May 2010 Divine Inspirations Magazine

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Divine Inspirations Magazine May 2010

Vol.2 Issue 5

The Pastor’s Wife Iron Sharpens Iron Women of Zion Living the “E” Life A Word in Season The Destiny Challenge D.I.V.A.S. The Reality Corner Poetry Café Health & Nutrition The Bible Teacher

Sonja Smith Jones Wife, Mother & Entrepreneur 0


Divine Inspirations Magazine Qualita Pendergrass Senior Editor/Publisher Robert T. Sells Creative Arts & Poetry Editor Kelly Laws Beauty Editor

Contributing Writers Eld. Mae Davis, Cheryl C. Shumake, Min. Jaketha Farmer, Ain-Kamilah Wilson, Robert T.Sells, John Glenn Taylor MA, Sophia Avery MA, Filoiann Wiedenhoff, Mandy Woodhouse, Stylicia Bowden, Pastor Mike & Trisha Fox, Debra Savage, Eunice Wangui Stuhlhofer, Ann Thomas, Min. B. Michelle Horton, Prophetess Deborah Jones, Sonja Smith Jones, Apostle Lee Ann Marino, Michelle Pumphrey, Dr.Cynthia Togle D.Div, Kelly Laws

Poets Joe Bruenig, Cynthia Boyer, Cheryl Thomas, Sharon Reid-Robinson, Tony Rowsey, Marlas Sells, Judith Mosley

This publication is copyrighted ant the articles are protected. Divine Inspirations Magazine Š 2010 All Rights Reserved 1

Inside This Issue Page 4/Featuring Sonja Smith Jones

41/ Commitment to Live

7/ Healthy and Unhealthy Christian Marriages

43/ Why am I Still Single?

9/ Behind the Scenes

46/ When God Reveals

13/ Summer-Beauty Article

49/ Do You Love Him Enough to Obey?

20/ Cherish Your Mentors

50/ The Resurrection

22/ Youth4, 2Day

56/ Christian Parenting 58/ A Song in my heart

25/ “Precious” 27/ “Effectual Prayer” 29/ Friction That Fortifies 31/ The real life of a Pastor’s Wife 33/ Hey Where Are You? 37/ Don’t Let the Elephants Steal Your Blessing.

40/ Freedom Is Here!

Poetry Café

10/Comes the Rain 12/What is your purpose? 14/Today 15/Get on Board 18/ The Perfect Gift 59/The Waters 2

Happy Mother’s Day! Greetings! I am blessed to still have my mother with me. I thank God for her life which has been an inspiration. She has always allowed me to shine. As a mother I know the sacrifices that were made to give me the best life possible. I do believe God gave mothers a little extra grace. Celebrate Motherhood! In this issue I want to introduce two new columns. “Iron Sharpening Iron” is an encouragement to those working in the vineyard, and “The Pastor’s Wife” chronically the journey of being the wife of a Pastor. We would love to hear your response to these new columns. As Always we welcome your feedback and comments. To subscribe or advertise with Divine Inspirations please send an email to: Be Blessed! Qualita Pendergrass Senior Editor/Publisher 3

striving to always display the very best of her character to the world. She should be a positive reflection of who her children can be and want to mirror. I believe that a mother should have something outside of her children that nurtures the deepest part of herself and gives her joy. The beginning of this fulfillment starts with seeking and embracing God‘s will for her life. Almost twenty years ago I saw an episode of a talk show that featured mothers struggling with what was titled as ―Empty Nest Syndrome‖. These women were in their late forties, some older and were in tears. They had lost sight of who they were and what they had wanted out of life. One by one they told their stories, each visibly shaken because their entire identity was wrapped up in their children‘s lives, and as their children ventured off to college, these mothers truly struggled to find themselves and remember their passions, before they became mothers. As a teenager watching that show, I remember wondering to myself, ―How did they let that happen?‖ I also remember sitting there thinking very defiantly, ―Well, that‘s not going to happen to me.‖ At that time, I thought I had all the answers and pretty much had the next ten years of my life planned out: finish high school, get into a good college, graduate in four years, get a good corporate job, get married and start a family. I had a very strict timeline for what I was going to do, and how I was going to go about reaching each goal that I‘d set for myself, but little did I know then, that the plan I had created for my life was going to lead me down that very same road as the mothers on that talk show.

Giving Birth: Delivering Your Passion By: Sonja Smith Jones

As Mother‘s Day approaches many of us look forward to being celebrated either as first-time moms, moms, grandmothers, aunts, god-mothers and mother-figures. This Mother‘s Day will be extra special for me because my son will be celebrating his second birthday. As a fairly new mother, I find myself consistently praying for wisdom and trying each day to be the best mother that I can be for him. No one ever wants to miss the mark where their children are concerned, because after all, our goal should not be to raise children, but to raise emotionally, healthy adults. I believe the best gift a mother can give her children is to be a fulfilled entity. She should be authentically auspicious in knowing who she is, who she isn‘t and content with herself, 4

Psalm 139:14 (KJV), says we are fearfully and wonderfully made. From the width of our hips to the warmth in our hearts, I believe we were physically designed to receive, nurture, and deliver. I remember a time in my life where I had many accolades and accomplishments but no real sense or joy and definitely no passion. I now know that God placed in each of us a vision, a destiny, and a dream. Jeremiah 29:11 reminds us, ―For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.‖ Simply stated, God has put a passion inside each of us. Your passion is what you would do for free, if you were financially able to do so. The problem, however, comes not from executing that passion, but in uncovering it. I have found the easiest place to find your passion is to look back to your childhood.

Zechariah 4:10 (NLT), advises that we, ―Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin‖. Each endeavor that I started, began small, initially nothing more than what I could see in my mind‘s eye. Oftentimes there was no blueprint for what God was showing me, no other footsteps for me to walk in, and while that made initiating difficult, it stretched my faith beyond my own ability and made me completely rely on Him. I turned to God‘s word and found in Ecclesiastes 3:11 (KJV) that, "He hath made everything beautiful in his time." It was this scripture on which I based my first company. In 2005, it was my desire and prayer to see my younger brother healed from his cracked and bleeding eczema. I prayed and asked God to tell me how to help him, and God answered immediately giving me all the herbs and ingredients to use. The next day I researched the ingredients and found that each one had a natural counter-effect to eczema. So in essence what began as one bar of soap and one bottle of lotion for him, has grown into a full scale, all-natural bath and body product line for acne-prone skin, eczema-prone skin, and chronic-dry skin; thus was born.

At the risk of sounding like a cliché, it‘s true. During our childhood was when we didn‘t have to be concerned with real responsibilities and for the most part were free to do as we pleased, outside of homework and chores. As a child, I was most happy when I was creating something; whether that meant drawing, painting, or writing a short story. I can remember being in kindergarten and looking forward to having recess indoors so that I could be the first in line at the easel for finger-painting. I have never been one to stick to a pattern, follow the instructions or the leader. My rebellion against structure and the copy-cat mentality liberated my flare for creativity. My passions as a child, combined with my desire to help others has manifested into several businesses.

Later that same year, in the quiet of my home I was watching a marathon of one of my favorite television shows I enjoyed as a child, ―The Dukes of Hazard,‖ odd to some, I know, but I really loved that show. It was during that time that I wondered, ―What would my face look like on a handbag?‖ I grabbed my pencils and acrylics and painted my likeness on a purse. The next week, I carried my purse to work and got tons of questions as to where did I get that bag. Happy to find another creative outlet, I designed a few more just for fun…just for me. I depicted random faces of women, all with varying degrees of skin tones and hair colors. I had absolutely no plans on selling 5

my purses, because it‘s hard to put a price tag on your talent, but I realized that even the most beautiful women have issues with self-esteem. Each of us has had moments of not embracing the features that God gave us. Part of the beauty of who we are on the outside is the touch of the One who created us, He gave each of us uniquely different features, shapes, and body types to be celebrated, not altered. Once again, I had no blueprint for a business of this type, but what I did have was a message to share with the world, and the urging of the Holy Spirit to move forward so I did; thus birthing .

time and it hastens to the end [fulfillment]; it will not deceive or disappoint. Though it tarry, wait [earnestly] for it, because it will surely come; it will not be behindhand on its appointed day,‖ Habakkuk 2:3 (AMP).

When I became a mother in 2008, my perception on children changed completely. As I held my baby Malcolm, I thought the things about him that God‘s word said about all children. As soon as I was able to, I created two lines of baby apparel; both celebrate every baby that God created. I call them my ―twins‖, is a line of spiritual baby apparel and is a line of personalized baby bibs and tee shirts.

Sonja Smith Jones is a native of Atlanta, Georgia. She matriculated through the Atlanta Public School system and graduated 8th in her class of 438, from Frederick Douglass High School as a Center For Engineering and Applied Technology magnet program and honor student in 1993. She attended Clark Atlanta University on a full scholarship and obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Information Science in 1997. As an INROADS intern, she began her corporate career at the age of nineteen with AT&T and continued on to such companies as IBM, Hewlett Packard, BellSouth,, and Kodak. In 2002, she earned a Masters of Business degree

I will be the first to say that it is not easy balancing motherhood and entrepreneurship; however I keep everything and everyone in perspective of importance. I ignore the naysayers and the envious because I understand their purpose to hinder or stop what God has started. I sow seeds, continually step out on faith, help others with their entrepreneurial dreams, pray for wisdom and ask God to order my steps in walking out the visions He has given me. I keep moving forward and most importantly, I surround myself with godly counsel, positive like-minded people, fully knowing that, ―For the vision is yet for an appointed 6

with a concentration in Leadership Development from Brenau University located in Gainesville, Georgia. She is the Chief Creative Director of,,, and Vice President of She is a member of World Changers Church International located in College Park, Georgia; is married to Marcus Jones and mother to son, Malcolm.

that people must share not only what they don't know about each other, but what they don't know about themselves.”~Michael Ventura Recently there was a person; let’s call her Sally, who worked in an office environment where a prominent leader’s wife also worked. The leader’s wife was also a boss and well known in the Christian community. One day, Sally was deeply hurt by some remarks made by her boss and she ended up crying. During this time period, her husband called the office and left a message for her, because she was, well, in the bathroom crying. After she cried some and felt a little better, a co-worker had asked if she already spoke to her husband about what went on. Sally said that she didn’t want to upset him by telling him what happened, because he would know something is wrong just by hearing her voice over the phone. (This is admirable).


Pastor Mike & Trisha Fox

The co-worker immediately told her that if there was anyone on earth that needed to know, hear and feel with her that she was hurting and upset, it is her husband; her spouse,

Healthy and Unhealthy Christian Marriages – PART ONE “Marriage is a journey toward an unknown destination -- the discovery 7

not anyone else on earth. Not even friends or co-workers… her spouse.

your ministry because your marriage is right in His sight. In fact, in many cases, that could dangerously be the farthest thing from the truth! Your marriage and life does not change God’s anointing on an individual. Scripture is clear when it states, “For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.” (Romans 11:29 KJV)

To be honest and blunt, your marriage is not automatically healthy simply because you’re Christian. So, here are a few quick questions to dig deep into your honesty and find out where your marriage really is… · Do you co-exist, living two lives in the same house?

In terms many of you already understand, you cannot be saved if you don’t first confess you’re lost. You cannot be healed until you first confess you are sick, and in need of healing. You cannot be blessed until you open up and confess your need for a blessing. And, you cannot have your marriage on track where it needs to be, unless you first realize exactly where your marriage is at; realistically speaking.

· Do you have closeness, openness & intimacy? · Are you constantly drifting apart for the “kingdom of God”, and justifying this disaster waiting to happen? · Are you best friends with someone OTHER than your spouse? · Do you confide in, or share you emotional ups and downs with your friends BEFORE or OVER your spouse?

