Divine Inspirations Magazine May 2011

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Divine Inspirations Magazine May 2011

Volume 2 Issue 5

Happy Mother’s Day!

Inside this Issue:

Inspect to Protect Your Marriage The Power of Prayer Protect Your Potatoes A Brand Name Called Redeemed A Brief Moment They Called Her Blessed

Deborah Sheppard Founder, Author, Advocate “Victimize Me No More” (a Domestic Violence Organization) Pg. 25

What is a Mother ? A Mother is someone who cares A Mother is someone who shares A Mother is always there Even in times of adversity and despair A Mother shows love, when others don't even know you are there A Mother is there to wipe the tears away To let you know there is a brighter day Just hold on, help is on its way A Mother gives her all To conquer all endeavors Even through tough times And some stormy weather A Mother's love is there Letting us know she cares I thank God for a great Mother by Cheryl Thomas HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO YOU !


Divine Inspirations Magazine Contributing Writers and Poets

Michelle Pumphrey

Pastore Mike & Trisha Fox

Kennita Coleman

Ken Rich

Brandy Adamson

Elder Mae Davis

Feon Davis

Min Ceryl C. Shumake

Mandy Woodhouse

Lauretha Brown Ward

M. D.. Adeola

Min Cheryl Thomas

Min B.Michelle Horton

Kaitie Grzybowski

Kalima Lewis

Apostle Lee Ann Marino Heidi Maria Schilling

Min Tony Rowsey Ruby Walker Owens


Robert T Sells

Yvette Johnson

Greetings! Happy Mother’s Day! I salute all Mother’s for the hard work and sacrifices they give on a daily basis. There is nothing like a mother’s love. Our cover feature this issue spotlights “Deborah Sheppard” Founder, Author and Advocate. Read her journey on page 25. In this issue we are also spotlighting businesses that we network with. Please support these businesses they offer service with excellence. Be Sure to spread the word of Divine Inspirations Magazine. Our subscription is free. We always welcome your feedback and comments. Blessings! Qualita Editor in Chief .


Beginning the Journey to Purpose

I think we are all reminded of our strength in times of growth. Making the decision to begin our journey to purpose is one such time. As we make the conscious decision to walk in our purpose, there is a strength in moving out of existing in a space of comfort to living in a space of purpose. How does one begin living in a space of purpose? You must take time to explore and define your purpose. When are you most productive? What would you do whether or not you were paid? What brings you inner satisfaction? As you meditate on these questions and go through the exercise of self-exploration you will learn more about yourself and many times you may realize you knew your purpose but for various reasons you have yet to move into your space of purpose. I have explored, now what? You must now decide if you will move into your purpose. This is a paradigm shift of thought and expectation of self. Sometimes I work with my clients and they learn their purpose, but they aren't ready to move into their purpose. As their coach, I don't force them into their purpose. My job as a coach isn't to force my clients we do discuss the choice made to wait. Most times my clients that make the decision to wait continue to read articles I write or discussions/posts on FB, twitter and other social media outlets. They remain in contact and are making adjustments in their lives and thought and we soon re-connect and begin the process so that they can begin their journey. In future columns, I will share next steps of the journey. I will provide insight, guidance and resources to those that want to live life by design, not by default. Brandy Adamson Founder & Editor in Chief ALIVE Magazine www.alivemagonline.com www.facebook.com/alivemagazine www.twitter.com/alivemag (O) 9725911340 Where entrepreneur women connect, learn, identify and achieve their true purpose. 5

past finding out.

How Could He Do That?

It is easier to rest on our belief about God rather than accept His unfathomable sovereignty be-

There was once a woman who called into the

cause to understand that the Creator of the Universe is

local Christian Radio Talk Show. She entered into a

not subject to our ideas of right and wrong breaks the

debate with the host on the perils of drinking wine.

barriers of our comfort zone. Our complacency is dis-

She insisted that it was a sin to even take a sip. The

turbed when we realize that, though El-Elyon reveals

host, with great exposition of the scriptures, proceeded

much of Himself through the Word, the bible is a mere

to point out to the woman instances in the bible where

glimpse of who He is. We forget that the Originator of

wine was imbibed. He even pointed out that Jesus‘

truth is truth itself.

first miracle was turning water into wine. The woman

Please do not misunderstand me. There are

was adamant that this was not ―wine‖ as we know it

clearly marked and definitive lines between righteous-

today but simply grape juice. Once again, the host

ness and sin, holiness and ungodliness, the Christ-

turned to the scriptures and proved to the caller that it

centered life and the self-centered life. Having these

was not ―just‖ grape juice. Finally convinced, the

parameters, which protect our freedom in Christ, does

woman sighed and said, ―How could our Lord do

not preclude us from daring to look at Him in child-


like wonder, take the plunge, lose our self-directed,

Now I am neither advocating nor disparaging

self-protecting, self-centered lives for His and find

the drinking of wine (that is an issue best left to the

more than we could have ever hoped for. To gaze into

discretion of the Holy Spirit). I am simply using this conversation to illustrate a point: It is sometimes eas-

His beautiful and terrible holiness and come to

ier, preferable even, for us to hold on to what we be-

terms with the fact that He‘s so much bigger than we,

lieve about God to be true rather than come to terms

(Continued on page 7)

with the fact that God cannot be defined, contained, nor completely understood. His ways and thoughts are 6

far greater than our circumstances, totally wholly

nothing became something, invites us to be partak-

other is to lose all sense of our pre-conceived ideas. ers of His great adventure. We are invited to taste The completely faithful Source of wis-

and see His goodness, become just like Him, love

dom, life graciously unveils as much of Himself to

as extravagantly as He loves, forgive as generously

us as He deems necessary yet so much of who He

as He forgives, to be the apple of His eye, leave the

is clothed in vast mystery. To the extent that we

fragrance and imprint of Christ wherever we go,

will spend eternity with never and never exhaust

blessing us that we might become a blessing to oth-

the depth and breadth of our great God. What is

ers: to be His hands, feet and mouthpieces in the

really awesome about this is not the magnitude of


our God but the lavish attention paid to us and passion-

Now could He do that? I pray that God‘s

ate love He has for us. What is man that He is mindful

deep, bottomless love for you will become your

of us? We are lower than the angels yet crowned with

daily reality.

His glory!

To those who feel unloved He says, ―Look at my nailed scarred hands and feet!‖ To those who feel unheard He says, ―I answered you before you called!‖ To those who feel insignificant He says, ―You are special, fearfully and wonderfully handcrafted by Me!‖ To those who cry in the night He says, ―You have sown in tears but you will reap in joy!‖ To those who feel defeated He says, ―I always cause you to triumph through Me!‖ The same God who merely spoke and 7


The Power of Prayer Ken Rich

Prayer is the breath of the soul. It is essential to the Christian experience. Although much can be found about prayer in the Bible there are three passages that help to put prayer into perspective for me:

I always ask for forgiveness and for God to change me for the better. He has not let me down. I was a very vile person in my youth. I was addicted to drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes, with filthy language, bad temper, and various other defects of character.

Hebrews 10:19 Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, By a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us...Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith...

Over the years God has changed me and taken me from victory to victory. His promises are sure and although I am not yet perfect, I am grateful I am not what I once was. Prayer has had everything to do with the changes wrought in me.

We can have confidence as we approach God in prayer. We can enter the very throne room of grace without fear or shame because of what Jesus has done. If you are like me with a sinful past and are still making mistakes, this is an important concept.

The third passage is Daniel 6:10...Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had done before. This passage is a great example and reminder of the effectiveness of a consistent prayer life. While I am sure he had his weak moments, there is no mention of Daniel sinning. How unlike David, Samson, Moses and most other Bible characters who had noteworthy defects of character.

