Division 43 | April 2017 Newsletter

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Region 17, Official Division 43 Newsletter Marina | San Benito| San Lorenzo Valley Scotts Valley | Seaside | The York | Monterey



Contents 4 - LTG’s Letter 5 - LTG Elect’s Letter 6 - Key Dates | Editor’s Note 7 - Marina’s Second Club Rush 8 - Teen Conservation Leaders 10 - Conclave 2017 Recap 12 - Contact Info

ltg’s letter

Hi Tigers! This is my last letter to you all and I can't believe it's finally here. Within just a bit of a week of the release of this letter, I will be standing on stage with the ProsperiBEEs retiring in Anaheim. It seems like it was just the other day that I was crying on stage during Installment, and here we are having come full circle. It's an odd feeling that is certainly hard to fathom and there's no doubt in my mind that it will all feel so surreal in just a few short weeks.

I am fortunate enough to say that not only have I been able to serve on the District Board of such a wonderful organization, but to have been able to serve such a wonderful division as well. I could not ask for a more enthusiastic group of members - from cheering your hearts out at FRN, meeting new friends, and singing happy birthday at RTC. I know I have had my ups and downs as Lt. Governor, but I greatly appreciate all the support I've had this term whether it be from advisors, officers, or members. There are many things I aspired to fulfill and goals I wanted to accomplish as well as many regrets throughout this term, however I do not ever regret running for Lt. Governor for this has been such an irreplaceable and priceless experience. I truly enjoyed all my years in Key Club and I want more people to experience it. So to the officer elects, I hope you make the most of your term and accomplish what you want. And to members, don't be afraid to take risks, whether it be running for a position or talking to new people. Key Club is truly a unique organization and take advantage of all the amazing opportunities while you can. Good luck to everyone and thank you for everything.


- Jasia Nicolas

ltg’ elect’s letter

Aloha Tigers! In less than a week I will be officially greeting all of you as your 2017-18 Lieutenant Governor. Though I do feel nervous, I have the confidence to say that this term will be a great one!

As this term comes to an end, however, I hope you can all join me in reflecting on what you have accomplished. You may find yourself realizing that you have done way more than you expected. Or maybe it's the opposite, in which you find that you were not and want to be for this next term. Whichever it may be, I do highly suggest you take the time and look back at this year! I wish you all look in ending your school year successfully and I can not wait to experience all of your ups and downs with you this term as we continue YOUR Key Club journey!

Serving with Love

- Leanne Bagood 5

KEY DATES District Convention Where: Anaheim Convention Center Learn how to register via the Cyber Key!

April DCM Look out in future emails for information on this month’s Division Council Meeting!

editor’s note


Hello Tigers! By the time you all come across this newsletter, District Convention will be quickly approaching us. I hope to see everyone celebrate this term’s success at DCON, and if you aren’t going to DCON, take a moment to reflect on all of the great things we did as a division this term. Together we accomplished incredible things, and I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for Division 43. See you at DCON, Tigers! x

- Dalanna Nguyen

marina’s second club rush - Raian Pedregosa // Marina Member

Marina High’s second Club Rush was… interesting. It wasn’t as amazing as our first one because we had expected rain that day; thus, we couldn’t put out all of our key club gear. Nonetheless, we had a total of three people sign up. It doesn’t seem like a lot of people, but these three new members could make a difference in our home club and division. Quality over quantity after all!


I started volunteering at the Monterey Bay Aquarium this past summer. Teen Conservation Leaders (TCL) is a program created to inspire conservation in today’s youth. Through this opportunity, I have learned so much. Not only has it helped me make a difference in my community, but it also gives me the chance to teach guests about the ocean, something I am passionate about. I spend my shifts interacting with guests, interpreting animals in exhibits, and answering questions. Volunteers are there to help make sure that every guest leaves the aquarium having had a conversation that enriched their experience. The Monterey Bay Aquarium’s mission statement is to inspire conservation of the oceans. Talking to people from around the world about ways to help our planet makes me feel like I am making a difference. The first step towards ensuring a thriving environment is providing people with small things that make a huge difference. TCL has given me the chance to help my community, and the environment by simply doing what I love.


teen conservation leaders (TCL) - Belle Witt // York Secretary Elect


“Conclave was such an eye-opening experience. You’re so used to the small Key Club meetings in a classroom, you forget that key club is a nationwide family that’s connected by the desire to help, inspire, and motivate others. We helped other clubs come up with ideas for fundraisers


and ways to increase their number of members. The LTGs and the previous IP District Governor, Joshua Nuesca, motivated us to actually care and have a passion about what you do or want to do. At

As a bonus, the Microsoft Office was amazing, they even had a few arcade games for Conclave attendees to play. - Thu Vo // Marina Member

Conclave, I saw that all of the officers were driven and passionate about what they do. Seeing that they were only a few years older made me realized that even though we are young, we are more capable than we think. 11

Contact Info presidents LEANNE BAGOOD Marina bagood_leanne@yahoo.com (818) 835 - 6243 -

SANTANA LOPEZ San Benito rodriguez.26690@sbhsd.k12.ca.us (831) 524 - 6050 -

lieutenant governor JASIA NICOLAS Lieutenant Governor d43.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com (831) 236 - 0294 -

LEANNE BAGOOD Executive Assistant d43.cnhkc.ea1@gmail.com (818) 835 - 6243

MIRA LION San Lorenzo Valley miralion13@gmail.com -

VINEHA RAMESH Scotts Valley vineha.ramesh@gmail.com (831) 783 - 6886 -

ASHLEY KOENIG Seaside adkoenig313@gmail.com (831) 402 - 9037 -

TEAGAN MAUCK York teagan.mauck@gmail.com (831) 297 - 0236 -

LIZZY MONROY RODRIGUEZ Monterey elizabethmonroyrodriguez@gmail.com (831) 869 - 2602

division leadership team JANELLE INDUCTIVO Executive Assistant d43.cnhkc.ea2@gmail.com (831) 917 - 6649 -

DALANNA NGUYEN Division News Editor d43.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com

resources CYBER KEY— http:// www.cnhkeyclub.org/ DIVISION 43 GOOGLE GROUPhttps://groups.google.com/ forum/#!forum/d43tigers

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