April 2010 Divine Inspirations Magazine

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Divine Inspirations


Magazine April 2010

Vol. 3 Iss. 4


Ann Thomas Owner & Founder of

Mind, Body, And,

Soul Productions Divine Inspirations Magazine 1 | P a g e

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He Is Risen !


Inside Every Issue

Feature Article:

The Destiny Challenge/13

Ann Thomas

Living the “E” Life/16

Mind, Body, and Soul Production Pg.5

The Reality Corner/20 A Word in Season/27 D.I.V.A.S/31 The Bible Teacher/34 Health & Nutrition/40

Poetry Café Silent Tears/8 Jesus from A-Z/10 Woman Why Do You Weep?/8

My Heart Trusts/10

Don’t Depise the Chastise/11

Going Out of the World Backwards/12

What kind of home did you build?/22

A Vision Bright/15

Stop Believing the “Never” Lies/26

Leave it all behind/18

The Walk of Faith/32

Holy is He/30

Humbled in Ministry/38

Rose Petals/34

Call on the Lord/42 The Very First Word/44 Compassion the Key to Power & Authority/47

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Publisher Editor in Chief Qualita Pendergrass Creative Arts Director, Robert T.Sells

Feature Writers Apostle Lee Ann Marino, Min.B.Michelle, Michelle Pumphrey, Sophia Avery MA, Dr. Cynthia Togle Ph.D John G. Taylor MA, Stylicia Bowden, Mandy Woodhouse, Bishop Steven Liberty, Evg. Debra Savage, Cheryl Shumake, Robert Sells, Elder Mae Davis, Min Jaketha Farmer, Lynn Mosher, Robert T.Sells

Feature Artists Bridgette Whitney, Cheryl Thomas. Khadine Beckford, Joe Bruenig, Judith Mosley Tony Rowsey, Pastor Marci Bryant, Cynthia Boyer

Health and Nutrition Columnists Kaysha Reid, Ain-Kamilah Wilson

Divine Inspirations Magazine 233 Hirst ave Lansdowne Pa 19050 484-429-5080 http://www.divineinspirationsmagazine.org Divineinspirationsmagazine@gmail.com

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Ann Thomas Owner & Founder of Mind Body and Soul Productions

The apples didn’t fall far from the tree as Ann and her younger sister Constance regularly participated in talent shows and contests. Singing, dancing, rapping, and acting – you name it, they did it all. At one point, Ann asked her Dad for singing lessons to enhance the talent she naturally received from him. Her dad, being familiar with the cut-throat side of the industry refused her request. Still wanting to become famous, Ann embarked upon a rapping career. She and a girlfriend were pretty good and quickly became known as Double D’Lite. They had many moments in the spotlight as the opening act for well-known artists such as Doug E Fresh. When Ann was 17, a producer approached Double D’Lite with a promise of a record deal. However, Ann’s father, being in the industry himself was leery of the offer and would not give the consent needed because she was a minor. At the time, Ann was upset with her father’s decision. However, today is very grateful for her father’s wisdom. She clearly was not emotionally and mentally ready for that type of exposure, if in fact the offer was legitimate.

Gifted, authentic, transparent, and loyal are some of the characteristics used to describe Ann by those who come in contact with her. From actors and actresses, co-workers, women who sit under her teaching, to her closest friends and family - - Ann is loved by many and she genuinely loves people. Everything she puts her hands to is about blessing, inspiring, and encouraging others.

Writing a rap was similar to writing poetry and songs, so Ann continued down that path, as she loved to write. She wrote her first book when she was eight years old. She remembers using staples and scotch tape to keep the pages together and the excitement she felt when reading it to her mom and sister. Over the years, several of Ann’s poetry has been published. English is her favorite subject and unlike most people, Ann enjoys writing a five page essay. Writing is in her blood.

Born on the beautiful island of Antigua, Ann was no stranger to the entertainment industry. For as long as she could remember, her father was a well-known and respected singer. Their family moved to New York when she was eight, and her father continued his singing career. Divine Inspirations Magazine 5 | P a g e

As the years went by, Ann’s sister established a Dance Production Company of which Ann would participate in special productions by writing or narrating different pieces. Ann continued to

inspire others using her unique gifts of communication. She has spoken at various women conferences and other events geared toward uplifting and encouraging. Ann was often asked by others if she ever thought of writing a stage play or a book. At the time, she rejected the idea of a stage play, but was always hopeful of writing a book. In December 2007, a few days before New Year’s Day, Ann was up late looking for something to watch on TV. She remembered a couple of DVD’s they rented from Blockbuster earlier in the day. She grabbed the bag, took out a DVD and popped it into the player. To her surprise it wasn’t a movie. It was a stage play. Not in the mood for a stage play, she ejected the DVD. She thought for a moment and popped it back in the player. That night, Ann was blown away by the production. She laughed, cried, and laughed again and was moved by the overall message of the play. When it was over, Ann thought to herself, “I can do that. I can write something that inspires, promotes life-changing thoughts, and is funny.” The next morning she grabbed her laptop and told her cousin she was writing a play. Two days later, she had written the first half of the play. Two weeks later the play was completed. On a mission, Ann set up her production company, Mind Body and Soul Productions, arranged an audition location and used different medians to spread the word. She held two auditions and was fully casted after the second. She is Not Who I Thought, She is My Mother – the play that would be released the weekend of Mother’s day was well on the way. Almost 20 very talented actors and actresses dedicated their time, talents and efforts for four months – pro bono. These actors and actresses were not just sold by the stage play and the messages Divine Inspirations Magazine 6 | P a g e

conveyed, they were sold out for the vision of Mind Body and Soul Productions. The way everything fell so quickly into place is a testament of God’s faithfulness. When he gives a vision, he provides everything needed. Tampa, Florida (where Ann now resides) is yet to be on the map for producing stage plays and other venues of entertainment that New York, Atlanta, and other cities are known for. There is SO much talent in the Tampa Bay area and Ann was overwhelmed by the number of actors and actresses that simply wanted to use their skills. Although the play was not advertised as a Gospel Play, the messages conveyed were deeply rooted in God and tugged at the audience’s hearts causing personal reflection and life-changing decisions. The first show was a huge success and well received. Three months later, the cast did an Encore performance that was well attended by both first and second time viewers. Ann wrote, directed, and produced the stage play and now had a following of people (cast and audience) who were looking for the next performance. Producing stage plays require lots of money and Mind Body and Soul Productions did not have an established budget to produce stage plays as often as Ann wanted to or as the public demanded. Finding sponsors is not easy because this industry is still fairly new to the Tampa Bay Area; people are not yet sold on the great value this type of positive entertainment brings to the community. Not allowing the budgetary needs to squelch her ability to write, Ann wrote several small vignettes including, “How Much is Too Much” and “A Christmas to Remember.” Then, Ann was contacted by a broadcasting company in California about filming a sitcom. Though it was going to be a major feat, Ann assembled a

talented cast (most from previous productions), co-directors, and a camera man. And again, everyone – pro-bono, bought into the vision and filmed straight for about 6 months. However, due to finances and other needed resources, they had to stop filming. However, they were able to edit and produce 11 episodes, release them on the Internet and entertained hundreds of viewers each week as they tuned in for more. Ann’s home literally turned into a studio as they filmed each episode on some days from sun up to sun down. It was a great learning experience and lots of fun. In December 2009, Ann wrote and co-directed a Christmas Production called “The Breaking Point” at her local church. This was Ann’s biggest challenge yet. She accepted the call to write, cast, and direct a cast of 30 people within 2 months. Typical stage plays take anywhere from 3-6 moths to be done with excellence. This was not your typical Christmas story. It was very edgy, real, and thought-provoking with the end goal of winning souls for Christ. Right before the production ended, the lead pastor extended an altar call for people to get saved. The entire production was a set up for this moment. Everyone involved, from the directors, cast, to the support crews faced a tremendous amount of opposition during the two-month period. There were three performances scheduled over the course of a weekend, and the reason for Satan’s anger became evident after the first performance. Over 20 people gave their life to Christ in the first performance with an attendance of almost 500. By the end of the weekend, with almost 1800 people in attendance, over 125 people accepted Christ. What a victory for the Kingdom! The sacrifices on behalf of all involved were worth it.

Ann is an active member of Grace World Outreach Church, under the leadership of Pastors David and Nellie Garcia. When asked about Ann, Pastor Nellie shared the following: “My husband and I are highly honored to address Ann as our spiritual daughter in the Lord. We observe many Godly characteristics in her as found in Proverbs 31. As the daughter of the KING, her intimacy with Jesus is evident to everyone in her walk and talk. She is a gifted speaker and prayer warrior, a woman of excellence with a teachable and humble spirit, and a friend to all. She honors her husband with great love and respect, and as a mother to her sons, her children rise up and call her blessed (Proverbs 31). Ann loves and serves her family above all. She strives to be a God-fearing wife to Henry, her soul mate, and a loving mother and Godly example to their sons, Anthony and Jonathan. They ARE her most important ministry. In addition to her immediate family, Ann also receives a tremendous amount of support from her parents, family members, close friends, and church family. Unsure of what 2010 holds for stage plays, Ann is currently writing that long awaited book. This book isn’t just any book, it focuses on helping women understand and embrace their rightful place in the kingdom as daughters of the most high king. It was birth out of Ann’s personal struggles and victories in Christ over the last 4 years. Ann is convinced that her latter will be greater than her past and the best is yet to come! Through Christ we can do ALL things. Philippians 4:13. To learn more about the production company or to view the sitcom episodes, visit

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www.mindbodyandsoulproductions.com . To schedule Ann to speak at your upcoming event and to hear excerpts from previous teachings, visit: www.annthomasministry.com.