The second passage, is the Lord's prayer itself. Luke 11:2 When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth. Give us day by day our daily bread. And forgive us our sins; for we also forgive every one that is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.

Daniel stood firm in his relationship with God, in spite of being in a heathen land and in a position of power and temptation. I sometimes pray dozens of times in the course of a day depending on my circumstances. However, I always try to consistently communicate with my maker three times a day like Daniel. In fact, I just don't feel right if I miss a session.

I usually start my prayer sessions with the Lord's prayer since it is recommended by Jesus himself. It simply and eloquently ―covers all the bases‖. Then I move on to specific issues, which allows me to communicate in a personal, intimate relationship with God. I share all my hopes and dreams, and cast all my cares upon him.

I am reminded of a Pastor who taught me ―before your feet even touch the ground, pray before getting out of bed‖. Wise advice! It starts you off on the right foot each day. Whatever trials await you, whether known or unknown, can be prepared for in advance. Power and help is available for all situa9




I am also reminded of a line in an old Coun-

An inspirational literary publication inspired by one of our literary favorites, Karen O‘Leary of West Fargo, ND. Karen is an avid supporter of the literary arts and especially of her many colleagues and fans throughout the pages of the ―small presses.‖ Karen was the ―Supreme Poet of the Month‖ in the March, 2010 issue of AMULET. Karen‘s manuscripts have graced many more of our small press pages. Send all of your most inspirational poems, short stories, essays, articles, dreams and personal encounters that you wish to share (fictional or non-fictional) to:

try Gospel song ―Mountains of Gold‖ which says that money can't buy ―peace when you're sleeping and a conscience that's free‖. I know what can – prayer. The power of prayer gives me something for which the rich and powerful would trade kingdoms and fortunes. When I retire for the

Perry Terrell LUMINARIES P. O. Box 761495 San Antonio, TX 78245 or Perry Terrell LUMINARIES P. O. Box 884223 San Francisco, CA 94188-4223

evening, I review the trials, the sins, the regrets, the worries of the day and lay them at the feet of God in prayer. Then I drift off to sleep with something beyond price, ―peace when I'm sleeping and a conscience that's free‖.

LUMINARIES promises to bring to you inspirational, thought provoking and encouraging words to live by. $5.00 reading fee for up to 8 submissions Make payable to: PERRY TERRELL PayPal users pay to: conceitmagazine@yahoo.com

Ken Rich is the director of Independent Gospel Ministries. "Independent Gospel Ministries" is a family of websites, integrated with

Visit our website: https://sites.google.com/site/ conceitmagazine/ Contributor‘s copy will be mailed. SUBSCRIPTIONS: $30.00 per year Six (6) issues per year: June, August, October, December, February, April DEBUT ISSUE: JUNE, 2011 Submit now !!!

the non-profit "Indie Gospel Artists" social network, and a web ring. We also support a podcast, mobile site, and the "Biker Heaven" Ministry. Visit his website at: www.kenrich.me


WHAT'S YOUR PRICE TO BETRAY JESUS? Michelle Pumphrey (A Word For the Church) Then entered Satan into Judas surnamed Iscariot, being of the number of the twelve. And he went his way, and communed with the chief priests and captains, how he might betray him unto them. And they were glad, and covenanted to give him money, and promised, and sought opportunity to betray him unto them in the absence of the multitude. Luke 22:3-6.

Saints of God, when we read about the betrayal of Jesus Christ by one of his disciple Judas, oh how it made some of us angry, some were heartbroken, and some of us were in disbelief. How could Judas do this to such a beautiful man? We even call people in our personal lives Judas when they wrong us, but many of us are betraying Jesus on a daily basis. People are selling out Jesus for money, when you water down the word of God for financial gain. When we decide to stray away from the word of God to chase after wealth, we are betraying Jesus. When you consume your life with fornication, or when you profess to be a man or woman of God, then you are sell out Jesus for sexual gratification. We confess to the world that we are men and woman of God, people are looking to see a difference in our lifestyle and our behavior. As believers we all know that we will have trials just as an unbeliever, but we must be in a place with God that we will not compromise his word just to relieve our situations. So many people of God sell out the word of God just to get ahead in the world today. The Lord has been so good to many of us; he's healed our bodies from sickness and diseases. He has healed marriages, he has protected our love ones, he has blessed our finances, and most of all he has delivered us from the gates of hell! Jesus was very kind to all of his disciples, even to the point when he said that one of them was going to betray Him. The disciples couldn't tell which one of them, because Jesus never treated anyone any different. Thirty pieces of silver that was all it took. What price would you betray Jesus just for a man, for financial gain, for position, for fame, or to hold on to your reputation? All of that is just as pathetic as the thirty pieces of silver was for Judas. To betray the gospel of Jesus Christ and the power that lies within us to live victorious in Him, and to be obedient to the word of God. The question still remains: What will be your price to betray Jesus? I pray that nothing will ! Amen!


Baring Gift I am taken back my heart I am taken my soul I am taken my flesh No more abuse no more false love no more I am used goods I am in his image I am of His image I am a virtuous woman I am to be an appreciated, loved woman of beauty I am free in His image I belong to myself I belong as a virtuous woman. Proverb 31:10-31 Feon Davis


“Protect Your Potatoes” Mandy Woodhouse

I could not stop the tears. As I lay in our ministry‘s little prayer hut—feeling empty, dry and wearier than I have been in ages— it was all I could do not to allow myself to drown in my own snot. More than anything I felt exhausted and was allowing self -pity to have its nasty way in my thoughts. Here I am, a ―minister‖ who has been through years of intense training and even my share of church related heart ache, and yet I feel as if my little world is falling apart all because I am tired and empty. How did it come to this? When did I allow myself to become this dry?

(giving way her portion of potatoes). In the context of my personal journey, I have found that I need to have a balance of Martha and Mary to be able to effectively serve those whom I minister to. If I get lazy and fat at the feet of Jesus, I find that little actually gets done because of my comfort. Yet if I stay too long in service mode without finding refreshing for my heart and soul, I crash and burn. Maybe the trick is to eat my potatoes with Jesus and then use that energy to fulfill the tasks that He has called me to do? I certainly cannot continue to give away the potatoes that Jesus gives me before first digesting them and letting their truth resound inside me. If Jesus gives me a potato, the worst thing that I could possibly do with it is give it away to the homeless that I feed every Saturday instead of feeding my own starving flesh. I need His potatoes. They need His potatoes too, but I am arrogant and just plain wrong if I think that I do not need them just as badly as a hungry, homeless person. After all, we ALL have need—is that not why Jesus died?

My friend Rachel sat with me in the prayer hut. Rachel is a friend who also has a heart for ministry and has been through enough ministry dramas to write a serious ―how to‖ manual, and yet even her prophetic anointing and heartfelt prayers seemed to do no good. Disclaimer: I know that I make this sound so very dramatic, but only a minister who has been running on ―empty‖ for a few months can fully picture this moment. My mouth was silent yet my heart screamed, ―God, where ARE YOU in all of this?‖ Then Rachel made the most ridiculous, silly, and yet truly profound statement of the day…‖Mandy, God is saying that you need to protect your potatoes.” Protect my potatoes??? I did not understand at first, until I realized what Rachel meant by ―potatoes.‖ That is when God had my full attention, and I was able to finally turn off the never-ending flow of snot. I had not been protecting my potatoes, and this is why I was so drained. My ―potatoes,‖ you see, refers to the personal lessons, the tremendous encouragement, and the life and ―rhema words‖ that the Holy Spirit gives me…not as a minister, but simply as His child. Unfortunately, I had used my personal ―potato‖ storage to give away to those in need, and had thus found myself constantly dry and hungry in my own private intimacy. I was giving away my potatoes before Jesus and I could enjoy cooking them together.

