Divine Inspirations Magazine March 2010

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Divine Inspirations March 2010


vol.2 Iss.3

Inside this issue: Best Selling, Award A Brief Moment with

Winning Author

Tom Autry ―Paulette


That was Then,

Spring Cleaning4Destiny

This is now, A Vessel Restored

Reflections of an Educator

March toward your purpose

And more…


This publication is copyrighted and the articles are protected. Divine Inspirations Magazine (c) 2010 All Rights Reserved


March: celebrating Women’s History montH Pearl Bailey

Dates: March 29, 1918 - August 7, 1990 Occupation: singer, performer, stage, film, special ambassador About Pearl Bailey: Never formally trained in music, Pearl Bailey credited her love of music to growing up in a "Holy Roller" evangelical church where her father was the minister. In her early career in amateur shows and nightclubs she developed her throaty style, embellished with asides and ad libs. Pearl Bailey sang with bands, later on stage and in films. The all-black version of Hello, Dolly! Is one of her best-known roles; she played that role from 1967 to 1969 and in a later revival. Pearl Bailey was a frequent guest on television variety shows and had her own show on ABC in 197071. At age 67, Pearl Bailey graduated from Georgetown University with a bachelor's degree in theology. In 1968, 1971, 1973 and 1989 she published books on her life, cooking, and educational experiences. In 1975 Pearl Bailey served as a special ambassador to the United Nations and in 1988 received the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Pearl Bailey was married three times. The last marriage, to drummer Louis Bellson, lasted 40 years. Together they adopted a daughter and a son. 2

Table of Contents

Three Secrets to a Happy Marriage/39

Cover Story Paulette Harper/ 5

Inside Every Issue

Feature Articles

Living the “E” Life/12 The Destiny Challenge/

Reflections of an Educator/7

Women of Zion/20

El Shaddai is our Strength/11

The Reality Corner/22

Lust, Greed, and Seduction/16

A Word in Season/28

A Brief Moment with Tom Autry/24


But the Church Earnestly Prayed/35

Health & Nutrition/37

Poetry Cafe The Cross, Stark and Still/9 A Late Night Cry/15 Lord I Offer You Me/17 Overflow/26 The Garden/31 Trustee Eula Canty/32 A Poem for my Husband/42 3


Paulette is an inspirational and motivational speaker. Combining enthusiasm with an energetic speaking style, audiences describe Paulette’s presentation as inspiriting, enriching and encouraging. She is committed to speaking a message that is always uplifting and edifying. She has presented on topics such as restoration, singleness, and life after divorce. She desires to empower and motive women to reach their God given potential through conferences, workshops and seminars. A woman of destiny, Paulette has accepted the call from God and established herself as a best seller, award winning author. Paulette’s writing career begins in 2007 with her first published book “That Was Then, This Is Now” which achieved national recognition by being awarded a finalist in the 2009 Next Generation Indie Book Award. “Victorious Living for Women” (an anthology) is her second book; which features 40 incredible women who share stories of their life experiences, from their heart to yours. Collectively, these women have endured personal tragedy and have emerged empowered, encouraged and victorious. Paulette’s third book “Completely Whole” will be released in 2010 and she will be taking part in another anthology from Victorious Living entitled “Victorious Living for Moms”.

Paulette Harper Broken Restored and Rising Above all Odds Paulette Harper is a woman of purpose, passion and power. Paulette seeks to inspire women from all walks of life. Her desire is to empower, equip and transform the lives of women through her preaching and teaching from the Word of God. As a licensed and ordained minister, Paulette’s passion is to minister the Word of God with boldness and accuracy so those who are dealing with life’s complexities will become whole and walk in victory.

When asked about her decision to become an author, Paulette shares that ―I believe it was a decision that God made for me‖. Actually, becoming an author was far from what I envisioned for my life. I didn‘t wake up one day saying ―I‘m going to be author nor did I grow up with the desire to write.‖ In addition to being inspired by God, it was through my personal experiences in life, which drew me into this profession. In my writing I found a source of therapy. As I 5

wrote my first book ―That Was Then, This Is Now,‖ I began to see how God healed and restored my life. What He did for me I felt compelled to share with others. It was at that moment that I realized that God wanted my writing to be as a ministry. The focus of my books are inspirational and encouragement. Each book can be used as pathways and guides for the readers to grow spiritually.

God, the worse the situation I experienced. Physically, I was battling with migraine headaches like I had never experienced before. There were days in which my migraines would (literally) make me nauseous; I was unable to function or concentrate and many days I was sick and left work. The only recourse was taking pain relievers and going to bed, but to my dismay, I awake with the migraines.

Paulette is the visionary behind ―Write Now‖ (releasing the word in you) literary workshops designed to coach inspiriting writers in the areas of creativity, development and publication of Christian books. God has given me a desire for writers especially those who want to write for the Lord. Through these workshops it is her desire to provide information that will help inspiring authors dream come to reality, by providing tools, resources and opportunities to help them succeed. When I begin writing in 2007, I didn‘t know anyone in the writing industry to help so most of what I‘ve learned has been by trial and error. I want to help those coming behind me grow in the literary field.

At this rate, I would soon be addicted to the pain relievers. I decided I must come to grips with the fact that pain relievers were only a temporary solution to a temporary problem It wasn’t enough that I was dying spiritually and emotionally, but I was assisting the devil in the process of killing me, physically. Emotionally, my confidence was gone, simple tasks seemed so difficult. Desperately wanting to be affirmed but finally realizing that my affirmation could only come from God. (From That Was Then, This Is Now) God began to rebuilt and restore my life. The confidence I once possessed begin to rise, depression dissipated and His purposes for my life became clearer. God is using my life as an agent of hope by sharing my testimony of His ability to heal and restore.

Paulette offers one-on-one consultation services to aspiring writers and new authors who are seeking additional information on marketing/promoting their books. She's a member of: The Writer's Hut and Writers Research Center literary groups.

I am a survivor!

Paulette’s motto “broken, restored and rising above all odds” came to her while facing one of her greatest challenges in life. I was under attack spiritually, emotionally, and physically. My spiritual struggle was the war going on in my mind. Trying to capture every thought that was not like Christ was an impossible task for me. The harder I fought to come out of the depression the more difficult the struggle and no one could help me. The more I cried out to

Paulette currently is resides in Northern California. To schedule Paulette Harper for a book club meeting, interview, book signing, speaking engagement, workshop, seminar, or other appearance, please contact her at paulet_harper@yahoo.com 6

For more information about Paulette or to purchase copies of her latest books visit:

people less than half my age for more than half my life about the same subjects, reading assignments, and projects, year after year. It sounded boring.


How my first job became a teaching position, I am still unsure. Everyone had been telling me for years what a great teacher I would be, and yes I blew them all off, not realizing that one day I would be the teacher they all saw me as. Even at fifteen years old, my first teaching job, for a second grade church retreat, was an experience. My first regular classroom came when I was sixteen, also in religion, and even though I definitely had my moments, I truly enjoyed the very job (minus the politics of school administration) that sounded boring to me only a few years earlier.

Paulette would like to connect with you at the following places: http://myspace.com/pauletteh http://www.pauletteharper.blogspot.com http://www.victoriousliving4women.weebly.co m http://www.facebook.com/paulette.harper2 http://booksinsync.com/authordirectory/harpe rpaulette.html ************************************

Over the years that passed, teaching jobs came and went. It’s hard to believe that many of my students are now in their late teens and early twenties, in turn receiving the opportunities to be the educators in their lives. My adult students are now older, too. As my ministry call became stronger than the call to educate in the classroom, I knew it was time to follow God for something greater, and I assumed my time for teaching had passed. Little did I know that with ministry comes a great deal of teaching. When preaching is done right, it is a lesson in spiritual education. It was a year ago this past January that I began the Scripture Study Series and began to educate beginners in God’s Word. It wasn’t something I planned on, just like ever teaching anybody period, and yet I was leading in the instruction of “rightly dividing the Word of Truth” (2 Timothy 2:15). Even though I had no idea what I was doing, God was with me, and somehow, it all has worked out unto fruition.

