Divine Inspirations Magazine February 2011

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Divine Inspirations Magazine

February 2011

Vol 2 Issue 2

Inside this Issue!

Culture and Marriage Let’s Clean House Before We Let Anyone In! From Single to Married Surrender Overcoming Triteness!

Barbara Bernard Miller Author ―Mighty Inspiration Love Letters From God.‖ Page 26

I am Ready for Love Pt 3

Love never gives up. Love cares more for others than for self, Love doesn’t want what it doesn’t have. Love doesn’t strut, Doesn’t have a swelled head, Doesn’t force itself on others, Isn’t always ―me first,‖ Doesn’t fly off the handle, Doesn’t keep score of the sins of others, Doesn’t revel when others grovel, Takes pleasure in the flowering truth, Puts up with anything, Trusts God always, Always looks for the best, Never looks back, But keeps going to the end. !st Corinthians 13 The Message 2

Greetings! This issue is filled with Inspirational Words to Uplift and Edify the Spirit. I am so excited after publishing each issue, the testimonies of how the articles are a blessing brings our writers great joy. If you have been blessed by this magazine please be sure to share with others. We are here to be a blessing so spread the word about DIM! In this issue we are spotlighting a poet Barbara Miller. Read her journey and please support her ministry by purchasing her book. As always we welcome your feedback and comments. You can subscribe for free at divineinspirationsmagazine@gmail.com Peace and Blessings! Qualita Pendergrass Editor in Chief



Contributing Writers and Poets

Dr. Cynthis Togle

Eunice Stulhofer

Stylicia Bowden

Beverly Leonard

Feon Davis

Judith Mosley

Cheryl C. Shumake

Mandy Woodhouse


Pastors Mike and Trisha Fox

Apostlr Lee Ann Marino Ph.D

Elder Mae Davis

Contributing Writers and Poets

Michelle Pumphrey

Sophia Avery, MA

Sharon Reid Robinson

Yvette Johnson

Mn Tony Rowsey

Robert T. Sells

Not pictures: Cynthia Boyer

Min. Cheryl Thomas

Evg. Zella Burno



President Barack Obama 

Born: August 4, 1961 (Hawaii)  Lives in: Chicago, Illinois  Zodiac Sign: Leo  Height: 6′ 1″ (1.87m)  Family: Married wife Michelle in 1992, 2 daughters Malia and Sasha  Parents: Barack Obama, Sr. (from Kenya) and Ann Dunham (from Kansas)  Religion: United Church of Christ  Drives a: Ford Escape hybrid, Chrysler 300C  Education:– Graduated: Columbia University (1983) - Major: Political Science– Law Degree from Harvard (1991) - Major: J.D. - Magna Cum Laude– Attended: Occidental College  Career:–U.S. President - inaugurated January 20, 2009 –U.S. Senator from Illinois, 2005-2008 Government Committees:– Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee– Foreign Relations Committee– Veterans Affairs Committee– 2005 and 2006: served on the Environment and Public Works Committee 


My Brother Is Jesus By Feon Davis He is my right hand, My brother is Jesus, When I need a right hand in front, And behind he is there, My brother he is free with eagle, And not the beast of evil, But the tanned gentle as a lamb, My brother is Jesus from your open hand of my hand, I ask my brother Jesus, And he smiles with reply, This is my blessing for you plentiful in gracious doves, And before me is my brother sparrow at flight, My brother Jesus persisted in the good flight And in time of rebirth you shine upon us, My brother I see clearly from out of the storm, And you will send our answered prayers, My brother is Jesus, And I know I am the calmness of spirit within, A child of your brotherly love Jesus, Therefore, I am your creation shelter us always at your bosom.


Overcoming Triteness to Discover Our All in All

were people's responses to that post. Many of them

By Apostle Dr. Lee Ann B. Marino, Ph.D., D.D.

church. It made me stop and wonder if the people who

We, as Christians, can be incredibly trite. I don't think we mean to be. It's not our intention. We want God to seem...accessible, understandable...yeah, that's it...Understandable to people today. I think it's just easy to get caught up in a catchy phrase or slogan and forget the meaning behind it. Take John 3:16 for example. John 3:16 is not a bumper sticker. It's not the only verse in the Bible. It, however, has become an entire marketing ploy, gracing T-shirts, bumper stickers, key chains, and everything else in the hope placing it everywhere will reach people. A highly powerful verse of Scripture (which makes a whole lot more sense to onlookers if they read verse 17 along with it) is reduced to an eye-catching phrase hoping to engage an onlooker. Most people don't even give a second thought to the passage anymore or its meaning because it has been overused and, in a certain sense, downgraded by commercialism.

In this same vain,

sometimes we hear phrases, titles, names, and other terms frequently embraced by Churchanity over and over again, they lose a sense of meaning to each one of

were catchphrases used over and over again in today's

posted those things really understood what they meant or they were just saying them because it was the currently appropriate way to fill in the God-blank. Do we mean things we say - or do we just say them because they sound good? In this vain, I stepped back and sought God. This is what He revealed to me. Please note: all the circumstances raised below are based on real incidents that either have happened or are happening to real people that I know... Go ask the man who was told by doctors three years ago he would be dead from stomach cancer within a year - who is still alive today - what it means when he says, "God is my healer." Go ask the woman - days away from foreclosure who had an old friend come through with a loan at the last minute - what it means when she says, "God is my provider." Go ask the woman who ever gave up any hope of having a baby - who is now pregnant without medical intervention - what it means when she says, "With God, all things are possible."

us. I recently noticed a post on FB where someone 10 posted "God is" and then multiple comments thereafter

Go ask the woman, diagnosed with stage four (Continued on page 11)

breast cancer - violently ill from chemother-

would only be able to live using an oxygen

apy treatments - what it means when she

tank and unable to walk for the rest of her life

says, "God is my hope."

- who now travels all over the US preaching

Go ask the man who came up out of

the Gospel - what it means when she says,

the waters of baptism - unrecognizable to his

"the Lord's been good to me."

own family - what it means when he says he

Go ask the woman, who almost lost

is a "new creature in Christ."

her job three times due to false accusations -

Go ask the woman who was homeless

but still has her job - what it means when she

and disregarded by her own family - but

says, "the Lord is strong and mighty in bat-

taken in and loved by friends and strangers -


what it means when she says she has

Go ask the woman, whose ex-husband

"brothers and sisters in Christ."

tried to kill her - and she lives to tell about it -

Go ask the woman who, after being

what it means when she says, "the Lord is my

rejected and scorned by her own leader -


went on to overcome and triumph in ministry

Go ask the man, who lived in an Afri-

- what it means when she says she's received

can refugee tent with five other people sick

"beauty for ashes."

with Malaria - and never once got sick - what

Go ask the woman who, after being

it means when he says, "the Lord is my pro-

emotionally beaten and abused by her hus-


band’s - and yet still praises God - what it

Go ask the woman, abandoned by her

means when she says "the Lord is my praise."

family and friends - due to the anointing on

Go ask the woman, who was diag-

her life - what it means when she says, "God

nosed with full-blown AIDS - and told she

is my friend." 11

Go ask the woman, who was facing

Every one of us has a testimony. God

45 years in federal prison - and freed after

has done something great and amazing for

only a few years by God's grace - what it

every one of us. Instead of reciting things

means when she says, "in Christ I have been

that may be popular or the things everyone

set free."

seems to be saying, let us speak of the great

Go ask the woman, who grew up

things God has done for us. God is not a slo-

without her father - and now seeks to help

gan, a commercial, or a catchy jingle. His

fathers recognize how important they are in

Word is not a billboard for marketing enter-

the lives of their children - what it means

prising. No, God is none of those things. For

when she cries, "Abba! Father!"

those of us who have been transformed by

Go ask the man, who lived a life of

His grace, He is our All in All.

drug abuse and sin - and lived with guilt every day of that life - what it means when he Apostle Dr. Lee Ann B. Marino, Ph.D., D.D. Apostle In Office Apostolic Fellowship International Ministries P.O. Box 935

says, "the Lord is my sanctifier." Go ask the man, who left the Lord's presence for sin and destruction - only to hear the Lord's call to return - what it means when he says, "the Lord is my shepherd." Go ask the woman, who was troubled and disturbed with anxiety and panic disorders for years - now able to confront the fears and live her life - what it means when she says, "the Lord is my peace." 12

Snow Garden The red gable etched into the soul of my home seemed to have eyes staring down at the two precious white angels securely nestled deep in the ground. I placed the angels in my garden last summer during the month of May to welcome and compliment the birth of my flowers. As the sun patiently awaited their arrival, to warm and nourish each pedal individually, the clouds floated away to allow the rays of the sun to spring forth to cast a beautiful breathtaking view that gave light to my garden. Shhhh. As the flowers are now peacefully sleeping in this cold weather deep bone chilling season, a whole new garden has surfaced and the angels sit ever so quietly waiting for the next season to arrive. Blanketed with snow caps of God's magnificence and glory, the cherubims continue to spread their love through the stillness of their wings in this love-filled season; they serve as important reminders that God is love. This garden, now covered with pure white snow, a drink of water, is indeed the miracle that God has sent as an expression of his love, faith, grace and His everlasting mercy. As I step outside from my kitchen and into my garden, all is quiet; God's countenance is upon me and He has made His face to shine on me. I immediately begin to breathe God's praises for my life. Seeing and living in His glory is the compassion He bestows upon me; a true blessing. I then position myself between my two angels; I bow my head to pray in the temple of the garden and as I stand, I bask in the firmament of God's power with thanksgiving in my heart. He graciously shines His light from Heaven lighting the earth with His Son; for me, those before me and those who shall be born after I have been blessed to meet the Lord face-to-face. And so like a spring running down into the valley, so does the snow run down into the earth of my garden where the spirits of angels live, cleansing and nourishing it for growth for the upcoming Spring and Summer seasons. Like a spring running down into my garden, so does God's love run deep down into my soul. We must give God glory. Amen.