I suppose those of us who have the gifts of teaching and encouragement need to protect our potatoes more than most. Our heart is to teach, build up, exhort and see new life growing in those whom we influence, so our first instinct is simply to give away whatever good nourishment we receive. But we must guard the seeds planted in our hearts so that they can multiply in even greater numbers than just the one little potato we get! Proverbs 4:23 (NIV, 2011) says ―Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.‖ If everything that I do—especially in ministry—flows from my heart, then how wrong I have been for not guarding my heart and potatoes properly and allowing myself to give away my entire personal storehouse of food! I can do so much more in ministry by protecting and enjoying one little potato instead of immediately giving it away to the first hungry person I find. That one small potato, given the chance to grow and go deep in me, has the potential to feed hundreds or even millions instead of the few who feed off it before it is completely ―cooked‖ in my heart. Take my friend Rachel‘s advice before you find yourself drowning in your own snot and hunger: Ministers, protect your potatoes!

I should have known something was up when I realized the last few weeks that every sermon I have heard recently has been about Mary and Martha. You can find the story in Luke 10, when Jesus is at the home of Mary and her sister Martha. While Mary sits at the feet of Jesus and takes in His presence (feasts on potatoes), Martha fusses around the house getting things done so that everyone feels at home and cared for 13

Inspect to protect your marriage You‘ve probably already heard or read about the incident with Southwest Airlines flight # 812. Just to recap, a piece of fuselage actually peeled off during an active flight, creating a 5 foot long hole in the airplane. They had to make an emergency landing in Yuma, Arizona to avoid an immediate catastrophe of human casualties. We are happy to say, that no casualties occurred. However, there could have been many casualties. The potential for disaster grew exponentially when all that simply could have been avoided in a much earlier stage. In similar fashion, you may recall a similar incident in 1988 in which an Aloha Airlines flight attendant was sucked out and fell to her death because of ―cracks‖ left unattended. Not expecting this to happen so soon – it could have been avoided While reading about these incidents, we found something interesting. It said that the Boeing engineers figured that the joints holding the skin in place on their older 737‘s would begin to wear as they reached retirement, but never expected it to happen in ―so soon‖.

This was considered middle aged and not ―needing‖ a check for cracks. Time for Inspection It was well reported that if either case mentioned including a myriad of others since those two incidents were simply inspected routinely, most all casualties could have been prevented. We need to have frequent ―inspections‖ in our marriages. It is vital to when and where we have cracks that could explode and destroy our marriages. Watch for those signs – they mean something So many times after a disaster, whether it‘s with a plane, or with other types of disasters or tragedies, (Shootings, oil spills, etc) it seems that it is only discovered after the fact that there were many signs that preceded the tragedy. Why is it that the signs are overlooked until it is ultimately too late, and everyone scurries to clean up, repair and change policy? We need to constantly be aware of things that could be affecting our marriage. Whether it has the potential to greatly influence us in a positive direction, or tear at the fabric of our relationships. Don‘t wait until you have a huge hole in your marriage wondering how you became so distant from each other. If, during your inspection, you discover little cracks, fix them before they become big cracks. Talk with

In other words, they didn‘t expect that they would need to inspect for cracks on the lap joints until they had reached 60,000 pressurization cycles, which is the number of take offs and landings. In fact, the recent flight mentioned above, had only reached 39,000 pressurization cycles, and was 15 years old.

(Continued on page 15)


your spouse about things that may be bothering Cracks are fixed – now what? you. Don‘t try to just sweep it under the rug. Fixing cracks in the fuselage I keep hearing commercials for Windshield repair commercials. They all say basically the same thing: if you would have dealt with the little crack in the window right away, you can have avoided the huge potentially dangerous crack that simply cannot be repaired; it can only be replaced. It is very important to keep open and honest and respectful communication with each other. Let your spouse know your needs. They cannot read your mind. Don‘t leave it up to an ethereal romantic ―wish‖; communicate. Also, if you are hurt or upset about something, try to connect with your spouse with the perspective of finding a solution without blaming them and making them feel like they are the problem. Try to listen with interest when your spouse is talking to you, and not let your mind wander to other things. Most women especially need to feel heard. Sometimes they feel better just by talking about issues with someone who will listen. Most times they are not actually looking for a solution, or at least not right away. They just need to feel heard.

After dealing with those potentially hazardous cracks re-ignite your passion and friendship and start the process of becoming as close as possible. It seems that the closer you are to each other, the easier it is to know when there is a crack to fix. Have fun together and keep a watchful eye for those little cracks, mend them when they come up, and you may just find that you have prevented a disaster in your marriage. Pastors Mike and Trisha Fox

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Also, make sure you get quality and quantity time with your spouse. Doing things that you enjoy doing together, and keeping the romance alive in your marriage can help prevent those cracks from forming. 15



What's on Ms. Shoe’s Mind? I know one thing; I am so very tired of hearing some people complain of that which they have little intention of doing anything to make change to… For instance; it is far too late to complain about how hard it is to make money and live in this country… We are already clear on that.

used today are; SCOTCH TAPE, the first ANALOG COMPUTER, FM RADIO, DRIVE-IN MOVIES and the JET ENGINE. By the 40’s inventions continued to improve on many of the things that were invented during the 1930s. The JET ENGINE had become far more advanced to the TURBOPROP ENGINE level and the ANALOG COMPUTER ended up becoming the first ELECTRONIC DIGITAL COMPUTER, in 1942. Along with the MICROWAVE invention; KIDNEY DIALYSIS machines came into existence in 1944 and was one of the more notable inventions. Whenever you use your computer to send an Email or an Instant Message, think of 1945 when the HYPERTEXT idea materialized and later became what drives websites and the Internet

I am not trying to rustle any feathers; nor am I trying to make light of anyone’s struggle. Let’s first be clear on that before I continue. My point being that many people before me had struggled and lived through the Great Depression of the late 1920’s. The Great Depression was a severe worldwide economic depression in the decade preceding World War II. The timing of the Great Depression varied across nations, but in most countries it started in about 1929 and lasted until the late 1930s or early 1940s. It’s effects were devastating in virtually every country, rich and poor. It affected personal income, tax revenue, profits and prices were dropped; yet at the same time International trade plunged. Unemployment in the U.S., rose to 25%, and in some countries rose as high as 33%.(Wikipedia- The Great Depression). Cities all around the world were hit hard, especially those dependent on heavy industry. Construction was virtually halted in many countries. Farming and rural areas suffered as crop prices fell by approximately 60%!(Wikipedia- The Great Depression) Without delving too far into the causes and the many varying opinions concerning why there was even a Great Depression to begin with, I’ll digress to note here that whatever the reason (s) for it, people survived the best way they knew how. Out of necessity GREAT ideas are born. As a matter of fact these ideas helped to turn around the Economic, Industrial and Social structure in America.

