February Issue of Divine Inspirations Magazine

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Divine Inspirations Magazine February 2010

Volume 2 Issue 2

This publication is copyrighted and the articles are protected. Divine Inspirations Magazine (c) 2010 All Rights Reserved


February inside this issue


Cover Story-P.7

Living the E-life-p.34

Thoughts for sale-P.8

A Brief moment-p.36

The Lord of the breakthrough-P.10

Women of Zion: investing

The Bible teacher: fellowship -p.12

in you-p.39

Healthy & Living in

reality corner-p.42


destiny challenge: the cost

Don’t hide things from your

of destiny-p.45


are you ready for a fresh new

The heartbeat of god-p. 20


We are free-p.23

remembering is for elephants

Word in season: after the break-up-

not your spouse-p.52


mary’s story-p.54

new year, new you “lose weight fast”-p.28

seeking the face of god thru

is it safe to open my eyes yet?-p.30

fasting &prayer-p.56

if its to be, its up to me-p.32 D.I.V.A.S.:the unconditional love Of God-p.33

Poetry café As time goes by-p.11

Christian frustration pt 111-p.40

The battle-p.19

god can-p.50

The shining star-p.24 Ornaments of grace: dear god-p.29


2010 Author Spotlight

Lenore Artis-author

Dr. Virginia Booth-author


2010 Author Spotlight

Mylow Young-author Paulette Harper-author

Eliza Earsman-A Collection of Verses

Carole Steamer-author


2010 Author Spotlight

Maya C. Houston Andrea Michele Mills-author

Tammy Drake-author


Greetings! In the aftermath of the earthquake in Haiti, I marveled at the community of the world that came together quickly to aid the Haitians. Many nations put down their own agenda and politics and joined together in a phenomenal rescue effort. It was amazing but it spoke highly of the human spirit. As we celebrate Valentine’s Day remember “love knows no boundaries.” Let the love of God be shed abroad in your heart today. Pray for the nation of Haiti! In this issue we are spotlighting a female entrepreneur Jeanine Strickland for African-American history month and the hot off the presses authors and the phenomenal books that have penned. This month begins DIM’s contest to reach 2,010 new subscribers the year. You are able to enter win one of three prizes by submitting the most valid email addresses as new subscribers. Please get permission before you submit the email address. We welcome your feedback and comments. Please share this publication with your family and friends. To donate or subscribe please visit our website: http://www.divineinspirationsmagazine.org or divineinspirationsmagazine@gmail.com


Administrators to reach clients. Email marketing and word of mouth was very instrumental in getting the word out about her new business. The word of God says “Faith without works is dead”, and by faith Jeanine began to market and God began to manifest. From Orlando, to Tampa, to Georgia, Jeanine began to get client and client. Standing on the word that the Lord had given her, she began to believe and still believes that God had given her the power to obtain wealth. She encourages anyone that has a vision and a dream to not be afraid, but step out on faith and let God do the rest.

Jeanine has always had a passion for technology. In 1993, she obtained her Bachelors of Science degree in Computer Science from North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University. Wanting to further her career, in 2006 she obtained her MBA in Business Management from Strayer University. All of her passion and drive would not prepare her for the Corporate America layoff that hit her in 2007. Feeling down and depressed about having more bills than money, she received a word from God regarding starting her own business. A mentor, Prophet Glenette Wilcher, spoke a word into Jeanine’s life about going forth with what she considered a hobby as a business. With no money, an outdated computer and hopes, Jeanine stepped out on faith and thus Anointed Website Designs was birthed. Jeanine realized that image is everything. She designed her own website and had a logo designed. Starting with a local church directory, Jeanine touched basis with many Pastors and Church

Anointed Website Designs has been instrumental in helping growing ministries and businesses share “their vision with the world”. Anointed Website Designs offers affordable prices to growing ministries and business that have a limited budget, but a great need to advertise on the World Wide Web. The internet is growing by leaps and bounds and in order to stay current, a website is advantageous in marketing. By having a website, you can reach those that you have been unable to reach. A website also gives you a competitive edge. Anointed Website Designs also offers logo, business card, postcard, flyer, website maintenance and word processing services (programs, obituaries, resumes, cover letters, PowerPoint Presentations, etc.) as well. Jeanine has clients all over the United States. She has been featured on several Blogtalk Radio shows to promote her business. She does marketing whenever and wherever she can. She would like to stress that having a website is very important. She offers monthly specials on her website at http://www.anointedwebsitedesigns. On the 8|Page

website you will find several testimonials from past and present clients. There you can, also, find her prices, a portfolio of her business and any other questions that may come to mind when one is trying to decide on a website. Her website design prices are very affordable. The prices start from $175.00 and go up depending on the number of pages. You can always contact her via email info@anointedwebsitedesigns.com or via telephone at 919.633.8497. She would definitely love to help you “Share Your Vision with the World.� *********************************

Strategically marketing firms have figured out what you like and their job is to entice you with your own desires and get you to react. This is such a deceitful tactic but millions of people consume each day with smiles on their face. Temptation works much like an advertisement and the CEO of this marketing firm is none other than satan himself. The bible teaches us that satan studies his opponents (Job 1) and he lies in wait for them like a roaring lion waiting for an opportunity to desire his prey (1 Peter 5:8). The devil has had thousands of years of practice and he is coming full steam ahead throwing darts of temptation at you. Temptation is not a sin but it is a result of our own desires and lust being enticed and once that enticement is successful then it is no longer temptation but sin. But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.James 1:14-15

In the world of marketing advertisement campaigns are created to target a certain audience and a particular group of people. Marketing firms are paid millions of dollars to study age groups, ethnicities, regions, and habits to determine what is most effective. The marketing firm conducts a lot of research and eventually a product is produced that attracts particular consumers to products. Television, internet, and music are great tools to push products all in hopes of enticing you to consume. The reason advertisements are successful for one reason they are targeted to appeal to a desire that is already inside of you.

Thoughts enter are brain much like commercials one minute we are focused on a task and the minute we take a break mentally evil begins its advertisement campaign. There is hope because as believers in Christ we have been given the mind of Christ Jesus as our defense (Philippians 2:5). The believer in Christ Jesus possesses a freedom from his or her own desires and thought process that can quickly put to rest the temptations of wickedness. The mind of a person without Jesus has now power of these temptations but the mind of a believer has been set free (John 8:36). The blessing is when these temptations arrive in your mind simply acknowledge that those thought don’t belong to you and have not come from your heavenly father because he would never tempt you but they come from satan who hates you. God has instructed us to cast down those imaginations 9|Page

and bring every thought to Jesus Christ and allow Jesus to deal with them (2 Corinthians 10:4-6). To put it simple when temptation enters your mind pray and find the verse in the Bible that deals with your particular issue because the marketing firm from hell knows every weakness in your body. Have no fear because you possess the power of the word of God and every situation is in the hands of God. When you find yourself thinking thoughts of evil understand that the devil is advertising please don’t make a purchase.-Amen

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things -Philippians 4:8

Written by -Aaron Jones www.weserve.ning.com

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The Lord of the Breakthrough: Baal Perazim And Ye Shall Break Forth! Micah 2:13 (New Living Translation)

Your leader will break out and lead you out of exile, out through the gates of the enemy cities, back to your own land. Your king will lead you; the LORD himself will guide you.‖ I know many of you are like me. We have been waiting on the Lord to bring us a breakthrough in one area or another of our lives. The time is now and the word has gone forth. This is the year of breakthrough! Many have cried out for emotional, spiritual, and physical breakthroughs and God has heard the cry. In the book of Micah, God encourages the believers to stand and trust that everything which has hindered, blocked, and kept them in confinements will be removed. God gives the children of Israel a word of assurance that they will come out of bondage and exile. The term exile from Webster’s Dictionary is to “wander aimlessly, roam, a prolonged living away from one’s own country. Usually enforced; banishment, sometimes self-imposed.” Those are strong words which we need to define to get a better understanding of what the “Lord of the Breakthrough” is doing. Let’s look at the word wander. “Wander is to move aimlessly about without a plan or destination; to lose one’s way; to go astray in mind or purpose; to turn aside from a path or course.” In this new season you will no longer go from place to place, job to job, ministry to ministry,

relationship to relationship without clear direction and wisdom from the Lord. God will make every crooked path straight. “I will go before you and make the crooked places straight; I will break in pieces the gates of bronze and cut the bars of iron.” Isaiah 45:2 You will no longer wonder where to go, or how you will get there. The time of going in circles in the wilderness has ended. He will burst all confinement, (imprisonment, captivity). Your direction in life will be obvious so you will make sound and accurate decisions. Your course in life will be divinely directed because the “Breaker” is leading you! “I will bring the blind by a way they did not know; I will lead them in paths they have not known. I will make darkness light before them, and crooked places straight. These things I will do for them, and not forsake them.” Isaiah 42:16. Who is the Breaker? Jesus Christ the Lord of Hosts. He is the one who will go before us and part those difficult areas that have been held up and delayed. He is the same God that parted the Red Sea for the children of Israel. This is the year of total freedom and breakthroughs in your life. Let’s examine the word banish. Banish from Webster’s means “to put out, to put out of one’s thoughts, removal from a country either because of a formal decree or through force of circumstances.” Were you forced out of a relationship, job, or even a ministry due to circumstances? Have you been denied the opportunity to see your grandchildren because of a broken relationship with your children? Were you exiled from a church because you preached against heresy?

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Many times we are forced out of situations and relationships because we are accused of wrongdoings. Perceptions can play a vital role in decisions that force us out of situations, jobs and relationships. Those perceptions can cause relationships that were once healthy on a path to failure. The perceived evidence against one is just that‌. perceived. Perceptions are misleading and can cause an individual to make a decision not based on fact or valid information but on what they perceive to be truth. The outcome can be devastating, hurtful and overwhelming.

As time Goes On As time goes on we began to wonder how long will this journey take How long will this wilderness experience last? How long will things go on like this? Lord, I know you hear me when I cry Lord I know you see what I am going through

There is hope‌ hope of restitution and restoration. Be secure knowing this is your time and season. What you have been waiting for shall not be stalled or delayed any longer. God works everything out for your good.

So, I ask how long must this go on

Your King will break forth on your behalf and lead you to a place of restoration and abundant blessings.

I heard you when you call the first time

And you shall break forth!

I am with you even now as you are going through some test and trials

And a still quiet voice speaks and says, my child I heard you when you cried

Didn't I tell you that I would never leave you nor forsake you?

I promised to bring you out without a doubt Just hold on and know that I will make all the wrongs in your life right I will make the crooked roads straight Just continue to have faith and trust in me You see, I know you love me and I love you It is all going to be alright Haven't I bought you out before? Minister Paulette Harper

Well, I promised to bring you out again

Author of That Was Then, This Is Now

And when you come out, you will come out like pure gold

www.pauletteharper.com 12 | P a g e

I am fine tuning you right now Can't you see the break of dawn? Look, look again closely there's a ray of sunshine Peaking through the grey clouds Look to the hills whence cometh your help Your help comes from me Just wait and see all the great things I have for you Trust and never doubt for you are surely coming out I know the plans that I have for your life You just wait and see As time goes on Continue to believe and trust completely in me

Written by Cheryl Thomas Copyright © 1/26/07

Fellowship Introductory Scripture (John 17:20-23) ‗‗my prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22 I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one: 23 I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me. The prayer of Jesus reveals God‘s plan for true fellowship: The Quality of Fellowship ―…just as you are in me and I in you.‖ Our fellowship together is linked to the quality of fellowship experienced by the Father and Son. The depth of this love and unity is outworked by the Holy Spirit as we meet in regular fellowship. Christian fellowship then becomes a reflection of the fellowship of the triune Godhead. The Basis of Fellowship ―…I in them and you in me.‖ Christian fellowship only works because we have the same Spirit, making us one body 13 | P a g e

(1 Corinthians 12:14, 20). This fellowship is based on: · Common commitment. 10 Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. (Romans 12:10). Common love. 34 ‗‗A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. (John 13:34) Common focus. 3 We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ. (1 John 1:3) See also Philippians 2:1-2. 12 The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ. 13 For we were all baptized by one Spirit into one body—whether Jews or Greeks, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. (1 Corinthians 12:12-13) Meeting Together 25 Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. (Hebrews 10:25) Regular fellowship between Christians is very important for it is through our fellowship that … The believer grows in Christ. 16 From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. (Ephesians 4:16) See also verses 12-15.