Written by Cynthia G. Boyer 13

A Mind is a Terrible thing to waste Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may, prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Paraphrased

Romans 12:2 We must not conform – we must not be in agreement with the things of man or of this world to do evil. We must die to sin daily / strife to live Holy and righteous Ps 51:10 create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. We must be transformed (we must be changed) by the renewing of our minds. By the renewing of our hearts Renewed- our old way of thinking God‘s will is good for us; His will is acceptable and perfect

Having your mind renewed – the 3 R‘s Restored, - to recover, repair Revived- refresh, come back to life Reconstruct - rebuild A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste Mind- is a memory or thought, the part of a person that thinks and reasons. The intellectual faculty, the understanding, memory, and opinion, Our thinking capacity. If you know a mind is a terrible thing to waste Why are you wasting your mind on thoughts that aren‘t of God? Why are you wasting your mind on thoughts that aren‘t pleasing to God Too much time is wasted on things that are not of God. A mind is a terrible thing to waste II Corinthians 10:5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.

With these weapon‘s we break down every proud argument that keeps people from knowing God. With these weapons we conquer their rebellious ideas, and we teach them to obey Christ. In other words those things that are spoken or said against God we don‘t even listen to. And knowing that we have to be obedient to God and His word. That is why we have to know God for ourselves and have a relationship with him. And to have a mind up mind to follow him. When we have the mind of Christ we can have love, joy, and peace. Confusion can be all around but we still have peace. Phil 4:7 and the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

God will give us peace of mind in the midst of the storms Peace in the midst of trials and tribulations Peace on the job Peace in your home, 14 Peace in the schools Peace in the church- on the usher board, steward board, trustee board, in the choir Where ever you need peace God will do it but you must look to him.

A new way of teaching James 1:8 a double minded man is unstable in all his ways.

When you have a made up mind You have a new song in your heart They can‘t make up their minds. You have a new praise on your lips They waver back and forth in everything You want to worship Him in spirit and in they do. truth A double minded person is all over the place You want to take on the attributes of Jesus God regulates the mind He gives you stability when everything When you have a made up mind around you seem disarrayed You want to treat your neighbor right When you have the mind of Christ: *A change has to take place. *The things I use to do I don‘t do any more *The things that were not of Christ I don‘t desire any more *The things I use to say, I don‘t want to say anymore I‘ve been Renewed, Redeemed, and Reborn By the Blood of the Lamb Your mind has been renewed- have the mind of Christ You have been redeemed- to be delivered You‘ve been reborn- old things have passed away, behold I am new in Christ A mind is a terrible thing to waste So, why waste it You must have a made up mind to follow Christ Choose ye this day who you will serve When you have a made up mind You got a brand new walk You got a brand new talk You got a new way of living You have a new way of giving

You love your enemies Those that mistreat you, you can turn the other cheek When you have a made up mind You have faith and hope in Jesus/ not in man or yourself but in Jesus You have a made up mind to run this race You have a made up mind to work while it‘s day/ night comes know man will work Those that used and abused me, I forgive them When I have a made up mind You can‘t put me down any more- Ps 121 –I look to the hills I can have a can do attitude in a can‘t do atmosphere A mind is a terrible thing to waste *Phil 2:5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus 3 A‘s Attitude, Attribute, Atmosphere Written by Rev. Cheryl Thomas

When you have a made up mind You have a new way of praying You have a new way of preaching 15

I Am Ready For Love (Part III): The Experience “Love is a soliloquy edifying the images of the soul.” By Stylicia Bowden

Many people yearn for love like it is the medicine they need to heal the aching pain of their heart. Love is sometimes misinterpreted between men and women because we both sing a different tune when love is involved in the equation. Women justify love as being the emotional side beaming from their heart. Men justify love as loyalty and trust. Since God created love he knew how special and intimate love would be between the man and the woman. If this is the case, then why we as human beings make love so complicated. The answers is simple, we forget to enjoy the experience. I believe women get caught up in when, where, how & why of the relationship with the opposite sex. We become so driven to make sure the man will understand we are the one instead of enjoying the experience of dating and companionship. I have been a contributor to this eradicate behavior as well. I would jump into planning the wedding before I really got to know a guy because I was so caught up with the idea of marriage. I finally understand that we sometimes miss the opportunity of love because we do not know how to enjoy the experience of just letting things systematically flow into love. If you are a woman like me I wanted to control every aspect of what the man needed to do. I did not give him a chance to just show me a good time. I was ready to cut him short before I could see the full development of the experience. If you have been like this or are suffering from this behavior then it is time to enjoy the experience of love before it walk right past you. Love is simple it is not meant to be complicated at all. We decide to put our own twist and antidotes on love expecting a quicker result. However, when you16 begin to manipulate love for your timing it will be a catastrophe. Here are simple steps to enjoy the love

experience. Let the man lead and give him room to make a mistake. Do not be controlling, give him time to warm up to you. Love does not happen overnight. Do not be spoiled. It is not all about you, learn to compromise. Understand he needs his personal space; balance is a must in the development of the love experience. Every man has a sensitive side, understand he has to gain your trust before you see his vulnerabilities. Most important enjoy the time you spend with him. Make him feel like there is no pressure with you. Marriage is the ultimate goal but let God be the master planner in when, timing is everything. Last but not least, it is ok to make a list of what you want & do not want but no man is perfect because you are not perfect so find your equilibrium and throw out the unnecessary demands. After following these quick tips you will be well on your way of embracing love and enjoying all the pleasures of love. Just understand love is work and time, faith, patience are the key things needed to see your experience change into something everlasting. Until Next Time….Relax, Let It Flow & Put Your Love Life In God’s Hands

MAKING THE WRONG DECISIONSMAKING THE WRONG DECISIONSMAKING THE WRONG DECISIONS Ruth 1:1-5 Now it came about in the days when the judges governed, that there was a famine in the land. And a certain man of Bethlehem in Judah went to sojourn in the land of Moab with his wife and his two sons. And the name of the man was Elimelech, and the name of his wife, Naomi; and the names of his two sons were Mahlon and Chilion, Ephrathites of Bethlehem in Judah. Now they entered the land of Moab and remained there. Then Elimelech, Naomi's husband, died; and she was left with her two sons. And they took for themselves Moabite women as wives; the name of the one was Orpah and the name of the other Ruth. And they lived there about ten years. Then both Mahlon and Chilion also died; and the woman was bereft of her two children and her husband.

onomy). Elimelech, however, chose to make critical life decisions based on human rationale instead of God's divine revelation. We can learn three principles from Elimelech's decisionmaking. #1 When you make decisions based on human rationale instead of divine revelation, you distance yourself from the blessings and promises of God.