Like Iyanla Vanzant says “There is VALUE in the VALLEY!” It is there that inventions are discovered and it is also there when you realize your greatest strength. We are all created with gifts that which allow us to survive in this WORLD. Rather than to see the cup half empty, why not give it a go at seeing the cup HALF FULL for a change. Kalima F.A.Q. Lewis The Lady in the Shoe...'Still Keeping the Industry Clean!' Since 1999 www.LadyintheShoeProductions.com

Ms. Shoe is an INSPIRER, she is PROUD of herself and others, she is POSITIVE, and she expects nothing short of GREATNESS from herself and others. Are you up for the CHALLENGE? ©First Published By Kalima F.A.Q. Lewis- March 2011

In the 1920’s, just after WWII America became more or less a recluse and enjoyed economic successes as a result of such inventions as the BAND-AID, the LIE-DETECTOR, INSULIN and the YO-YO. There are also some notable 1923 inventions such as the TRAFFIC SIGNAL, the SELFWINDING WATCH and FROZEN FOOD. However, by the 1930’s we were not as economically sound but we had a lot more to offer than the inventions of the 1920’s. Some of these inventions that are still being 18

“A Brief Moment with Kaitie Grzybowski” By Robert T. Sells

DIM: I have met many people since starting this feature column that are doing some amazing things for God, but this young lady has truly been an inspira-

Peter who wrote letters from God to the

see things clearer and how God sees

people. That is why I titled this poem

things. He has given me so much wisdom

letter to God to show him that there are

but there is still so much I need to learn.

people living for you even through each test we are put to just like job had done.

tion to me. It‘s her zeal for God that has led me to begin to do a youth version of this column. She has such a wonderful spirit and at such a young age has a true heart for God. When she dances, the Spirit moves in a major way. I pray that you will be blessed as you hear her story and get to know her better. So now sit back, grab your cup of java, kick off your slippers as you spend a ―Brief Youth Moment with Kaitie Grzybowski‖. DIM: Tell us a little bit about yourself. Kaitie: I am 17 years old. I am a dancer and participate in fine arts each year to try and reach those I can with my dance ministry. I love to write poems and stories that can touch those who read them. I want to be a youth pastor and work with girls who are going through things and need someone there for them. I have

that show in your writing and if so what DIM: What inspires you to write? Do

are they?

you have any specific techniques you use

Kaitie: When I wrote A Letter To God, it

for your writing?

was everything that was on my heart. I

Kaitie: Before I even write I read a pas-

prayed so much about it that it could

sage in the bible and write about it as a

open people‘s eyes to how this world is

devotion. I don't really have any tech-

and how it should be. And I kept writing

niques I just put what is on my heart and

different versions of it and then com-

pray and hope it will touch someone.

bined them in a way I felt was powerful

Even if it's only one person then I have

and hopefully good in Gods eyes.

done what God wanted DIM: Where can people find you if they DIM: Have you got any plans in the near future? MC to be a youth pastor. And work with them for fine arts and to be there for each student so they will always have someone there for them when they need it. They can have their own Christian family.

Kaitie: My ministry is mainly dancing but I decided to start writing to be like

fine arts. At the moment I don't have any way people can support it yet. If they want to support me I just ask for their prayers and that God can be shown to those that are broken, hurt, and lost. And to support all the missionaries and speed the light bike for light and other organizations that are getting Gods word heard.

DIM: What has been the best part about being in the ministry that the Lord has

DIM: How did your ministry get started?

wanted to support your ministry? Kaitie: I dance for my church and for

Kaitie: Yes I want to attend Lakeland

three brothers and two sisters and loving parents who support my ministry 100%.

DIM: Are there examples of your faith

given you to do? Kaitie: He has blessed me and my family in numerous ways. And even helped me 19

The Apostle Defense By Apostle Dr. Lee Ann B. Marino, Ph.D., D.D.

Recently one of my spiri-

to take over, and someone

tual daughters encountered a so-

else attempts to completely

called "apostle" on FaceBook who

crush a vision in the proc-

just wasn't honest about something. It was my spiri-

ess...all in the name of being an "apostle."

tual daughter's group, the one she created, and there

I'm tired of the apostle defense.

Yes, as

was a question about the direction a certain aspect of

apostles, we are gifted with vision, foresight, creativ-

the group was going to take. The so-called "apostle"

ity, creative ability, authority, and establishment. We

had already more-or-less taken over several different

are established to build the Kingdom of God, tear

aspects of the group, without permission, and did not

down things that are not of God, establish order, and

agree with the course of action the group was to take.

walk within the spiritual edification and building God

Instead of just being honest and calling this

has placed within us. There are so many ways in

what it was - which was a power and control struggle,

which God gifts the apostle for the Kingdom. At the

a battle of the flesh - this so-called "apostle" tried to

same time, just like anything else, we must check our-

spiritualize it. Her defense? The "apostle defense."

selves spiritually, exhibit spiritual maturity, and so

I'm going to guess none of you out there have

much more. Gifts are nothing if they are not turned to

ever heard of the "apostle defense." That's because

fruit. In that vain, anyone can claim to be an apostle

it's my term coined to describe what keeps going on

with a series of gifts that sound good, look good, and

in the Body of Christ. The "apostle defense" is when

seem to work good...until the flesh is challenged.

a so-called "apostle" uses (or should I say, misusing)

Out comes the "apostle's defense."

the gifts and calling of the apostolic office in order to

One of the main defenses of this woman was

defend fleshly behavior geared around power and

the key that she could not ascribe to the order of the

control. I have seen it time and time again: someone

(Continued on page 21)

is challenged, someone doesn't like it, someone tries 20

group leader because she is an "apostle." In her

decency and in order. While several of the of-

minds' eye view, and according to her own words,

fices may share in different spiritual gifts and may

apostles are the highest calling of the entire five-

complement each other, there is no "highest call-

fold, the five-fold rolled into one. For this reason,

ing." Ministry is not some sort of divine climb up

whenever she disagrees with something or feels

the ladder of success. To give an illustration, the

it is out of alignment with her vision, she will con-

five-fold ministry is not a 1950s singing group

form it to her vision. She will tear down anything

where the apostle is the lead singer and the other

she sees fit to tear down and replace it with what-

four ministries are the back-up singers. Apostles

ever she feels is appropriate in its place.

are an important and essential aspect to the


cause this is her concept of being an "apostle,"


she cannot and will not submit to anything or any-

health, and function; but the church can't fully

one else's vision as it does not conform to her

function without the other four offices, either. We


have a five-fold ministry because we need all five There are numerous serious errors in this


They are essential for its well-being,

Just as it is a mistake to assume the

type of thinking. The apostle's ministry is NEVER

church can function efficiently thinking the pastor

spoken of as being a "higher calling" over the

is every office rolled into one, we likewise can't


The Bible identifies that apostles were

make the mistake of assuming the apostle is

first appointed, then prophets, then teachers; but

every office rolled into one and ignore the rest of

this is a statement of establishment in authority,

the five-fold.

not preeminence. The five-fold ministry is an es-

I am truly exited to live in a time where so

tablishment by Jesus Christ to build up and edify

many are embracing the five-fold calling and to

the church (Ephesians 4:11-16). It is not a hierar-

see true apostles rise up. At the same time, I am

chy, but rather, a balancing of gifts given by the

seeing more false apostles rise than true apostles

Father to ensure the church has everything it

which causes me grave concern.

needs and is perfected in every area. No office

called me to be an apostle in early 2004, I'd never

of the five-fold is the others rolled into one; they

even heard of an apostle before. Now all I hear

are separate offices established for separate pur-

about are apostles and prophets, and we have

poses that come together and work efficiently in

gotten just as out of balance in the area of the 21

When God

apostle as we used to be with the pastor. Now

our leaders is just the beginning of what God

being an apostle is a defense for all sorts of non-

asks of us in the Kingdom. This means we show

sense, power and control, and the excuse that

common respect, courtesy, and support to any

people must submit to everything a so-called

vision we can affirm is a part of God's Kingdom.

apostle does, with no regard, respect, or dignity

While I do believe God puts us in certain circum-

for the fact that all five of the offices herald a cer-

stances to bring forth correction, discipline, or

tain level of authority and vision and the authority

order where there is none, that doesn't mean

and vision in question must always be respected.

