Division 1S | Texas– Oklahoma District |Key Club International In this issue...
September 2014 Calendar
A message from your LTG
September Checklist
Key Leader
Where Key Club Soars/CMN
March of Dimes
K-Family Relations
Club Spotlight
What have clubs been up to?
You Can Be Here
Key Club Acronyms
Contact Info
Did you know… Apples are more effective at waking you up in the morning than coffee?
Volume 1 | Issue 5 | September 2014
Calendar September 2014 Sun
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 2 4 5 3
Sat 6
September 3– Membership Update Center opens for the 2014-2015 year September 11- Division Council Meeting at Dixie House Café on Hulen Eat at 6:00pm, Meet at 7:00pm Host: Fort Worth Southwest Kiwanis September 13– Cowtown Classic Bike Ride at North Crowley High School 9100 S Hulen Street Fort Worth, TX 76123
A Message From Your LTG Hello family, I hope everyone had a great first week of school. It definitely is very overwhelming going back, but it won’t be long before summer comes around again. For those of you that have AP classes, I totally understand how you feel. Classes can be exhausting, but don’t forget to keep serving your community. Now that school is officially in session, it is time to start recruiting members and get the service projects going! Please keep me updated on your events, meetings, and any questions that you may have. I look forward to seeing my clubs at the upcoming DCM. I encourage you all to attend and get to know your Kiwanis Clubs in Division 1, as well as their upcoming events. Lastly, I wish you all good luck this year in school and keep up the good work!
September Checklist
Update club profile information on T-O website as well as officer info. Check up on the T-O website weekly for updates: Go check out the back to school resource page!
Go to the Member Update Center
Have your first meeting and begin collecting dues
Join the Facebook Group: Texas-Oklahoma Key Club Division 1S
Don’t forget to send in your monthly report by the 5th (Mailed to Samuel Kinnin, emailed to Mrs. Newsham, your Kiwanis advisor, and myself) Send me the date, time, and location of your next few meetings so I can visit Send in articles to be featured in my newsletter!
Dues! Important Deadlines: -Before/On: November 1st (Early Bird) - Before/On: November 30th (Deadline) - On/After: December 1st (Late Deadline) -On/After: February 1st (Suspended) •Texas- Oklahoma charges $6.00 for dues •Key Club International charges $7.00 for dues •Dues of any club may not exceed $19 -Active: The status given to a club who has paid dues before February 1st - Unpaid: The club has not yet paid their dues - Suspended: Any club that has not paid their dues by February 1st (Suspended clubs and their members may not receive Key Club scholarships, attend DCON or ICON, or have anyone from their club run for LTG or district staff positions until they have paid their dues)
Key Leader
Do you love leadership development? Do you want to better understand how to practice servant-leadership? Well, Key Leader is the event for you! Key Leader is a weekend leadership program for emerging leaders that focuses on service leadership. At Key Leader, attendees will attend large and small group workshops, discussions, and team-building activities all aimed at helping students learn leadership skills that will help them change their homes, schools, and communities. Key Leader is also a great event to get to meet students from all around Texas and Oklahoma! The Texas-Oklahoma Kiwanis Foundation has generously sponsored another scholarship for Texas-Oklahoma Key Leader, November 14-16 at Pineywoods. Use the coupon code kleader for an additional $35 off the price of Key Leader for Key Club members. The total price for Key Club members after scholarships is $140, and the price for non Key Club members remains $200. Many have already registered, so don't wait and miss out! Go to www.key-leader.org to register today! Please contact tokeyleader@gmail.com if you have any questions.
Since 1983, Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals has raised more than $5 billion—most of it $1 at a time—for 170 children’s hospitals across the United States and Canada, which, in turn, use the money where it’s needed the most. These donations have gone to support research and training, purchase equipment, and pay for uncompensated care, all to save and improve the lives of as many children as possible. Their mission: To increase funds and awareness for local children’s hospitals. Their vision: Together we save kids’ lives. Right now there’s a Children’s Miracle Network Hospital working to save the lives of kids in your community. In fact, 62 children enter a Children’s Miracle Network Hospital for treatment every minute — that's one child every second. Some are battling cancer. Some are suffering from a traumatic injury. Others require constant care because they were born too early, or with a genetic disease. Regardless of why the kids are there, Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals always have their doors open.