A man once bought a new radio, brought it home, placed it on the refrigerator, plugged it in, turned it to WSM in Nashville (home of the Grand Ole- Opry), and then pulled all the knobs off! He had already tuned in all he ever wanted or expected to hear. Scripture says regarding our relationship with God, “But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot

Christian or no Christian, your marriage is what you make of it. It can, in fact, be an unhealthy marriage all the while both partners are anointed and appointed, and used mightily of God. It is false teaching to say that God only blesses and anoints 8

nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth!” (Rev. 3:16 NLT) Then our same Bible tells us that our marriage is likened unto our relationship with Christ. Our walk with Him cannot be lukewarm, and neither can our relationship with our spouse.

relationship, they are still not right with God. That’s Bible and that’s correct. (Matthew 5:23, 24 and 1st Peter 3:7) Your priority should not be anything before your spouse. Your spouse comes first: now and always. Then, whatever the both of you agree to do in terms of ministry, do it together.

Again, let us stress the importance of having a healthy marriage, because there is a difference in a healthy and unhealthy marriage. Both can be used in God’s kingdom, but one will fail, right in the middle of being used in God’s kingdom.

If you are married, in order to be right with God, you must be right with your spouse. Really! There are many Christian leaders as that put priority of having admiring followers to keep their insecure pride in motion, than putting their failing marriages in first place. These people have put their anointing and success in first place and allowed the need for restoration to take place. They may have the ignorant and blind admiration of untold followers and succeed with financial gain or a prominence in the Church world, and be lifted high in a seat of incredible influence, but if they are not right with their own spouse in their 9

Be protected by the Rock’s cleft and submerged under His Righteousness.

Be always filled with His eternal joy, taking up the Heavenly refrain -

Comes the Rain

Tears of the just and unjust


continue to flow.

Water laden clouds burst!

Move past sorrows and see; lo! Here comes the rain.

Here now, comes the rain, but I’m loving the ‘liquid

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

sunshine’ and ignoring the weather’s torrential bane.

Despite deluges of Life’s storms,

Joe Breunig

enjoy humanity and have some

Reaching Towards His Unbounded Glory

fun. Now comes the rain, washing over us anew, as the Spirit of the Father’s Son.

Now comes the reign of Christ Embrace Him and His Holiness!


distinguished among the people of his time. His fame came from his relationship with God. (Genesis 5:9). Noah wasn‘t going to argue with God about the mission he had just received--he started on the project knowing that he had a supportive wife. While it might be a great honour to be a wife of a Noah, it calls for much more. Noah‘s wife remained behind the scenes despite her significant role in supporting her husband as he fulfilled God‘s command. Furthermore, her real name hasn‘t been mentioned--she's only known as Noah‘s wife--or Mrs Noah. Her identity is drawn from her husband--a little unsettling for today's independent woman. How many of us would be happy not to receive recognition and praise after such great deeds? At the very least, we‘d expect our names to be mentioned somewhere. However, it never happened for Noah‘s wife. Yet, she didn't sabotage her husband's call. She grasped the vision and went on to support Noah with the overwhelming task. Don't forget that she shared her new home (the Ark) with all types of animals, birds and all creatures that move along the ground--and fed them. (Genesis 7:7-9).

Behind the scenes How would you respond if your husband came from work one day and excitedly told you this? ―Honey, God has told me to build an Ark cause it‘s going to rain…soon…I mean one day. He has even given me the measurements. I am beginning right away—because I love Him—and trust Him.‖ See the source of this crucial mission below: “So make yourself an ark of cypress wood; make rooms in it and coat it with pitch inside and out…I am going to bring flood waters on the earth to destroy all life in it….‖ Genesis 6:14, 17 When Noah announced that to his wife, he didn‘t offer her the option of discussing if really it was from God; if it was an opportune time; or even if the finances were available etc. The Bible records that he was a righteous man who walked with God—

I realize that most of the women reading this article have made enormous contributions in their families and elsewhere—without 11

receiving recognition or some form of gratitude. Instead, your efforts have been associated with someone else who‘s gotten the applause and recognition. Others are serving alongside their husbands and holding the rope for them through prayer, fasting and other commendable ways. Some are the only parent to their children and spiritually leading the home. Although it has been overwhelming, just go along and don‘t be troubled. The lord rewards obedience and faithfulness. The command of God to a wife is to bring her husband good, and not harm all the days of her life. (Proverbs 31:12) Consider doing good even when it may go unnoticed.

To those like Noah‘s wife who continue to work behind the scenes for the glory of God—to them awaits the most coveted crown of all times: to hear the Lord saying, ― well done my good and faithful servant.‖(Matthew 25:23)

Eunice Wangui Stuhlhofer Author of Something In Your Hand

The vision and mission to preserve mankind was very critical and Noah‘s wife caught it. She could‘ve chosen to disobey but she didn‘t—she was a woman filled with wisdom, fear of God and respect for her husband. A study of Genesis 6, 7& 8 portrays Noah‘s wife as a woman of outstanding character and achievements who wasn‘t discouraged by working behind the scenes. One can‘t avoid giving her such credentials:      

Min. Cheryl Thomas

What is your Purpose?" Ecclesiastes 3: 1-11

There is a time for everything. God is time so, what has He called you to do in His time. We must be about our Father's business. Work while it is day because when night comes know man can work.

Courageous and determined God loving woman Hardworking and humble Mentally stable Faithful helper and parent Farmer and animal lover

Each and every one of us has a purpose. No one can do that job God 12

called you to do but, you. We are uniquely, individually made by God. Each of our DNA, footprints, handprints, and characteristics differ. There are no carbon copies.

It is time for those things that are not of God to be consumed and burned up. It is time for those things that are not of God to be cleansed, purified, and set free in the Holy Ghost.

We are fearfully and wonderfully made by God. Each one us has a work to do for God.

It's time it‘s time to be about our Father's business. Please pray as I go forth doing the will of God.

"What is your purpose?" To honor and obey God

I will pray that you also go forth doing the will of God.

To serve him


To worship Him in spirit and in truth

Summer Must Haves for the Woman on the Go!

To meditate on His word daily To study His word To listen and obey Him To do what His word says to do Tell somebody about JESUS God has called me to preach, teach, minister in song and to let the world know that I Iove Him and want to serve Him with my whole being. I've had the opportunity to minister while I am in Pa and just like Jeremiah the prophet said ―just like fire, shut up in my bones"

In the summer months most women shy away from foundations due to the heat. An alternative to foundation is tinted moisturizer. Due to its light formula, this easy to use skin enhancer is a must have for humid weather. I personally use the tinted moisturizer by Laura Mercier because it is has the right coverage for my skin

It is time for the fire to be release in the mighty name of Jesus.


and it has a SPF. This light formula gives my skin a beautiful glow without feeling heavy or sticky. I can opt to use powder for a clean matt finish or choose to use it without powder for a soft dewy glow. Either way my skin is lightly enhanced with a tint and with a SPF.

Acne/blemished skin is sometimes the result of your body not receiving a proper flushing of water. And remember, foundation was never meant to be a cover-up but a skin enhancer. KellyGirl

Another must is mascara and lip gloss/balm. Using these products will allow your natural beauty to shine through without looking too „made up‟. I prefer mascara that works for the desired look that you are trying to achieve. For instance, if you are trying to achieve volume then go for a mascara that is suited to meet that need. If you are trying to add length then don‟t choose a mascara that gives volume but go for one that adds length. In other words choose the mascara that works for your desired look. One more note on eyelashes, false eyelashes is the rage so make sure that you visit a eyelash specialist because your eyelashes in the wrong hands can cause your eyes to become inflamed which could lead to an infection.

Kelly Laws Divine Inspirations Beauty Editor ******************************

Today Yesterday haunts us. Tomorrow draws us to try and see

Also, make sure that you keep your eyebrows arched because this makes your face look clean and polished. Find an esthetician that is specializes in eyebrows and relax as they wax.

what mortal eyes cannot know. Brooding over yesterday, or worrying about tomorrow

If your issue is acne/blemished skin, drink plenty of water to flush out the toxins and bacteria that cause acne.

turns our sights from the gift of today God has 14

placed in our hands.

On this train to Heaven, your behavior must be just right.

Yesterday and tomorrow are

For Jesus is the Conductor, and He controls the Light.

wherever God keeps them. Today is all He gives us

We must pray to Him in earnest, to keep the furnace hot.

along with His mercies

Fasting and supplication, will surely help alot.

to live our lives to His glory.

Have your ticket out and ready, the Conductor's coming by. Got to follow His Commandments, if we intend to fly. If we keep pressing toward the mark, never turning back. Judith M. Mosley

He will bless our coming and going, and keep us on the track.

The Train is at the station, hear the whistle blow.

We'll see the view from the mountain top, sometimes from the plains.

Hurry up and climb aboard, it's about to go.

We'll go thru Stormy weather, enduring the freezing rains.

For it's always on schedule, never will it wait.

We'll dip into some valleys, climb some steep terrain.

And if you're not in your seat, it'll be to late.

Possessing all the Power, that comes in Jesus Name.


But if you missed the Train, or got up off the ride. Humble yourself down, get out of foolish pride. Down on your knees ask forgiveness, seek a second chance. Š 10/20/09

God will look down from Heaven, and review your circumstance.

Tony Rowsey

If you are repentant, your heart open and pure.

Cherish Your Mentors

He will grant a second chance, you can rest assure. Now don't dilly dally, there's no time to play around. Get down on the platform, for the Train is Heaven bound. It's by the Mercy of Jesus, that I'm even on the Train.

Evg. Debra Savage Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands. For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:6, 7

I lift Him up in worship, I praise His Holy Name. Since He pricked my heart, my life is not the same.

There are several types and categories of gifts that the bible speaks of. You have your motivational gifts given by God, you have ministry gifts given by Christ, and you have the gifts of the spirit

I give Him all the Glory, so thankful that He came. To God goes the Glory.


given by the Holy Spirit. Today I want to share an empowerment thought with you about gifts that we can give to each other. It is called Mentorship or the gift of mentoring. The word mentor means advisor, counselor, guide, teacher, or coach. Various teachers will enter and exit your life, but "before following know what or whom the leader follows". The Holy Spirit is your dominant and most important Mentor of all. A Mentor is trusted and is your coach. A Mentor transfers wisdom through relationship. A Mentor guarantees your promotion and can determine your wealth. We all need Mentors especially spiritual ones. A Mentor is not necessarily your best friend, they can see things you don't see because they have "been there and done that". A Mentor is more interested in your success than your affection. Now I could elaborate at great length concerning Mentors, however time will not allow.

Jesus mentored 12 disciples, he turned fishermen into preachers. The secret to Joshua was his relationship to Moses. Paul laid hands on Timothy and caused the gifts of God to be stirred up. Elisha received a double portion of Elijah's anointing. Ruth became a very prominent woman through the status of her husband Boaz. We don't have to be afraid of where God is taking us because "where God guides He provides" and he never leaves us without a Mentor to help us to move from where we are to where we need to be. We have his love, power and self discipline. You must remember‌ "There is a difference in provoking fear through human manipulation and in stirring up the gifts through godly motivation! God is a respector of principal's, not persons. A Mentor can provide clout, a voice, influence, and kingdom connection. People of God you are anointed, appointed, and transformed to perform great exploits for God through godly Mentors. "Follow the person willing to do the tough work of blazing the way". Invest everything to spend time & moments with a godly

Let me give you some biblical examples of Mentors:


Mentor that God has chosen to sow into your life. It will prevent a thousand heartaches!

What this gift could be? When you think of a gift Does "Love" come to mind?

Peace & Favor~

Or does the very essence of the word

Debra D. Savage Author & Speaker (Official Website)

Send your heart racing to a countless beat (Official Booksite)

About the random possibilities of What this gift could be? When you think of a gift Does "Love" come to mind? Does your eye begin to sparkle and shine? Does a smile appear across the expanse of your face? Does your heart beat-a-beat at its own pace?

Marlas J. Sells

The Perfect Gift

Does your mind wonder anew?

When you think of a gift Does "Love" come to mind?

When you think of a gift

Or does the mind spend its time wondering to its demise

Does Jesus come to mind?

