Divine Inspirations Magazine October 2009 Issue

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Divine Inspirations Magazine Vol 2 Iss 10

October 2009

Divine Inspirations Magazine

LETTER FROM THE EDITOR COVER STORY Carole Steamer-“EyceCreme in Many Flavors Contributing Columnists Filoiann Wiedenhoff Michelle Pumphrey Apostle Dr. Lee Ann B. Marino, Ph.D., D.D. Bishop Steven Liberty, Sr. Tiffany Ann Lewis Michele Mills Karmen Booker Robert Sells Filoiann Wiedenhoff

IN EVERY ISSUE Reality Corner John G. Taylor, MA D.I.V.A.S. Elder Mae Davis Prosperity Principles Flora Kynard A Word in Season Sophia Avery, MA Marriage for Today Pastors Mike and Trisha Fox Youth42day Pastors Mike and Trisha Fox Women of Zion Stylicia Bowden Music Buzz Zipporjah Erby Ornaments of Grace Cynthia Boyer The Bible Teacher Pastor Cynthia Togle

POETRY CAFÉ Death of a Star “DeeVine” The Cries of the Lord Robert T. Sells Dancing Leaves Cecile Jo Elevated from the Ashes Khadine Beckford The Lord Is Alphonso Rodgers Marriage is Honorable Bridgette Whitney Spiritual Gifts Simon Vogel

Order Your Copy Today!! www.eycecreaminmanyflavors.com

Divine Inspirations Magazine Greetings! Are you using your Spiritual Camouflage? I am an avid fan of the television show NCIS. The fall season opener was great. In one of the scenes the lead character, a sniper was in camouflage shooting from at an unrealistic distance at the enemy, I loved. They could not see him, which meant they could not stop him. He was covered head to toe in camouflage. As Christians today we are being attacked too frequently by Satan’s fiery darts. Many of us have gotten so accustom to his attacks we just accept them. But we are not powerless. In Ephesians 6:11 we are instructed to put on the whole armor of God to stand against the wiles of the devil. This is our weapon to defeat the enemy. There is no need to fear H1N1 (swine flu) this season. Fortify your armor get in God’s word, use your sword. It’s your spiritual camouflage strike at the enemy he can’t see you, you’re covered. You are not powerless! This month we are featuring some of the best inspired words to uplift and edify your spirit. I encourage you to print this publication and share with your neighbors, friends, co-workers and family. Divine Inspirations Magazine has a Fan Page on FaceBook join this interactive, and be sure to spread the news of this awesome magazine. We welcome your feedback and comments! Visit our website at www.divineinspirationsmagazine.org. Blessings! Qualita


Divine Inspirations Magazine EyceCreme: Carole Steamer: Poetess 21+ Flavors of Poetry & Inspiration! Carolyn DeLois Steamer, known affectionately to her friends as ―Carole‖ and poetically as ―EyceCreme‖, grew up in the deep country near Brazos Valley, Texas, in Port Sullivan, Texas as the youngest child of 7 children. ―I had a story inside of me that God wanted me to write and I felt someone had to hear it. But I kept it inside and didn‘t realize how bottled up I was until I ‗fell in and out of lust‘ in a matter of 4 months. I was hurt and my medicine was writing poetry. Not only was I talking to God but I was writing Him letters to let Him know that I was hurting and needed answers to my issues. Every issue I had, He had an answer for it and He told me to tell my story in writing…To tell my story so that others could understand my trials.‖ Over the years, there have been many hardships that caused Carole to take a long hard look at where God wanted her to be. She says 2003 had to be the most difficult of the last 10 years. In January of that year, her oldest son was admitted to the hospital for 23 days due to a sickle cell disease crisis. Instead of celebrating his birthday at home, the nurses at the hospital hosted a birthday party for him complete with pizza, cakes, and gifts. He was discharged in February at which time Carole went for her annual check-up only to be told that more testing was needed because something wasn‘t looking right. While awaiting the results to return, her grandmother-in-law who had been diagnosed with cancer the previous December passed away in March. Then April came and so did the news that she had developed the beginning stages of what appeared to be cancer cells in her uterus. She was given a couple of options but chose to have surgery which took away any chances of having anymore children. The surgery was performed in May and she remained home from work for 8 weeks to recover returning on Monday June 16. That evening she laid down and was shaken from her sleep by an excruciating pain that the doctors later found was gall stones. That surgery was performed in the same week. She along with her then husband and children celebrated recovery with a trip to Disney World in July and then in August, that marriage came to a screeching halt. The man she had married for the second time was now gone…for the second time. ―I was devastated and felt like I was a failure. I had to learn how to love me all over again. And even as recent as the last 35 years, it has been a struggle for me because I had never really felt like anyone would love me. So many failed relationships just seemed to outweigh the possibility that I was ‗good enough‘.‖ Then Carole found comfort in the books of Psalm. Comfort was there. Peace was there. Love was there. Understanding was there. And even wisdom was there. After reading Psalm 23, 24, 37, 118, and 150 and then Proverbs 31:10-31 over and over again, she realized that she had the Gift of Poetic Words. But most importantly, the Love of God was found again and she renewed that relationship with him. So she began to write and share what she had written and people began to tell her how they were blessed by the inspiration they received from her poetry. As this relationship grew and was nurtured, the poetry writing became easier and easier and even got to a point where someone could ask for something and she could write a poetry piece in a matter of minutes. ―On September 14, 2007, my dear friend, Lillian and I attended a meeting where Ras Robinson of Fullness in Christ Ministries in Fort Worth, Texas was speaking at a prophetic gathering. He spoke a word from God to me at that meeting and he said that God had called me ‗ice cream.‘ He went on to say that what I had to give was ‗in so many flavors.‘ From that I adopted the nickname of ‗EyceCreme.‘ Now many of my friends in the MySpace®, Tagged®, and Poetry Vote® world know me as such. I have been mandated to inspire in the form of poetry and that is what I have goaled to do. So I write and I share through written word, on internet radio, and even on my new website. Lillian is my best friend and has always encouraged me to keep writing and to keep ―LIVING― because my life is what gives me the inspiration to write and the material to write about. The most important thing to me is my relationship with Christ…For Him, I live and for Him, I would die. If it had not been for His mercy on me WHILE I was living in sin, I would not be here. I am so much to be grateful for. I would be crazy not to want to use my gift to glorify Him. I was given a gift many years ago and at that particular time, I never even imagined that I would be putting those things into writing for other people to read and to enjoy. I am elated that even prior to the printing of my first book, I have been told on countless occasions that my pieces of poetry have helped someone to get over a hurtful relationship, to realize that God forgives, or even recognize their wealth in Christ. God is such an awesome God that He would not allow any one individual to go through life without purpose. In spite of our shortcomings and our idiosyncrasies, God still loves us unconditionally. He then mandates us to October 2009

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Divine Inspirations Magazine love one another in that same manner. Each one of us should dig deep into the inner depths of our spirit to seek out the gift that God has put inside. It is there. It is up to us whether or not it grows into the fruit that it was intended to be.‖

Face book: www.facebook.com/eycecremeimf

―I found that that the more serious I became about doing what God had mandated in my life and not so much as what man wanted me to do, the easier it became for me to call those things that were not as though they were. I began to speak increase into my home, my children, and even at work I was anointing my cubicle and noticed that others were coming to me asking me to pray and anoint them. Then the calls started coming and the increase came because I asked God to expand my boundaries and He did just that. Now my daily text message group has grown from 17 to well over 50. And I make it a point to send a daily message every day…unless I am in area where I don‘t have a signal on my cell. God has blessed my family and I tremendously because of obedience. Speak into your atmosphere what you desire and don‘t stop until your atmosphere becomes just that. God gave you that right. EXERCISE YOUR RIGHT AS AN HEIR OF CHRIST!‖

(Airs on Thursday nights at 9 pm CST – 646/378-1122: Show Line)

Carole‘s book, EyceCreme…In Many Flavors! slated for release early to mid October 2009. She is currently working with her local school district as a committee member for the Faith and Education Collaboration and has also conducted After-school programs at one of the middle schools geared toward positive self-expression for teen girls. She is in the process of preparing presentations for two local area groups, the Girl Scouts of Central Texas and Girls, Inc. both in Austin. She has already begun work on her next book which she plans to title From Birth to Butterfly. Carole hosts a Thursday night Blog Talk Radio show called Divine Woman of Change and challenges everyone, men and women, to be the ―change‖ they want to see. Carole is a 2006 graduate of Mount Olive Bible Institute and is currently attending the University of Phoenix Axia On-line in pursuit of her Bachelor‘s Degree in Business Administration. Carole‘s ultimate dream is to expand her audience to international countries and teach young people that poetic expression is a way to heal scars from past mistakes and failures. Carole is the mother of 3 children: Rozisha LeAnne Hall, Kaevin Enthonye Nobles, and Garland Banks, Jr. She resides in Manor, Texas, a suburban area east of Austin. All three of her children also write in some form…poetry or short stories…and Carole looks forward to perhaps someday compiling all of their work in one single book. Divorced three times and although not married right now, Carole says, ―It won‘t be long! God hasn‘t held out on any of the promises He made to me and my Husband will share all my successes with me! I‘ve made mistakes and will again. But GOD!‖ Now that‘s poetic inspiration. For workshop or speaking engagements, contact Carole via her website at www.eycecremeinmanyflavors.com. Other Websites and Contact Information October 2009

Poetry Vote: www.poetryvote.com/eycecreme Radio Talk Show: www.BlogTalkRadio.com/PoetryVoteRadio

Email: eycecremeimf@yahoo.com

Filoi’s Getaway with God Filoiann Wiedenhoff

Recently I took a few days off to get away with God before our family went on vacation this summer. I‘ve been feeling tired and worn out lately from doing much serving and in need of more sitting at the Lord‘s feet. I felt it was important for me to regroup and get refreshed for my own sanity and for my families too. Not to mention also our church family. My husband kindly paid two nights for me to go off by myself to a nearby hotel and just took my necessities along with my bible, laptop (which has my bible program on it) and pen and paper. In case you have never heard of a, ―Getaway with God‖ I will explain… Getting away with God means to get away from the world, people and responsibilities for a time to spend quality time with Jesus through prayer, His Word, meditating on God‘s Word, applying God‘s Word and just plain resting in Christ. Every person is different so time away with God is also different and unique. It could be an afternoon or evening away at a park, on a mountain top or it could be a weekend at a retreat place or hotel - whatever works best for you and your family. It‘s also a time of refocus and renewal; allowing God‘s Word through the Holy Spirit to encourage and minister to the soul and in some cases comfort. I usually go once a year; my husband and I take turns going alone and then we go together twice a year on a weekend retreat with God. This is aside from our family vacations. I highly recommend it for anyone who has a constant busy life and needs refreshment with God. Most pastors and their wives attend pastoral retreats but I think anyone who is in need of time alone with God should definitely try it…it‘s a blessing. God has always been DIM - 2

Divine Inspirations Magazine faithful to meet me right where I am at. My husband recently took time away and was able to get a lot of rest during his weekend getaway. What I Prayed… During my time away with God, I usually pray for God to speak to my heart. I try not to go into my time with God with an agenda or a plan. If I were to go with an agenda I would be leading the getaway not God, so I went with no agenda at all but a simple heartfelt prayer. “God speak to me in such a “personal” way that I just know it’s from you.” I had no idea what that meant or what I was asking; all I knew was that I needed a word from Him to encourage my spirit and rejuvenate my soul. What I Believed… I believed by faith that God was going to meet me there. I didn‘t know what I needed from Him but I believe He already knew and would reveal Himself to me in whatever way He saw fit.

The answer to my personal prayer was in verses 14-15; ―You are My friends if you do whatever I command you. No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you. John 15:14-15-NKJV In this passage Jesus redefines our relationship with Him from a slave to a friend. Just as Abraham was called, ―the friend of God‖ they had an intimate relationship where God held nothing back from Abraham. We ourselves have now been given that same privilege and personal relationship by faith through grace in Jesus Christ. ―And the LORD said,‖ Shall I hide from Abraham what I am doing,‖ Genesis 18:17-NKJV ―And the Scripture was fulfilled which says, "Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness."* And he was called the friend of God.‖

What I Did…

James 2:23-NKJV

I rested then spent some time in prayer but mainly I waited upon the Lord. During that time this scripture came to mind:

But that‘s not all folks …

―Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us* with groanings which cannot be uttered.‖ Romans 8:26-NKJV What God Did… What God did for me was so amazing that I had to share this with all of you. Remember earlier I said that I prayed that God would speak, “Personally” to me? I had no idea how God was going to do this - nor did I know what exactly I was asking of Him, but I figured God was faithful to answer that prayer and I was willing to receive anything He wanted to give me. What God did for me was more than I could ask or think. He answered me in a way that was nothing short of a miracle. Before I even opened my bible, I felt God speak to my heart saying, ―You did not choose me but I chose you.‖ I was familiar with the passage and already felt encouraged by these words and immediately went to the Word of God to read where the passage came from. It said; ―You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you. John 15:16-17-NKJV This passage blessed me because it spoke to me about our personal relationship, His ownership and how we belong to Him and He belongs to us and through that relationship we are provided for and appointed to bear fruit-fruit that remains. BUT that wasn‘t all! Something (I know now it was the Holy Spirit) told me to read above the scripture to get the full understanding of the passage, so I started reading from John 15; 1 to verse 17.