Reflections of an Educator

As amazing as it is too many that know me, I never planned on being a teacher. I don’t know what I thought I was going to do as a preacher, but teaching never really caught up with it in my mind. The idea of teaching never interested me much, I attribute that to always being in the wrong classes where the teachers were frustrated and yelled all the time. I couldn’t imagine sitting around all day talking at

The thing I began to notice that was most interesting is how even though most of my students are not even in same countries as one another, they have become in many ways just like a classroom. In classroom setting, each individual plays their own role. And just like a 7

we love one another. And this is love, that we walk after his commandments. This is the commandment, That, as ye have heard from the beginning, ye should walk in it.” Notice the wording: John does not beseech to a new commandment, but to something that she‘s, heard from the beginning. He‘s reinforcing something yet again, that‘s a message we can‘t hear enough. Although teaching can definitely be trying, and there are always a few students that make you wonder why you ever set out to teach, watching your students grow and change and finally master the concepts that have been reinforced has a value all its own. It must be that way for God – Who as our Father is also our Teacher – to be able to look down upon us as we develop and grow in His Word, seeing us change from glory to glory and faith to faith. Just like students, our progress seems slow to us, even though our teacher tells us we‘ve advanced. We don‘t see ourselves the way that God does, with the same precision, interest and attention. But God watches things that once were a wrestling match for us fade to issues nonexistent, He notices as our spiritual lives improve, and our lives in general, all for the better. Now I must end this to, ironically enough, correct a worksheet I received today from a student. My students‘ continue to learn from me, and the cycle goes on. I continue to learn from God, and from His Word, and lead other people to finding the hope that lies only therein. In closing, I am reminded of Romans 15:4: “For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope.” Whether learning or teaching, both of which we do at some point in our lives, always be reminded of the hope we find as those forever learning God‘s Word.

classroom setting, all my students have a role, but a few always stand out. In a group setting, one student is always totally disinterested. He’s just staying long enough to graduate because he thinks his life will be easier outside of the room, and, as the teacher, you are the obstacle to total freedom. Incessantly he wants to know if it’s time to graduate yet. Somebody is never paying attention. To this student, everything is more fascinating than what is being taught. Whether it’s a paper clip, what’s going on outside or the spit wad that has conveniently landed on the back of somebody’s head, focus just isn’t on their agenda. Somebody always has a question that is answered in the lesson. Then you point out where the answer is and they say, “Oh!” Then there is always one student that, no matter how many times you go over the material, just doesn’t understand. You want to scream and pull your hair out, but you don’t, you just review the material one more time, and sit and pray that this will be the time they get it. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don’t. Then, by the grace of God, you come up with a clever way to explain it, and the light bulb goes off. The crisis passes. Until next time. And student after student, year after year, you find yourself reinforcing the same basic lessons of learning, life, love, and liberty, to help your students become all they can be through Jesus Christ.

I think reflecting on my days as an educator in the classroom and reflecting on the past year since I started working with Bible students from all around the world has given me a new perspective on God‘s lessons to us. The words of 2 John 5-6 seem to fit: “And now I beseech thee, lady, not as though I wrote a new commandment unto thee, but that which we had from the beginning, that

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El Shaddai is our Strength~ "But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31

rise above circumstances and soar in an atmosphere that is limited to other birds, but unlimited to Eagles. Both eagles & chickens have wings, feathers and beaks. But the main difference is the way they think. In the case of a storm the chicken will immediately become worried, began to cluck and make a fuss.

Those who trust in their own strength will fail, no matter how capable they may appear to be. But those who trust in God will be constantly strengthened by his power, which will lead them on victoriously. The apostle Paul said it best, "His grace is sufficient for me: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me." Paul is speaking primarily of anything that makes him appear weak in the eyes of those to whom he ministers. What Paul has learned is that when he appears weak in other's eyes he is actually strongest, for then God works through him most effectively.

On the other hand the eagle will actually turn his face into the storm feeling the strong wind on his face. Then when the time is right he'll spread his wings, leap off of his perch and fly directly into the violence of the storm. Eagles face the dark clouds and use the energy of the storm to rise above the fray. God has called his people to be Eagles. When we trust in the LORD we will find new strength and be able to run and not grow weary, walk and not faint. He provides everything that we need and gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless. Peace & Favor~

What a message for us! Spiritual effectiveness doesn't depend on our abilities or even on how others view us. It depends solely on our willingness to rely entirely on Christ for results. God fashions his people as eagles and not chickens. Eagles are observant, alert, attentive, quick, and on the ball. Eagles have the ability to

Evangelist Debra D. Savage Author & Speaker www.DebraSavage.org debrasvg@hotmail.com


He is distinguishing peacemakers for a reason.

Living the ―E‖ Life

Life is fraught with conflict. People annoy, offend, hurt, enrage and seek our destruction. Yet, we are called to follow peace with all men, as much as it lies with us. The potential for clashing with others and the command to follow peace appears diametrically opposed. Why is it so difficult to deal effectively with conflict? When an issue rears its ugly head we frequently vacillate between extremes. We either avoid conflict, keeping peace at any cost. And since living the E Life necessitates being transparent, we must be honest about motives. We keep peace because we do not want to deal with the pain of possible rejection in the guise of dismissed concerns, ridicule, not being taken seriously or abandonment because not every person handles confrontation well. We swallow assault for the sake of another‘s opinion! Or we are explosive. We get ‗that‘ look, pop that neck, stand our ‗you do NOT know who you are messin‘ with‘ stand and go from there. At this point, resolution is out the window. There is no attempt at being effective. It only matters that you get heard. We are either too passive, giving-in, givingup, not showing-up, mistakenly thinking we are ‗godly, sweet or kind or we are overly aggressive, becoming emotionally manipulative, ugly, bombastic and controlling. Neither way is about making peace. Either way is an ―All about ME!‖ approach.

Blessed Peacemakers! I had an ‗opportunity‘ to confront a sticky situation with a long-time friend. Thankfully, we reached a resolution with our relationship intact, but not without me experiencing stomach-clenching moments of doubt about our ability to navigate this conflict in a God-honoring manner. An oft quoted section of scripture is located in Matthew 5. Jesus begins the Sermon on the Mount with the Beatitudes. These points of guidance depict how to live solely pleasing unto God and the resulting rewards. I am cool with it until we get to the ‗Blessed are the peacemakers‘ statement. I love words. Words are powerful. Used correctly, they paint pictures, convey or elicit strong emotions. Depending on the bearer, they are creative or destructive. Encouraging or discouraging. Empowering or deflating. The power of life and death is in our tongues, preaching brings salvation, sarcasm kills relationships. An unruly tongue is like a city on fire. It intrigues me that Jesus makes a clear distinction in Matthew 5:9 about exactly who is called a Son of God. Blessed are the ones who make and maintain peace.

E Lifers are first and foremost Christ-followers. Christ-followers consider the needs of others before their own. This is 12

not to say that we neglect our own needs only that our comfort takes a back seat to what God desires us to give others. Christfollowers also walk by faith and not by sight. Sometimes we take what may look to others to be risks. We risk rejection, step out on faith, to achieve real, lasting peace in relations. We step out on faith abandoning our peacekeeping ways to become peacemakers. There is disparity between the two. Peacekeepers have a self-focused agenda. They do not discomfort themselves in any way. They believe in peace at any cost and at the least inconvenience to them. Peacemakers adopt a God-focused agenda. They have a ‗restoration of the relationship and wholeness to all‖ mindset, even at the expense of their comfort zone. Peacekeepers have silenced their real voices. They either silently endure inner turmoil or become raging lunatics. Either way, they‘re lying to themselves and others and are incomprehensible. Peacemakers speak the truth in love. They risk conflict for real inner and outer peace. Peacekeepers do what comes natural to their flesh, whether acting with limp-wristed passivity or in-your-face aggressiveness. Peacemakers kill their flesh, prayerfully relying on God for direction and outcome. Peacekeepers are insincere. Peacemakers are real.