Women’s Devotional

Poem: Silent Tears

To willingly lay down one's life for the redemption of all others is an immeasurable sacrifice. More painful than His Suffering were the silent tears that stained the Savior's cheeks in memoriam of those who rejected Him.

Woman, Why Do You Weep? By Lynn Mosher In the chilly dampness of the early morning hours, the woman groped her way through the dark city streets of Jerusalem. Carrying only a small oil lamp to light her way, Mary Magdalene was joined by Joanna, Salome, and Mary, the mother of James. They left the city, wending their way to the dewmoistened garden where Jesus had been buried. The first glints of sunlight peeked over the horizon. Dressed in their mourning apparel and blurry-eyed from their tears of grief, they entered the garden of the tomb, carrying the spices to anoint Jesus‘ body. As they approached the tomb, the ground began to shake violently as an angel appeared and rolled back the large stone covering the tomb‘s entrance. The angel said, ―Do not be afraid; Jesus is not here. He is risen! Go and tell the others.‖

Joseph J. Breunig 3rd Author, Reaching Towards His Unbounded Glory http://www.squidoo.com/book-isbn-1419650513/

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Terrified, Mary Magdalene ran to get Peter and John and returned with them to the tomb. With their hearts pounding in fear and lungs struggling for air, the men entered,

frantically surveying the surroundings until their eyes came to rest on the stone slab, where only the death cloths laid. Seeing that the body of Jesus was not there, the disciples rushed back to tell the others. While the other women waited outside the tomb, Mary Magdalene stooped down to look inside. With tears streaming down her cheeks, she turned to leave and encountered a man, who asked, ―Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you seeking?‖ Assuming him to be the gardener, ―‗Sir,‘ she said, ‗if you have taken Him away, tell me where you have put Him, and I will go and get Him.‘‖ (John 20:15 NLT) ―Mary!‖ He whispered compassionately. Recognizing a familiar voice, she gasped, ―Rabboni!‖ and fell at His feet in worship. I have been a Mary Magdalene. . .a follower of the Lord yet not being able to find Him. I wandered around for relentless hours, with stinging tears spilling down my cheeks, weeping in pain, sorrow, and loss. I searched the tomb of the world and found it emptied of dreams, hopes, and purposes. My restoration came when I realized my Saviour had stood beside me all along, compassionately whispering my name. When I heard Him, I fell at His feet in worship. Have you ever been a Mary Magdalene? Do you weep over loss of dreams, hopes, or purposes? Pain, sorrow, or circumstance? Do you stand at the tomb, wearing the grave clothes of mourning, wondering where Jesus is?

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Just as Mary Magdalene met Christ in an unexpected way, so your Easter experience comes to you in your hour of despair. He will be there beside you to comfort you, compassionately whispering your name and asking, ―Why do you weep? Whom do you seek?‖ Jesus always brings you hope of resurrection as on that first Easter morn. He comes to lift you up, to wipe away your tears, to release you from your pain, to remove your grave clothes of fear and depression. Jesus says to you, ―Do not wear the graveclothes stained with the tears of grief. Come into My garden of beauty and I will give you the robe of Easter‘s resurrection gladness. Take My Hand and let Me lead you along the path to life everlasting. I gave My life that you might live eternally with Me.‖ He says, ―I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?" (John 11:25-26 NKJV) Do you believe this? Then, weep no more! Fall at His feet and worship Him! May you know the power of Christ‘s Resurrection Life in a deeper way this Easter season. ~~Blessings, Lynn~~


BRIDGETTE WHITNEY All Rights Reserved 051409

My Heart Trusts My heart doth safely trust in God for He sends both His staff and rod. When on stony paths I tread and rocks are where I lay my head. Even when mountains seem too high and in the valleys tears I cry, I accept His staff and rod as coming from a loving God, Who prepares me for the day when He will call my soul away to where I won’t need staff or rod, or stony path, or rocky rest, or mountain high, or valley low.

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Oh heart forever bring to mind that earthly pursuits must be left behind, but what thy God holds for thee will last throughout eternity. Judith M. Mosley Copyright 2008 Bless the Lord oh my soul, because thy God is in control


Don't Despise the Chastise!

By Michelle Pumphrey

For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as his sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not? But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons. Hebrews 12:6-8 You know saints of God we seem to enjoy all the blessings that God has bestowed upon us as believers on a daily basis, we love the breath that he blows Divine Inspirations Magazine 11 | P a g e

into our bodies each day, we enjoy our eyes to see, legs to walk. We enjoy his daily provisions, (food, clothing, shelter) we give him praise for his protection, keeping us from dangers seen and unseen. Yes we have no problem boasting in the wonderful things that the Father does for us. But I've notice that we are not joyful when we need a spanking from our Daddy, we tend to go silent, we go into hiding, and you can barely get a thank you Lord out of our mouths. No talk of his goodness, most of us go in a corner and hide or just totally disappear from the house of God, and from the other saints. Some have the audacity to get angry with God. If we can have the faith to trust God's decision for our lives, then why can't we trust that his correction is for our good? Yes it can be painful and yes it does hurt sometimes. Just think about it like this, when you want to get your body in tip top shape, you go to a Gym to work out, at first your body gets real sore, and sometimes it hurts so bad that you can barely walk. Am I right about it? But as you continue to exercise those muscles it hurts less and less, until it becomes a part of your everyday life, and then you can do it effortless. Well it the same as chastisement when we need correction. We are to learn from it. We will continue to follow the instructions of our Father, As we continue to learn from our mistakes, we will begin to grow and our

life in Christ can be walked out with ease, not as a daily struggle, God is our Father, if He is good enough for us to have our hand out to receive from Him, then He should be good enough to pull that strap out when we are out of order, Amen. Our daily regimen is to take that word of God and apply it to our lives, to obey His do’s and don’ts. In the 9th verse of Hebrews, it say’s: Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live. We as sons and daughters of the most high should feel very special that we have a heavenly Father that loves us so much that he would take the time to come see about us personally. To come and put a stop to our wrong doings, thinking and even some of our rebellious behavior. Let’s take a pause right now and give him Praise! I don't care if you are right in the middle of your behind whipping (smile) Give him the Glory! People of God, let's accept all of God and not some of who He is, Let's love Him totally, for His love for us, the good love and the hard love, it's all for our growth. If we want to be whole, then we must accept our Father in Whole amen!

Going out of the world backwards Going out of the world backwards, going to hell in a hand basket. The wages of sin is death, and we're daily sealing our casket. We're letting everything go, in order to be politically correct. We're afraid to call homosexuality an abomination, their rights we try to protect. While taking God out of everything, Christian rights we totally reject. But the Father is not pleased, with this show of disrespect. And His Wrath is soon to come, because of this neglect. We're got to do as the Bible says, cry loud and spare not. Hold up a standard for Righteous, and put sin on the spot. Shining a Light toward Heaven and away from a hell so hot. Not condoning evil communication, and leaving souls to rot. Lining up with the Word, preaching against the evils of sin. Standing on Biblical Principals, no matter who it's in. Got to tell it like it is, even if it's family or a dear friend.

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The Father saw us in our mess, and sent Jesus into the fray.

Living as God Commanded, and seeking the spiritually dead.

But He's not offering a Burger King Salvation, we can't have it our way.

To God Goes The Glory. Copyrighted 03/26/2010

We have to follow God's Commandments, and do just as it say. We've got to stop preaching to itching ears, stop taking down. Standing on the Foundation laid by Jesus, upon solid ground. We can't let the world dictate, how we live and what we do.

Tony Rowsey

We've got to live righteously, regardless of the worlds view. We've got to stop going out of the world backwards, turn and look ahead.

Embracing the Culture of Destiny What if the entire course of our lives could you to list the life events you would change By Minister Jaketha Farmer be linked to one or two past decisions? In if you could, I am pretty sure that there other words, what if the overall outcome of would be a handful of past decisions and/or our lives could be broken down into a few circumstances that you might wish to alter. major “forks in the road�? For some of you, this might sound outlandish; while for others, there is likely some hesitance in So yes, a couple of life events can believing that life can be narrowed down in ultimately change the entire course of our such a minuscule way. Yet if I were to ask lives. Besides our own decisions, many Divine Inspirations Magazine 13 | P a g e

times the decisions of others or life’s circumstances that are beyond our control have an effect on us. Whatever the case may be, our current life’s stance has a lot to do with past experiences, which affected how we presently live and the way we will go in the future. Culture is associated with the actions, behaviors, and beliefs of a particular social group or organization. Therefore, one’s culture determines his or her destiny.

Over four centuries ago, Benjamin Franklin made a profound statement. He said “Some people die at 25 but aren’t buried until 75.” That was about 300 years ago and those words still ring true. Today, this same mentality (or culture) is still evidence in the lives of many, especially faith-filled believers. The mentality that I am referencing is the lifestyle called “I’m just trying to get by” or “I’m just trying to make it.” This kind of “stinking thinking” has robbed many Christians of their ability to identify and passionately work toward accomplishing their God-given destiny. In other words, our thoughts, actions and beliefs together shape the substance of where we are in life. Our cultural beliefs and actions determine if we make it on the “path to destiny” or not.

