Divine Inspirations Magazine January 2011

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Divine Inspirations

January 2011

Issue 1 Vol. 3


Happy New Year!! 2011 I am Ready for Love pt. 2 The Door Will Shut One Day The shift pt. 2

Yvette Johnson owner of “ The Tilted Cup” “Inspirational

Sips from The Tilted Tea Cup” is that little sip of hope and joy to get you spiritually stirred.

Contributing Writers

Apostle LeeAnn Marino,Ph.d

Judith Mosley

Min Cheryl Shumake

Mandy Woodhouse

Eld. Mae Davis

Pastors Mike & Trisha Fox

Kaysha Sahai

Min Tony Rowsey

Robert T. Sells

Feon Davis

Stylicia Bowden

Kirk Morgan

Carole steamer

Filioann Wiendehoff

Michelle Pumphrey

John G. Taylor,MA

Sharon Reid-Robinson Sphia Avery ,MA

GOD IS ABLE TO KEEP YOU FROM FALLING Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever, Amen (Jude 1:24- 25) As I reflect on the ending of the first decade of this new century, I find myself asking “what are we doing, as God’s chosen leaders and ministers of the gospel, to uphold the integrity of our callings?” Over these last ten years, there have been many alleged acts of infidelity, confessions of homosexual behavior, spousal abuse, misappropriation of funds, and other acts of misconduct by our religious leaders. How many times will our leaders play the David’s indiscretion card? (2 Samuel 11). How many times must we be reminded that marriage is honorable? (Hebrews 13:4), and that the Ten Commandments tells us that we shalt not steal? (Exodus 20:15). The same gospel we teach and preach to our congregations applies to us ––the pastors and ministers chosen to preach the gospel. It may sound like I am venting a little and I guess that I am. Yes, I am venting, but when I look at the souls that are yet to be introduced to the gospel of Jesus, I [we] must make sure that we keep our eyes on the prize –– the high calling of God in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:14). We must hold on to our faith so that our lights

I am not judging anyone least I be judged (Matthew 7:1); I know that we are all subject to falling into sin and that the same devil and demons that plague this world, also plagues the saints and ministers of this great gospel. As God’s chosen men and women, who’s feet are called “ beautiful” (Romans 10:15), we are held to a higher standard and we are to walk worthy of the vocation whereby we are called (Ephesians 4:1). God says in His word, that He is able to keep us from falling (Jude 1:24- 25), but we must take accountability for our actions and we cannot give our congregations “sugar coated” excuses when we sin. My fellow ministers of the gospel, we cannot be “politically correct” on issues like people engaging in sexual intercourse before marriage or condoning the use of condoms by homosexual males to stop the spread of Aids. We must be “God Correct” and tell the people what God says about keeping one’s body [His temple] sanctified before Him (1 Thessalonians 4:3-5) and about how men shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind, because it is an abomination (Leviticus 18:22). We are obligated as People of God, Apostles, Prophets, Evangelist, Teachers, Pastors, Elders, and Bishops to teach, preach, and live in Holiness because we are the servants of a Holy God. The book of Jude speaks to all Christians –those who are called to be saints (Romans 1:7) and ministers of the gospel (Romans 1:1); it reminds us that God can keep us from “falling” and He will keep all who are called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28). Jude chal-

Men and women of God, we are God’s chosen vessel and he has called us to lead His church into holiness and truths (John 16:13). It is imperative that we live HOLY because the world is watching us and it is our responsibility to pull them out of the fire [hell] (Jude: 23). Remember, God is able to keep us from “falling”. Yes, weapons will be formed against us, but no weapon…(Isaiah 54:17), and sin is ever present (Romans 7:21), but we must do whatever it takes to be kept by God. We must build up our most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, keeping ourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ: (Jude 1: 20-21). We have a lot of work to do in the next coming decade. Let us present our bodies as living sacrifices, Holy and acceptable unto the Lord, which is the least, we can do by transforming our minds (Romans 12:1-2). We must get it right at whatever the cost, so that we can win the lost. I love you with the love of Jesus.

Elder Mae F. Davis New Life Worship Centre 120 E. Baltimore Pike Lansdowne, PA 19050

In 2007 I found myself under the Sydney Harbor Bridge, wide-eyed and open-mouthed, watching the largest New Year‘s Eve fireworks display of my life. As the night went on, I could overhear some of my friends talking about New Year‘s resolutions. At that stage I had been too busy to think of what 2008 would hold for me, but my friends had obviously been planning. I heard resolutions such as ―more prayer and Bible...fasting…more study…more time for myself,‖ etc. Chances are I even heard a few comments about weight loss or finances. When my turn to speak up came, I barely had the chance to even ponder my own resolutions when the Holy Spirit whispered to me, ―I do not want you to make more obligations for Me or for your own body, I just want this next year to be the one where you start to live the promises

that I have for you.” I thought for days of the ―promises‖ that God has for me. As excited as I was to ponder His glorious promises for my life, I felt as if someone had just taken the wind out of my stomach. Where did I even begin to stand in His promises? How would I fight this battle that is not ―flesh and blood‖ (Ephesians 6) when I had barely made it through 2007 alive (so it felt)? And why would God ask me to not make New Year‘s resolutions this year if everyone else‘s resolutions have motivated them so much? Then God led me to Joshua. Joshua from the Old Testament certainly knew about the promises of God. In fact, it was Joshua‘s task to actually lead the people of Israel into their promises. Using God‘s strength, Joshua took the people of God into the Promised Land that God had for them. Joshua (and Moses before him) sought God,

fought hard, and various parts of the book of Joshua says that he left ―…no enemy survivors‖ (Joshua chapters 8, 10 and 11). Despite the size of the giants they had to battle to get to their promise (Numbers 33), God‘s people could march into the fullness of their promises without compromise or damage because they relied on God‘s power while killing off anything that would hold them back. What I found through my study of the Promised Land is that the people had to stop looking at the enemy or their own weaknesses and keep their eyes on what God had said to them—that He would give them the land. Marching around Jericho a few times and then yelling at the walls seemed a ridiculous task, but God told Joshua to trust Him to give them the city—and God kept His promise. God also led Joshua to defend the Gibeonites and promised that despite the size and strength of the Amorites, Joshua would win. This is the same day that God made the sun stand still so that the Amorites were defeated and the Lord gave them over to Israel (Joshua 10). Joshua kept his eyes on God and God‘s words of truth instead of on himself, and was therefore given the land promised him. He did nothing from obligation or any unrealistic standards that he assumed God had put on him; Joshua stood on God‘s word and lived from His strength alone. 2008 became a treasured year for me as I lived in God‘s promises rather than my own resolutions. I realized that looking at my own inadequacies and trying to resolve to change them in the coming season was a waste of time for me because God wanted me to look at my blessings and promises rather than my lack. Resolutions falter after some time, but God‘s promises remain (1 Peter 1:25). Regardless of the circumstances, only God‘s promise and His strength working in me will make any lasting changes. New Year‘s resolutions are definitely good things—but what I needed was God to teach me to look at His words and promises for my future because they are the true standard for my life. Trusting His promises for me is really all I need to make my new year a good one. I pray that 2011 be the year that you learn of the fullness of God‘s promises for your life!

