of the Lord is what gives us strength to keep going. Because joy is a result of the impartation of the Spirit of God living within our hearts. Because we have some many great and awesome 24

promises from God that will be fulfilled on earth and completely realized in heaven.

can ask or think. I can do so knowing that my God is able to… (you fill in the blanks). I can do so knowing that if I stay in the will of God, God will not withhold any good thing from me.

“Pray continually.” Keep on praying because our God is attentive to our prayers. Our prayer is heard and answered by the only true and living God who can fix the unfixable and perfect those things that need to be perfected. Our prayer is a lifeline to an all-wise and all loving God.

So today and from this day forth, I pray that all God’s children will remember this simple instruction of God’s will for our lives. Be joyful, pray continually and give thanks.

Minister B. Michelle Horton invites commands and can be reached at

“Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” Come on now, be honest, how do you feel about this command from God’s word? Give thanks in all circumstances? Doesn’t that sound like a tall order to fill? Give thanks in ALL circumstances? Yes, that’s what the verse is saying. Let’s incorporate that into the totality of the Word of God. If I peruse through the book, I’ll get a glimpse of the greatness of God. I’ll see blinded eyes being opened, lame limps being healed, broken hearts being comforted, confused minds becoming clear, the poor being given the opportunity to become rich, the outcast being brought in, women having equal opportunity access to Jesus, the lost being found and everyone being invited to eternal life.

The Night Is Almost Over! The darkness of night seemed endless--The hours of tears seemed to drag on--Her strength began to drain from this raging storm. How long O‟ Lord? How long before I know? What is the pathway, the door or the detour I must go?

If I accept the Bible as the unadulterated Word of God, believe in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit and have confessed that I am a sinner saved by grace, then I can without reservation put this command into practice. I can be joyful always, pray continually and give thanks in all circumstances because it’s God will for me to do so. And I can do so, knowing that God will do exceeding abundantly above all I

Press in … Press in … Don‟t give up! Look up … Look up … When you feel you‟ve had enough. My arms they hold you--My love sustains you---


My Spirit embraces you---

Pastor Cecile Suire Copyright © 2007 Center Mark Ministries “He Is My Audience of One" Publishing A Division Of: Center Mark Ministries

Can you see My face child? Press in … Press in … Don‟t give up! Look up … Look up … I am more than enough. Through the tattered curtain a glimpse of light--Though the battle seemed endless and I was worn from the fight--My hope rose quickly as that first ray of morning light--My arms they hold you--My love sustains you--My Spirit embraces you--Look upon My face child. From now throughout Eternity I will never fight alone--As the Savior of the world stood with me in this fight--The darkness faded away illuminated with His presence and marvelous light. For in His arms I find comfort---

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In His arms I find strength--In His arms I will rest--Until He calls me Home.

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From Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day By Beverly Leonard

Holidays are times that we are to enjoy, rejoice, and celebrate But they are also times that satan despises, loathes, and hates And it is during festive and celebratory times like these When satan tries his hardest to knock us to our knees

Instead of being thankful to God for all that weâ€&#x;ve got satan wants us to dwell on things that we have not he wants us to think only on things that are sad, depressing, and blue he wants us to be miserable, lonely, depressed, and down-hearted, too But it is written that each day is a day that the Lord hath made And we are to rejoice and be glad in these God-given days

And to live to see a brand new year Should fill our hearts with great gladness and good cheer But satan tries to steal our happiness and joy for the brand new year By filling our hearts and minds with great dread, fright, and fear But it is written that God did not create within us a spirit of fear But He gave us a spirit of strength and love to help us endure down here

And between Thanksgiving and New Yearâ€&#x;s Day We celebrate the blessed birth of Jesus whom God so lovingly sent our way 27

For God loved the world so much that He gave us His only begotten Son And the holiday that satan despises the most is this blessed and holy one Thank God for Jesus who, for our sins, bled and died Thank God for Jesus who now sits in glory at His Father‟s right side

So, when the holidays come rolling around Let us not allow old satan to trap and straddle our spirits down Let us not be fooled by his evil, deceptive, and dastardly ploys For he seeks to steal our peace, our happiness, and all of our joys But he is a liar who shall soon feel the flaming fire he knows that his time shall soon end and he‟s angry and mad as a wet hen But to hell with the devil; now let the holiday celebrations begin

P. S. And after the holiday celebrations are over, said, and done Let us continue to beware and be aware of this evil and wicked one Whose greatest desire is that mankind shall join him in the eternal fire But don‟t believe his hype because he‟s nothing but a liar

Happy Thanksgiving

Merry Christmas

and Happy New Year

From Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day . . . and Beyond

Author of “Come Inside” which can be found at Jokaes Book Store in Dallas, TX and


If Your Marriage Hasn’t Been Challenged… Don’t Worry, It’s Coming.

10:10) is subject to an attack. Let me make this next statement very clear. “EVERYONE WHO IS MARRIED OR IS PLANNING TO GET MARRIED IS COMING AGAINST THE DEVIL’S PLAN”. What do I mean by that? You see God’s original plan for us was to get married, be fruitful and fill the earth with God’s people (Genesis 1:28). The other benefit to marriage was that we would be carrying out the principle of agreement in all households everywhere. When God’s people come together and get married, then they are becoming one (Genesis 2:24) in everything they do. They are vowing to be in agreement in the eyes of God through their marriage. And the bible clearly says that “Wherever there are two or more gathered in my name, there I will be in the midst of it” (Matthew 18:20). So God told us He will be there in the midst of our marriage if we allow Him. This is God’s promise to us in His word. So our marriages will be powerful in that we can speak to things in agreement and we will see them manifest. I mean we are made in the image of God right? And since God is a god who speaks things into existence then we have the same power with our words. The other key principle in marriages in that your marriage is a representation of Christ and the church. The husband represents Christ and the wife represents the church (Ephesians 5:23).

I remember telling myself a long time ago that when I got married I would live forever in marital bliss just like my parents did, or so I thought. You see my parents were married for 53 years before a tragic stroke took my mom’s life. I moved in with my dad to help him take care of my mom from August 2005 until she passed away in November of the same year. I stayed with him for a while after that to try and help him to being without “his wife”. My dad never had to lift a finger for anything during their marriage. My mom waited on him hand and foot. But she did it happily. And my father was the happiest man on earth. I didn’t find that out until after my mom died. My dad told me one time when we were talking at the house that “…I never had to lift a finger when your mama was alive”. That cut me deep when he said that. But that would start the beginning of a year-long conversation in which I would find out many things about their marriage that weren’t so “rosy”. You see my parents’ marriage had its share of challenges as well that they so cleverly kept away from me and my brother while we were growing up. I learned something from those conversations with my dad. I learned there is no such thing as a trouble-free, happily-ever-after, living-inbliss-with-a-white-picket-fence marriage.

When we get married we are coming against the devil’s plan for our lives. His plan is to “…steal, kill, and destroy us” but basically he doesn’t want us to succeed in our marriages because our marriages can do major damage to the demonic realm. You see the scriptures say, “If one can chase a thousand, and 2 can put 10,000 to flight…” (Deuteronomy 32:30), then how angry do you think this will make the devil at us?