· God is glorified to the world. 35 By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.‖ (John 13:35) See also 17:23. Walking in the Light 6 If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth. 7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. (1 John 1:6-7) Our fellowship embraces the need to be open with one another. This is not something that is a prerequisite for fellowship. Rather it is a result of the trust that develops out of fellowship. This openness includes: Removing all the pretenses. So much of the world‘s fellowship is hypocritical – acting out a role. We can only know people to the extent to which they are prepared to reveal themselves. As we take off the social masks that we put up as barriers between each other, true fellowship begins to have an effect on each person. The love of Christ can then be expressed, not just in word, but from the heart. 22 Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for your brothers, love one another deeply, from the heart. (1 Peter 1:22) see also (1 John 4:7, 11-12.) · Confessing our sins to each other. V.16 Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective (James 5:16). Part of our fellowship to one another is a mutual sense of responsibility. When we confess our sins to each other, this is the highest level of trust. We can then become the instruments of God‘s forgiveness and cleansing to one another. 14 | P a g e

Forgiving each other. For us to experience the continual flow of God‘s forgiveness into our lives, we must forgive one another. 13 Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. (Colossians 3:13) Encouraging one another in obedience. Walking in the light means walking in obedience to the Lord (John 15:10). Fellowship has been designed by God so that each believer is continually encouraged not just to hear the word, but also to do it. (James 1:21-22). 24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. (Hebrews 10:24)


One heart – a bond of love One mind – a bond of purpose

· All things in common – a bond of concern This is the outworking of true fellowship – not of outward rules and regulations. This depth of fellowship is a result of ―walking in the light,‖ and is the answer to the prayer of Jesus: 21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. (John 17:21).

My Commitment: A genuine concern for one another. No hidden motives of self gain should underlie our fellowship. Our desire should be to give, not to get. 3 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. 4 Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. (Philippians 2:3-4). A laying down of one‟s life. 12 My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. 13 Greater love has no one than this that he lay down his life for his friends. (John 15:12-13). Life involves more than physical life. It also includes our material possessions, our personal interests and preferences (James 2:15-16). This means a willingness to share one‘s self. 32 All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had. (Acts 4:32 see also 2:44-45).

Through this study I now understand the importance of having fellowship (koinonia) continually with other Christians. Today I commit myself to being a part of a group of believers to whom I will give my loyalty, my love and my service.


This was a description of the New Testament Church. Their unity in fellowship was expressed on three levels:

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Healthy & Living in Balance

Meditation: “Heal me oh Lord and I shall be healed, save me and I shall be saved, for You are the only one I praise.” - Jeremiah 17:14 This Week's Health Tip: A balanced diet is key. Your approach to your diet should mirror your general approach to achieving balance in your life. We all have a different genetic make-up. Therefore it is important to understand our bodies. I was so relieved when I figured out that ‘sugar” is an enemy to my body. I am not a diabetic, but I had to basically eliminate it from my diet. I would notice that my body had the tendency to get bloated, and my skin had gotten to the point where it was always looking unhealthy, no matter how much I took care of it.

Another issue I’ve had throughout my life was with my weight. I’ve never been obese, but I always seemed to be overweight. I have tried every diet under the sun. I even became a vegetarian for a couple years, until I was told I was anemic. One thing I have learnt to do is to observe my body to the point where I now know my limits. I basically now eat a balanced diet in moderation. I’ve realized that when you are healthy, you do not have to make such an effort to maintain your skin or your weight for that matter. It is just about finding your balance and listening to your body.

Spiritual Retreat: 7 But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him. 8 He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat 16 | P a g e

comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit. - Jeremiah 17:7-8 (NIV) To live in balance is to achieve harmony in every aspect of our lives with Christ at the center. This encompasses the physical, mental, occupational, social, spiritual, and environmental aspects of life. One would think that this denotes seeking perfection, but it doesn’t. Instead, a balanced life is a truthful life. It is living in purpose. I remember a time in my life when I was focused on living outside of myself and far removed from God’s purpose for me. Not only was I unhappy; but also nothing in my life represented who I was and what God wanted me to be, and most importantly – I was not bearing any fruit. I had to go through many challenges, heartaches and failed relationships to realize that the way I was living was not healthy. As I grew in my walk with Christ, he revealed how he was going to heal me of this pattern. It took me a while to grasp that in order to be healed, I had to be obedient. Although he is a merciful God, and he will “never leave nor forsake” us, we can waste a lifetime by failing to be obedient, and that’s just The Truth… The following are some of the steps he has revealed to me over the years. Some of them may seem like clichés but the truth is – life really isn’t as complex as we think it is…the more we seek simplicity is the more attainable a healthy balanced life will seem:

God’s Word and principles align with who you are as a person? 2. Observe your family. What are some of the common issues within your family that are passed down from generation to generation? 3. Determine the things or people that are currently preventing you from being in Purpose. 4. Work on fixing these things by speaking the promises of God into your life with The Word; or if necessary letting go of certain unhealthy relationships in your life. 5. Also, do not rule out seeking help from others.

Be Well and God Bless,

Kaysha Reid Founder/The Divine Wellness Center


1. Figure out who you are in Christ. How does

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Don’t Hide Things from Your Spouse!

angry? You bet! Half hysterical, even. But what was thought to be a loving gesture on the part of his wife, turned on him simply because he was “withholding” information from his wife. Instead of confiding in his wife, communicating the extreme importance, he thought he would simply “not tell her” and hides the money from everyone, including her. This of course, backfired and the smoke and dirt hit his own face. They eventually recovered most of the money, but almost $10,000 was gone. Because he was not open and honest to his wife.

Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together let not man put asunder (Matthew 19:6)

My wife once worked in a Christian daycare where many of the teachers, being women, often expressed to the others present how they did things, said things and confessed things that they never spoke to their husbands about. Often times, yes in a Christian environment, they used and took money and did things not only without their husband’s consent, but in many cases without their husband’s knowledge!

It was reported by the Associated Press on January 6, 2010, 4:39PM, that a Romanian family in BUCHAREST, Romania, lost $57,768 because a spouse did not communicate to the other spouse. The newspapers reported Wednesday that a man from the city of Alba Iulia hid the savings in the shoes without telling his wife. The papers say the wife cleaned house before Christmas and threw the shoes away. The shoes were old, dirty shoes that had been there for some time.

Now you may not think it a big deal to go do things and buy things without the knowledge of your spouse, but it is a dangerous thing for a couple to not share their lives in every way possible. And when a couple begins to show signs of continued separation in lifestyle, choices and expenditures, you can place your bet that it’s only a matter of time before the cracks of carnality and divorce are eminent and will cause this relationship to crumble.

Imagine, actually and literally throwing away $57,768 in the garbage!

Matthew 19:6, “Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.”

The husband was furious! He was outraged! He could not even fathom what to do! Was he 18 | P a g e

It is vital to the longevity of your relationship that you understand the importance of closeness and “unity” in your marriage. If you are doing things behind your spouse’s back, you are divided. And we all know that a “house divided against itself cannot stand” (Mark 3:25) Do not listen to peers or others who are divisive, or have agendas against the opposite sex or your spouse. Stay clear and FAR away from them! We were shortly dealing with a woman who after 20 years of marriage divorced. She fully admitted that she was listening to the wrong person and did the wrong thing. It only takes one or two times to begin the motion of continuance. After you do something once or twice, that you should not have done, your conscience begins to override that Godgiven tug of conviction. Pretty soon, you seek others to make you feel better and support your wrongdoing. Stop now! Turn back to your spouse and know that to be right with God, you must FIRST be right with your spouse! (1st Corinthians 7:5, 1st Peter 3:7, Ephesians 5:22, Colossians 3:18, Ephesians 5:21, Matthew 5:23, 24) When you hide something from God, you are in essence attempting to hide it from God. For God has placed your spouse as YOUR covering of protection. For both husbands and wives. If you seek to make yourself vulnerable outside of that protection, you in essence, “give place to the devil”, and trust us, he WILL come in like a roaring lion seeking to devour.

Let us not be “ignorant” of the enemy’s devices and maintain closeness within the relationship. When we hear of individuals in a marriage speak of how they do things, buy things, go places and be with people, without the knowledge or acceptance of their spouse, we immediately see red flags of grave danger in that relationship. That relationship is no doubt unhealthy and needs immediate attention before it gets worse. If you are in that situation, realize that you have the power to stop in your tracks and get into the right direction. We implore you to see things for what they are, and to take a step in the right direction. Go right away to your spouse and repent before them. They are the ones God placed over you for the blessings and acceptance of God. If you’re not right with your spouse, you are NOT right with God, period. Many among us have a twisted concept that if I “feel” God or if I’m “anointed” and can have goose bumps in the Holy Ghost, and I’m not right with my spouse, then I’m still right with God because of feeling and emotion. You are deceived by your own emotions and our salvation, promises of God, and marriage is not built on how we “feel”, it’s built on the Word and on our “full commitment” to our partner. You can feel God and dance around the church, and still be wrong with God. Your anointing does not dictate your righteousness. It never has. “For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.” (Romans 11:29) Many leaders today still are used mightily by God, but are living in sin and disobedience; right now. Yet they preach under the anointing and shout as if God is totally smiling down on them. Don’t fall for it. 19 | P a g e

The Word is your ONLY source of safety and solace. It alone will tell you if you are right or wrong. So it is with your spouse. They will tell you if all is good, or you are just fooling yourself. Let’s make sure that our relationship is real, and we don’t hide things from our spouse. Can you hide things from God? Nope. You will not prevail, succeed or have God’s blessing on your life and walk if you hide things from your spouse.

Pastors Mike & Trisha Fox State Certified Marriage Mentors Authors of Marriage for Today www.marriagefortoday.com

Let’s allow the Spirit of God to heal us, wash us, soothe our pain, and help us to go back to our spouse and do whatever it takes to become “one” instead of “twain.”

The Battle I close my eyes as the swords are drawn, feeling the clash if iron upon iron the grinding of two passing Spirits. My mind reels while the battle begins, not knowing whether to charge or retreat; the future has been revealed to me, but the wind is often more easily captured than faith. The roaring attack penetrates my screaming soul. I feel completely helpless and defeated, but Light consumes every dark corner around me. Passion rages within my veins and intensifies. I am choking; I can neither move nor speak but the Light…the Light is what keeps my vision clear. Slowly, as I drop my sword and let another take it, the grinding vanishes. It is no longer my soul screaming out…

© Mandy Woodhouse, 2009.

