Division 15 East July 2021

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ER 2021








A Message

(the editor) from

Happy summer, Mantas !! Hopefully you've all been enjoying your time off from school, and spending time with friends and family. Remember to stay safe! Things are finally looking better with the pandemic, and the future is looking very bright.There is so much to look forward to in the upcoming months. The DLT are hard at work making sure that you have the best possible experience while helping to serve our community. I for one, am SO excited for these new opportunities, and maybe we'll soon be able to gather together and serve as one body. As always, please remember to wear sunscreen and keep yourselves cool !! Southern California summer is certainly upon us, so make sure you look out for yourself and others. We have a new Manta Mixtape this month, so make sure to give it a listen! Stay cool, mantas

featuring... my jinji - sunset rollercoaster tounge tied - groupl cool with you - her's how was your day? - mellow fellow cherry cola - kuwada dance, baby! - boy pablo and more!!


ORDER #002 JUlY 20, 2021 6:00PM ------------------------------DNE MESSAGE...................1 LTG MESSAGE...................3 TERM GOALS....................4 CLUB UPDATES..................5 DIVISION UPDATES..............7 MEET THE DLT .................9 SURVEYS......................11 IN THE NEXT ISSUE............12 MEMBER RECOGNITION ..........14 CONTACTS.....................15 ------------------------------D15E.CHNKC.DNE

A Message

(the ltg) from

What's Hot Manta Rays! Get it...because it's summer and has been extremely hot these last few weeks? Happy summer vacation! I hope you are all enjoying yourselves so far and have the AC's cranked up high. Besides the AC being cranked up, your service should continue to crank up high too! We have hit over a hundred hours! I am immensely proud of your dedication and encourage everyone to continue service through the summer! It's a great time to get service in with the amount of free time we have, so continue to do your absolute best. We have also raised over a hundred dollars for PTP! Hooray! I encourage you all to host fundraisers this summer, like selling boba or snow cones to cool off. The possibilities are endless, especially with more opportunities this summer. I hope to see most of you at our upcoming OTC Officer Training Conference that will be Studio Ghibli themed. The training will certainly give you a better idea of how much work there is behind the scenes for your clubs or just what Key Club is all about. Just keep swimming this summer mantas!

Zoe Quitasol, LTG



Term Goals

(looking forward)


service hours 164

$2,000+ for PTP $183


member increase

t e s a d c lu b up Let’s see what our fellow Mantas are up to! Make sure to send in your articles and visuals each month so that your club’s activities can be included in the newsletter!

martin luther king By: Zack Altura


By: Jazmin Mina

Submitted by our Service VP, Jazmin Mina. Approved by our President, Annie Jin, our club has provided a summer service opportunity for our members. Members are able to earn two hours for each book edited under Book Share. The visual was made by our Service VP and was posted on the hillcrest.key Instagram.

Our service project this month was the May Street Cleanup collaboration with GreenTeens. The event was held on Friday, May 14, from 12:30 to 2:30. Members of MLK Key club and GreenTeens met up after school and walked to Bountiful Avenue. The officer boards brought the necessary materials such as gloves, trash bags, and hand sanitizers. Once we arrived, we split into two groups and began picking up trash on opposite sides of the street. The purpose of this event was to give back to our community while creating a cleaner environment. Each attendee also gained two service hours. The service project happened along Bountiful Avenue. This event would not have happened without the preparation and planning done beforehand by the MLK Key Club and GreenTeens officer boards.


Book Share Project - Hillcrest

By: Calista Miramontes

In the Month of May, Notre Dame Key Club had a service project. This service project was “Charity Miles.” Through this, members were able to turn their miles into money! They were to download the app “Charity Miles,” and choose March of Dimes or UNICEF to raise money for. The amount paid to their chosen charity depends on the miles logged in, and the miles could be done through biking, walking, jogging, or running. Those who participated were able to gain 1 hour of service when completed 3 miles. Overall, this service project was a great way to get daily exercise in and donating to a good cause at the same time!

May Street Clean-up Project - Martin Luther King

s e t a d p


June - July 2021


n o i vi is

Service Project Suggestion Forum Do you have ideas for community service that you’d really like this division to do?? Do you want to share these ideas and potentially see them in action?? Well GOOD NEWS! Division 15 East would like to introduce our Service Project Suggestion form‼️ Members can now suggest any and all ideas they have for service projects through a google form! The link is posted on the flyer as well as in our linktree in our bio!

Pediatric Trauma Program Donate to the PTP gofundme and get spirit points! “Your gift today allows us to prevent pediatric trauma by providing community outreach, as well as education and materials, such as bike helmets and child safety seats, to children and families living in the communities we share.” Gofundme link in the linktree in our Instagram bio! Make sure you message fundraising coordinator to assure you’ve gotten your points for donations! Fundraiser open until May 28!!

Reflection Forms Officer Trainings

A reminder to club presidents to fill out your reflection forms! They are due at the end of each month, and helps to recognize areas of strength and improvement, which offers opportunity for proactive development in each club.