EVERY situation we find ourselves in calls for

We also have the question of the "s"


If we are participating in someone else's

word in here: submission. I am the first one to

vision, we need to make sure we hear from the

admit that the office of the apostle demands a

Lord as to how to handle the situation and what

certain amount of respect.

we are going to do if the individual doesn't submit

At the same time,

apostles do not have the right to step on the toes

to the word God is bringing forth through us.

of other people in the name of their office or their

As an apostle, I am going to be very

authority. If we are a part of a bigger ministry,

transparent in saying something about all of us

bigger group, or joining something that is not our

who are called to this office: we can be a bunch

own, we have to submit to the vision of that

of hotheads. This includes me. The apostle is

group. Why? Because by joining it, agreeing to

intense, fiery, passionate about the things of God,

participate in it, or somehow share in it, we are

and not shy in speaking out about what we feel is

saying we believe the vision is of God.

wrong. By virtue of our call, it is in our very na-


though we don't get the vision ourselves, we are

ture to correct what we disagree with.

saying that yes, this is a part of the Kingdom of

therein is what we need to check, and why it is so

God and I want to be a part of this individual's

essential we rely on the revelation of God and His

Kingdom vision. If we can't handle that, we need

maturity in us rather than our spiritual gifts to

to not join the group. If we can't handle it, we

carry our ministries. I know in my own life, I was

also need to look at why. The Bible commands

much like I am now even before I was an apos-

ALL believers to submit to one another as believ-

tle...even before I was saved! I was bold, daring,

ers in the Lord (Ephesians 5:21). Submission to

and spoke my mind. I was bossy; I told everyone 22


what to do. I was a great administrator and was


good with leading people. I had a gift but I didn't

How people who claim to be apostles

know how to use it. Yes, I was good at leading

handle conflict and disagreements is a strong

people and good with administration, but I also

point of their calling and leadership abilities. It is

turned a lot of people off because I was leading

also a sign of their spiritual maturity and ability to

by the flesh. I would get angry when people dis-

handle others. Blaming flagrant disrespect and

agreed with me. I would be furious when some-

fleshly power and control on the fact that one is

one contradicted me, or did something different

an apostle is simply unacceptable. Even now, I

from what I did. I didn't understand why people

do not shy away from confrontation, because that

would seem to have half of stuff right and deem

is not what God has called me to do. As apostles

the rest wrong. I was a hothead. I threw fits,

we must handle situations, disagreements, and

started fights, and caused rifts.

My gift wasn't

conflicts on a regular basis. When something is

being used properly and instead of building up, it

wrong, we must present it as being wrong - but

was used to tear down and break apart.

we must PRESENT the error with the Word and

God has spent years building the needed

with the authority of the office. It's not a matter of

spiritual maturity within me to allow me to call

"I'm Diana Ross and you are a Supreme. Submit

myself an apostle. It was a process; not an enti-

to MY VISION!" Rather, it is walking in the office

tlement. Apostle is a ministry; not a title. It is an

of discernment to the point where we know what

honor to be in God's service and a powerful reali-

is God from what is not, and we are prepared to

zation to recognize we walk with others in the

stand up for what is NOT God with the grace and

Kingdom. I cried for a week when God started to

dignity of our office.

deal with me about myself. You know what? I

I am not naive enough to think everyone

needed to grow up. I didn't need to remain as a

always accepts the office of the apostle or the

pouting, whining baby.

There is no time for

authority therein. There are at least two men on

fleshly nonsense in the Kingdom and I have no

the internet who have labeled me as a "false

tolerance for it. If you can't handle yourself with

apostle" because I would not recant my calling to

other people, you can be as gifted as you like.

please them. Neither situation ended well, but it

You are not qualified to serve and call yourself an

wasn't because I behaved disrespect ably; rather, 23

it was because they did. The circumstance that inspired this blog is not one of those circumstances.

Order Your copy Today!!

If you can't submit to any vision other

than your own, that tells me you're not submitting to the vision of God because the Kingdom of God is bigger than each one of us and requires ALL of us as Kingdom builders to proclaim, "Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand" (Matthew 4:17). We need to be honest with ourselves about who we are. We need to be honest with others about our calling and our ministry. If we don't want to do something, we need to step up and accept responsibility for our own feelings - and distinguish those from the spiritual demands, callings, and anointing of the apostolic office.

Above all, we

need to pray for discernment - because that is the ultimate spiritual gift. Don't abuse the calling God has placed on your life. Walk as you are called and in the Spirit of Wisdom. No matter what your calling may be - there is no defense for immaturity of the flesh!


Apostle Dr. Lee Ann B. Marino, Ph.D., D.D. Apostle in Office Apostolic Fellowship International Ministries P.O. Box 935 Cary, North Carolina 27512 USA 1 (919) 397-9122 drleeannbmarino@powerfortoday.org Š 2011 Lee Ann B. Marino


“Victimize Me No More‖ Deborah Sheppard Founder, Author, Advocate.

Central High School and went on to become a student at East

Deborah Sheppard’s Biography

Carolina University. It was there where she met the guy who Deborah Sheppard was raised in Snow Hill, NC. She is 1

turned her life upside down. ―We met my junior year‖, Deborah

of 13 children. ―I grew up in a large family. There are 8 boys and 5

stated. ―Everything was rushed but that was ok because I felt as

girls‖, Deborah stated. Throughout her childhood, Deborah en-

though I had met my prince charming.‖ ―As time went on and the

dured her share of hardships. At the tender age of 5, her father and

‗honeymoon phase‘ was over, he turned into a MONSTER.‖

mother separated, leaving her mom to take on both parental roles

―During many arguments I would be beaten senseless. The attacks

in the home. ―Many days we did not know where our next meal

went from being slapped, punched, choked, to having a loaded

was coming‖, Deborah stated. During that time Deborah also suf-

Smith and Wesson pointed to my head on many occasions‖, as

fered sexual abuse for the next few years.

Deborah remembers. During this time Deborah also caught her

It was her faith in God that got her through her childhood

(Continued on page 26)

and adolescent years. She graduated with honors from Greene 25

awareness. For more information on Victimize Me No More, contact Deborah Sheppard at victimizemenomore@gmail.com

share of STDs from her abuser and had an unwanted pregnancy that lead to an abortion, which left Deborah depressed for years. Deborah was a victim of Domestic Violence for 3 years. As a survivor she has made it her mission


to spread awareness on this epidemic and save one life


at a time. Two of those ways include, the launching of her organization VICTIMIZE ME NO MORE and


writing and publishing her first book. Deborah is now the author of her first book entitled, HURT NO MORE: What Victims & Abusers


Should Know About Domestic Violence. ―HURT NO MORE is a self help guide for victims and abusers‖,

The YOUNG WARRIORS PROGRAM is in intervention and prevention program to enlighten students on teen dating violence and to encourage students to take a stand against Teen Dating Violence. Sheppard was inspired to do this program because every day, more and more teens and pre-teens are becoming victims of dating violence. The statistics are overwhelming and heartbreaking. This program is taught through a week's period. Each day students are presented (in depth) with the following: Statistics on Teen Dating Violence, 4 different types of dating violence (physical, emotional, sexual and financial), warning signs of a potential abuser, warning signs of a potential victim, and an overview of the ―Abuse Cycle‖. Students are also be enlightened by Court Advocates on how to obtain Protective Orders against their abusers and also other methods on how to escape and protect themselves from abuse. Guest speakers also come in to share their personal stories abuse and how they overcame it, in hopes to encourage victims to leave the abuse and to prevent non victims from becoming a victim. Students also watch videos to enhance knowledge and quizzes are given daily to assess student‘s knowledge of information given. Students also participate in skits, which give real life scenarios of abuse. The purpose of these skits is to present to them what avenues to take if they are or will be in an abusive situation. Here‘s what some students had to say about the program during the course evaluations: “I have been in an abusive situation and I didn’t know how to cope but you helped me get through it.” “I liked the course because I have learned so much and every since you taught me about these things, I have left this boy alone because a lot of the things you taught, I was going through with him.”