Jesus said clearly in the scriptures, “…In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). What did He mean by that? He meant that everyone who is trying to come against the plan of the devil (John 29

That’s why he comes against marriages so tough. So when I tell you, “If your marriage hasn’t had trouble yet, don’t worry, it’s coming”, then that is exactly what I mean. The devil is going to attack your marriage but he will do it using very subtle devices. I will list a few of them here and briefly explain them:

constantly be speaking what the word of God says regarding our health. The bible says in Isaiah that …”by His wounds, we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5). 4. Your mate – The one thing that can disrupt a marriage more is when one mate is affected by a demonic attack. What the devil does is get into the mind of one spouse and cause disagreement and trouble between the husband and wife. Where there is no agreement, there can be no even flow of the Holy Spirit because Jesus said in Matthew that when there is agreement He will be there in the middle of it.

1. Your finances – The devil knows that this is the number one thing that can destroy your marriage. If he can get you worrying about money all the time then eventually you will fight about every financial decision that comes up. How do we remedy this? One thing to do is tithe. You see when you as a couple agree to give your first 10% to God, and then your finances are covered by God! And how big do you think God’s bank account is? Trust me, you can’t out give God! He will always be your supply when you are a faithful and cheerful giver (Malachi 3:10). 2. Your mind – The devil will constantly mess with your mind. He wants you to believe things that aren’t true. He wants you to see things that aren’t there. Your husband is cheating on you when he’s really not. Your wife spent too much money from the checking account when actually you made a clerical mistake in figuring the amounts (Psalms 73:7). 3. Your physical body – If the devil can get your body out of whack, then he will be able to attack you in the bedroom. You won’t be able to physically perform the way you would like to. Or you lose desire to be with your mate, which can cause them to start looking outside of the marriage for attention if they are not focused on God. So we must

We must constantly be in prayer for our marriages because hard times will come. Financial challenges will come. Questionable relationships will come. And out-of-control children may come. This we know will happen because Jesus already said that trouble will come (John 16:33) because when we marry we are coming directly against the plan of the devil for our lives. So be sure to build your marriage and your house on the Rock, a solid foundation. The bible says that when a man builds his house on a firm foundation then his house will continue to stand when the storms come (Matthew 7:24-25). Conversely, if a man doesn’t heed Jesus’ words and builds his house on sand, or a shaky foundation instead of prayer, fasting, and putting faith to action, then he is foolish. Then when the storms come, the scripture says his house will fall with a GREAT crash (Matthew 7:27). In Matthew 8, when the storm came Jesus was sleep in the boat while the Tsunami was crashing all around them. Yes this storm was the equivalent of a tsunami because the King James’ version of the bible refers to it as a squall (Mark 4:37). This is 30

one of the worst storms a person on a vast body of water could experience. The disciples who were with Him were afraid so they woke him and asked Him, “Lord don’t you care if we drown?” Jesus looked at the waves and the wind and said, “Quiet! Be still!” and the waves immediately calmed (Mark 4:35-41). So build your marriage on a firm foundation of scriptures, prayer, fasting and faith and when the storms and demonic attacks come, you will not just survive but thrive through the storms. We must be like Jesus when the storms come and speak to them directly. The devil has a right to attack our marriages but he has no authority or power other than what we give him. So when we have built ourselves up with the Word of God and hidden it in our hearts (Deuteronomy 11:18) then we will be able to not just stand strong through the storms but we will be able to cancel any storms that may try and come against our marriage. That is the promise we have in God when we accept the authority He has given us to take control of our lives, our homes, our communities and our relationships (Psalms 115:16).

yours. But it will be the presence of God in your marriage that other people see when they see you together that arouses their desire to be married. You will find as the years go by, people will come up to you and tell you things like, “You know when I saw you and your wife together, I knew at that moment I wanted to have something like that. And because of you I have been married now for 10 years to my beautiful wife and we have three beautiful children together who are all quoting bible scriptures and excited about going to the youth church.” This is God’s way of confirming to you that your marriage is having an impact on his people. And this is just one of many stories of people who will be blessed by your marriage when you build it on a firm foundation in God. © 2009 Robert T. Sells – all rights reserved

When you make a daily practice of reading the bible together, praying together, and worshipping God together, you build your marriage on a strong foundation. This will allow you to be able to withstand the storms that are going to come your way. You see building your marriage on a strong foundation will not just allow you to have a successful marriage when you make God the center of it, but it will also cause your marriage to be a perfect example of what God wants for all of his people. And when people see you together it won’t be the way you hold hands, or the ways you look at each other, or the way you kiss in public that causes them to want to have a marriage like

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Premeditated Sin! Is that A Part of God’s Image and Likeness? faithfulness to their spouses, saint’s boarding buses to go gamble at the casinos, I hear them talk about the lottery numbers that came out, all of these things fall under the category of Premeditated Sin!. You plan to do those things, you make a conscious decision to go and do the very things that the word of God say’s that we shouldn’t. Then you want to hide behind the statement Nobody’s perfect, No we may not be Perfect but we can be Obedient, and if we are obedient we won’t practice those things that pleases our flesh! If Daddy say don’t do it, then don’t do it! Plain and simple. It is Us that make the world not believe Jesus exists, we are suppose to follow his example of how to treat your fellowman, the way some of us treat each other, who would believe there was ever an example to follow? Saints we have the power to live the way God tells us, Jesus died was buried and resurrected, and he rose with all power in his hand, and guess what that same power lies within every believer that has called on the name of the Lord! Need I say more? Let’s end Premeditated Sin! Amen!

What shall we say then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? By no means! We died to sin; how can we live in it any longer? Roman 6:1.2 Premeditated- It is the considered or planning beforehand, previous planning. This message is to the true believers of the Lord Jesus Christ, those who care about how we represent our Father which is in heaven. We know that the enemy comes to kill steal and destroy, so each day that the believer wakes up in the morning, we know that we will be faced with all types of decisions. All manners of trials and testing’s, some we may conquer and some we may fail. You know I believe that in this time of our lives, I see that the believer’s Character is under a serious attack. You know if the enemy can assassinate our character and destroy our integrity he will have accomplished a great deal, we must put off of those old ways; the scheming, conniving, being deceptive, and just acting out of character. We must realize that it is US who give the impression that our God is not powerful, God gives us instructions on how to behave in this world, And I hear saint’s curse harder than the unbelievers, I witness more immoral behavior out of the people of God, Un-

By Michelle Pumphrey E-mail


A “Brief Moment” with Ken Rich

DIM Introduction: Hello everyone! I’d like to welcome you all to Divine Inspirations Magazine’s brand new feature entitled “A Brief Moment With…” Every month we will be taking a brief moment to look into the lives of an independent gospel artist, Christian author, or entrepreneur who is doing incredible things for God! Our prayer is that this will help to further the ministry that God has placed in their hearts. In this inaugural month, we’re are featuring gospel artist, music & video producer, Christian writer, and passionate soul winner for Christ, Mr. Ken Rich. I first met Ken about a year ago and I have been

nothing but impressed with his motivations and his heart for ministry and reaching lost souls for Christ while helping other artists to do the same. Now finally here in my first interview with him, we get to see him reveal some details about how God changed his life and how he’s been led to do what he does for so many Christian artists around the world. Sit back, relax, take your shoes off, and enjoy this “Brief Moment” with gospel artist Ken Rich. DIM: Tell us a little bit about yourself. Ken Rich: I am a single father of a seven year old boy, and also have a grown daughter who is married, and lives away. Recently she brought my Grandson into the world. I live in a rural area of Newfoundland, Canada, near Corner Brook, which is one of the most beautiful and scenic areas in the world. I didn't grow up in a religious environment and had a rather "colorful" life as a young man. "Party animal" would be an accurate description, with drugs and alcohol a way of life. This continued into my adult life, when I joined the military, and even later as I traveled and worked as a civilian 33

