Studio 8 portfolio - Innov8 Tube : Expansion plan for Space 118

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I N N O V Expansion plan for Space 11 8 T U B E AR3033 : Workplace Neighbourhoods Divolka | UA2317











Concerns related to the site The Wadi Bundar coaching yard acts as a large void sharply dividing the neighborhood into different parts Further, these severed parcels of land comprise primarily of very little public or open space and smaller establishments which try to bring the community together in small scales Hence, the site lacks the presence of a strong anchor point that would ensure large scale congregation and bring the neighborhood together This anchor point could also address the issue of severance caused by the railway yard.



The selected parcel of land, the existing dwelling of Space 118 lies at the edge of the Railway Yard

With the railway yard engulfing the back of the site and with only one side of the site connecting to a secondary street, the site seems introverted and disconnected from its immediate neighbourhood


Concerns related to the stakeholder - Space 118 The landowner, Space 118 which is an artists’ residency is intensely trying to increase its network via virtual connections and collaboration While virtual collaborations have been exploited, there has been no attempt made to make ties with their physical context It seems as if their current state on site does not let them exploit the aspect of making physical connections to their immediate neighbourhood

A look at the old Truman Brewery has revealed that having public components into the programme allow the city to come into picture and keep the space active which enables the ecosystem created to be sustained

If Space 118 allows the city and the neighbourhood to plug-in, it can bring patrons and clientele and allow the space to be active at all times


Taking into consideration the amount of open space on site, and the dearth of open spaces across Bombay, a Park/ Plaza is defined as the primary public function

A program like a park which is of a public nature would activate the ground plane, provide the neighborhood a much needed anchor, while promoting the creative cluster on a neighborhood level


Initial Responses Building as transition between the two plazas

Mountain connecting the two plazas

The initial ideas broke the site into two plazas with the builtform acting as a connector between the plazas 07

The entire site is perceived as a large open space in the form of a public park and the builtform that primarily comprises of private functions floats on top of it

This scheme divides the project into three parts- the landscape, the stilt area and the floating mass



Attempts were made to articulate a builtform that frames and organises the large open space while articulating views in the process On the ground floor attempts were made to achieve a controlled entry while expressing the circulation and making a public space on ground level 09


Site Strategy Railway Yard ‘Void’

(i) The site is approached primarily via J Rathod Marg and the Hancock bridge. Existing structures on site have been demolished 11

(ii) A park is created on the ground level. Programs such as sculptural gardens, playgrounds are inserted, to theme the park for the artists 12

(iii) Programs such as the exhibition space and retail have been inserted within the landscape to announce the presence of the creative cluster on the ground plane 13

(iv) The workshops and the exhibition spaces become the ‘structural support’ for the mass that floats on top of it 14

(v) The floating mass is constituted by the workspace that is raised 6.5 m above the ground level 15

(vi) Breaking the design in terms of the ground plane and the floating mass creates a sharp segregation between the public (accessible by neighborhood) and private parts 16




Different forms of working in a collaborative workspace There are three forms of working in a collaborative workspace for the creative cluster- ideation, production and discussion

While production primarily happens on a desk, it is the ideation and discussion processes where there is a lot of potential for collaboration

Hence, the inculcation of Breakout spaces in the form of lounges, open to sky spaces, balconies, decks, etc. is an important aspect for the project 20

Co-working Catalogue The following units have been offered within the collaborative workspace

Shared Amenities


Cluster organisation strategy Due to the linear nature of the building, the interior space takes the form of a long corridor. Hence, the organisation of units is along the edge of the tube and in the center. The cutouts in the floorplates (which are used to bring the light in) become the organising elements for the cluster breaking the floorplate into three distinct parts.




Part one has a width of 4.7m and encloses larger units such as the conference rooms and small offices which need more width to function Part two comprises of units such as the hot desks, office floorplates and lounge spaces which run alongside the cutouts. This part has the maximum width to enclose large numbers of people. Part three has the smallest width of 2m and encloses smaller units such as the meeting booths and cubicles















Timeline strategy shows the public functions that allow the site to remain active after the workspace closes down 31

The primary frontage under the mounds comprises of exhibition and retail and the mounds follow a rhythm of going up and down. The space of two main stakeholders jut out onto the street 32

The open space on the site that is framed by the open amphitheatre can be used for events such as art fests, product launches, temporary markets etc. 33

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