Deborah stated. The book tackles hidden issues that contribute to Domestic Violence such as child abuse, low self-esteem, generational curses and approval addiction. For Booking Info Contact Deborah Sheppard at victimizemenomore@gmail.com or call (252) 7140969

VICTIMIZE ME NO MORE Founder: Deborah J. Sheppard Date Founded: September 2009 Mission Statement: Victimize Me No More, helps shed light on the Domestic Violence epidemic. Victimize Me No More will provide services to victims and their families. This is done by providing them with information on where to receive counseling, locating shelters, advocates and a number of other services. Founder, Deborah Sheppard speaks at a number of events, sharing her personal story with domestic violence, as well as informing her audience on the services Victimize Me No More provides. Deborah teams up with community leaders and law enforcement to be put on fundraiser events and community forums to promote 26

“I liked how you explained the different types of ways a person can abuse you. I learned that it’s not just physical but many more ways.” ***The YOUNG WARRIORS PROGRAM also works with the school‘s resource officer. If a young lady is or becomes a victim of dating violence, Deborah Sheppard is contacted by the resource to come in and provide an intervention for that student. ***

BEAUTIFY ME Campaign The purpose of “Beautify Me” is to instill in women the importance of inner beauty as well as beautifying their outer appearance. “Beautify Me” raises self esteem as well as ensure that our temple (body) is taken care of. Who does “Beautify Me” Target? “Beautify Me” looks to target our women who have found refuge at our local Women‘s Shelters. How does “Beautify Me” work? “Beautify Me” is broken down in two sections:  “The Queen in Me”, focuses on developing high self esteem, exploring your inner beauty and finding the Queen that lives in all of us. (As a former victim of Domestic Violence, I understand how important it is to develop your inner beauty when it has been damaged and broken from the many years of abuse). “My Body Is a Temple”, focuses on taking care of our outer beauty. This includes exploring the latest skin care products, makeup and hair products. The ladies will also receive a free facial and manicure from a licensed professional. Special giveaways from “Beautify Me”: Each participant of “Beautify Me” receives a special “Beautify Me” gift bag filled with goodies to help enhance inner and outer beauty. The gift bags include: Gift certificates from participating Hair and Nail Salons (These were sponsored by the business owners of these Salons), a compilation CD with women empowerment songs, ―smell goods‖ from Bath & Body Works. There will also be “A Day at The Spa” giveaway for one or two women that win the surprise drawing.

Upcoming Events MAY 13, 2011- Will be speaking at The Touching Hearts Conference in Snow Hill, NC. MAY 14, 2011- Will be speaking at a Benefit Event in honor of the Coastal Women‘s Shelter in New Bern, NC. JULY 29-31, 2011- Will be the guest speaker for The Impact‘s Church (Charlotte, NC) Summer Retreat OCTOBER 2011- Will be speaking at a number of events in honor of DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AWARENESS MONTH


HURT NO MORE: What Victims And Abusers Should Know About Domestic Violence ISBN: 978-0-615-42319-7 Release Date: December 3, 2010

BOOK SYNOPSIS Domestic Violence is a heartbreaking epidemic that has been plaguing our nation for generations. It is a lifestyle that is hard to live and has both the abusers and victims caught up in a strong hold of pain. Domestic Violence does not discriminate and leaves a shattered trail of women, men, young, old, rich, poor, and all races in its path of disaster. As a survivor of Domestic Violence, Deborah Sheppard has made it her mission to spread awareness on this epidemic, one life at a time. Hurt No More is a self-help guide for both victims and abusers. This book tackles hidden issues that contribute to Domestic Violence such as child abuse, low self esteem, generational curses and approval addictions The author‘s prayers is that this book will open readers eyes to the truth behind this plague. THE CYCLE STOPS HERE!!! Book is available online at: www.writtenbydeb.com and www.lulu.com 28

Letter to God Dear God, I know the things in my past, I knew that they just would not last. That is why I turned to you, Because your word is true, You sent your son to die upon the cross. Thanks to him all sins were lost. We run away from all this pain, But with that there is nothing to gain Turning our backs on you Acting like, “We all cool” They say being a Christian is all easy But I am living that life it is not so breezy We deal with rejection’ But I thank God you are my protection. We all know there is a heaven and hell What one we will go to we cannot tell But with Christ we will know But do not put on a show By the grace that was given to me I am now spiritually free By the Holy one, The three in one The Father, Spirit, Son. By Kaitie Grzybowski


No Greater Name Jesus is His Name, though He's been called by many. There's no greater Name, no not any. He is our Savior, The Bread of Life. Sent down from Heaven, to make the sacrifice. He was The Lamb of God, that was slain. To reconcile us back, and remove the stain. The Atoning Sacrifice, for our sins. Sent by The Father, to make amends. The Chief Shepherd, come to seek the lost. Christ The New Adam, come to pay the cost. The Lamb without blemish, The One without blame. The Propitiation for our sins, The Eternal Flame. He's The Holy Spirit, left while He's gone. He's The Spiritual Rock, we stand upon. He's The Chief Cornerstone, The Foundation. The Great I Am, The Horn of Salvation. He's The Author and Finisher of our faith. He came to atone, and seal our fate. Over The Church, He is The Head. He's going to judge, the living and the dead. He's The Word of God, The True Vine. Resurrection and life, for all of mankind. Alpha and Omega, The Beginning and The End. Our Heavenly Father, Our Lifelong Friend. Our Heavenly Savior is known, as all these things. But none greater then Jesus, The King of Kings. To God Goes The Glory. Copyrighted 12/25/2009 Minister Tony Rowsey 30

The Light of Life A smile and gleam that fills the heart... A gentle touch through hands of gold... Patience, perseverance embracing endless gifts of steadfast, Untarnished, genuine faith, hope, joy and true, unconditional love. Though time may pass through the ages... The true love of my humble, abundantly beautiful in countless ways, mother never will..... May your harmony and angelic gifts always fill the skies with the glory of how you have filled my heart and life with your presence Glory to you my always and forever mother. You are a bright light that will eternally glow. My mother - Ellen Lucy Cuomo Schilling

I wrote this as part of my healing - at age 51 my mother was so suddenly and unexpectedly brought home. By Heidi –Maria Schilling 31

NEIGHBOR, CONQUER YOUR WORLD for it can be tested, tried, never lose, never dies, not defeated, and can move mountains. Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the spoken (rhema) Word of God; and faith is something to grow in order to conquer your problems.

John 16 33These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

Jesus said, in the world you shall have tribulation. The world will squeeze you with pressure on your job, divorce, heart attacks, illness, broken relationships, eviction, and affliction. The only solution for your world is a refuge in Jesus. Because the world presents with hopelessness and brokenness. Verse 33 says you “might have peace” which means God’s peace for blessings and breakthroughs is based on condition. God is neither ―needy or greedy‖ as He won‘t put up with the continual excuses that we give to sin no matter what may be our title or position. Jesus wanted to impress upon the people that you will get hurt, however, He overcame and conquered the world. When we conquer our ―world‖ of sickness, problems, poverty, lack, illness, and temptations then God gives special rewards/bonuses as we stand against the fiery darts being hurled. To him that overcometh and conquers Jesus will give (see Rev. 2-3): to eat from the tree of life; to eat of the hidden manna; and a white stone, and in the stone is written a new name which no one knows except him who receives it; and also Jesus will grant you to sit with him in his throne. To conquer your world which is unique to whatever you are facing (i.e. family difficulty, marital woes, sickness, disease, loss of job etc.) you must have faith to believe that it can be done. 