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“But Jonah was greatly displeased and became angry. He prayed to the LORD, ’O LORD, is this not what I said when I was still at home? That is why I was so quick to flee to Tarshish. I knew that you are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love, a God who relents from sending calamity. Now, O LORD, take away my life, for it is better for me to die than to live.’ But the LORD replied, ’Have you any right to be angry? Jonah went out and sat down at a place east of the city. There he made himself a shelter, sat in its shade and waited to see what would happen to the city. Then the LORD God provided a vine and made it grow up over Jonah to give shade for his head to ease his discomfort, and Jonah was very happy about the vine. But at dawn the next day God provided a worm, which chewed the vine so that it withered. When the sun rose, God provided a scorching east wind, and the sun blazed on Jonah's head so that he grew faint. He wanted to die, and said, ’It would be better for me to die than to live.’ But God said to Jonah, ’Do you have a right

to be angry about the vine? ’I do,’ he said. ’I am angry enough to die.’ But the LORD said, ‘You have been concerned about this vine, though you did not tend it or make it grow. It sprang up overnight and died overnight. But Nineveh has more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who cannot tell their right hand from their left and many cattle as well. Should I not be concerned about that great city?’” (Jonah 4:1-11; NIV). God’s HEARTBEAT is gracious; it’s merciful; it’s slow to anger; and it’s of GREAT kindness. Jonah knew this of God. However, he still became angry with God simply because he didn't get his WAY with the people of Nineveh. Still, God showed compassion for Jonah in spite of Jonah’s ways. This goes to show us that regardless how we may feel about a certain city, a certain culture, or a certain individual, God has the last word. He has a HEART with great compassion and love for His people, especially when they TURN from their wicked ways. Jonah didn’t have the HEARTBEAT of God within him. He knew of God, but he was lacking intimacy, he didn’t have the HEARTBEAT of God for the people. How many churches know of God, know of His word, know of his people, but don’t KNOW Him because of the lack of intimacy? How do we become intimate? By spending TIME with Him, by reading His Word, by walking with Him, by talking with Him, by crying out to Him, by acknowledging Him in ALL our ways, and by continuously seeking His face. In other words, by letting down our hair. 21 | P a g e

(Worship). Yes, it’s a process, and the more we draw nigh to Him the more he draws nigh to us. He continuously goes deeper and deeper within us, and His seed starts to grow. Many churches are lacking this HEARTBEAT. Gen 4:1 and 25 tells us that Adam KNEW his wife, Eve, and she conceived. When churches become intimate with the Holy Spirit, they become spiritually pregnant with his seed, His Spirit. This will enable the church to guard, to protect, and to nourish what He has placed within. Ultimately, it causes His love to spring forth like rivers of living water. It causes the church to have a deep love for the things of God. In other words, His HEARTBEAT for His people. By the church staying intimate with Him, His love flows within us. It gives us the power to forgive, the power to dismiss ALL false accusations, the power to be merciful, the power to be gracious, the power to be slow to anger, and the power to give great, loving kindness to the people. Let’s go to church where Sister Cantaloupe and Sister Mango have a disagreement and haven’t taken the time to get it right. Therefore, Sister Cantaloupe, who’s very close to leadership and is in fact a part of the leadership team and sings in the choir, starts sharing her side of the disagreement with others, while Sister Mango just sits-back and silently observes. She notices that everyone who’s a part of this certain group starts treating her with ill-will, even some of the members who don’t know her. They all begin to slander her name and undesirably separate her from all social gatherings, crazy enough that they will not even sit at the same table with her at any of the church fellowships or even sit beside her in

church service. She’s a cast-away, and the people start to display the same action as Jonah. They justify their actions and truly believe that their ways are right, just as the Pharisees (“religious” folks) did with our Lord Jesus Christ. “Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast your name out as evil, for the Son of man’s sake.” (Luke 6:22; KJV). In spite of the treatment, Sister Mango keeps praying, serving and attending church. She cries out to God daily. “Why Lord? Why are they treating me so bad? Can they SEE how much I love them, how can they pick and choose who they should love and accept? Oh God, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” What kind of love is this, that some churches feel as though they can treat people any way they chose, with bad intentions, wrong motives, back biting, and envying one another, and still have the notion to speak in tongues, display their gift of prophecy, fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, show faith that can move mountains, but have not love for one another. Nevertheless, they still think that they are headed for the kingdom of God. The Bible states: “If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not LOVE, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not LOVE, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but 22 | P a g e

have not LOVE, I gain nothing. Love is patient, LOVE is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, and it keeps no record of wrongs. LOVE does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. LOVE never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. And now these three remain: faith, hope and LOVE. But the greatest of these is LOVE.” (1Corinthians 13; NIV). (Capitalization of the word LOVE is by the author for emphasis). Father God, where is the Love? My heart cries out to you, oh God: where is the love for your people in the household of God? “For God so loved

the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16; NKJV) KEY NUMBER TWO “A New command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (Matthew 13:25; NIV). This type of love is called “Agape love.” It is a self-giving and sacrificial love that seeks the good of another, a love that’s careful of others people’s feelings and reputation, denying oneself in order to promote one another. What greater love is it for a sister or brother to lay down their lives for one another? This is the HEARTBEAT of God that needs to be brought back in ALL churches. For God is LOVE.

Chapter excerpt from ―The Heartbeat of God‖ Book by author Andrea Michele Mills Release date March 2010

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We are Free!

Minister B. Michelle Horton

―So if the Son sets you free, you are free through and through.‖ John 8:36 The Message Bible As I reflect upon this month’s celebration of Black History, my mind goes back to last summer’s trip to the continent of Africa and Ghana’s slave forts. There was a multitude of thoughts that went through my mind during the tour. In addition, there was a myriad of emotions that touched my spirit in a profound way. There was anger, unrest, deep sorrow as well as gratefulness for my people who survived what I call our own holocaust. I remember walking in and out of the slave cells and hearing the torturous cries of my ancestors’ whisperings through the wind. It seemed as if I heard thunderous roars and screams of refusal to accept what was totally unacceptable treatment of any human being. There I stood in complete silence, in a place where hopes and dreams were denied, and death (both physical and spiritual) would become imminent. One of my most memorable experiences was walking into the women’s cell.

It was a dark, damp, dank place where young girls were taken before boarding the slave ships. You could smell the heat waffling through your nostrils. There was one window and one door. It was one way in and one way out. Up to 300 women stood, slept, ate and lived in that place at a time. Can you imagine being in a cement and dirt cell with no ventilation, no light, and no sound other than the sound of whimpering and screams due to the horrific conditions they had to “live” in for weeks at a time? Our guide took us to an outside holding place where certain girls were held because they refused to be turned over to the governor. The governor was the head of the slave fort and he and his men would at any time pull a girl out of the cell, clean her up, take her up to their quarters and then rape her. But these women who had already been kidnapped from their home, placed in the captivity of a cell and faced with even more indignities refused (with the supernatural strength of God), to accept even more injurious and desecrating acts. They believed that their body was sacred and they did not want to live if it was violated or given away in any manner besides what God intended. After hearing this story, I found myself weeping and wailing. These young girls 24 | P a g e

would rather leave this earth and be united with God in heaven before giving away what they understood to be their most precious gift. As I look around society today and see the rampant display of dehumanization of women in videos, films, and all sorts of media elements, it saddens me that our ancestors died, even gave up their life, fighting for the right to be a human being. I pray that we never give in to today’s slavery to sex, low self esteem, selfishness, selfdebasement, sin and the affliction of the spirit. We were meant to live life to the fullness; fully able to stand against the wiles of the devil, no matter what form of deception the enemy to our souls produces. We have the right, the responsibility and the privilege of standing on the Word of God. I thank God that He has given us evidence that the shackles used to enslave a people has never and will never be strong enough to keep us bound. We can and should raise our voice in song with our ancestors, and with Martin and all who fought and are still fighting the good fight of faith and perseverance, “Free at last, free at last. Thank God almighty, we are free at last.”

Revelation 22:16 “I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches, I am the root and offspring of David, and the bright and morning star”.

The Shining Star Shining star that shines so bright It was here with us and took flight. It brought peace, understanding, knowledge and power. Could it of just stayed one more hour. Look at how you light up the night You are the ultimate star that shines our way We will not get lost or even stray You shine each and every day. You are the star that lives on and on There is no way we can‘t be strong. You are there always; spring, summer, winter and fall You hear us when we call You are the light in us that can‘t be hid. The light that heals reveals your joy for our life. Shining star that shines so bright You were here and we did not know, 25 | P a g e

You were the shining star that shined so on this earth.

Word in Season:

We did not recognize your true worth. You came, you saw, you went to higher heights You went deep within the depths of darkness And you still shined bright. You were in plain sight and we did not Receive who you were until you were gone.

Sophia Avery, MA

We need your warmth, your care, your Holy Spirit for our flight.

After the Breakup

Help us to be a star that shines bright. Help us both day and night. Lead us to where you could not go, during your time on earth. That we may reach you desired goal. To transform, renew their minds and save their souls. To be a shining star that shines bright. Shining star that shines so bright It was here with us and took flight. It brought peace, understanding, knowledge and power. We are his chosen ones, His daughter and sons. Keep shining in our lives that we may see The star shining bright eternally.

Bridgette Whitney ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 011710

For I know the plans I have for you,‖ says the LORD. ―They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.‖ Jeremiah 29:11 NLT Most of us have experienced the demise of a significant relationship. Inevitably, some form of emotional disturbance follows the breakup. The pain is well documented in a, seemingly, endless number of songs, as Beyonce said, ―…to the left, to the left.‖ We wish someone would just create a pill, publish a manual, or put a video on YouTube to tell us how to recover after the love is gone. Yet, the answer seems to remain a mystery—until now. Let‘s discuss the process of recovering from the heartache of a broken relationship. First step, accept that the relationship is over. This may be the most difficult part of the process, especially if you weren‘t aware of, or in agreement with the demise of the relationship. Feelings of abandonment, rejection, anger, humiliation, and helplessness may overwhelm you, causing 26 | P a g e

intense emotional pain. It will lessen over time, but initially, the best way to cope is to allow yourself to feel the sadness, loneliness, and pain—cry it out, write your feelings in a journal, pray, and/or talk to a counselor. The painful feelings will decrease, in time. If circumstances require you to see or be in touch with your ex, it can be even more painful, and most people don‘t make the best decisions when they‘re in pain. So, speak with a neutral third party (mediator, counselor, or pastor) to help you work out the common things such as division of property, the home, bank accounts, and if there are children, visitation, holidays, summer vacation, and child support. At the very least, try to be civil and professional with each other. You may also have to come to terms with other losses. For example, if you work at the same job, attend the same church, enjoy the same clubs, or share the same friends, one of you may have to walk away from those, too. This secondary loss can cause additional pain that makes a bad situation, worse. Allow yourself to grieve the fact that you‘re losing these people and relationships as well, and then start looking for other organizations and activities that can fill the void. At this point in your life, it‘s important not to look for love anywhere else but within. Second step, after a breakup, you will have to accept that you‘re no longer a part of a couple, and then deal with the ―you‖ that‘s left. You may feel incomplete, lost, confused, and alone--searching for your sense of identity. You may wonder, ―Who

am I without him/her?‖ Unable to answer this question, many of us go into a state of denial, thinking the break-up was only temporary or he/she didn‘t mean it, and you continue engaging in conversation and acting as if the break-up never occurred. This only delay the pain of the break-up, leaving us vulnerable to further pain when you realize our beloved has moved on! The work for you, at this step, is to find out who you are, what you like, and also what you need to do in order to feel complete and whole within yourself. This is the time to really start the healing process and get yourself together. Start dating yourself! Seriously think about what you need to do to make yourself happy. Maybe you always wanted to go back to school, change your hair style, vacation with your boys (or girls), and learn how to cook, start that business, or join a church. It‘s time to ―Do YOU!‖ Invest in yourself, find yourself, know yourself, and love yourself. This is the path to healing. Third step, forgive. The hardest most important thing to do after a break-up is to forgive your ex. Forgiveness is a critical part of healing, because, despite popular belief, it frees you up from the hatred and ill will you hold towards your ex. While you‘re sitting at home with hate in your heart, thinking about every horrible lie he told, angry over all the time you invested in the relationship, and crying about all the hopes and dreams you shared that are now dead, your ex is out with their new love interest…not even THINKING about you. That‘s when you must realize that forgiving

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doesn‘t let your ex off the hook, it sets YOU free! Forgiveness can be difficult, so here are the steps: 1. Accept that it happened to you – It‘s over. 2. Acknowledge the pain you‘re feeling - Let yourself grieve for a while. 3. Admit your part in the breakup- It‘s easy to see what your ex did some wrong, but what did you do? 4. Understand why the problems occurred – Breakups don‘t just happen, they are the result of problems in your relationship. Figure out what the problems were and work through your part in them. 5. Look for the lesson – What did you learn about yourself? What lessons have you learned from having been in this relationship that may help you grow and love better next time? 6. Realize that people are only human and we all need to be forgiven. Sometimes unresolved issues from our past can wreck our current and future relationships. Your ex isn‘t a bad person; they‘re just hurt…and we know ―Hurt people, hurt people.‖ 7. Forgive – Now that you‘ve accepted the breakup, understand what happened, and know what the lessons are, it‘s time to get on with your life. Set yourself free through forgiveness.

sometimes it just changes. You may no longer have romantic feelings for your ex, but you still want to see them prosper and succeed. Then, continue to discover what God has for you. ―We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love. There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us. When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies.‖ Martin Luther King, Jr.