electronics technician. I always felt God calling me to a better way and would make efforts to reform, only to be swallowed up by sin again. Eventually, the call of the Spirit became stronger than the lure of the drugs and I was set free permanently. It was only one battle, in a slow process of change and renewal. When you start from a long way down, its long way back to the land of the living. Bad habits were replaced with good ones, foul language was replaced with praise for God, and unhealthy desires were replaced with new motivations. I became a new creation! Now that I am free, I try to win other lost souls and show them a better way. I took the gifts I had been given (electronics training and a passion for music) and put them to use. I built a home recording studio and started producing Gospel music, photos with Bible verses, videos, articles - anything I could, to win souls. I must say, God put just the right person in my path, at a critical juncture in my life. Dave Butler was a Country Gospel artist who was sick, and near the end of his years when I met him. His heart's desire was to be

recorded properly, before he passed. He wanted to live on in his music, and keep winning souls. Dave was totally blind from diabetes, crippled with a painful form of arthritis, suffered stokes and other ailments, but he went from door to door and town to town, trying to win souls with his music. I just couldn't let him pass away without capturing his songs for future generations - what an inspiration he was. DIM: How did your ministry/band get started? Ken Rich: I am a just a single artist, who tries to create a full band sound by layering in parts one at a time. I start out by writing a song with just rhythm guitar as accompaniment. Sometimes, I will create drum parts and bass lines, beat by beat, and note by note, using Cubase SX (computer program). On other songs, I generate auto-accompaniment while playing the chords on my keyboard, to get the drum and bass. I do the vocals, rhythm guitar, and lead guitar, the old fashioned way. If I want other instruments, like violins or French horns (for example), I will play those parts separately on the keyboard, to generate a

midi facsimile of the sound I'm after. DIM: What inspires you to write songs? Do you have any specific techniques you use for your songwriting? Ken Rich: For me, the process is cathartic, in the sense that when the inspiration strikes, I have to find a way to express what I am feeling, in order to be at peace. You could even say I get obsessed with the particular thoughts and feelings, and can't escape them, until I know I have found the means to communicate them to others. There may be no inspiration for a long time, but when it strikes bam - I have to drop everything I am doing, and get it out of my system. The basic song is done in 5-10 minutes but then I can't rest, until I tweak it to the point where I am completely satisfied. That may take days or weeks. Of course, it is still in my head or on paper at that point, an actual recording can be years away. DIM: Have you or your group got any plans in the near future? Ken Rich: My plan is to finish my debut CD, which only has a few singles released so far. It may take years at the rate I am 34

going. I have some old recordings I made on tape decks years ago, but they are not professional quality. I am trying to rerecord each number in my homemade studio, where I use a computer as the recording device. I can't afford to hire studio musicians or a proper studio with sound engineers, so this is a lot of work for one person. I keep getting sidetracked as well - lol. I recorded three other Gospel artists in my hometown, who couldn't afford a studio either, and then we needed an outlet to get our material "out there". So, I created the "Indie Gospel Artists" network for people like us, and also to be a "soul winning" Christian Ministry ( I can't resist writing on certain Christian issues, so I often sacrifice recording time to pursue writing as well. DIM: What has been the best part about being in the music ministry as a singer, performer or musician? Ken Rich: For me, the best part is influencing someone with a Christian message that I am trying to communicate. I remember someone who wrote me and said they wept (in a good way) when they saw

a music video I produced called "The Lord is Come". Someone else said the same video made them dance with spiritual joy with their children. Someone else related that my "Love" video, expressed the love of God in a new and beautiful way to them. These are the types of things that keep you going as an artist, and make all the hard work worthwhile. DIM: Are there examples of your faith that show in your songwriting and if so what are they? Ken Rich: I think the song "Stay" is a perfect example. It contrasts the way I was before I had faith, to the transformation that occurred when I developed faith. It is a deeply personal, soul baring song. Looking back on my life, I was such a vile person and I am so grateful to have been set free from all that sin and shame. Here are a few lines to illustrate: Sin possessing me Led me where, no man should ever be Oh, he holds the key I was chained, the Lord has set me free I still struggle sometimes, as we all do, but I know I will always stay (hence the

title), in a relationship with Jesus. I have come to that special place, where there is a "knowing", not just a vague commitment, or superficial relationship. In the song, I use a play off between a minor, haunting sound in the verses, and a melodic major sound in the chorus, to reflect the change from bound in sin, to a life of salvation. DIM: Where can people find your music and/or products if they wanted to support your ministry? Ken Rich: The short answer is That is where you will find my personal profile, bio, and interview with MCM, portfolio, and the services I provide. However, that answer is a little bit "misleading" because I have been rapidly integrating my social network with external sites. You can find me at any of the following social network sites:,,,, and I have donate buttons up, if people want to support my outreach. The "end game" is to run the whole thing as a non-profit Ministry, donor supported, or if successful, at least 35

partially "self supporting", through the store. So far, we are underfunded and understaffed, but hopefully that will change (God willing). I also just built and got into the "Biker Ministry", with a new video release called "The Biker Blues" /video/the-biker-blues. Thanks for highlighting our efforts - Indie Gospel lives here... DIM: Thanks so much Ken for taking the time out of your busy schedule to share some thoughts with our readers. I am sure after reading this that they will become as much of a fan of yours as I am. I pray God continues to bless your ministry and everyone you touch. Robert T. Sells Contributing Columnist

HEALING WOUNDS “On the eve of the 3rd anniversary of the greatest gift God has given me, my daughter, I'm still in awe of her and humbled by my great fortune! This God given gift inspires me to aspire to greater deeds and empowers me with the love and balance necessary to endure the journey. She reminds me that I am human while encouraging me to be more! Salud!” ~Donavan S. West, 11/21/2009 This event was an example of a traumatic childhood event. Traumatic childhood events can create a free-floating, incomprehensible sadness that can lead to depression, generalized anxiety, panic attacks, distorted thinking, alcohol addiction, drug abuse, and a myriad of other emotional difficulties. As children, we lacked the emotional and intellectual aptitude to respond appropriately to adversity. Therefore, the event remains unresolved and continues to lurk in your subconscious.

Recently, a friend posted the statement above on his FaceBook page. Several of his friends commented, and many more indicated their “like” for the statement. For me, however, it struck a chord, made me slightly anxious, and caused some emotional discomfort. Why, after reading this beautiful tribute from a father about a daughter, did I want to cry? I quickly analyzed my emotions by thinking back to a similar situation in my past—when my own father, Ira Lewis Avery, died of leukemia a couple of weeks before my 3rd birthday. As a toddler I lacked the ability to understand death, and, unable to process the loss of my father was unable to grieve appropriately or comprehend the devastating and long-lasting effect his death would have on me. As a result, the emotional wound remains untreated and lurking in my psyche until something, a “trigger” releases the pain associated with the original event—the death of my father. Voila! This father’s loving tribute to his daughter right before her 3rd birthday was a trigger for me!