Let’s go back to the fork in the road. Looking to the left, you might see say a freeway whereas looking to the right resembles a foot path or perhaps a bike trail. Wouldn’t you say those two paths are quite different? Yet based on the sight value” of both roads, you would most likely take the well-traveled way as opposed to some muddy foot trail. Divine Inspirations Magazine 14 | P a g e

Of course, a sensible person would choose the path with the easiest access, the most traffic, the safest driving conditions and the like. And who wouldn’t choose such a road? I mean it clearly has marked highway signs which indicate exactly where you are and where you are headed. So, the road on the left would be the more comfortable road to take. However, destiny lies outside of our comfort zone. So taking the easy road will not lead to destiny unless you detour to the wilderness. What do I mean?

The road on the left is usually an end result of traveling the “path” on the right. Trying to start on the road to the left is the equivalent of taking a spiritual shortcut. Many travel on the road on the left because many expect things to “just happen” for them with little or no effort on their part. Yet, those on the right “path” understand that destiny requires active participation.

The “path” on the right has a “Man vs. Wild” feel to it; therefore, it requires learning and allowing God to correct things about how we think, act and believe along with changing how we see ourselves, how we see and interact with our environment and so much more. The “path” on the right has no traditional “road signs” indicating upcoming exits. All you have is your faith in God to see you through. You are also required to gain the necessary wisdom as well as apply what you have learned toward becoming all that God intended for you. But you have to turn right to experience all of this.

Furthermore, those on the “path to destiny” usually develop much stronger faith-filled

lives. They are better able to take calculated risks and accomplish more in the lives because they are not fooled by the mirage of the freeway.

The road on the left is the short-cut (or the world’s cultural view) of destiny and the road on the left is God’s view, which requires a lot more learning and application on our part. Of course, that explains why you will surely see far more people going left then right.

By worldly standards, destiny is associated with fortune or luck. In other words, many believe that their lives are a result of a “luck draw” or because the “stars were in alignment.” Yet, God’s view of destiny for A

In Romans 8:28-29, the Bible states: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, and who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.” (NIV) As Christians, we are all called according to His purpose and His purpose includes an individualized destiny for each of us. Ask yourself: “Do I love God enough to take the right path and heed His call for my life?”

This Month’s Challenge It’s time for a “life audit”. If you are not heeding God’s call for your life, then get a sheet of page and identify both your heart’s desires and your strengths. Then spend Divine Inspirations Magazine 15 | P a g e

time prayerfully asking God how you can reach your more abundant life with what you already have.

MIN. JAKETHA FARMER is the Founding Pastor of “40 Days of Change Online” – home to the popular “40-Day (Destiny) Challenge”. She is also the Founder, Producer & Host of GOT ISH-OOS? Visit her online at http://www.jaketha.com/ or email her at divine@jaketha.com.



walls. Not only did he give Nehemiah leave, he sent him with a military escort. Nehemiah prayerfully planned then began the work of rebuilding Jerusalem’s walls. Unlike today, strong walls were an important part of a city’s defense system back then. Kings made sure to fortify the city by building walls and watchtowers. After captivity, Nehemiah focused heavily on this task, realizing that his beloved Jerusalem remained vulnerable to destruction until the task was completed.

Living the “E” Life Sometimes You Just Gotta Fight For It!

Cheryl C. Shumake The Persian Emperor, Artaxerxes I Longimanus, allowed the Jews to return to their land to rebuild Jerusalem. At that time, Nehemiah occupied a prominent position as a trusted cupbearer in the emperor’s court. In the emperor’s 20th year he noticed Nehemiah’s deep concern for his people and allowed Nehemiah to go to Jerusalem to rebuild its Divine Inspirations Magazine 16 | P a g e

When Jerusalem’s enemies, Sanballat and Tobiah, heard that the wall was being rebuilt, understanding the significance, they became angry. Once we begin to fortify ourselves in the Lord, the enemy becomes agitated and works against our efforts. Or we self-sabotage. First, Sanballat and Tobiah tried to mock the Israelites: “What are these feeble, pathetic people trying to do?” Modern translation: “Who do you think you are? Pathetic ‘know nothing’ that’s who you are!” (No, I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus!) When mocking did not deter the Israelites, the next weapon used was doubt: “Will they revive stones from heaps of rubbish? Will they rebuild with stones that have been burned up?” Modern day translation, “You’re not smart enough to accomplish this.” “There’s been too much damage done to your marriage, you cannot rebuild it from the rubbish left!” “You will never recover from this financial loss.” “Your son is too far-gone!” (No, Thanks be to God who always causes me to triumph in Christ Jesus!) Nehemiah’s response to these attacks was to pray and stick to the task. The walls were being rebuilt and the gaps were closing.

Sanballat was so angry that his tactics were not working he called for reinforcements from the Ammonites and the Ashdodites. They decided to attack Jerusalem before the wall was completed. Nehemiah prayed, set a watch against them, and continued. In other words, he gave it over to God, sought God for strategy to keep the enemy at bay, and continued right on doing what God told him to do. But the enemies were persistent and eventually that persistence paid off. The Israelites became immobilized by fear and discouragement, “From whatever place you turn they will be upon us.” That is the enemy’s method of operation. Persistent bombardment until we are overwhelmed, fearful and discouraged. Feeling overwhelmed is a sure pathway to depression. Discouragement causes us to lose focus, joy, hope, and faith in God. Fear will cause us to make poor, emotionally-based decisions, keep us from walking in love, and help us become controlling and unyielding. Being overwhelmed, discouraged or fearful are luxuries we cannot afford.

The plan was working. The re-building of the wall was in jeopardy because Israel was doubtful, discouraged and distracted. Nehemiah had to take action quick. So often we receive a word or promise from the Lord then sit on our laurels, waiting until the promise comes to pass. We forget that not every promise of God is unconditional. Sometimes you have to fight for it. God had laid in Nehemiah’s heart to protect Jerusalem. Nehemiah had been given great favor to complete the will of the Lord but Israel’s enemies were not just going to lie down and cooperate. Israel was going to have to fight! Nehemiah placed armed men on the lower Divine Inspirations Magazine 17 | P a g e

parts of the wall and in the openings. Then he encouraged everyone to abandon fear, remember the Lord, and prepare to fight. When their enemies heard that none of their plotting produced the desired effect, they left and building resumed. See the pattern here? Submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you! Yes, we are besieged at every turn but we serve an awesome, warring God! Our children, marriages, churches, brothers and sisters are being assaulted but we seek the Lord for the strategy, arm ourselves, remain at the ready, trust the Lord, and stay on task.

How do we arm ourselves? Certainly, we have Ephesians 6 as a jump point. We know to pray and worship the Lord. And of course, we put the Word of God on the situations that passes through our lives. But 1st Peter 4 begins with the admonition to “likewise, arm yourselves with the same mind” In order to fight the good fight, to endure until the end, to continue successfully, we must take on the same mind set as Christ. We humble ourselves, adopt a servant’s attitude and get stripped of our “No” and “I cannot”. Let this mind be in each of us that was in Christ Jesus: He humbled himself and became obedient even to death. And in the end is the resurrected King of Glory. This is part and parcel of our emancipation, E-Lifers. We must be transformed by the renewing of our minds because right thinking produces right actions. Our actions are the fruit of our deepest thoughts. Our hearts, our minds, wills and emotions must be firmly fixed to serve the Lord, no matter what. There is too much at stake. Let us no longer be afraid of “them” (whatever your ‘them’ may be: people, failure, ridicule, rejection, lack of security). Let us remember our Great and Awesome God who has made His

habitation within our hearts. Who is our shield and buckler and whose Glory is our rearguard. Let us lift high the Lord our Banner and fight for our sons, daughters, husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, communities, ministries, future. Draw the line in the sand and fight to live!

Leave it all behind 12 March 2010 Enough uncertainty! Other peoples long to have beauty for ashes And I am forever safe under Your wings. I must fight the doubt and lying fears And learn to trust You at last. So much more is waiting for me If I would just follow the joyful war-cry of my heart If I just leave it all behind… If I let go and leave this comfort, will I soar? Can my wings even stretch so far To break the chains of material things Shaking flesh and sweaty brow and heaving heart …I cannot miss this door to freedom. Take the leap and don't look back If I would just follow the joyful war-cry of my heart And just leave it all behind… Divine Inspirations Magazine 18 | P a g e

I shall not stumble, I will not fail, I cannot fall When the Voice beckons me jump into the unknown. I close my eyes; breathe in deep the melody of Him The Voice that resounds Liberty And I know that THIS is real, true life. Following the joyful war-cry of my heart, Everything else is ordinary refuse… Compared to leaving it all behind.

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The Reality Corner

John G. Taylor, MA Clinical/Christian Therapist

So who does it hurt? Abortion let’s have a conversation…….

This has been and will probably always be a huge debate in the world, our communities and our churches. Abortion is something that many people have opinions about but really don’t want to give voice to. Of course we have some people that are Pro-life that are very vocal they parade signs and pictures of aborted fetuses down our streets, they stand in front of planned parenthood sights and scream at women as they come and leave the centers. We have people that are Pro Choice that stand and shout this from the steps of congress and at rallies throughout the cities in our countries. We have our politics that are tied into the Pro-Life/Pro-Choice debate so much so that it recently could have diverted the Health Care Reform Bill that has been in debate for the last year. So have you pondered where you stand on this subject? Have you given voice in your community or have you whispered about it in the hair salons, barber shops, church pews or from your pulpit. Do you know someone that had an abortion and what was your response to them, did you began to tell them that they are committing murder or did you console them as they recounted the trauma from the procedure. I’m aware that this may be a sensitive subject but I believe that we as Christians have to get out and talk about the Abortions that are happening in our world, community and church.