changers) 2) Is the action hurting the individual? (Eating disorder, etc) 3) is the action a personal sin against me? (Betraying a trust) 4) is the action hurting my relationship with the person? (Do you have lingering resentment?) Again, prayer is the key. If the offense falls into one of the aforementioned categories and you are directed by God to move to confrontation, then do so. What happens after you receive a ‗green light‘? Principles are fixed, application is flexible. Generally, adhere to the principles in Matthew 18 but each situation is different so I cannot stress how important it is to pray for the strategy. After prayer, seek Godly counsel from one or two TRUSTED individuals. This is not an opportunity to gossip. Be factual and truthful. Get your emotions in check. Emotions are unstable and cannot be relied on to construct good judgment. Biblical confrontation is not a vent-session; do not bring up past conflicts. Remain focused on the issue at hand. If you did not speak up about an issue when it happened a year ago then you may have forfeited your right to confront now, unless dealing with an ongoing problem. Be solution-oriented; keep your eyes fixed on the goals; mutual understanding, affirmation of the other person and restoration of the relationship if possible. How you speak is extremely important. Proverbs 15:1; A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. Ask what you can do to improve the situation. Forgive each other, pray together, and change the subject. Armed with the information in this article, you are well on your way to becoming a blessed peacemaker. I encourage you to do a more

If peacemaking is expected of us then there must be guidelines to follow right? Right! We are not to make an issue of everything. Argumentative behavior does not please God. Sometimes it is best to ‗walk away‘ but when? Below is a list you can use to determine if confrontation is warranted: 1) is the action an offense against God? (Jesus and the temple money 13

in-depth study of biblical peacemaking at the Peacemaker‘s Ministries website: www.peacemaker.net.

Email:ccshumake@gmail.com Blog: livingtheelife.wordpress.com

Contact Cheryl Chenault-Shumake

Order today! For more Information email michele_amills@yahoo.com


A Late Night Cry

The question, you see is will I trust You?

Here I am again

Now that’s the catch.

Standing at the door Believing yet again

Will I let go and let you

My Savior’s on the other side

Finish what you’ve started?

Can’t you hear me knocking?

Will I stay on the potter’s wheel?

Can’t you hear my cries?

As you mash and you press, and work out the kinks.

Do you hear the sobbing?

Will I be still and watch You work out Your plan?

Do you hear the questioning – why?

Why is this happening?

Making rash decisions and breaking promises

And why haven’t you come?

Seem to be human nature.

Rain on the window pane

For now, I take things day by day

And pain feels like a throbbing drum.

As I manage the moment that I’m presently in. Can I trust the door to open? What if I’ve forgotten the key?

I’m in the middle but I’m too far gone.

What if the key I’ve held for so many years

Too far away from the shore, Not yet at Canaan,

Has all the grooves worn down? Will it open this time for me?

So for now, I’ll drift. I’ll drift letting you helm the ship.

Can I trust you? Sure I can! Your reputation’s unmatched!

Tikoya M. Lanier ©2009 15

divorce, all for the sake of fame and fortune or lust? They‟re only thinking in the moment, the now, and not on the consequence of their choices such as how many people will be hurt, or fall because of their actions. When you are a shepherd over God‟s flock, much more is required of us. “To whom much is given, much is required.” “Be shepherds of God's flock that is under your care, serving as overseers—not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not greedy for money, but eager to serve.” (1 Peter 5:2; NIV).


Another example found in the Bible is with David and Bathsheba. Just as Samson saw the young Philistine woman and the prostitute and acted on both, David too was distracted with his eyes when he saw Bathsheba bathing. Instead of turning his head and returning back into his palace, he continued to look at her; and the look turned into desire: and the desire turned into lust; and the lust turned into sin. Satan is seeking like a roaring lion whom he may devour. It‟s so crucial to know and realize that the enemy will try to tempt us in our high moments, as well as our low moments. “One evening David got up from his bed and walked around on the roof of his palace. From the roof he saw a woman bathing. The woman was very beautiful, and David sent someone to find out about her. The man said, „Isn‟t this Bathsheba, the daughter of Eliam and the wife of Uriah the Hittite?” Then David sent messengers to get her. She came to him, and he slept with her. Then she went back home. The woman conceived and sent word to David, saying „I am pregnant.‟”

Michele Mills

Delilah was very persistent in seducing and luring Samson into her trap in order to get what she wanted. Obviously, it was greed that drove her. Samson continued to demonstrate dishonesty and made her look foolish on a number of occasions. Nevertheless, because of his lust for her, he ignored the many signs indicating that she was setting him up with her clever seductive ways. How many times have we seen similar scenarios in the church? Leaders and members seducing one another, or worse--seducing the pastor in order to get what they want. They could be married or single. When a person is driven by lust, greed, and the spirit of seduction, they are capable of doing anything, all for the sake of gain or a name, just as Delilah demonstrated. How many times have we seen or heard of married couples in the church with high standards, who turn against one another by any means necessary and who end up in the

(2 Samuel 11:2-5; NIV). 16

David was a man that the Lord elevated high in stature and with great influence. He was King David, and he used his power by any means necessary, even to the extent to commit adultery with a beautiful, married woman, commit premeditated murder against her husband, Uriah, in cold blood, and then took her as his wife. Quite often, one sin leads to another.

I don’t have a seven carat diamond from Tiffany’s I don’t even have a mink coat

Lord, I do have a heart for you, so I offer you me today I ask tht you lead, guide and direct my footsteps

This demonstrates how far a person may fall when he or she turns away from God and the leading of the Holy Spirit. It also shows how far a person will go to cover up their sin. Even though David was a man after God‟s heart, like many he began to follow his own desires. Although he repented with a deep, godly sorrow, and God forgave him. Nevertheless, he still had to suffer the consequences of his lustful desires and sinful actions.

Take over my thoughts I pray Let, me live for you in a very special way I want to shine in dark places with your love I want you to be pleased with me from above

Lord, I do have a heart for you, so I offer you me today I don’t always get it right and ask for your forgiveness I don’t always pray like I should but you are not far from my thoughts I don’t even read your Word like I should but, I offer you my heart Lord I offer you me

Lord I offer you me Lord I offer you me

Cheryl Thomas © 8/07/08

I don’t have a mansion on the hill I don’t have a yacht at the dock I don’t have millions in the bank I don’t even drive a rolls royce 17

Spring Cleaning for Destiny


By Minister new Jaketha season Farmer is upon us. For many, spring is the best time to clean our homes. From top to bottom, we clean on, under and around every piece of furniture, sometimes relocating pieces for ambiance. We sort, weed and store clothes for keeps or for giving away to charities or needy families. We transition from winter boots, overcoats, scarves, hats and gloves to Capri pants, shorts, sandals, flip flops, tees and swimwear.

Seasons and Times Aside from certain times of the year, season is biblically defined as “the proper time for action.” In the New Testament, time is indicated by the Greek word, kairos, which means “a divinely appointed time.” It also means "the right or opportune moment; the crucial time; the appointed time in the [fulfillment of the] purposes of God; it is the time when God acts and moves." It is a time when destiny is fulfilled.

In addition to thoroughly cleaning our earthly homes, this is an excellent time for a little spiritual spring cleaning. All it requires is that we put on our spiritual eyes for a moment and take a supernatural look within and around us in search of areas that are below par according to God‟s standards. And when found, it is those areas that must be submitted to the Holy Spirit for cleansing and/or purging, which is a necessary requirement if we want to start or continue producing the right fruit in our Christian walk. From a destiny perspective, this is the time to transition from a winter season of rest, restoration and reflection into a spring season of new life, new growth and new beginnings. Are you getting ready for destiny?

To get ready for such a time, we need our spiritual eyes so that we are able to rightly discern the significance of the times and the seasons. Think about this: You and I arrived into 2010 with a special God-given assignment. To fulfill that assignment, it will require traveling the path of destiny. Are you spiritual cleaning for destiny?

Spring is a time of planting, sowing, and reaping and so it is in 2010. Aside from the natural occurrence of seasons, spiritually speaking, 2010 is a new season. So, as we spring clean our homes, let us also spring 18

clean our hearts because the Spirit of the Lord is saying that our “opportune moment” is upon us, but we must be ready, willing and able to seize this moment right here, right now.

and able to spend the remainder of 2010 making “it” a reality.