Some traumatic childhood events, such as mine, are only triggered under very unique circumstances. However, others such as sexual abuse, molestation, rape, physical and emotional abuse, and neglect are easily triggered and cause untold emotional pain. Movies, talk shows, television programs, and even the Daily News contain scenes, stories, and information that can trigger memories of painful events and send you into a tumultuous emotional episode, seemingly out of nowhere. Therapy can help you identify traumatic childhood events, process them (without shame or guilt), and heal your emotional wounds. These types of 36

childhood wounds, however, are difficult to heal without professional help. In my workshop, “Changes That Heal”, based on the best-selling book by Dr. Henry Cloud, we address childhood wounds from birth to age twenty-two, uncover the hidden pain behind them, process them from both a child and adult standpoint, deal with the unhealthy patterns, self-defeating behavior, and negative self-talk associated with your traumatic childhood event, and then invite the Holy Spirit in to heal us and help us find peace.

Things This Apostle Has Learned From FarmVille

After accepting the fact that Donavan’s message triggered my own unresolved emotional pain, I was able to reframe the situation in adult terms. Instead of tolerating the pain of having no memory of my own father saying such loving words to me, I allowed Mr. West’s words to speak to me. His words to his daughter now represent my own father’s words to me. I’m allowing his words to heal the wound left by the death of my father.

Anyone who has watched my activity on Facebook ( has probably noted I've taken up the virtual game of FarmVille. Yes, this infamous city girl has left virtual hustle and bustle for farming…or something like that. I took up farming after a friend of mine who is also a pastor was run off Facebook due to a hacker. Needless to say, when he got hacked, it freaked me out a little bit. For a little while, I limited myself on FB due to concerns about also being hacked. It was for this reason that when a fellow FB friend invited me to try out FarmVille, I decided to give it a shot: it would motivate me to come on FB, to continue the online fellowship I'd established, and forego the fear of online hackers. The result has been a general enjoyment of FarmVille. There's something fun about having a virtual farm. It's a lot cleaner than real farming. I don't have to actually touch anything. There's no government interference in what crops we can or can't farm. You don't have to worry about bad weather or unfavorable conditions. As unrealistic as some of this may be, it does make for a great game and a great motivation to keep coming online and sharing on FB. FarmVille is the closest thing I will ever get to real farming in my own life. I've grown flowers and a few vegetables in pots, but that's my limit. I come from hard-working immigrant stock that dwelled in cities, not on farms. The

If you haven’t dealt with the pain of your past, please seek out a professional to help you overcome your childhood wounds. You don’t have to suffer alone. Selah. Sophia Avery, MA is a Christian Therapist in private practice. Her company, Christian Talk Therapy, located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, offers Individual counseling, Phone Therapy, Relationship Counseling-using a Team approach, Workshops, and Therapeutic fellowship groups for women. Please visit for more information.


closest the family got to a farming heritage was to have large gardens and my great-grandfather had a small farming plot on the edge of Clausen Point, New York, in the 1940s. We are city people who think trees are pretty to look at and that nature's great in the woods. I don't go camping and never will; I hate bugs, and probably couldn't survive in the wilderness with only three matches and a stick. The closest I will ever get to touching a chicken is with a fork on a plate. Years ago, my mom asked me if I knew what "utters" were. In my total defense (I was about 14 at the time), I indignantly said I did. My mom's response was, "Well I don't know, we don't live on a farm!" The truth was that I had no idea what they were and had to go look it up in the encyclopedia. I just didn't want to admit that something that sounded so practical was on my "I don't know" list. Then more recently, imagine my total shock to drive past a store in a Puerto Rican city and see a live rooster standing right there on the sidewalk, not in a cage, and not on a farm. My incredible response somewhere between shock and awe, "That's a chicken! A real chicken! A live chicken!" was of great delight to the women I was in the car with as I'd never seen a live rooster before and probably never will again. Obviously, I know next to nothing about farming, which is why having a virtual farm has been a great teaching tool for me not just as a person, but as an apostle. The Bible was written in agricultural society for agricultural people. The many Biblical examples made to agricultural events such as sowing and reaping, harvest time, farming, types of soil, growing, vines, and bearing fruit were easily understood by the people of Bible times. They are not, however, as easily understood in industrial times. While we talk a lot about sowing and reaping, harvesting, sowing wisely, soil, growing, vines, and bearing fruit, I don't think we always quite understand the concept of process released in these teachings. In a world of plastic flowers, artificial fruit used for decoration, vines bought at the dollar store, and produce abounding in the grocery store that we don't grow ourselves,

how can we rightly understand the process of how agriculture comes to be? This detachment from nature leaves a disconnect when we are expected to wait after we've sown, cultivate the relationship we have with God as we've been "planted" in the vine, and even the concept of the importance of harvest time and bearing fruit. For this reason, FarmVille has been very important for me. Even though this is "virtual farming," it has helped me greatly to understand more of the agricultural symbolism present in the Word and how it can apply to our ministries and lives as Christians. Ready to learn what I've learned? Let's look into a virtual game and see how it can help us as stewards of the Word. 1. It DOES matter where we plant the Word. - Luke 8:1-13 gives us a detailed parable on the power of sowing in good soil. While we hear it at church and roll our eyes because it usually means the preacher is going to push us to bring other people to church with us, we often overlook the precept present in the parable. It is vitally important that we sow the Word of God in good, fertile soil, not just randomly throw it everywhere. Modern evangelism has often removed powerful care and detail from delivery of the Word and instead just stuck the Word everywhere and hope some will respond. Whether it's in the form of going door-to-door, leaving tracts everywhere, or annoying people by lecturing them about their bad habits, this drive-by evangelism leaves both the sowers and the reapers extremely frustrated when people defensively do not respond to it. Before you get defensive, think about it for a minute: how many of you came to know the Lord because of a tract or someone knocking on your door trying to get you to come to church with them? It's obvious that in this world, we even want a drive-thru approach to reach people for Christ. What we are doing is throwing seeds on a lot of worthless soil. The problem isn't the hearts of people; it is us and our approach to these matters in taking the lazy way out. Evangelism takes time and care, effort and sincerity, and 38

the test of receptivity in soil. In FarmVille, we can't just throw down seeds anywhere and reap a virtual crop; the land must be tilled and squares emerge which then can be profitable for planting soil. We must make that investment to prepare the ground to be good to reap a harvest on it. Inversely, we too must be continually "good soil." We must continually allow God to work in us to create a fertile soil to bring about a great harvest grown from being planted in the Word. 2. The harvest is many, but the laborers are few. - We've heard Matthew 9:37 quoted ad nauseam at times, often out of context. It drives home on FarmVille where there is one farmer per farm no matter how big it gets. Once it's time to harvest on FarmVille, it's time to sit on there and harvest the crops with that one laborer prepared to work or the crops will wither and die. The FarmVille farmer doesn't complain, whine, or decide he or she is tired because he or she has already labored part of the harvest. The same has to be true for us. The world is truly ripe and in need of the Word of God, and the souls reached have the potential for a great harvest. Surely with all of us working together as God has called, we can reach this world for Christ. Too many Christians, however, are busy being intimidated, complaining, or feeling weak in the magnitude of the harvest. We as laborers need to encourage one another in the harvest. Surely we may find ourselves doing much in our own realms independently at times, but we too can't be afraid to reach out and work in teams as God has commanded. That's why it's so great to reach out and help FarmVille farmers with their farms, chase off foxes and gophers, and pick weeds as part of the game. It reminds us that no matter how few people may participate, we always need to reach out and give assistance. The same is true in God's Kingdom. Matthew 9:37 is also a command from our Lord discernment. Harvest time is one of the most discerning times for farmers because they have to discern whether or not their crops are ready for harvest. If they harvest too early,