Sophia Avery, MA-Christian Therapist and Donavan Sterling West-Relationship Consultant are a dynamic Relationship Counseling team! If you‘d like further information, discussion or a Couples counseling session, please call us at 215931-3070. Become our FAN on FaceBook! Visit www.facebook.com and search for ―Avery-West Counseling Team‖ or visit our website at www.ChristianTalkTherapy.com

You may realize you still have love for your ex, and that‘s okay. Love doesn‘t have to end when the relationship breaks up— 28 | P a g e

wowing my friends and having the ―perfect‖ figure. As it turned out that drive and determination paid off in a big way; and more often than not, every summer I was hugely successful in my efforts.

―New Year, New You!‖ ―Lose Weight Fast!‖ These messages seem to bombard us all every January like clockwork. But as prevalent as those messages are, most of us never really stick to these types of diets for longer than a few months, let alone a full year. I was a prime example. An avid "yo-yo dieter," since the time I was old enough to know how to do it, I would almost instinctively place myself on intense workout ―boot camps.‖ For sometimes 4 hours a day, I would work out to every program I could find from ESPN to library rentals. As if that weren‘t enough, I would buy a calorie-counting book, in hopes of removing as many unnecessary calories from my meals as possible. Back then, I didn‘t think much about it, and congratulated myself for my commitment to weight loss. But as disciplined as I may have been for that moment, looking back, I think I would call it serious obsessivecompulsion. My pure motivation was on

But despite my dedication each and every summer, I could never make the weight loss "stick." I had the discipline to pull it off, but there was something in my subconscious that would override it. Thankfully, over the past few months, I have received some divine inspiration into the real issue at hand. My focus on what other people thought of me, though starting off innocently enough, actually became a driving force for some really unhealthy habits, which then caused me to eat just to make myself feel better. The whole process reminds me of the Scripture in Proverbs: ―There is a way that seemeth right unto a man but in the end, it leadeth to death and destruction.‖ Knowing what ―death and destruction‖ translates into for you will help you set a watch for it, when it tries to show up in the guise of something particularly attractive. What I was dealing with what a strong case of vanity that would tip me left or right, depending on which way the winds blew. If you didn‘t like me enough, I would go left. If you liked me, I would go right and on and on the story went. Had I known then what I know now, I would have come into the realization that vanity will never take you where you want to go. In fact, it‘s just the opposite. It will have you so focused on your skin that one day you will pick up the wrong product and end up with a skin imbalance that will cause unexpected breakouts for years down the road. Vanity 29 | P a g e

will have you over processing your hair, in attempt to look more doll-like, and you will end up with less hair than you started with. Trust me, I know. I ended up with all of the above. So, in this time and season, make a new year‘s resolution to seek balance and harmony with God and yourself. What is He saying to you? Where is He telling you your focus should be on your body? If you‘ve had a hard time discerning His voice, I can give you a hint: what has your body been saying to you? God is not your flesh, but your flesh was made to follow a certain order; so if it‘s telling you that something is out of order then that‘s God‘s signal for you to use wisdom and do something about it. And as you focus on God, you will be able to love yourself just as He has loved you. As you take a new commitment to health this year, I encourage you to read the next few articles in this series. You will learn amazing information about food and what you need to do in order to live a more healthful life. Trust me; these will be tidbits you DO NOT want to miss! I have discovered some things that I think will shock you too and will ignite a more fruitful life.

Ain-Kamilah Wilson is a global distributor of high-potency health supplements. If you would like to know more information about her vitamins and herbal supplements, please contact her directly at ainkamilah@gmail.com.

Dear God, I‘m writing this epistle, I‘m sealing it with my love, I‘m sending it with blessings to You, on the wings of a precious turtle dove. I‘ve enclosed glory and honor, a song to praise your name, to thank You for Your faithfulness and Your Promise You‘ll never change. I thank You for compassion, Your mercy endureth forever, I thank You dear God for Your Eternal Presence, For being my Holy Father.

Until Then! Ain-Kamilah Wilson Your Divine Inspirations Nutrition & Health Columnist

I thank You Father for pearls of wisdom, You‘ve graciously bestowed upon me, thank You for supplying all my needs according to Your riches in glory. I thank You for my treasures, I found them in Your Word,

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thank You for the wisdom you've stored in Psalms, parables and Proverbs. I thank You dear God for Your commandments, I promise to keep them true, thank You dear Father for loving me, my heart belongs to You. Thank You Heavenly Father for my blessed life, and for Your Holy Spirit too, thank You Father for Jesus Christ, all Glory belongs to You.

Cynthia Boyer www.cyndislightworkdesigns.blogspot.com www.momsinslippers.com http://www.zazzle.com/cyndislightworks12

Is It Safe To Open My Eyes Yet? I don‘t know about any of you but I was so happy for 2009 to over! It was spiritually the roughest year I‘ve had since I‘ve been an adult. I felt as if I was literally crawling across the calendar page to get to 2010, but I made it! And now that I‘ve reached the halfway mark of January, I feel it‘s safe to do a bit of reflection. As I awoke this morning, the image of driving away from an explosion burned into my head. Why I am I telling

you this? Well, for a couple of reasons: 1. God allowed me to drive away from the explosion because where He was taking me to was far greater than my present circumstances. 2. The Word of God says to forget those things which are behind and press on to those things which are before‖, that‘s why your rearview mirror is so small in comparison to your windshield! 3. This last one was deep, and it came from… wait for it….”The Lion King” (I‘m a G and PG kind of Girl; you‘ll learn that soon enough!) The Holy Spirit brought this scene to my memory. Simba has grown and is heading back to Pride Rock and he‘s searching and hurting. Rafiki hits him on the head with a stick. When Simba asks why, his answer was, ―it‘s in the past‖. Rafiki had to hit him a second time, Simba again saying, ―That hurts, why did you hit me?‖ Rafiki‘s reply is, it doesn‘t matter, it‘s in the past. Now I don‘t know how many of you saw this movie, either by yourself - like me – or with children, and totally missed this nugget of wisdom, but the Holy Spirit, sure knows how to get your attention when He needs to! 31 | P a g e

Yes, 2009 for most of us was very painful. You may have lost some friends and loved ones, either by death or by desertion. You may have gone through challenges in your health be it mental or physical. You may have suffered financially and thought you were going to drown. You may have had to let some things go – career, house, car, etc. You may have waivered in your faith wondering if in all of this, God was really listening or if He had turned a deaf ear to your cries. Whatever the case may be, I‘ve come to remind you today that you made it! When I tell you that I crawled over into this year, I meant it. In 2009, I was touched or threatened with nearly everything I just mentioned to you. Lot‘s Wife turned into a pillar of salt because she looked back. I believe it was not only because of disobedience, but also out of fear. The Spirit of Fear causes indecisiveness, you are afraid to make a decision because you are afraid that whatever decision you make is going to be the wrong decision; that indecisiveness than becomes paralysis which then restricts your movement and keeps you bondage, rendering you ineffective for use in God‘s kingdom.

running for! We crawled over into 2010, and started running. And God says, it‘s okay, you can open your eyes now. Your future is brighter and it‘s ahead of you. The past has passed you cannot go back and change the events of time, no matter how badly it hurts. That‘s why it had to be consumed. Anything other than that and we would have been trying to piece things back together with the disaster crew. Not in this season dear, let it go and move on. God has much better in store for you. That is what Restoration and Increase is about. Restoration means the act of putting back into existence or use; to again put in possession of something. Increase means to become progressively greater. That sounds like a great year to me! I‘m not saying that 2010 is going to be without its challenges, because there were some things that tried to creep on over from 2009 that I‘ve had to deal with too. The difference is my attitude. I‘m a princess, not a pauper. I don‘t have to beg or be pimped. I think as required reading (other than the bible of course), every girl and (woman) should read The Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett or at least see the movie (1995).

Restoration and Increase

I will close with these lines from the 1995 movie:

I hear you saying, ―Well now you sound like a preacher. What am I supposed to do now?‖ I am one by the way, but teaching is more my style. I think we should go back to that scripture I gave you in number 2. Phil 3:1314 Paul uses the word picture of running a race, forgetting about the starting blocking and everything else that may have been behind so that he could run the race and reach that ultimate prize. That‘s what we‘re

Miss Minchin: Don't tell me you still fancy yourself a princess? Child, look around you! Or better yet, look in the mirror. Sara Crewe: I am a princess. All girls are. Even if they live in tiny old attics. Even if they dress in rags, even if they aren't pretty, or smart, or young. They're still princesses. All of us. Didn't your father ever tell you 32 | P a g e

that? Didn't he? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0113670/quotes Well if you‘ve never heard it before, Your Heavenly Father is telling you, you are Royalty. My son, my daughter, get ready for restoration and increase. Get ready to know Me like you‘ve never known Me before. You are a King‘s Kid and 2010 is your year. Yours Because of Christ,

Tikoya Monet tmlanier@gmail.com | 313-772-5139 |

If It‘s To Be, It‘s Up to Me Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins. Isaiah 58:1

In the wake of recent world events every believer should reconsider his or her stance to the Great Commission given by Jesus to the disciples. So many things are going on in our world today. Earthquakes in divers places, wars and rumors of war, sickness and disease, and death in our streets. It stands to reason that the pages of holy writ are being fulfilled right before our very eyes. What an awesome time for believers and the greatest hour in Christendom! This prophetic book of Isaiah and chapter in particular outlines details of the nation's hypocrisy and need for repentance. If we think hard enough we all can find areas of our lives where repentance is needed. One of the greatest challenges of our day for believers is to confront and speak out against issues that violate the Word of God. We cannot conquer what we refuse to confess. It is time out for sitting back and allowing the world and secular media to make an outright mockery of The Most High God! We have to cry loud and spare not, even if it means denouncing carnal remarks, profanity, and outright blasphemy against the Word of God. We can no longer allow the world to make so-called "off colored jokes" about the bible. When we as Christian's fell to uphold the blood stained banner then we are blatantly showing that we are ashamed of the Christ of the cross. Everybody is seemingly out of the closets except us. The world has their laws being passed, marches. parades, and pageants to announce and celebrate their ungodly lifestyles. As Christians we should boldly proclaim the name of the Lord. We have to warn, rebuke, reprove, and 33 | P a g e

pronounce the gospel of Jesus. Gone is the day where we should feel like we may offend the world. Impeding danger stands at the door and the judgement of God is being manifested. I refuse to let it be said that I stood by and allowed the enemy to inflict his venom on those in my sphere of influence, only because of fear of rejection from unbelievers. People of God open up your mouths and declare the Word of God. It is our responsibility to bind & loose, and decree & declare Gods Word. Otherwise people will continue to die without a saving knowledge of Jesus. Hence their blood will be on our hands. Peace & Favor~ Evangelist Debra D. Savage Author & Speaker www.DebraSavage.org (901) 502-2853