About the endless number of possibilities of

Š Marlas J. Sells – 2009



*** Part 1 ***

Are You Destined For Marriage? From baby dolls to fairy tales, little girls and value as it relates to how they should BY MINISTER JAKETHA FARMER instinctively begin planning their dream carry themselves or even how they should wedding (and marriage) early on. From see themselves. So, they look to others for knowing the exact number of children and comparisons. They start taking in what the the type of house they want, to knowing latest magazine or television show says whether or not the family pet would be a they should wear, feel, act and do. So, dog, cat or both. On average, all of this is without both biological parents setting figured out by the time she has reached examples for their sons and daughters, adolescence. many children grow up with a misunderstanding of what "true love" is. Not to downplay single mothers but God has a specific purpose for a father and his role is On the other hand, little boys generally grow vital to a child's upbringing. It is from daddy up playing "cops and robbers" and climbing that girls are taught what love is and I am trees. Marriage is nowhere on their minds at not taking about anything perverted either. such an early age because in their eyes, Her daddy should be her first love not "Jogirls are jokingly considered as having Jo" or "Ray-Ray" from around the way. "cooties". So, girls are dreaming of one day saying "I do!" and boys are thinking that girls are infected and contagious. Fast forward to adulthood, based on decisions made earlier in life, many of those boys and girls are now single mothers (and single fathers) struggling to take care of their kids while the other parent is likely not in the picture. And if he or she is, there is a lot of drama. Then there are the grown men (and women) who are still "playing the field" and thus have children and/or spreading STDs from coast to coast.

By the time many hit their teenage years, males have learned from the "school of hard knocks" how they should treat females and the end result is usually not good. On the receiving end are girls with low selfesteems, who may or may not have had their biological father in their lives. In such cases, they have no clue of their identity 20

I am not sharing any of this to embarrass or beat anyone down. I share it because in the last year, I have met many people in situations such as these, who are wondering if they are destined to be single. They are either asking, "God, where is my future spouse?" or wondering "Why is God punishing me?" What many in these situations have failed to realized is that although they are continuing to pray for and wait on a spouse, they are still not ready for (or rightly positioned) for marriage just yet.

Strangely enough, we all see marriage in a different light. For example, some guys might look at a single mother's relationship with her "baby daddy" and determine whether or not he wants to marry into such chaos. He might imagine himself in the place of the children's father and wonder if you would treat him the same way if he were to marry and divorce you. For some women, a man's ability to take care of, nurture and stay committed to her readymade family is a deal breaker. While for other singles, anybody with a pulse who can sign language, "I do!" you would hurriedly give your hand in marriage too only to later regret ever meeting or marrying them in the first place.

Aside from the single mothers and fathers, there are those of us, who have never been married and are without children. For us the biological clock is ticking louder and louder as each year goes by. Some are still in their child-bearing years, while others are not. In this group, the marriage question has become an afterthought, from "Where is my husband/wife?" to "I never meet Mr./Mrs. Right."

Marriage is not a fairy tale; it is a lifelong commitment that should never been entered into lightly. Having such ridiculous standards such as, "anyone with a pulse" or an exhaustive list of "He gotta and she better..." that is so long Jesus would not qualify to conduct the wedding ceremony is a sign that you are not ready. Too often, many of us view marriage as an event. More time and care is put into the wedding and honeymoon plans then is ever put into preparing to stay married. Marriage is a partnership with God to fulfill His purposes through our union. And until we understand what God put each of us here for, we will continue to be unprepared for the very things we desire. So, are you destinyfocused for marriage?

Out of all of us, few have had real examples of what marriage is. For some, our parents were either never married, have been divorced and remarried several times or who just flat out set bad examples regardless of their marital status. To us, on the outside looking in, there appears to be no sanctity in marriage. As a result, singles are left to use our imaginations to determine what marriage would be like if we were in one. Unfortunately, life does not always mimic our imaginations; therefore, many of us have incorrect views on marriage, childrearing and the like.

This Month’s Challenge Assess yourself by making two lists. In the first one, list the strengths that you can bring to the table for a successful marriage. On 21

got a "customer" he would clean up and get rid of the old fly so the other flies wouldn't get suspicious. Then one day this fairly smart fly came buzzing by the clean spider web. The spider called out, "Come in and sit down. It's nice and shiny!" But the fairly smart fly said, "No, way! I don't see other flies in your house, and I'm not going in alone!"

the other one, list any weaknesses that could wreck your marriage. Now periodically review the first list and get to work on the second one.

MIN. JAKETHA FARMER is the Founding Pastor of “40 Days of Change Online” – home to the popular “40-Day (Destiny) Challenge”. She is also the Founder, Producer & Host of GOT ISH-OOS? Visit her online at or email her at

At that moment, he looked down saw on the floor below a large crowd of flies dancing around on a piece of brown paper. He thought to himself, "Now this is cool! I'll join the crowd." He wasn't afraid if lots of flies were doing it. So he came in for a landing. Just before he landed, a bee zoomed by, saying, "Don't land there, stupid! That's flypaper!" But the fairly smart fly shouted back, "Don't be like that! Those flies are dancing. There's a big crowd there. Everybody's doing it. That many flies can't be wrong!"

Youth4, 2Day


Turns out as we can take a wild guess, those flies weren't dancing. They were struggling to get free. They were bound, trapped and were led astray. Simply because there were a lot of other flies "into" it.

Once a spider built a beautiful web in an old house. He kept it clean and shiny so that flies would be amazed and fly right into it. The moment he 22

How else can we say this, but young people: stand up for what's right! We have GOT to stop thinking anything and everything is okay, as long as others are doing something. You may be the ONLY young person in your school to not smoke, do drugs, have sex or live holy, but one thing is fo' sho'! ANYTIME you take a stand FOR God, you actual take a stand WITH GOD.

While these things are pointing out the negative and bad things about "rolling with the flow", we'll say this: It's not all BAD.

He will not let you stand alone! He said, "I will never leave or forsake you."

* If your crowd is those that worship God and live holy, then chill with them!

Taken from Kevin J. Took's article, "Dealing with Peer Pressure", Why Do People Give in to Peer Pressure?

* If your crows are those who don't walk with God, live unholy, disobey their parents and leaders, etc, then SCAT! Run from them.

Sometimes it's GOOD to go with the crowd. IT ALL DEPENDS ON WHO THE CROWD IS! * If your crowd are those that love God and want to please God, then chill with them!

Some kids give in to peer pressure because they want to be liked, to fit in, or because they worry that other kids may make fun of them if they don't go along with the group. Others may go along because they are curious to try something new that others are doing. The idea that "everyone's doing it" may influence some kids to leave their better judgment, or their common sense, behind.

2nd Corinthians 6 says, "Paul next issues a command: Do not be yoked together with unbelievers" (v. 14). Actually the command is even more pointed: "Stop yoking yourselves to unbelievers." Go ahead and hang with the crowd; the RIGHT crowd. As the old saying says, "Birds of a feather flock together."

-Pastors Mike & Trisha Fox 23

Katherine A. Primus Presentations & Workshops As a practitioner of Explosive Growth Technology™, Katherine A. Primus has over 19 years experience working with individuals and organizations to help them develop and grow including strategic planning and leadership development. Currently serving as Executive Director of the Christian Association at the University of Pennsylvania, Katherine mentors young adults through internships and programming. She developed “Building Life After Loss,” a unique workshop series for people who have experienced loss.

Schedule your presentation or workshop today! Please email Katherine at • Strategic

Thinking for Young People Today: Developing Leaders that Actively Translate Ethics and Values into Action. • For everyone interested in learning more about the pressures and challenges young people face today. • One-hour presentation building on Katherine’s work with young people at the University of Pennsylvania. • Free presentation that asks for an offering to be made to the Christian Association at Penn. • Life’s Transitions: Understanding the Impact of Loss on Young People. • For mentors, teachers, leaders of young people. • One-hour interactive workshop on loss and young people. • Recommended fee of $195. • You Mean Free Will Isn’t a Bad Thing? • For churches and organizations interested in spiritual discernment. • One-hour presentation based on article by same name. • Recommended fee of $145. • Strategic Leadership for Ministry • For churches, existing faith-based organizations, and independent ministers developing their own ministries. • Two-hour workshop focusing on strategic planning and fundraising. • Recommended fee of $250. SRG Publications • P.O. Box 536 • Maple Shade, NJ 08052 • 856-810-7677 • (Explosive Growth Technology™ is a trademark owned by Glenn E. Dawson.) ©Katherine A. Primus, 2010 24

stop this corruption of our “precious” girls growing into dysfunctional women? The first step is to tell our own stories of sexual violation and confront our skeletons then our daughters will not have to walk a day in our shoes.

Women Of Zion

There are many grown women who grew up

By Stylicia Bowden

as a “precious” but now their heart is bitter

to any man who crosses their path. Some of

“Precious” Recently I watched the movie, “Precious”

these women were even violated by

on DVD and I was overwhelmed by the

someone of their same sex but we tend to

thought of reality of a young girl who

not address the real issues that are not only

endured so much at a young age.

affecting society but it is also hidden in our

“Precious” showed the gritty truth of what

churches. According,

many young girls endure and then they grow 1 in 4 girls is

up lost and confused not knowing that the

sexually abused before the age of 18, 30-

damage of their childhood was taken from

40% of victims are abused by a family

them through rape, molestation, incest and

member another 50% are abused by

abuse. Many young girls have been living

someone outside of the family whom they

this reality of sexual immorality caused by

know and trust. It also stated only 10% are

the violation of their family member, friend

abused by strangers. These statistics also

or pure stranger. How can we stop these

show the median age for reported abuse is 9

recurring incidents? How can we as mothers

years old. Many girls and women who 25

endured this sexual betrayal tend not to

up and help the person being

report the incident. Some may fear that their

victimized in your home. 

family or mother will not believe the truth. It

Seek church help, prayer is powerful

is important we as mothers, grandmothers,

and church counseling is very

and parents take sexual violation seriously

helpful to bring a spiritual view on

and not be scared to talk about it in our

sexual violence.

homes, schools and churches. Here are a

These are just a few steps to ensure the

couple things we can do to heal the

sexual violence trail is stopped in this world.

―precious‘s‖ of the world. 

Our young girls, ladies and women are

First, do not ignore the signs of

―precious‖ so we as women have to bridge

sexual violation happening to your

the gap and speak up and out. Once this goal

daughter, yourself, family or friend

is accomplished then and only then the


Devil‘s perversion will flee seven ways.

Seek counseling through a trained

Together we are a force to be reckoned

professional who can help minister

with…..!!!! Matthew 18:20 (New International

to a sexual victim.

Version) 20For where two or three come

If the victim wants to confide in you

together in my name, there am I with them."

be open to listen and then seek help from a professional. 

Never allow this to continue on because of your fear of being abused or threaten by the perpetrator. Speak


Iron Sharpens Iron As Iron Sharpens Iron so one man sharpens another Proverbs 27:17 (NIV) killer, the weeds would grow back because their prayers do not address the root. In this season, I am requiring seeds of an effectual nature, for My desire is to bless My church, uplift it, and glorify it in the sight of men; but first, I need right prayers.‖ As I began to ponder and meditate on that word, the Spirit of the Lord began to take me to Genesis 26:19 and said, ―Now Isaac‘s servants dug in the valley and found there a well of living [spring] water.‖ Herein lies the Lord's burden: Isaac‘s servants-- not Isaac--were the ones to dig and find the well of living waters. As pastors, their purpose is to lead you, correct you, feed you with God‘s word, clothe your nakedness, and heal your brokenness--not to be sole carriers of the weight of the entire ministry. This might seem obvious; but in reality, our prayer requests tell another story.