In the beginning, God created the world and that was the very first Shift; And so the story is told of so many who were also given many great gifts. They prophesied, taught, and even preached and some even spoke in different tongues. But there were times their power had no purpose because they didn’t act like ONE. They had a mentality of I, my, and mine and everything was all about me. When what they should have been doing was coming together in unity. For on that day at Pentecost, they had to be on one accord In order to have that fire come down – you know, it didn’t even enter through the door. I personally believe that’s what many are looking – the lightning and the crackling of the sky. But instead of it being so drastic it’s as simple as people just opening their eyes. Opening their eyes to see in the Spirit what God has always said in His Word That each one of us has power as one but unified can and will defeat the dark prince’s world. Preparation comes before the experience and that we must just accept. But without the Holy Spirit in us, failure is what we can expect. Some of us have to be willing to serve, to prepare and even to wait Because God will always come on time for He is never ever late. Waiting for the Promise is part of our life even before the day we were born. God desires to be our Master and not have our days be scorned. The Shift will take place with or without you because God is in control of these things. He desires that none should perish because obedience makes His Heart sing. So prepare yourself to continue to move NOT in reverse or to even stay in park For God wants to Shift you to the Light and have you NOT stay in the dark. This Shift will involve giving up some people and things because it’s the right thing to do But will you just ignore this Shift because giving them up is too hard for you to do? Don’t be fooled into thinking that you don’t have to change because everything now is okay. Because I now give notice: To get to Heaven, Shifting to Jesus is the ONLY APPROVED WAY! Carole Steamer

DIM: I have actually known this young lady a long time. And I have seen how God has transformed and changed her into an awesome, mighty woman of God with endless gifts and talents. I know you will enjoy her story. So sit back, put down the paper, turn off the TV, and check out “A Brief Moment with Lauren Feagin�. DIM: Tell us a little bit about yourself. Lauren: This is always the hardest question for me when I do an interview! LOL I am married to a wonderful man who is an established Thespian! We have three beautiful children who love to sing and dance, the youngest having recently made his stage debut playing, what else?, my son in a production of Ragtime the Musical! We live and love to serve the lord! DIM: How did you get started in your ministry? Lauren: Well, I've been singing since I was a toddler, but I didn't begin using my gifts for God until about 5 years ago when a friend asked me to be apart of the Praise & Worship Ministry she stewards. DIM: What inspires you to write songs/books? Do you have any specific techniques you use for your writing? Lauren: I write whatever and whenever God tells me to! He is the writer I merely put the words on paper! DIM: Have you or your group got any plans in the near future? Lauren: I'm working on getting a demo together for my wedding ministry Songs by Lauren! DIM: What has been the best part about being in the ministry as a singer/author? Lauren: Letting God's light shine through me! I sound so much better when He singas with me! LOL DIM: Are there examples of your faith that show in your writing and if so what are they? Lauren: There is one song that says "I'm walking on water; coming to you, Lord!" Which just means I'm stepping out in Faith! DIM: Where can people find your music and/or products if they want to support your ministry?

Lauren: They can find me on Facebook... SongsbyLauren...

Let it Rain Lord we thank You for Your rain We sit here in Your presence In eager expectation of a visitation From You We look to You Lord with our hands raised We open our hearts and get ready to receive As we stand un-phased By anything the devil tried to do to us today We are expecting a mighty move from You We’re expecting Your Holy Spirit to pour out from You We’re expecting a mighty deliverance to come We’re expecting people to be changed by You As Your Spirit sits among us You touch everything within us You reach into our souls And stir up all that sits within us Lord we need Your counselor to teach us Your Holy Spirit is the one who will reach us He shows us what direction to go or not to go As we drive down the road Or walk down the street we trust You To lead us away from harm So open the floodgates Lord and pour Into our spirits Your passion Let us experience You like never before Let Your Holy Spirit Move through us Minister to us as we lie prostrate before You Can You feel Him? Can You feel Him? God is here He’s activating something within You right now He’s ministering to Your needs right now He’s tapping You on Your shoulder And telling You to pick up Your cross and follow Him right now

He has His arm around Your waist and He’s picking You up right now

Let it Rain Do You hear Him? Do You hear Him? He’s speaking to You right now Telling You to let go Of that thing that has You bound Telling You to trust Him And believe it’s already done He’s whispering in Your ear And telling You everything is okay That it’s time to go and serve Him right now It’s time to do that thing You’re going to do for Him right now He’s speaking to Your heart He’s telling You to start moving right now Can You feel Him? Can You feel Him? He’s touching You right now He’s taking You on a trip He’s healing You right now He’s delivering You right now From the devil’s evil grip He’s grabbing You in his arms And he won’t let go He’s holding up Your hands And as You praise Him Your faith begins to grow He’s lifting up Your foot And placing it on solid ground right now He’s leading You to a higher place in Him So You may be found right now. Allow Yourself to be broken in His presence And He will begin to work in You A broken and willing vessel is what God needs So humble Yourself and get ready to receive

Let It Rain All that the Lord has for You Allow God to keep shaking You He’s eliminating everything That You don’t need within You He’s cleaning out all boastfulness And pride within You Cleanse me O Lord with Your rain Until there is nothing else left in me Let me feel the pain of the weight of sin The incredible and unrelenting pain You had to be in While You bore it for me Let me know what it’s like to be free From the burdens and concerns You had to deal with As You tarried for me Let me receive Your character And Your love Through Your healing rain that washes me And delivers my requests from above Lord I’m here and I’m willing To be drenched in Your rain I’m here and I’m a ready vessel I want to be drowned in Your Holy Spirit again Because I know when I’m soaked by You From head to toe There’s nothing that will be able to stop me From the mission I’ve been given by You When You rain on me Lord I will be covered by Your Spirit And everything from You that is within me Will burst forth in glory and adoration And all will absolutely rest in it.

© 2010 – Robert T. Sells – all rights reserved

Happy Holidays……But is it really? Last year I submitted this article and received a lot of feedback from people stating that they have felt this way but didn‘t think that it was ok to say and feel this way. So I wanted to repost this article for those that didn‘t get it last year so that they too can be comfortable with saying that they are suffering from seasonal depression to their friends and families. The Holidays is the time for families, friends, and children to come together and have a blast, eat, exchange gifts, and talk about family stories from the past. The holidays have become such a commercialized time that everyone is expected to buy gifts, bounce around full of cheer, be joyfully and just all about the holidays. This festive spirit has found its way into our churches with churches putting up decorations, having holiday plays resulting in the church becoming a collection of praise and forced happiness. While the lights still flicker and the candy canes are the treat of choice, I want to talk about something that we usually don‘t want to bring up around the holidays and that is depression because we know that while the holidays are generally a happy time for many people it‘s not so much of

―the happy holidays‖ for some many people in this season suffer from depression; there are two kinds of depression that people deal with in this season. Seasonal depression and the Holiday Blues. Seasonal depression is a depression that occurs each year at the same time, usually starting in fall or winter and ending in spring or early summer. Some of the symptoms for seasonal depression are: Extreme fatigue Lack of energy Increased need for sleep Craving for carbohydrates Increased appetite Weight gain The research shows that between 4 and 6 percent of the US population suffers from seasonal depression. Three quarter of the suffers are women, mostly between their 20‘s and 40‘s. Children also experience seasonal depression as well as older adults. The second form of depression in this season is the ―Holiday Blues‖ this is something that many people are dealing with but don‘t talk about, they usually fake the good holiday spirits, attend all the holiday functions, buy the Christmas gifts, and pretend that all is well with their life. It‘s not uncommon to hear from some of the client‘s that I have counseled dealing with the Holiday Blues will say ―I just don‘t like the holidays I just have so many bad memories

about the holidays and I don‘t like talking about it to my family or friends because I don‘t want to be seen as a downer, scrooge, or ungrateful‖. Most feel that they have to put up the facade of happiness for their children, relatives, spouses or co-workers because it‘s unacceptable to be depressed during the holidays. The common causes for the Holiday blues are: Past losses Unresolved grief Anticipating a significant loss Contrast between then and now Disappointment about now Contrast between image of holiday joy and the reality of ones life Sense of increased isolation and loneli ness.