their crops will be unripe and a potential loss due to inedibility. If they harvest too late, they risk rot or ruin and profit loss. While FarmVille makes this easy (if we try to harvest too early it does not allow us to because it follows growth percentages and if we harvest too late the crops wither), I am sure that nature probably doesn't always make this discernment process so easy. Nature requires watch and wait, and that is too what we are called to do with spiritual discernment. We must act discerning when it comes to harvest time in the spiritual and which souls are harvested. Sometimes people aren't ready; and harvesting too early or too late can render disaster. We are called to watch times and seasons, both in the natural and in the spiritual, to work in the harvest. 3. You are God's field/garden - 1 Corinthians 3:9 sounds real poetic to modern ears. Someone might say it sounds like God is trying to write a song so He can audition for American Idol. This is most definitely not the case. To say that we are the field or garden of God means that God is plowing, planting, tending, weeding, pruning, cultivating, and harvesting in us. This description bespeaks the process more than the end result of the harvest, however. We all want to say "YAAAAAY!" when we get to the harvest part, but God's purpose in such a verse speaks far more to the process to harvest than the actual process. God is making an investment in us just like a farmer makes an investment in his or her field and a virtual farmer makes in their FarmVille field. That investment is precious, takes time and effort, and is designed to bring about a harvest for the Lord. 4. There is seed...time...and harvest Genesis 8:22 is often read to indicate that there is a time for seeding and a time for harvesting, and such will remain as long as the earth endures. What we often miss in this is that as long as there is seed time and harvest, there is also waiting in between: seed, time, and harvest. We are not a culture that seeks cultivation or process, but faster processors, faster service, and increased speed at all times. In other words, we have forgotten patience. 39

The Word does not teach us that seeding sprouts immediately into harvest, but it has become obvious with the number of discontented Christians that waiting isn't something many expect to have to do with God. Seed, time, and harvest display both patience and the importance of process. Years ago I had a French instructor who shared with me the great shift in creative process that computers had created. Due to computer editing and digital technology, those first original drafts of great handwritten manuscripts no longer exist anymore. The creative writing process as we know it has been virtually changed and forgotten. The spiritual process, however, has not been lost in technology. We still have to trust God in process and develop in grace until the time when each and every situation will bear fruit. In FarmVille, certain crops take longer to harvest than others. If we closely watch our virtual farms, we can see the crops begin to grow and develop until the time when they are ready to harvest. The same is true in our process as Christians: the Word is planted in us and with time it grows and develops until the time when it is ready to harvest. 4. Don't forget the black sheep, pink cows, lost turtles, and brown cows - John 10:1416 is often quoted incorrectly. If we learn that God has sheep of another fold but it is His desire that all become one under Christ, that means that there will be people within the church that may not fit the "church folk" stereotype and may likewise make us uncomfortable in the flesh. It was Apostle Dra. Yenan who pointed out to me that I kept being sent all the black sheep on FarmVille. In a discussion one day, she offered that maybe in receiving them, God was sending me a message: He would send me many "black sheep." I think this is great but I know an awful lot of ministers who would reject such a message. This message makes me throw out to all of our Christian leaders out there: are you disregarding the black sheep, lost turtles, and pink and brown cows that God sends to you? They may look different, have different circumstances, or things about them that others

can point to in disgust, but what comes forth from them is totally great, good, and priceless. Where would we be on FarmVille without black wool, turtle’s eggs, and strawberry or chocolate milk? It may come from something that looks different, but the results are great. 6. Be aware of times and seasons Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 made a nice song in the 60s, but do we understand its truth? The ancients were intimately involved in the knowledge of times and seasons. The wise men knew of Jesus' location because they were watching the stars (Matthew 2:1-7). Romans 1:18-23 tells us that the pagans had knowledge of God without knowing Him (even though they distorted such knowledge) by watching the seasons, the stars, and the forces of nature. The ancient Hebrews knew months and times for festivals by the annual season of crop harvests (Exodus 23:1419, Leviticus 23:4-44). Through such a keen knowledge, they knew when seasons would change, when it was time to plant, when it was time to harvest, when it was time to stop and honor God, giving Him the first fruits, and even when natural disturbances were coming. In response, they would prepare for seasonal changes in advance so no foreseen force could catch them unaware. Failing to harvest or protect animals was often a risk that could result in financial ruin or worse, debt. In FarmVille, we must be aware of our crop progress and when it is time to plow, plant, or harvest. Spiritual harvest is no different. We must be aware of changing spiritual seasons and prepare for them in kind so as to not be caught off guard. God gives us signs of shift with enough advances to know it's time to make change and get ready for all that is to come. This virtual farmer is grateful for the opportunity to learn more about the Word's deeper meanings by farming on FarmVille. As we grow in our understanding, let us prepare for the shape of things to come. God is giving signs; if we work in cooperative process toward a great harvest, we can trust that God will reap in due season all that He has planted and cultivated within us. As I finish this, I realize a 40

sermon series on Bible farming is in the works to make all this come alive to modern readers. What is God placing in you with your gifts that through His process will turn to fruit? As long as we remain in seed, time, and harvest, we can always trust that living as God's field will bring us exactly where we need to be in Him.

Apostle Dr. Lee Ann B. Marino, Ph.D., D.D. Apostle In Office Apostolic Fellowship International Ministries Post Office Box 681 Morrisville, North Carolina 27560-0681 USA Email: or

Who is Christ? People are eager to know Who is Christ? Whether we admit it or not We ask ourselves when we’re alone Who is Christ? When we’re losing our home To unfair lending practices We look up to the sky and ask Who is Christ? When we get sick and tired Of the gangbangers jackin us We hold up our hands and say Who is Christ? When we’re fed up With arguing and fighting Tired of the horrible storms in our lives That brings heavy winds, rain and flooding And much thunder and lightning We sit still and ask Who is Christ? When we’re locked up in prison For killing that young child Crossing the street If only we hadn’t been drinking And we start thinking About how we’re going to spend The next 8 years Avoiding that man in our cell 41

Who wants more than just a cell mate? It is then we start asking Who is Christ? Christ is the answer To all of your problems Before they even begin He can rescue you from hell Give you eternal salvation If you just let him in Christ came so we might have life And have it more abundantly So let’s think of Christ And include Him in our everyday life He’ll help us fight The good fight of faith As we call on Him redundantly Christ is the reason We have life He is our shelter in the storm He is our husband, our wife So the next time you are tempted To do wrong; don’t do it The next time you feel like ending it Call on Christ The next time you’re called In the middle of the night To participate in a sexual tryst Think of aids, herpes, and other tools of the enemy And call of Christ


You see diseases, jail, and depression Are results of the enemy’s plan for your life They are the consequences Of satisfying our desires and passions They enter our lives very subtly Through a hint, and idea, or a thought But they manifest in a whirlwind As they mesh together To create the perfect demonic storm That’s why Christ has come To save us from all that He is the vehicle we need to survive The rock we stand on in order to thrive The spirit that keeps our joy alive The key holder who opens heaven’s gate When we arrive Christ is the answer to every problem We may run into So speak the name of Christ Over everything you encounter or try And I promise you He will Deliver you if you let Him Call on Jesus and see whether or not I lie The devil wants to take you out Whether what you’re doing is wrong or right So when you’re going through a storm Or prospering from good times I know someone who will save your life When you call on Him And His name is Jesus the Christ. © 2009 Robert T. Sells – all rights reserved


G-2 Growth

G forces of God

The tremendous force of Christian maturity shatters demonic strongholds.

