Division 43 | July 2017 Newsletter

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July 2017

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ltg letter dlt introduction recognition key dates All around Marina food pantry Monterey’s beach clean up Community hospital of the Monterey peninsula Service in wonderland contact info & Resources

e l A

r u o y m o r f tter

Salutations Tigers!


We are just about half way through summer, so I hope you all have been having some fun in the sun! I know I have, though it has been limited due to Marina's bipolar weather. In this past month we met each other at Manresa State Beach for Key Club Training Conference, and I was SO happy to see all of you! Even if it was burning hot! Hopefully you all learned something new and found some inspiration and motivation to continue your activity as a Key Club Member. Seeing all of Region 17 and Division 43 made me reaffirm mine. :) As we proceed closer to the start of school, I hope you all take advantage of your summer to complete some last minute bucket list items and plan the upcoming year ahead! Remember to BEE proactive, especially when it comes to planning events! Make sure not to procrastinate on summer assignments if you have yet to complete them and I hope you all have a BEE-AUTIFUL day!

Leae Bagd


Introducing More + Your

Division Leadership Team

Hello Tigers! My name is Vy Dang and I am proud to say that I am serving YOU as one of your Executive Assistants for the 2017-2018 term! I will be a Junior at Marina High School after summer. I have been part of Key Club since freshman year and had past experience as serving as the Marina club secretary and MNT Task Coordinator for the 2016-2017 term. Besides Key Club, I am involved in an organization called Recruitment in Science Education (RISE) and Varsity Cheer. I can’t wait to work with all of you to make ASSISTANT, this a great term!


My name is Hailey Autumn Garay and I am very pleased to say that I will be serving as one of your Executive Assistants. This school year I will be a junior at San Benito High School, which is both stressful and exciting. I enjoy baking, listening to music, Mexican food, and Key Club, of course. I was introduced to Key Club by one of my friends because he wanted me to break out of my shell and find something that I like to do. It is safe to say that it worked, probably more than he thought it would. Key Club has come to mean so much to me and I am glad that I am now able to serve it and you in a bigger way. I hope to meet all of you amazing people and make the world, or at the very least our communities, a better place, together.



I am proud to say I will be serving as your 2017-2018 Division News Editor! My job consists of creating newsletters such as this one you’re reading right now. I love designing things and have created many advertisements previously as historian. As I enter my junior year in Marina High School, I hope to master managing my time as well as improving Division 43. I hope you enjoy reading this first newsletter I’ve put together and I can’t wait for more to come!

Terric Tigers


CHERRIE PAGHASIAN After Maral, Cherrie has been a great help with the Monterey club. She responds as quickly as she can whenever I have a question for the club, as well as takes charge when others do not. Cherrie has a lot of great ideas for Monterey, and I hope to see them executed this term.


KATELEEN ALCANTARA Since she has been appointed, Kateleen has been working towards learning the ropes for her position as Division News Editor. In addition to reviewing the directions/resources given to her already, Kateleen has gone out of her way to find other division's newsletters to gain inspiration, as well as contact IP DNE Dalanna Nguyen. She is already starting to get accustomed to how the division works and I am excited to see her work in the future.

- LTG Leanne Bagood

K e y da t e s

July 5-9 July 15 July 22

INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION Join Key Clubbers from across the United States, Canada, and the Caribbean in San Antonio, Texas to celebrate all of Key Club’s work this past year!

DIVISION COUNCIL MEETING Meet up with your fellow tigers in Via Paraiso Park at 1 : 3 0 pm for the upcoming July DCM!

COLOR WAR FUNDRAISER Save the date for a possible get together with the whole division to raise money for the Pediatric Trauma Program. More details are to be determined!


All Around


The clean up took place at a few parks, then outside of Marina High. It was surprising to see how much trash there was lying around on public areas in Marina. It felt nice to see how clean the areas looked after we picked up trash all around. The last place we went was outside of the Teen Center and on the field of Los Arboles Middle School. This place had the most trash due to promotion of the 8th graders. This took hard work, but it was worth it at the end to see how clean a place can get.