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So who does Abortion hurt? Recently I read an article that stated that the high number of Abortions in Georgia among African American females was causing the African American race to become extinct. In Georgia black women account for the majority of abortions, nationally black women are three times more likely to get abortions compared to white women. The first abortions on record began in 1973 and since that time there have been 40+ million abortions in the US at a rate of 4,000 a day. These numbers are staggering and so who hurts the most? Is it the mother as she chooses to have an abortion, or is it the child that never gets a chance to experience full life or is it the race that sees it numbers dwindling or is the community because of the impact that this has overall. I believe that everyone will answer this question differently depending on your beliefs. According to the research 95% of abortions are performed as a means of birth control, 1% are performed because of rape or incest, 1% because of fetal abnormalities and 3% due to the mother’s health problems. If you believe that the child is hurt the most that never gets a chance to grow then you must believe that life begins at inception of the sperm and egg, this has been in debate for years and the question that is often asked is exactly when does life begin and is the fetus at this stage really considered a child. There has been research done that will support any belief that you have in this area. If we are finding that the African American women are having more abortions then this will show a decrease in the population of African Americans in the world. We must ask ourselves why are African American women having so many abortions, what is going on in our communities and is there a lack of education about pregnancy

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preventions methods. I’m sure that many believe that sex before marriage is wrong and that its important stay abstinent until you get married, but the reality is that people are having sex before marriage and the church must respond to this issue. I believe providing workshops about safe sex practices, providing condoms, education and encouraging women and men that if they aren’t prepared to have a child use a pregnancy prevention method. The impact that having an abortion has a woman is traumatic in some cases, the grief, the shame, the loss, the judgment and the belief that others will look down on them if they have an abortion. There are many women that have abortions in shady doctor’s offices and that are forced by their partners to have the abortion because of the financial cost and some women choose abortion based solely on the cost of having a child. 25.5% of women stated that they had abortions because they weren’t ready for child and the expenses. When looking at the cost for having an abortion and the cost of raising a child there is a stark difference. Abortions in the 1st trimester cost $ 300$500.00 and 2nd trimester abortions cost $ 500$5,000. The cost of raising a child is rated to cost $11,000 per year. The cost does impact the decision to carry the child but whatever the reason the emotional stress, hardship and pain on the woman is something that no-one can totally understand except the woman that is going through the process. When looking at the bible for an answer about abortion you will find that the bible doesn’t speak directly to this issue. Many have chosen to talk about the penalty of taking a life is death as referenced in Exodus 21:22-25 which talks about a man fighting a pregnant women and she gives birth prematurely and there is

serious injury he should be put to death. Some talk about the scripture Jeremiah 1:5 which states: Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations. Many that believe life begins at inception use this passage to argue against abortion. I think that it’s important that we as Christians approach this subject with much prayer and non judgment. I believe that while we may have a position on the subject it’s important to always share that God’s love is unconditional and he will not love the woman less if she gets an abortion. In conclusion I want to say that while this is a sensitive subject I feel that it’s important to highlight it and give it the attention that it deserves. I know of some churches that have created ministries for women that have abortions and they can come and share their stories of pain, loss, and the emotional toll that this decision had on their lives. I believe that we should all think about the mental anguish that some women experience in coming to this decision and whether we agree or not we should allow them to share their stories with us without fear of judgment. The church preaches against pre-marital sex but the Reality is that people are having sex, so the question is what are we going to do about it embrace and educate about safe sex practices or just preach about the ultimate cost and pretend that everyone will stop having sex. I encourage you in your church to have a real conversation about this article and you may just be surprised by the results. So again who does it hurt? Abortion let’s have a conversation…….

Sources for this article: Centers for Disease Control Divine Inspirations Magazine 22 | P a g e

www.Prochoice.com www.prolife.net www.toomanyaborted.com

To Contact John Taylor Website: www.Johngtaylor.com Email: Johng.Taylor@yahoo.com

What Kind of House Did You Build?

Robert T. Sells Jesus was teaching about people who built their houses on rock and sand in Matthew 7:2427 said, ―Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.‖ There are many people whose marriages are very ―religious‖. In other words, they have the appearance of Godliness but possess no power. What type of power do I mean? I‘m talking about the power of the Holy Spirit of God. I‘m talking about Divine Inspirations Magazine 23 | P a g e

the power that is from the name that is above all names. For the word of God says, ―You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you…‖ (Acts 1:8) This is the type of power that can slay the enemy in your life, destroy the devil‘s plans for your marriage, and eliminate anything the devil is trying to do to you and your family. The bible says that at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord…‖ (Philippians 2:10). You see when Jesus is the foundation of your marriage there is nothing that you cannot overcome. 1 John 5:1 says, ―Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God.‖ It goes on in verses 4 & 5 to say, ―…for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who belies that Jesus is the Son of God.‖ What type of house did you build? In other words, what type of marriage and family did you build? Because one thing is for sure, the enemy is going to come. He will come to attack your marriage because that is the only purpose he has. The scriptures say in John 10:10, ―The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy‖. So if you haven‘t built a house on a solid foundation then when the devil comes, it can be knocked down. You see the devil comes in the

form of storms. He brings the wind and the waves to disrupt and eventually knock over your house. Let‘s use the example of a tornado. In the middle of a tornado the wind speed can get as high as 250mph or higher! This is a very destructive force that can cause some serious damage or even level your house. But even if it levels your house you will notice that the foundation is still there! Wouldn‘t it be wonderful if your entire house was built out of that same foundation? If that were the case then the whole house would stand. Did you ever notice that sometimes when a killer storm comes through that there will be several houses completely destroyed but one house is left standing and it doesn‘t get demolished? Isn‘t that amazing? This is what can happen in the spiritual realm when we put Jesus at the driver‘s wheel for our relationships. We will always have this promise when we choose to build our house on the foundation of Jesus Christ. Here‘s another example: Let‘s say a plane goes down and crashes. It is a very tragic story indeed because there is often a loss of life. But isn‘t it amazing that the black box is in good enough condition that the air officials can retrieve it and get all of the information they need on what happened to that plane? I always think to myself when I see these tragedies, ―Why didn‘t they build the airplane out of what they built the box out of?‖ I guess that‘s not for me to Divine Inspirations Magazine 24 | P a g e

decide. But here‘s what I do know. Jesus is that indestructible mainstay in our marriages and our relationships when we let Him in. God can do some amazing things in our lives when we allow Him. Then when the storms of life happen, we lose a job, we lose a loved one, we get in an accident, we become a victim of identity theft or even of a violent crime we can rest in the peace that God gives us in His word that no matter what storms may come our way, when we believe that God is the head of our household, the storms will not knock down our house. Praise God!! What type of house did you build? In Matthew 8: 23-27 we read the account of Jesus and His disciples who were in a boat crossing the Sea of Galilee when a furious storm arose. All of a sudden there were waves crashing up over the small fishing boat they were in and the disciples were afraid. They were experienced sailors and fisherman so they knew what type of danger they were in and were facing the reality of dying. But what was Jesus doing? He was ASLEEP in the boat!! What? This took great faith to know he would be alright. But the disciple woke him up and said to him, ―Don‘t you care if we die?‖ They were talking out of their faith, which was nonexistent at that moment. But what did Jesus do when they woke him. First he admonished them for their lack of faith, and

then he turned and spoke to the wind and waves and told them to stop. Immediately the sea calmed and the winds stopped and everything went back to normal! As amazing as this is, God made us with this same power. You see when we build our marriage on the Rock then we can speak to the challenges and problems that come our way and command them to cease. We can cast the devil out of our homes. We can speak to the wicked forces in high places that try to bring tragedy to our lives and command them to stop their activity against us. This is the promise we have in the Word of God that says, ―We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us‖. (Philippians 4:13) Some people build their marriage on a poor foundation but they don‘t necessarily do it on purpose. In other words, they don‘t set out to build something that can be destroyed. But it does happen anyway. Sometimes we just choose to head in a wrong direction whether or not we know it is wrong. It is especially tragic when we know it‘s bad. For example, we smoke cigarettes when we know they can give us lung cancer, something my 2 favourite aunts and my grandfather passed away from a

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number of years ago. We drink alcoholic beverages to excess when we see people dying every day from cirrhosis of the liver and as victims of drunken driving accidents, we have sex outside of marriage even though we know it can bring deadly diseases into our homes, and we refuse to pay tithes to God even though the Word of God says in Malachi 3:8 that we are robbing God when we do it and cancel our blessings. We make choices every day that satisfy our flesh while we ignore the Lord‘s pleading to follow Him. Then when storms happen in our lives we are not prepared to handle them. Let‘s start today by beginning to build our house on a firm foundation. We can start by reading the bible with our mates, praying together, and ministering together when the opportunities present themselves. When we build our houses on the solid foundation of Jesus Christ we not only can stand against the attacks of the devil and win, but we will be able to allow our marriages to be examples of God‘s power at work in our lives. This will ultimately lead others to turn to Christ and accept salvation, which is the reason for everything that we do. God bless you… © 2010 Robert T Sells - All rights reserve