October 2009

Remember how I prayed for God to speak to me personally, so personal that I would know it was from Him? This blew me away and I think when you read this it will blow you away too. In looking at the verses again, John 15:14-15, where it says, ―I called you friends,‖ the Hebrew and Greek translation in the inter-linear bible definition for friends is ―filoi‖. (NT:5384 ‎filos, ‎philos (fee'-los); which means dear and fond friend. Hopefully you all know that Filoi is my first name and what makes this more interesting is that my name is Samoan! (South Pacific Islander of Samoa) What are the odds that I would read out of the entire 66 books of the bible that particular scripture that specific weekend coming with one heartfelt prayer? It could only be God! I don‘t think He could have said anything more personal to me than that. I was changed from that moment forward seeing how God not only heard my prayer but showed me His faithfulness to remind me that He knows me; where I‘m at and knows my name. So the LORD said to Moses,‖ I will also do this thing that you have spoken; for you have found grace in My sight, and I know you by name." Exodus 33:17-NKJV That night I was so lifted up, I just knew that I knew He was God and also that He was my God. I went home more than just revived I went home flying. My spirit was soaring and I once again was ready to continue living for Him with all my heart. If you are in need of a getaway with God I encourage you to not delay. Our personal intimate relationship with Christ is the very foundation we stand on. We need Jesus to fill us, water us and restore us. Remain in Him and He will remain in you and you will bear much fruitfruit that will last. I hope you are encouraged as I am that He loves His children dearly and also that He knows our names and understands what we are going through. DIM - 3

Divine Inspirations Magazine ―For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.‖ Hebrews 4:15-16NKJV I hope you will have a chance to get away with God and remember…Don‘t hesitate to take time out for God because God already took time out for you! May God bless your day with His Presence!

D.I.V.A.S (Divinely, Inspired, Visionaries, Anointed, Services)

THE RESULTS OF A PRAYING CHURCH THROUGH THE POWER OF INTERCESSION ACTS 12:5 Peter therefore was kept in prison: but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him: Have you done a church evaluation lately to see how many souls your church has won to Christ? Do you have overwhelming testimonies from the congregation about the break through that they are experiencing in their family and their personal lives? Are people being transformed in your ministries or do they lack the power to overcome the enemy that comes to kill, steal and destroy them? Is your church lacking the power to do the ministry that you believe that God has called you to in this season? If you are lacking in any of these areas in your church, there may be a break in the power source, which is the connecting line to the power of God through the Holy Spirit that connects a church through the power of intercession. It is a known fact according to the word of God that when the church (the body of believers) come together and prays through the power of intercession, the church gets overwhelming results. The definition for intercession is to entreaty in favor of another, a prayer or petition to God in behalf of another. This definition comes from the American Heritage dictionary, but my Holy Ghost definition is this – it is when the church (the body of believers) makes an earnest petition through prayer to the Father in the name of Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit on one accord on the behalf of others. When I look at the scripture in Acts 12:5, I recognize the church came together on one accord, praying earnestly as intercessors, by praying without ceasing–they prayed until something happens, that manifest Peter‘s release from prison.

October 2009

As I studied this chapter, I discovered four (4) things that happened for Peter through the power of intercession as the church prayed. 1. Rest, sleep and peace: ―And when Herod would have brought him forth, the same night Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains: and the keepers before the door kept the prison‖ (Acts 12:6, KJV). When the church comes together on one accord and prays as intercessors for the Pastors and the leadership of the church, no matter how the enemy comes to surround them, the head and the body will be able to receive rest for their souls. When emotions come to overthrow the will of God, it can cause the leadership and the body of Christ to move out of the will of God and make decisions in the flesh instead of through the Holy Spirit. Interceding for the church will give you the ability to sleep and rest in the arms of the Father who that neither slumbers nor sleeps. This peace only comes from God, which surpasses all understanding. Peter was surround by a quaternion of guards (16 soldiers) and was able to go to sleep. How awesome is that when you know that the enemy wants to cut your head off and you can rest peacefully in the hands of God. 2. Angels are released to work on our behalf when God‘s His sons and daughters seek Him. “And behold, the angel of the Lord came upon him,” (Acts 12:7, KJV). As a praying church God will release angels to work on our behalf. The Lord sent an angel to Peter to protect and direct him out of prison. “For He will give His angels [especial] charge over you to accompany and defend and preserve you in all your ways [of obedience and service]”: (Psalms 91:11, Amplified Bible). Do you know there are angels unemployed waiting to be used? True intercession can employ angels to protect us, and give us clarity in the mist of confusion. Praying as a church will bring us a message from the mouth of God through his angels even in a dream: “But while he thought on these things, behold, the angle of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary the wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost: (Matthew 1:20, KJV). 3. Chains and shackles will fall off. ―and a light shined in the prison: and he smote Peter on the side, and raised him up, saying, Arise up quickly, And his chains (his shackles) fell off from his hands‖: (Acts 12:7, KJV). The results of a praying church who intercedes will loose the power of the Holy Spirit to do ministry, it will loose healing in the church, loose finances, loose husband and wives to those who desired to be married, loose jobs, loose families, and whatever has the church in bondage it will be loose in Jesus‘ name: “O Lord, truly I am thy servant; I am thy servant, and the son of thine handmaid: thou has loosed my bonds: (Psalms 116:16, KJV); “And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou

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Divine Inspirations Magazine shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven”: (Matthew 16:19). 4. The Lord will get you out of prison. ―And when Peter was come to himself, he said, Now I know of a surety that the lord hath sent his angel, and hath delivered me out the hand of Herod, and from all the expectation of the people of the Jews‖: (Acts 12:11, KJV). As an interceding church, doors that have been locked will open and you will walk right into your destiny and what seem to be a vision will come to pass: ―And he went out, and followed him; and wist not that it was true which was done by the angel; but thought he saw a vision. The church got results when they interceded on the behalf of Peter. They had manifestation from their prayers, because they prayed as a unified body of believers as they continued in prayer the power of the Holy Spirit gave Peter rest, employed his angel, and loosed his chains and finally his release from prison. What if your church came together on one accord, praying, without ceasing, interceding and praying for the power of the Holy Ghost, what would your results be? Elder Mae Davis New Life Worship Centre 120 E. Baltimore Ave. Lansdowne, PA 191050 davismae@ymail.com


Who Ya Pleasin’? Mike & Trisha Foxes

Hebrews 11:6; But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. The story goes… A good hearted old man and his son were one day taking their donkey to the market for sale. It was about a day‘s journey, so they started early. On the road they met a man riding a horse who said to them: "What in the world are y‘all doing? You have a donkey and neither of you ride him? What else are donkeys for?" The father immediately told his son to mount the donkey and ride on it. After a little while they met some grumpy old men who always saw the dark side of life. They shouted to the son: "Shame on you! A young man like you riding a donkey while your father has to walk!" October 2009

When the son heard this he jumped down immediately and gave his place to his father, and let him ride the donkey. After a few more miles they met some country woman who was always feeling sorry for people, and they said to the old man: "You must have a heart of stone. You sit on the donkey and travel in comfort while your son has to travel on this hard road! Oh, the lack of love and compassion!" When the father heard this, he told his son to get on the donkey with him, and they rode together. Then they passed a shepherd on the side of the road who was watching his flock. This shepherd always felt bad when animals were mistreated, looked at them and said: "Oh, the poor donkey! It will certainly collapse under such a weight! Give the donkey some mercy!" So, the father and son got off the donkey and the boy said to his father: "What shall we do now? Should we carry the animal on our shoulder? Perhaps in this way the people will be satisfied!" There will always be someone to tell you what they think you should be doing. Everyone, from the Pastor to your mom n‘ dad, to the youth leader, to your friends, to teachers. Whether you believe it or not, you ARE being influenced and you WILL want to please someone. Don‘t even TRY to say that you are your own self and please no one. That‘s not true at all. God built us with the desire to please. When we get married, we are supposed to please our husband/wife. But as youth, we are learning more and more the need to please God and not others. When we say others, we mean ―instead‖ of God, because we are called by God to please our parents, leaders and loved ones… to a point. But the problem is not that we are going to please someone, but ―who‖ are we going to please? Really, really ask yourself if you are pleasing God, or people who live for God… or someone you don‘t even know, never met, and idolize, yet they themselves do not know and love God. Do you understand that if you let someone, or something, lead you on in your heart and mind, they are almost your ―master‖. Yet we know of course, that only Jesus Christ is to be our ―master‖. It‘s okay to have Jordan hanging on the wall; as long as you have the bible hanging on your heart. Not the worst to have Mary Mary, even though they‘re gospel, posted over your headboard. But don‘t forget that people are people, no matter who they are, they don‘t measure up to what we‘re supposed to relate our life to; that is, Jesus. Are you pleasing God, or just going through the motions? Are you pleasing God, or just fakin‘ it till ya make it? If it‘s not in your heart, it‘s not pleasing to God.

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Divine Inspirations Magazine We can‘t please God and do wrong, talk wrong, live wrong, and …. Wrong. If we really and truly want to please God, it‘s ONLY because we love Him. And to love God is the ONLY motive for pleasing God.

The Biblical Teacher, Philippines

Yeah, He blesses us when we do right, but it‘s got to be more than getting‘ something by doin‘ something. We really need to fall in love with Christ to know how to really please Christ. There is NOTHING more powerful, and deeper, than when you can truly love God and desire to please Him who made you. You‘ll see things you‘ve never seen before, and this world with all of its lies, fakeness, temporary sinful promises, slowly becomes less and less of a temptation. And Heaven becomes more and more of a desire to be at. Let‘s learn how to love and please Him right away, and you‘ll see miracles happen for you! Marriage for Today Show on Divine Lifestyle with Tune in 9: 00 pm EST.

Watch the Video Promo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RMBEPbKs7Y. The first Monday Night of every month is for the married folks. If you missed Marriage for Today's discussion on BlogtalkRadio, you can still get the show on demand, and online. Tune in and receive practical information to help you transform your marriage. We are still accepting questions, please email them to info@divinelifestyle.org. You can join Pastors Mike and Trisha Fox in the chat room live on Monday or call in at 646-595-2455, as well to ask your questions. Purchase the book "Marriage for Today" what I deem the bible for marriage to start living, loving, and prospering in your marriage with your spouse. This makes an excellent wedding or anniversary gift too. Best of all our listeners are receiving a special discount rate. Purchase it today! www.marriagefortoday.com You know I am going to be playing the best in new music and continuing to uplift you with a word from the Lord. Join me @ 9: pm EST.

The Cross Cynthia Togle

To realize the significance of Christ‘s death on the Cross and the immense price that He had to pay for man‘s freedom from eternal punishment. Introduction When Jesus Christ was put to death by being nailed to a wooden cross, wicked men thought they were just executing a man who was disturbing their way of life. They did not realize that the Cross was planned by God from the beginning of the world. Through His Son‘s death on the Cross, the great Creator God was dealing with every person‘s sin, suffering and sorrow. Jesus would die in the place of every individual in the world. Receiving personally what He has done on the Cross brings the answer to all our needs. The Significance of the Cross 1.

God reveals His power through the Cross

―For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God‖ (1 Corinthians 1:18). ―I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile‖ (Romans 1:16). 2.

God shows His love on the Cross

―But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us‖ (Romans 5:8). 3.

God removed our sorrows on the Cross

―Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him, and afflicted‖ (Isaiah 53:4). 4.

Jesus took the punishment for our sins on the Cross

―But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed. 6 We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all‖ (Isaiah 53:5-6). See also 1 Peter 2:24. The Benefits of the Cross October 2009

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Divine Inspirations Magazine Because God is so holy and righteous sin separates us from Him. No one with sin in their hearts is able to be in His presence. So, not only by dying on the Cross did Jesus suffer for our sins in our place, but also He made it possible for us to know God personally and to experience the love, peace and joy which fellowship with Him brings. 1.

We become acceptable to God through the Cross

―God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God‖ (2 Corinthians 5:21). 2.

We receive forgiveness through the Cross

―For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, 14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins‖ (Colossians 1:13-14). 3.

We become members of God‘s Family through the Cross

―Both the one who makes men holy and those who are made holy are of the same family. So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers. 12 He says, ‗‗I will declare your name to my brothers; in the presence of the congregation I will sing your praises‖ (Hebrews 2:11-12). See also John 1:12. 4.

