Division 43 | August 2015 Newsletter

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Message from your LTG


Club Updates


Meet Region Seventeen


Meet the International Board


OTC Recap


ICON Recap


Division Leadership Team




Upcoming Events

Member of the Month

Anna Benjamin

Officer of the Month

Santana Rodriguez

Club of the Month

San Lorenzo Valley

Faculty Advisor of the Month

Karen Lidl

Kiwanis Advisor of the Month

Mitch Brown

Hello Division 43 Tigers! Welcome to the first issue of the Tiger Times! I hope everyone enjoys reading this newsletter as much as I did making it. Summer is not only a fun and exciting time for many of us to reconnect with our friends and family, but also to do service for our community. Unfortunately, it’s coming to a close, but I am so excited to see what is in store for our division in this upcoming term. August can be a hectic month since many of us are scrambling to finish work before the school year starts, so remember to manage your time and mark the date for our next DCM! It will also double as a fun movie night. Because school is beginning soon, start bringing your Key Club spirit with you to kickoff club rush! Fall Rally North is also coming up, so you know what that means? Yup! Time to launch our fundraisers for PTP (Pediatric Trauma Program)! From now on, let’s focus on raising as much as we can for PTP to prepare for FRN. I know everyone will do an amazing job and work hard to serve our community this upcoming year. Hope to see you at the next DCM!

Service with a Smile,

Hau Nguyen

Fireworks Fundraiser BY: ErICK acedo // President at Marina During the 4th of July weekend, we helped Kiwanis bag customers’ fireworks and delivered them to their cars, and advertised. It was quite slow for a couple of days because people weren’t worried about the fireworks until the fourth finally arrived. The money we fundraised went back to the Marina Kiwanis club for the upcoming year. We made sure that we had at least 2 members at the booth helping every hour. It was fun for the most part, but just that when it was slow, it was a battle between time and the customers. This fundraiser gave the Key Club members the opportunity to bond with their sponsoring Kiwanis club.

Raising $$ for Relay For Life By: Krystal Macias // President at San Benito On Monday, June 29th, San Benito High School Key Club gathered at a local neighborhood to seek donations for our Relay for Life team. Our team captain, Brianna Archibeque, divided up participants into groups of 3 to 5 and assigned areas as to where members would ask citizens to donate or sponsor our team. Relay for Life is a 24 hour event that supports the fight against cancer through walking. Teams are required to always have a member on the track. The money you raise is based on both your sponsors and the amount of laps you walk/run within the 24 hours. San Benito’s Key Club is a proud and active participation club that serves not to only support the community in this event, but also to help fight the war against cancer.

Hey What’s up hello? By: Vineha Ramesh // President at San Lorenzo Valley This June, San Lorenzo Valley began planning for our first annual charity run/walk-a-thon at Sky Park. We hope to hold this run sometime this coming fall and have already emailed the Scotts Valley Parks and Recreation to approve our event. Also, a few of our members volunteered as bike valets at the Bike Santa Cruz event on June 27th. In exchange for their help, they received two hours of community service.

Monterey Food Bank By: Robert Percell // Vice President at Seaside Our Key Club finished off the school year by aiding the Monterey Food Bank, a well-known center of support to Monterey's impoverished population, in packaging a LOT of bread. Eleven of our members attended, including many new recruits. We kept ourselves entertained throughout the day by making bread puns and attacking Ashley Koenig, our club secretary. Our member’s selfless commitment to true loaf brought a tear to the rye of many passerby.

Meet Region Seventeen Marykim Delemos District Treasurer

Joceline Yu Division 12 East Superheroes Milpitas/ San Jose

Anna Pham Division 12 South Supervillains San Jose / Morgan Hill

Sarah Malone Division 12 West Spartans Santa Clara / San Jose

Shu Yang Division 34 North Aqua Apes San Francisco/ Redwood City/ Milbrae

Alexa De La Pena Division 34 South Purple Penguins Cupertino/ Sunnyvale/ Palo

Hau Nguyen Division 43 Tigers Hollister/Scotts Valley/ Monterey

Meet the International Board

International President

International Trustees

Rip Livingston, Alabama

Devin Sun, New Jersey

International Vice President Addison Clipfell, Michigan

Hojin Yoon, Capital Giselle Campbell, Jamaica Anastasia Slepukhova, Capital Aysha Moneer , Texas-Oklahoma Bethany Downs, Indiana