Thus Says the Lord

Last Month’s Challenge

Last month on my Internet radio show, I discussed “What is God Saying in 2010?” Near the end of the hour, I shared ten prophecies highlighted below. As you read them, please utilize your spiritual senses to discern the heart of God concerning this current season.

“The Cost of Destiny” was the title and focus of last month‟s column. Readers were given three serious questions to ponder regarding if they are living a one, two or threedimensional life in Christ.

This Month’s Challenge  2010 is a year of “great expectation; a year of divine measurement.”

To expedite your “spiritual” spring cleaning, download/listen “What is God Saying in 2010?”

~Prophetess Sandie Freed

 In 2010, “you are either in or out." “This is the year to get up now! Stop procrastinating…” ~Prophetess Gwen



 “2010 is a year of double dimension; your year to go in.” ~Bishop T.D. Jakes  “In 2010, the fruit you have been waiting to see will come forth in abundance.” ~Barbie Breathitt  2010 is the year that "God wants to empower the dreamers." “There will be a lot of new growth - new businesses, new ministries, new relationships, new marriages, new art and new music will…emerge." ~John

References: ----. (2003). Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary. Nashville, TN: Holman. Kairos.

Accessed 2/14/2010, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kairos



prophecies were gathered http://www.elijahlist.com/.



 In 2010, God is going to position you to “…bless your enemies.” ~Dr. Chuck Pierce MIN. JAKETHA FARMER is the Founding Pastor of “40 Days of Change Online” – home to the popular “40-Day (Destiny) Challenge”. She is also the Founder, Producer & Host of GOT ISH-OOS? Visit her online at http://www.jaketha.com/ or email her at divine@jaketha.com.

Choose today to not let this season go by without making at least one of your greatest dreams or hopes come true. I challenge you this month to search your hearts and write one MAJOR GOAL that you are ready, willing


however; we become so caught up in the fairytale that we allow our own fantasy of marriage to deceive us. Therefore, we have to allow the Lord to show us what it takes to be a godly wife. First we have to understand what our concept

Women Of Zion

of marriage is and compare it to the biblical

By Stylicia Bowden

principles on what God says about marriage.


Marriage is an intimate relationship between two mature people who are ready to come

Wives In Waiting

together as one. Single women who desire to be married should not chase after the man but

“For many are called, but few are chosen”

allow the man to find her because according to

(Matthew 22:14), this statement does not only

Proverbs 18:22, it states “when a man finds a

deem to be true in the biblical sense but also is

wife he finds a good thing and obtains favor

true in the role of becoming a wife. Many

from the Lord”. Today, women have become

women desire to be married but are not

dominant and aggressive because of the men

bearing the fruit of a wife. It is important that

being out of alignment with being the head of

you prepare, plan and research on the qualities

their household. But the Lord requires us as

of a wife. We become so desperate to have

women to reposition ourselves back in the

someone we fail to properly plan and research

proper place and humble ourselves for His will

the credentials it will take to get the qualifying

for our lives. We have to understand Eve was a

position as a wife. It is every woman’s dream to

gift from Adam not vice versa. So while we wait

be swept away by a knight in shining armor 20

we should be occupied with God’s work just like

5) Trust God

in the story of Ruth and Boaz.

6) Be yourself with God 7) Be vulnerable

In the process of your waiting you need to begin

8) Have a well balanced spiritual and

to do your homework. Whatever you lack in

natural life

your relationship with God is what you will lack

9) Look the part : personal care of one’s

in your relationship with your husband. Single

self outer and inner man

women need to realize that they do not need to

10) Establish yourself financially (pay your

rush the process of marriage. It will come in due

tithes, give offering and be a good steward

season but until it spring forth continue to labor

over what he entitles you to)

in the vineyard. If you allow God to show you what he wants to perfect in His intimate

After you have produced a healthy relationship

relationship with you then and only then he will

with God out of excellence then He will deem

trust you to hold the heart of a fleshly man. In

you worthy to handle the blessings of marriage.

order for him to trust you with the promotion of marriage he first requires you to perfect your relationship with Him. While you anticipate your promotion indulge yourself with these things that will show God that you are truly ready for marriage: 1) Spend intimate quality time with God 2) Be faithful to God 3) Be obedient to God 4) Communicate effectively with God


attempt to reduce the level of chaos and injury, so I’m standing there locked in the gate and I began to pray God please help me..do something; make your presence known in this place. In a few seconds (that seemed like forever) some other correctional officers arrived and the officers in the towers came out and lifted their shotguns and instantly there was order again.

The Reality Corner

You are probably asking why did I tell this story, I told it because I want you to know that prayer and the presence of God is needed in our prisons (men’s and women’s). Are you or your church going to a prison weekly, bi-weekly or monthly to have a worship service or prayer time with the inmates locked for life with no possibility of parole, inmates on death row or inmates that are there until 85% of their time is served. This inmates need to hear the word of God and be given the opportunity for salvation. Whatever the sentences are inmates in prison need the presence of God and his people to come to the prison and shake up the chaos, anger, rapes, gangs, drug use, and other infractions that occur in the prison. I believe that the Scripture Matthew Ch.25:36 commands us to visit the prison and take care of Gods people for the scripture states that Jesus said “I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me”. This statement from Jesus confused the righteous ones they began to question him in Matthew Ch 25 verses 37-39 about when they do all these things for him. Jesus simply answers them in verse 40 stating “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me”. This is essence of why we as Christians do what we do and this why I plea to you that your church be represented in the prison because God has created every prisoner

John G. Taylor, MA Clinical/Christian Therapist

Is Your Church in Prison; the importance of Prison Ministries

When I graduated from college with a Bachelors Degree in Criminal Justice my first job was that of a Correctional Officer in a maximum security prison for men. My first day at work I was assigned to the “yard” (the place where all inmates hang out during the day for exercise, relaxation, card playing and weight lifting) and on this day there was a fight and the protocol is that the gate to exit the “yard” is locked so that no one comes in and no one goes out. This is an 22

and they just like us are made in his image. In taking care of Gods people he will definitely take care of us.

their physical place but from their spiritual and mental bondage that has them bound and is keeping them from reaching the fullest potential. I’m asking you to first check with the prisons in your area and see if they have a church coming there for worship services if not I want to approach the leadership at your church about putting a prison ministry together to show them that the church hasn’t forgotten about them. There should also be some support for the family that is left behind; it could be the mother, father, wife, husband, or children. The stats show that over 2.3 million children have a parent that is incarcerated and these children are 6 to 10 times likely to end up in prison as young adults. We can’t afford not to get involved in the prisons and maybe if that parent gets salvation they will help steer their children from the life of crime. Our commission is clear for Hebrews 1:14 states: Are they not all ministering spirits sent out to serve for the sake of those who are to inherit salvation. Take this scripture to your church leadership and ask the question is this church in prison?

When looking at the stats about the number of people incarcerated in the United States we must be active in organizing and sustaining these ministries. There are 2 million prisoners in the US. 70% of them are non white, 93.2% of them are men, there are 791,000 African American men in prison more than are enrolled in colleges and universities, 2.4% of Hispanics are incarcerated and 1.3% of white males. The number of women incarcerated has increased 138% in the last ten years and 3.4% of them are women of color. These are very sobering stats because it forces us to look at the realities of who is sitting behind bars and the work that has to be done. During my career working in the prison system there were always two days of the week that stood out for me they were worship service days and visitation days. On the days that we had worship services the prisoners seemed calm whether they attended the services or not there was calmness over the unit. In contrast on the days that we had visitation the mood was filled with sadness, anger, regret and chaos. When a prisoner returned from his visit he was usually in one these moods, I would find myself sometimes wishing that we had worship service everyday and visitation only once a month.