Racial barriers are broken through the Cross

―But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ. 14 For he himself is our peace, who has made the two one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, 15 by abolishing in his flesh the law with its commandments and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new man out of the two, thus making peace, 16 and in this one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility‖ (Ephesians 2:13-16). The Accomplishment of the Cross Jesus death on the Cross won a great victory and freedom for us! 1.

Freedom from Satan

―And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross‖ (Colossians 2:15). ―For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves,‖ (Colossians 1:13). 2.

Freedom from past sins

―So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed‖ (John 8:36). See also Colossians 2:13. 3.

―Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: ‗‗Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree‖ (Galatians 3:13) See also Deuteronomy 28:15-68. 5.

Freedom from judgment

―Then Christ would have had to suffer many times since the creation of the world. But now he has appeared once for all at the end of the ages to do away with sin by the sacrifice of himself. 27 Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment,‖ (Hebrews 9:2627). 6.

Freedom from eternal death

‗‗For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life‖ (John 3:16). Love and Justice Meet at the Cross The Cross is the place where the love of God and the righteous judgment of God meet. His righteous judgment demanded the death penalty for sin – the shedding of blood. His love met his own demands and Jesus, the Son of God, died in our place. ―But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. 9 Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God‘s wrath through him! 10 For if, when we were God‘s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life! 11 Not only is this so, but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation‖ (Romans 5:8-11). The Cross is the Centre of History The Cross of Jesus Christ is the center-point of mankind‘s existence on earth. From the moment the first man and woman sinned, it was pre-planned by God that Jesus would die on the Cross. From that time on people looked forward in faith to what God promised He would do on the Cross to save them. Today, we look back and, by believing what Jesus has done for us on the Cross, receive forgiveness and new life. My Commitment: Today, I put my whole trust in what God was doing for me when Jesus died on the Cross. I believe He took the punishment for my sin. I receive the forgiveness that God is offering to me. And I thank Him for the relationship this now gives me with Him. I make a decision today that I will live each day in this personal relationship with God and I commit myself to share this truth with others.

Freedom from present sins

―For sin shall not be your master, because you are not under law, but under grace‖ (Romans 6:14). 4.

Freedom from the curse

October 2009

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Divine Inspirations Magazine had already prepared for bed, her own type of rest. The beloved went a step further and put his hand to the latch of the door. Her heart yearned for him then unfortunately when she arose and opened the door, her lover had already left. All that remained was what could have been - the liquid myrrh (symbolic of His presence) which was dripping from the handle, now covered her hands.

Arise My Beloved Tiffany Ann Lewis

"Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me." (Revelation 3:20) Knock - knock. Who's there? The Lord. The Lord who? The Lord of the Sabbath... The Hebrew verb Shabbat (Sabbath) means: to cease, desist, to put an end to, and of course...to rest. But it is so much more than just a day...it is a spiritual doorway in which we can connect with our Creator. Let me explain... The commandment to remember the Sabbath is the fourth out of the Ten. In Hebrew, numbers are represented by the letters of the alphabet. The number four is represented by a letter that is called dalet. Now, each letter also has a corresponding pictogram (a picture representing the word). Stay with me because...the pictogram for dalet is...a door! How profound considering Jesus said, "I am the door of the sheep" (John 10:7). We can see through these symbolisms that the commandment is a spiritual door into rest, while at the same time it also symbolizes a choice...to open it or to keep it closed. It doesn't stop there; the word itself comes from a root which means: draw out, draw up, and draw council1. God is supernaturally drawing His bride. It is like a magnetic pull in the spirit beckoning us to this door. "These things says He who is holy, he who is true, ‗He who has the key of David, He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens...See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it..." (Revelation 3:7-8). The Lord wants to dwell with us. Draw me away Lord, I will run after You!!!In the Song of Solomon, God, (the Divine lover), appears as an eager lover, a leaping deer, who is longing for intimacy with His bride. We see Him knocking on the door saying, "Open for me, my sister, my love, my dove, my perfect one..." (Song of Solomon 5:2). In this heart wrenching passage, we see that the Shulamite, (the bride) did not arise and respond to the knocking. She was tired and October 2009

Like all scripture, this passage too is a mirror into our own life. So often we are tired from the works and worries of this world that we don't respond immediately to the invitation either. However, the liquid myrrh that is left on the door allures us, motivating us to swiftly arise the next time and welcome Him in. There is a beautiful tradition in Judaism called Kabbalat Shabbat which literally means, "The receiving of Shabbat." It is a portion of the Shabbat service on Friday night to welcome the Sabbath as a groom welcomes his bride. After the candles are lit and prayers are said, the L'cha Dodi (Come My Beloved) is sung to escort the Shekhinah - God's indwelling presence, into their midst. To this day, many congregations arise and turn to the doorway or even bow to welcome the Shekhinah. The heavenly Bridegroom knocking on His bride's door. Beloved, this isn't about a day of the week or a tradition; it's about welcoming the Lord into our midst. Shabbat is a doorway into His rest that we can enter into every day. Not just once a week, or once a year. The door is wide open - the blood of Jesus Christ opened it up... it is finished. May we be diligent to enter that rest and Shabbat with our God.But Shabbat isn't just about resting from our labors, it's about discovering God. All things have been hidden in Him from the beginning of time and God wants us to discover them. "For it is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out the matter" (Proverbs 25:2). He desires for us to know Him and to comprehend the full width, length, depth, and height of the outrageous love that He has for us, not just the portion of it that we currently understand. It's Divine hide and seek; the more we seek...the more we will find. "For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened" (Matthew 7:8). It has been said that for six days God expressed His hand, but on the seventh He expressed His soul and provided a day for us to discover Him rather than His work. This interpretation was drawn out of the Hebrew word vayinafash which is found in Exodus 31:17, "...for in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day He rested [Shabbat] and was refreshed [vayinafash]." Vayinafash comes from the root word which is translated as soul2. It means to breathe or inhale, or to refresh oneself and has a range of meanings all related to the essence of a living being. The text could literally be translated as, "and He breathed." Beloved, God breathed out and we can breathe it in. It is His rest for it is finished. This revelation brings the modern day song "Breathe" to a whole new level, doesn't it?

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Divine Inspirations Magazine Knock - Knock.... We could stop here, but as you know, the more we seek...the more we will find. I mentioned a word you may not be familiar with earlier - Shekhinah. Shekhinah is a verb that means: to dwell, abide, reside, settle, inhabit, and is used to signify the dwelling or settling presence of God. If you have ever heard the phrase, "The Shekhinah Glory," it is referring to the Divine dwelling presence of God in all His glory. You see, when God walks into the room, all His splendor, abundance, wealth, and reputation come along with Him. This is where Moses was when God revealed His precious thoughts to him, in the Shekhinah, the dwelling presence of God. The Lord's glory was revealed to him so powerfully in that encounter that Moses needed to veil his face from others. "And the glory(kavode) of the LORD abode(Shakan) upon mount Sinai, and the cloud covered it six days: and the seventh day he called unto Moses out of the midst of the cloud...so Moses went into the midst of the cloud and went up into the mountain" (Ex. 24:16 KJV and vs. 18 NKJV). Notice that it was the seventh day, the Sabbath, when the Lord called out to Moses and Moses went into the midst of the cloud...and Moses responded. There is a practical lesson that we can utilize in our own lives today regarding how to "get into the Lord's presence." Respond when you sense the Lord knocking at your door, arise and receive Him into your spiritual space. There is no formulas really, just capture your thoughts and focus on what He did but more than that focus on why He did it. Jesus Christ laid down His life rescuing you from the grip of death because He loves you and wants to be with you. You were worth it to Him. That revelation alone is enough. It doesn't have to be for an hour or a day; it can be for a brief moment of any day...beloved, the Lord just wants to whisk us away. "Immediately I was in the spirit; and behold...." (Revelation 4:2). There is a purpose to the presence - to get to know God, not to apprehend the things of God but to apprehend Him. Skekhinah Glory is about dwelling together with God, Immanuel - God with us, in every aspect of our lives. The glory, the signs and wonders, are a byproduct of His presence and simply come from His nature. It's one package. In His presence there is fullness of joy, and at His right hand there are pleasures forevermore. We experience them by being in His lovely presence which is the heart desire of God and indeed the very purpose of creation.

Beloved, the Lord is knocking. Arise, open the door and welcome the Shekhinah in. Amen. 1. Dalah (Strong's #1802 2. Nefesh (Strong's #5315) Tiffany Ann www.tiffanyannlewis.com Dancing with The Flame Ministries Spiritual Gifts (Based on 1 Corinthians 1-13) Simon Vogel If I speak in the tongues of men And angels; love omitted, then A cymbals bash, or gong that rings My sum will be of just these things If my prophecies came about If knowledge, mystery, I worked out If mountains, my own faith could move Yet have not love, it would but prove I'm nothing and if I donate All that I have, if on a plate I hand my body to be burned And have not love, I've nothing earned Patient and kind, will love always be Not jealous or boastful, no conceit to see Nor selfish or rude, offence it won't take Or has any pleasure of sin for its sake In truth it delights, with hope and with trust With these to endure, as always it must It never will cease, though prophesies fail While time will see tongues as a gift become stale All of our knowledge, one day we'll forget Perfection will witness these disappear yet! Once as a child, with an innocent voice I spoke and I thought, now an adult, by choice I've set such aside, at a mirror to glance That darkened reflection, in life is my chance Face to face truly, the view will be shown One day with the knowledge that tells me I'm known Three things are enduring, faith, hope and love The last is the greatest from heaven above

Let us close where we began... Knock – knock Who's there? The Lord. The Lord who? The Lord of the Sabbath...

October 2009

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Divine Inspirations Magazine Save another friend What you call a testimony may be another person's end Let them know that you've been there Let them know how you tried Let them know you got angry Let them know how you cried you need to let them know how you made it Let them know how you prayed A stars light could have went out in heaven if you would have chosen to die on that day!!! Written by DeeVine

Death of a Star

Copyright 2009

Putting a permanent end to a temporary lie will only cause the Angels in heaven to cry walkin in faith is what you should try instead of taking your life and choosing to die Live another day receive another clue the mysteries of tomorrow exist inside of you your life is NOT your own so you can't say you're thru there are others in this world that MUST be touched by you Live another day Inspire another soul Sure, you may be hurting now but death won't make you whole Brokenness produces strength from places you never knew strength produces inspiration that helps you make it thru Once you cross over the bridge you're traveling you will find it's very true that the things you've had to endure my friend were never really meant for you Live another day October 2009

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Divine Inspirations Magazine

DANCING LEAVES I always study God‘s wonderful Word on my couch right next to a window that looks out upon the trees that He planted. Their branches swing and the leaves touch the glass pane with every blow of the wind‘s breath. Happily they dance to the worship music that radiates through the air. How wonderful it must be to be kissed by the breeze. Lovingly they dance as if twirling with romance. No words, just the breath of the wind that sets them into motion. How glorious it must be to be kissed by He, the One who holds the blessing of the sun. Warmth immeasurable, light so luminous that the darkness of night cannot quench. . Branches and whispery leaves being tossed in the breeze dancing for your eyes to see. Each one tossed to and from as if they knew which way to go. Oh how they long to please the One who holds the blessing of the sun. As night falls upon the yard and everybody and every creature has bedded down, the tender whoosh of the breeze sets the scene for the night‘s serenade under the moonlight as the tender leaves slowly beckon for the warmth of the sun. So still they lay quietly under night‘s peace as they anticipate morning to once again frolic and dance for the One who holds the blessing of the sun. Cecile Jo Suire Copyright © 2007 Center Mark Ministries

October 2009

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Divine Inspirations Magazine

Elevated from the Ashes by Khadine Beckford

I became enlightened by the beauty that arose from the ashes, the splendor filled the room with brilliance. Come with me and share the dream of a new horizon with bubbling brooks and fountains filled with living water. My spirit rejoice and sings to the Lord almighty who now sits at the right hand of the father in Glory, as the angels sing to the Holy King! Hosanna, Hosanna is the song they sing and my old soul elevated from the ashes left in the desert and there comes the remembrance of an existence that once was enlightened by the beauty that from there arose.

October 2009

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Divine Inspirations Magazine

October 2009

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Divine Inspirations Magazine and how he's been trying to get Samaria to drink it for as long as he's known her. John and I told Samaria that she too can have this endless supply of Water.

