Division 43 | January 2017 Newsletter

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Region 17, Official Division 43 Newsletter Marina| Pacific Collegiate | San Benito| San Lorenzo Valley Scotts Valley | Seaside | York | Monterey




4 - LTG’s Letter 5 - Key Dates | Terrific Tigers 6 - Club Updates 14 - District Newsletter 15 - Editor’s Note 16 - Contact Info

ltg’s letter

Happy New Years Tigers!

I hope you're all enjoying the holiday season as well as a break from school. 2016 was a year that changed me a lot - I learned a lot about myself, grew as a leader, and created bonds with a lot of new people. Take some time to reflect on the past year, whether it be what you have learned, to thank people for being in your life, or just to reminisce. If there is anything you may have not liked so much about 2016, perhaps create New Year Resolutions for 2017! Personally, I would like to ensure that I take care of myself so I am healthier both mentally and physically, as well as work on saving money. Although it is a new year, the end of the Key Club year, or term, is quickly approaching. In a month and half, we will be electing the new Lt. Governor at Region 17's Conclave. Then, I will be retiring two months after that. If you are interested in running for Lt. Governor, please be sure to contact me as soon as possible. I would be more than happy to answer any questions about duties, the role of an LTG, or even just personal experience. I hope to see you all at Conclave as well as DCON. Have a great 2017, Tigers. ♥

- Jasia Nicolas 4

January Division Council Meeting Hosted by Monterey Key Club

Time and Venue: TBA

Region 17’s Conclave Attend Conclave for a first hand experience of electing our new Lt. Governor! BEE on the look out for information in future emails from LTG Jasia.

Member of the Month

Juliet Tran

Officer of the Month

Martin Tanseco Leanne Bagood


cupcakes for charity - Claire Simmons // York Secretary

On November 25th, we held a bake sale at York School to raise money for the Eliminate Project. We had several club members bring brownies, cookies, and cakes. We sold them for 50 cents to a dollar during lunch and the rest of the school day. Key Clubbers worked whenever they had free periods. It was so much fun and students appreciated that their money was directly serving children in need. People who bought our sweets or donated really learned the value of money and how easy it is to help others. In total, we made $120 that we plan to donate to the Eliminate Project. As club secretary, I was in charge of broadcasting our sales and contacting club members on what they were to bring. I learned a great deal of responsibility and leadership while doing this, and would like to do something like this again in the future. We plan to raise more money for this organization in the future. Overall, the bake sale was a complete success and we plan on doing another one in the future.



thanksgiving food pantry


“My experience at the Thanksgiving Food Pantry was fun. We cut bread into slices, cut vegetables, and talked most of the time. I met new people who were nice and being there with friends made my experience a lot more exciting.” - Lissette Maclin // Seaside Member “It was a fun experience and I thought at first it would be boring, so I only planned being there for less than three hours. However, I ended up staying for six hours. I did things like set up chairs, decorate, bring mountains of bread and vegetables in, and sort out clothing. I also went on Thanksgiving Day for about three hours. It was chaotic but nice. I mainly stood in line as a place holder for the elderly and disabled but I also got to help around with the serving.” - Xilonem Perez // Seaside Member


thanksgiving food drive - Arnaliza Mompar // Marina Member

I came quite early in the morning, around nine, but it was okay. I met many other volunteers at Lucky's and it made my experience so much better. The advisers there with us, especially Mike, were really chill, funny, super helpful, nice, and many more positive adjectives. They helped us in answering questions that were more complex for us, and I felt thankful for that. We received an abundance of donations, whether it was money, canned food, or turkey for the families that needed food for Thanksgiving. There was this couple who kept coming back to donate canned food, and it was hilarious because they would just come out of nowhere with a sliced or diced can of carrots. It made me feel thankful for all the stuff I have compared to people that don't. We were supposed to leave after two to three hours, but we just decided to stay until the whole event was over because we were having so much fun.


jc crumpton food drive

- Martin Tanseco // Marina Vice President

Marina Key Club collected donations from the food drive at a local elementary school. We didn’t think there was going to be as much food, so only a couple of members came to help collect and deliver the donations to the local food bank down the road. We had a hard time collecting all the food because many teachers forgot to leave the boxes in the designated classrooms. Luckily, we had a bit of help from the custodian who was kind enough to open classrooms for us to collect the donations locked inside classrooms. After a few hours, we put them on the cart and pushed it down the road to the food bank. There was too much to bring on one cart, so we had to make a couple of trips. It was pretty hard getting the stuff there while keeping stuff from falling off the cart. In the end, it was a nice feeling knowing we helped families have a Thanksgiving dinner who otherwise wouldn’t have one.


On December 3rd, York Key Club helped organize our annual Winter Concert. I was approached by the coordinator requesting for us to assist in setting up, directing people to each event, and clean up. I, of course, brought my camera, and not only managed to take some fun pictures of the volunteers, but also of the performers there. We helped warm up the musicians and actors, direct the audience to each venue, and gave out fun holiday treats. We had a lot of fun, although asked to help at the last minute. But, to me, that's what service is all about. There is no organized time or place where people need help, it just happens.


winter concert helpers - Teagan Mauck // York President


BEE sure to check out our District Newsletter at the Cyber Key!

resources CYBER KEY— http://www.cnhkeyclub.org/ KEY CLUB— http://www.keyclub.org/ DIVISION 43 GOOGLE GROUP- https:// groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/d43tigers



editor’s note

Happy New Year, Tigers! The new year of 2017 calls for new beginnings, new opportunities, and

new memories that you will make. Hopefully, many of these will be in Key Club! Have you guys made your New Years Resolutions yet? Mine are to get my driver’s license, exercise, take time to get ready in the mornings, and continue to take care of myself. What are yours? As the term is coming to an end soon, I hope to see you guys at Conclave. Information from LTG Jasia will be released very soon, so make sure to be on the lookout for that. I am excited to see who Jasia’s baby, our Lt. Governor elect, will be, and for them to be installed at DCON! Remember to fundraise because I hope to see as many of you there as possible! I’ll see you soon Tigers!

-Dalanna Nguyen 15

Contact Info presidents LEANNE BAGOOD Marina bagood_leanne@yahoo.com (818) 835 - 6243 -

lieutenant governor JASIA NICOLAS Lieutenant Governor d43.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com (831) 236 - 0294

SANTANA LOPEZ San Benito rodriguezsantana558@gmail.com (831) 524 - 6050 -

MIRA LION San Lorenzo Valley miralion13@gmail.com -

VINEHA RAMESH Scotts Valley vineha.ramesh@gmail.com (831) 334 - 4581 -

ASHLEY KOENIG Seaside adkoenig313@gmail.com (831) 402 - 9037 -

TEAGAN MAUCK York teagan.mauck@gmail.com (831) 297 - 0236 -

LIZZY MONROY RODRIGUEZ Monterey elizabethmonroyrodriguez@gmail.com (831) 869 - 2602

division leadership team LEANNE BAGOOD Executive Assistant d43.cnhkc.ea1@gmail.com (818) 835 - 6243 -

JANELLE INDUCTIVO Executive Assistant d43.cnhkc.ea2@gmail.com (831) 917 - 6649 -

DALANNA NGUYEN Division News Editor d43.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com (831) 224 - 9759

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