tapes over and over again in your mind; tapes of the event, tapes of the person that hurt or left you, tapes of the person that died, tapes of how your lives have changed and tapes of I‘m so alone and no one cares. These constant negative rewinds keeps you stuck in the ―blues‖ and they become comfortable and so you just accept that every year I‘m going to be in a bad mood, I‘m going to remember my loved one that died, I‘m going to remember that person that left. I want to strongly challenge you this year to change the tapes that you play in your mind; play I‘m more than a conquer through Jesus Christ would loves me, play I‘m the head and not the tail, play God says I‘ve come that you might have life and have it more abundantly, play no weapon that is formed against me shall prosper. So as you change the tapes you play so will you change Now that I‘ve given you descriptions of your mindset. I encourage you to integrate your the two types of depression that we see in the spiritual mindset with a therapeutic one and conseason; I want to encourage and challenge you sult the help of a therapist that embraces your that if you or someone that you know is usually spirituality and therapeutic mind set with equal depressed in this season; that you allow this holi- vigor. Allowing this therapy to help you transday season this year be your season of change, form your mind and drop this baggage that you change the way that you see your life, change the have dragged from year to year. mindset you have of well this is just how I am, change from allowing the things on the above list to keep you in the same place year after year. Looking at the list for the common causes of the Holiday blues its clear that these things are in your ―mind‖ you are constantly reviewing the

In conclusion, I‘ll say that seasonal depression and holiday blues are seldomly talked about it in our families or communities because they seem so contrary to the theme of the holidays but yes it‘s very prevalent in our communities. It‘s important that the reality of this be respected and not judged but I believe that it‘s also important that you be gingerly nudged to perhaps try something new in this season; recognizing that you didn‘t start your life having seasonal depression or the holiday blues. So allow yourself with God and a trained therapist trace back to the event that changed things for you and begin the journey to your next level and break free from chains and weights that have held you down year after year…be free…Galatians 5:1 It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm then and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. This is the word of the Lord for you in this season…release your burdens, release your baggage for it‘s weighing you down causing you not to be able to fly/move to the place that he has called you to go…be free….So next time someone says Happy Holidays….is it really?.....you can say Yes it is…. To contact John Taylor for presentation or workshops: www.Johngtaylor.com www.Johngtaylor06@gmail.com

Let’s wade in the deep! Let's go out fishing, wade out in the deep. Preaching the Gospel, arousing from sleep. Let's hit the highways and byways, cast our nets wide. With Love and Kindness, drawing to the Lord's Side. Let's use the knife of the Word, to gut and clean. Shining a Light on Righteousness, not the obscene. Let's shepherd them in, add unto the flock. Leading them to Christ, The Solid Rock. This is our Commission, our Heavenly Charge. To spread the Gospel, to the world at large. The Word tells us, to watch as well as pray. So let's go fishing, for those who've gone astray. The devil is a liar and schemer, with a hidden agenda. Don't let him trick you, out of your Heavenly Hacienda Let's pull the sheeps clothing off the wolf, and expose the creep. Spreading the Good News, stirring the sinners from their sleep. Let's go fishing my friends, in the shark infected waters. Let's be about the Business, of our Heavenly Father. We can walk on the water, by the Power of God. Step out of the safety of the boat, grab your rod. Let's cast and wade into the deep, using Jesus bait of Love. Cleansing our haul, through the Power of His Precious Blood. When we throw out His Word casting it abroad, it never returns void. And for every soul pulled into the boat, the Angels are overjoyed. So let's wade into the deep, sending Heaven into a frenzy and shout. Let's spread the Good News and bait of Love, and pull some sinners out. To God Goes The Glory. Copyrighted 12/21/2010 Minister Tony Rowsey

Yvette Johnson aka Nspire is known to many to be a creative, inspiring and passionate individual who has never allowed the adversities of life to define her. She is the loving mother of two sons and works as an Administrative Supervisor for one of Houston’s largest medical groups; possessing over 16 years experience in Healthcare Management. Raised in Memphis, Tennessee and currently residing in Houston, Texas, she just recently added to her list of accomplishments the self-publication of her book – “Inspirational Sips from The Tilted Tea Cup.”

-Deborah Stevens

With no real idea of the impact it would have and definitely no thought of a book, “Inspirational Sips from The Tilted Tea Cup” started out as the simple sharing of thoughts on day to day challenges through poetry and short stories with co-workers, family and friends. However, over time and through much encouragement and support from these very same co-workers, family and friends the book was born. And although the sips (thoughts) behind the poems and short stories found in this little book were compiled to encourage others; to make them think, transform their thoughts and to draw them to a closer moment of spiritual rediscovery, I began to realize that through my writings God had actually been working on me in my journey to building a closer relationship with Him. Since the book’s initial print in February 2010 and through the overwhelming support of family and friends I have been blessed to have inspired many. My affirmation of this has been the many email requests for more, which were also the instruments that God used to keep me writing. And it is because of this blessing that I shall continue to feed and nurture this seed that God has planted in me; praying that these simple words will continue to touch a broken heart, uplift a doubting soul and give comfort where there is despair. So just as you sip from your favorite cup of java in the morning to get you physically stirred, “Inspirational Sips from The Tilted Tea Cup” is that little sip of hope and joy to get you spiritually stirred. If you would like to preview and/or purchase a copy of the book: www.blurb.com/bookstore/detail/1439949 “Inspirational Sips from The Tilted Tea Cup” Feedback welcomed @ tiltedteacup@yahoo.com

THE SHAPE OF THINGS TO COME “I am still not all I should be But I am bringing all my energies to bear on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead” Philippians 3:13-14 So you tripped, stumbled and fell Give it over to God and you‘ve got a story to tell Remember it‘s not your end; as it only takes for you to begin again. No matter where you are in life, No matter what you have done Or how messed up you think your life is; God will take it, Reshape it And mold it into something wonderful if you let him. Jonah intentionally disobeyed God (Jonah 1:1-3), yet God gave him a second chance. Peter denied Jesus 3 times (Matthew 26:67-75) And God gave him a second chance. Jacob messed up his life with bad decisions (Genesis 25:30-34/Genesis 27:19-29) But when Jacob got serious; God gave him the opportunity to start over. (Genesis 28:13) So know regardless of those decisions or directions that you chose; you can start over. As when we stumble in our walk, God is there – ready to comfort, correct, lead and love. Yvette Johnson A piece from the book ―Inspirational Sips from The Tilted Tea Cup

How does childhood upbringing affect how a person views marriage? there or not in our lives shaping and molding us into The answer can be complex, but we‘ll attempt to sim- good, positive people. Whether religious or addicted plify this. to drugs, we lean towards that which we surround ourselves with. The answer is two-fold: The past DOES, and DOES NOT HAVE TO, affect one's marriage.

As they say, ―Birds of a feather flock together.‖

In order to fill the void in ourselves that is meant to fill with healthy upbringing, training and security from parents, many turn to friends, gangs, addictions, etc. to fill that void that the parents should have filled. The lack the parent‘s role, especially a ―father For instance, pertaining to a lack of a father in the home, The Texas Department of Corrections reported figure‖ in a young life is particularly devastating that 85 percent of all youth sitting in prisons grew up when growing up as a teen. It gives credence to a lack in fatherless homes. The Centers for Disease Control of love, acceptance and security, regardless of what stated that 85 percent of all children that exhibit be- we think or believe as gender and religion goes. havioral disorders are from fatherless homes. The Bureau of Census Information indicates that 90 percent As figures go… of runaway children are from homes without a father Researchers agree the females who lack father figures figure present. The Criminal Justice and Behavioral are more prone to experience diminished cognitive development and poor school performance (Grimmpublication reports that 80 percent of rapists motivated with displaced anger are from fatherless homes. Wassil, 1994, p. 149). Children who experience early father absence inevitably have weaker mathematical than verbal skills and usually find it difficult to adjust This statistic is across the board. well with others although fatherlessness alone does not cause poor adjustment (Adams, Milner and When we grow up without proper guidance and role Schrepf, 1984, p. 140). (http://findarticles.com/p/ models, our views are extremely distorted. We are articles/mi_m0FCR/is_4_35/ai_84017196/) made with the need for role models. This is how we are built. Built to follow, to emulate, to personify. In a study of 146 adolescent friends of 26 adolescent Which is why it is especially important to watch what suicide victims, teens living in single-parent families and who we follow? Even more important, what and are not only more likely to commit suicide but also who we allow our children to idolize. more likely to suffer from psychological disorders, Our past has every bearing on who we are, how and what we believe today, including influencing our thoughts and perspectives after we get saved.