Truly inspirational and so divine, Jesus reigns as the True Vine. He‘s given us gifts of creativity, for He is our Peace, Hope and Light, we abide in the King, Jesus the Christ. Divine Inspirations can be found in this place, where you‘re also sure to find,

Ornaments of Grace Well of Water My dear friend, Samaria, and I visited one another once a month. Whenever we got together, we usually just sat around talking about life in general. We enjoyed each other's company. I would always make a fancy lunch with a fabulous presentation whenever Samaria came to visit me. I loved making lunch for Samaria. She was a special friend to me so I always looked forward to spending time with her. Yesterday was our day. Samaria called and said that she was going to come a little later than our usual time of 1 o'clock; I said that was fine. Samaria said she should get to my house at 4 o'clock. When 4 o'clock came, I waited to hear her special knock at my front door, but the knock did not come at 4 bells. Samaria was always right on time, (sounds like Someone Else I know) so I knew there was a good reason that she had not yet arrived to my home. I patiently waited for Samaria. She finally arrived at 4:14 p.m. To my surprise she had a friend with her; his name was John; he seemed like a decent guy and Samaria thought the world of him.

Samaria said to us, I notice how beautiful your skin is; you have a beautiful glow that I don't have; a glow I have never seen before. She said, I have been thirsty for so long. I can't seem to quench my thirst no matter how much soda or juice I drink. Maybe if I drink of this Water I won't have to thirst anymore. John told Samaria, whosoever drinketh of the Water that Jesus shall give you shall never thirst; but the Water that He shall give you shall be in you a Well of Water springing up into everlasting life. After John spoke those empowering words, my dear friend Samaria drank the Water. At that very moment my dear friend Samaria received our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ into her heart, He now lives in her heart. Samaria never thirsted again. She has in her a Well of Water springing up into everlasting life. For God loved the world in this way: He gave His One and Only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. John 3: 16 HCSB Cynthia Boyer http://www.momsinslippers.com/childrensbooks.htm

Women of Zion

I invited them into the family room to watch a little TV, but they preferred to sit and just chat. I immediately took a liking to John. I had only been in his presence for a brief period of time, but there was something striking and special about Samaria's friend. Later, I offered Samaria and John a cool refreshing glass of water. The first thing Samaria asked for was a glass of soda or juice, "Anything but water" she said. I told her that I gotten some Water from this special Spring and just how, when you drink it, you will never thirst again. I told her how this Water soothes, heals and that it will quench her thirst like no other beverage can. I told Samaria that this Water is pure and how good it is for her. There are no chemicals in this Water; no preservatives, no artificial sweeteners; just pure, all natural real Water. John then said he has been drinking this Water since he was formed in his mother's womb and he still drinks it even today. John said he never thirsts. He said he loves this Water more than anything October 2009

Mirror, Mirror On The Wall Stylicia A. Bowden

―Mirror, mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all‖, says the princesses. The mirror responds, ―Not you my princess.‖ The princess begins to cry because deep down inside she realizes the mirror tells no lies. The residue of pain and wounds still open from heartache resides in this princess. The princess strives to be whole but pieces of the puzzle are hard to put together because she is lost. She wants to find out who she really is and the next time she looks in the mirror she wants to be whole. Does this sound like you? If so, allow this column DIM - 14

Divine Inspirations Magazine to uplift up, motivate you and inspire you to be the woman God created you to be. Mirrors have the ability to show our transparencies on the inside. If we are not mended on the inside it will show our true reflections on the outside. When you look into the mirror you may say to yourself I need a change from head to toe but remember my princess change starts on the inside. When you begin to transform your thinking automatically your heart will change. (Romans 12:2, And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.) As a woman we face many issues but if we realize how special and unique we are then we can become whole in all areas of our life. No longer will we accept the lies the enemy plague us with on a daily basis. We are designed as a special piece of artwork by the Lord and if we knew what we possess in the inside we would not settle for mediocre things. So I urge you to take this journey with me into a land of revelation. Some of us may be like the woman with the issue of blood just wanting to touch the hem of His garment and others may be the woman caught in the middle of sin where they wanted to stone her for her discrepancies. However, there lies a princess within us all ready to be unleashed. Someone holds the key to our happiness, one man that will guard our heart. If we will allow the Lord to lead us on a journey of being refreshed and renewed we will never be the same again. Come lay down your weight that you carry and realize your full potential in God. Let the mirror reveal a new you and a happier you…Come take this journey and you will be made whole.

Until Next Time Meditate On This: “13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb 14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful,‎I‎know‎that‎full‎well.”

What is the measure of your Faith? Michelle Pumphrey

The apostles said to the Lord, Increase our faith! He replied, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, be uprooted and planted in the sea, and it will obey you. Luke 17: 5-6 NIV We are living in some serious times, where we are seeing the world losing stocks and we are seeing our agriculture

water for our crops to grow, or there is too much water and it is destroying the crops, jobs are diminishing and people are going mad, they are robbing banks and stores, they are doing home invasions, anything to get their hand on some money. What turmoil this world is finding itself in. you know in all this, we the believers in Christ must take a different attitude about all that we see and hear. Our economy is not of this world; this is why God say‘s we are to walk by faith and not by sight, because if we go by what we see, we might be a part of the suicide rate or that one robbing the banks and etc. But how many know that we can rely on our father which art in heaven to provide our needs and he said according to His riches in Glory! No matter what our issues are, it is our faith in God‘s ability that we must exercise, how big is our God? He is as big as our measure of faith will make Him. As we grow and mature in our relationship with him, we will begin to believe him for bigger things in our lives. I‘m not just talking about material things. I‘m talking about that bad doctor‘s report, or that wayward child, that alcoholic son or daughter, that drug addicted spouse, whatever it is, do we have the faith to believe God for the changes, the deliverance of that situation? In Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. So then we must stay in the word of God, this is what will increase our faith, when we read about all the miraculous things that God did in the old testament and all the Miracles Jesus did in his ministry, that is our confirmation of what God can do in our lives, The word say‘s He is the same Yesterday, today and for evermore. God might have a task for you to do that will require some serious faith. Will you step out there? Even if you see no provision at the time, will you still go forth? When I think about Noah and how much faith he had to build an ark in the midst of ridicule. He had the faith that God was going to send the rain, remember they have not seen any rain for years, So I know that when God spoke to him about this, probably somewhere in the back of his mind he was saying ‗‘ What in the world is he saying‖ But his love and loyalty over powered his own thoughts on the matter. Noah being an obedient man too also play a big part of his measure of faith, because if you don‘t have faith in what God is telling you, It would be difficult to move out on what you were told to do, Am I right? I have a question: Do your measure of faith allow you to make the changes God requires of you. Do you have the faith to die (deny) to your sinful nature? Do you have the faith to believe that you can become a new creation in Christ? That your old self can totally die to the things of this world and your flesh, Now that the real measure of faith, Not a car or house or a million dollars which seems to be the popular thing in the church today, but to have the faith that with the holy spirit and your surrendered heart sin will not be a part of your daily life. That is the true measure of one‘s faith. Let us go back and re-measure our faith! Amen


Going downhill, either it‘s too much heat and not enough October 2009

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Divine Inspirations Magazine A Word in Season

Great Expectations Sophia Avery, MA

‖My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him.‖ Psalm 62:5 KJV Our expectations are developed based on the things that are most important to us such as love, relationships, family, education, and employment, to name a few. We expect for our loved ones to be concerned about our well-being. We expect our family to spend holidays together. We expect to be paid for our work. Expectations play a huge role in determining the type of results we receive in our personal lives, our relationships, and most of all, our prayer life. As shown in the passage above, our expectations come from God, and they are the basis for our relationship with Him. But for many Christians, instead of expectation, we have fear, doubt, and mistrust. How can we pray, effectively, while harboring doubts and fears? Clearly, we can‘t. Therefore, in order to enjoy a close relationship with God, we must take on the work of understanding His expectations by studying the Word, agreeing with His expectations and submitting to God‘s will, and waiting expectantly for God to fulfill His promises. The Bible is God‘s way of communicating His expectations of us, but it‘s our duty to read it and gain an understanding. In many areas of the Bible, God let‘s us know what He expects of Christians. He expects us to study the Bible and interpret it correctly (2 Timothy 2:15); he expects us to humble ourselves, cast our cares upon Him, be sober and vigilant (1 Peter 5:6-8); he expects us to submit to Him and resist the devil (James 4:7); he expects for us to have faith and believe in Him (Hebrews 11:6). These are just a tiny portion of God‘s expectations of us, and there are many. However, the fact that He has given us the Word and communicated what He expects from us lets us know that He wants to be in loving relationship with us. When we let others know what we expect from them, it‘s because we want to get along with them, love them, and cherish them. Expectations create an opportunity for closer relationships.

October 2009

Once we understand God‘s and other people‘s expectations of us, we then have to decide whether we will agree to meet God‘s expectations by doing His will. Simply put, if we agree to submit to God‘s will, we will lovingly work to meet His expectations. The problems start when we acknowledge His expectations, but aren‘t ready to submit to His will. This is what Timothy spoke about in 3:5 as, ―Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof…‖ We desperately seek a closer relationship with God, but somehow manage to think we can do so without meeting His expectations of us. Many Christians find ourselves listed in 2 Timothy 3:2-4 (NKJV), being proud, unthankful, unloving, unforgiving, lovers of money, headstrong, brutal, lovers of pleasure and/or without self-control, putting us far away from God‘s expectations of His children. Yet, believing God will continually ―look beyond our faults‖, we wonder why He hasn‘t answered our prayers. If we choose to ignore God‘s expectations and continue to do own will, we shouldn‘t be surprised if God doesn‘t answer our prayers. Conversely, if we do submit to God‘s will and lovingly work to meet His expectations, then based on the closeness of our relationships, we should expect for our prayers to be answered. Due to the nature of God, and the way He works, at times, His answers don‘t seem timely. But if we are to wait, expectantly for God to fulfill His promises, having faith and believing that, ―He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him,‖ Hebrews 11:6 ( KJV.) Therefore, waiting and patience are critically important to our relationship with God in that they are necessary for us to the manifestation of our expectations of God. Too often, we loose hope too soon, give up, walk away, feel abandoned, unloved, and ignored when God doesn‘t answer our prayers in the way we want them answered, when we want them answered. We become hopeless, despondent, and angry, believing God has reneged on His Word, and our faith in Him is shattered. Yet, God expects us to wait, expectantly, believing He will be true to His Word, and then He will deliver as He promised. By failing to wait, patiently, we often miss our blessing and instead, fall into sin trying to meet our own needs. We forget that God loves us and we are the children that He sacrificed His life to save. As Matthew says, ―If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give good things to them that ask Him?‖ Matthew 7:11(KJV) God wants us to become like little children, anxiously awaiting our reward from Him, our loving Father. As any father, He has expectations of us, and He has clearly outlined them in the Bible. If we agree to submit to His will and authority, we will have the desires of our hearts and our prayers will be answered. However, if we keep the faith, keep believing, and stay hopeful, He will meet our expectations, too. To see changes in your personal relationships, use the same method: Write out your expectations, clearly and succinctly. They should also be measureable.

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Divine Inspirations Magazine Talk about your expectations with your partner, and if you both agree, work diligently toward them. If either of you fail to meet an agreed upon expectation, discuss it again, and either reinforce it, re-adjust it, or toss it out. If there is no incentive on either part to meet an important expectation, then a decision must be made-either seek counseling to find a solution, compromise, let the expectation go and deal with the consequences, or walk away from the relationship. Sophia Avery is a Christian Therapist in Private practice in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Please e-mail her at


Our next ―Changes That Heal‖ workshop starts on October 22, 2009! If you‘re ready for a change in your life, THIS workshop is for you! Register today at


as we walk with the Holy Spirit. ―For we are to walk in the spirit, so we will not fulfill the lust of the flesh‖. (Gal 5:16) This permits us to know and fulfill God‘s divine PURPOSE for our lives, like Adam. “The Lord God TOOK the man and PUT him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. And the Lord COMMANDED the man; You are FREE to eat from any tree in the garden; Genesis 2:15-16‖. Our STEPS are ORDERED by the Lord, as long as we remain righteous in His sight. The Lord purposely gave man a triune being (body, soul and spirit). Therefore he could choose with his own freewill to WORSHIP and OBEY the Father by faith. It‘s a CHOICE to say ―I do‖ (commitment), like a marriage.

“God said, Let Us [Father, Son, and Holy Spirit] make mankind in Our image, after Our likeness, and let them have complete authority over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the [tame] beasts, and over all of the earth, and over everything that creeps upon the earth.‖ Genesis 1:26 In the beginning Man was the likeness of God, for sin had not entered into his HEART. Therefore Adam and Eve reflection was of the Lord. They had such a CLOSE loving fellowship with the Lord that their character revealed the nature and image of God. They knew no other way except what the Lord had poured into each of them on a daily basis.