Sources for this article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incarceration_in_t he_United_States http://www.prisonactivist.org http://stopthedrugwar.org

In conclusion I ask that you mediate on this scripture Isaiah 61:1 “The spirit of the Lord God is upon me. Because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor; he has sent to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison to those who are bound. I strongly believe we are commanded to bring liberty to the captives and set them free, not free from

To Contact John G. Taylor, MA www.Johngtaylor.com


writing songs to reflect my new relationship with Jesus. After Ray Stevens recorded a song of mine, ―A Mama and a Papa,‖ doors began to open and Star Song Records was born. After three projects with Star Song I went independent and have been an ―indie‖ ever since. My goal is and has always been to sing and play songs that bring salvation, encouragement, hope, healing, and faith to the listener. By God‘s awesome grace alone am I able to do anything in His Name. He has covered my life with mercy and forgiveness since the day I was born. He is so faithful.

A Brief Moment with Tom Autry

DIM: What inspires you to write songs? Do you have any specific techniques you use for your songwriting? Songs are inspired in a variety of ways. In the beginning I mainly penned songs as changes both good and bad happened in my life….the songs were (and still tend to be) personal. Some of them were from teachings from my pastor. ―Like A Child‖ and ―Solomon‖ came after collaborating with Dr. Ron Stone. They are on the ―Mockingbird‖ album recorded in 1983. More recently, ―It‘s Not Too Late‖ was inspired by my pastor, Bob Nichols, as he consistently encouraged us to never give up! Some songs are directly from Scripture. ―Keeper of Israel‖ (Psalm 121) is an example. It appears on the 1995 ―Born Again‖ CD. This song was co-written by Gaylord Sturgess who joined me in 1990. Together we have written ten CD‘s spanning 20 years. Sometimes we start with a phrase, a thought, sometimes…..just a simple little tune. God is faithful to complete what ―He‖ starts!

DIM: This month I am proud to introduce a man of God who has an incredible story! Sit back, relax, and enjoy ―A Brief Moment with Tom Autry‖ DIM: Tell us a little bit about yourself. Some might consider me to be one of the pioneers of contemporary Christian music….I am certainly old enough to be! LOL! My very first album project started Star Song Records, a Christian recording label, in 1974. I have a beautiful wife, Janie, who is not only a blessing to me but to everyone she meets. Together we have traveled many miles in music oriented ministry. We have children and grandchildren in Fort Worth, San Antonio, Katy, and Houston. DIM: How did your ministry/band get started? When the Spirit of God changed my life in 1973 I got out of the nightclubs and worked as a salesman in a music store. I began

DIM: Have you or your group got any plans in the near future? 24

Revival Now is a major focus of this ministry. Revival Now started as an annual five days of morning and evening meetings at Calvary Cathedral, International, to encourage ministers in relationship with Pastor Bob worldwide. It is, also, open to every hungry heart. My part is primarily to provide music that flows with the morning prayer time. Revival Now is in April.

Only His blood shed at Calvary is enough to set you free No matter how you‘ve tried; it isn‘t up to you It‘s not the rules you keep; it‘s not your righteousness But there is hope for you; Christ is the answer He‘s the One who understands, Son of God and Son of man Jesus, the Christ, who paid the price Only His blood shed at Calvary is enough to set you free‖

DIM: What has been the best part about being in the music ministry as a singer, performer or musician? Having the honor of serving my King with the music He‘s given during the good times and the hard times of my life and seeing it touch people in the good times and hard times of their lives is the best part of being a Christian singer/songwriter.

DIM: Where can people find your music and/or products if they wanted to support your ministry? Please visit www.tomautry.org to hear a song from ten of our CD‘s. Donations can be made by PayPal although at this time there is no tax credit available.

DIM: Are there examples of your faith that show in your songwriting and if so what are they?

Robert T. Sells-Interviewer

My faith in God can be seen in many of our songs. Note the lyrics in ―There Is Hope.‖ Many of the songs I sing to myself first! ―No matter who you are; no matter what you‘ve done No matter where you‘ve been; no matter what the sin There is hope for you; there is an answer No matter what you feel; the love of God is real You may have given up; thought you weren‘t good enough There is hope for you; Christ is the answer He‘s the One who understands, Son of God and Son of man Jesus, the Christ, who paid the price


The overflow stings the devil


When he tries to come against you I am so grateful to you Lord

And appear like he‘s strong

I thank you for everything you‘ve done

The overflow pays your bills

And will do You wake me up daily

When reality says all the money is gone

Whisper in my ear

The overflow stays with you

Your plans for me each day

And keeps you company

Your voice is crisper

Whenever you‘re all alone

Than the shallow wind

The overflow heals your physical body

As it gusts through my skin

And removes the stress of life

My spirit gives thanks

That can bring illness like kidney stones

Then God begins to send… Overflow

The overflow makes a path You see the overflow mends

Where there is nothing but evil

The overflow tends

Blocking the road

To the things of the spirit

The overflow creates wealth

The overflow sings to you

And sends you abundance

When you can find no song

When your bank account says

The overflow brings you electricity

There is no more

When the power‘s out all year long 26

The overflow fills your cupboard with food

And this fulfills your every desire You experience abundance

Even though you don‘t have the money

In every area of your life You reap what you have sown

To go to the store

You are blessed beyond all time What is overflow? This can happen for anyone who believes

It is the power to do the impossible That only God can do It is the result of believing

So keep praying and believing forevermore

God is there for you

And never trust trusting in God

Even when you don‘t want Him to

Then He will cause a miracle to happen In your life

So believe God for the overflow in your life

And your every physical need will be met

And spend time with Him

And satisfied

Not just during the bad times

When you enter the overflow

But also the good ones Tell Him what you desire

© 2009 Robert T Sells – all rights reserved

And let Him know you love Him Because when you put your focus on God He sends his Holy Ghost fire In the form of overflow 27

a change at the very core of the person. In essence, the circumstances that caused you pain as a child and the development of coping mechanisms to endure the pain may have significantly changed your personality, your self-concept, for all intents and purposes, your ability to live the life God predestined for you.

A Word in Season

“A change, a change has come over me…” Sophia Avery, MA

How, you may ask, could I have been changed? I‘m glad you asked. Let‘s look at some examples of how we can be changed by painful childhood events:

CHANGED ―Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.‖ Romans 12:2 NLT

Ex. 1-A happy 7-year-old little girl, talkative, theatrical, animated, and energetic suddenly becomes introverted, quiet, shy, and introverted. Why? Her father died after a short illness, and her mother, suffering with her own overwhelming grief, is unable to help her understand the loss of her father. Without help and intervention, the child grows up—a shy, insecure, quiet, selfconscious adult, unsure of herself and unable to feel secure in any relationship for fear that her mate will leave or die at any moment. Therefore, without fail, she smothers every man she dates, inevitably causing him to leave…her biggest fear, realized. Changed by the death of her father, she struggles with abandonment issues that have never been

Many of us experienced traumatic, painful events as children. A lot of people believe what happened to them during childhood was in the past, and decide to forget about it. We quickly realize, however, that painful memories can‘t be forgotten. So, we compensate by developing coping mechanisms- ways of numbing, ignoring, or quieting intensely painful memories. While coping mechanisms are effective, they can also lead to destructive behaviors such as drug abuse, alcohol abuse, sex addiction, excessive eating, dieting, and/or shopping; obsessive working, exercising, and, even, ministering in the church. Inevitably, we find that the effect of the traumatic childhood situations and the results of long-term coping behaviors cause

Ex.2-A vivacious, carefree teenager has a crush on a 16-year-old boy in her neighborhood. She sits on the steps every day, talking to him, and secretly imagining their first kiss. One afternoon as she waits on the steps for him after school, she hears 28

three loud pops, and looks up the block toward the direction of the loud sound. She spots his familiar red and black jacket running toward her. He yells her name, and then collapses to the ground. She rushes toward him, drops to his side, and cradles his head as he lay dying from a gunshot wound. She becomes depressed following the incident, and refuses to leave her house for fear of being shot and killed. Within a year, she returns to normal daily activities, but she refuses to mention his name, look in the direction of his house, walk near the part of the block where her friend was killed. As an adult when her own son is born, she finds herself gripped by fear whenever she is away from him. She can‘t escape the overwhelming fear of her son dying, and the older he gets, the more fearful she becomes. She eventually becomes extremely overprotective, refusing to allow him to play outside or even walk to school. Soon her fear overwhelms her and she starts having panic attacks and constant anxiety, which she quickly obtains medication for and becomes addicted. Having lost her belief in the world being a safe place and being gripped by fear, this woman is changed forever by the traumatic incident.