Prophetess Deborah Jones

“Effectual Prayer” I was in prayer the other day, when the Spirit of the Lord began to talk to me concerning the reality of effectual prayer. He began to address the prayers of the laity concerning their clergy and how there was a disconnect between the prayers that were being offered on behalf of church leaders and the people who were praying. And the Holy Spirit said, ―They are praying amiss. Though they pray for My church and My priests, both My church and My priests perish because of a lack of knowledge and understanding amongst the people. And though I have honored the prayers offered up in one season, there has been continual battle because their prayers were not effectual. Though they were applying weed

We will ask God to empower our leaders to accomplish the vision set before them, but the vision only gets accomplished when the servants dig. The thirsts in the ministry-thirsts of strife and contention and jealousy and envy--only get quenched when the servants dig. The shepherd is supposed to lead you to green pastures, not make green pastures for you. Not even Moses did that. He interceded on behalf of the people; he instructed the people; he even fasted for weeks on end to keep the people alive and give them laws, but when it was time to enter the Promised Land, he sent servants. Even now, I can sense in my spirit that there 27

are those reading this, who are discouraged because their pastor led them to still waters-waters that have been sitting for long periods of time and appear dirty. Could it be that the Spirit of the Lord told your pastor to lead you there because you need to wash seven times? Wash and dig--find the reservoir and cause that water to spring forth life!

back more than sufficiency to your leaders-you can bring back abundance! For our God is a great God and desires to do more than we can ask or think. He desires to work in multiple ways as opposed to just one. He desires to meet the needs of the multitude and not just those of one or five. So ask the Lord of the harvest to make you a laborer, for the workers are few.

Some of you have been praying for the warfare against your pastor to stop. But can I tell you that God‘s not looking at the warfare with the same mind frame that you are? Instead, He‘s asking you to gird up your loins and go into battle and quench your leader's thirst, for the Lord wants to see if you are willing to risk your life to serve. For the Lord says, ―It‘s not so much the battle, as it is My purpose to make a mighty man out of you.‖ And for those that are praying for the leader to be strengthened so that miracles can continue to occur in the ministry, God says pray that you might become strong like Joshua and uphold the arms of your leader so that no weapon formed against your church may prosper. And if you aren‘t the ―Joshua‖ for your leader, ask God to make you the person who desires to uphold your Joshua‘s arms so that s/he does not get tired while upholding your Moses.

Here are a few things to pray, in addition to those things listed in this article: 

 

Pray for knowledge on behalf of the leader, so that s/he nor the people perish. Pray for a pure heart to see God and as God, so that you do not continue to pray amiss. Pray to be a good steward and a faithful servant to His work. Pray for a genuine love for the Lord, His church, and His people for against such things, there is no law.

Prophetess Deborah Jones functions as both a teacher and prophet in the Body of Christ, ministering the Word of the Lord prophetically to individuals and governmental leadership, both nationally and internationally. She is also the founder of Prothumia Institute, a prophetic paradigm of spiritual instruction located in Clinton, MD; East Orange, NJ; and Virginia Beach, VA. If you have been blessed by this article and wish to receive more insight into the walk of the Elect, consider purchasing Prophetess Deborah Jones‟ book Ministerial Ethics: The Bridge to Divine Authority, Volume I: Integrity and Honor at . You can also watch her videos on Ministerial Ethics via YouTube on the „ProthumiaOnline‟ channel. Other ministry blogs are available at

There are still yet others, who have been praying for God to help meet the needs of their pastors--to provide sufficiency in the area of finances. But God is asking that you pray for obedience to His word, when He speaks to you about what to give in your tithes and offerings. He is asking that you pray for more faith in Him and His leadership, so that you can be faithful to give. He is telling you to get the courage, focus, and skill necessary to fight the giants, who occupy your land, so that you can bring


Iron Sharpens Iron As Iron Sharpens Iron so one man sharpens another Proverbs 27:17 (NIV) thought is iron can sharpen iron if the one doing the sharpening is held at the right angle. Hmm, even more interesting. So far we can say that mutual sharpening (in the physical realm) might include lots of rubbing, friction, heat, and an approach that uses the right angle. I can preach a sermon right here, but will return to this later. When I meditated on the various translations of Proverbs 27:17, they were all pretty similar, with the exception of the King James Version, which throws a little extra something in there. Other translations basically say that ―Iron sharpens iron just as a friend or a man sharpens another.‖ The King James translation says, ―Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.‖ The word ‗countenance‘ introduces an additional element. Countenance can be defined as a person‘s demeanor, mental composure, and expression – all relative to our mood, emotions, and character.

Friction that Fortifies Written by Ann Thomas The thought of iron sharpening iron has never struck me as an appealing or pleasant process; especially when I think about it from an earthly (fleshly) perspective. Whether speaking in the natural or the spiritual, the end result of the process is to become sharper and more useful. In the natural, there are many debates as to whether iron can actually sharpen iron. It‘s said that materials of like substances and density cannot sharpen each other. For sharpening to occur, the metal being used to sharpen must be harder than the metal being sharpened. Otherwise, the process becomes one of rubbing together and creating heat or friction. Interesting. The other school of

In other words, using the right angle, the sharpening process should produce Godly character, a sound mind, and an attitude that pleases the Lord. Are you getting this yet? What‘s the angle? The angle is our approach, our motive, and whether we are 29

using wisdom or not. Sharpening another is not about us and it‘s not for our benefit. It‘s not about helping others become who we want them to be. I know I‟m meddling with someone today. Remember, everything that occurs in the sharpening process is mutual, such as the friction and the inconvenience. I may not feel like sharpening you today or being sharpened by you for that matter.

doesn‘t always feel good or sound pleasing to the ear. We are to En-Courage (put courage into) each other to persevere in our walk with the Lord. At times encouragement might be in the form of a word of correction or a loving rebuke. After all, we are dealing with building Godly character. Building character often requires a rubbing, friction, a heating up, and other things that do not feel good in the moment, but is drawing us closer to God and helping us become more like Christ.

The process also allows for a mutual growth experience. Notice the scripture speaks of two metals that are alike - equally interdependent. As Christians, we are interdependent beings who are totally dependent upon the Lord. We are all in need of his grace, forgiveness, mercy, wisdom, and strength. So that makes the field leveled. None of us is better than the other.

Most of us would like to be the one doing the sharpening rather than being sharpened. But the truth be told, if we are consistently reading our Bible, then we are regularly being sharpened by the Word because it is alive, powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, exposing our innermost thoughts and desires ~ Hebrews 4:12. Sharpening is a regular part of the Christian life. God sharpens us so we can sharpen others. The sharpening process is for our good and His glory!

When the Lord uses me to sharpen (encourage) a brother or sister in the Lord, I am also sharpened as I walk in wisdom and obedience. And let me make one thing clear about encouragement. Encouragement


The Real Life of a

through alcohol, partying and people; hoping to find happiness but found myself feeling lonely, brokenhearted and depressed instead.

Pastor’s Wife

I kept thinking to myself that there had to be more to this life but I just could not seem to find it. I was so discouraged and thought to myself if this is what life was about I didn’t want anything to do with it. So one night I was going to attempt suicide for the second time. I was seventeen and had just graduated from high school the month before. I attempted suicide once before and decided not to go through with it but the idea kept coming back and so in the darkness of my bedroom I began to plan my next attempt.

By Filoiann Wiedenhoff

Who Me? Who would have thought that God, in His all knowing and all surpassing power, have a plan for me to be married to a pastor. If you knew me twenty five years ago you probably would have thought the exact opposite and would have said, “No Way! Not her…” I want to introduce myself by sharing with you how I came to know Jesus Christ. Apart from Him I can do nothing.

I was distraught wondering if my death would bring me the peace I was looking for but then a question came to mind. What if all the things Christians had witnessed to me in the past about salvation and hell were right? I had to ask myself if I would be going to a better place or a worse place and did I really believe there was a God and heaven or was it all a myth?

I remember back as a young teenage girl I was lost and looking for something I didn’t know. All I did know was that I was in dire need of hope. I lost my mother at the young age of thirteen. My father David, three brothers, Jaffa, John and James and I were devastated to say the least. She was truly the heart of our home and when she died a big part of us died too. It felt like our world was crashing down all around us. I looked for comfort in many different ways

These questions came one after the other and I didn’t know what to think. Right at that moment everything people witnessed to me over the years about Jesus Christ and salvation came flooding into my mind. It was as if it was stored in my memory bank for this very moment to be released because I remembered every single word and instruction on how to receive salvation through Jesus Christ. The crazy thing about 31

it is that these were memories I didn’t know I had.

They told me they invited them over to meet me because they were my age and before I could tear into to them for treating me like a charity case; I hear a knock on the door. It was them, Lynne, Norma and Vivian. They invited me to hang out with them and play some basketball; I reluctantly went not thinking anything of it but that night we immediately bonded. It was as if I had known them my whole life.

I distinctly remembered that I was to ask Jesus to come into my heart and take over my life and He will come in and live inside my heart and also that He would give me a new life in Him. I also remember a friend telling me once that if I wanted to know if God was real that I should ask Him to reveal Himself to me and that He would do just that. I began to feel a sense of hope and reasoned to myself that perhaps it would be unwise for me not to exhaust every option of life before considering the finality of suicide. So I decided that I should give belief in God a try first and see if what I was told about faith and God was true

We had a lot in common and the best news was they were all Christian and when I heard that I immediately told them about my prayer the week before. Lynne prayed with me again and explained to me about faith and the decision that I made for Christ. It felt like a veil was lifted from my eyes and I could see life differently. She took me under her wing and mentored me the following two years and we all became best friends. I had joy, peace and purpose for life again and from that night forward I knew with my whole heart that God was indeed real, He heard my cries and answered me and transformed me anew.

That night in my bedroom, with the lights still off, I cried my heart out and asked Jesus to come into my heart and if He was indeed real that He would show Himself to me so that I could believe. I asked God to forgive me of my sins and to forgive the sins that were done to me and told Him if He was real I desperately wanted to know.

My testimonial song for my life is, “Amazing Grace”. “Amazing grace how sweet the sound who saved a wretch like me, I once was lost but now I’m found, once blind but now I see.”

After that heartfelt prayer I felt as if a large weight was lifted off my shoulders and more at peace with myself but I still didn’t quite know if what I had prayed was real or if God was real but the desire to commit suicide seemed to diminish.

I will share more about me in my next article on how I met my husband. You don’t want to miss that one, it’s a miracle too.

A week later after I prayed that prayer my brothers came home from the store one day and told me about three girls they met. 32

One valuable lesson I learned from this testimony is that no matter how you may see yourself, where you may be at this moment or what you have done in the past; God sees you and views you through His eyes and will take you out of that miry pit and set you upon a rock and make you new

through His Son Jesus Christ. God Bless You! Jeremiah 33:3 “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” NKJV


John G. Taylor, MA Clinical/Christian Therapist

Hey where are you? The call for mentoring in our communities. Recently I’ve noticed a push for mentoring in our communities; I’ve seen the mentoring program that is being lead by our first lady Michelle Obama. There are radio personalities and television stars calling for us to mentor a child in our communities. So have you been bitten by the mentoring bug or are you still waiting for personal invitation. If you are waiting for a personal invitation I’m delivering it to you now. I want to encourage, plea and ask you to join a mentoring campaign in your city, at your church or in your community.


Mentoring has so long been what we have done in our communities we just haven’t identified it by this language. There were old men in my community when I grew up that told me that was going to help me learn about life. I didn’t call them my mentor but today I will say that’s exactly what they were.

different and the expectations are different. I know that we have a lot of single mothers raising African American male children and doing a great job it but I believe if you asked them they would appreciate the support from an African American male to help with some of the difficult conversations, to tamper down that aggressiveness, to explain the dynamics of relationships and to give the qualities of being a man. (Being responsible, being accountable for behavior and etc)

There are so many benefits to a child having a mentor some are: Reduction in gang activities

There are also some benefits for the mentor they are:

Better grades in school Less involvement in the Criminal Justice System

Opportunity to learn from someone younger

Higher self esteem Chance to expand your surrounding Enlightenment into other areas that would have not been seen

Opportunity to leave your comfort zone

Possibilities for what they can have/achieve in life.

To impart some of your knowledge I also strongly believe that the influence and knowledge that the mentors learn will further enhance their lives as well. The power and impact of knowing that maybe your one hour a week or two hours a month has changed the path of a child’s life is the best legacy to leave. I was a mentor in two great programs Big Brothers and Big Sisters and The Easter Seals society. This was such a great time for me because everything that I’ve listed here was true, my mentees taught me so many things and I was also able to teach them some things as well.