Created in the IMAGE of God Michele Mills

―So God CREATED in His image, in the IMAGE of God created he him; male and female created he them‖ Genesis 1:27 God created man to WORSHIP Him in spirit and in truth, his primary PURPOSE is to have a loving INTIMATE relationship with man and woman. True worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth; the Father is seeking such to worship Him. For God is a spirit, for that reason, His worshipers must worship Him in spirit and in truth. John 4:23-24. Adam and Eve walked with God, they talked with God, they served God, they were loyal and truly devoted to God alone, and they All had a two-way communication. In other words they spent an enormous amount of time in GREAT relations with each other. It was Adam and Eve‘s lifestyle. This demonstrates the significance of prayer, for prayer is communication with God and it creates intimacy, servant hood, direction and must important a personal relationship with the Father. It causes one to fall in love with Jesus by faith; it causes one to want to please the Lord in every area of their lives. ―For without faith it‘s impossible to please Him‖ Prayer also, directs our STEPS

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This caused them to want to PLEASE and OBEY the Lord in everything for they were created for HIM and it was a GOOD thing. ―Whoso fineth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favor of the Lord‖. Every PURPOSE that God made He saw that it was very good. Genesis 1:31. It‘s so imperative that we guard what the Lord has poured into us, therefore sin will not CREEP in and rule our decisions, like it did with Adam and Eve. Be mindful that Satan is cunning and crafty, he‘ll make his move when we least expect it, like he did with Eve. “NOW THE serpent was more subtle and crafty than any living creature of the field which the Lord God had made. And he [Satan] said to the woman, Can it really be that God has said, You shall not eat from every tree of the garden” Genesis 3:1 This is where the separation took place, for sin separates man from God. Adam and Eve knew better, however, because of DOUBT, SELF and GREED, they allowed the enemy to DECEIVE them into a broken RELATIONSHIP with the Lord. This causes the CHARACTER to be defiled in the eyes of God and man, in other words tainted. Adam and Eve had everything and it was GOOD, but they wanted more. This is the battle that we ALL fight against DOUBT, SELF AND GREED, the ACTS of the sinful nature which are the works of the flesh. ―For the flesh lusts against the Spirit and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law. Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, DIM - 17

Divine Inspirations Magazine hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God‖ Galatians 5:17-21 In order for man to keep his RELATIONSHIP and CHARACTER in line with the Holy Spirit, he must, do as he was created to do and that is to WORSHIP the Father in spirit and in truth. He must consume quality time with the Holy Spirit, for Daniel and David persevered in prayer (evening, morning and noon.) Psalm 55:17. Prayer was their lifestyle; it kept the fellowship and lines of communication OPEN with the Father. Man must continue to live a life of CONFESSION and REPENTANCE. For the bible states ―If we [freely] admit that we have sinned and confess our sins, He is faithful and just (true to His own nature and promises) and will forgive our sins [dismiss our lawlessness] and [continuously] cleanse us from all unrighteousness [everything not in conformity to His will in purpose, thought, and action].‖ 1 John 1:9. Confession keeps our character right in the sight of God and man. Lastly, because of the fall of man, sin resides doormat within us, therefore we MUST die daily to SELF, so we will not fulfill the lust of the flesh, the pride of life, and the lust of the eyes. In other words, MAN must DIE to SELF and LIVE in Christ. We are crucified with Christ, for that reason, we shouldn‘t be living anymore, and it should be Christ within us. Romans 6: 1-23 Consequently, we are to be Slaves to Righteousness, for the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord…Hallelujah!!!

“And He said to all, If any person wills to come after Me, let him deny himself [disown himself, forget, lose sight of himself and his own interests, refuse and give up himself] and take up his cross daily and follow Me [[cleave steadfastly to Me, conform wholly to My example in living and, if need be, in dying also].‖ Luke 9:23

The Music Buzz Tony Gill

Songs from the Word – “UNITING FAMILIES” Zipporjah Erby All serial rights 2009 He who began a good work in you will complete it until Christ Jesus. While interviewing Tony Gill we got into a praise session and began having chuch – yeah, October 2009

that‘s right not Church but Chuch. Gill began to tell his testimony of how he was able to begin and complete his new CD Uniting Families on my show www.blogtalkradio.com/lovechloe. Gill‘s love and passion for The Lord and families is strongly displayed in every track of this sophomore effort. ―Yet I praise him (Jesus) which is the first production on the CD, whew – I started 7 years ago on this project with $25.00‖. Stick to it, no matter what, if he brought you to it he will bring you through it‖, he exclaimed. I would have to admit, a 7 year process is a long a time to work on recording a CD. However, not so for Gill, he took it in the spirit of completion, ―someone told me that God uses the number 7 to symbolize complete so it‘s time to make the next CD‖, he states. The CD explores a number of ways to praise The Lord beginning with a big band inspired Cab Calloway sound complete with high spirited horns laced into track one‘s Yet I Praise Him (Jesus). Track two takes an entirely different direction with Tony joining forces with poet Chante on the song entitled, ―Would You Still Worship Me (Vision). The song boasts a call and response format as a means of decreeing and declaring the need for vision and unity in the community at this time. It‘s obvious that Gill is walking in the righteousness of The Lord his heart is turned toward the people with the focus of this musical tribute targeted to ―Uniting Families‖. ―I believe that God created our families to have everything that we need in them,‖ he explains. ―I come from a family of 7 brothers and sisters; I used many of my family members to assist me with this project. I know that I could not have done it with my family. None of us can do it without our family.‖ It‘s true; the family structure is very broken at this time in our society. Marriage is a thing of the past and in the Black community the number of baby moms far outweighs the number of women married and nurturing a family. In fact, in these last and evil days, the environment has become very troubling. Current news event cite a man traveling to have sex with a 14 month old baby, an 18 year old raping a 8 month old baby, incest, satanism openly celebrated on TV. Gill, is a man for this time working to set the captives free. To that end he has donated a number of CD‘s to Feed The Children. He stated, ―I can‘t help but cry when I watch Feed The Children. I have been a giver to the organization for more than 15 years. The CD‘s are available for a donation to FTC. Whether you‘re making a donation to Feed The Children or just seeking out the CD, Tony Gill – Songs from the Word/‖Uniting Families‖ this project is a must have for those seeking kingdom principles. To order contact: theunitingfamiliescircle.socialgo.com DIM - 18

Divine Inspirations Magazine ―The Reality Corner‖

The Debate over Health Care Reform; What would Jesus Do? John G. Taylor, MA Christian/Clinical Therapist

I‘m sure that you have seen and heard about the huge debate that we are having as a country about Health Care Reform (HCR). People on all sides democrats, republicans and independents have different opinions about what HCR will look like, who would it benefit, who is going to lose, and what‘s in it for them. President Obama in his address to congress last week laid out what his hope is for the HCR plan. There has been much opposition to his plan after the address and we saw that even during his address the heckling that he received from Republican Congressman Joe Wilson of South Carolina. So what‘s all the fuss about in the Health Care Reform debate, there are some that believe it‘s a waste of money to have HCR and that it‘s going to only increase our national debt , some people believe that providing HRC will cause them loose their own private insurance, that the government will own and rule over their health, its believe by some that the government involved in health care is part of the socialism movement , there are also some views the government will have ―death panels‖ to determine if people should live, some believe that this will result in the rationing of health care, some people think that the elderly will be euthanized and that medicare/medicad programs will suffer. These concerns have been broadcasted on television, radio, blogs and the internet. We know that these concerns are lies about what HCR will bring; these statements are being used to scare, distract and defeat HCR in this country. What we know to be true is that there are millions of people in this country without health insurance, we know that people are dying because they can‘t afford their medications or medical procedures needed for survival, we know that a large percentage of African Americans are uninsured, we know that our copays and insurance premiums are increasing, we know that the insurance companies are making a lot of money October 2009

off increased prices of health insurance and we also know that pharmaceutical companies are making tons of money off the increase pricing of medications that people need in order to live. So by now I‘m sure you‘re asking what is HRC really about; well our President Barack Obama has laid out the plan that he has for HCR. That plan states that it will ensure that those that don‘t have insurance will and it will slow the cost of health insurance for families, businesses and our government. The plan will not require those that have insurance to change anything, this plan will require insurance companies not to deny insurance to anyone that has a pre-existing condition, this plan will place a limit on out of pocket expenses that you will have to pay, this plan will not require you to change your primary care physician, this plan will require that all insurance companies cover at no extra cost routine check-ups, and preventive care exams, this plan will also help those of us that God has called to have a small business to be able to offer affordable insurance to our employees through an insurance market place(where insurance companies will compete for your business), and this plan will not require a tax increase for those in the middle class. I believe that as Christians we have to ask ourselves what would Jesus do about the support of HRC, we as Christians know that God has called us to help those in need, he has called us to fight against Social Injustice in the country, he has also called us to offer support to those in need. There are several scriptures that support these statements 2 Chronicles Ch.7 Verse 14 states: If my people that are called by name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will hear their land. For me this scripture informs us that if pray, humble and seek God he will heal our land, God will heal those that are sick and can‘t afford health care. This healing can come in many forms it could come as a result of health insurance, it could come in a result of medication and it can come as a result of the Christians gathering and praying for their healing. I believe that our working and praying together in support of HCR is what Jesus would have us do. For the bible also states help one another in Psalms 82 verse 3-4 states: Defend the cause of the weak and the fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed. Rescue the weak and needy deliver them from the hand of the wicked. This scripture to me implores that we as Christians must stand up in this fight for HCR, we can‘t sit on the sidelines and watch things happen but we have been called to speak for those that have no voice, move for those that are immobilized, energized those that are oppressed and rescue those that are drowning in this current health care system. In conclusion, I‘m asking for you to join this fight, to join this debate and stay on course with what Jesus has asked us to as Christians to do for others. Let‘s fight and challenge against the status quo, many people have often stated that there in no place for politics in the church. I say to you that this is part of the DIM - 19

Divine Inspirations Magazine status quo, for we know that the politics of the world affect the body of Christ. I ask that you get involved in this HCR debate like President Obama has asked by knocking on doors, sending emails to your representative in Congress, talking with your friends and family about what the new HCR can do for them. As we seek to push through this plan we must take care of ourselves through preventive care which will also reduce the cost of insurance in our country. For the bible holds us accountable to taking care of ourselves, for 1 Corinthians Ch.6 verse 19states: Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own. If we take care of the temple that God has given us by eating healthy, getting regular check-ups, taking medication has prescribed and exercising we will have the energy to give full voice and full advocacy to this debate for HCR, so again I ask What would Jesus Do? For more info on the Health Care Reform see www.whitehouse.gov To contact John Taylor; www.johngtaylor.com 1Corinthians 6:19, 20 Your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost therefore glorify God in your body.

Be The Body, Not The Head Apostle Dr. Lee Ann B. Marino, Ph.D., D.D.

Most of us know the great command we have to one another to edify the body. This command is especially spoken to all of those of us in the calling of leadership within God‘s church here on earth. Ephesians 4:13 speaks of the five-fold office of Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers, and bids us to all work together, in the edification of the church, until the time when Jesus Christ does come to us again. Our purpose in edification is that we may build up the body and reach maturity this side of heaven. The call to leadership is a great one, in many ways. I can vouch for this in my calling as an Apostle, but the reality is that every person in the church leads someone: whether it is on our jobs, in our families, or in the fivefold ministry. Leadership is a calling of great importance and magnitude. We are living examples to all of the power in our actions, our choices, and in the difference one person can make for God‘s Kingdom just by doing what God asks of us. We send this important Gospel

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message of hope not just to other leaders, but to inspire those we lead by God‘s calling into the Kingdom and to grow and advance in His light, from glory to glory and faith to faith. Sometimes as leaders we are so caught up in the awesome responsibility and blessings of leadership that we forget we are called to be a part of Christ‘s body, with Christ as the Head, and us as the members of that body. I‘ve met many Christian leaders whose aim is to be the Head, rather than a working member of the body, and instead of pointing to Christ, start pointing to themselves as having the answers to all our needs. When this happens, leadership functions not as a body, but away from Christ, as He is our Head. All Christian leadership has the command to point the way unto Christ, not toward ourselves. Ephesians 4:1-8 gives us an important word as leaders: ―As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to one hope when you were called— one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it. This is why it says: ‗When he ascended on high, he led captives in his train and gave gifts to men.‘" (NIV) We are called to live according to our calling in spiritual peace, and live among one another in love. This is in essence a call to humility, not to raise ourselves above other leaders or body members, but to acknowledge that God uses us all for His purpose, not our own. The Bible clearly indicates we are not all going to be the same, or called to be leaders in the same exact way, because it calls us to be one, not the same. If we are called to be one, as one in Christ‘s body, and to live in love, that immediately indicates we are called to work with one another, walking in the calling of fellow members of one body rather than one mortal taking the place as head over other mortals. By living and walking in the truth, we accept the truth about ourselves as leaders, knowing in all things that Jesus, our Head, will make up for whatever we lack in the body. One mistake the church has been guilty of on occasion is trying to create small organizations with a human head rather than uniting the body of Christ and looking to Jesus as our Head. The call to leadership isn‘t a call to replace Christ, but to, by following Him, lead others to follow Him as well. This is the work of a body, one that takes many leaders working together in humility and unity, along with their congregations, accepting the gifts we are given by His grace and accepting the partnership of others in the body to do by His grace what they are called to do. Leadership as one body transcends borders, it transcends races, it transcends the sexes, and it transcends the ages. All throughout the Bible men and women, young and old, and Jew and Gentile were called to lead in their age, to act as a body of believers to point DIM - 20