Now it came about in the days when the judges governed, that there was a famine in the land And a certain man of Bethlehem in Judah went to sojourn in the land of A1oab with his wife and his two sons. - Ruth 1:1 Names in the Bible are very significant. We miss a great deal in our Bible study if we fail to note the meanings of names. The name Elimelech means, "My God is king."' It could also mean "God is my king."' What a great name for a man to have! Imagine what it must have been like for Elimelech to go to the marketplace in Bethlehem. As he made his way through the crowds people would say to him in essence, "Hello, Mr. God Is My King."His name made a personal theological statement. Regretfully, Elimelech did not live up to his Decisions determine destiny. Your name. He chose to rule his own life life tomorrow will be the direct reby leaving Bethlehem of Judah to go sult of the decisions you make today. to the land of Moab. The children of In the first five verses of Ruth we Israel were to live exclusively in the encounter a man named Elimelech, a promised land. God had made that man whose destiny was indeed deter- clear through Moses (Deut. 6:1). mined by his decisions. The Bible tells us that he was a Hebrew of the Therefore, Elimelech's sojourning tribe of Judah. As such, he was privi- was an act of disobedience. leged to have extended to him the The word Bethlehem means "house promises of God. Sadly, Elimelech of bread." The word Judah means failed to realize the fulness of those "praise." In Psalm 108:9, we read of promises. Being a Hebrew, he had the Lord's evaluation of Moab. God been taught the absolute truths of said, "Moab is my washpot" (KJV). God's revelation of man. Though the In other words, in God's sight, Moab Old Testament had not been comwas like a pot that one would use to pleted at the time of Elimelech's life, wash his feet-a pot that was common he did have the divine truth of the 17left the house and filthy. Elimelech Pentateuch (Genesis through Deuter- of bread and the land of praise to

journey about thirty miles away to a filthy washpot. Though there was a famine in Bethlehem, he would have been far better off to have stayed there, for Bethlehem was the place God had designed for Elimelech and his family. Instead, he sojourned to what he thought was a better place. He disregarded and dismissed the directives of God and set out based on what he himself thought was best. The result was not the best it was the worst. Such is always the case. His journey to Moab was one of disobedience. Subsequently, he put distance between himself and the place of God's blessings and promises. Christians do the same thing when they make decisions based on human rationale instead of divine revelation. They leave the house of bread and the place of praise and journey to the washpot. They put distance between themselves and the blessings and promises of God. I will never forget the words of an old preacher. He told me once, "Christians are bad about walking past the honey comb to eat out of the slop bucket." Perhaps he was well acquainted with the meaning of the word Moab and had adopted it to his own southern vocabulary. Marriages, families, careers, and reputations become washpots (slop buckets if you will) when God's people make their own decisions instead of following God's directions. Have you considered the fact that the Bible is a record of God's directions? As a pastor I am called upon for counseling on a regular basis. I often hear people say they need to pray about decisions which God has already made clear in His Word. All they really mean is they have not yet decided to obey. You do not have to pray for wisdom about matters stated in God's Word. Pray all you wish, (Continued on page 18)

but God will never give new revelation in addition to the Bible. You need only to obey what He has already said. When you submit to Scripture, you take sides with God and position yourself in the arena of His blessing. When you do as Elimelech did and make decisions which seem right from the human perspective, you distance yourself from God's blessings.

rately said, "First you make your decisions and then your decisions make you." The story of Elimelech illustrates this. You can make your decisions, but you cannot choose the consequences. For the child of God who makes decisions based on human rationale, the results always will be tragic, if not immediately, then eventually. To fail to abide by the Word of God is to transgress the Word of God. And, #2 When you make decisions God tells us in Proverbs 13:15, "The way of the transgressor is based on human rationale instead of divine revelation, hard." you incur tragic conseOne of my favorite foods is quences cornbread, especially Mexican Then Elimelech, Naomi 's hus- cornbread. Having been born band, died; - Ruth 1:3 and reared in the South, I have Elimelech made his decision. eaten a lot of it in my life. I do Then came the consequence. not have the heart to tell my In Elimelech's case, the conse- mother or my grandmother, quence was death. If but I know a lady who makes Elimelech could have known the best cornbread on the the tragic consequence of his planet. I once asked her for the detrimental decision, he would recipe and she gladly gave it to never have left Bethlehem. I me. My wife and I invited had the great privilege of be- some guests over one Thanksing discipled by a man who giving and I was eager to walked with God. I learned make a skillet of cornbread insights from him that I share using the recipe. While makwhenever I have the opportu- ing up the batter, I observed nity. I will never forget some- something that illustrates the thing he told me. He said, "consequence aspect" of our "Leland, the will of God is al- decisions. Here it is: Once you ways what you would choose make the decision to mix the if you knew all the conseingredients together, there is quences ahead of time." How no return to the way things true this is. God knows all the were. You cannot put the cornconsequences ahead of time. meal back in the bag, the eggs To save us from the tragedies, back in the shells, the milk He has given us His Word to back in the jug, the corn back instruct us. Someone has accu- in the can, or the oil back in 18

the bottle. Once you put them together, that's it. Those individual ingredients become batter. That is the way it is with our decisions and our consequences. We mix our decisions and the result is our batter of consequences. A verse that is often used in evangelism is Romans 6:23, which says, "For the wages of sin is death." Certainly this is a great verse to help lost people see their need for Christ. But, we must not neglect to see the broader aspects of this verse. God says that every sin has a payday. To put it more accurately, for every sin there is a "payment" day. A Christian who makes sinful decisions will orchestrate death somewhere in his life. It could be death to his marriage, death to his reputation, death to a scholarship, death to his freedom, death to a relationship, death to a career, etc. I have seen people experience Romans 6:23 in all of these areas, but there is one particular instance that I would like to share with you. I once worked with a friendly and energetic young man. He had a tremendous personality, was well thought of by all his coworkers, was highly motivated hard-worker and all his coworkers thought well of him. He also professed to be a Christian and was actively involved in a respected local church. As one of his supervisors, I envisioned the young

man becoming very successful with the company where we were employed. His future was bright. However, his job responsibilities involved situations where he had opportunities for personal gain through dishonest practices. One day, he did just that. He made a dishonest decision. With that one, dishonest decision, his entire career with the company ended. His promising future was extinguished. Worst of all, his testimony for Christ suffered tremendous reproach. The result of his decision will follow him the rest of his life. He now has to live the remainder of his life on this earth wondering what might have been had he made the right decision. Some decisions carry consequences that are beyond repair this side of heaven. This young man made a decision based on human rationale instead of divine revelation, and he suffered tragic consequences.

was bereft of her two children and her husband. - Ruth 1:3-5 Notice the consequences that were incurred by people other than Elimelech: Mahlon and Chilion lost their lives; Ruth and Orpah lost their husbands; and Naomi lost both her husband and her sons. Elimelech's bad decision had consequences that affected not only him, but also those he loved.

A person does not sin in a vacuum. No one sins outwardly without affecting, to some degree, those around him. Scripture is filled with examples of this truth. David's sin affected Bathsheba, her husband Uriah and an innocent child. Abraham's sin affected Sarah. Jacob's sin affected Isaac, Esau and Rebecca. The sin of the ten spies affected the entire nation of Israel and resulted in forty years of wilderness wandering. Adam underscores this truth as no other, since his sin affected and continues to affect every human being and all #3 When you make decisions of creation. based on human rationale instead of divine revelation, Because of the decisions of the terrorists on September 11, you cause others to endure 2001, not only the rest of consequences also. Then Elimelech, Naomi 's hus- America, but the rest of the band, died; and she was left world has had to deal with the with her two sons. And they consequences. The same with took for themselves Moabite sin in the life of a Christian. women as wives; the name of You make bad decisions, decithe one was Orpah and the sions based on human rationname of the other was Ruth. ale, and others in your family, And they lived there about ten workplace, church, and comyears. Then both Mahlon and munity will have to deal with Chilion died; and the woman the consequences. Children 19

have to endure the consequences of parents who make bad decisions. Co-workers have to endure consequences of employees who make bad decisions (i.e., executive fraud in the Enron Corporation, postal employee shootings, etc.). Church members have to endure the consequences of ministers who make bad decisions. The list could go on and on. The words of Jesus during His earthly ministry not only emphasize this truth, they also serve as a sobering reminder to all of us regarding the responsibility we have for the decisions we make. Notice the seriousness of the following words of Jesus: "Woe to the world because of stumbling blocks! For it is inevitable that stumbling blocks come; but woe to that man through whom the stumbling blocks come" (Matt. 18:7). Jesus says woe to the one who makes a sinful decision that proves to be detrimental to the spiritual well-being of another. Imagine the accountability to God that Elimelech had by leading his family away from the place of God's promises. There is one verse of Scripture that I refer to again and again when faced with a decision. It is Isaiah 50:11, which says, "Behold, all of you who kindle a fire, Who encircle yourselves

with firebrands, Walk in the light of your fire And among the brands you have set ablaze. This is what you have from My hand; and you will lie down in torment." Here is the application. God says that if we, His people, make decisions apart from Him we are kindling our own fire. We are encircling ourselves with the firebrands of our choosing. Such fire-starting will cause us torment. God will see to it. "Why?" you might ask. The answer is because He loves us so much that He will discipline us for our disobedience (see Heb. 12:6). He wants us to walk the path of obedience. If we stray from it, He will take the neccessary disciplinary measures to make us return to it. The Scriptures do not tell us, but I wonder if Elimelech died because he continually refused to heed the discipline God designed to lead him back to Bethlehem. Decisions determine destiny. Let us not lean on our own understanding, but let us lean on the divine revelation of God. His Word will keep us from making wrong decisions. REV. CYNTHIA C. TOGLE, D.D. Davao City, Philippines 04 Garcia Heights Bajada http://prayercounseling.ning.com