Second, you must conquer the demons assigned against your life or they will make you sick in your body and/or attempt to destroy you.

Third, you conquer the demon spirits by the blood of Jesus when they come against your body, finances, and family by the word of your testimony (which is your witness of how you overcame your issue).

Be careful what you say because death and life are in the power of the tongue. If you speak a positive confession of faith but then later speak doubt and worry; you just negated your breakthrough, so realize that it is by your word that you could actually eradicate or delay the manifestation. Finally, to conquer your world you must crucify your flesh with the affections and lust even though it may be a painful and lonely adjustment temporarily. You must conquer the things of the world to experience God‘s blessings, healing, prosperity, exceeding joy, peace, anointing, and open doors that He wants to provide in this Zoe life abundantly and also eternally. Right now, is there anyone coming out of a challenge, in the midst of one, or about to be faced with a challenge? What strategies are you using to overcome your challenges? What are you confessing, faith or the problem? Blessings, Lauretha Brown-Ward

First, faith is the only thing that will conquer your world 32

Get Your House In Order! We have to first get our house in order because the Devil is out to steal, kill and to destroy. We have to be aware of his tactics, and most of all we must walk in the spirit of love. However, for the forerunner of his power, the Holy Ghost, we are able to stand. We must gird up the loins of our minds while growing in the faith of God. For He's preparing us for the times to come. For God is not the author of confusion, Satan is. Why should we walk in fear? Did he not tell us to, ―Fear Not‖! For we must believe that we are sheltered in the arms of God, covered in the blood stained banner. For God is the One and Only True God, all Powerful and all knowing God. Who can stand against Him? Paul had a thorn to buffet him, Peter was in denial, a harlot washed the feet of Jesus with her tears, David was a Sheppard boy, Rehab was a harlot, Job cursed the day he was born, Moses stuttered, Solomon walked in vanity, the three Hebrew boys were thrown in the fire, the widow woman was honored, Naomi was bitter, Joseph was sold in slavery, and Elijah was afraid and hid from Jezebel. Still God looked beyond their outward issues (faults) and he saw what was in their hearts, and he used them greatly for His Glory. Desiring to be God pleasers, man looks on what they can do for God, but God is saying, can you also look on what I can do for you? What man can‘t do, God can. Why? Because he created mankind, he knows how mankind operates. He is a heart fixer and a mind regulator. He is our Father and Lord…. Man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks upon the heart of the matter and of people. He is looking for a sincere heart, that is willing to forsake all to follow him. Someone that knows that even in their deepest mire (weakness) that God‘s hands can reach and deliver them. Man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks upon the heart of the matter and on the heart of the people. He is looking for a sincere heart, that is willing to forsake all to follow him. Someone that knows that even in their deepest mire (weakness) that God‘s hands can reach and 33

deliver them. Often there are those who seek to condemn a man/ woman, when it comes to sin. And even in their sins, they can somehow justify what they think needs justifying or put under the law what they think needs to be put under the law. We all have faults; we all are capable of offending someone. But we must face sin for what it is. As far as certain things consumed, God told us that it is solely not that which is without that defiles a man, but what is already in a man/ woman‘s heart that defiles them, causing them to lose self-control. Another thing, if a person is always speaking negative over their circumstances and over their loved ones, thinking negative, acting negatively instead of speaking life, then this will bring forth death. But when they pray for one another, forgive one another, quote what the Word says over their issues, and then life will come. And even if loved ones do not agree, when they have a peaceful heart, and are willing to get along, they can still remain respectful to one another. Not killing, hurting, devising one another, setting traps, taking what is not theirs, using and abusing and forsaking those in need. These things ought not to be because God wants us to walk in love as well as in forgiveness. Food For Thought: "If you are not sure of something, weigh the matter before you come to a conclusion" ―It is what it is about God― Ruby Walker Owens Sweet Inspirations


They Called Her Blessed Elder Mae. F. Davis Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her (Proverbs 31:28 KJV)

It is a wonderful thing when mothers are acknowledged by their children as blessed. Blessed means to speak well of, and to give praise; it also means to be happy, fortunate and to be envied. Although Motherhood has its ups and downs, Proverbs 13 is a refreshing reminder that somewhere along this journey of Motherhood our efforts will not go unnoticed. Most times the accolades due to the mother that makes the attempt to model herself after the Proverb Woman by exhibiting many of her characteristics may not receive those acknowledgements until their children are adults.

Children are oblivious to the many sacrifices a mother makes to secure the needs of her family. This is especially true in cases of the sacrifices that are made by single mothers. It is hard enough to care and provide for a family with the presence of both father and mother; but when a mother is faced to do it alone, the challenges are far more greater. As my children grew older, I have had many fun-filled moments of laughter with them whenever I have given them my ‗to do list‘. We didn‘t always have money to give them as an allowance, so I would begin singing my rendition of Pastor Shirley Caesar‘s ―No Charge‖. When they ex35

(Continued on page 36)

pected to get an allowance, I would begin singing, ―For the nine months I carried you – no charge‖. Raising three boys and two girls has cost me many sleepless nights and a lot of tears. But God promises in Psalms 126:5 “They that sow in tears shall reap in joy”. Now my children are adults and I am reaping in joy. With all the challenges of being a mother and striving to be the Virtuous Woman and even making mistakes along the way, I can testify the hard work has finally paid off. My payoff is not so much in the tangible things that I receive. My payoff is evident when I hear my children speak well of me and my husband, giving praises to God for the wife and mother I have become. Those moments make me happy, and beyond fortunate even when I am told that I am envied, because of the way I have raised my children. Am I blessed? Yes, because God gave me my children and His Word taught us how to raise them. I thank God for motherhood and the privilege of being a mother. To my sisters that have been a mother to children of whom their natural mothers were missing in action, know that your labor is not in vain. Even if that child or those children you have raised never say ―thank you‖, know that God is aware of all that you have done, and He will reward you. HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!


I Believe! (Thoughts From the Other Side of Threw)

By B. Michelle

I would have fainted, had I believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Psalm 27:13

strength and steadfastness. What we believe is important. Who we believe in is equally important. What we believe about ourselves (the power of God within us) helps to make it through each day. Begin to ask yourself the hard questions. Have I really surrendered "that issue, thing, person" to God? Have I truly forgiven them and myself? Have I surely put the whole of my life in the Master's hand? Do I really believe that God loves me and gave Himself for me? Of course, there may be some other questions that arise in your spirit.

Belief is a powerful thing. What we believe or not fuels our very existence. God wants us to believe in our destiny. God wants us to live our best life in preparation for our perfected life in heaven. David declares this wonderful exhortation even as he sits in the “waiting room.” Many years earlier, God sends Samuel to declare David’s kingship. Alas, it has yet to happen. Saul and David had become like father and son, only to have Saul’s jealousy of David’s popularity overwhelm him to point of wanting him dead. David finds himself on the run from Saul, hiding in caves, friendless and sitting in the “waiting room” alone, until his change comes. And yet, he writes to us proclaiming that he believed he would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. In effect, David was unmoved, he still believed!

As God reveals the answers to you, respond in faith. Begin by taking action to set goals that enhance your life, steady your feet and become the building blocks for a truthful, authentic, faith-filled life filled with joy. Always remember; Jesus took the first step on His way to Calvary, now it is our turn. Our God is able to bring us up, out and from "The Other Side of Threw."