G forces of God are a life style of progressive Christian Living and going about doing the works of Christ. It is forward thinking that takes one into new realms of Christian maturity.

For if Satan can’t kill you, or wear you out, he will surely try to keep you a Christian infant. Which is no threat to his kingdom or strategies against man? We are not talking about being as little children as Jesus exhorted us to be. No, we are referring to not growing or maturing into the ways of God. Living a life caught in a carnal nature time warp. Where you still act, and behave like you did before you met Christ.

G-1 Glory It is giving God Glory and reflecting God’s Glory. The Bible says: Psalms 96:8 Give unto the LORD the glory [due unto] his name: bring an offering, and come into his courts. We give God Glory with our words and our life style. It is with the fruit of our lips we magnify him. Cursing, back biting, gossip, slandering, using God’s name in vain, all these things reflects the world. They are Egyptian in nature. If we will refrain from these practices people will see that we are different and not of this world.

Read this: Hebrews 5:12 For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which [be] the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat.

Having loud parties was of the old nature, so is drinking alcohol and gambling, and causing others to sin. Inducing an atmosphere that makes sinning easy is also corrosive to ones witness. The Christian who engages in these activities’ slows their progression down and loses the momentum of their walk.

Hebrews 5:13 For every one that useth milk [is] unskillful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe. Strong meat is the Christian destination; it is the point of maturity where you are “meet” for the Master use, on a continual bases, Everyday, 24/7. It is responding to the leading of the written word of God and the Spirit promptings. It is doing the "Will" of the Father and not your own!

We must as sons and daughters of God’s Kingdom realm give glory to the Lord in our everyday manner. We must think about it, and give place to the Holy Spirit: first in our human spirit, then in our soul, then to our bodies. Thereupon execute it with courage and singleness of mind. This is the kingdom of God in action!


There is a song “where you go I will follow… no turning back, no turning back”. This following is not to some distant country or state. But it is following the Lord Jesus into increasing areas of responsibly in Christ and behavioral management of one’s soul. This is the growth of God that wins nations and subdues kingdoms. Mature Son’s of God are a threat to the kingdoms of this world!

A person with this type of thinking is very helpful to God and very dangerous to Satan plans and proposes. This man or women is in the flow of God, and in the know. For this is beyond getting people born again, but it is the reproduction of the living God in others, it is putting God stamp on hundreds and spending them forth armed and dangerous.

G-3 Go

Most Churches don’t disciple. They do preach, and sing, and have VBS. Special programs and Sunday school….. But don’t disciple. Why? Because we have not been truly disciple and we as the church have lost the pattern. And the pattern is simple.

Let’s start off with the word: Matthew 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

Take twelve (small group) and pour out your life. (Dying to self) making it your number one priority. (Consecration) DO IT... (Faith without works is DEAD). Be Faithful in it for no reward. Send them out (trusting the SEED of God) Do it again.

Go 1) to lead over, carry over, transfer a) to pursue the journey on which one has entered, to continue on one's journey b) to depart from life c) to follow one, that is: become his adherent 1) to lead or order one's life

These are the G- Forces of God that destroys world systems and impact cities. Pray them over your life and church. Teach them to your child over dinner or on your way to the soccer game. Resists the urge to remain stagnate and dry. Be a G-Force Christian. Glorify, Grow and Go in Jesus name. You can do it. Be brave

This is the blue print for everyday living with God. This is the will of God for all believers, not just the bishop’s, popes, or men with collars. This word “Go” is for all. And it is in fear and tremble we work it out. This command has nothing to do with being full time ministry, for the command is as you “go” live and work, and breath. You lead others over to the Kingdom way of living, As you go you transfer your new way of thinking into the very fabric of your house hold, job, family life, Dying to self daily and following the one true God, Jesus Christ.

Blaine C. Vann



John G. Taylor, MA Clinical/Christian Therapist

Happy Holidays……But is it really?

The Holidays is the time for families, friends, and children to come together and have a blast, eat, exchange gifts, and talk about family stories from the past. The holidays have become such a commercialized time that everyone is expected to buy gifts, bounce around full of cheer, be joyfully and just all about the holidays. This festive spirit has found its way into our churches with churches putting up decorations, having holiday plays resulting in the church becoming a collection of praise and forced happiness. While the lights still flicker and the candy canes are the treat of choice, I want to talk about something that we usually don’t want to bring up around the holidays and that is depression because we know that while the holidays are generally a happy time for many people it’s not so much of “the happy holidays” for some many people in this season suffer from depression; there are two kinds of depression that people deal with in this season. Seasonal depression and the Holiday Blues. 46

Seasonal depression is a depression that occurs each year at the same time, usually starting in fall or winter and ending in spring or early summer. Some of the symptoms for seasonal depression are:

Past losses Unresolved grief Anticipating a significant loss Contrast between then and now

Extreme fatigue

Disappointment about now

Lack of energy Increased need for sleep

Contrast between image of holiday joy and the reality of one’s life

Craving for carbohydrates

Sense of increased isolation and loneliness.

Increased appetite

Now that I’ve given you descriptions of the two types of depression that we see in the season; I want to encourage and challenge you that if you or someone that you know is usually depressed in this season; that you allow this holiday season this year be your season of change, change the way that you see your life, change the mindset you have of well this is just how I am, change from allowing the things on the above list to keep you in the same place year after year. Looking at the list for the common causes of the Holiday blues it’s clear that these things are in your “mind” you are constantly reviewing the tapes over and over again in your mind; tapes of the event, tapes of the person that hurt or left you, tapes of the person that died, tapes of how your lives have changed and tapes of I’m so alone and no one cares. These constant negative rewinds keeps you stuck in the “blues” and they become comfortable and so you just accept that every year I’m going to be in a bad mood, I’m going to remember my loved one that died, I’m going to remember that person that left. I want to strongly challenge you this year to change the tapes that you play in your mind; play I’m more than a conquer through Jesus Christ would

Weight gain The research shows that between 4 and 6 percent of the US population suffers from seasonal depression. Three quarters of the sufferers are women, mostly between their 20’s and 40’s. Children also experience seasonal depression as well as older adults. The second form of depression in this season is the “Holiday Blues” this is something that many people are dealing with but don’t talk about, they usually fake the good holiday spirits, attend all the holiday functions, buy the Christmas gifts, and pretend that all is well with their life. It’s not uncommon to hear from some of the client’s that I have counseled dealing with the Holiday Blues will say “I just don’t like the holidays I just have so many bad memories about the holidays and I don’t like talking about it to my family or friends because I don’t want to be seen as a downer, scrooge, or ungrateful”. Most feel that they have to put up the facade of happiness for their children, relatives, spouses or co-workers because it’s unacceptable to be depressed during the holidays. The common causes for the Holiday blues are: 47

loves me, play I’m the head and not the tail, play God says I’ve come that you might have life and have it more abundantly, play no weapon that is formed against me shall prosper. So as you change the tapes you play so will you change your mind set. I encourage you to integrate your spiritual mindset with a therapeutic one and consult the help of a therapist that embraces your spirituality and therapeutic mind set with equal vigor. Allowing this therapy to help you transform your mind and drop this baggage that you have dragged from year to year.