D.I.V.A.S. (Divinely Inspired Visionaries Anointed Servants)


For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (KJV John 3:16)

Did you know that there are three kinds of love? There is the Eros love, phileo love and the greatest of them all is agape love. Eros love was originated from Greek Mythology and they worshiped the Greek Goddess Aphrodite. This kind of love is the sexual exotic love, only satisfying the physical need, which only last for the moment. Once the thrill is gone, it leaves you with the memory of how good it felt physically and emotionally. This love can be self-seeking fulfilling only his or her desires. It can also be that starry eyed, I want to share my ice cream cone with you romantic kind of love, but if it does not have a foundation to build on it won‘t last. Then there is the Phileo love, which my city, Philadelphia is recognized for, ―The City of Brotherly Love and Sisterly Affection‖. This love demonstrates friendship; your best girl friend or your best buddy, someone you share good times and your bad times with. Someone who says, I got your back. It also exhibits fellowship. Although Phileo love can last for years, when it is challenged by a test or trial, it‘s foundation if not rooted on the right foundation, it too will not last. There is a love that will last forever; it surpasses all our understanding that is Agape love. No matter what kind of love affair you find yourself in, it will never take the place of „The Unconditional Love of God‟. This love made us friends of God, which Jesus gave his life for, “Greater love 34 | P a g e

hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends”, (St. John 15:13, KJV). Jesus ‗love endured the death of the cross, just for those that believed on him, would not perish, but have everlasting life. Unlike eros love and phileo love God‘s love has no limits, His love just keeps on giving and it is the greatest love story ever told. We may receive many gifts in our life time, but there is no greater gift than the gift of love. I‘ll end with this – Love is patient and kind, Love envies no one, is never boastful, never conceited, never rude; love is never selfish, never quick to take offence. Love keeps no score of wrongs, takes no pleasure in the sins of others, but delights in the truth. There is nothing love cannot face; there is no limit to its faith, its hope, its endurance. Love will never come to an end, (1st Corinthians 13:4-8, REB). Elder Mae F. Davis New Life Worship Centre 120 E. Baltimore Pike Lansdowne, PA 19050 Email- davismae@ymail.com Elder Mae F. Davis, Copyrights © 2010

Living The E-Life

Cheryl Shumake I am very excited to be writing this new column for Divine Inspirations Online Magazine. What an honor and awesome responsibility to be able to share with God‘s people in this way. The obvious question to pose at this point is what is ‗E‘ life living? God created us with a passion to display His glory in every aspect of our lives. To live ‗on purpose‘, if you will, with integrity, endeavoring to be in this world in a way that brings pleasure to the King. We are called to think, pray, plan, work, dream, imagine, enjoy and love with an awareness of our Kingdom citizenship. We are called to live with definitive authenticity that we have been Emancipated, released, untied, unfettered from the restrictions of sin and death by the blood of Jesus; that we have been Equipped, prepared to accomplish, provided with the necessities, furnished, outfitted and armed by the Word of God; we have been Empowered, authorized, sanctioned, given legal and lawful right, by the Holy Spirit to live victoriously in this life and do the work ordained for us by God since the beginning. E Life living is living in a way as to make as little noise as possible about ourselves and a whole lot of noise about the greatness of our God. 35 | P a g e

Is this credible living? Rooted in reality? Not according to the world‘s standards. The world‘s view of ‗real life‘ is markedly different from that of Kingdom of God‘s. In fact, the two realities are polar opposites. The world summons us to a life in pursuit of personal pleasure and satisfaction. Get that big paying job then you can have everything you want. But how many people do you know are unhappy in their chosen career yet unable to quit because they need the money to feed their appetite for things? Get the man or woman you want then you will be happy. But how many people do you know, so desperate for validation they settled and ended up in a less than ideal or even abusive relationship? The world encourages us to be single-mindedly focused on making self happy and successful, spinning the lie that the universe is somehow ‗obligated‘ to fulfill our every desire. We are applauded by the world when we make sure no one ‗gets over‘ on us, rewarded when we reach the top of the corporate ladder and congratulated for each new material possession added to our coffers. The beckoning of the Kingdom is diametrically opposed to this self-focused existence. We are invited to discover the beauty of Christ, the wonder of being seen fully in all of our gory details yet loved unconditionally, then to respond to that love with every fiber of our being. We are enticed to boast in Jesus instead of our own feeble strength. We are encouraged to find comfort in offense, pain and even death, by magnifying the Lord no matter what, rather than seek our own way. The goal of life becomes knowing God and pointing others to Him as an alternative to the empty

procurement of things. We are called to a life of self-denial but remain confident and expectant that the light afflictions we endure cannot be compared to the exceeding weight of glory that awaits us. The inheritance of the former is frustration, disquiet, strife, greed, jealousy, envy, dissatisfaction and desperate hunger. Nothing satiates because you were not made to live this way. Since you are always in pursuit of the next best thing, you are always empty. Ultimately, the portion of the former is literal, physical, spiritual and eternal death. The heritage of the latter, however, is contentment, inner wholeness, joy, peace, righteousness, the assurance of Kingdom privileges now and eternal life to come. This upside-down way of living is entirely achievable. Primarily, we are not left to our own devices. God Himself is working in us both the desire and the ability to accomplish His good pleasure. Secondly, it is not as hard to attain as these lofty words may imply. Emancipation was consummated for us on the Cross. No assembly required. Equipping happens much like weight loss happens. When we eat right and exercise, we do not even have to concentrate on the result, weight loss happens as a matter of course. Study the Bible, spend time in personal prayer, find a good teaching church, equipping will happen naturally. Empowering is the work of the Spirit as we yield ourselves to Him in obedience to His leading. Empowered for what? To do all to the glory of God in the moment in which we are solicited. Last week I was empowered to go out to lunch with a neighbor who has questions about what it means to follow Christ. I made myself available to the Lord, 36 | P a g e

He opened the door, I listened and walked through it. Two days ago I was empowered to teach at a conference. In this moment I have been empowered to write this article. As soon as I am finished with this article I will be empowered to minister to my family by cleaning the kitchen. We will explore these themes in more depth in future columns but it remains that the execution is simple. The choice is ours. I do not know about you but I am intent on living the E Life!

A Brief Moment with Rey Perez Interview By Robert Sells

Rey: My name is Rey Perez, but before I answer any question, I would like to give my love and respect to my long time friend Rev. John McQueen (The Biker Pastor), and Ken Rich, for their love and hard work. They took in my project with love and patience as their own project. Thank you guys, love and respect. I praise God for you brother Sells for giving me the opportunity to share my ministry through your ministry. Thanks, To God Be the Glory. It‘s all for Jesus. I was born in Manhattan, New York, and grew up in Puerto Rico. For the past fifteen years I have ridden 350 thousand miles all across the USA. Some of the places I have visited - Sturgis for the past 10 years, Dayton Bike Week, Myrtle Beach, Laconia, and many other rallies in-between.

Introduction: In this issue, I have the pleasure of introducing you to an incredible warrior for God. When I first heard this man‘s story I had to feature him in the magazine. He is such a powerful force for God with the Biker ministry that the Lord has given him. But he operates in humility. Sit back, relax, and be blessed by this mighty man of God‘s testimony, Mr. Rey Perez. DIM: Tell us a little bit about yourself?

It has been an awesome journey!! You know the best part of the journey is the people we meet along the way. Before I go out on the road and by-ways, I pray and study the road maps and I ask the Lord to help me to choose the route that He wants for me. I pray to be in the right place at the right time. for divine appointments, favor and grace. A big part of my ministry is giving the gospel in the form of DVD, CD and Tracks. I also play with various bands in different rallies. My first target is the 1% Biker Clubs, other regular bikers, and anyone that the Lord puts in my path.

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As I travel, sometimes I try to get off the big highways and go into the back desert roads, where you meet various people that also need the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It‘s interesting to see the expression on regular people‘s faces, when they see a Biker giving out the Word of God. The Gospel is not just for the rich and famous, but also the junkies in the street. It's for the good the bad and the ugly - we all are the same in Gods eyes. I have been very successful (by the grace of God) in spreading His Word.

years we have lived in Virginia, to God be the Glory - Isaiah 58:14 DIM: How did your ministry band get started? At this present time I have no band, but that is not a problem. The musicians that I know, they all read music. They are long time friends. We can put a band together in one or two weeks, that is if the Lord provides the resources. I believe that whatever He leads He also provides. DIM: What inspired you to write songs?

I have been a musician since I was 16 years old, and I play several types of instruments. Percussion and piano is my strong suit. I have been fortunate to play in places like Madison Square Garden and Shea Stadium in New York, for crowds of 10 and 20 thousand people. I have traveled all over the US and overseas doing concerts.

First of all I LOVE JESUS and secondly I love music. You put these two together and the result is Jesus my Savior and best friend, He is my inspiration. Again it‘s all about Him.

I played for the Nicky Cruz Singers in the early 80‘s. That is Nicky Cruz the bestselling books; The Cross and the Switch Blade and Run Baby Run. The Lord also opened a door in Puerto Rico, with my brother Nano, to record The Road Warrior the title of my CD.

My technique is as Isaiah 42:10 Sing to the Lord a New Song. I get a desire, I sit at the piano, and before I know it - I‘m having a private jam session with the Lord, and He has brought forth an inspiration of a new song.

Nano is a high ranking musician who travels all over the world, and I have been blessed to have his support. Likewise, my sister Nilsa is the beautiful female voice you hear in two of the tracks.

DIM: Do you have any specific techniques you use for your song writings?

DIM: Have you or your group got any plans in the future? Rey: At this present moment I do not have any plans. I‘m watching the outcome of The Road Warrior CD, in order to best plan my next move.

I have been married 36 years with my sweetheart from my youth. We have two children, two beautiful granddaughters, and another one on the way. For the past 25 38 | P a g e

DIM: What has been the best part about being in the music ministry as a singer, performer, or musician? Rey: The best part about being in the music Ministry for me is to feel the anointing of the Holy Spirit while I‘m playing, and the most important part is to see the crowd receiving that anointing. I have a deal with the Lord, ―Lord don’t let me do anything for you, if your anointing does not go before me‖ The anointing of the Holy Spirit is the force that breaks any yoke, and is the stamp of approval of His presence. In my opinion, if the anointing of the Holy Spirit is not there, then it‘s a big waste of time and resources. I try my best not to be on that kind of road. When I‘m performing my music, I do my best to put in my mind that I‘m playing for God first, and then the crowd. Isaiah 40:22 It is He who sits above the circle of the earth. When the praises are going up, His glory and His anointing comes down. It‘s at that moment when anything can happen, and will happen! Healing, Deliverance and Salvations. As we are praising and worshiping, we are also in a spiritual warfare:

Rey: Yes, in all of my songs there is a reflection of my faith. For example The Road Warrior it‘s the true story of my ministry. I am a Warrior for God and His kingdom, a road warrior for His coming kingdom. I am a warrior, a warrior for the light - with my sword on hand, wasting demons left and right. Brother Sells, if you allow me, let me make an invitation to everyone out there.

The World‟s Worst Gamble What you think is the right Road may lead to death. The Good News Bible Proverbs 14:12 Gambling is a billion dollar business. A man might lose his savings and home on the turn of a card. But there‘s one gamble even a Las Vegas professional shouldn‘t take - his own soul. Observe the odds: ―For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?‖

Ephesians 6:12 says, ―For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual host of wickedness in the heavenly places”.