I would have never believed that I could write one book, much less three. I could never have believed that God would call me into ministry. But as we walk with God, it becomes easier and easier to believe in the impossible because God proves time and time again that with Him all things are possible. God sends the sun each day to help us believe in the light of His love. God calls the moon out each night to help us believe in the glow of His grace. God’s creation surrounds us each day to help us believe in His sovereignty,

B. Michelle is a minister, teacher, freelance writer, mother and grandmother. Her 3rd book, “The Other Side of Threw” is now available on line at Amazon, Borders, Barnes and Noble and Iuniverse, select bookstores and directly from author. For more information, speaking engagements, etc. please contact her at bebe0520@msn.com or 215 317 8036.


You Rose This world was lost Full of people on the way To an eternity in hell Separated from you forever Doomed to live a life of torture Too many unspeakable acts to tell Knowing the path of destruction We were on You sent your son From the holiest place He came down from glory At His place by Your side To live among us for 30 years Before He even began his ministry And at the right time Jesus! You rose And began to do miracles You healed the sick Cast out demons And brought the dead to life People came from everywhere around To hear your message of hope Crowds often too big to count Filled homes, and streets, buildings and beaches To hear you teach You rose Against the Pharisees and teachers of the law You rose Against the practices of religion And everyone then saw Then after everything you did You were betrayed By the one closest to you Yes it was one of your own Who turned You in When the soldiers came To take you away You rose

In faith knowing the time was here To redeem all mankind You rose Time and again after being struck And knocked to the ground You were unfairly tried And the very people you loved Turned You over to be flogged While they let a criminal go Who should’ve died You rose And approached the place Where you knew you would suffer pain Then after being beaten Nearly to death Having been taken to the edge of sanity Your tears flowed like rain Still You rose And made the long walk Carrying the cross To Your body’s final resting place You yelled in pain As they nailed Your hands and feet to the cross They stood You up and pierced Your side Dislocated Your shoulder So You couldn’t even lift Yourself to catch a breath Still you rose And said a prayer You asked for forgiveness For those who tortured you And as you breathed your last You said, “It is done.” And committed Your spirit To God And Your body to the grave 38

Still You rose And for 3 days You went down to hell And battled the devil and his demons With all authority in heaven you weren’t afraid Buried them so deep Served them up on a plate like a waiter You chained them down and they couldn’t move And all they could do is weep. You rose And because You rose We win You defeated death and shut down hell For all who believe in You And we as believers Will go out and tell So others will have the chance to receive You Because You rose You are the God who now lives And with you we have The ultimate victory Because You rose You are the God who gives Eternal life to all who want it Paradise forever walking on streets of gold Living with you And praising you eternally Jesus I am so grateful You rose You are the God of life And because you suffered and died We have the chance To have everlasting life Because you suffered and sacrificed

We will live with you forever As your spiritual wife

When you died you defeated death forever You rescued all human beings All we have to do is choose To welcome you into our life Eternal happiness is possible For all who accept you And for those who choose To die without knowing you Death and eternal destruction Awaits them for sure All of this we can easily avoid If we just believe and have faith In our one true savior Jesus Salvation is free the price was already paid This is why Jesus, YOU ROSE Š 7/14/10 Robert T Sells – all rights reserved



MAN OF SORROW Stained in blood, Pierced with nails, Crowned with thorns, Washed in spit, Marked with stripes, Fed with vinegar. Cut off from the living, Killed among the thieves, Caused to die, Like a criminal, Without a defense, Man of sorrow.

by Myke David Adeola 41

Brand Name Call - REDEEM Yeah, I see you in your brand named jeans But I wear the brand name they call REDEEM Saved by the Savior Strengthened by God’s favor I am of the new breed. There is now nothing I cannot do For God’s mercy has brought me through For this life filled with its setbacks is only a test As I know God wants for me His very best So yes I proudly wear the brand name they call REDEEM For it allows me to do most anything Covered by its unmerited grace As I travel life’s uncertain race I’m protected during all my storms For my brand name keeps me safe from harm And yes, you do look good in your brand name jeans But the brand name I wear.. Its call REDEEM And it allows me through Christ to do all things.

Yvette Johnson All Things Inspired The Tilted Tea Cup 2011 42

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For more information visit www.vickiofficesupport.net


No Longer Bound Enterprises LLC N.L.B specializes in Christian Greeting Cards and other greeting cards such as Performing Arts, Prison Ministry, and Gospel Musical Cards to name a few. No Longer Bound card line is designed to Honor, Encourage, Salute, Empower, Uplift, Esteem, Appreciate, Compliment and Evangelize. Furthermore, N.L.B desires to speak into the lives of the broken-hearted, help restore those serving in ministry, promote teenage abstinence, and encourage the incarcerated as well as the homeless.

No Longer Bound Enterprise Greeting Cards Web: www.nolongerboundllc.org Email: nolongerboundllc@gmail.com Facebook: No Longer Bound Phone: 609-321-1986


Wii Fit Plus & Walking With God Kennita Coleman

Several weeks ago I purchased the Wii Fit Plus

Our walk with God…is a lot like the Wii Fit

exercise program to incorporated into my walk-

Plus program; God outlines our strengths and

ing/treadmill workout routine. I instantly feel in

weakness, and designs a workout routine for us

love with the feature that keeps track and moni-

to follow for optimal health and wellness. Ini-

tors your progress and gauges your strengthen

tially, the undertaking is difficult,

and weakness. I was able to see (working out-praying, pushing

that as I have been told by my

through-obedience, diet-fasting

doctors the right side of my

and results-manifestation). As

body due to an injury a couple

with any new or re-incorporated

of years ago is out of balance,

exercise and/or challenge it is un-

stiff and weak. The Wii pro-

comfortable, painful, and yes hard

grams confirmed this informa-

at first…but consistency and disci-

tion and suggested I customize

pline always brings its own re-

a program to build strength and

ward. Remember, God too has a

endurance in these areas. Since

sense of humor…so walking with

beginning the program some of


the exercises are easy and fun, others are painful and difficult. Overall, I was pleased to find out that my BMI (Body Mass Index) is within

Exodus 33:14 And He said, “My presence shall

the normal range below 25%, and that for the

go with you, and I will give you rest.”

most part I am in pretty good condition. Subsequently, it has now been a couple of weeks

Be Blessed !

since I added the Wii suggestions to my exer-


cise program, and I am beginning to gain a little strength in those problem areas. 45

AMULET Inspirational Poetry Contest and Fundraiser DEADLINE: May 14, 2011 Enter NOW !!! All religions/faiths welcome. (Any length - Any style - Testimonies) ------ (All entries will be considered for publication in Amulet.) Send pictures and bios. Entry Fee: $2.00 per poem 1st prize: 30.00 2nd prize: 20.00 3rd prize: 10.00 Submit to: Amulet20032003@yahoo.com or Snail mail to: Perry Terrell, Editor Inspirational Poetry Contest P. O. Box 761495 San Antonio, TX 78245 Or Perry Terrell, Editor Inspirational Poetry Contest P. O. Box 884223 San Francisco, CA 94188-4223 (Cash, checks, money orders payable to PERRY TERRELL or PayPal to conceitmagazine@yahoo.com

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++


Fees and Service Individual Therapy Sessions: $ 80.00 per hour Couples Therapy Sessions: $ 110.00 per hour Family Therapy Sessions: $ 120.00 per hour ** Payment due at time of session**

Areas of Specialty: Anger Management Domestic Violence (Working with Men that Abuse) HIV/AIDS Issues Spirituality Relationship Issues Family Counseling Blended Family Counseling Depression Anxiety or Fears Addictions or Substance Abuse ADHD Gay/Lesbian Issues Child or Adolescent Issues

Life Coaching Loss or Grief Personality Disorders Impulse Control Disorders Psychosis Bi-Polar Re-entry after incarceration Re-adjustment after military deployment Men's Issues Self Esteem

Address: 1822 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107 Contact Info. To schedule an appointment: 215-432-7383- Business Number Johngtaylor.com


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