To contact John Taylor for presentation or workshops:

In conclusion, I’ll say that seasonal depression and holiday blues are seldom talked about it in our families or communities because they seem so contrary to the theme of the holidays but yes it’s very prevalent in our communities. It’s important that the reality of this be respected and not judged but I believe that it’s also important that you be gingerly nudged to perhaps try something new in this season; recognizing that you didn’t start your life having seasonal depression or the holiday blues. So allow yourself with God and a trained therapist trace back to the event that changed things for you and begin the journey to your next level and break free from chains and weights that have held you down year after year…be free…Galatians 5:1 It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm then and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. This is the word of the Lord for you in this season…release your burdens, release your baggage for its weighing you down causing you not to be able to fly/move to the place that he has called you to go…be free….So next time someone says Happy Holidays….is it really? can say Yes it is….

To Purchase


Paulette Harper


with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, 7 in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus” (Ephesians 2:4-7). 2.

The second part of the meaning of grace is just as important as the first. Not only does grace make us accepted into the family of God; it also enables us to live the Christian life. “But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect. No, I worked harder than all of them—yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me” (1 Corinthians 15:10).

The Bible Teacher Grace Introductory Scripture: “With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and MUCH GRACE was with them all” (Acts 4:33).

In salvation, the fullness of God’s grace is at work. Through God’s unmerited favor we receive forgiveness and restored relationship with Him even though we don’t deserve it. But more than that, God’s enabling power is also at work. It is only by God’s grace that we are transformed (Ephesians 3:20), born again (John 3:3, 6) and becomes a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). Grace simply means that God does what cannot do ourselves, so God saved us by His grace. Neither can we live the Christian life in our own strength, so God’s grace gives us ability to do what we cannot do ourselves. Both aspects of God’s grace – His unmerited favor and His enabling power – come to us because we are in Christ. “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ…” (2 Peter 3:18). See also John 1:14, 16-17.

“From Attalia they sailed back to Antioch, where they had been COMMITTED TO THE GRACE OF GOD for the work they had now completed” (Acts 14:26). What Is Grace? The grace of God was very important in the life of the early Christians (Acts 14:26; 15:40). The word “grace” has two meanings. We must understand both aspects in order to experience the fullness of grace in our lives. 1.

Enabling Power

Unmerited Favor

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9 not by works, so that no one can boast. 10 For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do” (Ephesians 2:8-9).

These two parts of grace is available for the believers on a daily basis. ”You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus” (2 Timothy 2:1). See also Romans 5:1-2.

Grace is God’s mercy at work. Even though we were sinners, deserving of judgment, God forgave us and saved us in Christ. “But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, 5 made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved. 6 And God raised us up

1. Forgiveness of Sins. ”For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus” (Romans 3:23-24).


2. Power to Overcome Sin. ”For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. 12 It teaches us to say ‘‘No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age” (Titus 2:11-12).

Grace is so important in God’s plan for our lives because only grace changes the focus of our lives from self to God. If we could save ourselves, the result would be pride and boasting. If we could live the Christian life in our own strength, the result would be the same. “And if by grace, then it is no longer by works; if it were, grace would no longer be grace” (Romans 11:6).

Misunderstanding of Grace If we only understand one of these truths without the other, we can seriously misunderstand God’s grace. ”What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? 2 By no means! We died to sin; how can we live in it any longer?” (Romans 6:1-2).

We experience God’s grace in our lives through humility – a revelation that we cannot save or change ourselves. We can only rely on the wonderful grace of God. But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: ‘‘God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” (James 4:6).

The first misunderstanding of God’s grace is to think that it doesn’t matter if a Christian sins, because God’s grace is always available to bring forgiveness (read Jude 4). But no, forgiveness is only one half of the work of grace. God’s plan is for us to overcome sin through the power of His grace. “For sin shall not be your master, because you are not under law, but under grace” (Romans 6:14). Read also 1 John 2:1-2.

Grace in Action “Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need” (Hebrews 4:6). As we walk with God each day, we constantly meet new trials of our faith (1 Peter 1:6-7). Our response to God is faith, which is believing what God’s word says despite what the circumstances might indicate. God’s response to our faith is His grace. “And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work” (2 Corinthians 9:8).

The second misunderstanding of God’s grace is to think that a Christian cannot sin. John wrote about this clearly: “If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us” (1 John 1:8). See also verse 10. God’s grace works only when we realize our need of God’s help. It is in the midst of our weakness that grace comes to do what we cannot do ourselves (See Romans 8:3-4).

Like Paul, we too can discover the daily outworking of God’s grace in the midst of our weakness and inability.

Missing the Grace of God “See to it that no one misses the grace of God…” (Hebrews 12:15).

But he said to me, ‘‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

As Christians, we have been called to continue in God’s grace (Acts 13:43). We can miss the grace of God through:

Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.

Self-effort (Galatians 2:21; 5:4) Self-gratification (Galatians 5:13; Romans 13:14)

10 That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, 51

in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

The FBI has called it “The fastest growing crime in America.” Close to 10 million Americans every year are victimized by it and the costs are estimated at 50 billion dollars annually. Many criminals get off easy while the victims spend years working to restore their damaged credit reports and reputations. Worse yet, there seems to be no end in sight.

(2 Corinthians 12:9-10)

G.R.A.C.E is God’s Redemption at Christ’s Expense

Identity theft can be broken down into two distinct categories.

My Commitment Lord, I declare that I am saved because of your grace. I also believe that your grace will give me the enablement to live in righteousness and holiness. I recognize my limitations and know that I cannot do anything apart from you. I commit to you my weaknesses for your power is made perfect in my weakness, for when I am weak, then I am strong. Amen.

1. Basic Identity Theft 2. Credit Hijacking By definition “Basic Identity Theft” is when the perpetrator steals your identity and then uses it to obtain NEW credit accounts for their personal gain. “Credit Hijacking” falls under a criminal stealing your identity in order to access and use your EXISTING credit accounts. Each type of fraud is different and therefore so is your plan of defense.

Pastor Cynthia Togle Philippines

BASIC ID THEFT DEFENSE: The best proactive defense against basic identity theft is through the placing of an “Initial Fraud Alert” on all three of your credit reports. This “Initial Fraud Alert” accomplishes three important factors: 1. Your name and personal information can no longer be sold by the credit bureaus to ANY third parties for any marketing purpose (i.e. credit card offers, loan solicitations or credit pre screenings). 2. No one can be approved for credit with your personal information until the creditor personally calls you at the telephone number you list on your consumer credit report. 3. Requesting this initial fraud alert entitles you to a free copy of all three of your credit reports (one copy from each of the three major credit reporting

Debt FREE Living Principles

Make Yourself Virtually Identity Theft PROOF in 60 Minutes or Less “A prudent man sees danger and takes refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it.” Proverbs 22:3 (NIV)


agencies). Please be advised that this is an “Initial Fraud Alert” which lasts only 90 days. To extend the fraud alert and obtain the above mentioned benefits for 7 years you will need to write to each credit bureau at the address provided within your initial fraud alert confirmation letter (Note: It is likely credit bureaus will make the extended alert harder to obtain as a great deal of their revenue comes from the third party rental and sale your information).

from online merchants and the charges will be approved. The only real defense against credit hijacking is to establish a personal security code with all your bank accounts and credit cards. This is a form of security which goes beyond your SSN, Zip Code, Date of Birth or Mother’s Maiden Name to give you a whole new tier of personal security. This is a unique number or group of letters and numbers which you create and give to every credit card provider you have. For example, the number could be as simple as “JACOB2801” which is a combination of your best friend’s child and the numerical address of the home you lived in growing up. By establishing this auxiliary pass code with all your credit card providers no one will be granted access to your accounts without providing it to them. Since you are the only one who knows it and it is non public it is truly secure. I have yet to find a credit card company which will not allow you to create such a pass code and added layer of security.