Divine Inspirations Magazine unto the greater reality of Jesus‘ death and resurrection granted unto us for the forgiveness of sins through God‘s unending love. It is a timeless message that we can see living today in you and in other Christ-centered leaders around the world. Some have large ministries and churches, and others may work to maintain small communities of faith, but all work in a big way, continuing to point to Christ our Head in what are often trying last days before He returns. We need to look less at who God calls to be in leadership or at the magnitude He calls them to or at the differences they may have from you or me, and look more at the message He is conveying through them. Instead of automatically putting up walls of human prejudice, we need to see leaders in truth as fellow members of Christ‘s body working with us rather than against us. Instead of trying to fill Christ‘s position, we need to fill our own and work as a body, looking to our Head, and uniting in Him. As leaders, let us remember always what is true and the standards for unity outlined in Ephesians 4 – One body, one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and one God and Father of us all. May our leadership be a blessing and a testament to what is true rather than a deterrent to it. Let us study the Word of God and not just be hearers of it, but teachers of it as living testaments to how God‘s Word has transformed our lives. May we pray and worship God without shame, knowing where He has brought us from and looking forward to where He will take us in the future. Let us learn to hear what He is saying to each of us, and what He is saying through us as well. As people in positions of authority, we are all called to live respectful of others in godly authority, remembering to pray for all in leadership, and to be a good leaders by also being a good followers of Jesus Christ. Let us pray and work for the salvation of many souls, many open doors to proclaim the Gospel, and to unite with fellow leaders in truth to work as the Body of Christ, supporting and edifying those who work in His labor. May we walk in humility with God and one another, always in awe of what He has done for us all. May we trust God to meet every need we have. Focus on Jesus our Head rather than wanting to be the head! In closing, I am reminded of Paul‘s words in Philippians 4:8-9: ―…Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy— think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.‖ (NIV) Apostle Dr. Lee Ann B. Marino, Ph.D., D.D. Apostle In Office Apostolic Fellowship International Ministries 522 Bolivar Street Owensboro, Kentucky 42303-3521 USA drleeannbmarino@powerfortoday

October 2009

As far back as I can remember my mom and dad have always been my example of a successful marriage. They were married for 53 years before my mom had a stroke and then in November 2004 she passed away. Now hear me clearly, my parents didn‘t attend church together, they didn‘t worship together, they didn‘t read the bible together, nor did they pray together. So why am I using them as an example of marriage being your first ministry? You see my parents had a set pattern for their lives. My mom was the quintessential stay-at-home mom. My dad was a foreman in the steel mill. He worked hard and many times he wasn‘t able to physically be there with his family the way he wanted to. But my mom never needed or wanted for anything. He made sure she was taken care of. Every morning my mom got up and made breakfast for the family, made the lunches, and sent me and my brother off to school and my dad off to work. When we got home, my brother and I delivered newspapers while my father read the paper (he loved getting his paper first). Then we played a while and came in when mom called us for dinner. We watched television or played games until it was time for bed. My mom watched TV in the bedroom and my dad in the living room. When my dad went to bed at 10:30pm after the news, he switched places with her and she went into the living room to watch TV and finish her bible studies. That was their routine for as long as I can remember. What does all this have to do with your marriage being your first ministry? Well I‘ll tell you this much. My dad never went to church and my mom was a Jehovah‘s Witness for many years but the one thing they knew is they had to be in agreement on everything they did. They never let other family members come in between them. They never put their family business out there to their family. And my father never let work come before his family. He understood that the reason he works is so he and his family could have things they needed. So every year he took 4 weeks off of work and we went on a road trip somewhere. Some of you may not remember this but my dad was in the AAA Motor Club and he looked forward to getting those maps in the mail every spring that had a suggested route highlighted in pink. My father followed that route every year to the mark! You see it wasn‘t about where we were going but it was about us spending time together. So as a family we traveled on that pink line to Disney World, Chattanooga TN, Niagara Falls, Sea World, The Grand Canyon, Yosemite National Park, Pikes Peak, Mount Rushmore, The Alamo, The Houston Astrodome, Calico Ghost Town, Las Vegas, Seattle WA, and virtually all of California and everywhere in between. You see family was very important to my mother and DIM - 21

Divine Inspirations Magazine father. And that was our time to bond. And bond we did. My mom always fixed sandwiches on the road from the cold cuts in the cooler. We slept in the back and our parents woke us up when it was time to see something spectacular.

Genesis 2:23-24 (KJV) says, ―The man said, ‗This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman, for she was taken out of man.‘ It is for this reason that a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife.‖ Cleave means to weld together. When two pieces of steel are welded together they cannot be pulled apart. This is how we should be with our marriages. And yes that includes your ministries you‘re involved with. This brings me to the subject of this article.

There are so many news stories lately of pastors, ministers, and evangelists getting divorced for various reasons. Now I‘m not in their home so I don‘t know the actual reasons for them separating. But I do know that two pastors of a televised-mega church just recently said they are getting divorced because they are going in different directions. Now I‘m not a judge. The bible says ―Do not judge or you too will be judged‖ (Matthew 7:1-3) But if you got married, shouldn‘t you be going in the “same” direction? This may be a good example of people not putting their marriage first. Even as pastors you can become so busy with your ministry that you think that you‘re doing what God wants you to do but in reality you‘re grieving God because you are not taking care of your first ministry, which is your marriage. Why do I keep saying this is your first ministry? Because it‘s the first thing God instituted after he made man (Genesis 2:18). You see when God created Adam He gave him a job, a place to stay, and then a woman. This woman was to be his wife and they were to be as one. This was the first principle God demonstrated in the bible. So we should be putting our marriages before everything, which means before any ministry we are doing for God. The purpose of marriage is for us to act in agreement on everything we do. Why? Because when we do we can be assured that Jesus is in the midst of it. (Matthew 18:1920). We shouldn‘t be preaching, teaching, singing, ministering, evangelizing, dancing, doing book signings, interviews, or anything else until our house is in order.

I know of a woman who was a praise leader. She would give her all to God on the stage. She is truly anointed to praise and worship God in song – a true psalmist. But her marriage was falling apart. Her family was completely out of control. How can you be an effective minister of the Gospel when your marriage is falling apart? I‘ve seen recently where one husband and wife team got a divorce and now the wife started her own church? What happened to the principle of agreement? Now I‘m not saying Jesus won‘t be there if we don‘t agree because Jesus said He will never leave us nor forsake us October 2009

(Hebrews 13:5). But when we are in discord with one another, it interrupts the flow of the Holy Spirit in our lives. And remember, when we agree on anything, God said He will be in the midst of that agreement. That means God will be aggressively acting on our behalf pouring out His blessings on our marriage. Now what Christian couple wouldn‘t want that for their marriage? Wouldn‘t you want to know that God is operating at His highest level in your marriage? Then put God first and your marriage will come before anything else you are doing for God.

When one spouse is active in the ministry, it should always be with the agreement of the other spouse because God talks to both spouses. One spouse usually gives confirmation to the other through the leading of the Holy Spirit. Or one spouse may receive the message from God and it is confirmed in the other spouse‘s spirit that this is the will of God. Then that spouse can immediately come into agreement with God‘s vision whether it was given directly to one or both people. When my wife and I started our poetry ministry we had both heard from God on this issue before doing it. I was writing my first book before we got married but I didn‘t publish it until after we were married. Before we were married we were working together on getting the book published. So we were in agreement even before we were married. Why is this? Because we both heard from God and knew we were going to be married, so when it came to ministry, we both agreed immediately that we would do all we can together in this ministry? So when the first book was released, we went on book signings together. When I had interviews my wife went with me. When I had speaking engagements my wife went with me. When I started in spoken word poetry my wife was right there. Often times she was taking pictures or videotaping me as I went forth with the Word or when I was speaking to women or youth groups or ministering in poetry at different venues. And when she couldn‘t make it, she prayed for me while I was gone. And today, after 2 books published and now our first CD produced, we are still practicing the same thing. That is what I mean by making your marriage your first ministry.

When you put your marriage first, you are telling God that you want to make a diligent effort to be the example of Christ (the husband) and the church (the wife). Our marriages should be examples of Jesus and the church. So we should be openly displaying our love for one another even in our ministries. This cancels many attacks by the way that the devil has planned for our marriages. When we put our marriage first, God honors our ministry and it flourishes. When we put our marriage first we are putting God first by telling Him, ―Lord I want you to be the center of my marriage. I want my marriage to represent you. I want my ministry to be blessed by my marriage not the other way around. Put your marriage first in everything you do. Because when you do, your marriage will bring more souls to the kingdom than any ministry could ever do. And who DIM - 22

Divine Inspirations Magazine knows? You just might cause others to want Godly marriages like yours. Be the light of God on earth. Let God use your marriage as His example here on earth. And when you do, God will prosper your ministry beyond anything you could ask or imagine. God bless you.

© 2009 Robert T. Sells – All rights reserved

I will bless thee

Just put your trust in Me and I‘ll direct your path You do the math yourself How many hairs are in your head Only I know

The Cries of the Lord

So how hard do you think it will be for Me To show you which way to go

―Come to Me o‘ lost soul,‖ cries the Lord

In your business, on your job

But alas you can‘t hear Me

In your home and on the road I will show you

This is My biggest frustration

How to turn the knob

Hear My cries of pleading for the souls

That will open the door to your blessings

For My entire nation So please listen to My cries and you will hear Everyday I say this to My people

My dear sons and daughters

Who don‘t believe who they truly are

How to become a seer of those souls I send to you

Their confusion turns to anger because of

And you will begin to do

Being lost in the world with no car and

The thing that I have called you to

They may drive to Me where I am

For in the womb I formed you

And live with Me, yes they truly can

Before you were born I knew you

Because I am always near and not far

I brought you out and appointed you as a prophet In order that you may be the map

I need the souls who can hear Me

So the lost souls will find their way

Please rescue My people from My enemy

And then they may find Me as you have

For I have put you here to do what I need

And they will hear Me say

And when I see what you have done for Me

Thank you for listening, now I will begin to repay you

I will truly release blessings in your life

For everything you will do And for everytime you‘ve remained true

If you are a man alone, I will send you a wife

And I will know that you loved the lost souls enough

A woman alone will receive her mate

To bring them to Me and to love them

For that is My destiny for she who will obey

The way that I love you

My commands and not be too late

© 2004 Robert T Sells – All rights reserved

If you are in need of money I will give it to you If you are in need of a place to stay That is nothing for Me to do For I am the one true living God The one who created the limitless expanse Of the universe So how hard would it be for Me To let you see how richly October 2009

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Divine Inspirations Magazine So many times, we don‘t even realize that we are not giving what our partner needs; we are giving what we need! And that is not necessarily what your partner needs! Really, if you can catch this, you‘ve got a million dollar secret that will not only save your marriage, but increase its intimacy, love and closeness.

GIVE MORE BY GIVING LESS! Pastors Mike & Trisha Fox

It‘s the proverbial hamster in a hamster wheel. The little furry friend has so much energy. It happily jumps on the wheel and without warning or even a second thought, zooms on the wheel, speeding faster than his little legs can keep up with! So cute. After watching a little hamster‘s pattern of jumping on the wheel, running as fast as it can, run out of energy, then sluggishly get off the wheel, it becomes apparent that this little hamster has no idea that if this wheel were not stationary, but set free to roam, say, in a little ball (which they do have for these little fuzzy guys), then its energy it uses would not only be put to good use, but it would actually go somewhere! And that would only propel its motivational factor to press on towards the mark. A crumb on the floor most likely. J Well, one of the major complaints in a relationship, more among the wife than the husband, statistically speaking, is that ―I give so much, and get so little back!‖ It‘s easy for avid thinkers to follow patterns and things to their conclusions. This is no less true a fact among married couples than with anything else to consider. When following the patterns of those in a relationship that complain that their spouse is giving them very little ―in comparison‖ to what they are giving, it is simply only a matter of time before resentment and bitterness sets is. Christian or no Christian, we are indeed human. And after a while, the one who seems to be ―giving so much and getting back so little‖ has usually allowed seeds of hurt, and feelings of being slighted and, ―it‘s not fair‖ to dominate their emotions.

