September Newsletter

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Division 1 South Volume 2 | Issue 5 | August 2015 Newsletter

Burleson Cleburne Crowley Everman Granbur y Paschal Southwest

Burleson Cleburne Crowley Everman Granbur y Paschal Southwest Important Contact Information Donna Newsham Regional Advisor Emily Zhao District Treasurer

Vanessa Casta単eda Lieutenant Governor of Division 1 South Matthew Riley District Editor

Megan Reynosa Convention Liaison

Rachel Iselin District Governor Brenden Nguyen Tech Producer


In This Issue October Calendar....................... pg. 3 A Letter from your Lt.G/ Goal Update........................................ pgs. 4-5 iT’Z Social.................................. pg. 6 Key Leader.................................. pg. 7 Money Money Money Money..... pg. 8-9 Be Instagram Famous................. pg. 10 Stay KEY-nected......................... pg. 11 Key Club Core Values + Tips..... pg. 12-13 Contact Information................... pgs. 14 2

Don’t be Afraid to Serve October Monthly Reportsand Newslettersdue

Kiwanis DCM* Eat @ 6 pm Meet @7 pm

iT’Z Social 11am-11pm

YOF Grant Application Due

Halloween PCM 4pm - 8pm

You can always send me any events your club is having that you would like to invite the division to and I will add them to the calendar in future newsletters! *DCM’s are Divisional Council Meetings. DCM’s are Divisional meetings for Kiwanis Clubs. The Kiwanis members love to see Key Clubbers at these meetings! They’re a great way to find out what’s going on with the K-Family. 3

Hey guys! Gosh this year seems to be flying by! Can you believe it’s finally Fall and more importantly it’s finally October (aka when Fall really starts in Texas). These next few months I will be working on trying to finish my 1st time visits to a few more clubs and then I will begin round 2 of visits to each club. I am so excited to meet your new members! One of my goals this year was to increase communication with you all, so I’ve been sending weekly (sometimes biweekly) emails. As I’ve been trying to find a balance between everything I’m doing this year I think my emails will probably end up being sent on weekends this year just because it’s easier for me to sit down and dedicate a big chunk of time to y’all when my homework isn’t due the next day. So be on the lookout! I’ve also set up a Remind to send out quick updates. Be sure you’re subscribed to those messages! Let me know if there is anything else I can do to keep you up to date. If you’d like a personal phone call to talk about something going on in your club or you just have some questions, just let me know and we can make that happen! Another goal of mine is to have all of you pay Early Bird dues! The deadline for Early Bird dues this year is November 1st. Remember that you only have to send in 15 members’ dues to qualify for Early Bird (you can send in the rest later). Don’t wait to send in your dues!! I also would like to get our division up to 100% reporting so I’ll be working with the clubs that currently aren’t reporting and/or have officers who are untrained. Stay tuned for more information on that!


As I’ve mentioned before, increasing K-Family Relations is what the Governor’s Project is about this year. Therefore I want you to stress that within your clubs and I will be trying to increase that in our division as well. It’s really important because 1. Your Kiwanis Club loves you- GET TO KNOW THEM! Attend their meetings! Attend DCMs! Invite them to your service projects! Have joint socials and service projects with them! 2. Having a division is AMAZING! I don’t know if y’all realize it but not every Key Club is apart of a District (like T-O) much less a Division. It’s incredible to be able to have people around you to learn from and grow with. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THAT! Come to divisional events! Invite the division to events your club is having. (I don’t have to plan an event for the whole division to attend). 3. I love y’all! I want to get to know you all and your members and I want to help you in any way I can. One way that I can do this is by having you all attend PCMs! The division stretches from Granbury to Paschal so it’s really hard for to me see all of you all the time when there’s one of me and so many of you, so PCMs are an easy way for me to get to know y’all and communicate with you all so please come when I have them! So that’s what’s going on with me and our division. Remember that if you ever have questions of concerns don’t hesitate to contact me either by email or phone, that’s what I’m here for!

Love y’all,

Vanessa Lynn 5


Texas –Oklahoma District Key Leader Event Pineywoods Baptist Camp November 13-15th 2015

What is Key Leader? Key Leader is designed for today's young leaders. This life-changing event focuses on service leadership as the first, most meaningful leadership-development experience. A Key Leader will learn the most important lesson of leadership—it comes from helping others succeed.

Who can attend Key Leader? Key Leader is designed to open doors to all student leaders and those with leadership potential. The focus is to serve students from 14 to 17 years of age, but especially the Freshman and Sophomore emerging leaders.

Five Keys to Excellence

The Key Leader program is built on five essential principles. These principles reflect our mission to inspire young people to achieve their personal best through service leadership:

Personal Integrity: Doing the right thing Personal Growth: Developing in mind, body, and spirit Respect: Showing consideration for self, others, and property Building Community: Developing relationships to achieve positive goals Pursuit of Excellence: Expecting and achieving the best.

How do you sign up? Go to and click on the REGISTER button. Students and adults attending a Key Leader weekend complete a form with basic information. If there are any questions about registering online, please feel free to contact any of the Site Coordinators or the District Chair at

T-O Key Leader – November 13-15th Pineywoods Camp-Woodlake, Texas 7


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Stay KEY-nected Facebook: Join our group Texas-Oklahoma Key Club Division 1S Twitter @tokeyclub @keyclub Instagram @keyclubint @todistrictkeyclub @todivision1south Remind Text “@to1south” to 81010 11


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Vanessa Casta単eda Lieutenant Governor Division 1 South

Vanessa Casta単eda Lieutenant Governor Division 1 South

Vanessa RachelCasta単eda Iselin Lieutenant Governor District Governor Division 1 South

Donna Newsham Regional Advisor

Crystal Loh Donna District Newsham Secretary Regional Advisor

Rachel Iselin District Governor Matthew Riley Crystal Loh DistrictSecretary Editor District

Emily Zhao Rachel Iselin District Treasurer District Governor

Emily Zhao District Treasurer EmilyReynosa Zhao Megan District Treasurer Convention Liaison


MatthewNguyen Riley Brenden District Editor Tech Producer

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