Since we are born with a propensity to pattern after someone other than ourselves, we will pattern after someone or something, regardless if the parents are

when compared to teens living in intact families. Source: David A. Brent, et al. "Post-traumatic Stress Disorder in Peers of Adolescent Suicide Victims:

Predisposing Factors and Phenomenology." Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 34, 1995. (http://www.photius.com/ feminocracy/facts_on_fatherless_kids.html)

hard time enjoying the fulfillment of marital intimacy. This often brings a large amount of frustration to both the husband and the wife. It is wise for the person who still is affected in that area to seek treatment right away. Females who lose their fathers to divorce or abandon- Our pasts includes culture, family, friends, education, ment seek much more attention from men and had media, and many other external influences that shape more physical contact with boys their age than girls and mold a person. When one gets married, oftentimes from intact homes. They also tend to be more critical of the hang-ups and short-comings are often overlooked their fathers and the opposite sex. These females con- because of the immediate feelings of love and infatuastantly seek refuge for their missing father and as a re- tion. Then, over time, these past hang-ups rear up its sult there is a constant need to be accepted by men head and couples are faced with things they had no idea from whom they aggressively seek attention (Grimm- was in the other person. Wassil, 1994, p. 147). (http://findarticles.com/p/ articles/mi_m0FCR/is_4_35/ai_84017196/pg_2/? For the other answer, our past does NOT have to affect tag=content;col1) our marriage. In reality, our current marriage is largely based on how we are brought up and what has been imparted in our hearts by our parents or those that we have looked up to for so many years. Is it any wonder that many wives in marriages have deep-rooted fear and phobias of the most basic, fundamental aspect of sex in marriage.

Too many times, it has been addressed that our past, our mother and father, etc. are continual links for us today. Especially in marriage, when our parents have divorced, or did things to affect us negatively, oftentimes it's put in our minds that our "past is destined to repeat itself". In this regard we wholeheartedly answer, "Not so!"

Clearly we really do have a choice as to who is holding Many men in marriages are so low in self-esteem beon to whom. The power comes with awareness. They cause of their past, that they cope in a sort of antisay, ―Knowledge is power‖. If that‘s true, which it is, security measure of pure dominance and overly conthen with the knowledge of what and who did what to trolling methods. you, comes the power to prevent its reoccurrence. You are not trapped by the circle of pain. It only takes one Our past environment has shaped us to how we live step out of the circle to break it. today. So, for the first part, the past DOES affect us. We say, ―Break the cycle. Break the circle. Break the chain!‖ This is your time and your moment. This is In our wives, (and in some men), there are a lot of your marriage. Make it all it needs to be and start a new abuses, esp. sexual abuse that has happened. When this cycle! is the case, the ashes left over can actually damage and Contact Mike and Trisha Fox, Certified Marriage destroy a marriage if that person has not fully overCoaches come to some degree the leftover stains of hurt. In www.marriagefortoday.com many cases, a wife that had been sexually abused, has a info@marraigefortoday.com

As the Wind through the Trees Kirk L Morgan As the wind through the trees He is there Listen to the rivers and streams And hear him speak With the breeze across your face He touches you And as the dove takes flight He will raise you and love you As the wind through the trees The Lord is there Unseen, but his works Ever felt‌ So listen to the wind through the trees Watch the dove take flight And the rivers run Feel God there Ever with you‌

I Am Ready To Love (Part II): The Vulnerability Factor by Stylicia A. Bowden

recently realized that in the middle of all these things we tend to lose our sense of femininity. We get so caught up playing superwoman, supermom and superhero but deep inside we really want someone to hold us, kiss us and tell us we are loved. When we look in the mirror we cry because everyone else has that second help but we feel like we deserve it as well. I have been a single parent for nine years and it has not been a walk in the park but I had to come to terms that love was lacking on my list. I made a decision to start focusing on my love life.

“If I decide to let go of past hurts, wounds deep My daughter even told me that it was time for me in my soul can love capture happily after for me. I to be happy with that man who deserves me. My have to be willing to be vulnerable & transparent daughter is growing up and soon she will be off to for love to embrace me.” Over the years I have heard many groups sing on love, heartbreak, and even the crazy type of love but many are still confused on love. Love is a very intimate creation created by God. Love is summoned to be sacred and powerful because in the bible it states that love covers a multitude of sin. Love is like a potent chemical that can intoxicate your mind and hypnotize your senses. Love is so strong women become emotionally attached to love. The love between a man and a woman is a cosmic connection written in the stars manufactured by an atomic explosion. However, we now live in a society where a woman is so independent that she doesn’t need a man. If you are a single parent like me it is not easy being vulnerable when you are wearing the hat for both roles. As a single parent we nurture the child, clean the house, work at a job or own a business, take out the garbage, pay all the bills and the list goes on. I

college in nine more years. However, it is time for me to live, love and capture special moments in my life. Since I made a decision to make love a priority there is a challenge for me to be vulnerable and transparent. I cannot wear the superwoman suit all the time I have to be vulnerable and transparent. It is hard for me to be vulnerable when I am so use to being the one that smiles through my pain. However, I realize I am

human I have to stop wearing the mask that grins but inside I am crying constantly. God showed me I cannot attract love if I am not being vulnerable and transparent. God created men to be the problem solvers, the bread winners and the ones that give us women that security. It is a man’s nature to solve the problem but if you are always pretending you have all the answers then where does the man fit in your life. Many Christian women have missed the mark by hiding behind their religious traditions to keep them from love.

Yes it is true the woman is the good thing but if

The right risk will help you score a big-

you are rigid and not vulnerable you can miss

ger investment in love.

the man that God has for you. In the last three

Take one day at a time and enjoy the experi-

months God has broke me down teaching me to

ence of dating & having fun. We as

give up my pride and showing me the joy of be-

women get too caught up on when, what,

ing vulnerable. You may say, well I am scared to

where and how of what the man will do.

be vulnerable I might get hurt. Well, I have felt

Do not try to figure out how when it will

and still feel the same way but I am 31 years

happen stay in your lane and embrace

old, it is time to live life and be in love. God

the companionship with the opposite

wants us to live a life of abundance in all areas


of our life. Love is one area he desires for us to

Last but not least breathe, count to ten and

be fulfilled. Christian women all over the world

smile love awaits you. Being vulnerable

let me tell you; you can still be a woman of God

is simply losing self control and trusting

but still desire love. I had to be real with my

God’s judgment. God is in control while

feelings and confess that I want love, I deserve

you are out of control. Let God be the

love, I deserve to be kissed, cuddled and mar-

conductor of your love train.

ried. I deserve to be treated like a princess and

Once you have taken a step to be vulnerable in

spoiled by the man that adores me. Once I con-

love you will reap a lifetime of benefits. You too

fessed this being vulnerable does not seem bad. can be happy with the man you love‌.Love Here I some quick tips to be vulnerable and

awaits you! Need help on love connect with

step out of your mask and leave the super-

companionship coach, Christine Pembleton

woman suit aside:

at www.readytobeawife.com

Realize love is universal created by God so you deserve to be loved in all aspects by that gorgeous man God has for you. Feeling the need to be with the opposite sex is natural. God created man and woman to be together. You can be a strong woman but learn to be able to balance your strength. Let the man be the man. Vulnerability is sexy and fear is not so let the fear go quickly. You can be single for the rest of your life if you play it safe.