Realize that both partners; husbands and wives, are guilty of giving what they themselves need. There is no blanket statement that ―all husbands‖ or ―all wives‖ need this or that. YOU must find what YOUR partner specifically needs, and meet that need. As we write in our book, God‘s math on marriage is different than ours. We think that if we meet each other half way, we‘ll be alright. But God says that the husband gives their wife 100%, and the wife gives her husband 100%, and they BOTH are 100% fulfilled and BOTH needs are met! The plight of the spouse with unmet needs is not a positive one! So, there you are: the main ingredient of how to actually give less and give more. What is it again? To give what your partner needs. You will be absolutely amazed at how much less energy you are spending and how much less aggravation and how less you feel so slighted because you are not spinning your wheels in a hamster wheel, giving everything you got, burning up your energy, and getting absolutely nowhere. But instead, you shift your focus on your partner, find out if you don‘t already know, on what they are needing, and meet those needs. They will feel loved; you will love; and your relationship will grow automatically closer. And… you‘ll have energy left over to enjoy in being with each other! Marriage Editors Pastors Mike & Trisha Fox Marriage EditorsPastors Mike & Trisha FoxMarriage/Relationship CoachesAuthors of Marriage For Today (www.marriagefortoday.com) Hosting monthly Radio syndication of Marriage For Today on Divine Lifestyle with Talein (www.blogtalkradio/divinelifestyle) MARRIAGE FOR TODAY' (302) 399-7851 Office/Cell ' (302) 659-2199 Fax8 info@marriagefortoday.com 8 www.marriagefortoday.com

It‘s the hamster all over again. They give and give and give, and then kapoot! They‘re all out of energy. They state, ―I gave it all I got‖. Then, they simply give up on the relationship and feel somewhat justified because they sincerely feel they gave their all. Well, there is good news for those that are feeling the weariness of giving so much and getting so little back! The good news? It‘s not to refocus on yourself; that is selfishness. It‘s not to give up and stop giving altogether; that is destroying your own marriage. What is it? It‘s simply this: Give less to give more! That‘s right! But here‘s the secret! It‘s not the amount you are giving to your partner… it‘s what you are giving to your partner!

October 2009

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Divine Inspirations Magazine belongs to the ministry that gives you fresh bread and the meat of God‘s Word. As you support the storehouse that the Lord has placed into your life, the Lord has promised to send seven supernatural blessings upon your life! If this ministry has been that storehouse for you, then it is the law of God that you should give your tithes and offerings to this ministry. In fact, according to the Word of God, you should support whatever ministry God uses to feed your life. Here are the seven blessings of the tithe: 1. You will have revival. ―If I will not open you the windows of heaven‖ (verse 10). The windows of heaven always deal with revival. The Lord promises to revive every person who obeys Him.

Debt FREE Living Principles Flora Kynard

Tithe Your Way Out Of Debt ―10 Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. 11 And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the Lord of hosts. 12 And all nations shall call you blessed: for ye shall be a delightsome land, saith the Lord of hosts.‖ Malachi 3:10-12 (KJV) The Lord commands us to bring ―all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house.‖ The Lord clearly tells every believer that the tithe belongs to Him and His work. Note that this is a command, not a recommendation. For your obedience of tithing God promises seven blessings. Before giving these seven blessings in Malachi 3, the Lord very clearly mentions the tithes and offerings in verse 8: ―Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings‖ (Malachi 3:8). Then He says, ―Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse‖ (verse 10). The ―storehouse‖ is not necessarily your local church! I have thought for many years that the storehouse was the local church. I have come to realize that the storehouse is not the local building but the ministry that feeds your life. Any ministry that feeds you the Word of God is that storehouse! The Word of God is clear on this, for He says, ―Bring ye all the tithe into the storehouse.‖ The tithe October 2009

2. You will experience great prosperity. “And pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it‖ (verse 10). God clearly states that the tither will be prosperous—so prosperous; in fact, that there will not be room enough to receive the prosperity and blessings God has in store for the one who obeys Him. 3. The enemy will be crippled and not touch your life. ―I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes‖ (verse 11). God will actually cripple the enemy on your behalf when you tithe. The tithe is so important to the Lord that He promises to paralyze and cripple the enemy so that he will not be able to touch your life. 4. Your finances will be safe. ―He shall not destroy the fruits of your ground‖ (verse 11). This means that the enemy, whom God has crippled on your behalf, will not be able to touch your finances. The ―fruits of your ground‖ refers to your money. The enemy will not be able to touch your money as a result of your obedience to the Lord in the tithe. 5. Your family will be safe from the hand of the enemy. ―Neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the Lord of hosts‖ (verse 11). It is remarkable that in John 15:5, Jesus said, ―I am the vine, ye are the branches.‖ The vine, therefore, means the family, and God gives this amazing promise to the tither when He says that the enemy will not touch your family, if you obey the Lord. 6. “You will be a great witness of the power and blessings of the Lord to the nations. ―All nations shall call you blessed‖ (verse 12). In this most amazing blessing and promise, God will bless and prosper you so that the nations of the world will see the blessings of God upon you. In other words, you will be a mighty witness of the power and blessings of God. 7. You will be highly desired, and God will use you for His glory! ―Ye shall be a delightsome land, saith the Lord of hosts‖ (verse 12). Delightsome means ―highly desired.‖ As you obey the Lord with the tithe, God will so highly desire you that He will use you. Debt FREE living can be accomplished through the use of the principles we outline in our articles but first and DIM - 25

Divine Inspirations Magazine foremost you must get the revelation of how tithing and debt are related. Debt is broken by only one thing— giving to the Lord‘s work! I want to see the Lord bless your life. It is your tithe that opens heaven, and it is your offering that brings prosperity your way. The Lord requires both, the tithe (at least 10 percent) and the offering (extra money that the Lord directs you to give). We cannot be blessed without the tithe, and we cannot see abundance without both the tithe and the offering. The Lord clearly states in His Word to give both tithes and offerings. As you give your tithe and sow your seed-offering, lay your hands on that seed and claim the seven supernatural promises of Malachi 3. TO YOUR SUCCESSFUL JOURNEY!!! Flora M. Kynard, Senior Personal Financial Trainer Prosperity Renewal Ministries P. S. You can go to http://www.prosperityrenewal.org/coaching.html if you would like 10 days of FREE coaching on Debt FREE living principles.







Missing the Mark The (Greek) word for sin is “harmartano”, which means to miss the mark not share in the prize); to err due to faults; offend; trespass. The (Hebrew) word for sin is “chata”, which means to miss; forfeit; lack; to cause to lead astray. When a person sins, they miss the mark. That is, they miss the blessings of love, joy, peace, and fulfillment that come with obeying God‘s Word. In I Timothy 3:16, it says that ―all scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.‖ Therefore, the Word of God is your Instruction Book for Life. It leads and guides you along life‘s journey. ―Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light to my path.‖ (Psalm 119:105) The key to this powerful Instruction Book for Life is that you must have faith in it. Faith means more than just believing. It means totally trusting, depending upon and being confident (assured) of the Word of God. (In John 1:1), it says that “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God, and the Word was with God Himself.” He was present originally with God. All things were made and came into existence through Him; and without Him was not even one thing made that has come into being. In Him was Life, and the Life was the Light of men. God admonishes us to love the Lord (Word) with all your heart, mind, and soul. We show that we love the Lord (Word) by obeying it. “. . . obey His voice according to all that I command you today, you and your children, with all your mind and heart and with all your being.” (Deuteronomy 30:2) We should not just be hearers of the Word, but doers also. (James 1:22)






When you obey the Word of God, you live a life of prosperity, good success, and wisdom.




―This book of the law shall not depart out of my mouth, but I shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe and do according to all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall deal wisely and have good success.‖ (Joshua 1:8)

So communicate and stay blessed. Bridgette Whitney – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 8/9/09

October 2009

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Divine Inspirations Magazine ―So everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts upon them (obeying them) will be like a sensible man who builds his house upon the rock.‖ (Matthew 7:24) Another key to the Instruction Book of Life having operation in your life and yielding results is to deny your will and emotions. You must deny your desires (to sleep in rather than go to church), emotions (to maintain anger rather than forgive), and will (work a job, rather than start the business God wants you to start), and Make a Decision to Follow God‘s Will. You must deny the self life – self seeking; self pleasing, self confidence, and self satisfaction. You must be liberated from the self life. Only then, will you be able to experience the fullness of God – the abundant life that comes from reading, studying, and meditating and applying the Word of God in your life. Thereby, pleasing and glorifying God. The denial of self is a daily process that requires a daily decision of denying self and accepting God‘s will for your life. Your life will be constantly renewed (changed) to conform to God‘s way (attitude, emotions, and actions) of living. As your mind is renewed and your actions conform to the Word of God, then you will experience love, joy and peace and good success. God desires for his children to enjoy life on an ongoing basis. Not just 3 years, 5 years, or 10 years, but throughout their life. ―I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance to the full, till it overflows.‖ (John 10:10) ―The Lord is my strength and my impenetrable Shield: my heart trusts in, relies on, and confidently leans on Him, and I am helped; therefore my heart greatly rejoices, and with my song will I praise Him. The Lord is their (unyielding) Strength, and He is the Stronghold of salvation to His anointed.‖ (Psalm 28:7-8) Karmen A. Booker has been called by God to exhort and teach others the Word of God. She is the founder of Wings of Love Ministries (WOLM), which is a teaching and evangelist ministry whose vision is to encourage and inspire people to accept and commit their lives to Jesus Christ so their lives will be transformed into righteousness, and they will experience unceasing love, joy, and peace. WOLM offers resource products that are designed to encourage you to grow in your personal relationship with Jesus Christ and take you to higher spiritual heights of knowledge and understanding of the Word of God!!! Please Request Your Catalog by contacting us at: Wingsoflove8@yahoo.com

October 2009


As a Voice of the Lord you are also a messenger who brings a direct message from God and not yourself; as most do today. You are a messenger to God‘s people and you must deliver His messages without fear or favour. Sometimes the message God give you to deliver may not suit your taste (as in the case of Jonah) but you are in no position to question God. Whatever He says He is capable to implement and if He wants it done it will be done with or without you. Jesus told the religious Leaders of His day that if the people stop shouting praises, the stones would; and He meant every word He said. Other times He gives messages of comfort and restoration; (―Then spake Haggai the Lord‘s messenger in the Lord‘s message unto the people, saying, I am with you, saith the Lord‖). (Haggai 1:13) As a Voice you are a very unique person that has been called, chosen and charged to represent two kingdoms; therefore there is a very high expectation from both God who choose you and man/woman who you take the message to and fro. That is one of the reasons many Ministries have lost value in the sight of both God and man. Many of their Ministers/Shepherds speak and teach rubbish for either exploiting their congregations or inciting them. There is no knowledge in their words and what they preach is quickly forgotten, minutes after the service. What the people remember is how you shouted until goose bumps fill their bodies, how much you collected, who you incited them against. Many of them forget the scripture you preach from or your theme and most importantly what you said about God. I have been in churches where the Minister/Shepherd asked if anyone remembered the theme of he last Sunday message and it took more than five minutes to get an answer; and the one who give the answer took it from his/her notebook and not memory. Let me tell you why this is happening; for it is written: For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. (John.3:20). Their deeds are so evil that they are afraid to preach or teach the truth before it be used as a measurement stick against them. They are wolves and using the Gospel as a means to gain earthly riches for themselves and their families. It is written about such Ministers/Shepherds: ―For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. For the Jews require a sign, and the Greek seek after wisdom; But we preach Christ DIM - 27

Divine Inspirations Magazine crucified, unto the Jew a stumbling block, and unto the Greek foolishness‖ (1Cor.1:18, 22, 23). The Bible clearly instructs us Shepherds to be very careful what we say at any given time. ―For the priest lips should keep knowledge, and they should seek the law at his mouth, for He is a messenger of the Lord of host‖) (Mal.2:7). Interestingly in our world today, many of our members learn how to lie, steal, corrupt, cheat, and even murder and get away with it(once they bring ten percent to the church): from the very lips of the Minister. A recent research carried out proves that many of the drug pushers, frauders, internet criminals, rapist, etc., in some African Islamic countries are sadly professing Christians. The worst part of this is that in most cases those representing them (maybe to release them before the case goes to court) or taking a lawyer for them are Ministers/Shepherds. Well it would have a decent ending if they were releasing them to for the sake of evangelizing to them and helping them change their lives; but contrary to this they paid heavily to those Ministers/Shepherds and their churches are fill. The Muslims who collaborate with them spread this news and use it as a tool to convince their people that Christianity is a fake religion for criminals. I learned that in such countries, certain group of churches have less than one percent of the indigenous as members. This shameful behaviour destroys the reputation of Christianity and should be stopped at once. It is must be rooted out because it is not of Jesus Christ, but the devil who seeks to destroy us. God highly value His True Ministers/Shepherds and recommend them highly to the flocks. Any Voice representing the Most High is His Ambassador and should live and act like an Ambassador because you came to prepare a way for the people to receive God through the Gospel you preach or teach. How can you preach/teach one thing and live October 2009

another? It is not possible and you do not represent God. It is written : (―Behold I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me; and the Lord whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to His people, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in; behold He shall come saith the Lord of host‖) (Mal.3:1). Bishop, What are you trying to say; are we now John the Baptist, that we should have these qualifications? Of Course you are, Dear Ministers of God, and you need to prepare the earth for the second coming of Jesus Christ. Your flocks should be able to follow that path that you have laid down for them to meet God for themselves and benefit from the promises of His covenant. Before coming to destroy the works of darkness upon the face of the earth; the Lord commands His Ministers to prepare the earth by uniting families in the right path. He compare you with Elijah His prophet; who brought message of draught to Ahab, was on the run most of the time, fed by divine instructions, raise the dead, prayed and God answered with fire, and taken to heaven alive in a vehicle. This time the mission for you our modern day Elijah/True Shepherd /Minister is to unite the earth before the second coming of Jesus Christ, before the final defeat of the power of darkness. Isn‘t that a huge enough task that we must concentrate our effort towards instead of seeking vanities? If we do not prepare the earth for the Lord‘s coming we will all perish with the powers of darkness. For God instructs that if is not done He might just as well come and ―smite the earth with a curse‖ Yes, these are not my instructions but God, as written in His Holy Word/ ―Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord: And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse‖(Mal.4:5-6).