Stop Believing the ‘Never’ Lies—

By Mandy Woodhouse

For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay. Habakkuk 2:3

There is a difficult lesson of life that every born again human must endure and learn to rejoice through: Waiting on God’s timing. It seems that I have been around the same “waiting on God” mountain a million times since I have lived in Australia. The greatest lessons for me, personally, always came through finances. A perfect example is attending Bible College. At the beginning of my second year of Bible College in Sydney in 2005, I found myself lacking the funds to stay in Australia. I knew that God wanted me to stay for a second year of study, and I had received several confirmations from people around me who really believed with me that a second year was something that God wanted. Although my heart felt certain, my head became a confused mess because I did not yet see the evidence of what I felt in my heart. As time went on and I found myself still lacking the finance to continue my studies, I began to hear more of the “never” lies. Sadly, most people are very familiar with this voice. It is the voice that tells you that you will “never” make it. You will “never” get through this difficult Divine Inspirations Magazine 26 | P a g e

season, you will “never” find freedom in this area, you will “never” be good enough, etc. These are lies that come from the father of lies (John 8:44), and to believe them is to actually live a lie and to settle for less than what God has planned. My breakthrough in waiting came when I decided that I was going to stay in faith, knowing that I did not have the funds. God promised me that HE would pay my fees while the father of lies threatened me (through the lack of funds which my natural eyes saw) that God would “never” come through for me. At times I began to doubt what I believed I heard God say and once I nearly gave up and went home to Louisiana. I decided, however, to push through the final steps around my “learning to wait” mountain. Miraculously God came through as promised, and He did so just in time. In fact, the day I was going to be suspended from classes someone anonymously gave me everything I needed financially for the entire year. God always keeps His promises. Abraham and Sarah from the Old Testament certainly knew that waiting on God is not easy (Genesis 15-21). Naturally, they were completely unable to have children. But supernaturally, God promised them a son. Sarah even laughed and thought, “yeah right…that will never happen!” (18:12), but God firmly promised that a son would come “…at the appointed time” (18:14). Unfortunately at first, Sarah and Abraham believed the “never” lies and Abraham bore a son with another woman, whom they called Ishmael. Ishmael coincidentally was said by God to live in “hostility toward all mankind” (Genesis 16:12). A son living in hostility toward mankind is not a characteristic that a parent really wants for their promised child to possess. Had Abraham and Sarah waited on God and trusted in His word to them, they could have lived a free life without the consequences of having hurt others involved, namely Ishmael and his mother.

It is interesting to think that Sarah and Abraham initially aborted their dream because they believed the “never” lies more than they believed God’s promise. Between chapters 15 and 21 Abraham and Sarah went through some very stretching and challenging times, and even made a few mistakes along the way. God however continued to remind them of His promises to them and even changed their names as proof that what He says is true. If they had only waited until chapter 21 they would have seen that God was just about to give Sarah a son. Their promise was only a few chapters away.

The Need for more Christian Therapists

Sophia Avery, MA (A Word In Season)

God says that although His promises may linger, they will certainly come and will do so right on time (Habakkuk 2:3). Paul exhorts the Galatians in the New Testament to not get tired of doing what is right because in just the right time they will see the rewards! Our God is the God of the impossible (Matthew 19:26). Revelation chapter three even says that whatever door God opens, no one else can shut. This “door” could be anything from a breakthrough, to financial freedom or healing, or even seeing a loved one find Jesus. What God promises, He follows through on, even if it seems slow to our human understanding. There are always plenty of opportunities to give up and believe the “never” lies, and it is definitely easier to abort your dreams and settle for an Ishmael experience when God promises something better. But God says do not give up because it is He who controls your destiny. You are one day closer to your promise. God is never late, and although He may be currently working behind the scenes and out of view, you can trust that your promise is only a short distance away! Hold on for chapter 21, it is almost here.

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For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7 KJV April 15th, 2010 will be the 2nd Anniversary of Christian Talk Therapy, my private practice here located in Philadelphia. In 2009, bless the Lord, I had more than four-hundred individual and couples sessions! God is Amazing! I am excited to have seen so many clients, but the volume indicates that there is a huge need for Christian counseling. In my practice, I‘ve found that most of my clients are dealing with issues in one or more of the following areas: 1. Inability to trust God (fear of loss of control or fear of disappointment) 2. Lack of faith during times of testing 3. Rebellion against God and the call on their lives 4. Abandonment issues (Absent father, emotionally-distant or drug-addicted mother) 5. Sexual abuse and/or molestation in childhood

6. Distorted Thinking (Beliefs based on distortions of the truth) 7. Poor self-image/Low self-esteem 8. Depression 9. Marital discord due to lack of information/preparation prior to marriage 10. Infidelity The problems Christians deal with are the same as in the world, the difference should be in how we respond to the problems we encounter. Many Christians suffer with the conflict between what God expects us to do and what we are conditioned to do. For example, if a spouse is caught being unfaithful, the world tells us to be angry, get revenge, or to divorce; but the Bible says to forgive, be long-suffering and patient, and to avoid divorce. It‘s this type of conflict that causes Christians to seek counseling because the conflict creates a war between the Spirit and the flesh and it can cause extreme anguish in addition to the suffering created by the marital issue.

Clearly, Christians need counseling. However, as a body, there are several problems in the Church that are keeping Christians from seeking and/or receiving the counseling they need. 1. Erroneous teaching that Christians don‘t need counseling – the scriptures regarding the need for counseling in the body of Christ are shown at the end of this article 2. Christians don‘t get depressed – The Bible says that Christians will get everything that worldly people get, so clearly this isn‘t true Divine Inspirations Magazine 28 | P a g e

3. Black people don‘t get counseling – This type of thinking is left over from the Slave mentality. We suffer emotional pain just like all other races of people, and we need help for it. 4. Only weak people need counseling – The lies we believe. Only truly strong people can humble themselves enough to admit they need help. “For when I am weak, then I am strong“ (2 Corinthians 12:10) Weak-minded people continue to believe this lie and suffer, preferring to ―act‖ strong, than to seek help. This is why many Christians are sick and dying. 5. Unqualified or impatient ClergyMany pastors aren‘t trained to provide therapeutic counseling and don‘t have the gift or patience to provide the type of intervention that hurting people need 6. Lack of access – Many Christian practitioners don‘t advertise and therefore are invisible to the body of Christ. 7. Cost – The normal fees for counseling are between $75-$150 for a forty-five minute session. These prices are out of reach for many Christians. As the Bible says, ―The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.‖ (Luke 10:2). I realize that much I‘ve said in this article is radical, but I believe it‘s important for Christians to take steps to overcome the emotional pain from our past that keeps us in bondage! Christian Counselors are destined to play a critical role in helping our

clients—brothers and sisters in Christ—to overcome the emotional damage from the past, forgive those who have trespassed against them, overcome their fears, and build a relationship with God the Father based on faith, trust and His unconditional love.

FACTS ABOUT COUNSELING First, we look to the Word. ―Counsel‖ in some form, is mentioned 182 times in the Bible, while ―tithe‖ is mentioned only 32 times. Yet, we wholeheartedly believe in tithing, while seeking wise counsel is ignored. If God allowed ―counsel‖ to appear 150 times more than ―tithe‖ in the Bible, why do we as Christians not take it seriously, as something we should do on a regular basis, just as we do tithing? These scriptures tell us why we, as God's people, should seek counseling. Proverbs 11:14 says, "Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counselors there is safety." Proverbs 12:15 says, "The way of the fool is right in his own eyes: but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise." Proverbs 15:22 says, "Without counsel purposes are disappointed: but in the multitude of counselors they are established." Proverbs 19:20 says, "Hear counsel, and receive instruction, that thou mayest be wise Divine Inspirations Magazine 29 | P a g e

in thy latter end." Proverbs 1:5 says, "A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsel..." These scriptures sum up the reasons why we, as Christians, should seek counseling. Then we have the following passage that explains what can happen to us when we deny the need for counselors. ―I called you so often, but you wouldn‘t come. I reached out to you, but you paid no attention. You ignored my advice (counsel) and rejected the correction I offered. So I will laugh when you are in trouble! I will mock you when disaster overtakes you— when calamity overtakes you like a storm, when disaster engulfs you like a cyclone, and anguish and distress overwhelm you." ―When they cry for help, I will not answer. Though they anxiously search for me, they will not find me. For they hated knowledge and chose not to fear the Lord. They rejected my advice (counsel) and paid no attention when I corrected them. Therefore, they must eat the bitter fruit of living their own way, choking on their own schemes. For simpletons turn away from me—to death. Fools are destroyed by their own

complacency. But all who listen to me will live in peace, untroubled by fear of harm.‖ This powerful passage from Proverbs 1:2433(NIV) tells us exactly how we can get on the wrong side of God--Don't respond when He calls or reaches out to us, ignore His counsel and/or reject His advice. Sophia Avery, MA-Christian Therapist is in private practice in Philadelphia, PA. If you‘d like further information, please call us at 215-931-3070. Please visit our website at www.ChristianTalkTherapy.com or follow Sophia Avery on Twitter – look for ―ChristianTherap‖

Everlasting to everlasting, His words and promises force my thoughts to reflect on the goodness of the Lord; His compassions that never fail, but are new every morning. Being clothed with strength and majesty, my Sovereign God is the Source of everything that I desire. I commit my way unto the Lord. When He waters the hills of His chambers, I am renewed and refreshed. When He speaks to my heart, I am moved. When the wind passes over and the breeze gently strokes my face, I remember my blessings because I know He lives. When I feel the Raise of the Son, I am warmed and when I walk on the face of the earth, my feet are secure because the foundation on which I stand has been established of old by the Master’s Plan. Always busy, I sat down to take a rest, I sat in my favorite chair, snuggled deep into the cushion, I found a place to nest – I slowly closed my eyes and as I began to think, there was a message awaiting me – into my heart it’d sink.