You see, there‘s no way a man can SAVE his own soul from hell.

DIM: Are there examples of your faith that show in your song writing? If so what are they?

He said: ―I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me.‖

All the money in the world won‘t buy it. It can only be saved by receiving God‘s gift of eternal life… which is JESUS CHRIST.

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Call Him liar – if you like. But what if you‘re WRONG? That‘s the gamble. You lose your soul and everything! Why risk the torment of HELL when Jesus offers you ETERNAL LIFE in heaven? Here is His offer: If you believe… pray like this: ―Father God, I repent and ask you to forgive my sins, Jesus come into my heart and make me the kind of person You want me to be. DIM: Where can people find your music and/or products? Rey: My music can be found at the following locations: http://www.reyperezmusic.com/ http://indigospel.org/profile/ReyPerez CD Baby Napster Amazon Search: Rey Perez - The Road Warrior Your Servant, Rey Perez Jesus Mailman

Women Of Zion By Stylicia A. Bowden Investing In You As the year 2010 has crept upon us many have made specific goals to accomplish for the year. However, before the months start to pass you by make a decision to spend important time into investing in the most important person to God, which is you. Sometimes as women we give, nurture and pour out so much we begin to neglect our needs, wants and desires. It is a woman‘s nature to give but we also must learn how to receive and give back to ourselves. Some people may consider focusing on “you” is selfish; but I disagree with this concept because if you do not take care of yourself then no one else will either. It is important that you take a month to reevaluate all the areas of your life you have neglected from health, wealth, mental, emotional and spiritual components of your life. These particular components make you the person you are as a whole and if you neglect these key things then you will be empty. In 2009 I realized how unhappy I was not because God was not blessings me because he was greatly but I was constantly pouring out to others and not planting a firm foundation within myself. It is so easy to neglect your needs especially if you are a person that has a giving spirit. I had to learn to not only be a cheerful giver but be a cheerful receiver. So in your time of writing your goals for 2010 include yourself as number one on the list.

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Here are some helpful ways to invest in “you” for 2010: 1) Write a list called your deserve affirmation list. This will consist of all the things you deserve in all areas of your life. No more neglecting yourself and denying yourself what you deserve the most. 2) Take 2-4 weeks to reestablish the areas you neglected the most whether it is your spiritual, emotional or healthy part of you. 3) Learn to say “NO” to others when you have not helped yourself first, you cannot minister to someone else if you are empty. 4) Prophesy in your own life. Speak life in your life and do not just believe for others believe for yourself. 5) Be diligent with keeping a routine on making quality time with yourself. 6) Once a month take time to fulfill all areas of your life from mental, emotional, spiritual and natural 7) Last but not least tell yourself “I deserve all the things I neglected about myself because I Am An Important Investment.‖ Until next time meditate on this, you are the salt of the earth you cannot lose your flavor. (New International Version, Matthew 5:13)You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men.

Christian Frustration Part III

How did I get here Lord? I feel like I’m all alone I feel like dying Please take me home Lord can you hear me? I’m ready to talk to you now You said you’re a God of grace Help me please come to me now I don’t know what I’m doing here I’m trying to cry but I can’t shed a tear I’m trying to find my night light That held back all my fears I’m trying to get some water To cool this fire that is starting to sear My flesh Lord please help me find My way back to you Why’d you let me get away? Why did you let me choose the wrong way? Why did you let me go day by day? Doing things my way Taking my drugs Through a straw from a tray Cursing and lying And saying what I wanted to say Skipping church service To stay at hotels and play Getting drunk and high day after day Sleeping with women As a means of escape Not just refusing to read my bible But throwing it away Lord I’d rather be where you are Why can’t I be with you? 41 | P a g e

I’m so angry that pastor pushed me away I’m so mad that church usher chased me away I’m so hurt that choir member Shooed me away I’m so sad that ministry leader Cursed me out and led me astray And I left your house… and you Lord I didn’t want to leave you Just the church I was in With every abuse Enacted on me I hurt within With every person who said They were saved but teased me I was wounded within With every believer who mistreated me I created another reason to sin I thought by leaving that church I would win I thought by running from people I was running from sin I thought when I read the bible once I stored all your knowledge within I thought I was nicer than them You’d be proud of me I thought that if I gave to enough charities I didn’t need you to talk to me I thought if I just helped enough people Get to where they need to be Thought maybe you’d leave those church folks here And come and get me Now I don’t know what to do I’m stuck here in these flames Demonic figures all around me Shredding my skin from its frame Men, woman and children I’ve hurt I’m feeling all of their pain Everyone I’ve done wrong in my life My mind is returning all of their names All around Darkness is so thick It crushes my body and won’t let go A demonic vise grip Little by little it’s cracking my bones

I’m trying with all of my might But with nothing But intense searing pain I feel myself losing this fight I’m ready to give up Ready for my soul to take flight But I can’t move For the massiveness of night Just pulls me back again The demon imps that dance around me Just claw at my feet again The flames comes in like waves And burn off my skin again Lord I don’t want to be here anymore Please help me get away I’m praying for death To take my soul But it won’t oblige me My pain is forever in this awful place Oh my Jesus why have you ignored me Oh please God if I’m never going to leave here Please get this message to my family This place is real For all who deny you Tell them I said to come to you Forget those believers who are nothing but Killers of their future with you Forget about the church people Who do them wrong Who mistreat them and ignore them Who create their groups That others can’t be a part of For them there is judgment for sure But please don’t allow them To cause you to end up here Accept Jesus now and change your life Before it’s too late Read your bible pray everyday You see I now know this place is real But it’s too late to save myself Accept Jesus today not tomorrow Because one day, when you close your eyes You just may wake up in hell. © 2009 Robert T Sells – all rights reserved

Lord how do I get back to you 42 | P a g e


John G. Taylor, MA Clinical/Christian Therapist

The Emotional Cost of Caring for Others; the World of Compassion Fatigue How many times as Christians have we heard, it‘s important to care for others as we care for ourselves. We have been constantly told that God has called us to care and minister to others. While this is true I want to talk about the emotional cost that caring for others has on the lives of people that believe that this is their calling. You may be called to be a pastor, ministry leader, deaconess, deacon, lay counselor, therapist, school teacher, caring for a loved one, choir director or any other helping professional. We find many scriptures that encourage us to give and be there for others. The scripture that I think of is Philippians Ch. 2 verse 4

states: Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interest of others. This scripture makes people place a responsibility on themselves to be all things to all people in order to be seen as upholding the Christian way. This has proven to be very emotionally taxing on the psyche. There is a level that some people reach where they can‘t do it anymore or they feel if I have to pray for one more person, attend another funeral, hear another awful story, smile again, and be all these great things I‘m going to lose my mind. This friend is called Compassion Fatigue.

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So you are probably asking what is Compassion Fatigue, compassion fatigue has been described as the ―cost of caring‖ for others in emotional pain. The focus behind compassion fatigue is that helpers are profoundly affected by the work they do. There are two different types of exposure to trauma (1) Direct exposure, this is experienced by helpers that are directly exposed such as: medics, hospital workers and police officers these people usually are the first responders to any crisis or trauma event. Most of us follow in the second category of (2) Secondary exposure, this occurs when we hear a client talk about a traumatic event that they have experienced. This secondary exposure can be seen as we deal with clients that are in chronic despair, people that seem to have the inability or will power to move ahead despite our best efforts, or people that are facing helplessness in the face of poverty, starvation, homeliness and emotional anguish. This has been a problem for a while but as helpers we at times feel ―guilty‖ complaining about the very people that we have been called to help and complaining about our emotional overload when we see that the people were helping are an emotional mess. This feeling of guilt has lead many helpers to suicide, depression, burn out and the destruction of their lives such as: divorces, failed personal relationships, and isolation and career changes. The signs and symptoms of compassion fatigue are: (1) Preoccupation with your work, you are always thinking or talking about it

(2) Sleep difficulties (3) Overwork or avoidance of work (4) A sense of futility about your work, ―it doesn‘t matter what I do people will still have problems‖. (5) Anxiety and depression (6) A feeling of weariness about what you do. (7) Irritability (8) Discouraged about the world (9) Difficulty concentrating (10) Intrusive imagery You don‘t have to experience all of these but experiencing a few could be your signal that you are suffering from compassion fatigue. The first step like any things else and the same things that we tell our clients is admitting that this is your issue and being able to talk about it with others. As I‘m writing this I can‘t help but think about the first responders, aid workers, doctors, rescuers, police, news reporters, nurses, military personnel and family members that are on the ground and are dealing with the earthquake in Haiti and the great responsibly they feel to get order and help to over 2 million people. The interesting thing about compassion fatigue is that it can happen at any time during the trauma sharing stage meaning for some people they can work in this area for years and experience it later or some can be new to field and have a sense that they want to help everyone and immediately feel 44 | P a g e

compassion fatigue. The most important thing is to know yourself and listen to your body because your body will always give you signals and the challenge is recognizing them and doing something about it.

all the time isn‘t healthy. It‘s important that we take care of ourselves emotionally, spiritually, physically and mentally in order to be best help to the people that God has called us to serve.

If you are experiencing compassion fatigue you may ask what I can do; here are some helpful tips for you:

For more information on Compassion Fatigue:

(1) Consult with a Therapist (2) Remind yourself about and talk about some success stories that you have. (3) Re-evaluate your expectations and signs of success

www.workshopsforthehelpingprofessions.ca ―Treating Compassion Fatigue‖ by Charles R. Figley To contact John Taylor, MA www.Johngtaylor.com

(4) Remind yourself why you are doing this work (5) Set proper limits to separate home and work issues (6) Exercise regularly (7) Spend time with supportive people (8) Schedule a vacation (9) Most important remember that while you are taking care of others‘ it‘s crucial to remember to take care of yourself. In conclusion I hope that this has been helpful for you or helpful for you to share with others that you know who are constantly working with others. Also understand that it‘s ok to say that ―I‘ve had enough for today‖ and I‘ll pick this up again tom morrow. As helping professionals we have to know that the ―guilt‖ we feel about not making ourselves available to everyone

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The Cost of Destiny By Minister Jaketha Farmer


here are three different types of people in the world – those who think, those who talk and those who do. In the pursuit of a life of destiny, all three must be properly assembled in our lives if we want to be “fully” utilized for God's glory. The question is – “Are we truly ready, willing and able to think, talk and do what He requires of us?” Consider a three-dimensional (3D) object like a box. It has length, depth and height. It is best utilized when all sides are properly and firmly connected and it is in good working condition. Once it is fully assembled, only then can it be used as it was intended. Take a sheet of notebook paper, which is a twodimensional (2D) object. A single sheet of paper could never be used to replace a box. As a matter of fact, paper can only handle lightweight markings and few attachments before it buckles under pressure. So, 2D means it has length and height but is void of depth. Now, imagine a straight line, which is considered one-dimensional (1D). It has length but it is without height or depth and thus could never be used in the same way as a box or a sheet of paper. Each of these dimensions has its purpose and its limitations. So consider this: the higher one’s

dimension, the greater their capacity to achieve a life of destiny. At the very least, destiny is 3D, which is why God wants each of us to think, speak and live a life beyond our capacities. It is written in His Word that He is able to do excessively, abundantly and above all that we may ask or think. But many times, we have not because we either fail to ask in the first place, do not believe that we will receive it, or we ask with the wrong motives, such as asking for things that are completely outside of His Will for us (see James 4:2-3). Destiny requires that you think the right thoughts, speak at the right time to the right people and act on those thoughts in proper alignment with God's Will. It sounds complicated but really, it is not. We must listen to and obey the Holy Spirit, crucify the flesh and change negative attitudes and beliefs and in the midst of the process, a life of destiny will slowly emerge. Unfortunately, many Christians fall in a single category. Some live 1D lives; while others live 2D lives and few if any target the third dimension. Think of it this way: a life without destiny is a limited-capacity life. In other words, excessive thinking without follow-through

results in an unfinished life; while talking to any and everyone about what we are thinking and doing is unfulfilling especially if our words return void. Just as acting without properly planning and strategizing is pointless too.