(left) Alizandra Mompar, Marina VP, picking up trash during the clean up.

(right) More members of the Marina club participating in the clean up through the city.

Alizandra Mompar and Shelby Do receive instructions from advisors.  

Food Pantry

Jasmine Do, a Marina member, reaching out to hand a ticket to someone.  

The Food Pantry in Marina was quite pleasant. There were two jobs that needed to be done. One of them was to pass out raffle tickets to anybody who arrived. The raffle tickets were randomly chosen and announced. Those people who had the number that was called out got to go in to get their food. The second job was to be inside, and organize boxes where people who came in got to choose what they wanted. It was nice to see them smile and they were quite happy with what they picked out from meats to desserts.Â


Monterey’s Beach Clean Up Monterey Key Club has participated in many beach clean ups. This month in particular, we wanted to do something that would increase the bond between members as well as help out the community, so we planned a beach clean up. It took place in Casa Verde Beach in Monterey. Overall, attendance was very low, but those who attended were very hardworking and helpful. There was trash everywhere. I filled up about 2 trash bags. In the end, the results were great. Even though there are many huge beaches around the world, our contribution to its cleanliness helped a lot. By working as hard as we can to preserve our community and the earth, we can make sure future generations can enjoy the beach and environment the way we do. After the beach clean up, I felt very happy with myself as well as the work Key Club does to help the community.  



Volunteering at the Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula is a wonderful way to get some community service hours and to give back to the community. The Monterey High School Key Club has many members who volunteer at the hospital. In fact, the president worked sixteen hours every month this school year. Volunteers have the option of working in nutrition services, in the café, at the reception desk, in the gift shop, and much more. The process of attaining a volunteer position also requires very little work. The café always need more people to help out and always appreciate any help they can get. By donating your time, you can help out many people and the whole hospital community. However, this is not just work. It can be fun! As a volunteer in the café, I always have a fun time with the chef and with the little samples I am given. I continue to look forward to going back and working again. Monterey Key Club is extremely proud of their members and officers who make sure to give back to the community outside the club.


Service in Wonderland

In the month of May the Division 43 tigers held their May DCM which was followed up with an end of the year banquet. This banquet was a highly enjoyable event as it allowed us to recognize and recall how we have grown as a division. By doing so we were able to recognize and reward those who had worked hard all year to help and improve their club. This was recognized by handing out awards such as president of the year, secretary of the year, most improved club and many more. It was wonderful to be able to see so many hard working officers be recognized and rewarded for all the hard work they put into this term. This was then followed with the announcements of the new DLT. It is wonderful to know that we have Hailey Garay, Vy Dang, and Kateleen Alcantara as the new officers of DLT and we can’t wait to see what amazing work that they accomplish. Afterwards, we had watched a wonderful video made for our IP LTG Jasia Nicolas. The video was such a sweet gesture and I’m sure for many people it was hard to hold back their tears. Overall, this banquet will be an event to always remember. Spending an afternoon with division 43 is always fun and i look forward to more events like this one.


Contact Info

PRESIDENTS Martin Tanseco

Marina tanseco579575@gmail.com (831) 233 - 4778

Maral Chegini

Monterey Union maralich@yahoo.com (949) 701 - 2022

Rebeca Laguna San Benito lagunarebeca733@gmail.com (831) 207 - 8737

Janelle Inductivo Seaside tivo.janelle@gmail.com (831) 917 - 6649

Ariana Rodd The York rodda2018@york.org (831) 915 - 4003


d43.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com (818) 835 - 6243

DIVISION LEADERSHIP TEAM Vy Dang Executive Assistant d43.cnhkc.ea1@gmail.com (831) 402 - 0067

Hailey A. Garay Executive Assistant d43.cnhkc.ea2@gmail.com (831) 537 - 7116

Kateleen Alcantara Division News Editor d43.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com (831) 601 - 0677


CYBER KEY - http://www.cnhkeyclub.org/ K E Y C L U B - http://www.keyclub.org/ D I V I S I O N 4 3 G O O G L E G R O U P- https:// groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/d43tigers INSTAGRAM - @d43tigers

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