Being able to give a child these experiences or just showing them the possibilities of what life can hold for them is so important. This will in most cases change the total trajectory of that child’s life. Often times we hear that African American Males are outnumbered 10 to 1 on our college campuses. This doesn’t have to be the numbers anymore we have the power through mentoring to make this number more equal. I believe that it’s important to have an African American Male mentor an African American male child, because the dynamics are different, the language is 34

Zipporah took a sharp stone, and cut off the foreskin of her son, and cast it at his feet, and said, Surely a bloody husband art thou to me. So he let him go: then she said, A bloody husband thou art, because of the circumcision: Exodus 4:24-26

So hopefully you will accept this invitation and find a child to mentor in your community. If it’s through one of the agencies I listed here great, if its’ through your church or if it’s just in your community taking the time to speak or spend time with a child that’s fantastic. We have all been called by God for purpose to get involved and do something to impact the world. I always ask the question; how has the world benefited from you being here? If you can’t answer this question maybe it’s time you asked God and research your soul and discover your purpose. So come on get involved and answer this call for mentoring in our communities.

This passage of scripture is so unique and there is no other story like it in the entire bible. It is a periscope (intense examination) of Moses‘ wife Zipporah. Going against all of her religious and cultural teachings, she took on a role that was exclusively a rite of Hebrew men only––she performed a circumcision on her son. The ceremony of circumcision was a critical part of God‘s covenant with Abraham. God ordained that circumcision be performed on all the males of every generations as a token or sacrifice and it would seal His promises toward Abraham –– he would be the father of many nations and his generations would be so vast that they could not be counted–– he would be exceedingly fruitful: “And ye shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin; and it shall be a token of the covenant betwixt me and you” (Genesis 17:11). Or on blog talk radio @

This covenant, sealed through circumcision, was so important to God that he warns those who would not follow the covenant, he says that they would be cut off from their people and future generation to come: “And the uncircumcised man child whose flesh of his foreskin is not circumcised, that soul shall be cut off from his people; he hath broken my covenant” (Genesis 17:14). That means you would not be heard of again, possibly through death or by a curse from the earth as God did to Cain, “And now art thou cursed from the earth,” (Genesis 4:11).


Elder Mae Davis

So you may ask, what does the ceremony of circumcision have to do with Zipporah being a “ CUTTING EDGE MOTHER”––well, I

And it came to pass by the way in the inn, that the Lord met him and sought to kill him. Then 35

am glad that you asked. A cutting–edge mother is one who is not afraid to be radical. She is out-of-the-box; a woman who takes matters into her own hands. Someone who does whatever is necessary to save her family from destruction; she will cut up the enemy in the natural and in the supernatural. Even at the risk of her husband thinking that she is a little crazy, she is willing to risk rejection and being placed on the ―back burner‖ by him just because she chose to save that which she holds dear to her heart. And like Zipporah, she may have to risk disobeying God‘s precepts especially if it meant saving your husband from death––saving him from missing his opportunity to fulfill God‘s calling on his life. This is a mother whom the devil is afraid of, but God honors.

ceremony of circumcision and that her actions could cause her to be disrespected by her husband as well as cause him to loose the respect of the other Hebrew men, she reacted to a life and death situation and cut off the foreskin of her son genitalia. Even though it meant defying the Hebrew customs and causing her son temporary pain, her cutting-edge actions took her out-of-the-box and out of her comfort zone –– she broke tradition and circumcised her son. Many times when our husbands are called by God to do ministry, they get busy building the ministry and preaching and teaching to the people, and they sometimes forget to do the family things. As wives and mothers we have a responsibility to our children and to our husbands–– we must be responsible in both ministry and family. Many times we are left alone to take the children to their doctor‘s appointments, attend parent-teacher meetings, handle problems in school or at home, and having to discipline the children, but this is not to say that you want your husband to stop building his ministry. However, it does mean that you and he must get into the presence of God and seek him for the wisdom and guidance to find the balance that is needed for the family––which should be the first ministry–– and then for the ministry that he is called and anointed to do.

This fourth chapter of Exodus begins with Moses debating with God about how inadequate he feels and how unqualified he is to be called into the ministry. Nevertheless, he is instructed by God to return to Egypt to tell Pharaoh to let His people go. Moses gathers his family, his wife Zipporah and his two sons, Gershom and Eliezer and returns to Egypt. On their way to Egypt they stop at a place to lodge from their long journey. The word says, “that the Lord met him, and sought to kill him” (Exodus 4:24). Zipporah immediately discerns the presence of God and takes action. Zipporah not only discerned God‘s presence but it is very possible that she felt in her spirit that God was about to kill her husband for something he had failed to do. She knew that he had been called to be the deliverer of nations, she knew that he was anointed for this calling, but she also knew that he failed to fulfill God‘s covenant and this could have caused him to lose his life. Her cutting-edge nature caused her to act expediently; knowing all too well that it was not her responsibility to perform the

In being a cutting-edge mother we must be willing to do whatever it takes to save and deliver our families. Many times our children don‘t understand why we tell them that they cannot go everywhere that they want to go or associate with whomever they want ––even if they think they are friends. The cutting-edge mother has to protect her family from the hands of the enemy even when our children don‘t like us for it. They may find it painful being a PK (Preachers Kid), they might even get angry if they have 36

to spend all day in church services––as mothers we must sometime take charge of our families; we must pray that our husbands will assume their role as the Priest of the home. Moses was called and anointed by God to be the vessel that he would use to deliver his children from Egypt, but he neglected his role as the Priest of his house and it almost caused him to receive a spiritual demotion and possibly death if it were not for the actions of Zipporah.

photo I think about what seemed to be unbearable circumstances surrounding me when I took it. I was in Africa on a mission trip and I had not been to the bathroom in about six hours. Our small group was scheduled for a tour down the Nile River, and we were already quite late. None of us had enjoyed a warm shower in days, and no one had eaten since much earlier so we were famished. We also knew that we were not able to find a bathroom stop until our final destination point, so everyone was parched from lack of fluids except of course me, who insisted on that final cup of coffee early before our departure. Now I adore elephants and I was excited to see them in the wild, but I could not enjoy them because I was hungry, smelly, late for our tour and above all, my bladder wanted to explode!

We need more cutting-edge mothers today; mothers, who will stand in the gap, break traditions, discern danger, and discern the presence of God. Mothers, it is our mission and it is our calling, to be on the cuttingedge and be willing to cut off the unclean things in our family‘s lives. Elder Mae F. Davis © 2010 Email:

“Don’t Let the Elephants Steal Your

The greatest part of this photo however is what was actually happening behind the camera. There were 12 other people going through the same thing. Some were perfectly happy waiting with hunger while others of us were clawing at the seat in front of us just so we did not jump out the windows. We were sharing snacks, passing out face wipes and deodorant, keeping each other calm and distracting each other from the intense needs of our bladders. We were united in friendship and cause, even if not all of us were desperate, and we could not have waited the ten minutes it took for the elephants to cross if it had not have been for each other.


By Mandy Woodhouse

I have a photo of a family of elephants crossing the road. It was taken from the inside of a bus on a very long and hot day while in Uganda. Every time I look at this

Everyone has dreams, goals, and destinies yet to be fulfilled, and sometimes it feels 37

like fat elephants are blocking us from reaching where we know we are called to be. In these times it is easy to feel very alone, and to isolate ourselves so that we are alone. It can be an even harder season if there are people "following" us or looking up to us because when we have to stop for a time, everyone behind us has to wait as well. Just like being at the front of a long line of traffic, I absolutely hate being the person to hold everyone else up because my car stalled or I do not know where I am going! Long drives and times in traffic are always so much better when you have friends in the car with you, keeping the mood light and the intensity lighter. Having a friend tell me a joke while I impatiently waited for a bathroom stop in the middle of Africa made time go by so much quicker. How much more comforting to be able to turn to friends when you feel blocked from your destiny.

Anytime we try to go through difficult seasons alone, we not only cheat ourselves but we also steal a blessing from the friends or family who want to be our help. Men and women were not created to do this journey alone, and I have found that the enemy uses roadblocks like my elephants try and detach us from people and from God. Proverbs says it is unwise for a person to isolate himself. Fighting battles alone are often some of the biggest open doors for the enemy‘s strongest attacks. If you surround yourself with people who believe in you, support you and encourage your dreams, then you will find it easier to forget how far you feel you are from your promise (or in my case in Africa, how badly you need the bathroom). It is especially nice knowing that despite your ―smell,‖ people will still love you, believe in you, and be willing to hand you some deodorant if needed. Times may be difficult, but know that the elephants will not stay in the road forever, and you can make it through the often grueling wait especially when you are not alone.

God has a plan and purpose for us to give us hope and a great future (Jeremiah 29:11). My life would not be the same if it were not for the friends who reminded me of this promise. We must remember that we have friends and pillars of encouragement that can help us have the strength to wait and also the courage to keep going when the timing is right. Proverbs 12:25 (NIV) says, ―An anxious heart weights a man down, but a kind word cheers him up.‖ Everyone needs the kind words of a friend spoken over their lives to help when the journey seems unbearable. Even Adam needed a ―helper‖ (Genesis 2), someone that he could share his life with. If Adam needed a friend at a time before he had experienced sin and pain, how much greater do we need friends when the world is filled with grief and heartache now!

The greatest lesson in maturity happens when we realize that despite the size of the roadblock, nothing matters except knowing Jesus intimately (John 15 & Philippians 3:710), trusting that what He says is true, and sharing the load with others. God is faithful, and you will reach your destination because He promises it. Ecclesiastes 3:11 (NIV) says that He ―…makes everything beautiful in its time.” We can trust Him that as we wait for the road to clear we do not have to wait alone, and we can safely enjoy the journey as it unfolds. 38

Let’s Become Accountable for our Behavior

I’m a clinical/Christian Therapist and I have developed an exciting and much needed series for the men of your church or community. I will bring this series to you and I know that it will be a dynamic blessing for those that attend. Does your church hold men accountable for their abusive behavior towards their intimate partners? Do you know the tell-tale signs of abusive men? Are there men in your church that would attend a group that will help them STOP abusing their intimate partners?

The Accountability Series What is the Accountability Series: The Accountability Series is 6 week series designed for men that are or have been emotionally, sexually and physically abusive to their intimate partners. The series will show you the effective techniques on how to communicate with your partner, how to control your anger, how to negotiate and be fair with your intimate partner and help you release your desire to have Power and Control over another person. This series will also show you what God says about abuse and being accountable for your behavior.

The rate for the series is $90.00 per class. I will present a different topic each week and each participant will receive a workbook consisting of all the material presented during the series. John G. Taylor, MA. A Clinical /Christian Therapist with over 15 years of experience facilitating groups/counseling men that are abusive to their intimate partners. For more details and see other accountability series that I’ve developed please visit my website @ 215-564-0680 ext 317 or email @ ** I will come to your church/location and conduct this workshop** For we are accountable to God, ourselves and to others for our behavior


suddenly been pardoned, set free and restored to his position in society as a law abiding citizen. He did nothing to accomplish his newfound liberty. He was not even aware that it had happened. There he stands, scratching his head, outside the prison walls, a free man. That is a gift. Now it is his responsibility to live as a free man alongside other free men.

Living the “E” Life

We were condemned prisoners under the judgment of the law of God, doomed to live under the severe restrictions of the law with no hope of earning our freedom by our obedience to the law, since all the law could do was to point out our transgressions (Gal 3:19). However, Jesus Christ "gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age" (Gal 1:4). "Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law" (Gal 3:13). "Therefore, brothers, we are not children of the slave woman, but of the free woman" (Gal 4:31). So the nature of our freedom is clear. We have been delivered from the judgment of the law of God, and we no longer live under its disciplinary regulations. Our lives are not imprisoned by the terror of breaking the commandments: ―Released from‖. Our lives are lived in the joyful freedom of knowing that in Christ God has fulfilled all His promises and has satisfied the just verdict delivered to us by a just God: ―Freed to‖. However, we do not live without accountability.

