D15E May Newsletter

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C N H | Key Club

D15E, Region 13

May 2017 Newsletter

Table Of Contents You Are Here....................2 Word From LTG...............3 Word From DNE...............4 Club Recaps ................5-6 Manta Of The Month!......7 Division Announcement.8 Contact Page..................9Â

A word from our Lieutenant Governor

Hello Manta Rays! As we enter into the first full month of the 17-18 term it is truly my honor to be serving you all. I look forward to seeing all of your lovely faces at DCMs, Service Projects, and Region Events. Speaking of events, the Region Team and I have big plans coming up so stay tuned to see what great events are occurring! As finals are around the counter, please remember to take care of not only your mental health, but your physical health as well. I BEE-lieve in all of you and I am here for each and every one of you. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns. Tyler Ma

A word from our Newsletter Editor

Hello Manta Rays! I am very honored to be serving as your Division Newsletter Editor for the 2017-2018 term. Although I have only had the chance to be a D06N/D15E key club member for not even a year so far, I already have so much love for our division and hope to make more amazing friends along the way! I also want to apologize for being a very mediocre editor, though I promise to try my best at improving to give our division the best newsletters I possibly can. Moreover, that time of the year where we will have to bid our great senior members adieu and for those who are not seniors to really study hard and end our academic year off with bang! Please do your future selves all a favor and work hard now haha ~ Your DNE, Nick Eun

Club Recaps On April 20th, 2017 we volunteered with Promenade Elementary School as they held a Color-Thon to promote the importance of a healthy active lifestyle among the community. Each of us were grouped off into different sections to help out whether it be at a pit stop filling up cups with water to hand out to the runners, to selling food and making popcorn at the snack bar. Although I had to be working at my pitstop alone since a friend had to leave early which soon became very intense for me. Luckily some kind people saw me struggling and gladly helped me out. As overwhelming as volunteering that day was it was also very rewarding and heartwarming knowing that we helped out our community. - Nick EunÂ


This Thursday, Centennial High School's Key Club hosted its annual end of the year banquet to celebrate the activeness and loyalty of its members. Members were invited to this fun, social gathering if they were involved throughout the year doing community service and participating in the club as a whole. A wide variety of foods were brought by each member to commemorate the diversity of the club's members as well as to eat while speeches were made by the officers. It was truly an amazing event and a wonderful place to eat, laugh, and reflect on the past year. -Laila Leist-Alston



Our Manta Ray of the month is of course none other than our very own former LTG Ryan Lin !!! Honestly Ryan has done so much for our division so in short the D6N 2016-2017 term would not have ran as smoothly as it did if it was not for Ryan and his commitment to Key Cub. Congratulations Ryan we will all miss you so much and are all so fortunate to have such a great Lieutenant Governor serve for our division!

Division Announcement With a new term also comes along new shirts, and whats better than wearing a keyclub shirt that you desgined yourself ?

Skilled or not take a try at designing our new D15E shirts! Requirements : •must be mint (like previous years) •front and back design •Must have caring our way of life and the cnh logo •design must be made in black or white with pink accents •must list all 15 schools on the back

Contact Page D15E LTG Tyler MA (951)-333-4998 d15e.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com D15E DNE Nick Eun (714)-399-6318 d15e.cnhkc.dne.@gmail.com

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