Holy is He

As I sat at my kitchen table eating a bowl heartwarming oatmeal, I opened the whitecolored blinds to enjoy the majesty of the Lord. His grace, my hope, His mercy my faith, became evident of His love for me. The snow was ankledeep, and the beautiful pine tree that stands towering over my backyard was covered with God’s strength. The grass completely covered by manna from Heaven, nourished the blades that will soon spring forth a dark green hue. Divine Inspirations Magazine 30 | P a g e

The voice was very soft and yet so perfectly clear – His words were surreal, they sank deep into my soul, like a balm with powers to heal. I am the Lord your God, why do you forsake me? I am right here with you, but you choose to ignore my glory. I brighten all your paths, I’ve even made them straight,

you’ve chosen to walk in darkness, I hope you’ll see the light before it’s too late. The voice of the Lord sweetly spoke to my spirit, I long to inherit the love of Christ and His Holy Spirit. I thought to myself, I’d better take heed to all that I just heard. So I picked up my Bible and began to read. I knew there were principles, knowledge and great wisdom, just some of the things I’d need to enter into God’s Heavenly Kingdom. Thank You Lord for loving me…. You’ve blessed me with Your amazing grace and tender loving mercies. I now know I’ll never be the same, because into my life Jesus Christ came.

So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished!” And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit. (John 19:30 NKJV) As believers we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and His finished work on Calvary. We declare through our relationship with the Father, through Jesus Christ, that we are given new life every day. It is through this gift of faith – inherited from Abraham– that we have the ability to conquer sin. We have been redeemed from sin by the blood of the Lamb who has washed away all of our sins, In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace (Ephesians 1:7). The Holy Spirit has sealed the hearts and minds of those whom have not strayed away from the faith. And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption (Ephesians 4:30). This resurrection season let us reflect on the things that were accomplished for the believer (and those whom will believe) through the ―Finished‖ work of Jesus Christ.

Cynthia Boyer All rights reserved 2010

IT IS FINISHED! (Divinely Inspired Visionaries Anointed Servants)

Finally all things were accomplished, that by the sin of one man –Adam; death came into the world and likewise by the death of one man – Jesus Christ; we are all made alive. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive ( 1st Corinthians 15:22).

Inheriting eternal life is now attainable. The things in heaven and the things in the earth are gathered together in Christ Jesus. For he has brought us back to the Father and made us righteous through Him. In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will, (Ephesians 1:11).

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Now that we know that sin is defeated (destroyed), we no longer have to be servants to sin. Knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves of sin. (Romans 6:6).

perfect things of God be completed and accomplished in your life. HAPPY RESURRECTION DAY!

Elder Mae F. Davis

Inexpressible joy is given to the believer whom has never seen Jesus yet still believes. Whom having not seen you love; though now you do not see Him, yet believing, you rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory (1st Peter 1:8).

New Life Worship Centre 120 E. Baltimore Pike Lansdowne, PA 19050 Email: davismae@ymail.com

Salvation comes to all whom believe that God has raised Jesus from the dead. That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved (Romans 10:9).

Heaven is our final destination. Jesus has personally prepared our mansions. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you (John 14:2).

Elder Mae F. Davis Copyrights  2010

THE WALK OF FAITH (A daily declaration of who we are and what we have) Marci Tilghman-Bryant

Eternal life is given to those whom have laid a good foundation. Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life (1st Timothy 6:19).

Delighting ourselves in the things of God will grant us access to our heart‘s desires. Delight thyself also in the LORD: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart (Psalms 37:4).

May your Resurrection Day be a day of rededication and new commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ; and may all the good and Divine Inspirations Magazine 32 | P a g e








essence of their beauty.


Some with the delicate smell of roses, lilac, and even peppermint.

Pastor Marci Tilghman Bryant

I smelled the fragrance of each petal with its aromatic scent.

Displayed in an array of colors: yellow, red, and white, orange, pink. As I looked around and admired the beauty, I thought to myself, only our God could create something so beautiful and Heavenly don‘t you think? As I admire the beauty in every rose petal, I can see how each petal has its own unique marvelous shape. Just like that rose petal, God has created all of us in a special way. Like that rose petal, let our beauty be on display showing God‘s love in a Special way. From our hearts each and every day, let us show love for one another today. Written by Rev. Cheryl Thomas

Rose Petals

Preacherlady114@yahoo.com Psalm 139:14

Rose petals so soft, gentle, and tender Some are large, medium, and small As I walked, I was captivated by the

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I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

The Establishment Gifts (The Five-fold Ministry of the Church)

Dr. Cynthia Togle, Ph.D

The Bible Teacher “It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers” (Ephesians 4 : 11 NIV)

“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms” (1 Peter 4 : 9 - 10 NIV)

“For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands.” (2 Timothy 1 : 6 NIV) Introduction Some scholars and theologians have overemphasized this “5-fold ministry of the Church” and have said that all five offices should be in any local church to be considered faithful to Scriptures, thus making the passage controversial.

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Again some scholars and theologians debate whether these are five distinct offices or a variety of combination options: apostle-prophets and pastorteachers combine into one person, thus forcing the serious student to delve into studying original texts. What many Pentecostal-Charismatic writers agree on is that these spiritual gifts are operational today and demand our serious attention. We simplify our study by focusing on the nature and function of these five gifts and the nature and function of the persons who have these gifts. Faithful instruction involves making the student aware of the issues surrounding a given topic.

These gifts are called “establishment gifts” because of their foundational characteristic both for the Body of Christ universal and the local church setting.

Distinguishing the Office from the Spiritual Gift In studying Spiritual Gifts, especially the establishment gifts, it is imperative that we distinguish between the “office” and the “gift”. The distinction lies in the “office” being a position and the “gift” being a function within the Body. Our discussion will focus on the functional side of these Spiritual Gifts rather than the office or position of the gifted person.

To clarify: in the Old Testament, prophets were organized into schools and orders. One was a prophet because one was being trained in the school of prophets. In the

New Testament, after John the Baptist, there were no longer any schools of prophets. However, prophecy was the active function of the apostles, writers, and missionaries. No more “office of the prophet” but clearly there were those who prophesied. So the gift was active. After Pentecost, the Holy Spirit has been poured out, anointing and giving gifts to men and women regardless of their status and occupation. Some were given the gift of prophecy. The same with apostleship, teaching, evangelism and pastoring – they are actively functioning Spiritual Gifts apart from the “office” or “position” or “credential” of the gifted person.

2. The Gift of Prophecy Word Study: “prophetes”; “pro”- fore ,“phemi”- speak forth, a seer, a proclaimer of divine message / secrets / things hidden in the natural -



The 5 Establishment Gifts


1. The Gift of Apostleship


Word Study: “apostolos”; “apo”- from “stello”- to send; one commissioned (as opposed to “angelos” a messenger (just a spokesperson) Gospel times: (limited to the 12) a) eyewitness to Jesus’ resurrection b) personally commissioned by Jesus - NT: strictly referred to the 12 but loosely referring to the New Testament fathers - delegated divine authority; one who is commissioned, an envoy or ambassador - before: pioneering or establishing works and foundational writings today: missionaries, churchplanters, overseers and bishops






pastor of pastors, big picture, influence and leadership on a large scale beware: “pseudoapostolos” – false apostles

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God’s speaker/interpreter, message comes from outside of the messenger The HS … “holds him”, “comes upon him”, “anoints him” Also includes those that have dreams and visions (“see” the things of God) Speaking forth God’s word regarding a past, present, future matter Speaking forth God’s judgment upon violations of His principles Speaking forth God’s will for a general or specific situation Speaking forth God’s rewards or punishments; warnings and encouragement Spoke forth God’s comforting promises of salvation, deliverance, provision and power (see 2Tim.3:16) Today: Prophetic utterances confirm God’s Word (Pulpit Preaching) The spirit of prophets is subject to the control of the prophet – we should test it! Beware: “pseudoprophetes” – false prophets

3. The Gift of Evangelism Word Study: “euaggelistes”; “eu” – good “aggeliso” – messenger, angel – messenger of good news -


effectively proclaimed the gospel to non-believers with result (gospel writers) moves around, itinerant, goes to different places to proclaim the gospel





characterized by boldness and abundant opportunities to share the gospel primarily a function (as opposed to an office or position) overwhelming burden to go and share the gospel to the lost today: big crusade evangelists, one-on-one witnesses, soulwinner It is a mandate upon everyone but ignorance must not be used as an excuse not to evangelize.

4. The Gift of Pastoring

but only those who love Christ can feed His sheep." see 1Thess.2:7&11; the pastor as a mother and as a father; spiritual parent to the “family” of God here. 5. The Gift of Teaching -

Word Study: “didaskalos” master, mentor, instructor -


Word Study: “poimen” – shepherd -





nourishes, nurtures and protects and cares for God’s people NT: primarily a function (lay leaders) before it became an office He or She is the minister over a congregation (governance and guidance) Not everyone who is a teacher has the gift of pastoring but everyone who has the gift of pastoring needs to teach. today: local church pastor, licensed pastor, ordained minister, church elder, presbyter, parish priest

C. Spurgeon: "[Jesus] could not give to Peter a more effecting proof of His confidence than by committing to his care the dearest object of His love. It is only those who truly love Christ that are fitted to minister to His flock. The work is so laborious, the appreciation is often so small, the response so discouraging, the criticisms so harsh, the attacks of Satan so fierce, that only the "love of Christ", His for us -- ours for Him, can constrain to such work. Hirelings will feed the goats,

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NT terms: “rabbi”, “rabboni”; denotes holding a discourse with someone for the purpose of imparting knowledge supernatural ability to explain and apply the truths of God; he/she explains and clarifies what is difficult and/or gives deeper insight to what is plain and obvious characterized by a continuous desire to learn (teachability) and a desire to know more and more of God’s Word with the view of transferring such knowledge to others also denotes monologues and lectures on relevant issues at hand a teacher instructs in the faith & the Word (preacher proclaims the truth) didache and kerygma (teaching and preaching); gifts of the same nature but differ in emphasis and result; today: preaching-teaching.