The Single Christian Series – Part 1 (The Single Christian Woman: Waiting on God)

abundance (to the full, till it overflows).‖ For the next 3 months I will be presenting a series of 3 articles directed specifically to singles. They are: The Single Christian Woman: Waiting on God The Single Christian Man: Becoming a Shepard of God The Single Christian Couple: Getting Ready for a Lifetime Together In this issue I will be addressing the Single Christian woman and how she can begin to prepare herself for marriage. Most women that I‘ve had been friends with have told me that they have always dreamed about their wedding day for their entire lives. They started with the Ken & Barbie dolls and the fantasy growing up of meeting that knight in shining armor, 6ft 4in, good looking, and the perfect gentleman, who will marry them in a high-end, fantasy wedding followed by a whirlwind romantic honeymoon in Fiji. But it doesn‘t end there. She also expects to come home from that honeymoon and live forever in a perfect marriage happily ever after in eternal peace. Fast forward to the present day and you are in a marriage with a man who never wants to go to church, read the bible, pray for you or with you, attend bible study, not to mention walking up to the pastor after church and saying hi for fear he will be ―exposed‖ to the Man of God as a ―fake‖ and ―phony‖ Christian. This is the situation a countless number of young ladies find themselves in when they ―rush‖ God when it comes to receiving a Godly mate. The devil knows that you really want to be married to a Godly man who will make you happy for the rest of your life. This causes anxiety to build, especially when you feel your ―time‖ is coming soon. Look at what the scriptures say about being anxious. ―Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.‖ (Philippians 4:6 -7 MSG)

You see God wants you to be happily married to the man of your dreams, as long as it‘s the man that He chose for you from the beginning of the earth. The devil only wants to steal, kill and destroy the plans God has for you. So it is so important that the things you do while you‘re still single are according to the will of God. It is so vital that you stay on track with God‘s plan for your life because God is preparing you for the moment when He introduces you to your husband. And while He is preparing you rest assured He is preparing the man who will be your husband as well. God wants to make sure that you are both ready to meet each other when the time comes. When my wife was single she spent a lot of time with God, praying to God that if she was going to be married again it would be to a mighty man of God. She was not ever willing to compromise those values that the Lord placed on her heart. So while the Lord was preparing her to be a Proverbs 31 wife, He was preparing me to be an Ephesians 5 husband! Then when we came together for God‘s purpose, His plan literally exploded in our lives beyond anything we could think or imagine! As single Christian women, your only focus should be on God so when the devil sends the deceiver you can resist and keep yourself for your future husband. The devil will send someone to you who you truly believe is exactly who you prayed for but he will be an imposter. Don‘t fall for the trick of the enemy! The major way you can avoid the trap of the enemy is to remain in prayer and in your Word so you will be equipped to deal with the spiritual battles you will face because you WILL face them. During your time of being single, you must put on the full armor of God so that you can deflect the enemy‘s flaming arrows. This is the best time of your life because this is the time when you can fully devote yourself to God. You can spend any time during the day or night praying, worshipping and praising God. You can spend countless seconds, minutes, hours, and days in the presence of the Lord. When you do this, the Lord will begin to reveal Himself you in amazing ways. You will see your life change and you will slowly become the woman God needs you to be. When you do this God will present you with the man He destined for you to be with and you will be amazed at how perfectly the plans God has for your life will fit with the plans He has for your future husband‘s life. Trust God to be your matchmaker and you will never go wrong. You will prosper in every area of your life and as a Christian wife, you will grow together spiritually with your husband as the two of you grow and prosper in the things of God.

When you become anxious you can delay or even destroy the plan that God has for you. God has already predestined a man who will be the man of God specifically for you to be married to. The domino effect of this is that your mind begins wandering. You wonder if God forgot about what you asked Him for. You try to move God forward faster because you think He is taking is time for no good reason when in reality it was you who hindered the plans of God. When anxiety kicks in, a door is wide open for the devil to begin messing with your flesh. He When you put God first, you will not have a perfect, starts sending ideas to your head like, ―You are going to be too problem-free life. But you will, without a doubt, have your best old to get married pretty soon‖, or ―If you wait any longer you life for the rest of your life. will miss your chance to have children‖, or ―No man is going to want to marry you after you turn 35‖. The devil is always busy Next month: The Single Christian Man – Becoming a 21Shepard of God trying to ruin the plans that God has for you. John 10:10 (AMP) says, ―The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in © 2011 Robert T. Sells – all rights reserved

LET'S CLEAN HOUSE, BEFORE BRINGING ANYONE IN! By Michelle Pumphrey livforjesus@verizon.net

And the Lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled. Luke 14:23 People of God, we have been Commanded to go and bring the lost into the house of God, some may come saved and some may not until they sit under the word of God, but people of God in this day and age, I see the church being a revolving door. People are in one week and gone the next. You know I've always said the church is a hospital and everyone has a sickness. Now some of us have been taking our medicine for a long time, so there should be some healing taking place in the body of Christ. There should be some maturity in the body. We must get the house clean up if we want to bring people into the house. We must clean up our stinking‘ attitudes, our bickering, our jealous behavior, that scheming and conniving spirit, the deceitful, controlling and manipulative spirit. You know these are the things that are going on in the world today! Why do people have to come into the ―Holy Place‖ and experience the same thing?

name! Oh yes I said it! We don't any problem hurting and disrespecting each other I in Jesus name and God is not pleased with it not one bit! We need to repent of this behavior and bring God‘s house back to its original mission. A house of prayer, a house of refuge, a house of love and peace and compassion. If we stop being concern with climbing the spiritual ladder, trying to create a platform for ourselves, then maybe we can take that time to nurture the sick and hurting people who are crying out for a change in their lives. Why in the world would someone come into a house that is more chaotic than where they came from? Doesn‘t make sense do it? If we are to be the salt of the earth to the world outside, then we really ought to be it on the inside too. The word tells us to be good mainly to those in the household of faith. I know this is a tight message, but it is a rhema word. We are in our last days and we have serious witnessing to be done! Time is of the essence. So let‘s pick up those brooms and begin to sweep the trash out of our hearts, let‘s disinfect our minds and scrub down those attitudes, and let us bring a

sweet smelling savor to the house of God, a house that The only difference is we are doing those things in Jesus 22 will be pleasing to his nostrils. Everyone likes to dwell in a clean house. How about you? Amen!

Treasures Your Pearl ―Pearl‖ is mentioned nine

dank, cold, unseen and unnoticed, a phenomenon is occur-

times in scripture. First, in Job 28 where Job is describing

ring. Where light scarcely breaks through, a treasure is be-

where treasures are found and how men go about acquiring

ing created. Where few dare tread, something of impressive

them. He then concludes that pearls are the most valuable

worth is fashioned. Life is flourishing in the face of poten-

and precious of all treasures. In three of those biblical men-

tial death. To me, however, the most interesting and pro-

tions, pearls are distinguished, set apart. ―Precious stones

found characteristic about natural pearls is that they are

and pearls‖ is a phrase used to highlight the priceless attrib-

perfectly formed without human intervention or aid.

ute of pearls over that of other gems.

Gold, silver, even diamonds, need a refiner’s fire

In ancient times pearls were the most precious of

before being considered even remotely ready for use but

all gems, primarily, because of the traumatic method of

pearls can go from mollusk to necklace with a rinse of wa-

their creation, and the great lengths to which a person had

ter. They emanate a warm glow, unlike the sometimes

to go to retrieve the prize. Today, single natural pearls, still

harsh brilliance of other gems, without so much as a pol-

counted among the most precious gems, are sold, at shock-

isher’s cloth touching them. George Fredrick Kunz, a noted

ingly high prices, to collectors and gemologists. They are

gemologist, once said, ―The pearl owes nothing to man. It

the oldest gem known to man and the only one fashioned

is absolutely a gift of nature on which man cannot im-

within a living organism.

prove.‖ In early Judeo-Christian writings, pearls are sym-

Natural pearls are created as the result of distress, displacement, damage and suffering. They are the defense

bolic of wisdom, purity, harmony, humility, quality and Jesus Christ.

mechanism against a parasite within the shell itself or an

It is important for us to know that this most rare

attack from the outside. An irritating intruder, within or

and priciest jewel is produced only after abuse. What inten-

without, threatens the safety of the mollusk. The mollusk

tionally, as in the case of a parasite, or accidentally, as in

responds, sealing off the aggravation, forming a pearl sac

the case of a grain of sand, seeks to hurt, maim, or destroy,

of external mantle tissue cells and secretes a compound to

is restrained and used to create a treasure. A mollusk, trau-

contain the irritant. This secretion is emitted many times,

matized by a physical attack, has been empowered to create

thus producing a pearl.

something beautiful, lasting and valuable out of pain. The

Even the environment in which a pearl is formed is 23 intriguing. Deep in the mud bed of the sea, where it is dark,

disturbance, which was meant to destroy, has been rede(Continued on page 24)

fined, becoming a transformer instead of a

pearls, are formed in the heat of battle and are the


wounds of war. I learned God was my healer Battles threaten to erupt all the time be-

while battling a chronic illness for 15 years. I

cause our mortal enemy does not rest on his lau-

learned God was a provider while experiencing

rels in his aim to steal, kill and destroy. With the

lack. I learned God was my battle axe while being

skies darkening and the enemy closing in, it can

attacked by those who thought I was defenseless.