Ministers/Shepherds can‘t you see that the causes of numerous wars, economical disasters, incurable diseases, are because of our failure to unite the world with the Word of God? Don‘t you know that he great darkness overtaking the earth is a result of our submission to greed, selfishness, lack of wisdom, disunity and not implementing the duties that we were called, chosen, and charge to do by the Lord? Can‘t you understand that speaking with one voice, singleness of heart and purpose pleases God? No, you do not, because of what you stand to loose financially, materially, politically etc., so you will continue to stick to your doctrines, traditions, beliefs that divide instead of unite; and yet we all claim to be Christians. We are the solution and yet we choose to be the problem. 2Cor. Do you know, Ministers/Shepherds; that the thorn that now buffets you from preaching/teaching/living the truth of God Word is your pride, love for material things, riches, that expensive car you worship; after exploiting your congregation to but it, women who you take advantage of in the name of the Gospel, yachts, private planes, etc., that their acquisition have become more important to you than the task on hand? I did not say you have no right to own them but when the passion of owning them takes first place in your life, brother/sister it is of Satan and not God. Ministers/Shepherds the Apostle Paul recognized that his own thorn came because Satan wanted to stopped the vast revelation from God that he received and spread; but he use his own thorn to help check himself and remember that he was just human and in no way God. In this way the messenger of Satan was defeated because in no way did the thorn impede Paul but encourage him. (―And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted DIM - 28

Divine Inspirations Magazine above measure‖2Cor 12:7.) Interestingly enough from what we see here Satan‘s messenger has the ability to plants thorns in the flesh. They might just go unnoticed if we do not do a spiritual check up frequently. The Apostle Paul really wanted God to take away this temptation but the Lord give him a very wonderful answer that should reassure us that these temptations are not above us. We do not have to bow to them, but use them as a weapon against the sender. Paul was conscious of its presence and used it as a check mate to pride, etc., what about you? If you are a true Minister/Shepherd of God, you will notice that God answer to Paul reassures us that regardless of what kind of thorn the devil inflicts upon you His Voice; you have the power to overcome. He answered: ―….My grace is sufficient for you for thee; for my strength is made perfect in weakness….‖ (2Cor. 12:9a) That is why in proclaiming this great victory the Apostle Paul could boast in the power of God‘s grace that render the power of Satan‘s thorn useless and powerless over his life; with these words: ― Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ‘s sake: for when I am weak the, I am strong‖ (2 Cor. 12:9 b-10). Many Ministers use this verse to encourage their members to swim in sin; because we are under the Grace of God; but the Grace makes one strong to overpower the thorns of the messenger of Satan, thus having victory over the trials and temptations placed before you to fall. Yes, you are supposed to be the Voice of God among men exhibiting all the attributes thereof. Shepherds do you know that you are qualified to hear clearly the voice of God? What if God speaks to you today, will you recognize His voice? Many claimed to be walking according to the instructions of God but in fact are October 2009

walking by the principles of man‘s logic and reason. As Shepherds/Ministers of God, it is very important to identify the voice of God, because Satan tries to perfect his art of duplication daily. However the voice of God is very extraordinary and unique and can readily be identify by those who truly serve the Lord. Let‘s take a look at a few examples of True Ministers/Shepherds who had the unique experience of hearing the voice of the Lord; some recognizing it, while others had to be told. It is not an ordinary voice and leaves a lasting effect upon those who hear it. It is unique and powerful beyond the imagination of man; it brings understanding, knowledge and wisdom, as we digest and interpret them. It is written: (―And when they went, I heard the noise of their wings, like the noise of great waters, as the voice of the Almighty, the voice of speech, as the noise of an host: when they stood, they let down their wings; As the appearance of the bow that is in the cloud in the day of rain, so was the appearance of the brightness round about. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord. And when I saw it, I fell upon my face, and I heard a voice of one that spake; (―And the sound of the cherubim‘s wings was heard even to the outer court, as the voice of the Almighty God when He speaketh‖. Ezek 1:24,29;10:5) But Christ claimed that what these men heard were just the tip of the iceberg. The voice of God is more marvellous than you think; therefore there is a very sure way of recognizing it for clear interpreting it, and that is through acceptance and acknowledgement of Christ. God Himself pointed us to that method. ―And the Father himself, which hath sent me, hath borne witness of me; Ye have neither heard His voice at any time, nor seen His shape‖ (John 5:37). Jesus was simply saying that what was seen or heard in the past needed to be fully understood and that type of understanding comes

only through Him. Read also (John 12: 28-30) The True Shepherd/Minister is also the voice of an Advocate. He/She is responsible to represent the people in times of difficulties and frustrations before the Lord; to represent the depressed, downtrodden, oppress, and disadvantaged on earth before the rulers of this world. He/she is expected to wed and bury them, be the shoulder they can cry upon in times of distress, be their consultant in times of confusion, nurture and nourish them when they are physically and spiritually malnourish, and the Voice that they can hear the instructions of God through. But I know for a fact that in many cases this is contrary to the true. Indeed a very unique task. Are you a True Shepherd/Minister of God? Are you a Voice for the King? If you are really the Voice of God that I am talking about: what is expected of you? You are to represent them before God and man and help them to put their lives in order. That is why your calling is unique and demands a lot. You become an administrator for the people way of living. Much of what they do or say depends on how you mold them. You control their way of thinking because they see you as an oracle of God Himself; therefore if you are a crook, sadly majority of your congregation see it as a way of life. That is why I believe from the bottom of my heart that it is within the means of the church and not the political institution to take over and correct the economical downturn of our world today. However instead of finding solution to the economical problems, the Ministers are the ones to increase it by exploiting the people. Because as a Minister, you are also a responsible to build the community to the standard God‘s wants it to be. The people respect and you are the confidante for many suffering minds. Now because it is part of your role you must also be the solution. The DIM - 29

Divine Inspirations Magazine people look up to you for it. Half of the church members lost their jobs, people are homeless and hungry; and there you are preaching nonsense calling it politics. People go to God for solutions in times like these and as the Voice, Ambassador, and confidante; of God they expect an answer from you. But many Ministers eyes are so close because of greed that they think it all starts and ends in that hall they call church. Take the United States for instance; many have lost their jobs and businesses are closing for the lack of customers. If the church was in control they would start teaching/training their members some self sustainable skills and liaising with businesses to supply the items needed to help their members get started. If these people were trained in honesty, decency, and hard work; they would paid back for themselves for the items they received to get them started and regularly paid their dues to the church, without been being force or lied to. Take for example the Ministers from Africa, India, etc.; who every year wants people to help out with money, money, and money. My question is when will they become mature and dependent on themselves? Never, if they continue to get those hands-outs instead of being taught how to fish, open a fishing industry and help others to open theirs. But the Ministers of the big nations think that if they help these people to become independent; their own ministries will suffer because they will have nothing to raise money for. But all this is planted by Satan because he knows a fully economically control Church will easily defeat his purpose and tactics. If each group that was made financially independent return five percent to those Ministries that set them up; there will be no need to lack; but dishonesty and fear have close the doors of trust and the right path have overgrown with weeds. Well back to your duties. October 2009

You have the duties to regulate the patterns that their discussions take daily positively lay the ground work for the shaping their outlook. Many times it is not an easy task and some like Dr. King die in the process. The end result was he did not die for nothing, for his vision lives on and he continues to motivate others with the truth of its impact. He recognized very early that even to the detriment of his life and that of his family; if change was to come than he had to be not only a Minister but a Advocate for truth, confronting the powers of his days with the need to bring the needed change that made a people/nation as God wanted them to live. He sought justice by the only means he knew how that would fit the recommendation of a Minister of God; through encouraging the people to understand the force behind truth, even through nonviolent means. As a dispenser of the knowledge of God, he prove that only through love and not bloodshed could this problem be solve; for blood had already been shed on the cross of cavalry. He was one of the ambassadors of God that was truly a voice during our modern days. Ministers/Shepherds, It is your duty to weep for your people before the Lord. You are to spend time daily lifting them up in prayers and seeking directions that will affect the way they live their every day life. For it is written: ― Let the priests, the ministers of the Lord, weep between the porch and the altar, and let them say; Spare thy people Lord, and give not thy heritage to reproach, that the heathen should rule over them: wherefore should they say among the people, Where is your God?‖(Joel 2:17) That is the question many modern day heathens ask when they see the way we live; our faithlessness, our submissions to the ills of this world instead of taking control over them. We are expected to go and do always according to the will and instructions of God and not ours. The reason many

Ministers/Shepherds have so much storm in lives today is because they fail to follow the clear and precise instructions of God Almighty. You see if you do you might be thrown into the sea of life difficulties and problems until you realize your true calling. God instructions are always clear like this: ―Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city,, and cry against it; for their wickedness come up before me.‖ (Jonah 1:2) It instructs you when to move, where to move, what to do once you get there and why. It is always necessary to grasp this very important point or most of the time you find yourself flogging a dead horse that you are calling ministries. Because He send you he also provides specific instructions for how you will be taken care of during that period (Matt. 10:11-12).There is also a particular behaviour pattern laid down for you as you work in the lord‘s vine yard; you are not the boss but the servant and you are to serve the people you shepherded. This is where we fail today many times over. Today instead of been servants we wear big titles, robes, caps/hats etc. and want those we are to serve to bow to us. It is so sad. Take Jesus for example; walking most of the time, people calling Him just Jesus most of the time, and yet He is the King of Kings. I came to understand that great men serve and empty men spend their time fighting for titles and boasting about their achievements. For it is written: ―….you knows that the princes of the gentiles exercise dominion over them, and they that are great exercise authority upon them. But it shall not be so among you; but whosoever shall be great among you let him be your minister; And whosoever shall be chief among you let him be your servant: even as the son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and give His life as a ransom for many‖ (Matt. 20:2528; Mk.10:43-45) (I love you Jesus). Today in many ministries‘ we see the attributes of the authorities of the world and one cannot serve two masters at the same time. DIM - 30


October 2009



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Divine Inspirations Magazine The Lord is

The Lord is

the reason I have life,

he died so that I may live. The Lord is the author of my story, he gave me a testimony to give. The Lord is my companion, with him I'm never alone. The Lord is my guide, leading me to my Fathers home. The Lord is my sponsor. and he's always within reach. The Lord is my instructor, always willing and able to teach. The Lord is my sight, seeing far beyond what I can see. The Lord is my nourishment, providing food for me to eat. The Lord is my strength, for he is strong when I am weak. The Lord is not a man, his promises he will keep. The Lord is my gardener, allowing me to grow as a mustard seed. The Lord is my shepard, and I have all that I need. Written by Alphonso Rodgers (Founder of Only Thank God) www.onlythankgod.com

October 2009

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Divine Inspirations Magazine

October 2009

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Divine Inspirations Magazine

October 2009

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Divine Inspirations Magazine DIVINE INSPIRATONS MAGAZINE 233 Hirst Ave Lansdowne, PA 19050 Phone: 484-429-5080 Website: www.divineinspirationsmagazine.org

Email: divineinspirationsmagazine@gmail.com

We Welcome All Freelance Writers! If you have a passion to express yourself through writing or poetry or want to publish that sermon God gave you, then we are looking for you. Please contact Divine Inspirations Magazine at divineinspirationsmagazine@gmail.com. Submit your article today! Advertise your next event in Divine Inspirations Magazine. Our readership reaches from the North, South, and East to the West Coast, and Overseas. To submit your advertisement, email Divine Inspirations today! Divine Inspirations Magazine is a division of Priscilla House Network, visit www.priscillahousenetwork.org. To subscribe to visit www.divineinspirationsmagazine.org Become a Fan of Divine Inspirations Magazine on FaceBook! We welcome your donations and contributions!

October 2009

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