struggling, broken mother who‘s trying to be strong for him. He fails every class at his new school, starts getting into fights every week, and begins to hate the father who ignores his calls and constantly fails to keep his promise to pick him up on the weekends. The boy angrily swears to himself that he will never get married or have children because divorce and the aftermath are too painful. At the age of 12 he starts engaging in sexual activity and finds comfort in the beds of older girls at the shelter. Changed by the scene he witnessed as a child, the boy—now a man, has problems sustaining adult relationships with women for fear of them leading to marriage, and continuing to use sex and now alcohol to cope with his pain, he produces six children, and fails to take care of or visit any of them. Like the adults in these examples many of us are living and functioning with the effects of our own childhood pain because we haven‘t addressed the wounds they created. What we as counselors understand is that an emotional wound is created at the age of the incident of the traumatic childhood event or circumstance, and, until it is addressed, the wound will remain—open, raw, and tender . Coping mechanisms are similar to pain medications, salves, bandages that make the pain bearable, but even so, can‘t heal the wound. However, God doesn‘t want us to be conformed to the thinking of this world. He doesn‘t want us to use coping mechanisms to keep our painful memories at bay. His will for us is to allow Him to transform our thinking about those traumatic events and then allow the Holy Spirit to renew our minds. Those painful childhood events can

Ex. 3-A sensitive, thoughtful, straight ―A‖, 10-year-old boy, awakens to a loud noise. He runs to his parents‘ bedroom and witnesses his father hitting his mother and dragging her from the bed to the floor by her hair. The next day, his mother takes him out of school, and they drive to a shelter with only the clothes on their backs. Over the next year, he secretly cries, grieving for the beloved yet violent father left behind, the loss of his lifestyle and normality, and his 29

become the basis of our personal ministry and our ministering to others, if, instead of medicating and coping with the pain, we face it and process it. God wants us to make a commitment to learn, heal, and overcome the pain of the trauma instead of allowing it to control our behavior, our thinking, and our lives.

control our lives or keep us in bondage to coping mechanisms, fear, and a conformed mind. Invite the Holy Spirit to show you your emotional wounds, and then allow Him to heal you, help you restore your former personality, and rediscover who you were before the traumatic situation. Don‘t be conformed to the pain of this world, but be transformed by the healing and renewing of your mind—get back the life God predestined for you!

Will it cause you more pain to revisit the traumatic childhood event? Yes. Just like any wound that has gone untreated for an extended period of time, opening it and treating it can be painful, but isn‘t it worth the pain to finally be on the way to healing and being pain-free for the rest of your life?

Sophia Avery, MA is a Christian Therapist located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and owner of Christian Talk Therapy. We are committed to helping people heal from their emotional wounds, find peace, and live their life with joy, as God intended. Christian Talk Therapy now offers Phone Therapy for those who reside outside of Philadelphia! For more information, comments, questions or an appointment, please visit www.ChristianTalkTherapy.com.

Decide, today, to get your life back! Don‘t continue to live around your pain— spending inordinate amounts of time and effort managing, controlling, and enduring life. Do some soul searching and consider whether you were changed by something that happened in your past. If you know that you endured a painful or traumatic childhood situation, and you now realize you‘ve been using a coping mechanism to cover the pain, make it a priority to find someone to help you address the emotional wounds from your past. God wants us to face our emotional pain and do whatever is necessary to resolve it, refusing to allow it to


I worship the Lord continually.

The Garden

My garden is lovely with breathtaking views, I'd love to share my garden with you It's filled with God's love and earth warming hues. I welcome you to this saving place Where you're sure to feel His presence And soft embrace. Please enter in peace where faith abounds

In the garden Where God's glory reigns

And where fruits of the Spirit can always be found.

I silently pray and I praise His Holy Name. Encompassed by peace

Cynthia Boyer

In the midst of His majesty,


The birds have their being


Their wings tell a story.


Butterflies color the flowers in bloom, From the rays of the sun To the bright shining moon.

In the garden I can hear the mighty waves of the sea, In the strength of His mountain 31

Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to who tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.

she does not mind going through it twice. She’s saved, sanctified, and filled with the Holy Ghost

(Romans 13:7 KJV)

she can even train a sister while on her post.

Trustee Eula Canty

Canty is trustworthy, reliable and very efficient. Eula Canty is kind and very sweet

She’ll find a mistake at the blink of an eye,

God must see her as a wonderful treat.

a dime, nickel even one cent.

Thoughtful, caring, and sharing,

Trustee Canty is graceful, prayerful and strong in every way.

the good news of Jesus Christ,

So people stand up applaud, shout after all

you can really see she lives the life. He’s her Lord, Savior, and King

It is Eula Canty’s Day. it is know wonder that Christ is her everything.

She has proven herself faithful to God and this Ministry, that is why she was appointed as a Trustee. When tallying the offering and tithes

Bridgette Whitney

Trustee Canty is very precise,

All Rights Reserved 021810


numbers to illustrate, symbolically, his spiritual purpose.

D.I.V.A.S (Divinely, Inspired, Visionary, Anointed, Servants)


So what does all of this have to do with ‘March[ing] toward Your Purpose’? 1. If you have been slowly walking through these last two months, it is now time to walk with regular steps, to march in a consistent direction toward God. Remember this is a ‘March toward Your Purpose’: A man’s heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps (Proverbs 16:9, KJV). God is directing us step- by-step, through the Holy Spirit and His word, and we must be in position to hear his voice. Every day He is telling us how to live, how to love, how to receive our healing, how to be prosperous and successful, and how to be a witness for His Glory. However, most of us we will not take the time to read the directions - which is the Bible. 2. There is a god of war in the earth (Satan), which is trying everyday to gain victory over our lives. This is why we must be dressed for battle: Put on the whole amour of God that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places, (Ephesians 6:11-12, KJV). God is concerned about us, as we steadily advance toward our kingdomassignment, destiny, and purpose. The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me: (Psalm138:8, KJV). So, it is important for us to be aware of our surroundings and our associations as God reveals his plan and purpose for our lives: Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he

Elder Mae Davis

This year, in my pursuit to know God’s will and purpose for my life, I have been looking at each month and focusing on what spiritually significant purpose or decree God will reveal. Therefore, the information I am about to give you about the month of March may seem as though I am “stretching it” a little; but, if you hang-in-there with me, I assure you that I am going somewhere with this message - and it will all make sense before I am done.

March is defined as walking with regular steps; to steadily advance or move toward a consistent direction. Its origins are from the ancient Romans; it is derived from the name Mars – whom they recognized to be the god of war whom they worshipped because he made them victorious in war. March is also the third month of the year; and we know historically throughout the biblical texts that God uses


may devour, (1st Peter 5:8, KJV). Now that we know that March means to walk with regular steps, to march in a consistent direction, we must be dressed for battle against the god of war in the earth. 3. March is the third month in the year; so, what is significant about the powerof- three as it relates to the third month of the year? Abraham was visited by three messengers from God, which told him that his wife Sarah, who was barren, will give birth to a son, (Genesis 18:2, 10,). What has been barren in your life? Do you know that God wants to give life you to in this season, to fulfill the plans he has toward you? What is stopping you from steadily advancing toward your purpose, when God is Jehovah Jreh - the Lord our provider? Remember, there were three men who were cast into a fiery furnace (Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego), (Daniel 13:24-25). You may be in the “heat” of a struggle or a situation but the purpose of the “heat” is to show those around us that the Lord is present and he will protect us from all harm; just like he protected Jonah, who was in the belly of the great fish for three days and three nights (Jonah 1:17). We must not run from our assignment, but we should March toward it. Jesus’ purpose was to die for our sins and to rise on the third day (John 2:19), with victory over death and the grave.

purpose for our lives. Each month we should expect and anticipate doing great things in the kingdom of God.