look like we have been abandoned to weather

I learned God was my husband while going

things in our own strength. Do not accept this lie.

through a painful divorce. I learned God was my

Never mistake temporary darkness for permanent

deliverer while I was held captive to the decisions

blindness. When the enemy threatens, the Lord

of others. I learned God was a promise keeper

sees and, in His time, He responds. When God

while being restored.

designs, the enemy is sealed off, held at bay and

Romans 5:1-5 reminds us we have been

used to create a treasure. We do not have to be-

justified by faith in God and have peace in Jesus,

come victims of the trials which will arise in our

therefore, not only can we boast in the hope of

life. We are surrounded by the stabilizing shelter

the glory of God but we can also glory in our suf-

of the love of God.

ferings. The suffering produces something very

Psalm 46 reminds us that God is our safe

good. We gain perseverance, character and hope.

dwelling place and our potency (effective

We come through. Some day it is over. Somehow

strength). He is very much in attendance and at-

we are not consumed. The battle is contained by

tentive to help us in our trouble. Mountains can

grace. And when all is said and done, the power

slip into the sea, nations can rage, our entire

of God has worked in us, without human inter-

worlds can tip upside down. God’s grace will re-

vention or aid, producing what we are incapable

strain the storm, constrain the potentially devas-

of producing on our own. When the dust settles,

tating effects, retrain our minds and retain for us

we find the battle yielded wisdom, purity, humil-

that which is needed to bring glory out of our

ity and more of Christ in us, the hope of glory.

situations. But parasites and attacks are a neces-


sary tool. Many spiritual treasures, much like


His Sheep Hear His Voice By Eunice Stuhlhofer

A while ago and not so long, I came to an important decision after prayer and long endurance. I would tell you that I heard the Lord‘s voice gradually directing me, and I was ready to step into the water until God said STOP. So I didn‘t plunge in as much as I was raring to go. The Master had spoken, I heard His voice and as His sheep, I stopped. God hasn‘t even shown me His alternative plan yet making me humanly confused. He just said STOP! I can‘t tell you how often I have followed my feelings and made decisions without waiting to hear God‘s voice. And I have reaped the painful consequences too. But this one time, I had the privilege to hear His voice and STOP. Why a privilege? Because…Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand (Proverbs 19:21 AMP). So whose purpose do you want? If you‘re like me, you want your plans to stand and not collapse anymore. The choices we make always affect others positively or negatively, even for generations. Remember King David, a man after God‘s own heart; yet his feelings led him to commit murder. After he organised for Uriah to be killed so that he could take his wife Bathsheba, the Lord sent him a message. (2 Samuel 12: 10 AMP) ‗Now, therefore, the sword shall never depart from your house…‘ So, next time you contemplate any choice, remember you‘re making it for your children and the generations to come. And the only way we can make solid choices is when we involve God. But the plans of the LORD stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations (Psalm 33:11 AMP). If we want a sure and stable legacy, we need to submit our plans, dreams, vision and desires to the Master first. Under His perfect eyes, He sees every obstacle and snare that the enemy has laid before you. However great our plans, if they don‘t bring Him glory, they will not stand. And remember (Psalms 84: 11 NLT) says… The LORD will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right. And what is right? To allow Him to rule over our lives since He has purchased us with His blood. Precious Lord, open my ears to hear Your voice as You tell me to turn to the right or to the left and when to STOP. In Your name. Amen. www.eunicewanguistuhlhofer.wordpress.com Author of Something in Your Hand.


Barbara Miller, author of MIGHTY INSPIRATION, Love Letters from God, was born in August, 1963, and her first memory occurred at the age of three when she entered St. Joseph's orphanage as a ward of the state. At that time she was the youngest and considered the "baby" of the orphanage. She lived there from age 3 through 8 with some of her brothers & sisters. Her adoptive grandparents used to get her and her brothers and sisters out of the orphanage in the "friends of the orphans" program. When their oldest daughter, who Barbara idolized, got married, she and her new husband decided to adopt her. The adoption was finalized when Barbara was 12. In her adoptive family she has two sisters younger sisters. From her large birth family, only she and one brother were adopted, but by different families. They were separated for 25 years before her brother located her in their mid-30s. That story is a miracle story in its own right. When asked by the publisher to distinguish her name from the many other Barbara Ann Millers, she chose to take her adoptive grandparent‘s last name (Bernard) as her middle name for the book to honor them. She was educated in the Catholic school system in Cincinnati, Ohio. Directly after high school, she began her career in corporate America. She obtained her college degree at Xavier University by attending night and weekend classes. Miller is a Human Resources manager for a large fortune 500 Company and enjoys her work because it allows her to touch the lives of the employees she works with. She resides in Cincinnati with her two children who are now in their early 20's. Since the age of 30, Miller has had many spiritual experiences where God has given her messages. With each one, it became increasingly more important to step out in faith and act or deliver the message with increased risk of judgment by others. Those experiences prepared her to hear and act on the message she received with this book. For those who do not believe in God or in modern day miracles, Miller has 26 many experiences that highlight and confirm her strong faith.

While Miller never dreamed of being an author, this experience and resulting book has given her a new purpose and direction. She wishes to use her newfound "voice" in subsequent books and is currently working on that mission. She considers her ministry to be one of inspiration and empowerment. Whether she is using social media or addressing radio audiences, small group gatherings or larger venues she tells her story to inspire others to find their voice and stir their own lives into action. She believes that everyone has the ability to not only change their own lives but also to change the world with the connections and decisions we make. All gifts are worthy and she hopes her story will be a catalyst for change. In essence, she is lighting the candles of others to increase the light in the world. You can find Barbara Bernard Miller's book online at Amazon and Barnes & Noble. 50% of all profits are donated to charity, most of which are orphanages like the one she grew up in. Visit her website: www.mightyinspiration.com to read more or to reach Miller to speak and encourage your group.

Read Now - http://bit.ly/7ZYl8r Twitter - @bmillergirl1 Website - www.mightyinspiration.com 27

A Brief Moment With Mayla Macon By Robert T. Sells

Hello once again everyone! This month I would like to introduce you to someone I have gotten to know over the last year and a half. She was running a truly incredible ministry helping young children to become who God intended them to be and young people were giving their lives to Christ! Now she has returned to writing and what joy and a blessing her work has been to the magazine. Now sit back, grab a cup of java and your favorite English muffin, and get to know Maya Macon. DIM: Tell us a little bit about yourself. Mayla: My name is Mayla Macon or M’yla (since most incorrectly pronounce my name a friend made it easier to say my name. lol). I am single mother of 3. I graduated with an Associate Degree in Culinary Arts at Le Cordon Bleu MN. I love to cook, write poetry, help others reach their goals or just be there when in need of a friend or company, lots of arts and crafts, and picked up photo editing as a hobby. I currently am a Personal Party Chef/ Booking Consultant as a business venture from home to be home with my kids and be full time parent as well. I love reggae, inspirational and positive uplifting music.

things in life, thus the name ―heartz♥inspired”. DIM: Have you got any plans in the near future? Mayla: Just continue to write and hopefully inspire others. Perhaps look into Dub Poetry? Maybe a future publication but no full thoughts about it yet. I do plan to continue to perhaps share and recite some of my writings. Where ever the LORD brings this gift to his people or just to inspire from a distance is ok with me, as long it can touch, relate to, or reach out to someone’s soul. DIM: What has been the best part about being in the ministry as a singer, performer or musician? Mayla: I have yet to accomplish and discover the ―best part‖ as a performer or spoken word artist, if it’s God’s will to lead me down that path.

