Division 43 | September 2016 Newsletter

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Region 17, Official Division 43 Newsletter Marina| Pacific Collegiate | San Benito| San Lorenzo Valley Scotts Valley | Seaside | York




4 - LTG’s Letter 5 - Key Dates | Terrific Tigers 6 - Club Updates 12 - Spotlight on Scotts Valley 13 - District Newsletter 14 - Save the Date: FRN 16 - Key Leader Information 17 - Editors Note 18 - Contact Info

ltg’s letter

Hey Tigers!

I hope school has been treating you all well. Personally, I feel myself getting more and more tired and getting less and less sleep. However, I’m still pushing on through and I hope you all do the same. As many of you may know, I’m a senior. What I’m most looking forward to this year is definitely graduating. College applications and the stress that comes along with it, not so much. I am also looking forward to all the upcoming events within the division we serve! I hope club rush has been going well for everyone and I can’t wait to meet all of the new members. Also, Region Training Conference and Fall Rally North are right around the corner. That’s three hundred new faces at RTC and thousands more at FRN! Be sure to be on the lookout for registration and Save-the-Dates for these events, you wouldn’t want to miss them. Anyhow, I wish you all luck throughout this school year. Don’t forget to set goals for yourself and shoot for the stars. Meet new people, be on top of your work, do service, and take care of yourself. Good luck ♡ 4

- Jasia Nicolas

KEY DATES September DCM & Social Where: TBA Time: TBA

Region Training Conference Where: Camp Jones Gulch YMCA See last month’s issue find more information on the event!

Fall Rally North Where: Six Flags Discovery Kingdom See pages 14-15 for more information on the event!

Member of the Month

Jeff Galvan

Officer of the Month

Janelle Inductivo 5

laguna grande cleanup - Ashley Koenig // Seaside President On July 22nd, Seaside and Marina Key Clubbers came out to Laguna Grande Park in Seaside to help clean up the park. It was a lot of fun being able to connect and meet up with our fellow club and its members. I hope to be able to do even more joint club events in the future. We found a lot of trash just around the park and trails which allowed me to reflect on my own impact on the environment. Being able to give back to the community by beautifying a park near me was a highlight of my summer.


Marina’s Movie Night - Jeff Galvan // Marina Member

Marina Key Club planned a movie night during the summer for members to reconnect and socialize with each other. The movie that we watched was The Incredibles. Watching the movie was a nice reminder of my childhood, and having pizza there made it even better! It was very filling, especially after a day spent with my friends. During small breaks in the movie we even caught Pokemon! At the end of the day I watched a good movie and ate some leftover pizza while also catching up with my friends.


Cape Coast, Ghana - Teagan Mauck // York President


Most teenagers decide to spend their summers traveling with family or swimming at the beach; I decided to spend a month volunteering in Cape Coast, Ghana. After fundraising and working at the movie theater for 2 years, I finally accumulated enough money to fly halfway across the world and volunteer at clinics, leprosy camps, schools, and orphanages in Ghana. The specific project I decided to join was based around medical care in Cape Coast, Ghana, a fairly large city in Ghana with countless smaller communities within. Since Ghana’s medical care is nothing like the medical care we have in the U.S., I decided that I would keep an open mind and an even more open heart while abroad.

I will never forget the incredible adventure I went on this past summer. I helped give stitches, tested over 50 children for malaria in over 15 communities, and received some of the richest hugs from some of the poorest families. I learned how to give myself completely to helping other people while also learning a new language, culture, and way of life. My favorite part of the trip was cleaning wounds at a leprosy camp about twenty minutes outside the city of Cape Coast. These people had little money and an even less desire to live. After cleaning wounds, bringing water to the leprosy patients who could not walk, and keeping small children entertained with my strange white skin and silly language, I left the camp both heartbroken and inspired. When I am able to come back to Ghana, I would like to devote all my time to the leprosy camp. 9