The Challenge of Being Still AND Knowing I am not one that does well with being still. I am a mover and a

God, thinking of God, and listening for His Word to me. I do not like to

shaker, a person who likes to be ac- miss God in anything, so I seek Him tive and busy. Having spent so many in everything. years in ministry without a lot of as-

In not doing well with being

sistance means I have to become

still, it is very difficult for me to rest.

very adapt at many things, very

I am constantly thinking, even when

quickly. I am almost always doing

I am supposed to be sleeping. I even

something because I do not like be-

talk in my sleep, trying to debate

ing idle. In the process of such a

and work out problems. I have had

life, swamped with phone calls, due

many people tell me I am even

dates, articles and work to be writ-

teaching in my sleep. It is difficult

ten, letters to write, web work to de- for me to see things that happen to velop, people to help, lessons to

the church and not be grieved by

prepare, sermons to draft, books to them, not understanding why peofinish…and even more than this, I

ple don’t have God’s revelation and

have developed a literal spirituality

do not understand the clarity of His

where I am constantly “praying with- Word. While I am thankfully, past the out ceasing,” as written in 1 Thessa- point where I take such confrontalonians 5:18. I am always talking to

tions or issues personally, I am not

to the point where I cannot see be-

The fact that He is God is my very life

yond any personal attack to the inher- and ministry. But the “be still” part? ent problems the false heresies pro-

That doesn’t come quite so easily. In

claimed by others affect the church.

seeing this verse, however, I recognize

This is a serious issue in covering, es- the command can’t be taken at half a pecially given the fact that we do not

word. It says to “be still AND know,”

want to let people run wild with winds not just be still…or just know. Being of doctrine. Much of my time is spent

still AND knowing He is God repre-

in a life of apologetics and education,

sents a powerful balance in the life of

thinking and functioning with every

the believer…and a powerful way to

thought for the Lord and His truth.

hear from God in our everyday lives.

And…I think and pray about it, constantly.

Certain religious groups have “be still” down really, really well. They will

Sometimes, it is exhausting.

sit and meditate for hours…not mov-

Then I am confronted with two

ing…not distracted…in strange and

very powerful realities that sometimes funny positions that look extremely every one of us – even those who are

uncomfortable. They seek to center

the most profound, most diligent, and themselves by thinking about nothing, most dedicated – need to hear. Psalm

focusing on singular phrases or rid-

46:10: “Be still and know that I am

dles and attempting to attain a new


level of enlightenment.

Hmmm. I know that He is God.

While they know how to “be still,”

Cont‘d from pg 29

they do not know He is God. Many of

Who God is and what believing in God

these systems deny the existence of a is all about. In our strive to try and Creator and totally reject the idea of

know God with enthusiasm, we are

God. Their meditations do not seek to missing God because we can’t sit still. bring them closer to God, but to a

The Lord is dealing with me in

greater awareness of themselves and

the importance of finding that bal-

of mysteries of the universe. They

ance of “being still AND knowing He

have mastered stillness in every posi- is God.” It is amazing what I learn tion under the sun, but reject the bal- when I sit still and listen. I find this to ance because they do not know God. Christians today aren’t good at “being still.” I would like to believe

be so true in my prayer life as well as in a church setting. Apostle or not, I am forever learning and receiving the

the majority of believers have the sec- Lord’s revelation. If I am to hear the ond part, “Know He is God” down pat, Lord, that means I need to stop talkbut I know better. A major reason

ing. I need to be still, so as not to

why we do not know He is God is be-

miss His move in my life. Sometimes I

cause we are never still. We are so

think we surround ourselves with

busy jumping up and down, “amen-

noise and business so as to miss

ing” everything the preacher says,

God’s Word because we are afraid we

and wanting to run around the room

do not want to hear it. It is easy to be

that we miss essential instruction in

noisy; it takes discipline to be silent.

Cont’d from pg 30

The church today could benefit from internet social networks, family distractions, such a discipline. I am not suggesting we computers, televisions, fax machines, bluehave to sit mute in church, but we can’t let tooths, instant messaging, and more – it is our enthusiasm drown out the Word pro- easy to not “be still AND know God.” With all claimed. I have offended preachers of re- these distractions, the enemy knows how cent because I am not jumping out of my easy it is to swoop in, feed our minds with seat over every word that they say. I simply nonsense, and send us chasing after roads respond, “If I am jumping and yelling, I that lead to nothing but destruction. It is can’t hear what you are saying. I do not like time for us to grow up, BE STILL AND to miss revelation because I am being too KNOW! emotional.” Some preachers are still of- Emerson once said, “Let us be silent that we may hear the whisper of God.” There is fended, even after this explanation, because peace in silence, revelation in silence, truth it seems to totally contradict how they be- in silence. I want to hear that whisper of God, uncontaminated, not competing with lieve the congregation should react to their anything else in my time and space. I am learning to be still in a deeper sense than preaching. ever before. I am learning to be silent, that I We also must “be silent AND know He may hear the whisper of God, and receive His revelation without distraction. is God” to distinguish true preaching from false. A deeply emotionally charged message can easily disguise false doctrine. If we Apostle Dr. Lee Ann B. Marino, Ph.D., D.D. Apostle In Office are busy looking for emotional cues rather Apostolic Fellowship International Ministries P.O. Box 935 Cary, North Carolina 27512 USA than the true Word, we will not be “knowing Website: www.powerfortoday.org Email: info@powerfortoday.org God.” (919) 397-9122 How are you on “being still AND knowing?”






buzzes, phones ringing at all hours, email,

The Door Will Shut One Day And they went in unto Noah into the ark, two and two of all flesh, wherein is the breath of life, and they went in, went in male and female of all flesh, as God had commanded him: and the LORD shut him in. Genesis 7:15-16. People of God as I reflect on the story of Noah, I find that this story of Noah is very powerful, His story is one of great strength, endurance, obedience, and self denial. not as powerful as Jesus walk was, but it showed the same determination that our Lord Jesus had. It took great strength for a man Noah's age to be hauling lumber and building that Ark according to the instructions of the Lord. This shows us that age doesn’t matter when you have the Lord working through you, you can fulfill any task. You know that God gave the people 120 years to turn from their wicked ways, to repent and turn their hearts back to him. My God how patient you are with us, that’s enough to give him a praise break right now! When you think of Noah's endurance, 120 years working on this project, I know he had to be about tired of looking at this Ark! But he endured the task as long as it took to complete it. And when I reflect on Noah's obedience, I believe he was the next in line, Jesus first, Abraham second and Noah third, those three the epitome of having an obedient spirit. We need to take

Lessons from those three. Now for the self denial, Noah truly denied himself. In the midst of people laughing and saying that he was crazy, he continued to do what God called him to do, he could have felt embarrassed and walked away from his mission, worrying how people felt or thought about him, but he withstood all of that for the Lord's sake. So what are you saying Michelle? Well I am saying that we are living in our last days, there are many who have not come to the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. There are some who profess Jesus Christ as their Saviour, and we are still living hellish lives, premeditatedly sinning on a daily basis, with no conviction, no conversion, but are experts in jumping and shouting and doing all the gymnastics that give the impressions that you love the Lord! But God is saying that’s enough!! I am getting ready to shut the door! Those who truly love me will demonstrate it with their lifestyle. Lip service will not get it anymore! Your heart and the way you represent him on this earth will do it! Quoting the word does not impress him. It wasn’t given to you just recite it. It was given to put it into practice. So that light can shine in this dark and evil world. His grace and mercy has even been longsuffering with many, and when that door shut so will my grace and mercy. You don't know when God's time line will come to an end, and there will be “No Bargaining” for extra time! So people of God do you want to take that gamble with your life and your eternity? Because once the door is close its curtains! His door will shut one day are you ready?