Elder Mae F. Davis New Life Worship Centre 120 E. Baltimore Pike Lansdowne, PA 19050 Email- davismae@ymail.com

Elder Mae F. Davis, Copyright © 2010


I hope that it all makes sense to you now. God does have a plan for each of us. It is a plan of good not evil. We can fulfill the plan and purpose God has for our lives. There is a great work that we must do. Greater works than these shall we do, (St. John 14:12). As each month comes, we should be cognitive to pursue only what God has in his plan and

Order your copy today! For more information email: cc_shumake@comcast.net 34

But the Church Earnestly Prayed

national parks. This was also the week that I received some disturbing news from home; and all I desperately wanted was time alone with Jesus. Our campsite was small; there was only room for our tents in our section, and a few hundred steps away was another single tent with a camp ranger just down from there. The campsite toilets were about five minutes walk from our tents and none of the younger girls liked using them as they were in a very dark and distant part of the campsite. Another short distance from us was a lovely little mountain river that was our only source of bathing water. Our campsite was 15 miles from civilization, and for most of us, this was a first for the “roughing-it” camping experience.

By Mandy Woodhouse

Have you ever met someone who has come face to face with death but somehow miraculously escaped to write about it? Sounds dramatic, but I happen to be the escapee who gets to tell the story. I may not be a terminal disease survivor or someone who has walked away from a bad car wreck with only a scratch, but by the Grace of God and the power of prayer from obedient hearts, I am most definitely not an American murder statistic either. I am living proof that our Lord is true when He declares in Psalm 91:10 (NIV), “…no harm will befall you, no disaster will come near your tent.” God used other believers, the prayers of His Church, to protect me from harm.

Wednesday night just after midnight, I found myself sitting by the river with a flashlight and my Bible. No one from our camp knew where I had gone; the kids were exhausted and everyone was nearly asleep, but I snuck off to have a little chat with God about my news from back home. In the light of the full moon by the river, I met a woman who would help to change my perspective of prayer forever. At the exact time that I was at the river, it was 2:00am in my hometown in Louisiana, where my two roommates awoke from a dead sleep to pray safety, wisdom and protection over me. They claimed they could not rest until they had obediently prayed. I often wonder in my humanity what could have happened if my friends had forced themselves back to sleep instead of praying for me.

God rescued me in June 1998 when I was an overzealous 19 year old travelling the USA’s North West with a group of other university missionaries. This particular week, we joined up with a local Church youth group in Washington State who wanted to utilize our gifts to lead a youth retreat on a “camping adventure” in one of the beautiful Washington

The unfamiliar woman by the river approached me from the dark forest to my right. She seemed wild, as if she had been alone in the woods for days, and she clutched something at 35

her stained shirt. The only thing that came out of her mouth was a request to walk her to the toilets, which I did mostly out of compassion for the state she was in. Being a passionate Christian with a mission I wanted to help this woman, but I sensed something tragic and almost menacing in her demeanor. Thankfully, one of the kids had seen my flashlight as the woman and I walked to the toilets, and the youth minister came with the campsite ranger to check on me. They released me back to my tent, and the next day I found out that this woman had been convicted of first-degree murder of several 18-20 year old girls in different campsites around the Pacific Northwest. She had admitted to police that I was going to be her next victim.

of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12 NKJV). Interceding for someone is not just empty words thrown up to a distant God; interceding is fighting against spiritual powers in heavenly places for things such as safety and protection. I do believe that God’s grace is big enough to save His beloved without needing our human prayers. Psalm 18 talks about God coming down from heaven just to rescue David because He delighted in David, and God declares in 2 Chronicles 20:15 (amongst many other places) that the battle belongs to God, not man. However, I strongly believe that there is a great reward for the intercessor that awakens to pray and fight for what is on God’s heart.

Only when I called home three days later did I find out that my friends had stayed up hours praying for my protection, which they did not know the significance of at the time.

I can tell this story because by the grace of God, someone prayed. To quote Oswald Chambers, “Prayer does not fit us for the greater work, prayer is the greater work.” May I encourage you to pray hard, pray without ceasing, and pray for your family in Christ even in times of inconvenience. What an honor to be used by God for the “greater” and powerful work of intercessory prayer!

Acts 12 reminds me greatly of this experience. Peter was arrested by King Herod’s men and thrown into prison just for being a follower of Jesus Christ. One night as Peter slept in chains between two guards (with more guards standing at the door), an angel appeared to him and released him from prison without the guards knowing. After Peter left the building, he went to Mary’s house, where he found a large number of people gathered who were praying for his release. Verse 5 in the New International Version says, “Peter was kept in prison, but the Church was earnestly praying to God for him.”

Mandy.woodhouse@hotmail.com The Bible says elsewhere, “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers 36

With His Stripes, We Are Healed

why the large numbers, especially in Christendom? To get to the heart of the matter, we need to explore the deeper meaning behind healing in scripture. Isaiah 53:5 reads “But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.” In other words, our transgressions required wounds; our iniquities required bruises; our peace required chastisement; but our healing requires (notice, the change to present tense) stripes. As Christians, we know of the healing of reconciliation to God; but, do we know of the healing that comes by the agency of the same type of crucifixion that Jesus endured? I don’t mean a literal crucifixion, but a crucifixion where you choose to die daily and slay the lusts of your flesh (or the insanity in your flesh) until it is disfigured. I am talking about the type of crucifixion where we violently oppose every ungodly thought that would try to rise up against the knowledge of God and manifest in our bodies.

Health. To many, especially us food connoisseurs, it’s a bland topic. If given the choice between a delectable dessert and a fruit, most of us would choose the former. However, as much as we might try to avoid healthy practices, we must all ultimately come face to face with the state of our health and awaken to the knowledge and the truth of how healthy we really are. But what is health exactly? Dictionary.com defines health as “soundness, especially of body or mind; freedom from disease or abnormality.” In other words, our routine doctor‘s visits are an assessment of how sound our minds and bodies really are; and they are a measure of the extent of freedom we are actually walking in. Unfortunately, millions of Americans die year after year because of poor health. But

Why the violence? Because the Word says that “the Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force” (Matthew 11:12). And though there is much controversy around this verse’s true interpretation, the fact remains that Jesus’ entire ministry was rooted in the forceful subjection of His flesh to the will of God. From the 40 day fast in the wilderness even until now, Christ was and is relentlessly 37

focused on taking back the Kingdom. And “it pleased the Lord to bruise Him” (Isaiah 53:10). God chose beating by the Cat of Nine Tails. God chose Jesus’ scalp to be punctured by the crown of thorns. And God chose Jesus to be beaten--thrashed beyond recognition-- until He was covered in His own blood.

herself asking, according to a recent sermon taught by Prophetess Deborah Jones of Prothumia Institute. Even though she spent all her money on doctors, she would not follow their counsel. She did not think their advice was accurate nor did she follow their instructions precisely. It wasn’t until she had spent all she had that she reached the point of being willing to stoop down and humble herself, so that she could touch the hem of Jesus’ garment.

Jesus could have been killed at any point in history: with a single shot by a bullet, or by a beheading; yet, what God chose as effective was death by crucifixion. Jesus’ flesh had to be ripped from His body because the way of Christ is the Way of Suffering. No man can follow after Him except He deny Himself and take up His cross. It is this rigorous self-denial that is our act of violence.

Sometimes we have not experienced healing because we have been too proud. We can cry out to God and quote Scriptures, but that won’t avail anything if we harbor pride. Why? Because we are doing exactly what God detests. He hates a proud look, and will resist a proud heart. If we won’t forgive others, than God says He can’t “give for” us. By the meekness with which Jesus received His stripes, are we able to walk into the fullness of healing. By His form of death--not our own--are we made whole! By the breath of His nostrils, can we inhale the breath of life! And with the blood of His love, life courses through our veins!