Humbled In Ministry

Apostle Lee Ann Marino Recently I spoke with a new minister under my ministry covering. I've been working with him for about two weeks now and the process has proved most interesting. God has spoken to me of raising leaders for awhile now, and it was about a month ago when He spoke to me about an increasing number of spiritual sons and daughters under the covering. Leading leaders and training leaders is a large part of the apostle's ministry and is also an essential aspect to ministry today. We have a rush of so-called people who claim to be leaders today but really want nothing more than to be in charge of matters. They want to give orders, be waited on hand and foot, and have a lot of people do whatever it is they say. True leadership operates with a servant mentality, and is brought about by a certain sense of humility. While many of us don't think about this process, true leaders are humbled both in their ministry and by Divine Inspirations Magazine 38 | P a g e

their ministry. My last phone call with my new spiritual son reminded me of this precept, and how important the process of humility in ministry is. He's a great man of God. He is inspiring, energetic, and enthusiastic. He has a great heart for God and for the ministry, truly a man with a pastor's heart. God has given him a great revelation deposit, and he has some knowledge to go along with that. In my last phone call with him, however, I was face-to-face with a reality that is not always my favorite part of being an apostle. He has to talk over people. He does not listen, because he thinks he knows everything. He does not respond well to counter-viewpoints, criticism, or correction in any form, and no matter how gentle. He believes he is so smart, and so deposited with revelation, that everyone should want to hear it. In some ways, he is disagreeable, not very humble, and insistent on his own way. He believes himself to be the exception to the rule of ministry, and will be the one who makes it for no other reason that it is his calling, and he is "special." And, in a split second, I remembered who he reminded me of: myself, many years ago. I too had to talk over everyone, because I thought I was so anointed and relevant. I would never listen, because I thought I was the one who should be heard. I thought I was so smart, and so deposited with the revelation that everyone should hush to hear it. I too responded very negatively to criticism or counterviewpoints. Nobody could correct me. I was totally insistent on my own way, and had no desire to accept leadership or positioning of others in my life. I too believed myself to be the exception to the rule of ministry (while it was in a different way, it was still the same problem), and that I was "special."

It's hard to work with those who are in the first few years of their calling. The first few years are a true threshold point for the called, whether or not they will be made or break. The majority of ministers I meet have been in ministry 3-5 years, and the vast majority of them, no matter how great their vision may seem, will most likely break before they reach the point of being made. It's not negativity, it's a cold-hard fact: many people go into ministry with little to no understanding of how ministry works, the necessary sacrifices ministry will demand, and the responsibilities a minister must bear. Ministry is not for the weak, nor the faint of heart. It takes discipline, understanding, and a certain level of obedience to come through to the other side. None of us are exempt from "spiritual boot camp." What I realized in speaking to my spiritual son is there is a process of ministry most of us go through. It's not easy to be a true minister of God, and not everyone who thinks they are up for this task really are. We must move from having complete confidence in ourselves to having it in Christ and knowing He is the true reason for what we do. We must be processed for humility. How does ministry process us for humility? It usually follows a few basic steps, which may vary but are often remarkably alike for most ministers: 

Receive the revelation - God gives to us a revelation. It is the contents of our ministry, His plan for us, and our purpose in His Kingdom. Along with that revelation goes the specifics of how the contents of our ministry and our purpose will manifest. We are often in awe of that plan, and have no idea how it will happen. Yet somewhere in there, we get a really

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big, swollen head, thinking this plan is because we're involved rather than because God is involved. It may not be manifest on the surface to the majority, but let's be real: we think we are really something. 

God makes us sit on that revelation This takes as long as it takes. God has given us a deposit, but it is an unpolished deposit. Such is evident because we fall in love with ourselves. Even though we may have a great ability to teach, preach, or reach others, God makes us wait because our underlying issues of self must be healed before we can reach others. With no outlet, we often wind up frustrated. God puts us in situations where we have to learn to submit to leadership and accept not everyone thinks we're God's gift to humanity. We experience opposition and difficulty.


We aren't supported by leaders and those around us - This is a part of God making us sit on our revelation. All we want to do at this stage is be acknowledged by others. We want people to hear what we have to say and agree with us. How ironic is it that God matches us with people who don't support our vision! We become more and more difficult, but at the same time, feel more and more rejected. We don't understand how God can give us something so wonderful and nobody seems to see how great we are! We learn rejection, we learn isolation, and we learn the price we will have to pay to be different.



Become self-taught - It's important that we take the educational opportunities God sends to us. These may not always be education in a traditional sense, but we must take those efforts to learn in dialogue and learn the things of God. Often today we wind up largely self-taught on matters, but at this stage of things, we always think what we know is all-sufficient and perfect. Instead of seeking education for expansion, we seek education to prove ourselves right. We will not listen; we want to be heard. We think we are right about everything, even if we are not. At this phase, due to the rejection and isolation we experience, we become argumentative. Everything becomes a debate, an argument, and a problem. No one can talk to us because we know it all, and we do not cater well to leadership. We have no outlet for the revelation - At this point, we think God should have moved us farther along than we've gone. We can't figure out why God isn't promoting us because we're so wonderful and so smart and why we still seem to be debating with these people who aren't interested in us. We refuse to listen because nobody listens to us. We believe we're getting kicked out of church because we're just smarter than everyone else, instead of looking at our lousy attitudes and poor Christian character. The more we don't get our outlet...the closer we come to a breaking point. We are frustrated, ready to give up, and

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ready, at long last, to give God the chance to be our Kingdom leader. Once God is our leader, and we are humbled by our experiences, God begins to bring us breakthrough. It is slow at first, and constant in unveiling. Finally we know who we are, and who He is. He can bring forth the revelation in our lives because we know enough to get started and enough to listen to the leaders He sends to us for our learning and edification. I think often of Peter's experiences in ministry. Peter was humbled multiple times in his calling. Coming from a firstcentury Jewish Zealot position, Peter thought himself better than the Gentiles and believed he had many things figured out which he did not. Paul too received multiple lessons in humility. His teaching on the thorn in the flesh makes me realize we are constantly being humbled in what we do. Different people we meet, different circumstances we find ourselves in, different things we notice, personal battles, pain, and suffering, and different spiritual experiences all bring about humility in our ministries. They remind us we need God more than we need to be puffed up in the concept that we are called. We cannot be effective in ministry if we rely on ourselves and not on God. We have to be people who learn how to listen and learn how to receive the correction and blessing of good leaders. Surrendering to Kingdom vision means we set ourselves aside, humbled in God, and know it is not our will, but His that matters. I thought all night about my early times in ministry. I could also see how God brought me to a point of humility through my own process. I had to deal with rejection, leaders who didn't understand, and opposition. All that opposition came about to serve as a humbling, to remind me

I am not Holy Ghost Jr. because I am called to be in ministry. I remember where I was, and I think about what God has ahead. It reminded me of a quote I once heard: "I have lived many lives, some of which were my own; I am not now that which I once was." I didn't start out where I am now, and I am sure I will not be where I am now one day down the line. What I recognize now is that in our process, we do need encouragement to get where we need to be; but sometimes we need a good, old fashioned humbling. We don't need to hear how wonderful we are all the time or how anointed we are; sometimes we just need to hear what we are not so we can grow in God and get to the edification we need. A good leader is not about puffing up, but about building us all to be where God has for us to be. Every one of us starts at humility, and we go up from there. It is the end of the process to destroy the flesh, and the beginning of a whole new life in Christ. Apostle Dr. Lee Ann B. Marino, Ph.D., D.D. Apostle In Office Apostolic Fellowship International Ministries P.O. Box 681 Morrisville, North Carolina 27560 Email: drleeannbmarino@powerfortoday.org (919) 397-9122

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Honor God with Your Body & Obedience!

Kaysha Reid Health Tip: "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body," - 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Here’s a tip for individuals who are not major fans of exercise: Find a work-out routine that engages your Mind, Body & Spirit – something that you will look forward to doing. Regular physical activity and exercise will make any healthy eating plan work even better. I tend to truly dislike exercise. However, I feel so much better when I workout. I try to do activities that I like, and work with my personality, lifestyle, and physical limitations. Personally I like walking at a nearby park with lots of trees and activity (people walking dogs, riding their bikes etc...). I also enjoy yoga (I have some great DVDs), and I also love doing light weight training. Yoga and walking are my favorite exercises because they both allow me to go to that peaceful place to clear my mind, release all the tension in my body,

while feeling connected to the Holy Spirit. So if you are currently exercising on a regular basis, great! Keep it up. For those of you who keep putting it off (trust me, I understand), today is the day to start experimenting with different activities. Find something you enjoy!