Cheryl C. Shumake

Freedom is here! I have decided to live as free as Christ has made me. Galatians 5:1 reads, ―It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.‖ This declaration of our freedom is both a statement of an accomplished fact and a life to pursue. Freedom is ours because of the accomplishment of Christ: Christ has set us free! Paul does not appeal to his readers to fight to be free. Our Christian freedom is not the result of our long march. We have not liberated ourselves by our efforts. No amount of power we exerted could have bought our freedom. It was given to us because Christ wanted us to be free. We enter into a saving relationship with Him and are released. Released from and freed to. Released from slavery to and the penalty of sin. Freed to enjoy, to love, to overcome, to completion, to be a light. And now that Christ has given His freedom to us it freedom is both our gift and our responsibility. Imagine a person in prison for life who is surprised to find that he has

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. That indicative is followed by an imperative, ―Stand firm, then and do not let yourselves…” What we must do (the imperative) is based upon what God has already done (the indicative). Or to put it another way, what God has done gives us the opportunity and power to do what we must do (standing firm and not letting ourselves be enslaved again). While God's gift of freedom must be defended from 40

legalism, performance based ‗faith‘, hypocrisy, people-pleasing, and more, God's gift of freedom must not be abused (1 John 3: 6-10). Freedom must be used to serve (You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love. 14 The entire law is summed up in a single command: "Love your neighbor as yourself – Gal 5:13-14). The freed-man‘s life is lived only by the Spirit and expressed only through the Spirit (Gal 5:16-25). If we compare life lived our own way, by emotion and feeling (enslaved) in versus 19 – 21 and life lived in and governed by the Spirit (freedom) in versus 22 - 23. There is a decided dissimilarity. There is no middle road in the Kingdom of God. We are either slave or free. He is Lord of our lives or not. It is heaven or hell, righteousness or sin, pride or humility, lust or purity, forgiveness or bitterness, and on it goes. Since he has set us free from the yoke of slavery, we ought not take it on ourselves again. In contrast to the yoke of slavery under the law, his yoke is easy and his burden is light (Mt 11:30), yields victory, freedom and a God-kind of life!

authentically, courageously and with accountability. Seek the truth; seek out friendships with believers who are further along than you. Be open. When you blow it, admit it. 6) Have ―God-listic‖ expectations. Know that you can live in the Spirit. God gives us both the desire and ability to do His will. 7) PRAY, PRAY, PRAY; ask God for the grace to live in the Spirit. He wants it for us more than we want it for ourselves. 8) Reject heresy (ANYTHING that is contrary to the Word and nature of God); no matter the source, no matter how convenient. 9) Refuse to be deceived, refuse to be ignorant of Satan‘s devices. Do not act-on accusations against the Lord and others, do not substitute apathy for peace, do not give up!

Health & Nutrition

Life in the Spirit is what we‘ve chosen and more importantly, what we‘ve been chosen for, but it is not ours until we begin to live it. So how do I remain locked in the freedom Christ won for me? What can I do to take a strong defense against bondage? Here are some suggestions: 1) Stand firm in freedom that is already yours. 2) Allow your thinking to be renewed through the Word 3) No matter how hard or ‗unrealistic‘ it may seem, apply God‘s wisdom to your life 4) Find your validation, identity, favor in Christ alone ―Those who seek to please God only are invincible within. Those who stop striving to please people are un-intimidated without‖ – Chuck Swindoll. 5) Live

Ain-Kamilah Wilson

Commitment to Live I was with a friend the other day, when she started talking about her uncle: “He’ll eat anything. It’s like a 41

garbage disposal--if nobody wants the food, they know to give it to him.” I was struck by those words-”garbage disposal.” How many times have we treated our bodies as a trash dump? Under the guise of “treating ourselves,” we’ll indulge several days a week or several days a month in high-fattening, high-cholesterol, highly processed junk. We’re all guilty. When trying to eat well, time seems to be our biggest enemy: ‘Well, I just don’t have the time today to go to the grocery store. Or, I just don’t have the time to cook better.’ And while it can be a very valid excuse, this past month has taught me a very serious lesson: life is too short, not to take advantage of time.

(notice the prefix ’pre’, meaning ’before) then you are spiritually and mentally occupying death’s place until death manifests in the natural. The Bible says “occupy until I come.” What must you occupy yourself with? Life, abundance, and prosperity! If Christ is coming back as the master in the parable of the talents, then He wants to see what you have been multiplying while you were here; and unfortunately, death does not add or multiply, but subtracts and divides. It is time that we preoccupy our hearts, minds, and bodies with life.

It is time that we so endow ourselves with life that our very shadows begin to testify of the power operating in us! So, I am issuing a challenge to every reader of this article. Make May--the 5th month--the number of divine grace--be the month that you grab hold of all things living! I am not going to ask you to challenge yourself to live. I am going to ask you to make a personal commitment to yourself to live. Make a commitment to live and not die and declare the glory of the Lord--daily! Make a firm decision to consecrate your body as a temple unto the Lord and watch what God

After the passing of my friend’s father in late March, my own grandfather passed from heart disease. After he passed, about 3 other family members of friends passed away--all within one month’s time. In speaking with several of those family members, one painful lesson continued to surface: if you are not preoccupied with life, then you will be occupied by death. And if you are preoccupied with death 42

A Word in Season

does! This is not something I’m writing just to you; I am holding myself accountable as well. Most importantly, God is holding me accountable. You can catch my status updates on my blog: or on FaceBook, as I embark on this lifestyle transformation.

By Sophia Avery, MA

5 Lifestyle Considerations for the 5th Month: 1. Eat less junk food.

Why am I Still Single?

2. Drink more water. “…for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.” Philippians

3. Incorporate more natural fruit juices and healthy snacks.


In my practice, I‘ve found that many people from 22 – 72 have this unanswered question in their hearts, ―Why am I still single?‖ The question is just as serious and heart-wrenching for my younger clients as is for my older clients, but the answer continues to elude all of us. For women, certainly, there are facts and figures that point to the shortage of men in certain areas, the impact of homosexuality, incarceration, and murder rates among men certain ethnic groups. And, while facts and figures may be true, single Christian African-American women, in particular, still seek the answer to the real question being asked, ―Why am ―I‖ still single?‖ The question has both personal and religious connotations when posed by

4. Include fruits and vegetables daily. 5. Renew your mind with aspirations and books that will help keep you on track.

Ain-Kamilah Wilson is a student of Prothumia Institute, a school of the prophets, founded by Prophets Issaac & Deborah Jones. She is also a worldwide distributor of high-potency nutritional health supplements. For more information on her products, please contact her at: . 43

this group, as it is typically being asked more to God than anyone—―Lord, why am I still single?‖ Now THAT‘S the real question. In order to find our answer, let‘s take a look at a few of the obstacles that may be keeping us from finding love: selfpreparedness and our expectations.

2. What do you bring to the table? – Are you confident in yourself? What are your major strengths and weaknesses? Is your life as a single person fulfilling, happy, and full? Are you pleased with who you are as a person? Have you dealt with your ―issues‖? Are you living and walking in the purpose God created you to fulfill? If you answered, ―no‖ to any of these questions, you have some work to do. If you can‘t find happiness in yourself, having another person there won‘t bring happiness, either. Make sure you are whole in yourself before you try to engage in a relationship. 3. Have you spent any time or money studying what it takes to have a successful relationship? -- How much do you know about communication, active listening, intimacy, respect/disrespect, commitment, patience, compromise, and budgeting/finances? Are you able to trust? Have you practiced forgiveness? Have you ever tried unconditional love and commitment? Are you certain you‘re able to do all of these things adequately enough to perform well in a union? If you‘re basing your knowledge of marriage on your parent‘s relationship, or on The Huxtables, you have a lot to learn. Invest time and money into studying how to be successful in a relationship before you get into a serious relationship. 4. Are you emotionally whole? -- Have you dealt with painful events from

SELF-PREPAREDNESS- Are you ready for love? My sister and I, who are both single, had a disagreement about this very topic. She believes she‘s ready for love because she wants it. However, being ready for love takes a lot more preparation than merely wanting to be in love. Yes, many people seem to find love and marriage, seemingly, without any preparation. And while that may be true, how many of them are truly happy, and/or actually finding love? My idea of preparation involves true soul searching, dealing with past hurts and betrayals, understanding what‘s required for a successful relationship, learning how to communicate and listen effectively, and the ongoing study of relationships, marriage, family and other related information. If you want to determine whether you‘re prepared, please consider the following questions: 1. What are your top five ―must haves‖ for a potential mate? – We must know what we want in a partner so we‘ll be able to determine who‘s a suitable mate. These top five are ―deal breakers‖, meaning, if he/she doesn‘t have ALL FIVE, they won‘t be considered for a serious relationship. 44

your childhood and past relationships? Are you insecure about anything? Do you have abandonment issues? How do you process your anger? Are you capable of fully trusting in another person? Are you naïve about the impact of childhood emotional trauma on adults? Are you prepared to deal with your mate‘s emotional trauma? Are you able to express your feelings? Can you empathize with another person‘s pain? Are you selfish? Can you give love without expecting to receive it right back? Are you ready, willing and able to be emotionally naked in front of another person—sharing your deepest feelings, thoughts and emotions on a regular basis? 5. Can you weather a storm? - Are you prepared for the hurt and pain that comes with loving, intimate relationships? Have you ever tried being long-suffering and patient in a relationship? Is your faith, hope, trust, and belief in God strong enough to withstand the storms of life and marriage?

is our expectations. Ask yourself these questions: 1. How does my upbringing and the functioning of my primary family influence my idea of how I expect my family to run? What will I do if my partner and I differ in our view of how a family ―should‖ function? 2. What are my expectations for the spiritual life of our family? What will I do if my partners‘ view of the role of spirituality differs from mine? 3. Are you certain your expectations for love, relationships, and marriage are well informed and reasonable, not just based on what you want? 4. How will I handle disappointment when your partner doesn‘t meet your expectations? If you‘re not satisfied with your answers, start working on the questions shown above, and get yourself ready for love. Marriage, at times, can be just as trying and lonely as being single. The marriage itself isn‘t the answer to all your problems. Work on building your relationship with God, first. Learn to trust Him, completely, and then get ready for marriage. The expectation of unconditional love, emotional intimacy, and the challenge of keeping your commitment can make your marriage exhilarating, or if you‘re not adequately prepared, exasperating. The key to a successful marriage for Christians is your relationship with God through Jesus. If that relationship is shaky, marriage may need to wait.

EXPECTATIONS- Are my expectations reasonable? Are our expectations of potential mates reasonable? When we consider the plethora of factors involved in relationships, what seems like a simple interaction between two people can actually be very complicated. One area that may be hindering our ability to find a suitable mate

IN THE MEANTIME – Use your covering 45

God never meant for us to be or feel alone or lonely, He sent the Comforter to make sure we know He‘s always with us. In addition, we must realize and appreciate that God wants us to be covered while we‘re single, and He has provided us with relatives, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and church members to make sure we have the help we need. If you‘re a single woman, don‘t be afraid to ask your father, brother, uncles, cousins, co-workers, friends, neighbors, and male church members for help. God can work through the men around you to fulfill your need for assistance, companionship, instruction, protection, encouragement, and support until He sends your husband. The men in your life provide your covering and because these relationships aren‘t romantic, you will be covered without having to deal with sexual temptation. Thank God for the men who cover you while you‘re single, and don‘t be afraid to reach out and ask them for help. The same applies for single men— look to your mother, sisters, aunts, cousins, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and sisters in Christ for your covering while you‘re single. God has not forgotten you. He provides for your needs while you‘re yet single, and by utilizing these platonic relationships, he can help you avoid the temptation of sexual sin. In conclusion, being single has its challenges as does being married. We have to value and appreciate where we are, knowing that God knows the desires of our hearts, and wants to fulfill them. Hold on, trust, and believe that God will answer your prayers and grant the desires of your heart.