Amy Jiang, Texas-Oklahoma Kacia Hines, Alabama Ian MacDonald, Florida

We participated in various workshops from learning about our Kiwanis Family, Social Media, Scholarships, and Fundraising, just to name a few. In between this, divisions met back up to have our monthly DCM as well as enjoy hotdogs and chips for lunch. Shortly after, the LTGs had a surprise for us: they taught everyone our region dance! Of course, and certainly not least, we had a sand sculpting contest, where each division built sand castles and casted votes to raise money for PTP. The entire day was such an enjoyable experience. I felt I learned a lot from other LTGS and IP LTGS and grew as a key clubber. -Jasia Nicolas, Marina

OT Rec

When it came to the contest everyone wa Teams were working make the best sand c had their roles in coo ideas came in a flash even a better experie someone was a part tle. –Raymond Esteyb

TC cap

e sand castle as hyped up. together to castle, everyone operating, and h. It became ence when t of the sand casbar, Marina

Our Lieutenant Governors, who were leading the workshops, thoroughly explained the responsibilities of each officer while at the same time emphasizing the importance of the service events that we participate in. Moreover, Key Clubbers are able to meet other members from different divisions and hear about the events that they are putting on. It’s always fun to unite with other students from your region that you wouldn’t otherwise meet, to see the difference that we can make as we work together to achieve the same goal! -Elizabeth Cabral, San Benito

ICON Recap

By: Hau Nguyen

At ICON, I got to learn how to be a resourceful leader by attending the two Lt. Governor Workshops led by past District governors who had a lot of experience. I also attended a lot of general sessions where I got the chance to witness Kiwanis going through time and explaining the impact they had over the last 100 years while dressing like each time period. It made me realize the impact Kiwanis has made in this world and all the things we can accomplish together. There was also a time for meet and greet where we got the chance to meet a lot of friendly and kind people from other districts such as the PNW and the Capital district. There was a bounce house, dance floor, and a photo booth to take pictures with the new friends I made. It was a great experience and I’d like to encourage each of you to attend ICON in 2016.

Apply to be a Division Executive Assistant(2), News Editor(1), or Spirit Task Coordinator(3) at this link: https:// docs.google.com/forms/ d/1sUdX_QCXSpHMl4B3jJ08nkbk36Z41pgHuFcscLGfCWk/ viewform Being a part of the Division Leadership Team means becoming an integral part of the success for the division. Details of each position and their responsibilities are listed in the link. Let’s take this division to farther heights, Tigers!


Articles and Visuals are due every month! Please do not forget to submit these on or before the 8th of every month by 6 p.m to the Division News Editor (d43.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com)! Each school must submit one article about an event and one photo to go alongside it. If the person who is suppose to write it cannot, please find another person to. PHOTOS ARE MANDATORY. PLEASE DO NOT SEND ONLY ONE OR THE OTHER. Thank you!

SECRETARIES: Monthly Report Forms As Secretary, you’re required to send in an MRF every month to our LTG by the 3rd for early submission or the 5th for on-time submission. If you need help or do not understand how to fill one out, please contact Hau immediately.

PRESIDENTS: Member and Officer of the Month Every month, there are members and officers who go above and beyond their roles in the club and should be recognized for their hard work. Presidents, please fill out the Google Form each month by the 5th at 6 p.m!

OFFICERS: Monthly Club Reports Club reports are used to show what each club has done each month. Please submit a short paragraph to the DNE by the 1st of every month by 6 p.m.

August DCM/Movie Night Where: TBA Time: TBA

Region Training Conference Where: TBA Time: TBA Why? To learn new leadership skills and meet your fellow Region 17 Key Clubbers!

More events and details to come soon. Hope to see you guys there!

Contacts Hau Nguyen

Jennifer Buelna

Lieutenant Governor

Region Advisor



Jim Davis

Jim Hart

Region Advisor

Region Advisor



Presidents’ Info Erick Acedo

Ben Bence


Monterey Union



Krystal Macias

Mira Lion

San Benito

San Lorenzo Valley



Vineha Ramesh

Maura White

Scotts Valley




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