If you want to be made whole, you have to discipline your mind. If you want to be made well, you’ve got to get up and move! If you want to be healed, you have to be willing to do whatever it takes to reach the mark of the high calling. And sometimes that high mark is reached by dropping low to the ground. Naaman had to humble himself in the dirtiest river 7 times, in order to receive his healing. King Nebuchadnezzar had to humble himself in order to be delivered from a reprobate mind. Press in and ask God why you are where you are and what must you do in order to be saved. This is what the woman with the issue of blood eventually found

Ain-Kamilah Wilson is a student of Prothumia Institute, a school of the prophets, founded by Prophets Issaac & Deborah Jones. She is also a worldwide distributor of high-potency nutritional health supplements. For more information on her products, please contact her at: ainkamilah@gmail.com . 38

Three secrets to a happy Marriage

castle in the Magic Kingdom Disneyworld. It's labeled, a “Fairy Tale Wedding.” Although their splendid, dreamy wedding had unmatched romance of being in a simulated real castle, their marriage did not last more than a year. We tell this story to help you understand what your real focus should be on: not the wedding so much as the marriage.

Mike and Trisha Fox

The truth is, we have been accustomed to focusing so much time, money and energy on the wedding itself that we forget what the wedding is supposed to be about. When you truly focus on your marriage and relationship, the wedding is simply the icing on the cake. The marriage is the cake that's supposed to be the focal point.

Congratulations on your engagement, wedding or upcoming marriage! It's truly a time to celebrate and be excited! You will be hearing from a lot of people give you suggestions and advice, from family to friends and even celebrities in media, on how best to handle your marriage and relationship. However, as the saying goes, “Too many hands in the pot spoil the food.” We encourage you to be very selective in your sphere of influence and surround yourself with others who are “promarriage” and “pro-relationship.” Also avoid those who might impact your relationship in a negative way, or subtly bring separation or distance between you and your spouse in your new life.

2. Communication really is the key The Associated Press released a story Jan 6 of an older couple in Romania, where the husband hid 40,000 euro ($57,768 USD) in an old, dirty pair of shoes. The bad thing was that he did not tell his wife. He kept that information from her and hid the money. Before Christmas, the wife wanted to get the house nice and clean and she ended up throwing the old shoes away. Not only is it a tear in the fragile fabric of the relationship, but when couples do not share themselves with their spouse or purposefully “hide” things from them, they not only hurt their spouse and break the trust that took so long to earn, but it shreds the glue that would keep them together during rough times.

We have compiled some helpful tips to help you in your new journey and hopefully give you a few tools for when you need it. 1. Focus on your marriage more than your wedding! A financially set engaged couple actually rented the Cinderella Disney 39

3. Forsaking all others means all others. During the exchanging of vows, most excited couples see the finish line throughout the entire experience. “Let's hurry up to the honeymoon!” But there is a reason for these vows.

Marriage is the beginning of your life together, not the ending. So, just as we start something new, we must learn as much as possible. Good, strong, healthy couples have learned the art of “learning.” They understand that we will continue to learn the rest of our lives. You may know a lot about your partner, but it takes a lifetime to know them intimately. When conflicts within the relationship occur, and they will occur, it is at those times that communication will supersede the frazzled, hot and heavy emotions that become more of a potential destructive force than a positive factor. It is then that whatever tools of communication you have or have learned will be vital in keeping your marriage from encroaching destructive elements.

It's told that the oldest traditional wedding vows can be traced back to the middle ages to the „Book of Common Prayer,” published in 1549. The vows can be traced back to roots derived from the time of the Roman Empire when people had “free” marriages. The bride's father would deliver her to the groom, and the two agreed that they were wed and would keep the vow of marriage by mutual consent. Wealthy Romans, though, signed documents listing property rights to publicly declare that their union was legalized and not a common law marriage. This was the beginning of the official recording of marriages as we do today.

Couples always communicate, whether they are aware of it or not, and it may be ineffective. The key is to learn how to communicate effectively. This applies also to non-verbal communication.

While we could take an entire article to break down each phrase in the vow exchange, there is one in particular that seems to be losing its potency drastically: “Forsaking all others.” Statistics show a large number of couples that never break off their ties from family have a much harder time gaining deep closeness with their new partner.

Rolling the eyes, crossing your arms, looking away, huffing and puffing, etc., are all ways people communicate without verbally saying anything. Couples may not realize this, but they inadvertently hurt and tear down not only their spouse, but their own marriage when they communicate in negative ways. That is why learning how to properly communicate is the best thing you can do for your marriage, for right now and for those times when you need it the most.

We realize that family is very important; especially during these troubled, economic times. But when a couple gets married, they must take the initiative to stop their reliance and 40

intimate closeness with their family and friends, and begin the new life of reliance upon their spouse. It is in fact a transfer of dependency. For some, it's a transfer of dependency not from family or friends, but even from themselves. They have learned to be a “survivor” all on their own. But marriage is a consent of dependency and reliance upon each other. After all, your marriage is a twoway street, each meeting the needs of the other, fully.

largely on emotions, expectations and a full cup of desire. But time takes its toll, and when the emotions and excitement die down, what is left to keep the relationship strong and close? Couples that have not put themselves in the arms of their spouse, but have the “justin-case” mentality will not learn how to resolve conflicts and become closer to their spouse. In time, the potential for a dissolving over resolving takes place. It's good to look up to, and even allow, the influence of positive role models, friends and family. But external sources (i.e. friends, family, co-workers, etc.) must not be allowed to supersede the influence and closeness of your spouse. If your friends, family and others are closer than your spouse, there is a break in the relationship. We encourage all couples to forsake all others, and cling to their spouse.

One troubling statistic is that many of today's couples do not feel the need to rely on their spouse. Therefore, it is not as vital to stay together forever. That is why today‟s divorce rate is ridiculously high. The emphasis of intimate dependency and “oneness” in marriage was once a main ingredient to a successful marriage. That is no longer the case with many couples today. Some have said that they meet each other half way, but this is not a proper perspective for a healthy relationship. Each must give 100 percent to meet the needs of the other partner, and in turn, each of the partner's needs is fully met. When a couple only gives 50 percent, then only half of both partner's needs are met. It is usually at that point that the individuals in that marriage begin to seek other, external sources to meet unmet needs. This is the major reason of what leads to infidelity, unfaithfulness and an overall unhappiness within a marriage.

In the movie, Marley & Me, a very positive and powerful statement was made: “Mend, don't end.” Mike and Trisha Fox of Smyrna are state-certified marriage mentors and relationship coaches, authors of “Marriage for Today” and appear weekly on BlogtalkRadio. Mike is an employee of the Dover Post Company, with which the Transcript is affiliated.

Many couples do not realize that their love began charged and revved up 41

A Poem for my Husband

Loudly, our hearts cry out in unison to His song.

Here I stand at your feet So beautiful on the mountains because of the News they bring I would wash these feet as if they were my own Care for them and encourage them to soldier on in battle What an honor that they ran in pursuit of me…

Here I am at the corners of your hands Longing to feel them holding mine I‘ve watched as these hands built up the body Watched, as you desired to bring healing and hope into the hearts of the people Oh, that I would be the encourager of these God blessed hands!

Here I am at the corner of your eyes Waiting for my favorite glance Deep eyes alive with fire and authority Learning to see the world as the Father sees. May He guard this pair, and may I never make them stumble.

Here I am, at the corner of you. Encouraged by your eyes that see like Him Desiring to touch the Bride with the same gentleness and truth of your words Every corner of you that I come around leads me to thirst for More And every part of me is glad for this friendship.

Here I am at the corner of your mouth. Sweet lips that resound the only Name above all And a smile that causes me to thirst that Name I overflow when that chosen tongue speaks gently to me Just as Hosea says our Lover spoke to His precious in the desert

Here I am again in the embrace of the Father Secure in my being and alive in His hope Rejoicing in the passion set aflame in me by your life Together we shall capture His glance, hold His hand, have His heart. And may you know that I will always wash your feet.

Here I stand at the corner of your heart That beautiful secret place where Life abides I want to sink in the depths of that heart So similar to mine as it beats the rhythm of our Creator

© Mandy Woodhouse, 2009.


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