Sophia Avery, MA and Donavan Sterling West are a dynamic Relationship Counseling team! If you‘d like further information, discussion or a Relationship Counseling session, please call us at visit our website at AND become a fan of the Avery-West Counseling team! Visit our page on FaceBook at a-PA/Avery-West-CounselingTeam/273651777811

When God Reveals …And We Wish He Hadn’t By Apostle Dr. Lee Ann B. Marino, Ph.D., D.D. The word of the LORD came to me: "What do you see, Jeremiah?" "I see the branch of an almond tree," I replied. The LORD said to me, "You have seen correctly, for I am watching to see that My Word is fulfilled." The Word of the LORD came to me again: "What do you see?" "I see a boiling pot, tilting away from the north," I answered. The LORD said to me, "From the north disaster will be poured out on all who live in the land. I am about to summon all the peoples of the northern kingdoms," declares the LORD. "Their kings will come and set up their thrones in the entrance of the gates of Jerusalem; they will come against all her surrounding walls and against all the 46

towns of Judah. I will pronounce my judgments on my people because of their wickedness in forsaking me, in burning incense to other gods and in worshiping what their hands have made. "Get yourself ready! Stand up and say to them whatever I command you. Do not be terrified by them, or I will terrify you before them. Today I have made you a fortified city, an iron pillar and a bronze wall to stand against the whole land—against the kings of Judah, its officials, its priests and the people of the land. They will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you and will rescue you," declares the LORD. - Jeremiah 1:11-19 (NIV)

sides of it were written words of lament and mourning and woe. - Ezekiel 2:1-10 (NIV) See now, the Lord, the LORD Almighty, is about to take from Jerusalem and Judah both supply and support: all supplies of food and all supplies of water, the hero and warrior, the judge and prophet, the soothsayer and elder, the captain of fifty and man of rank, the counselor, skilled craftsman and clever enchanter. I will make boys their officials; mere children will govern them. People will oppress each other— man against man, neighbor against neighbor. The young will rise up against the old, the base against the honorable. A man will seize one of his brothers at his father's home, and say, "You have a cloak, you be our leader; take charge of this heap of ruins!" But in that day he will cry out, "I have no remedy. I have no food or clothing in my house; do not make me the leader of the people." Jerusalem staggers, Judah is falling; their words and deeds are against the LORD, defying his glorious presence. The look on their faces testifies against them; they parade their sin like Sodom; they do not hide it. Woe to them! They have brought disaster upon themselves. - Isaiah 3:1-9 (NIV)

He said to me, "Son of man, stand up on your feet and I will speak to you." As he spoke, the Spirit came into me and raised me to my feet, and I heard him speaking to me. He said: "Son of man, I am sending you to the Israelites, to a rebellious nation that has rebelled against me; they and their fathers have been in revolt against me to this very day. The people to whom I am sending you are obstinate and stubborn. Say to them, 'This is what the Sovereign LORD says.' And whether they listen or fail to listen—for they are a rebellious house—they will know that a prophet has been among them. And you, son of man, do not be afraid of them or their words. Do not be afraid, though briers and thorns are all around you and you live among scorpions. Do not be afraid of what they say or terrified by them, though they are a rebellious house. You must speak my words to them, whether they listen or fail to listen, for they are rebellious. But you, son of man, listen to what I say to you. Do not rebel like that rebellious house; open your mouth and eat what I give you." Then I looked, and I saw a hand stretched out to me. In it was a scroll, which he unrolled before me. On both

Simon & Garfunkel's song, "The Sound of Silence," speaks of the hours immediately following the death of President John F. Kennedy. So much confusion, fear, and panic ensued, all due to a total lack of information provided to the public. All that existed was a hushed, awkward silence while people waited to hear the inevitable truth about his death. People knew...yet they could not speak...because they had no confirmation of the manifestation.


And I sit and often do we live with the sound of we wait for God's revelation to become manifest? Six months ago, the Lord revealed to me a betrayal that was to come. It would come from a source no one would expect. Her motive would be jealousy, envy, and pride. She would make accusations. She would behave dishonorably. God even revealed it would directly connect to a certain action I would take to further my ministry. She would assign the matter to a lie, something things were not about. God revealed it. It would be so. And just as God revealed, it did indeed happen. Even before this, I would "know things" about the situation. Do any of you know what I mean by "know things?" We find ourselves in a situation that bespeaks one strong possibility, yet, by the Spirit, we just know reality will prove to manifest the opposite. I remember sitting with this woman and a group of other female ministers, hearing them all say I would definitely return as a speaker for next year's annual event. Yet I "knew" I wouldn't be returning. Nothing in the natural suggested it. The circumstances would have said I was wrong. Yet, I "knew" by the Spirit...and I was right. I had all this revelation and...what was I going to do with it? I couldn't confront the individual in the circumstance because no circumstances suggested anything was to happen at the time. I could have shared the vision (the only person I told was my mother, a prophetess, that she may stand as a witness to the revelation when it manifested), but no one would have understood it. If we looked at circumstances with natural eyes, there were no signs. The only foresight came by the Spirit. God gave me a vision I wish He hadn't. I know I needed to know, but knowing didn't make it easy. All I could do was wait in silence. I knew what was to happen, but I couldn't talk about it. I lived with this sense of knowing, yet felt a strong sense of hushed silence. I could not confront, I could not speak - all I was appointed to do was treat her with respect, remain

constant in my behavior, and remain an honorable woman of God. I was called to continue to be who I was...and wait. My prophetic experience causes me to ponder on the experiences of the Biblical prophets. Much of the time, the prophets saw things they wish God had not revealed. We often fail to see this in their experiences. They were confronted with the destruction of their people, watching them walk into exile, seeing only a remnant return, hearing of their future fall into idolatry, watching nations rise and fall, kingdoms wax and wane, occupations come and leave, and foreseeing fearful and troublesome futures for the world and God's people. In looking at a prophetic call in this vain, it is no wonder Jeremiah was known as the "weeping prophet." What he saw broke his heart, challenging not only his call, but his very self. While they might have proclaimed their warnings, the prophets always had to live with that awkward silence - sometimes years in the making - for their spiritual eyesight to align with natural circumstances. All they could do was wait, sometimes weep, sometimes pray, and always remain who God called them to be. In today's church, I think we sometimes minimize spiritual gifts, making them a divine amusement park ride. We overlook their intense and often difficult responsibilities. There is a reason the words "oracle" and "vision" in the Old Testament mean, by extension, "burden." When God shows us things about circumstances, people, even the future that we would rather not see, He is giving us a necessary burden we must often bear alone. It is something that remains between us and God, until the time when it manifests. And, in the meantime...we wait. Apostle Dr. Lee Ann B. Marino, Ph.D., D.D. Apostle In Office Apostolic Fellowship International Ministries P.O. Box 681 Morrisville, NC 27560 USA Email: or (919) 397-9122 48

Do You Love Him Enough to Obey Him?

live the life that is pleasing unto the Him. We say we love him so much and we are grateful for all the blessings he bestows upon us, but our loyalty seems to be towards the world and what the world has to offer. When will the people of God Choose you this day? I hear a lot of people talk about how good he is, they say all the cliché’s that church folks say, and it all sounds good, but when it comes to being a living example of Christ, there is very little demonstration. You know with all the people who say they are serving the Lord, why can't the world tell the difference between them and us? Do we love God enough to die to this world? To not let the pleasures of this world overtake us to the point we sit God on the back burner until something goes wrong in our lives? Can we love him enough to want to change? Can we love him enough to stop making excuses for why we are disobeying our Father? Can we please stop hiding behind “the ain’t nobody perfect” statement? We may not be perfect, but we can be obedient. We can demonstrate our perfection through Christ Jesus who lives in us; you can become so obedient that when people see you, they will see Christ. He gave us the power to live a victorious life through him, but we must allow ourselves to decrease to our fleshly desires, and when we do His power will begin to increase in us. There will be no resistance coming from our will. God gives us choices, just as he did Adam in the Garden; he set before him instructions and told him of the consequences and they made the wrong choice. How long will we continue to embrace a world that we will soon be done with? How long will we keep saying we love him, but allow our actions to say different? People of the most high God will we ever love him enough to OBEY?

By Michelle Pumphrey Hebrews 5:9 And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him.

You know people of God, God has been so wonderful, gracious, merciful and kind to us, and we as children of the most high, go to the house of God, and sing his praises, we lift hands unto him, we dance, shout, cry, moan and groan, then some of us walk right out of the church, after singing I surrender all. And the life we live show no sign of surrendering anything unto the Lord, You know the word of God covers every kind of mindset there is on earth: I believe that why this scripture was given: Matthew 7:21, Not everyone that saith to me, Lord, Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

God knew there would be some that just talk it, but have no intention of striving to 49

The Bible Teacher

A. GOD RAISED YOU UP TOGETHER WITH CHRIST Jesus’ death was for you. So was His resurrection! “As for you, you were dead in your transgression and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air... “But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions -it is by grace you have been saved. And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus” (see Ephesians 2:1-6; Colossians 3:1-3).

Dr. Cynthia Togle, D.Div

The Resurrection

In Matthew 16:21, Jesus told His disciples that He would die under the hands of the elders, chief priests and teachers of the law, and on the third day He would rise again from the dead. After His death on the Cross, Jesus lay in the grave for three days and then, God raised His Son from the dead! “. . Do not be afraid, for I know you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said” (Read Matthew 28).

1. To Give You New Life “...God... has saved us and called us to a holy life - not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time, but it has now been revealed through the appearing of our Savior, Christ Jesus, who has destroyed death and has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel” (2 Tim 1:9,10).

“. . and who through the Spirit of Holiness was declared with power to be the Son of God by his resurrection from the dead: Jesus Christ our Lord” (Rom 1:4)


2. To Give You New Birth

Satan) in submission to him” (1 Peter 3:21-22). See also Luke 10:17-1 9.

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead...” (1 Peter 1:3).

C. Power over Satan “I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know.., his incomparably great power for us who believe.

3. To Give You a New Beginning “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old has gone, and the new has come” (2 Cor 5:17).


“That power is like the working of his mighty strength, which he exerted in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every title that can be given, not only in the present age but also in the one to come.

To Give You:


Victory over Satan

“You, dear children, are from God and have overcome the world, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world (Satan) . . . for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God” (1 Jn 4:4; 5:4, 5).

“And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way” (Eph 1:18-23). See also Mark 16:1518, Acts 1:8 and 4:33.

5. To Make You a Son and Heir in God’s Kingdom

B. Authority over Satan After His resurrection,”...Jesus Christ.. .has gone into heaven and is at God’s right hand - with angels, authorities and powers (this includes

“For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of Sonship. And by him we cry, ‘Abba, Father.’ 51

The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs - heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ... (Rom 8:15-1 7).

2. It Is Your Power for the PRESENT Because Jesus is ALIVE we have now received the power of His Spirit to live a life of victory over sin and all Satan’s attacks against us.


“What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all -how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? “Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? Shall God who justifies? Who is he that condemns? Will Christ Jesus who died - more than that, who was raised to life - who is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us? “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble of hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loves us...” (Rom 8:31-39).

1. It Is Your Deliverance from The PAST Your old sinful life was put to death on the Cross with Jesus, and buried with Him in the grave. Then, when Jesus was raised to life again, you were raised with Him as a new creation - leaving behind your old life in Jesus’ grave!

“We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life., the death he died, he died to sin once for all; but the life he lives, he lives to God. In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus” (Rom 6:4-11). See also Ephesians 2:1-7 & Colossians 2:12-15.

3. It Is Your Hope for the FUTURE The resurrection of Jesus gives us great hope for the future. He is called “the firstborn from the dead” (Col. 1:18). In His resurrection, He opened the way for all those who 52

would believe in Him, to follow after Him - to be raised from the dead!


One wonderful day in the future, Jesus Christ will return to the earth again –no longer as a baby, but He will reveal to the whole world Who He really is - the glorious God and Ruler of all creation. At that time all those who have died believing in Him, will be raised to life again!