Michelle Pumphrey

E-mail. livforjesus@verizon.net

DANCE OF THE FLAMES The fire of the Holy Spirit dances within my contented soul. It is the flame that will help me to arrive in heaven; my goal. As it shimmers brilliantly I feel affection for my fellowman. Without the Holy Spirit of Jesus I could not; with Him I can. The blaze of the Spirit makes me fix what I have done wrong. It has granted me a new attitude; my spirit chants a new song. The fire within me dances like a butterfly; weightlessly elegant. The dance of the flames has created within me a fresh element. The uprightness of Jesus is a part of the spirit of my inner self. I have treasures untold; no, not currency, but spiritual wealth. The fire dances when Jesus whispers of His love for every man. It rose higher inside me when I began to comprehend His plan. The dance of the flames is what motivates me to do God’s will. The flicker of His presence at times tells me to trust and be still. When Satan approaches the flames roar; that takes Satan aback. The flame that dances in my internal spirit counteracts his attack. The dance troupe within me is referred to as the Spirit of my Lord. It allows me to love my fellowman when loving is particularly hard. Without the attendance of the Holy Spirit I could not love as I must. Without the dance of the flames I could not obey God’s will or trust. Time and again the father of lies has tried to make the flames go out. Each of his endeavors to do so, have only created in me another shout. The dance of the flames is more magnificent than a tap dance or ballet. The flames passion grows more aggressive with the passing of each day. Before the Holy Spirit came in and it’s roaring flames began their dance, I was like an ember estranged from the flames; my soul had not a chance. I was lifeless and ice-covered inside; I needed the Holy Spirit’s warmness. All it took was my sincere confession; Jesus entered and achieved the rest. With Jesus, like a hot ember, I have warmth that emanates brilliant light. While the flames dance gracefully within my being, my spirit takes flight. Precious Savior, you are so welcome; stay with me; grant me tranquility. Jesus, you are my master, my Savior; your submissive servant I shall be. Exist within me Holy Spirit; until the day I die or until Jesus returns. As long as I have being, my one desire is to sense the Holy Spirit burn. Conviction in Jesus is the only choice; I must live by Jesus’ loving ways. The dance of the flames is essential; Holy Spirit dance in me all my days. BY: Sharon Reid-Robinson COPYRIGHT 2009

What Does God Expect from your Marriage in 2011? What do you expect from your marriage in 2011? That‘s a great question. But the better question should be, ―What does God expect from your marriage in 2011?‖ God‘s original plan for man was for him to marry and become fruitful. In Genesis 1:28, the Lord was talking to Adam and Eve when He said, God blessed them and said to them, ―Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.‖ After that God began giving them specific instructions on what to do as a married couple. In verses 29 and 30 God goes on to say, ―I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food.‖ Let‘s go back to verse 28 when God said, ―Be fruitful and increase in number…‖ He was saying for them to multiply their numbers or have babies. It was their commission and God‘s will to begin to fill the earth with copies of themselves, and in doing this they would be filling the earth with copies of God. So as a married couple our job is to fill the earth with copies of ourselves. Now because God‘s word is for everyone and some couples haven‘t been blessed to be able to have children, what could I be talking about? As a married Christian couple we should first

of all strive to be examples of Christ and His church on earth. People need to see a physical example of how a Christian marriage should be. It is through marriages that God fulfills His original plan on earth so we should be actively working on God‘s plan for us as a couple. If we are operating our marriage according to God‘s will then others will be motivated to do so. Secondly, we should be working to disciple other married couples so they may understand what their purpose is as a couple. There are so many Christian couples who have a strong desire to serve the Lord but they may need a little help understand how their roles fit into God‘s plan. They may have trouble understanding how to go to God and listen for instructions on how to move forward with God‘s plan for their lives. One of our jobs is to reach out and teach those who want and need to know how to move forward. Thirdly, we should be reaching out to singles who are looking to get married one day or who are engaged now and already thinking about God‘s plan for their lives as a couple and how the individual plans He has put in place for both of them will come together to work for His good. As a mature Christian couple, it is our responsibility to make sure we are helping to move God‘s plan forward in the hearts and minds of other couples. And the most important of all, make sure you are touching the unsaved couples as well. We should be actively trying to reach as many as we can for Christ. When people see you out as a couple they should notice something different in you. It is the wondering that causes questions to arise and then your answer will be your testimony! Tell them how God brought you together and how He is working in your lives. Tell them how God has opened doors for you that you know were impossible to open. Let them see how good God has been to you and then tell them that God is not a respecter of persons; what He

did for you He will do for them. This is

He will do incredible things though you. But first

evangelism in the simplest way. You are just tell-

you must be willing to submit your marriage to

ing others the good news of how God rescued

God then be obedient to what God has already

your marriage and how He is continually present

spoken in scripture. God‘s promises are always

and working everything out for your good. How

yea and amen. What He promised over your mar-

inspiring would that be to someone who feels they

riage for 2011 will come to pass if you just believe

have lost hope for their marriage or maybe it is a

and act in faith whenever God prompts you to act.

young woman who doesn‘t believe she will ever

If you are obedient then you will see God‘s king-

find a good man? Your testimony could possibly

dom advancing and as a result you will see the

change the heart of a young man who believes his

fruit of your labors. Your marriage will be

sole purpose is to be intimate with as many

blessed. Your families will be blessed. And eve-

women as possible. God can change anyone‘s

ryone you come in contact with will be blessed.

heart and if you allow Him to use you then you

God will begin to add overflow to your marriage

will be amazed at how many people your marriage

as a result of your obedience so you can become

brings to Christ. You will even see ―spiritual

more active in your marriage ministry. When you

dead‖ Christian couples being ― brought to life in

give God your best, your family will experience

God‖! You will experience first-hand how God is

God‘s best in return. When you give God your

restoring them and bringing back as active disci-

best, your 2011 will be blessed beyond measure.

ples for the Kingdom. God uses my wife and I

God bless you!

whenever we‘re out at a restaurant, a concert, or even a trip to the dry cleaners! People will say, ―You guys look so happy‖, or ―I wish my mar-

© 2010 Robert T. Sells – all rights reserved

riage was more like what you guys have‖, or ―I hope I find a husband or wife like you when I get married‖. These are all opportunities to minister to someone about the goodness of God. Remember to say humble because you are not getting compliments because of you, but because they are seeing God in you. Keep God as the focus, remain humble in all you do, and watch Him work in the lives of those you come in contact with. When you put God first in your marriage

*Scripture references (Ephesians 5:21-33; Genesis 1:26-30; Genesis 2:19-24)

You’ve Been Served! Minister Cheryl Thomas When you are served you are given something. God is saying today. We have been served, we have been given a word of command And a word of encouragement. Go and teach all nations. When you go don’t be afraid. I am with you. This is a promise from God. Hebrew 13:5 I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. God said go have I not sent you to go. We know He is sending us to go. Each and everyone of us has been given a task to do by God. God has created all of us differently. So, therefore only you can fulfill the task He has given you. We are all unique so there are know carbon copies of us. At times, we have copy cats but, they still can’t do it the way we do. We all have work to do for the Lord individually and at times collectively too. Someone can take the North, South, East and the West. It is a lot of work to be done. The harvest is plentiful but the labors are few. God is calling for willing vessels that have been commissioned to go. St. Matthew 28:18-20 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you, and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. I am reminded how Moses, was commissioned to go and he tried using excuses, I have a problem speaking, they won’t listen

to me, so God provided his brother, Aaron to speak for him. Moses did not always understand the task and assignment set before him, but he knew enough to trust God. Today we have been served to help someone else. We are all Ambassadors for Christ. Today you have been served and called to make a difference in this world. It is time out for sitting idle while people all around us are dying without knowing about Jesus. We are called to tell someone about Jesus. We are called to make a difference. Brighten the corner where you are. I am going to let my light shine! When is the last time you even tried to witness to someone? Don’t worry about someone else witnessing, worry about what you are doing and not doing. It is time out for not taking a stand for righteousness, and holiness. When is the last time you allowed your light to shine in your home, on your job, in the choir, in your church, at the store, in the schools, in the prisons, at the hair salon or barber shop, in the pulpit or even in the hospitals. Are we afraid to witness because we are not sure who God is? It is time out for having the form of godliness and yet denying the power there of. II Timothy 3:1-5 We as believers of Christ have work to do. The enemy has raised his ugly head. You’ve been served and commissioned by the Word of God to go. Cont’d on pg 38

We don’t need a title to go and tell someone about Jesus. If God sends you to the White House to witness and give a Word do it. Just make sure your security clearance checks out first. And make sure God is speaking, not you wanting to give your opinion on things.

Date: Print Name: Sign: Servant of God St. Matthew 28:18-20 Go ye therefore! If these writings are a blessing to you please, let me know.