Spiritual Retreat:

“I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me" John 6: 38 How many of us truly understand what it means to be obedient? Often times the vision we have for our life is not what God has planned for us. In fact, many of us have this preconceived notion that doing what we desire to do is so much easier than doing the will of God. However, it is through faith and abiding in the shadows of the almighty that we are able to exercise obedience – whether you are conscious of it or not. I’ve discovered that one sure way to know if we are being obedient to the flesh rather than the will of God is expectation. Expecting a certain result for being obedient will only give you ammunition temporarily. The moment you determine that it is not working, you will give up. Expectation is really focusing on what you want and not what God wants. When we are able to execute what we are inspired or ordered to do, not necessarily knowing what the outcome is going to be, is when we are operating from that powerful place of faith. As human beings, we are not always able to Divine Inspirations Magazine 42 | P a g e

totally comprehend God’s plan for us; however I have discovered that he guides us in a step-by-step process. The more I grow in my walk with Christ, is the more he reveals the “why” to me. Life is really a journey that must be approached one breath at a time. God has a Divine Purpose for each and every one of our lives, and when we make the decision to be obedient to that path we are saying yes to that peace that “passeth all understanding”. Whenever you are tempted to stray from His will, just think about what your life would be like if Christ hadn’t obeyed the will of the Father. Hebrews 5:8-9 says: “Although he was a Son, he learned the obedience from what he suffered and, once made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obeyed him".

Be Well & God Bless,

Kaysha Reid Biblical Wellness Coach/Founder of The Divine Wellness Center Network http://www.thedivinewellnesscenter.com

Call on the Lord, and He will guide you through every situation "Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not." Jeremiah 33:3 Seems like everywhere we turn there is chaos. People are protesting angrily in our nation's capital, resorting to violence and racial slurs to solve legislative issues. Political and government officials are fighting back and forward over laws that affect change in our nation. Violence has become the order of the day. It is no wonder that our homes, schools, and communities are out of control. As believers we have a back stage pass (if you will) to the throne room of grace. We can come boldly in the presence of Holy God and confer with him on everything that concerneth us. There is no problem to great, nor is there any situation that is too insignificant for God to give us clear directives on. The first thing that he tells us is that we can call unto him. He then assures us that he will answer our petitions. God gives us the confidence that we need knowing that not only will he answer, but also he will go over and above that which we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us. God stands waiting to help, direct, and rescue us from all of our troubles. He knows that our frames our weak and that we do not possess the fortitude that we need to go through these turbulent times alone. Someone penned the song saying, "These are the days of Elijah, declaring the Word of the Lord." In Elijah’s' day there was idolatry, witchcraft, apostasy, and all kinds of evil works. So it is today, we have gotten away from our core values and moral compasses Divine Inspirations Magazine 43 | P a g e

prescribed in Holy Writ. With so much temptation, distractions, and so many choices to make, we can stand confident that God is still answering prayers. All we have to do is continue to trust him with everything. He is the "God of duplication"; he delivers us again and again. You may not understand all that is going on in the world and all the fuss being made over various bills, laws, and decisions. But one thing that we can depend on is the never changing hand of God. He is faithful to do whatever he said he would do. The enemy of our souls is going to and fro seeking whom he can devour. KINGDOM AMBASSADORS stand firm on the promises of God, because he who has begun a good work in us, is faithful to perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. Speaking of which, that day is hastily approaching. Keep seeking God, keep calling unto him, and stay vigilant in your pursuits. Not only will God lead you through every situation, but also he will give you strategic insight, and show you how to avoid the enemy's traps. That’s his promise to us. Stand on it! DEBRA SAVAGE MINISTRIES Evangelist Debra Savage Author & Speaker www.DebraSavage.org (901) 502-2853

The Very First Word

Minister B. Michelle Horton "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do" Luke 23:24

I’m always glad about the Lenten season, but this year’s season was especially enlightening. In addition to our personal sacrifice for lent our Pastor called our church to a forty day fast during certain hours of the day. We have been given a mandate and a challenge to come together as a church in unity and strength. I found this time exciting and electrifying. I sensed and saw movement both physically and spiritually.

I felt a deep sense of connectedness to the Lord and an intimacy unlike any other. In my quiet moments I heard the voice of God and was directed to continue to look within, seek guidance, listen intentionally and even ask myself some hard questions. Over the course of the fast I was challenged by God to search my heart for any unforgiveness. In reflection and direction, God has spoken to me to share this message. Let us take a look and reflect upon the true essence of forgiveness as demonstrated by Christ Jesus.

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This very first word Jesus declares on the cross is "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." It is a deeply profound expression of love and always gives me pause. I sometimes wonder about our hearts as we approach Good Friday service. It seems as if on some level, we move in tradition and not in triumph of the significance of this sacred day. We come together at the noon day hour and settle in for a word from God. We know what is to come and shall I dare to say that we may have become comfortable with the “Seven Last Words Good Friday Service.” After all we do it every year. Many of us take the day off from work or other duties to come to church, sit on the same pew ready to hear our favorite Calvary song. We may even scan the program to see who is preaching what word. Once that is established some of us decide who our favorite speaker is and set our spirit up to receive our blessing only from them? Are we internally saying, “Whew, that was good” and then go on our merry way until next year’s service. Do we really listen to the word of God with our hearts? Have we grown enough to move past substance over style and the God’s holiness over the hoop?

Isn’t Good Friday a time to see in the spirit just how obedient Jesus was and follow His example of the cross? The very first words out of my Savior bloodied mouth was “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.”

Doesn’t it seem like there is always someone or something to forgive; even if it is us? Have we forgiven God for that lost, that hurt, that issue,

that circumstance, the situation that should not have happened to us?

Have we let go to holding someone hostage for being human? Are we still trying to manipulate that person into apologizing for that wronged word or action? Jesus declared, “Forgive them for they know not what they do.” If we are really honest sometimes we don’t believe that. We believe that some people who have hurt us knew exactly what they were doing. In fact it seems as if they have systematically angered us, gossiped about us, and tried their best to tear us down and on and on. And you may be right on some level. But we who believe Christ can never ever get away from the very first word, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do."

Let‘s look at the week leading up to Calvary. Things were heating up right after what we now call Palm Sunday. Remember how people lined the streets shouting, “Hosanna, Hosanna,” and waving palms. Then there was Maundy Thursday where Jesus instituted the Last Supper. And in the background of this week leading up to Gethsemane, there was a dark side of things. The betrayal of Judas, the falling away of the disciples (where was everybody), Peter’s denial and the accusations from the Sanhedrin among other things. One crowd shouting “Hosanna” a few days earlier and another now shouting "Crucify Him, crucify Him.”

There was mocking, questioning, interrogation, lashing, spitting, and the beating of Jesus’ back. Jesus endured the pounding of fist to his body, Divine Inspirations Magazine 45 | P a g e

the tearing of his skin into shreds, bleeding from numerous wounds, punching, torture, and the relentless laughter as He laid bare for further humiliation. Jesus had no relief as He traveled the dusty road to Calvary. Along with the physical torment he was exposed to emotional cruelty along with deceit, lies, loneliness, sorrow and grief.

It is in the heat of a sun-scorched day that we find our Savior on the cross. The hardest part was the Father turning away from the son because the sin of the world was upon Him. “He, who knew no sin, became sin, for you, for me and for the world so we could become right with God.” 2nd Corinthians 5:21 paraphrased. The sin of the past, the present and the future lay upon his sinless body.

And after all this, the very first word, the initial word, the primary thought, the opening line, the foremost desire, the fundamental ministry of Jesus being spoken, declared, lived out, (even to the end) by word and deed was: "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do."

And as I thought more and more about what exactly was happening to the one I call Lord, Savior, and King, I sensed myself there amongst the crowd. Have we become so forgetful or prideful that we failed to recognize that we stand in the center of this dramatic and world altering declaration “Father, forgive them!” Oh my sister and brother and friend and foe, it was and is Father, forgive Michelle, and John and Carol and Dave and each and every person that has ever been born for we know not what we do. “For when we were still without strength,

in due time Christ died for the ungodly. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die; yet perhaps for a good man someone would even dare to die. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” Romans 5:6-8.

Jesus’ life as an example and forgive as we are forgiven. We were at that cross; remember how you mocked Him before salvation. Remember how you didn’t believe. Remember how you laughed when somebody told you about Jesus.

While we were in the deepest and darkest of sinfulness, Christ said to His Father, Father, forgive them (you, me, Pastor, Deacon, Sunday School Teacher, Mommy, Daddy, little one, elder). Jesus cries out from the depth of his injured heart, “Father forgive them.”

Just to remind us one last time, 1st Corinthians 6:9-11 says “...Be not deceived, neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you, but you have been washed, but you have been sanctified, but you have been justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of God.” Why, because the very first thing He said was, “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.” If you are grateful for forgiveness then praise God. All of God’s children, those who call Jesus Lord are forgiven, cleansed, healed and delivered. Praise God indeed. You’re forgiven. You’re forgiven. You’re forgiven. Now go in peace and forgive.

Beloved of God, how can we hold unforgiveness in our hearts when Christ, on Calvary, paid the ultimate price for our life? How can we not forgive when Jesus hung in the heat of the burning sun, dirty by the dust-filled road, bloodied, bruised and beaten by the same people He would pray for? How can we hold unforgiveness in our hearts when Christ died for our iniquities, transgressions and trespasses that we committed and still are committing? How can we not forgive those that hurt us?

The unbelievable unselfish words of Christ were the catalyst for our salvation, deliverance, justification, freedom and soon to be glorification. “Father, forgive them for they do not know what they do.” Today let us lay down an unforgiving spirit. We pray as directed in the Lord’s Prayer, “Forgive us of our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” Are we lying or laying down our unforgiveness. After all we have done all, all the sin we have committed, and our secret stuff can we take Divine Inspirations Magazine 46 | P a g e

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