seaside’s in&out social - Shannen Sicat // Seaside Treasurer

Seaside and Marina Key Club went to In & Out together for lunch. Eating after cleaning up the park together was very fun as we got to converse with Key Clubbers from a sister club and satisfy our hungry stomachs. I feel like I got to bond with other Key Clubbers as it got us even closer together. Inviting my friends to the cleanup made them interested in joining Key Club as well. I know I would definitely do this again. 10

club rush preparation - Martin Tanseco // Marina Vice President

This month the club met at Vince DiMaggio Park to prepare for member recruitment during Club Rush this school year. We discussed what we needed to make before breaking off into groups to work on spirit sticks, a video, and a tri-fold about Key Club. In rotation, the other officers and I also worked on each of our parts for the video we plan on showing during our first meeting. I am going to have fun editing that. In the end we made progress, but only finished the video. Hopefully more people show up next time so we can all enjoy service together!


Spotlight on Scotts Valley “ What do you look

forward to this term? “ "I'm looking forward to working with other Key Clubs in our division, region, and district, as well as coordinating fundraisers and service projects." - Vineha Ramesh, President "I am looking forward to recruiting new members and coordinating more service events!" - Sheena Gee, Vice President "I am looking forward to organizing more opportunities for service and also meeting like-minded people that want to make a difference in the community." - Megan Gurer, Member/Representative "I'm looking forward to serving the community this term!" - Emma Hollenbeck, Treasurer "I am looking forward to maintaining our club website." - Tristan Co, Webmaster


BEE sure to check out our

District Newsletter at the Cyber Key!

resources CYBER KEY— http://www.cnhkeyclub.org/ KEY CLUB— http://www.keyclub.org/ DIVISION 43 GOOGLE GROUP- https:// groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/d43tigers

@d43tigers 13



What is Key Leader? Key Leader is a program for today's emerging leaders. This life-changing event focuses on service leadership as the first, most meaningful leadership development experience. A Key Leader will learn the most important lesson of leadership— leadership comes from helping others succeed. Attendees gain beneficial skills, make friends and memories.


Camp Loch Leven, Mentone, CA Oct. 7-9,2016 Camp Cedar Glen, Julian, CA Oct.21-23,2016

Student Participant, Key Club Member, Student Facilitator, $175


$250 $225

Camp Jones Gulch Nov. 18-20, 2016

Get a $35 discount from the CNH District and Foundation! CNHKC1617 (available to the first 15 Key Club members per camp) CNHF1617 (available to the first 10 Key Club members per camp

Hello Tigers! School has officially started! Hopefully

editor’s note

you all are getting back into the swing of things. I hope that you all continue to do well in school and start the year off right. Most of you by now have already had your Club Rush already, so I look forward to seeing and hearing about your member recruitment. Make

sure you educate the new members of your club about what Key Club is, and even refresh your former members' memory. Even though summer has ended, it doesn't mean there is nothing to look forward to this year. Although half of the term is almost over, I am excited to see what we still have left in store for us all. In this issue you found what Division 43 has been up to, and information about future events coming up such as Fall Rally North! Until next time Tigers!

-Dalanna Nguyen 17

Contact Info presidents LEANNE BAGOOD Marina bagood_leanne@yahoo.com (818) 835 - 6243 -

lieutenant governor JASIA NICOLAS Lieutenant Governor d43.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com (831) 236 - 0294

SANTANA LOPEZ San Benito rodriguezsantana558@gmail.com (831) 524 - 6050 -

MIRA LION San Lorenzo Valley miralion13@gmail.com -

VINEHA RAMESH Scotts Valley vineha.ramesh@gmail.com (831) 334 - 4581 -

ASHLEY KOENIG Seaside adkoenig313@gmail.com (831) 402 - 9037 -

TEAGAN MAUCK York teagan.mauck@gmail.com (831) 297 - 0236

division leadership team LEANNE BAGOOD Executive Assistant d43.cnhkc.ea1@gmail.com (818) 835 - 6243 -

JANELLE INDUCTIVO Executive Assistant d43.cnhkc.ea2@gmail.com (831) 917 - 6649 -

DALANNA NGUYEN Division News Editor d43.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com (831) 224 - 9759

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