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“If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ are lost. If only for this life we have “But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep.

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For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. “For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive. But each in his own turn: Christ, the first-fruits; then, when he comes, those who belong to him” (1 Cor 15:17-23). See also 1 Corinthians 15:50-57 and 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.

Without the Resurrection the death of Jesus Christ is futile

Rev. Cynthia Togle, D.D.


Sets Back, To Set Up

destiny. Misery can become the means to understanding our ministry. We shouldn’t always try to go around troubles. Sometimes we must embrace the trial to get to the triumphant victory that is ours. The scripture teaches us that after salvation we enroll in the University of Adversity. We must study, take tests and practice what we have learned by faith in our daily walk with Jesus. We cannot get away from experiencing trials and difficulties. Our flesh screams out “stop it, leave me alone, stop messing with me, don’t you know who I am.” There are times when we cry like babies when trials come and tell everyone in ear shot of how bad our situation is. We forget that our Lord and Savior endured until to death, bled and died for our sins. We forget that we prayed, “Lord, I want to be just like you.” And when He uses the adversities of life to mold us into His image we scream and cringe in dismay of what is happening to us.

Min B. Michelle Horton

1st Peter 4: 12-13 “ Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you as though some strange thing happened to you. But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings that when his glory shall be revealed ye may be glad also with exceeding joy.”

A few years ago I attended a New Years Eve Service and took some notes from the message. This article is based on that Word and the lesson from the Holy Spirit about trials. It definitely has helped me to hold on to my faith during some wilderness seasons. Peter is encouraging us to rejoice as we maneuver through this world.

There is triumph in trials as we surrender the issue to Him. Our spiritual character is being formulated and molded during that time. Only God knows how long the transformation process of our mind, body and spirit will take. God gives us daily grace, mercy, power and strength to endure. There is victory in seeing trials as God sees them. I must go through the gloom to get to the glory. I must go through the valley to get to the victorious mountain top. I must go through the despair to get to my deliverance. I must go through. Get it! Going, going, gone!

Setbacks aren’t always injurious and can be conduits for set ups. Some, in the Christian faith believe that we should be living a life of ease and comfort after we accept Christ as our Savior. Yet in the life of a believer adversity usually comes before advancement. Pressures and pain can become purifying agents and precursors to our purpose. Difficulties can define our 54

The scripture says don’t be surprised, caught off guard, unaware, amazed or overwhelmed at what God allows. We must be and stay ready because of who we are and who we serve. We are in a war and we must fight. Peter exhortation instructs us to look at trouble through the lens of faith. Rejoice in suffering because as verse 13 says; we are partakers… joined with Christ and active participants in His suffering. Our trials are tailored made to get us to where God would have us to be or arrive at. We will be physically, emotionally and spiritually stronger as we keep our focus on Christ and change our perspective and attitude as we go through with Him.

of our trials, tribulations, circumstance, etc., God is revealing us to ourselves. Our suffering is about our relationship with God. It shows our trust level, our dependence or lack thereof, our level of surrender and it allows us to put to practice the Word of God. God gives us the example of a Blacksmith who puts gold into the fire. The blacksmith turns the heat up to an unbearable degree in order to burn out the impurities and break off those things that tarnish the beauty of the stone. It is a purification process that must be done in order to reveal the true worth of the gem. “Study to show yourself approved, a workman that need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” Our study must be tested to prove how much I really know, not just to myself, but to others. After and while I study the Word of God, I must live it, walk it, talk it, apply it and demonstrate it.

Although it might not seem like it, but we must remember that it is God that is allowing the trial. Remember Job! Yet we can rejoice because we know that God is up to something divinely purposeful. Nothing happens in this world without God’s permission. God can stop and/or change any and all circumstances and situations whenever He chooses. Godly success and rest come when we accept His sovereign will in our lives. God uses everything in our lives to mature and strengthen us and show the world His glory as we go through our trials.

Our perspective and perception of the fiery trials must be redefined. Stop perceiving it from the negative view. Suffering testifies to the world our resolve to stay connected to God in prayer, fellowship and worship. Suffering testifies to the world our dependence on Christ in the midst of turmoil and demonstrates Christ faithfulness as we go through with Him as our lead.

God uses trials to show us what we are and aren’t. Trials help us to take an honest look at ourselves. We can only be honest with ourselves when we look deep within us and admit things we would like to forget and or hide. And I have found out that in the midst

God always deserves and desires a righteous response to suffering. Job, Joseph and Moses speak to us as well as many other saints who have endured


Christian Parenting – No Wimps Allowed!

unimaginable persecution. Of course our Savior speaks to us as well. Stop being stagnated by memories of what could have been, should have been and what we romanticize and fantasize about. God will remove the remains if we let Him so we can move forward and not be stuck in the past memories of suffering. We can give God our hurts and stop holding on to the past. You cannot put new wine in old wineskins. Bury the remains of the past. Throw away the old relics. Memories should not immobilize us but should inspire us to move forward with the remembrance of God’s grace, mercy, strength and power. “Ye, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me...” Psalm 23:4. Remember we are still alive and well and God is still in control. Like the songwriter says; “when peace like a river attendeth my way, when sorrows like sea billow roar, whatever my lot, God has taught me to say, it is well, it is well with my soul.” It may be a setback but we can praise our God for turning it into a set up for victory and a magnificent display of God’s faithfulness.

Written by Ann Thomas ―Because I said so!‖ Remember those words? Many of us who are forty-plus years old can easily recall certain things our parents and grandparents said that immediately put us on notice that they were the adults, they held the authority, and you best get to moving on what you were just told to do. Remember this one? ―Kids are to be seen, not heard.‖ In hindsight, we all realized at some point that we did in fact have opinions and feelings we wanted to express, but were not allowed to. Hence, some of the issues we struggle with as adults - - lack of self worth, unhealthy need to be heard or acknowledged, rebellion toward authority, and so on.


In an effort to not be perceived as dictators, many of us parents today are seeking ways to allow our children to express themselves and know that their feelings do in fact matter. However, many of us have gone overboard where our kids not only voice their opinions, but are under the impression that their opinion overrides our authority. In other words, we‘ve become our children‘s 56

friends and have lost sight of our primary role in their lives. God has called us to be parents, not their BFF (best friend forever) or their homies. Do they still use the word homie today?

him. Punishment is driven by emotions. It‘s all about our disappointment and how their action makes us look or feel. Discipline is about their wrong action or behavior and how we can set them back on the right path. I am not sure why the Lord led me to make that distinction, but there is a parent who is reading this and getting a revelation. Thank you Jesus!

Allowing our children to share their feelings, while maintaining parental authority is such a balancing act. Soliciting their input for the majority of the decisions to be made gives the false impression that what they want is the primary influential factor in the final verdict. Before we know it, they consider us on their level; view us as peers, treat us like equals, which makes everything we say up for debate and subject to be overruled.

God gave us all free will. And even though our kids live under our roofs, ultimately they still have a free will. Living in our home forces submission, but make no mistake that their free will is alive and kicking and waiting to get out from under our authority to totally express itself. So, as Christian parents we want to help our kids understand that ultimately they can and do make decisions and they also will reap the repercussions or blessings for those decisions. We must help them understand that until they‘re grown and living in their own home, they ARE under our authority and are to honor us as their parents. This is a Biblical command. Don‘t be wimpy about it – tell them that they‘re to respect you because God says so! Encourage them that honoring you gives them a long and full life (Exodus 20:12). Help them understand that we are ALL under God‘s authority and just like they have to give an account to you, you have to give an account to the Lord for what you allow them to do or not do. Raise them in such a way where they are more concerned about sinning against God and not about being caught by you or another human. And most importantly, you MUST walk the walk and talk the talk. Our children are watching us and pay more attention to what we do than what we say.

Where are we getting these unhealthy parenting tips from? We tend to swing the pendulum from one extreme to the next. We need to take our cues from the parent of all parents – God our Heavenly father. God has such an awesome way of being loving, friendly, and allowing us to make decisions, while maintaining HIS authority over our lives. Don‘t get it twisted, God has the final say. And don‘t be confused, God does discipline us when we get out of line. Notice I used the word discipline. God doesn‘t punish. Listen parents, there is a clear cut difference between discipline and punishment. Punishment communicates our disappointment with who our children ARE (rotten, liar, cheater, stupid, etc.). Discipline is about correction – correcting an unacceptable action. So, your son cheated on a test, but he is not a cheater. Your daughter lied to you, but she is not a liar. Do you see the difference? One is what your son did (action); the other is attaching an identity to 57

Allow them to express themselves when appropriate, thank them for their input, and stand firm in your God-given authority to make decisions inspired by wisdom from the Lord. And when you speak to your children, be bold. Speak with authority. In this day and age, wimpy parents will raise wimpy kids. What do wimpy kids look like? Sometimes, they‘re not what we would expect. They often have rebelliously tough exteriors that are hiding emotionally and spiritually wounded and broken hearts.

path of righteousness He walks before me; He has laid the foundation for my life. There is a song in my heart. I listen to it every day. It embraces every inch of my fiber; it speaks to my soul and extracts from me Christ like character that says I am a child of the Most High God. This song, written by the Word of God, contains verses for vision that have truly helped to shape every corner of my life. I live this song as I seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. This song inspires me and serves as a constant reminder that I must delight myself and trust in the Lord and lean not unto my own understanding. This song, formed in Heaven above, from the heart of Jesus and sent from the voice of God has been written in a myriad of languages and translated to my understanding and comprehension that allows me to tap into God's reservoir of faithfulness, HIs amazing grace and His tender mercies for my life. I thank You, Jesus.

Rise up parents. Greater is HE that‘s in you, than he (Satan) that‘s in the world. 1 John 4:4.

By Cynthia Boyer

This song, a beacon of light that illuminates my heart and soul, has become the vision for my life. It is an ornament of grace and like the Son that shines, It softly glows forever brightening and encompassing my soul with its' truth. It is the song that holds wisdom and knowledge and the fruits that sweeten my spirit daily.

A Song in my Heart There is a song in my heart. Jesus breathed it into my heart with the blast of His nostrils. He poured it into my heart through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. It lies, steeping in my soul, deep within my spirit. I am warmed and I am loved. The Holy Spirit lives with and in my spirit. He came to indwell my spirit when I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. He is my Divine Aid, guiding, leading and instructing me as I live my life for the Lord. On the

There is a song in my heart. It tells me that I am free. It is the gift of life that was given to me through the shed blood of Jesus Christ for whom I live and serve, all the days of my life. This song is a gift. I listen to the 58

The Waters

words of the song that spring forth strength and power which bestows upon me the ability to use the gifts that God has so generously and graciously given me. I give Him glory and I rejoice where I am. Glory to God in the highest.

The springs flow into the valleys That run among the hills That can be heard from afar

There is a song in my soul. It sinks and sings way down into the depth of my fibers instructing me to go out into all the world to spread the good news, yes, to fulfill the great commission. This is an amazing song. It speaks to me in so many ways; truth, wisdom and knowledge are the fruits that lift me up to be a vessel for the Lord thy God and to always do His Will.

When all else is still They quench the thirst Of man and beast Falling quietly A sense of peace

And so it is that

The waters run into the stream

This song excites my soul as I begin to praise the Lord thy God in His sanctuary. I praise Him in the firmament of His power. I praise Him for his might works and His wondrous works. I sing because I have peace. I sing because I have joy. I sing because the Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.

Gently touching in my dream The waters boast with strength and power

Evidence He reigns, God the Father The waters are beauty So crystal clear

There is a song in my heart. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I hear echoes of God's works

As I draw near

Traveling down to the depths of the sea *

The Lord sheds grace 59

His waters full of mercy His amazing love,

Unconditional for me. The Lord is wonderful

Sovereign and wise He is the apple and fruit Of my eyes.

I cry out, I praise You Lord Yes, I cry out, the stones and me Praising You Lord As I stand in the midst of Your goodness My feet deeply sinking in the sands on the sea. ŠCynthia G. Boyer




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