K-Family Relations Club Spotlight
Burleson Key Club You’ve had representatives at Spring Training Conference, PCMs and also the last DCM. Congratulations on being featured in this month’s newsletter!
Maintaining Kiwanis Family Relations is key to a positive year of service. Kiwanis can support you in a number of ways, so get to know them! Build the Kiwanis Family by: Attending Kiwanis meetings Inviting them to your events Talk to them *If you don’t have the contact information of your sponsoring Kiwanis, please contact me.
What have clubs been up to? North Crowley Key Club On August 9th North Crowley Key Club hosted a free car wash at Chik-Fil-A from 10am-2pm. President Demi Carrion and Historian Jordan Peyton arrived promptly at 9:30am to set up. Once 10 o'clock hit, we had a total of 9 members helping out, half were holding posters to advertise our fundraiser and the others were washing cars thoroughly, decorating posters and establishing new ideas for the new key club year. Towards the beginning the process was slow until lunch time came around and we had 56 cars at a time! Although the day was very hot, the members worked hard and we ended up raising a total of $160.00 from donations and washed a total of 20 cars! The car wash was a great way for all members to bond and create a lively environment. Everyone had such a great time and had smiles on their face! All members were required to switch stations so all could have a rest. Chik-fil-a was a great area for a car wash, we even had people stop by just to drop donations. The car wash was an amazing time for everyone! General member Danielle Scott states "As a member of Key Club @ North Crowley, volunteering at the carwash fundraiser @ Chick-fil-la was a good experience that required a lot of hard work. In the end, our hard work paid off and we were able to raise a lot of money, to put towards our club. Would I do it all over again? Yes!" -President: Demi Carrion
You Can Be Here
*Your club’s article+
DCON Ad Sales WHO:
Ad sales can be sold to anyone on behalf of anyone. They can be sold to local businesses or your sponsoring Kiwanis Club. You can create an ad for businesses, faculty advisors, Kiwanis advisors, and special Key Club members.
These ads would be put in the convention booklet for 2000+ people from Texas and Oklahoma to see. If you choose to purchase the digital ad, it will run in a power point for all attendees to see during opening session.
All ad orders MUST be sent in by January 2nd.
The ads are to be sent in to Jeff Moss at 7680 Red Clover Drive, Frisco, TX, 75033 This year’s Key Club District Convention will be at the Sheraton Hotel in Dallas.
This is a great way to publicize your club. It is also an opportunity to show appreciation for those that have supported you throughout the year. Money from the sales help your LTG attend DCON, as well as covering all other costs to put on a great convention!
Key Club Acronyms CKI– Circle K International (the K-Family service organization for college students) COCRF– Club Officer Certification Report Form (must be filled out 14 days after officer election) DEC– Divisional Election Conference (to elect a new LTG) DCM– Divisional Council Meeting (like a PCM, except it is held by and for Kiwanians) DCON– District Convention FTC– Fall Training Conference (to teach club officers their duties) ICON– International Convention KCI– Key Club International (the K-Family service organization for high school students) KI– Kiwanis International (the K-Family service organization for adults) LTG– Lieutenant Governor (head of division) MRF– Monthly Report Form PCM– Presidential Council Meeting (meetings hosted by LTG for club officers) T-O– Texas-Oklahoma District Unicef– One of KCI’s service partners
Contact Info District Governor: Kaitlyn Wilson Governor@tokeyclub.com 214-236-3271 District Editor: Emily Zhao Editor@tokeyclub.com 512-284-3234 District Secretary: Samuel Kinnin Secretary@tokeyclub.com 325-998-6240 District Treasurer: Colin Gonzalez Treasurer@tokeyclub.com 817-583-1171 Regional Advisor: Donna Newsham dnewsham@region7texokey.com 817-475-0870 District 1S LTG: An Bui ltg1south@gmail.com 817-823-9250