DIM: Are there examples of your faith that show in your writing and if so what are they? Mayla: Some have writings of hope, faith, love, truth, reminders of HIS WORD, believing, I have yet more to write down and a couple are testimonies, one is a letter DIM: How did your ministry get started? from me to GOD, telling him and others how I strive to keep pushing to stay that course of living for HIM. We Mayla: I started writing back in high school for a couple are all sinners, we will all struggle, we will fall, we will years. When I got married after high school, the writing get disappointments from time to time.. but the letter also stopped for a few years. I was divorced sometime later explains if we keep pushing and keep striving with our and after 4 years of being single and having a relationship eyes on that prize while keeping our hearts towards him, from wedlock a child was born, After going our own He will keep us on that path back to Him no matter how ways I started writing again and I’ve been writing ever far or how close we are from that path of plan he has for since. us. He will always be faithful to His promises no matter how blind our eyes can be to our own hearts’ and our DIM: What inspires you to write? Do you have any spe- deceptive minds. cific techniques you use for your writing? DIM: Where can people find your music and/or products Mayla: Whatever the emotions, feelings, trials, tribulaif they wanted to support your ministry? tions, challenges, experiences either I myself is going through, or what is happening around my surroundings, Mayla: My work can be found at www.facebook.com/ community or environment. Most times I write with pages/Heartz-Inspired or look up heartz_inspired on face rhythm, sound, rhyme and flow. When my fingers start to book. This is where I post updated writings along with type or pick up the pencil my mind is flowing with one other pages but this site I use most frequently. Thank together what is needed to be said on paper. I don’t think you so much. I appreciate the opportunity and chance to about how it has to be written, I just write how it should share the love and gift the LORD has brought forth and feel or what I am feeling at that time or put myself in that to glorify His works so others may be blessed and incircumstances, on the other side of the shoes or view spired by His words and messages. Bless you! AND make others understand and feel the emotions of ~Depth of me is Love, the surface is who I am, ~simply the writings. Or just try to captivate the reader into my me~ " Heartz♥Inspired ©2010 All rights reserved® mind of emotions. 28 Most of my writings inspired with the heart of many

our ideals and cultural practices. As Christians, not as a certain nationality or race, we are to become conformed and transformed in the image of Christ. As a married couple, we are to be in agreement and walk together, hand in hand to continue to work on our closeness in our marriage. Marriage is ―oneness‖ with each other, as we strive to be ―one‖ with Christ. We walk and talk and rely on our partner in every part of our life.

How culture & nationality Affect marriage “There is clearly a need for the courageous and innovative use of cultural elements that do not stand in contradiction to biblical truth, while avoiding the temptation of compromising authentic Christian faith and life.” ~Gideon Strauss (Dept. of Philosophy, University of the Orange Free State) What does a hot dog and hamburger, carna asada con pollo y frijoles, corn bread and greens, rice and sushi, and File gumbo all have in common? (Hint: It’s not a joke) Answer: They are all characteristic foods of different nationalities, races and cultures. No matter if you’re Asian, Latino, African American, Caucasian, Native American, or whatever; you personally know how that culture can shape your perspective about marriage, family and even how you treat your spouse. As a Christian, however, you have been adopted into a new ―race‖; a race of GRACE. It is also imperative for a proper perspective that you claim citizenship of the Kingdom of God before anything else. As in any culture or nationality, becoming a Christian brings with it, its own culture; its own set of guidelines, beliefs, rules and cultural elements. In light of this understanding, that becoming a Christian is like becoming a new ―citizen‖ and a new member of a community and culture, it eradicates and should eliminate any and all other elements which oppose its teaching. For we are instructed, ―Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new.‖ This includes all cultural philosophies, beliefs and practices which are contrary to God’s way, and what works in a marriage partnership. After all, a marriage that is based entirely on the essence of ―love‖, and ―true love‖ will give necessary self sacrifices to harmonize with the one being ―loved‖. Our culture must conform to the Kingdom. While our skin may all be different colors, blood is still red. And when we’re married, we are to become ―one‖ in every sense of the word. The potential problem therein lies when the elements and beliefs within each culture try to override what the partner needs. In some circles, it seems normal for the man to be dominating, overbearing and overall abusive. This is not condoned in any way, but it needs to be addressed that we cannot allow our upbringing to override properly loving our spouse. It is said that your culture makes you who you are. Not necessarily. As with any institution, there are good elements and then there are bad elements. There are pros and cons. The question is really whether or not your culture is supporting your marriage and Christian belief, or opposing it. We absolutely MUST be careful not to compromise our Christian convictions and moral standards, simply because our ―heritage‖ or ―culture‖ has less or different parameters. We can become so involved with our heritage and culture, that we can unknowingly twist certain principals and scriptures to fit

We must take our partner into consideration over our own personal cultural perspectives. In other words, our spouse is more important than your obligation to your heritage and culture. We’re concerned that many who are so active in their culture and heritage, easily forget to rightly divide Christianity and Culture, and therefore interchange the two whenever personal benefit is needed. A husband in a particular culture who would normally be overbearing and dominating, must submit and conform to his partner, showing the love that she needs, over the selfish impulse to identify with his culture. A wife coming from a background where it is normal to hit and yell, will need to learn to overcome those past patterns, and become a woman that shows temperance and kindness in order to keep and maintain that marriage. A couple whose husband works much overtime will need to reconstruct their priorities, to make their marriage more prominent on the list of importance. A couple who continually jokes negatively about each other, or says things in a demeaning and derogatory way, will need to change their vocabulary and how to talk to their partner to keep that marriage intact. A wife, who continually puts down her husband in front of the other family, will quickly need to learn to stop sabotaging her marriage and husband’s trust, in order for there to be marital peace and harmony. We have personally seen each of these marital behavioral patterns, and have seen the negative effects of these types of behaviors on the marriage relationship, regardless of culture or race, nationality or heritage. Our pride and heritage can be a strength and encouragement to us. It can, and has the potential to be a huge pat on our back and helpful hand. But it can also be the single source of our own demise and downfall from the grace of God, and a main source of a growing and fatal splinter in our marriage and relationship. Nothing, and we declare ―nothing!‖ is to separate us from the love of God in Christ. This includes culture, pride, heritage and our personal belief system. And as well, we are to ―leave father and mother‖ and ―CLING‖ to our spouse. Leave and cleave! 29

Pastor Mike and Trisha Fox

A Glimpse of Surrender‖ – by Mandy Woodhouse ―I Surrender All…‖ have said ―yes‖ to Jesus, then all of what is His beEven as I type this I have the old hymn running comes ours—most especially His Holy Spirit and through my head, ―All to Jesus I surrender…all to Grace to carry us through. Regardless of how fear Him I freely give…” (Words by Judson W. Van Detries to tell us that God will not be there to catch us Venter, 1896). I surrender all. How many times have once we jump, surrender always allows Jesus to show I used these exact words in prayer and my daily time us our wings as we fly the way down. with God—and yet not whole-heartedly kept this I realized recently that I had not surrendered my huspromise because I had no idea what these words band’s physical state to God. He has been unwell for really meant. a number of months now, and we have not yet see If you are a born-again believer reading this, then you God’s promise for full healing come to pass. I found have surrendered something to Jesus at least once in myself clutching for control without jumping into your time on earth. Chances are you have surrenGod’s arms, fearing God had some silly reason for dered many things over the years. Honestly, chances not hearing or answering our prayers. The day that I are also high that you have come to places along the stepped off the cliff into total surrender, I whispered, journey where you felt the need to surrender yet one ―come what may, I will trust you,” and sensed fear more thing—and fear has been the chain that has held flee as I remembered that I could trust God. No you back from finding freedom in your surrender. longer was I consumed by God’s promises, but I be―God incarnate is the end of fear, and the heart that gan to focus on God Himself as He carried me and realizes the He is in the midst will be quiet in the my husband. And six weeks after my surrender, my husband has improved two-fold. All glory goes to middle of alarm‖ -- Frederick Brotherton Meyer Fear is what holds us back from fully surrendering God! everything in our lives to Christ. Fear that we will lack the restraint to stay away from our ―thing.‖ Fear ―God is ready to assume full responsibility for the that we will somehow disappoint God will not keep life wholly yielded to Him‖ – Andrew Murray His end of the bargain, so to speak. Fear that we will fail, and fear of what that failure means to our idenSurrender takes courage, but it also takes an undertity. standing of God’s character and love for His children. ―The true follower of Christ will not ask, ‗If I emWe cannot trust someone who we do not know or unbrace this truth, what will it cost me?‘ Rather he will derstand. I will not jump off a cliff in the fog if I do say, ‗This is truth. God help me to walk in it, let not know that there is a secure net at the bottom waitcome what may!‘" --A. W. Tozer ing to catch me. There is always an element of faith True surrender carries with it a freedom that most of involved, of course; but how can we have faith if we us only dream of. We tend to forget that once we 30

order to find it. Surrender does not mean jumping off a dangerous cliff in the fog and trusting ―Fate‖ to land you in a safe spot. Surrender knows God, understands that a part of your flesh must die so that you can truly live, and it then means jumping off into the abyss and finding that Jesus has given you wings to fly. Surrender means peace, joy, and trust in your Heavenly Father. Come what may, God’s responsibility is always to turn ―everything for the good of those who love Him…‖ (Romans 8:28, NIV). ―…All to thee my precious Savior, I surren―If you seek to save your life--you will lose itder all.‖ -but if you will just surrender and just lose your life--for my sake you will find it!‖ – Reverend T.D. Jakes have not heard (Romans 10:17, NIV). Often the best way to hear the word and stir up the faith inside of us is to speak His promises aloud. Living a life that is ―wholly yielded‖ to God means getting to know God. It is in His presence that fear must flee, and peace and trust come. It is also the place that we learn to trust that despite what we see, He will always take responsibility for those who love Him.