Canes Fundraiser

ATTENTION MANTA RAYS it’s almost time for our first joint event with the other 15’s of the term!! this training is MANDATORY for officers‼️ members can still attend if they are interested in learning more about key club and the positions as it’s a great opportunity. We’re TOTORO-LLY ;)) looking forward to it, make sure you come join us on June 26th!

Join Division 15 East’s fundraiser at Raising Canes ! Once you mentioni the fundraiser, or show the cashier the flyer, you can help donate 15% of sales to Division 15 East Key Club! Located at 11066 Magnolia ave. Riverside, CA 92505, on June 30th, from 4pm to 9pm. We hope to see you there !!



EA | D15E | 2O21


favorite artists . giveon . joji . exo . boy pablo “ ...2019.

it was a night of complete bliss and a changing point in my mindset “



likes !! > michelle dihn

boba, banana milk, amusement parks, crystals, plants, plushies, skincare, spontaneous plans

> executive assistant > born sept 20, 2004

Dislikes !!

> virgo

FROGS, papaya

who is michelle ?

hi there!! my name is michelle and i’m going into my senior year in the fall. i play lacrosse, interned at a few labs at ucr, work at a sushi and hibachi restaurant, and most importantly, absolutely love key club! in the past, i waded my way into the shallows by becoming a new member early in my high school journey before becoming vp for mlk and serving on spirit team! this year i will proudly be serving as president for mlk and executive assistant of the division :)

Michelle Dihn and King V Hedy Bian pictured show their manta hand cheers

VP wing s

i h D n el

Get to know the dlt :

Mi c h el

How did Key Club Become Special to you?

key club was a club i was introduced to by my cousin and friends who told me that it would be an activity that i would find enjoyment in. and of course, they were right! key club has given me so many memories that will undoubtedly stay with me for a lifetime. i cannot thank this club enough for allowing me to meet the people i have, made the experiences i’ve made, and positively influenced me into becoming the person i am today.

what was your “key club moment?”

frs 2019! it was a night of complete bliss and a changing point in my mindset. i met so many likeminded individuals that motivated me to get more involved with not only this club but the community! this event definitely deepened my passion for key club and helped me make so many friends along the way.


(member f t o



of f ic e r

of t

Candice Bowman


Sara Aarin-Cruz



e month

th f o

Emily Alejandre

k i wa n i a n


e m on t h

yelena romero

e month



th f o

r recognition month

c lu b of

the Notre Dame

member (feature)

We want to see your work! Any art, photography, articles, acomplishments, stories, etc. can be featured! Artwork by Annie Jin

We need YOUR help

Key Club wouldn’t be Key Club without it’s members. That’s why we want to hear from you! What would you like to see in these upcoming issues? Would you be interested in contests? quizes? articles? Let us know! By Visiting our link tree, you can find our intrest survey. Additionally, you can also fill out an interview form! If you want to be featured in the upcoming issues, I’d highly reccomend filling out a form. We want to get to know our mantas!

linktr.ee@division15east > featured interview form > interest form > featured content intrest form

ORDER #003 AUG 20, 2021 6:00PM -----------------------Get to know the DLT! This month: EA Pia Prashanth Exclusive Manta Interviews! Stay tuned! D15E.CHNKC.DNE ------------------------

D L T C o n t a ct s lieutenant governor Zoe Quitasol (951) 367-9969 d15e.ltg@cnhkeyclub.org executive assistants Pia Prashanth Michelle Dinh d15e.cnhkc.ea@gmail.com Division Secretary Annie Jin (951) 316-7009 d15e.cnhkc.ea@gmail.com Division Historians Chloe Agas Noemi Vasquez d15e.cnhkc.historian@gmail.com Division Newsletter Editor Madelyn Worthington (951) 255-8453 d15e.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com Division Tech Editor Eshal Naqvi (951)315-2984 d15e.cnhkc.dte@gmail.com Fundraising Coordinator Yeleana Romero (951) 367-9969 d15e.cnhkc.fc@gmail.com

Bitium re nonseque re des ad maxim rescitate moluptatum as demquis int fugitassed eum verum quia ant, int audi consecatque quodis res rem faccuptam aut latem hicil ipitibusam.

Spirit Coordinator Joshua Neira (951) 463-0744 d15e.cnhkc.spirit@gmail.com

President Contacts ARLINGTON Parker Battin (951) 455-2731 pbattin315@gmail.com Hillcrest Annie Jin (951) 316-7009 anniejin1104@gmail.com John W. North Eshal Naqvi (951) 315-2984 eshalnaqvi101@gmail.com La Sierra Julio Mata (951) 732 4598 Martinaarroyo57@gmail.com Martin Luther King Michelle Dinh (951) 703-3050 michelledinh04@gmail.com Notre Dame Chloe Agas (347) 429-0941 chloeragas123@gmail.com

thank you

for reading Make sure to follow our socials!

Division 15 East Key Club



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