Speak it If God gives you a Word then, speak it If God tells you to give a Word of prophecy, then give it. If God tells you to pray for the sick, Pray. If God tell you to give, than what are you waiting for, give. It is time to be obedient to the Lord. He that hath an ear let, him hear what the spirit of the Lord is saying. Acts 5:29 We ought to obey God rather than men You’ve been served Served to love Served to have faith Served to follow Jesus Served to go ye therefore Served to preach, teach, sing, pray, or whatever he has given you to do You’ve been served


Reaffirmed By God’s Grace Calling this column ―E Life‖ is my small way of encouraging the reader to live in their Kingdom benefits. When we accept the gift of salvation, through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, we are emancipated, set free. The Bible also assures us we are equipped by the Word of God and empowered by the Spirit of God to live lives which reflect God‘s redeeming power and impacts others. I would like to introduce you to someone whose life accomplishes this. When you sit down with Veronica Gray, be prepared for anything. ―Aha‖ moments spun in down-home wisdom are interspersed between laughter and tears. The owner of Veronica J. Gray Cakes is just as candid with sharing her failings as she is her triumphs. In all things however, she gives glory to God. She is a business owner, responsible for creating some of the most soughtafter, intricately detailed and beautiful cakes and edible arts. She is mom to three, grandmother of three, the National Council for Negro Women Detroit Chapter president, active in her local church, an award winning community activist, holds an honorary doctorate in humanities, and is an allaround dynamo. But it is her warmth which is most impressive. When asked, ―What is your mission in life?‖ Veronica‘s response is very telling: ―To live for God‘s pleasure, walk by faith and be empowered to do what I have been called to do.‖ Where she is today is a reaffirmation of her early years. As a child, she had a sense of ‗Somebody bigger‘ in her life. This overwhelming conviction that she

was not alone has seen her through. Although she accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior, like many of us, she still looked to people for recognition. This desire for approval and acceptance became a motivating factor in her life. It yielded high achievement but there was also a vulnerability she felt ill-equipped to allow others to see. As she so eloquently puts it, ―Heap see, but few know!‖ If you share a need, she will offer what she can to help; comfort, love, a hug. She prizes integrity; ―Your name is all you got.‖ She is at peace with who she is in God; ―If I were to leave here this moment it will be all good. I am not the same woman I was and I do not want to be her anymore. For me to go back would be an injustice to this world and to myself. I enjoy who I am, making people laugh and allowing the joy of Jesus to flow through me.‖ What you see now is a descendant of who she was and foreshadows who will stand before you in the days to come. Veronica stands on the brink of her greatest moments having come through the moments of her greatest disappointments. Veronica was divorced after nearly 30 years of marriage. At a time when she should be getting ready for retirement and planning her golden years with her life-long love, she is being transformed. I believe the two most beautiful words in the English language are, ―But God!‖ As in: ―I thought this would destroy me, but God!‖ With a surety, God is Lord of multiple second (Continued on page 40)

chances. He is a redeemer, a restorer, and accomplishes the ―impossible‖ with great ease. Veronica, who, as a young woman, moved out of her mother‘s home right into her husband‘s home, was sheltered, protected, and had the security of having someone care for her in all circumstances. After the divorce, she bravely looked forward facing an uncertain future. Scared but not intimidated, she carried in her heart the ―not-so-secret‖ secret she learned as a youth; ―God is with me, He is for me and somehow it is going to be alright.‖ Today, for the first time, she feels like an adult. ―It was scary coming out of the marriage, losing that security. I had a rude awakening losing what I thought was my ‗identity‘‖, Veronica says. Then she had her ―But God‖ moment. She continues, ―In the beginning of last year I stopped crying. You have to understand, when I say I stopped crying I am saying I stopped worrying. There are many days when I wake up or am driving down the street and am having a conversation with Jesus. I do not worry about the roadblocks anymore. When I see something that is beyond me, I look at it and say, ―Lord you got something to handle!‖ He takes care of me‖. She is on the brink of her greatest moments because in her season of transformation, she is coming to know God in a richer and more authentic way. She is learning how God uses the talents she has been blessed with to make provision. There is a resource that does

not require ‗pay back‘, has no strings attached, nor requires her to exchange her dignity to receive help. The Lord readily responds to her. She is living like never before; relying on the Lord, equipped and empowered. She is discovering that God is who He says He is and will do what He says He will do. Such is the testimony of a woman who listens well. Trusting the Lord affords a freedom unsurpassed by anything this world could ever hope to offer. Veronica is no longer interested in man‘s approval and acceptance. In fact she is allowing herself to become more vulnerable to the will of God and the people He has placed in her life. She says, ―We sometimes become so protective of our being that we miss our blessing.‖ As Veronica has learned, in our surrender we are freed; in our emancipation, we are strengthened. Smoke and mirrors yield to authenticity. Uncertainty yields to security. What a life we are privileged to live! Veronica has something to say about another ―e‖ word I love - ―I do not know the destination but I am excited to get there!‖ Journey on!

I talk to god today

When I talk to god I am in such peace

I talk to god about... Talking to god reblemishes my spirit Well, I talk to God about my day Like a prayer poem from my heart Talk to God about my health I talk to god I told him about my emotions Yes indeed, talking god is my life How I love talking to God Do you talk to God too?

I talk to god when nothing is fulfilling

I Talk to God yesterday

"I praise God" when I talk to God

I talk to him when, I am ashame

I hope you talk to God Today.

I talk to God about my goals I talk to God as I pray

The Importance of Practicing Proper Breathing

tled up stress or anxiety from our bodies. We must exercise the discipline to resort to conscious breathing whenever we need to: when we are feeling stressed, tired, or when we just need to relax. Here is a simple Deep Breathing Technique you should practice everyday and/or when you need to: 1. Sit in a comfortable position with your back straight, either on the floor in a crossed legged position or in a chair with your feet firmly planted on the floor. 2. Close your eyes, then take a deep breath while extending your stomach muscles, then exhale slowly while pulling in your stomach muscles.

"Prophesy to the breath; prophesy, son of man, and

say to it, 'This is what the Sovereign LORD says: Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe into these slain, that they may live.' " So I prophesied as he commanded me, and breath entered them; they came to life and stood up on their feet-a vast army" - Ezekiel 37:910

Proper breathing is essential to our overall health. Unfortunately, most of us do not know how to breathe correctly. According to http:// www.thelifeco.com/, an online healthy living guide, when breathing is shallow and restricted, it robs us of oxygen and increases tension. The Bible tells us that God breathed life into us: "the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being" - Genesis 2:7 Therefore taking the time to consciously engage in proper breathing exercises is the practical way to strengthening and renewing our entire being. It also helps to release any bot

3. Repeat several times until your mind and body are relaxed. 4. Feel free to incorporate scripture into your deep breathing practice/meditation. Select a scripture (preferablly one you have memorized) and repeat the scripture in-between each breath. *Repeat the sequence until the Word of God has permeated your entire being!

Pressed Judith M. Mosley We are pressed on every side. We are surrounded by a weight that encompasses all that we are, by a holy embrace that brings what is on the inside to the surface, and we are exposed. God would not have us ignorant. He would not have us feigning surprise. God sees perfectly who we are. He knows man's frame, understanding that we are dust, so God comes and draws us ever closer knowing that as He envelopes us in His light, inherent darkness would fight to maintain its place. He brings us to Himself so our eyesight would be clear, our cry would be for His help, we would give up our weakness for His strength and our perfected understanding would cause us to yield His work, allowing the greater purpose to produce fruit. That greater purpose is that we would be like Jesus.