Therefore, the total cost of destiny includes but is not limited to complete obedience, wisdom in planning, periods of trying and testing of our faith (see James 1:2-4) and sacrifice. Each of these is not optional but required.

The Price of Destiny

The hardest part is being tried and tested. Many would prefer a "zap" from God for the lives they desire with little if any work on their part, which is considered 1D thinking. Those with 3D mindsets understand that God has given us everything we need (see 2 Peter 1:3-9) but all of us were willing to pay the cost for a 3D life.

In economics, price is defined as the cost at which something is obtained. Spiritually speaking, Jesus is the price tag for our salvation. Through His birth, death, burial and resurrection, the price for the remission of our sins was paid. So, are we devaluing destiny because we do not understand the price He paid? The Value of Destiny As commonly quoted by William Buffett, “Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.” In economics, value is considered the extent to which something is deemed valuable or desirable. Many Christians value a seat in heaven in the “next life”, but few if any actually desire much of anything in this life. So, are we missing the mark of destiny because we do not understand its value in our lives right now? The Total Cost of Destiny The Bible says that we should “count the cost” to ensure that we have what it takes to start and finish (see Luke 14:28-30). So, how much does a 3D life cost us? First of all, there is nothing we can do to earn destiny. As the Bible indicates, those that God foreknew, He also predestined (see Romans 8:29). So, our life of destiny is already assembled and waiting on us to unwrap it. But, it is up to us to take that step.

Last Month’s Challenge In “Making Your Seasons a Reality in 2010” (Jan. 2010), readers were challenged to pick at least three days to continuously pray and seek God about His direction for their lives. This Month’s Challenge Ask yourself these hard questions: 1. Honestly, which kind of life am I living? 1D | 2D | 3D (circle one) 2. In what specific ways have I devalued the price that Jesus paid on the cross for my sins? 3. In what ways am I getting in the way of God’s Will for my life?

Finally, prayerfully ask God what you need to do today to align with His Will and begin living a destiny-focused life. MIN. JAKETHA FARMER is a licensed minister and the Founding Pastor of the online “40-Day Challenge” (http://40daychallenge.ning.com ); Producer & Host of GOT ISH-OOS™? Talk Radio. Visit her online at http://www.jaketha.com. For questions or comments, email her at divine@jaketha.com.

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Are you ready for a Fresh New Year? By Filoiann Wiedenhoff This past year has brought a lot of growth, joy, blessings and also painful trials and hardship. My family and I have grown so much and at the same time we have been spiritually, mentally and physically pruned back for future growth. I guess you could call it growing pains. Did I forget to mention along with pruning there was also spiritual warfare? Although the pruning process and spiritual battles can seem lonely and indeed painful at the time we understand God is with us and that He allows it in our lives to grow us, strengthen us and refine us to bear more fruit. I’m not one to welcome pain or suffering but I know by faith God is faithful and sovereign and uses it to make us more like Christ ….but ouch does it hurt at the time. “For I

reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. - Romans 8:18 KJV The encouragement we receive from God to persevere through is the fruit God bears through our personal relationships with Him and our ministries. When we see how far we have come and what God has delivered us from, brought us through and how He took us out of the miry pit and set us upon a rock and also when we look around our congregation or when I receive encouraging notes through my writing ministry, we see how God has changed lives, renewed marriages, restored relationships and brought healing. We rejoice because

we know and understand that it isn’t us but God working in us and we are so blessed and thankful to Him for allowing us to see glimpses of His faithfulness. It encourages us that though times have been hard and difficult it has also been fruitful and that makes all the trials we have gone through well worth it. I believe God reveals a taste to us to keep us moving forward by faith reminding us that He is working behind the scenes and at the same time in us and through us and that it’s not us anymore. In Galatians it says, “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and

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gave Himself for me. – Galatians 2:20 NKJV

The word that keeps coming to my mind for 2010 is, “Fresh”. It’s not necessarily a biblical term but I took a look at the Webster’s Online Dictionary and it gave these definitions:

1. Full of or renewed in

vigor : Vigor = active bodily or mental strength or force 2. Refreshed = restore, refresh, revive, renovate 3. Free from taint: Pure. 4. Received newly or anew.

After looking at these definitions I was amazed to see that fresh means; full of or renewed in vigor, pure, refresh, restore, revive, renovate and received anew. At first when I looked at these definitions it didn’t sound right to me. When I think of a ripe fresh banana I don’t see it as refreshed or renewed. I then recollected the idea that when an old house is being restored; what is one of the first things we want to do? We want to give it a fresh coat of paint.

We are transforming something that may be old to be like new by just adding some fresh touches. A few fresh additions can go a long way to a house that needs repairs and restoration and in most cases adding a new roof, new flooring and other new necessities to an old house can transform it to be anew.

Are you ready for a fresh and anew touch from God this year? Filled with vigor that is active bodily, mental and I will add spiritual strength? I don’t know about you but I certainly am! Perhaps you are in need of renewal, revival, restoration or refreshment. Turn to God in faith and allow Him to heal, refresh and restore you and He is faithful. Matthew chapter six tells us not to worry but to seek Him first because He knows everything we need. I encourage you to read the entire chapter it will bless you and remember seek Him (Christ) first and all these things shall be added or given to you.

“Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our

outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal. For we know that if our earthly house, this tent, is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed with our habitation which is from heaven, -2 Corinthians 4:165:2 NKJV

Whether this past year was considered a good year or bad year; we can look back and see God’s faithfulness and also that He was with us through it all. We can now look forward in anticipation that this New Year will be a fresh year of God’s handy work, His Glory and yes I will say it again His faithfulness filled with mercies that are new every morning and the plans that He has for us. He 49 | P a g e

gives us daily manna from heaven through His Word and Holy Spirit and as our Heavenly Father He knows everything we need and will provide for us.

I believe the word, “Fresh” is a sovereign proclamation for this New Year. My prayer is that God will give us a fresh heart, a fresh spirit, a fresh purpose and also a fresh vision that can only come from Him, from heaven above to glorify His name.

My question again is, “Are you ready for a fresh new year? Are you ready to let go of you, your desires, your wants and grab a hold of Him and live for Him? To say in your heart to God, “Not my will but thy will be done?”

If you aren’t ready yet I encourage you to pray that God would make you ready and prepare your heart for whatever He has for you. According to Jeremiah 29:1113, God knows the plans He has for us, plans for good and not for evil; to give us a

future and a hope. Let us stand on His promises and walk forward by faith heeding His call and He is faithful.

Time is short and I believe He desires for us to be about our Father’s business in a fresh and powerful new way, filled with His Spirit; Confident in His Victory knowing the battle has already been won in Christ. I challenge you once again to pray and ask God to make you ready and give you a fresh heart to serve Him by faith and see what God does.

“But you have not so learned Christ, if indeed you have heard Him and have been taught by Him, as the truth is in Jesus: that you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness.” Ephesians 4:20-24 NKJV

Dear Heavenly Father, Refresh me and make me new and show me your Glory through your son Jesus. Please give me a fresh heart and renewed spirit that says, “Not my will but your will be done.” I want to live for you Jesus by surrendering and allowing you to live through me that you and your name sake would be glorified through me. In Jesus name I pray. Amen!

Filoiann Wiedenhoff is a pastor’s wife, woman’s biblical counselor, writer and columnist. You can visit her website at www.filoiannwiedenhoff.co m and sign up for her free membership newsletter.

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GOD CAN Mylow Young





















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Remembering Is For Elephants, Not Your Spouse

How many times have you did something to your spouse that you knew was going to go into the ―How could you do me wrong‖ archives? There have been times that I can remember when I was dating if I treated a woman wrong whether it was intentional or not, she would not let me live it down. If I stayed with her for any amount of time, whenever we would argue it would come up again. ―Do you remember when you did (you fill in the blank)?‖ That‘s what she‘d say, ―Don‘t let that happen again. I feel like you‘re going back to that point and I don‘t feel like going through that again. You‘re never going to change are you?‖ Does the previous conversation sound familiar to you? I‘m sure

that any one of you reading this that is or has been married or in a relationship for any period of time has experienced this at one point or another. The problem is that this conversation is a building block to destroying your marriage. I know this is a strong statement but the scriptures are full of knowledge that supports this statement. In Proverbs 21:19 the bible says, ―It is better for a man to live on the corner of the roof than live with a quarrelsome woman‖. (Also see Proverbs 25:24) This is just saying that it is very difficult to live in the house with a spouse who argues all the time. This reason this is a building block for the destruction of your marriage is because it goes against scripture. The scriptures say that God never remembers our transgressions once we repent and ask for His forgiveness. (Psalms 103:12). Why does God forget? Because once we have asked for forgiveness there is no reason to continue to be upset. When we carry unforgiveness in our heart it causes us to be out of relationship with God. This is what Jesus talked about in Matthew 6:14-15

when He was teaching the disciples how to pray. God instructs us in His word to forgive our transgressions as we forgive those who transgress against us. So if God is willing to forgive us for the things we‘ve done to Him when we grieve His Holy Spirit by continuing to sin, shouldn‘t we be willing to forgive our mates when they say or do things that upset us? There will be times during our marriage that we get so angry at our spouses that we come to a position of choosing whether or not we will allow that thing to fester and grow and eventually cause a division in our marriage. Here‘s how it works: 1. A man forgets to add an amount to the checkbook and it causes some transactions to be overdrawn. His wife forgives him but she doesn‘t forget. 2. A wife uses the debit card to purchase something that will benefit the house but forgets to tell her husband about it and once again, the checking account is overdrawn. He 53 | P a g e





forgives her but he doesn‘t forget. A husband is caught drinking again once he told his wife he will never drink again because of how it caused so much tension in their marriage. The wife forgives him but she doesn‘t forget. A wife is caught doing drugs by her husband when she said she would never do it again because of all the times there was no money left to pay bills. The husband forgives but never forgets. A husband has a baby by another woman while he‘s still married and his wife finds out. It causes a serious strain on the marriage but his wife forgives him. But she never forgets. A wife is caught cheating on her husband with a good friend of his and this causes a separation. They work it out, get back together. He forgives her but he never forgets.