CREDIT HIJACKING DEFENSE: Most online merchants now utilize a security feature known as “Address Verification Service” or “AVS”. AVS is a security feature for online merchants allowing them to only authorize credit card transactions for merchandise to be shipped to the same address which appears on the consumer’s credit card billing statement. If the address does not match that of the credit card billing statement the transaction will automatically be declined. In other words, if someone gets your credit card number, expirations date and CVV code (the three digit code on the back of the card) the only way a transaction can be authorized online is if the merchandise is shipped to the SAME address that your credit card billing statement is currently sent to.

Summary So now with the initial fraud alert established on your credit reports (and later extended) as well as the personal security code set up with all your bank and credit card accounts, you are virtually identity theft proof in under 60 minutes for free. Sure, someone can always “steal” your identity but the real joke will be on them. If they try to open a new credit account anywhere in the country the creditor is going to have to call YOU at the phone number listed on your report in before it can be approved and its GAME OVER. If they try to hijack your credit by changing the address on your credit accounts they will be asked for not only the last four digits of your SSN and mother maiden name,

This is what makes credit hijacking so dangerous. When a criminal hijacks your credit they call up the banks (posing as you) and change your address on your credit cards with your personal information as if you were moving. They then proceed to order thousands of dollars in merchandise (online or over the phone) to be shipped to the “new” address. Because they changed “your address” on your credit cards they will bypass the AVS security


but also your personal security code which they will NOT know and again it’s, GAME OVER.

the good people right along with the bad? What if there are fifty decent people left in the city; will you lump the good with the bad and get rid of the lot? Wouldn't you spare the city for the sake of those fifty innocents? I can't believe you'd do that, kill off the good and the bad alike as if there were no difference between them. Doesn't the Judge of all the Earth judge with justice?" 26 GOD said, "If I find fifty decent people in the city of Sodom, I'll spare the place just for them." (Genesis 18:23-25, The Message Bible)

Go to ard014 if you want other Credit Secrets. If you would like our 10 Extra "Financial" Identity Protection Tips eBook send us an email at and we will send it to you via email.


Until I read Genesis 18:16-33, I could not even imagine that we ever had (and still possess) the ability to negotiate with God. In this chapter of Genesis, there is an awesome conversation going on between God’s messengers and Abraham. The messengers tell Abraham about two cities that the Lord declared whose “sins is very grievous; I will go down” (Genesis 18:2021). These two cities were Sodom and Gomorrah, they were so sinful and wicked that God took notice of it and decided that they should be destroyed.

Flora M. Kynard, Senior Personal Financial Trainer Prosperity Renewal Ministries P. S. You can go to html if you would like 10 days of financial tips delivered to your Inbox!

Abraham and his nephew Lot were very wealthy. They both owned large quantities of land and cattle such that one city could not contain them both. The over-crowding and the constant need for a larger space caused separation and strife between the herdsmen of Abraham and Lot (Genesis 13:5-7). So, Lot chose to move to the city of Sodom and Abraham remained in Canaan. When the families separated, Lot went into Sodom; “Abram dwelled in the land of Canaan, and Lot dwelled in the cities of the plain, and pitched his tent toward Sodom. But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the Lord exceedingly” (Genesis 13:12-13).

D.I.V.A.S (Divinely Inspired Visionaries Anointed Servants)



Abraham confronted him, "Are you serious? Are you planning on getting rid of 54

What do you do when your loved one has chosen to live in a wicked place? Knowing that their promised inheritance is coming through you (Genesis 18: 18), but they are out of position to receive it. What if the place they have chosen is the very place that God has chosen to send judgment? “Then the Lord rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven” (Genesis 19:24). You have to negotiate.

need to go to God in prayer and supplication on their behalf. He will hear and honor the supplication of the righteous: “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much”(James 5:16b, KJV). This means our prayers are obtainable and God is qualified and willing to grant our requests. We can even ask God to extend our lives when we serve Him and do His will. Hezekiah received a death notice from God through the Prophet Isaiah “In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death. And Isaiah the prophet the son of Amoz came unto him, and said unto him, Thus saith the Lord, set thine house in order: for thou shalt die, and not live” (Isaiah 38:1, KJV). Hezekiah petitioned God and reminded him of how he served him with a perfect heart and the good, which he did in His sight, and God added fifteen years to his life and delivered the city from Assyria, (Isaiah 38:5-6).

To NEGOTIATE means to confer with another or others in order to come to terms or reach an agreement, to arrange or settle by discussion and mutual agreement. When Abraham heard the plan of the angels to destroy the city of Sodom, he began the process of negotiation. He deliberated with God about his intentions to destroy the two cities and its entire people – righteous and the wicked together; “And Abram drew near, and said, Wilt thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked?” (Genesis 18:23). So he petitioned God and asked him, if you find fifty righteous within the city: would you spare the city and God said, “Yes” (Genesis 18:24). Then Abraham – knowing he was unworthy –continued to question God and asked if he would spare forty-five righteous. He eventually narrowed it down to ten. Each time God said yes.

Although there was a “yes” for Abraham and Hezekiah, there are times when God finds it necessary to say NO. When Jesus was in the garden of Gethsemane he negotiated with his Father three times to let the cup of his sacrificing-death pass, (Matthew 26:39, 42, 44). But His Father did not respond to Jesus with a yes. Jesus in his humanity wanted to live, but the Father sent him to earth to die for the sins of the world, pass, present, and future.

When God knows the heart of his children he gives us mercy. That is why I like what David said in Psalm 23:6 “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life…” Mercy is what Abraham wanted, especially for his nephew Lot. We know many family members, friends, neighbors and co-workers that are good people, but they are not saved people. They are committed to serving and doing good for mankind but they are not willing to serve and submit to God. As believers we

Many times God’s purpose for our lives will determine whether His plan calls for a “yes” or a “no”. We may want a “yes”, but God’s design or plan for the kingdom will supersede our own. Therefore we will have to surrender to God’s will and say “nevertheless, not my will but your will be done”.


Now the question is, what kind of relationship do you have with God? Can you negotiate with Him on behalf of yourself and others? What service have you rendered to the Kingdom of God so that He will be moved to add fifteen years to your life?

DIVINE INSPIRATIONS MAGAZINE 233 Hirst Ave Lansdowne, PA 19050 Phone: 484-429-5080 Website:

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” (Matthew 6:33, KJV)


Don’t let your family go to HELL: negotiate with the Father!

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