True freedom comes from a place of absolute weakness, when the only thing that we can do is give all to Jesus. In that place God makes us strong, because it is in our weaknesses that God’s power is made perfect (2 Corinthians 12:9, NIV). Jesus Himself says in Luke 14:33 that anyone who ―does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple.‖ But Jesus also promises that a life in His presence also bears much fruit (John 15:5). Apart from Jesus we truly cannot surrender, but Jesus says that a life of connecting with Him means that we find our true selves—true life. All desires are fulfilled, identities are secure in Him, and no harm can fall upon those who fully surrender to their God. ―All to Him I freely give…‖ Surrendering the details of life is not the easiest thing that God calls us to do, but it is the most rewarding, life giving, and fruit-bearing exercise there is. Once we can get to a place where we know God’s promises and aggressively say no to fear, we are truly losing life in 31

Dream Realized by Judith M. Mosley

I live consumed with what is just beyond my reach. The eyes being the window of my soul keep looking toward tomorrow. My heart becomes filled with desires unfulfilled. It cries tears only the Lord can see. What hope! Take courage my heart! The One Who Sees never turns from His occupation that is you. His heart yearns to give you what you pine for so earnestly. Your contemplation of what could be comes from Him. He deposited inside you long ago. The stirring within is His will. The time is near for the dream to come forth. His skillful hands are shaping that dream and preparing you, so you will give, being a reflection of Himself. What hope! Take courage my heart! Your dream will be realized. Waiting will come to the end. The fountain that was stopped will flow freely, and all who come to drink will be refreshed.



THERE I WAS, a sinner slated for perpetual fire and damnation. My entire life, a succession of bad decisions and tragic situations, No matter what the endeavor of the day, I continuously bombed. Inundated with diversion; to my fleshly will I at last succumbed. THERE I WAS, running untamed; I lived life spiritually in the red. My flesh invigorated by the world; my spirit comatose; all but dead. Can you feel where I‘m coming from; has your soul ever been there? I felt lonely in a large crowd; I felt as if no other human being cared. THERE I WAS, in the darkness; my spirit longing for, craving light. My weak flesh possessed a strong mind; it triumphed in every fight. Thread-bare and drained, I dabbled in the world‘s choice of devices. For sharing wittingly in such wrongdoing, I suffered great sacrifices. THERE I WAS, at the crossroads of salvation and spiritual perdition. I was locked in the dark one‘s clutches; a most fear-provoking position. I looked all around and about me; I could only see my impending demise. At full voice, my spirit called on Jesus, with earsplitting, anguished cries. Jesus had been waiting for my surrender; waiting since I was a little child. He knew I would at first taste of the world; and even become a little wild. He stood by my side and waited long-sufferingly with shelter from heaven. I had sensed His touch; I knew He watched over me ever since I was seven. As my spirit‘s cries rang out; in a timely manner Jesus‘ Holy Spirit arrived. After repenting of all my transgressions, my Savior held me close as I cried. While lukewarm teardrops flowed, heaven‘s forgiveness enveloped all of me. As the darkness started to fall down; the Hallowed Light of Jesus I could see. THERE I WAS, in the arms of the Savior after all that I had been and done. Although I was not faultless, I was accepted by God‘s magnificent only Son. He covered my bare soul with His blood; now we two belong to one another. With the Holy Spirit living in me, I am able to love and forgive my brother. BY: Sharon Reid-Robinson February, 2009


From Single To Married To put you on my list of one Whenever I sit alone

The one most beautiful woman on the planet earth

My mind drifts off the gently thoughts of you

That whatever I must go through it is worth

And calm reminders return to my mind

Ending up with you in my life

Again and again

As my help meet and my wife

Such in the way the tide washes the sandy shore

And I would be honored and proud

The tide comes in and envelopes more and more

To know that I am your husband forever

Of the sand until it overtakes it

And when that day comes I will shout to the heavens

Just in that way thoughts of you


Invade my mind as they begin to allow the door To my heart to open more

Hallelujah! My time has come

I begin to see the things of the spirit become reality

For I have finally obtained the favor of the Lord

I begin to see you and me walking toward prosperity

And now I will begin to accomplish

I begin to see us through our agreement

The things He has called me to do

Rescuing souls from the anti-divinity

But at another level of anointing

And taking them from misery and despondency

And it will be because of you

To total, complete, and final liberty

And the inspiration you have provided For my life everyday

I know you are a mighty woman of God

I know God will make a way

For it shows in everything you do and say

In everything I do for Him and I will hear Him say

Each word spoken and written by you every day

―Thank you for the listening to me my son,

Every single motion and movement

Now go and be blessed with the wife you were sent‖

Shows me the way

―And begin to walk in the marriage anointing

A powerful woman of God should exist

I have placed on your life‖

On this earth

―Go and do my incredible works The two of you will do as husband and wife‖ ―And you will prosper together as you grow together And you will be as one in everything you do…

I think of you when you‘re not around and I begin to miss Your piercing brown eyes that envelope my soul Your piercing brown eyes that envelope my soul Your incredible smile how it would be to kiss The very mouth that encourages me daily


That always says ‗I know and not maybe‘ 34

As I think of all these things I can‘t help but want

© Robert T. Sells

This year we have to make sure to live under the covering of the BLOOD The Blood gives us access to the father with boldness. Hebrews 10:19-20 Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus. By a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh; The blood allows us to come into the presence of God with joy and peace. Thank God for the blood. God only communicates through the blood. He does not look on sin for any reason. Every thing has to be through the blood. God is holy and pure. We should praise the Lord for his divine protection. The blood washes and cleanses us from sin. In the book of Revelation, Chap. 1:5 we read this verse. ―And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten from the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood.‖ Praise Him; the lord is worthy to be praise. How many people we know that will die for us? And want to wash us in their blood. Let the record show, no body. God only uses what is divine and holy. Not only did he wash us in his own blood, he made us kings and priests unto God and his Father: to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever, Amen We can go to the Father any time because of the blood of Jesus. No human hands touch what is divine and holy. Because of the blood we have access to the Father. This gives us the right to go and leave our burdens at his feet. Because of the blood God’s mercy is shown to sinners, yet God still remain holy and just. What a mighty God we serve.

No one can duplicate this blood. The blood of Jesus fights all of our battles; we learn how to apply it with the authority of Jesus Christ. The blood paid for our sins At the Cross. Ephesians 1:7 In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, According to the riches of his grace. Thank God for the precious blood of Jesus. There is power in his blood, wonder working power. Power that does deliver, any where, and any time. Demons tremble when they hear us speak on the blood of Jesus. Jesus shed blood has heaven backing it up. His blood represents heaven and its entire host... Jesus blood makes peace with God. On the Cross Jesus was reconciling all things unto himself. This way he be came our Savior, our life, and our High Priest. Col.1:20 And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven. Living inside out we must trust the blood of Jesus... Jesus made us a new creature according to the scriptures. 2nd Corinthians 5; 17-18 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: behold, old things are become new. 18 V. And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation. God worked every thing through his Son Jesus Christ. [For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. 2nd. Cor. 5:21] The shedding of Jesus blood saves us from God’s wrath... ―Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him. Romans 5:9 I thank God for the blood of Jesus. Let us keep the blood on our minds as we go through this year of 2011. Be blessed always.

Jesus blood is so precious, it washes away all of our sins. The blood purges our conscience from dead works. [Heb. 9:14] Our conscience must be purge from all the past sins and thoughts,35 Evg. Zella Burno cursing, darkness of mind and heart. Even our imagination has to be cleansed and changed. The precious blood of Jesus takes care all of that and more.

God Has Your Back

He said, "Don't worry about it—there are more on our side than on their side." (2 Kings 6:16, Message Bible)

―Then Elisha prayed, O God, open his eyes and let him see‖ (2 Kings 6:17). The servant first saw the danger of the enemy surrounding them but when God opened his eyes and he saw angels as soldiers with horses and chariots of fire surrounding Elisha and the whole mountainside. God had opened the gates of heaven to protect the man of God from the gates of hell.

In the time of trouble, there is no need to fear. We can rest in the assurance that God has our backs; he is a God that will not forsake those whom belong to him. In the face of adversity, no matter what the enemy sends to destroy us, we know that God is with us and not against us. In Psalms 27, when David was about to fight his enemy he framed his world for victory by the words ―The Lord is my light and my salvation‖ (Psalms 27:1). David was confident that God was the source that would guide him and enable him to see his enemy both figuratively and spiritually and that he would be delivered from his enemies. You may feel as though your world is surrounded by mayhem and your back is against the wall, but there is a word from God – Be not afraid ―…of ten thousands of people, that have set themselves against me round about‖ (Psalms 3:6). No matter how great your enemy there is no need to be afraid of what man thinks he can do to you. Yes, he may take our things, our houses, our jobs and money, but we must remember that if God be for us who can be against us (Romans 8:31).

No matter how bad the situation, remember our Father can send a legion of angels to help us ―Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more that twelve legions of angels?‖(Matthew 26:53). Know that God will send help when we need it most. When we know that there are those in the faith who are weak and fearful, it is the responsible of the stronger to pray that their eyes will be opened to see the light of God in their lives. If you are feeling like there is no way out and that your back is against the wall, remember that God has your back and he has a legion of angels in heaven prepared to fight on your behalf.