Now watch this: Some 10 years later after all of these problems occur in the marriage, the husband forgets to pick up some milk at the store and his wife goes absolutely ballistic! She calls him everything but a child of God. She reminds him how he always forgets to enter things in the checkbook. He reminds her of the times she forgot to put entries in the checkbook and how angry he got when she did that. She fires back with how he always tries to drink alcohol behind her back and he returns with a heavy barrage of all the times he came home and smelled marijuana in the bedroom. She then calls his baby by another woman a very bad name and he then yells at her and reminds her of all the times she was in an extra-marital relationship with his best friend. How could she do that to him? How could he do that to her? That‘s it!!! It‘s over!! How did they get there? They got there one destructive building block at a time. You see we must remember that the devil causes discord in our marriage one incident at a time. It doesn‘t seem like you‘re headed for divorce when you argue about not

putting the toilet lid down or about why the bacon is cooked too crispy. But you are headed for divorce. Why do I say this? Because every time your mate does something to you and you forgive them but don‘t forget it, you are building up a wall that will eventually come in between you and your spouse. Every time you bring up a past mistake, you thrust another knife through your spouse‘s heart. Every time you remind them of how stupid they were when they did something 10 years ago, you give them another reason to hate you. And believe me it can happen before you know it. Love your spouse with all your heart, mind, and soul. This requires sacrifice. That means letting go of the things they did knowingly or unknowingly to you. That means accepting them for who they are because they are still the same person you married in the sight of God. Love your spouse because the bible tells us to. (Ephesians 5:22-28) When we truly love our spouse we will let those things go that can disrupt a happy marriage. Don‘t allow the devil to enter in and build destruction. Instead allow God in so He 54 | P a g e

can build love on a solid, firm foundation. Your marriage will be much better for it when you do. God gives us all the opportunity to choose Him. When we don‘t choose God, we invite the devil to come in and destroy our marriage by reminding us of all of our mate‘s imperfections. This can cause major discord and even lead to divorce in the worse case scenario. But when we choose God, He places a hedge of protection around us so our marriage is protected from the flaming darts of the enemy. *Additional scriptures Isaiah 59:1-2, Hebrews 9:22, 1 Peter 3:18, Ephesians 1:7, Isaiah 43:25, Psalms 32:1-2, Philippians 3:13-14, Jeremiah 15:19, John 1:9, 2 Timothy 2:13 © 2010 Robert T. Sells – All rights reserved

to go, and I had no idea what to expect.

Mary‘s Story By Mandy Woodhouse I saw her from at distance and tried not to stare. Having been in Gulu for nearly a week now I had seen some tragic things, but her appearance was by far the most sobering. Heavily mutated scar tissue where an ear once sat, missing lips and only a small bump for a nose is what I noticed before becoming aware of her incredibly tiny frame. The next thing I noticed about her almost immediately was the small female toddler with sad, round eyes clinging to her skirt. The child is a very familiar sight in all of Uganda. I had been in Kampala and also Gulu, Uganda (East Africa) pampering HIV positive women and former child soldier abductees. I had heard few years back about the devastation in Gulu, and it was finally the right time for me to be there doing something to help. God had opened a door for me

Unsure of how to approach her, I could not resist the magnetic pull toward this woman, Mary, and her daughter. I didn‘t feel pity for her as much as I did a righteous anger and an overwhelming awareness of life. Real life, not my Western life with its petty worries. This may sound selfish, but I knew that I needed to meet her; my soul needed to meet her. Mary did not speak English and never made eye contact with me–but up close, she was beautiful. Her two-year old daughter was obviously the pride of her life, and words could never express how radiant Mary became as I poured over her little one. I spent about three quarters of an hour with Mary and her daughter, and our smiles and affection toward one another was quick and probably longer lasting than words could ever have been. I could not wait to be the one to pamper her. Sadly as our program began, Mary and her daughter had to leave most suddenly. Our moment together was over, and I cannot describe the intense grief my heartfelt when I 55 | P a g e

heard Mary‘s story after her abrupt departure. Mary had been the wife of one of the Lord‘s Resistance Army (LRA) in the wars of Northern Uganda. Like many others, she had been abducted as a small child and forced into a sexual relationship where mutilation was the punishment for the sin of not being submissive to her husband. Mary had escaped and was found hiding in the bush (with her several children) by an

organization that needed her as their main source of promotional material for funding their work in Africa. Unfortunately, this organization thought of Mary as belonging to them alone, and she was therefore not allowed to take part in any programs sponsored by other organizations in Gulu including the one I was connected to. Mary was very aware of this, and yet the morning I met her she was volunteering with my organization because she had met Jesus there and

had a heart to help women she deemed ―less fortunate‖ than herself. Mary is just one of a large number women in the war affected areas of Africa who need to have their stories told. I hope that in briefly telling Mary‘s story, maybe her history and the history of her friends can be rewritten. To quote Mary, ―Jesus saved me, now I may save my nation…‖ I just pray that I will live my redemption the way Mary lives hers!


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SEEK THE LORD AND LIVE (AMOS: 5:4) At the end and beginning of each year, millions of people around the world go into fasting and prayers; seeking the face of the Lord for a much better future. Especially for Christianity; it has become a type of ritual that many churches follow; but not because they want to seek the Lord face. They just follow along because they want to be among those who are seen in the public as holy. Seeking the face of the Lord a much more than just fasting for the public approval; it is a period of complete change for the

better. You cannot remain in the old ways of exploitations, lies, stealing, and proclaiming messages to promote yourself interest and say you are seeking the face of the Lord. The Prophet Isaiah wrote: “Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon”. (Isa.556-7) as you can see from that passage it is a time to turn from our wickedness of last year and return to the Lord. If we really decide to seek the Lord face for a change; the change must start within us. We must be willing to give away something in our lives in order to be wash anew and sanctify for a new walk in life. Seeking the Lord with your whole heart is like someone who has walk days without water and is very thirsty for water. The body cries for even a drop of water to quench its thirst and the enthusiasm to find water is with passion. If you seek the LORD with that same enthusiasm; you will

definitely find Him for you will be ready to give up anything to quench that thirst. The Psalmist describes it in these words; “I stretch forth my hands unto thee: my soul thirsteth after thee, as a thirsty land Selah”. (Psa.143:6) I live in a desert country and I know what it means for the ground to cry for water. The crops dies , the cattle’s dies, people sink wells deep in the ground the dries up in weeks and everyone begin to pray for rain. The body is so uncomfortable that one would do anything just to get a little water to cool off; and minutes later you are uncomfortable again. In the old days; in Africa, it is said that sometimes even human sacrifices were offer to appease their gods (who were in fact powerless to bring rain).Are you that desperate as you go to seek the Lord this year? What are you willing to give up for that change in life that you are crying for? If you are not that desperate enough to change your old skin; your efforts will be fruitless. Your efforts will be fruitless because you wish to continue in sin. Fasting is usually observed on occasion of public calamities; when men has 57 | P a g e

been reminded that they have no control over life and regardless of who they are, they can fall; afflictions; approaching danger or purification. As you may have notice from the description I listed, it has always been selfishly about us and not about the will of the Most Highest God in Heaven. That is why we must know the will of God for our lives to change over to those things He wants us to do and not what we want to do. There are fast that God condemns and fast that He accepts. Sometimes after 40 days, 100 days, 7days, the situation gets worse and God does not hear our prayers. Why is it that way? God does not listen to our cries because fast includes our behavior and connection with two Kingdoms; the Kingdom on earth that cause us to defiles our soul and the Kingdom of God that is ready to accept and cleanse us if we are ready to change our ways in this earthly Kingdom and let ourselves be lead by the rules of the Heavenly Kingdom. The rules might not be to your liking but it is the key to your answer. Oh God says I should share with the poor, stop exploiting the people in the churches for false gain, stop oppressing

the people because they cannot live up to your standard; and love and forgive the children of God as you wish for God to do you. You see if you do unto those in your care as you wish God to do for you; you are bound to get approval from Heaven. Because most of the time we do the opposite; our fast and prayers are rejected by God. It is written; “Wherefore have we fasted, say they, and thou seest not? Wherefore have we afflicted our soul, and thou takest no knowledge? Behold, in the day of your fast ye find pleasure, and exact all your labours. Behold, ye fast for strife and debate, and to smite with the fist of wickedness: ye shall not fast as ye do this day, to make your voice to be heard on high. Is it such a fast that I have chosen? A day for a man to afflict his soul? Is it to bow down his head as a bulrush, and to spread sackcloth and ashes under him? Wilt thou call this a fast, and an acceptable day to the LORD? Is not this the fast that I have chosen? To loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke? Is it not

to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house? When thou seest the naked, that thou cover him; and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh”? (Isa.58:3-7) So is it a hopeless cause we have embarked upon during this period of fasting or is there a way to fast and seek the face of the LORD and He will consider our weakness and turn his face to our cries. Like I stated above if we must get the attention of the LORD ; we must sanctify ourselves and gather in a repented/ solemn mood ; honestly sorry for our sins and ready to turn a new page( I am not talking about pretending during the period of fast and prayer); for it is written : “Therefore also now, saith the LORD, turn ye even to me with all your heart, and with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning: And rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto the LORD your God: for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repenteth him of the evil”.(Joel 2:12-13) However one important fact to note is that even as you go through this period of fast 58 | P a g e

and prayer; let it be between you and God and not an open affair. It is written; “Moreover when ye fast, be not, as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance: for they disfigure their faces that they may appear unto men to fast. Verily I say unto you, they have their reward. But thou, when thou fastest, anoint thine head, and wash thy face; that thou appear not unto men to fast, but unto thy Father which is in secret: and thy Father, which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly”.

4. Seek the lord with understanding (Psa. 14:12)

Seeking the face of the Lord can benefiting and joyful if you know the will of God and follow the rules written in the guide Book of life; The Holy Bible and allow the Holy Spirit to lead you in your thought and desires; erasing those evil things this body of dirt lust for. The guide Book advices us to seek the LORD like this:

8. Seek the LORD when your soul is thirsty. (Psa.63:18)

1. Seek Him with all your heart and all your soul. (Deut. 4:29, 2Chr.31:21) 2. Seek the LORD to commit your cause (Job 5:8) 3. Strive to be pure and upright when seeking the face of the LORD (Job 8:6)

5. Seek the LORD to lead you in the TRUTH and to TEACH you His ways; be your salvation and defender. (Psa.25:5, 15) 6. Seek the LORD to always dwell in His presence and to have the right to inquire in His temple as His child. (Psalms 27:4) 7. Seek the LORD to deliver you from all your fears; and to be your provider. (Psa.34:4, 10)

9. Seek the LORD IN humbleness (69:32) 10. Seek the LORD with tears and hold on to Him for deliverance with your voice in the day of trouble. (77:1-9) 11. Seek the LORD for knowledge and understanding with a passion as strong as you seek the treasures of the earth. (Prov. 2:3-5) 12. Seek the LORD as a watchman and when you find Him; hold on to Him. (Song 3:1-5)

I do not know what your quest is as you bow your head down to the LORD this year; but if it is honestly to get a result from God; let me advice you to stop fooling yourself and get real with God, or you are fasting in vain. It is my prayer that you seek the face of the LORD and live and be prosperous in this land which He has given you. OUR PRAYERS 2010 1. We need perfect interpreters because online interpretations in other languages of the world are bad. 2. We need the means to visit other Ministry to impart the Word of God and help rewind those gone astray. 3. We want to open an online magazine for the purpose of highlighting real Shepherds works and needs etc. & need volunteers to write, edit, and publish. 4. And we need funds to meet our monthly bills; because our only business is the Lord’s and congregation is you out there. 5. Most of all we need you prayers and criticism, questions etc.

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If you desire help please write to: Bishop Steven Liberty kpolonyeenkpor2005@gmail. com





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Please support the 2010 spotlighted Authors! Order Your Book Today! Paulette Harper-That was then, this is now. Paulet_harper@yahoo.com

Mylow Young- Against the Gates of Hell. mylowyoung@yahoo.com

Eliza Earsman- A Collection of Verses. rosewhitel@yahoo.co.uk

Tammy Drake-Ramblings of a Beating Heart. t_drake70@yahoo.com

Carole Steamer-EyceCreme in Many Flavors. eycecremeimf@yahoo.com

Andrea Michele Mills-Thereâ€&#x;s Too Much Hell in the Church. michele_amills@yahoo.com

Dr. Virginia Booth-When Your Promises Have Died. vbministries2008@yahoo.com

Maya C. Houston-Journey the Soul of a Poet. msmaya_7@yahoo.com

Lenore Artis-Dark Blessing. laartmin@aol.com

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DIVINE INSPIRATONS MAGAZINE 233 Hirst Ave Lansdowne, PA 19050 Phone: 484-429-5080 Website: www.divineinspirationsmagazine.org

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