Plant Yourself

“He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper.” Psalm 1:3

As 2011 begins, most of us tend to reflect on the events of the last year, and even the last decade, and wonder, ―Is my life ever going to get better or will this year bring or more of the same?‖ Many have been struggling for so long that it’s difficult, if not impossible to imagine a future that’s any different. Maybe you’ve been hit by the recession—lost your job, home, car, and credit standing. Maybe you’ve been suffering from an illness and, despite the doctor’s best efforts, you don’t seem to be getting any better. Maybe you’ve been hoping and praying for marriage and children, but loneliness has been your constant companion. All of these situations can seem hopeless, and indeed, you may have accepted that your fate is sealed. But there is hope. Most of us have read the passage above about the tree planted by the water, and I had read it many times. However, as I researched the passage, I found that there’s a lot of significance to the fact that it refers to a tree that is ―planted‖, and it re-

minds me of my grandmother. Grandma Ruth had a ―green thumb‖, meaning she was very good with plants, and it seemed that every plant she touched grew, beautifully. I can still recall her flower boxes brimming over with beautiful bulbs in the Spring and Summer. During the early Spring, she would carefully prepare the soil, providing for adequate drainage, and ensuring that the dirt had enough nutrients to feed the plant. Then she would prepare the hole, making it wide enough and deep enough for the roots to grow comfortably. Finally, she would plant the seeds, being careful to place them far enough apart so that when they started to grow—and we would wait, watering daily, we would just wait until the first shoots appeared. In considering the careful planning and deliberate actions that my Grandmother took in planting her flower bed, there’s no wonder why her flowers were always beautiful. ―But what…‖, you may ask, ―…does this have to do with me and my suffering?‖ I’m so glad you asked. Think of my Grandma Ruth as God, and you

as the seed. God has prepared your soil (the and we stay rooted in His purpose for our trouble you’re going through right now) with nutrients from the Blood of Jesus, His Grace provides drainage so all of our sins

lives, we will prosper and succeed. I remember many days as a child, going out to my a shoot breaks through the

can wash away, and His love is wide enough top of the seed, and keeps pushing upward and deep enough for our roots to be com-

until it would break thru the surface of the

fortable and grow. You, the seed, have eve- dirt. While the seeds were in the dirt, there rything that you need to grow, and you’ve

were no visible signs of progress, but a lot of

been planted with love in an environment

things were happening! The shell was being

that, although painful, will allow you to pro- broken, the roots were growing and spreadduce good fruit—in season. The only thing

ing, and although I couldn’t see it, the green

you have to do is be patient.

stalk was starting to emerge from the top!

Grandma Ruth taught me that gardening requires a lot of patience. But often

Many of us have been planted by God, and are in His Will, but we’re covered

times, we get impatient with God, impatient by the dirt of life—lack, illness, sadness and with the process, and impatient with our

loneliness, and from our dirt covered state,

progress, or seeming lack thereof. When

we can’t see anything happening. We can’t

we’re impatient, we lose our focus. When

see anything happening, we can’t see that

we’re impatient we get fearful. When we’re

we’re changing, and we certainly can’t see

impatient, we lose hope. But, we have to

what we are destined to become. We feel

remember that if we allow God to plant us,

like nothing’s happening during our suffer-

ing because we can’t see anything changing. preparation by first, seeking the Kingdom of We then become hopeless, feel helpless, and God and His righteousness, and then by studywant to—and do give up. But there’s hope

ing unconditional love, relationships, and the

because we’ve been ―planted‖ by the Master requirements of marriage and family. Also, Gardener, and He has predestined us to

plant a self-improvement seed by getting some

prosper and bear fruit at a certain time.

counseling to help you work through issues

The suffering helps us prepare for our pros- from your past that may have prevented you perity and helps us be able to bear fruit for the Kingdom. There’s nothing you can do

from being successful in relationships. God has given all of us the ability to

about it—suffering is part of the growth

grow strong in our faith, bear fruit, and pros-


per, but we have to believe that we have been

So, as we begin a new year, make a commitment to be patient with the process

planted on this earth to do great things for the Kingdom. This year, commit yourself to the

of growth and then do something different-- complete process, even the part of laying in the Deliberately plant seeds of your own! If you dirt and waiting. Stay hopeful and patient need an increase—plant financial seeds. If

knowing that growth is taking place--the Mas-

you need healing—make sure your soil is

ter Gardener‘s work in you will be fulfilled

properly drained by getting rid any emo-

and you will be blessed to prosper.

tional pain from your past and forgiving others, decrease your stress, and plant the seed of understanding by reading the Word, focusing on your own growth in the process, and learning to be still and trust God. If you desire love—plant seeds of love (the I Corinthians 13:4-7 kind) and

Sophia Avery

The Real Life of A Pastor’s Wife By Filioann Wiedenhoff

God‘s Sovereignty in the midst of Suffering In this position, I have experienced the attacks of spiritual warfare as well as the chastening of the Lord. In either scenario whether it be pruning or opposition it can be very painful at the time and part of that healing process is learning and understanding the sovereignty of God. I believe God is God and I am not and everything He allows in my life is filtered through His loving hands. Unfortunately, life can seem unfair at times and at the same time we have to keep in mind that there is also an enemy of this age that wants to kill, steal and destroy. He aims to steal our joy and kill our spirit and morale while destroying our light by discouraging us from running the race God has marked out for us. Thank Jesus God has already won the war. Never the less our hurt is still painful and in the midst of our pain we can be comforted to know that God is a loving and faithful God and allows everything for our good to refine us and transform us into the likeness of His Son. It doesn’t feel good at the time but to those who belong to Christ it is working toward an eternal glory in heaven with Him. Jesus Himself endured pain and suffering and learned obedience by what He suffered. Hebrews 5:8 “Though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered.” NKJV Theologians clarify this passage by saying that Jesus was sinless and didn’t need to learn obedience but humbled Himself and chose to be learned by it - as our High Priest. (A High priest Who can understand what we go through and have sympathy and compassion for His people.) Hebrews 4:15-16 15 For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. 16 Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. NKJV It is a great comfort to know that although we are appointed to suffer just as Christ did and to share in His sufferings, that we also have an advocate and High Priest who understands and knows what we are going through and can sympathize with our pain. Not only does Christ sympathize with us but He also stands daily in prayer interceding on our behalf before the Father. There is so much we can learn from Christ’s example. In the midst of my personal experience with suffering I have learned to turn to Christ as my comfort. To

lean on Him and allow Him to minister to me and comfort me in my time of need and also pray for God to begin the healing process in my own heart. It does hurt sometimes but God is not only our healer; He is also the great physician and through Him I have been able to persevere through the trials toward forgiveness and from forgiveness there is freedom, joy and peace.. In my next article I will share more on the healing process that leads to forgiveness. Don’t miss that one coming next! If you have been hurt by a person or a situation I hope you will be comforted by the knowledge that we have a High Priest who understands and can sympathize with us. He stands at the throne of grace and offers mercy and says that you can come boldly to His throne of grace in your hour and time of need. If you do know Christ as your savior come to Him to be your comfort and ask Him to help you heal from the hurts of the past. If you have never asked Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior, today is the day of salvation. Ask Jesus Christ into your heart, confess your sins and ask Him to be Lord and savior of your life. It will be the best decision you will ever make. 2 Corinthians 1:3-7 “3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, 4 who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. 5 For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also abounds through Christ. 6 Now if we are afflicted, it is for your consolation and salvation, which is effective for enduring the same sufferings which we also suffer. Or if we are comforted, it is for your consolation and salvation. 7 And our hope for you is steadfast, because we know that as you are partakers of the sufferings, so also you will partake of the consolation. ― NKJV

It’s a NEW YEAR! Time for CHANGE! “Changes That Heal” the Workshop will change your LIFE in 5 weeks! The next workshop will start on Monday, January 31, 2011 – February 28, 2011! Don’t let issues from your past prevent you from enjoying a fruitful future! Cost of the workshop is $110. Space is limited! Sophia Avery, MA- Christian Therapist offers Individual Counseling, Couples Counseling, and Marriage Counseling services at a very affordable rate! We also offer a dynamic Pre-Marital Counseling series for newly engaged couples!

If you’d like to become a Lay Christian Counselor, we offer a 14-week training and certification course through the Therapon Institute! Next class starts Saturday, January 29 – May7, 2011-- Cost of course is $480. Register today! Class limited to 4 students. For more information, appointments or to register for our workshop or certification course. Call 215-931-3070 or visit www.ChristianTalkTherapy.com. Sign up TODAY!

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