Elisha was a man of great faith who witnessed the manifestation of God; he was quick to acknowledge that there was no need to fear. Even when the king of Syria sent an army to apprehend Elisha for disclosing his plans to over take the king of Israel, he knew that he had the anointing to win and he would be victorious (2 Kings 6:8-13).

Elder Mae F. Davis New Life Worship Centre 120 E. Baltimore Pike Lansdowne, PA 19050

When a servant of Elisha - the man of God, saw the great encampment of horses and chariots surrounding the city, he cried out to the man of God ―what shall they do?‖ , but Elisha spoke in confidence ―Don‘t worry about it– there are more on our side than on their side‖ (2 Kings 6:15-16, Message Bible).

Copy Writes ã 20011



Sometimes those who are close to you may not be able to see that God has prepared an army to fight for you.

Where‘s your Fruit? abuse, or lack of proper boundaries during your child-

In Matthew 13: 5-9, Jesus told the parable of a barren fig

hood, the lies your were told as a child and still believe,

tree. The English Standard Version of the Holy Bible says,

fear of abandonment, fear of being judged, criticized or

―A man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, and he came

ridiculed, the guilt and shame of your past, and all the

seeking fruit on it and found none. And he said to the vine-

other unresolved issues that you keep hidden in the re-

dresser, ‗Look, for three years now I have come seeking

cesses of your heart and mind. Many of us are more com-

fruit on this fig tree, and I find none. Cut it down. Why

fortable using the ―get over it‖ approach to resolving our

should it use up the ground?‘ And he answered him, ‗Sir,

pain, which robs us of the lessons that God was trying to

let it alone this year also, until I dig around it and put on

teach us by allowing us to endure the suffering. No wonder

manure. Then if it should bear fruit next year, well and

we aren‘t bearing fruit!

good; but if not, you can cut it down.‘‖

Once we find the root of your pain, the power of the Holy

Initially, this parable perplexed me. The compassionate,

Spirit and the Word of God will bring about healing and

loving Jesus I serve, it seemed, would have pity on the bar-

reconcile you to the unconditional love of God through his

ren tree. Was it the tree‘s fault that it couldn‘t make figs?

beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Then, and only then, can we

Was it only valuable if it bore fruit? Couldn‘t it be appre-

bear the fruit Jesus spoke of in the parable. Don‘t allow

ciated for the shade it provided and appreciated as a sanc-

the pain from your past to block your fruit and cause your

tuary for birds? Why would Jesus allow the poor barren

fig tree to be cut down! If you have questions or comments,

fig tree to be cut down?

I will gladly obey the Word of God which instructs us to,

After considering the fate of the tree in this parable, the

―…bear one another‘s burdens.‖

meaning became clearer. We are all fig trees, and the figs are our individual gifts. God also wants us to know he ex-

Sophia Avery, MA- Christian Therapist can be contacted via www.ChristianTalkTherapy.com for individual counseling, Couples Counseling, and Marriage Counseling. For counseling or information, please call 215-931-3070. We are now offering on-line counseling via SKYPE On-line video conferencing (free to download and talk). We also offer a dynamic Pre-Marital Counseling series for newly engaged couples!

pects us to grow and use our gifts for the edification of the Body of Christ. If we don‘t, He‘ll allow us additional time to get help and correction, let someone dig around our roots, and then fertilize us with the Word. And once that‘s done, we have a limited amount of time to either bear fruit or get cut down. It‘s time to get serious about bearing fruit, Saints! As a Christian Therapist, I see my charge as that of the vinedresser, to help Christians dig around their roots and expose the pain that‘s blocking spiritual growth and maturity. We get to the root cause of your pain—the neglect,


Sitting in the kitchen Having a talk with God Thankful for the blessings of a brand new start Grateful for the victories that I’ve already received Gifts from God because I believed Thanking Him for the healing of my body, mind and soul And for longevity of life What some people call “getting old” Prayerful that whatever difficulties that I might face on today That when they come He will make a way Yes, I’m sitting in the kitchen And I’m having a talk with God Sharing those concerns that lay heavy on my heart He told me not to worry And that there’ll be no more sleepless nights If I just keep on believing Everything will be alright. Yvette Johnson The Tilted Tea Cup – All Things Inspired 2011



Let‘s make the devil Mad By Beverly Leonard, ―The Poet with a Message‖

Author of “Come Inside”

Let’s make the devil mad . . . all day long Let’s wake up with our minds staid on Jesus Let’s keep our minds staid on Him throughout the day And only words that are good and true let us speak and say Let’s be nice and kind to everyone who comes our way Let’s give thanks to the Lord and all the time pray Let’s be humble and mild and not haughty and wild Let’s be peaceful and calm and not rambunctious and rude Let’s be mild mannered and polite and keep a positive attitude Let’s show mercy and compassion to our fellow man Let’s be a blessing to others and lend a helping hand Let’s lift the down-hearted so that they, too, can stand Let not our feet run to gossip, drama, trouble, and mess Let’s not give in to satan’s temptations, taunts, and tests Let’s stand firm in our faith in good times and when hard times come Let’s know that we know where our real strength comes from Let’s not give in to our weaknesses that laden and straddle us down Let’s spread the Good News of God’s Kingdom to come all around Let love, peace, and joy in our hearts, homes, and families abound Let friendships bloom and blossom and relationships work out Let’s release the stresses, the worries, the fears, and the doubts Let’s forgive those who trespassed against us in the past Let’s let go of the hurt and the pain so they will no longer last Let the nations of the world come together in harmony and unity Let there be peace and calm in our neighborhoods and communities Let’s not give in to the demonic spirits found in alcohol and drugs Let’s not act like dangerous criminals, hooligans, and thugs Let’s sing, dance, shout, and praise God’s holy name And all that hath breath let them do the same And at the end of the day let us all kneel down and pray And thank God for helping us not to let satan have his way And tomorrow when we rise, if the Lord says the same Let’s make the devil mad again in Jesus’ name Let‘s Make the devil Mad

Please share this poem with others and make him really mad!!!


Beverly Leonard was born, reared, and raised in Dallas, Texas. She attended the local schools in the Dallas area and received her teaching degree from Prairie View A&M University. Known as “The Poet with a Message,” Beverly is a natural teacher who has taught in the Dallas Public Schools for the past 33 years, and counting. She is currently a Language Arts Writing teacher at Frederick Douglass Elementary School in the Pleasant Grove area of Dallas. She was elected by her peers as “Teacher of the Year” in 1984, 1994, and in 2004. Every decade! She is looking forward to retiring at the end of this school year. She gives God the glory. About twelve years ago Beverly asked the Lord to send her something, not specifying just what. And because God knows His children well, the Lord sent her the sweet, sweet gift of poetry. It’s what you get when you combine wisdom and rhyme – powerful messages that are found within the lines. She sees this as another tool in which to teach. Her work has been published in several newspapers, including a long run in The Birmingham Times in Alabama. She has also written for the Dallas Morning News. She shares her gifts at school and church events. Her poems have won many oratorical awards recited by students. Many compare her work with the awesome work of Dr. Maya Angelou. Now, that really blows her mind. Praise God! Her work is already touching many hearts, minds, and souls, but they are now ready to touch many more. She knows that it is a gift from God because sometimes the messages found within the words bowl her over. She gives all the praise, honor, and glory to God! Take a chance and ―Come Inside.‖ You won’t regret that you did! Her book can be purchased at wingspanpress.com, barnesandnobles.com, or from her. She is currently working on her second book entitled ―Enter at Your Own Risk.‖ Many await its arrival.

e-mail b13768@aol.com

Cell (214) 287-8310


The Blood Of The Lamb hasn't lost it's Power. Still raining from Heaven, it's Cleansing Shower. In times of need, our Refuge and Strong Tower. His Return is Imminent, we're in the Final Hour. He came to seek and save, that which was lost. His Precious Blood the ransom, shed to pay the cost. It wasn't the nails, but Love that held Him to the Cross. The Blood hasn't lost it's Power, still washing clean. For the disease of sin, still the antidote and vaccine. We were bought with a price, the Blood paid the lien. It's still eradicating the filth stench, of the obscene. The only reason the Saviour, came on the scene. Give God the Glory, all the Praise He is due. Thank Him for the Blood, that saved me and you. An Awesome Gift from Heaven, the Sacrificial Lamb. Our Father manifested in sinful flesh, The Great I Am. The Blood Of The Lamb, hasn't lost it's Power. Still raining from Heaven, it's Cleansing Shower. In times of need, our Refuge and Strong Tower. His return is Imminent, we're in the Final Hour. Going home with the Father, the only Superpower. Glory to God. Copyrighted 10/19/2010 Minister Tony Rowsey



Www.Divineinspirationsmagazine.org Divineinspirationsmagazine@gmail.com Subscribe for Free Today!


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